Crypto Coin Kaspa Erases Weekly Gains: KAS Major Price Analysis
    #crypto #cryptofoxxy #kaspa #kaspa crypto #kaspa coin

    Kaspa crypto coin price registered miniscule gains in the first three sessions of the current week. However, the bears have returned to lower levels. Over the last two sessions, the price faced steady selling pressure.

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    Hey everyone how’s it going today hope you guys are having a great Sunday uh welcome to the channel I’m crypto foxy if you haven’t been here before I cover uh Caspa I cover hyera I cover many different cryptocurrencies and uh today I want to talk to you a bit about Caspa

    Where we’re seeing the price action and what is uh most likely going to lie ahead before we get into our video though please make sure you smash that like button and you’re subscribed to my channel for more updates and uh all this you know good Caspa news and stuff and

    Things all right I’m going to throw myself over here so I’m not in the way of the article and uh let’s get into it here so Caspa Where’s the Casper price action going to end up so we’re going to look at uh maybe a bit of shortterm uh

    Analysis um for the C by crypto uh it has registered Minal gains over the first three sessions of the current week however Bears have returned to lower levels over the last two two sessions the price faced steady selling pressure so price analysis over the past several sessions show that Cass uh experienced

    Volatility and implied a hard wayte Trend Outlook so the Bulls and the bears are in a tough fight but nobody is really ruling right now they’re just kind of things are uh a bit neutral right now so we’re going to look at the price action here um this uh price

    Prediction was from yesterday but it still holds true today um I noticed uh you know the Market’s just kind of trending sideways a little bit today so this could uh this is definitely looking like a good uh prediction so Casper reversed after a bull run and turned

    Bearish since mid November uh a higher sorry lower highs and higher lows uh is showing a downtrend so the Bulls tried to catch the trend near the 20-day EMA but failed and the crypto resume to fall so the price has also been respecting the Fibonacci extension levels um the

    61.8 extension level of uh 1.3 cents has been acting as a significant resistance Zone as the I’m pretty sure they meant 13 yeah I’m pretty sure they did has been acting as a significant resistance Zone as the crypto uh suffered rejection multiple times so the 50-day EMA is

    Halting the further decline thus forming a consolidation range so it’s just kind of trending sideways doesn’t really quite know where it’s going to go yet um so if we get a break out um great but a breakdown May uh may decide the further Trend as well um we can see here we’re

    Looking at uh you know these are the EMA lines here and uh the most optimistic view of their analysis right now is Cas coin price could reach a high of 13.5 Cents by the end of the month which would put us right at that resistance

    Zone so the price could drop to a low of 9.3 um so that’s what we’re looking at we’re going to watch this Zone here very carefully see where it Trends if it drops below uh the EMA here we could potentially see uh you know drop down

    Further to uh this line here and then potentially this line here if that also fails as well um so that’s what I got for you um in terms of Casper price action um you know things are just kind of you know having a bit of a pullback

    In the market we can’t go up forever um you know there’s been some macro economic uh issues um you know the US CPI came in a little high um higher than expected um we could be we don’t quite know where we’re at with uh you know interest rate hikes Cuts pauses um kind

    Of hard to predict what the fed’s going to do uh for the next you know we were kind of expecting possibly maybe a a cut or another pause but uh now that seems a bit unlikely although you know it’s still to be determined right so you know

    They always say um you know when you can’t predict the you know when you can’t predict and things are a little bit um what’s the word I’m looking for uh unpredictable I bet I guess we’ll go with unpredictable when things are unpredictable Finance doesn’t like it so

    That’s why you see things pull back at times like this but you know what that just you know gives us more opportunity to get uh prices a bit cheaper I’m definitely looking at Caspa around the I believe it was around the 9.3 Cent level um if it hits that level I’m buying all

    Day every day but that’s what I got for you in this video thank you so much for tuning in and I will catch you in the next one peace


    1. I couldn't store CREO or SEI on Ledger or Tangem so I Swapped holdings for 70K more KAS! Shit's getting real and I refuse to leave anything on MEXC!

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