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    First things first I want to share a big big milestone achievement we’re going to have very very soon 100,000 followers on Twitter and I want to thank every single one of you for following me on Twitter for engaging with my content it really really means a lot and reaching 100K on

    Twitter is absolutely insane that’s a crazy crazy number I’m also going to be thinking about some sort of Celebration or giveaway once we hit that Milestone so stay tuned for that be subscribed and be ALS Al active and you know comment on the videos share me your constructive

    Feedback what do you think I can do better I can do different what type of content you want to see both on Twitter and on YouTube also here I just wanted to share that with you as well we’re growing massively on YouTube 45,000 almost and you can really see here um in

    Uh October we were at 31 32k um but then obviously here after the crypto banter appearance that was a huge huge huge boost in engagement and invisibility big shout out to the bfam and and ran for for having me on the channel um and you can see ever since then it’s just up

    Only I also want to talk briefly about um bar chain some of you have said yesterday in my video that everything is is is passed it’s broken it doesn’t work guys this is testet there’s no fees people are airdrop farming hundreds of thousands of accounts probably millions

    Of wallets um with automated Bots this is just being bombarded Jacob really nailed it here with this swi saying bir chain is real only real chains have problems and that’s really true right so give them time to fix it and then just try it again right and that’s it the hot

    Narrative for 2024 that I believe is going to have one or two seasons and cycles for itself which means that all media all crypto Twitter everyone will talk about it and they will all ask what’s the coin in in the customer secos system that fits into that narrative

    What’s the coin in the Solana ecosystem that fits into that and then if you pair this meta narrative with a crypto ecosystem narrative those are really the coins that will exponentially grow and make massive massive mad mad gains so what is that narrative that narrative is of course artificial intelligence Ai and

    In Cosmos we luckily have a lot of great great contenders in that field which I want to talk about in today’s video very briefly the first project on my list today is fetch Ai and fetch AI in my opinion is doing two things extremely extremely well the first thing is that

    They really have a strong focus on the actual industry on the actual industry of artificial intelligence because what you mostly see in crypto is that people just try to jump on a certain narrative bandw just so that their coin pumps because they’re kind of affiliating themselves with that without necessarily having the

    Qualifications within the team that basically justifies for the coin to have such valuations and being a top contender in that narrative in that vertical fet is the opposite they have a very very strong team I actually did an interview with humay in here on this channel a couple months ago and I was

    Really impressed that he’s not necessarily A crypto bro right he’s an AI expert a true AI expert that knows his stuff and it was very interesting to talk with them about their AI agents their def fetch AI platform about CAD gbt also the broader kind of non crypto

    AI advancements and if you’re unfamiliar with fetch what they’re actually doing is that they’re building an AI platform and service that lets anyone create their own AI agents to automate their tasks in whatever field there in right and AI touches upon really the automotive industry social media the way

    We communicate uh any sort of automization process and um every every industry basically Under the Sun now the second thing that they did really well in my view is that they focus really on Enterprise adoption and really building actual real world use cases for example they have a partnership with Skyscanner

    Where fetch AI agents can help find the cheapest and best routes and prices for your travels they also have a collaboration with BOS and they have that collaboration actually since 2019 they also became R&D Partners in 2021 and they also jointly formed and co-founded the fetch AI foundation in

    2023 to work on AI and blockchain use cases for Mobility industrial and consumer verticals so that really means that that this is not just this kind of medium article announcement of a partnership this is an actual sophisticated collaborative effort and I’ve personally also had multiple calls

    With BOS and also was surprised to hear that they’re so deep into this right and they’re actually building these pilot projects this is not just a a an article or a blog post announcement this is an actual substantial partnership however they also have focus on and Partnerships with with crypto ecosystems right for

    Example ocean protocol which is a data ecosystem provider to develop business intelligence on chain and also Peak which is a multi-chain layer one blockchain optimized for deepen decentralized physical infrastructure networks the tokenomics around fat are interesting because fat actually launched on the ethereum mainnet on the ethereum network but later was migrated

    To their own Cosmos app chain the current Supply is around 1 billion 43 million tokens and inflation rate is set currently at 3% and the staking rewards at roughly 99.5% with stako we’re also running a node over at fi so you can also delegate your coins to us over there the team and

