Here’s What Spot Bitcoin ETF Approval Means For Investing and Your Retirement Accounts

    I wanted to share some interesting ways to capitalize on the recent approval of the Spot Bitcoin ETF and optimize your investment portfolio. We talk about the importance of the new Bitcoin ETFs, and how to bring Bitcoin into your retirement accounts, such as Roth IRAs, to benefit from tax-free gains.
    Understanding the Spot Bitcoin ETF and its implications can be a bit overwhelming, but it is quite simple at the end of the day. Not sure how to invest in bitcoin etfs? I can cover that in a future video as well.

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    Spot Bitcoin ETFs have just been approved by the SEC now why is this such a huge deal well there are quite a number of factors that go into this and let’s Dive Right into that the first thing that I want to talk about is the fact that this puts a lot of legitimacy

    On bitcoin a huge risk factor to bitcoin is the inherent risk that it isn’t proven there’s a lot of question marks around it where did it come from who manages it all these sort of things now there’s one less factor to worry about and the fact that it is now an

    Institutional asset lots of huge corporations and funds are now believing in this as a long-term solution so that has value in itself there’s no denying that now of course there is the side from cryptocurrency users that do want decentralization which is what Bitcoin inherently is however there is value to

    The fact that it has a little bit of backing now you can’t go wrong there of course there’s a fine line but that is very important the next thing I want to talk about is the fact that Bitcoin Futures were a thing and now we have the spot Bitcoin ETFs so what’s the

    Difference between the two the Futures were essentially a way to purchase the idea of Bitcoin this is the idea that if Bitcoin does well it’s going to go up but it’s not exactly tied to bitcoin itself it isn’t Bitcoin whereas a spot Bitcoin ETF is Bitcoin the funds that

    Are managing these assets have to have the Bitcoin to back the fund in the first place and it is secur Ed by all sorts of regulatory transactions uh all these things are confirmed now so it has to exist as it is there are no games to

    Play around it if you’re buying a spot Bitcoin ETF you are buying Bitcoin you don’t have direct access to it like if you were to have purchased it off a cryptocurrency exchange yourself and transfer it to your own wallet but in many ways that can be a good thing you

    Don’t have to go through all those steps you don’t have to worry about the self- custody of holding that Bitcoin which can be very confus confusing to a lot of people and very stressful as well but now with the spot Bitcoin ETFs you don’t actually have to purchase and hold the

    Bitcoin to actually purchase and hold Bitcoin if that makes sense so someone else is doing it for you reputable institutions with tons of security measures are able to do this and you’re able to invest in the Bitcoin so that is a big win of course a lot of people will

    Tell you that you want to have your own keys to the Bitcoin that means your own basically passphrase that only you has uh to be able to access the Bitcoin I of course understand that but for a lot of people it’s just a little bit too much

    The security risks are a little bit too large so to have this option is huge now the next thing that I want to talk about and I think this is the biggest factor is the fact that you can now own Bitcoin in your retirement investment accounts I

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    Even get rewarded with 10% store credit on every order after that now these have tons of tax advantages to be able to do so and this is where it really gets pretty crazy so say you are a firm believer in Bitcoin you think the price is going to go up potentially even

    Skyrocket as the years and decades go by well you would be paying a substantial amount of tax at the end once you take those profits let’s say you buy a Bitcoin at $25,000 to make it easy of course it’s higher than that at this moment but you sell it for a million

    Dollar in 20 years right so you’re going to be paying taxes on gains of $975,000 that’s going to be a huge chunk even long-term capital gains if you’re talking about 15% that’s still going to be well over $100,000 worth of taxes that is a huge amount and while 401K

    You’re still going to be doing the same thing that’s pre-tax dollars so there’s still an advantage to invest in something like that as well but I want to talk about a Roth IRA in this instance if you’re purchasing say fbtc which is Fidelity’s Bitcoin ETF in your

    Roth IRA and let’s again say that the price was $255,000 if it gets to a million doll now you’re not paying taxes on those gains the million dollars or the $975,000 worth of the gains that you had are not going to be taxed at all so

    You’re not going to be losing a hundred plus thousand dollar to taxes you are just good to go because it was in your Roth IRA you can’t do that with Bitcoin itself on the side you can do that in an investment vehicle for retirement accounts such as a Roth IRA so that’s

    Absolutely huge that this opportunity now exists to be able to put it into your Investment Portfolio and have it average out with everything else you already have going on in there it’s honestly uh compl compl Game Changer it’s going to bring so many more people into the world of Investments with

    Bitcoin and really set the scale for where this thing can go in the long run so let’s talk a little bit more in detail about how these ETFs work as I already mentioned when the funds are managing this they have to have Bitcoin backing the ETF itself so that means

    Bitcoin is being purchased and being sold with regards to people buying the ETF so that’s huge that’s of course going to impact the price of Bitcoin the more more investors there are the more demand therefore the price will likely go up that’s basic economics so with

    That being said we do have to mention the fact that these funds will be making money still we do have to talk about that and that will often come in the form of a fee a lot of ETFs do have a fee for the funds that manage them in

    This case a lot of them are 0.25% uh that’s kind of something that has been floating around now that the spot Bitcoin ETFs are approved so that means each year you’re going to pay a. 25% fee uh to basically have this ability and honestly that that makes sense there’s nothing too crazy there

    Now there are a few different ones out there for example the grayscale ETF is over 1% at the time of recording this that’s the fee so that’s something you might want to stay away from of course you just want to do your own research find which one makes sense for you but

    There are different fees involved um but that’s very normal that’s not something you can get around and for this opportunity it’s something that completely makes sense now of course one thing that I already mentioned is the reliability and the backing that this now has and the insurance policy that

    You essentially get when you’re purchasing an ETF instead of the cryptocurrency itself for instance if you lose your keys you lose your Bitcoin when you’re doing it yourself you’re holding it yourself you’re purchasing it yourself you’re transferring it yourself if you lose it that’s game over you’re

    Done everything’s gone to be honest with you however with an ETF these things are ensured if something happens if your account gets lost you still have access to that ETF to what you’ve purchased because it’s all recorded it’s all documented and the funds are yours under

    Your name the Bitcoin on the other hand as its own if it’s under your custody that’s not the same case you’re done for there there’s an issue even if one of these companies goes under for example Fidelity somehow uh doesn’t have money to continue they must shut down their

    Business the shares still exist that’s still your money at the end of the day and you’re covered so there’s a lot of opportunity here there’s a lot of mainstream adoption going on which is why the Bitcoin ETF the spot Bitcoin ETF is such huge news uh it really just adds

    To the legitimacy of Bitcoin as a whole and that’s a great thing for all cryptocurrencies at the end of the day if you do have any questions let me know in the comments I’d be happy to try and answer them but of course you can subscribe to the channel for more Tech

    Business and money news thank you so much for watching


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