Egypt’s Suez Canal Authority recorded a 30 percent drop in the number of vessels using the crucial waterway during the first 11 days of January, compared to the same period in 2023. All major shipping firms, like Maersk, Evergreen, CMA are now deferring from the Red Sea and Suez Canal to the longer route.

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    The Red Sea has become one of the main stages where the conflict in Gaza is expanding because of Yemen’s Hui attacks on shipping vessels A disruption in Global Supply chains is growing the US and UK have said they’ve LED air strikes against hoi targets to secure navigation

    In the Red Sea but so far they’re actually driving more commercial ships away when the US and the UK launched air strikes we thought the situation would be contained unfortunately it came with reverse result attempts to pirate commercial ships increased the situation is concerning all major ship Farms like

    MK Evergreen CMA are not differing from the Red Sea and SW Canal to the longer route fearing the safety of their vessels Qatar energy was the latest of several oil companies to send the ships away from the Red Sea after the US lead attacks citing increased security risks

    Instead these oil firms and other shipping companies are preferring the longer Route Around Africa fearing the safety of their vessels tactically though some Security Experts believe the attacks against the huis may be the only way to deter their Interruption to the vital commercial Maritime route I think

    It is very successful and lead to the weakness and the paralyzing of some capacity of the hes uh efforts to hinder H to hinder the bage of the uh ships of navigations in the Red Sea and the Babel mandab for that reason I think there was 73 rates consisting consisting of 60 uh

    Targets and also 100 missiles it lead to hinder them to weak them to uh to attend and to make any missiles or drones against the international navigation syst during his visit to Kirra on Sunday Chinese foreign minister wangi warned that attacking Yemen could increase tension in the southern Red Sea

    Region we call for seizing the attacks on civilian vessels and preserving the flow of production Supply chains and international trade order at the same time the security Council did not delegate any country to use Force against Yen it is important to avoid pouring oil on fire in an already tense

    Situation in the Red Sea it’s an issue that could escalate the security risks in the region the SE Canal via the Red Sea is the shortest Waterway between Asia and Europe about 12% of global trade and 10% of Maritime oil and gas trade passed through the sus Canal Authority’s recent

    Statistics announced that during the first 11 days of January the number of ships dropped by 30% and revenues by 40% compared to the same period last here every day goods worth about 10 billion US Dollars pass through this vital Waterway but the US lead attacks on Yemen are increasing fears among

    Shipping firms of a possible escalated response from the huis rather than assuring these companies that the Red Sea is safe to cross ad cgtn Cairo


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