    Foundation VC tokens are fully unlocked which means there’s no big sell pressure coming from early Beckers so fet really is one of the best AI plays in Cosmos and with it also in all crypto because it’s so big and so successful already secondly we have aash Network the Unstoppable supercloud Akasha is

    Basically an Airbnb for cloud computing it is an open- source and decentralized supercloud that lets users buy and sell Computing resources their applications and Partnerships include a lot of projects that you are also familiar with for example osmosis the osmosis front end is running on aash Rango

    Also host their um decks on Akash as most as apis as well then also games like strange Clan and passage the metaverse project in Cosmos I talked about this a lot here on this channel also powered by aash also you can rent gpus to run machine learning and II

    Models so Akash is also building this GPU Marketplace or you can also use aach to mine proof of work coins so there’s a vast variety of use cases in a Kash Network and it is also one of the few projects that is crypto native but has real world use cases and strong product

    Market fit in the real world actually trying to disrupt a real industry now we can also look at some of the statistics right here currently the price of Akash is at roughly $3 making it a 670 million fully diluted market cap ranked 106 on coin gecko I think this is easier top 40

    5050 coin in the Bull Run once the AI narrative and you know AI hype really breaks out and you can also see here all the um summaries around their Network their leases their actual usage onchain usage how much akt has been spent all around the toomics and economics the

    Compute resources that have been leased how is that being used um and also about the chain itself right how much is in a community what’s the staking APR the inflation and so on and so forth and if you’re wondering why a cash is most like going to succeed um it’s because they’re just

    Beyond competitive right this is just they’re playing their own League it’s just a different league if you look at the numbers here right if you compare it to AWS Google cloud or Microsoft Asia you can see that aast is just much much much cheaper and more efficient the only

    Bottleneck on obviously um AWS those are like huge huge companies with hundreds of thousands of employees um and developers and aash is just the the underdog here obviously compared to those but I think if aash really remains performant and massively skills performance and actually becomes a

    Competitor also to the ux to the US experience for these products with the big dogs this is a serious serious competitor right and I really love also the long-term vision from Greg aouri similar to Haan I think Greg is also an expert in that field right and that’s

    Really what you want if you bet on any of those narratives you really want the the leader the the key figure in that ecosystem in that project to be also an expert in that field with ideally years or even Decades of experience right I also think that you know with the rise

    Of proof of stake and also just broader the rise of validators I think this is also a strong use case within the crypto ecosystem for a cash Network to actually um to actually get a lot of adoption within crypto if we look at the toomics

    Of akt AK is used to pay rent to secure the chain and to participate in governance I think fed actually has a very similar utility for that fed token the current circulating Supply is 222 million tokens the max Supply is 388 million and the current inflation you

    Saw it is actually around 133% and the sticking APR is um around that as well all AK tokens have been unlocked and with the 2.0 token update users can also now pay in stable coins when renting the Akash service they also implemented a taker and maker fee to acrw Value to the

    Akt token and a burn mechanism to make akt more deflationary now there are five more projects in that field in that vertical of AI which I briefly want to bring on your RAR and then you can do your own research from there bustr boot which is something we’ve been covering

    On this channel for a long long long time we actually the first ones to do an interview with Master cyber the legendary interview shirtless he came on my channel we also actually launched the bustr mayet during cosmoverse one in Lisbon 2021 we launched a mayet during the conference they had a speaking slot

    Reserve for that there was a lot of coordination efforts but very very cool so the Genesis for buom was during the first cosmoverse absolutely legendary and I think it’s a project that is very hard to understand I think also they take a very unconventional Pathway to

    Not go the route of you know being super active on Twitter building the community doing a lot of podcast appearances and all these things I think they’re just so deep into the AI space I actually did an interview with Master also recently where I went to visit him in Bali on his

    Island where he’s living um absolutely amazing guy and he’s just so so deep absolute OG in crypto and knows his stuff that’s just what you can say so this is the super intelligent platform Bostrom and you can also see it’s not really user friendly and you don’t

    Really know what you’re doing here right you have to really dig deep into the project to really understand what this is all about but it is a decentralized AI project and I think once they build a clear use case that kind of also fits and lines up with the AI hype that’s

    Inevitably going to come that’s going to be really really big next up we have or right chain which is an IBC enabled chain that Focus f is on providing trustworthy data for AI and web three applications so they’re building an AI Oracle which is also really interesting

    Their token is also live already so this is something you can check out right now I think they have roughly a $60 million valuation and yeah this is a project I personally haven’t done a deep dive into it simply because it’s so many projects

    To keep track of and as you see on my channel we’ve been covering the creation of the inter chain ever since IBC went live before IBC went live even and now it’s just getting out of hand right but it’s amazing to see a right chain AI is

    Um is is is there that they’re building that they’re building also in the AI space and I think this could also be an interesting AI play for 2024 next up we have Kudos which is actually very similar to aash but it’s also very different so while Akash is focused on

    Building a cloud compute Marketplace kudas actually focuses on providing cloud computing resources and hence also fits into the deepen narrative and of course also the AI narrative so they’re really one of the infrastructure projects behind the scenes and I think this is also very interesting project I actually know the

    Team for a long time I just didn’t get the chance similar here to fully do a deep dive it’s just so so many projects to keep track of but it is very interesting and I think that’s definitely one that you can also put on your watch list L where you can also

    Look into it and um yeah do your research from here let me know what you find super interesting about it have a lot of Partnerships Integrations and yeah and lastly we have humans AI which is a project that I to be honest have not really done any research on um

    Because it’s just never been really on my Rader but I saw it on Min scan um that this project humans. a with the hearts token is built on Cosmos and what they’re actually focused on and what they’re building is AI predominantly for media and also for kind of translations

    Speak in any any language clone yourself expand your knowledge which is also something we’re doing currently with a web tool provider for kryptoo in Spanish kryptoo in espanol so this is working this technology and humans wants to do it for a a in a decentralized way way

    Built on Cosmos right so it is the blockchain of AIS the AI diverse and actually really like their website here to be honest I don’t really know much about the team to be quite honest I’ve never heard about them I never talked with them but maybe also something to to

    Do your research on right the token is life um 8.7% inflation here you can stake it um yeah it has a 57.5 s million uh Supply and it’s also one of those narratives right and like I like I said I really like the website here it looks

    Really cool but yeah let me know if you have done any research on this project AI artificial is going to be a big narrative this year in any way shape or form and there will be a pump in the cosmos ecosystem because Cosmos is also narrative right so you have two

    Narratives clashing together merging together and I think that could po really explosive growth potentials for this sector in this ecosystem and I hope you enjoy this video I’ll see you guys tomorrow stay safe and be good


    1. Amazing contents, I do really enjoy following your videos on Cosmos! Please give us periodical updates on your recommended portfolio and timely heads up on upcoming airdrops. Thanks !

    2. hi Cryptocito! Humans team is awsome and they have a great collaboration with Nvidia now, please check with the team, will be your number 1 AI token on COSMOS!

    3. Happy continued channel growth!
      What do I need to move around, to see the Stakecito NFT airdrop (the cake with a dog wearing a beanie/hat) in Keplr Dashboard? I've just left the NFT on the Omniflix network but I'd like to see it with other NFTs, from Stargaze if possible. Much love! I'll comment more since you asked for it โ˜บ

    4. Hey cito love & appreciate your content. Can you make a video to help us guide with how to recognize fraud and security concerns while connecting our wallets especially regarding airdrops.

    5. Hi, I bought some Injective on an exchange and want to move it to my Keplr wallet to stake it with you. it's asking me for the Network and my options are BNB Smart Chain (BEP20) or Ethereum (ERC20) it this correct for Injective? I thought it would be like Atom or Tia which are Cosmos Network. Thanks

    6. I missed the FET chart while you were talking about it:) TA/FA combination is a strong psychological analysis. With your deep knowledge of Cosmos when identifying the strong projects with TA will offer good potential for future investments. Also highlight your validator (name) in all your videos for staking rewards. Thanks.

    7. I too feel that AI will be a big narrative this year. It's going to be huge in stocks, so why not crypto? Thank you for your videos Cito. Glad I found out about you on Crypto Banter! ๐Ÿ˜€

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