In this episode of Digital investor we continue to Explore the Intersection of Crypto & AI & Data as a commodity! to Build Your Portfolio… and Mastering AI, Cryptocurrency & Investment Strategies for Financial Success!

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    Do you trust your crypto assets to centralized exchanges that actively sell your private information and front run your trades would you like to buy and sell your assets without any middlemen intermediaries or robots do you like paying slippage fees and having the price go up as bot steal from you on low

    Liquidity decentralized exchanges the solution is nod market. set your guaranteed buy or sell price no middlemen no slippage no Bots ever buy or sell one 10 or even 10 million tokens and you never have to worry OTC trades are between you and the seller or buyer guaranteed by audited smart contracts

    And no human middlemen nod Market. B I can’t hear you buddy I still can’t hear I wasn’t talking my mic was on but I I was you want to do you want to do some house cleaning house cleaning keeping housekeeping oh wait real quick real quick I ordered my Vision Pro my Apple Vision

    Pros and and you got Apple Care right you want to guess how much that was anyone want to venture a guess well I saw a a screenshot it’s was like 3200 from Casey neist that he put that is that yeah that’s before you add insurance or anything and that’s the lowest version

    That’s the 256 one for for peasants and we don’t want one for peasants and okay no I got the one the one terabyte version plus Apple Care five grand buddy I’m gonna have to go sell my spleen and I will and I will oh my gosh

    You’re making me cry that’s so much so let’s go let’s do some housekeeping then All right let’s see what do we got for housekeeping um oh okay so final audit on the gasless contract came back uh like yesterday or something we had a few lines of code to fix as far as a double safety measure so when we Implement these when we do these audits what the

    Auditor does is they go through and they try to break the contract completely they try to bust it up and then if they find any like errors or anything so a couple of funny notes so they did find they didn’t find any errors in the contract our guys are actually really

    Good they didn’t find any errors in the contract but our guy put a safety loop in measure and he’s like oh you should probably have two safety Loops in this situation so we’re going to put that second one in and then he put something in the contract as kind of like a joke

    To see if the auditor would find it the auditor did find it which is pretty funny anyway like a little like a little hidden secret and anyway so he found it and he’s like hey this is in there I’m like oh that’s fun anyway so it was a

    Whole funny thing but uh met with the hypercycle team yesterday on the uh wait wait wait would this be considered is would this be considered hypercycle news oh wait we should actually do this behind the wall I don’t even want to do this crap in front of the wall anymore

    Forget it well no because there could be people that that are too cheap to be digital investors that have want hypercycle news I don’t care I’ve been hearing some stuff and I don’t even give a crap anymore so I know but but then I can’t play my banner play your banner I’ll talk

    Hypercycle but we’ll talk all the Det that’s so good feels so good that was cool that makes me want to share more okay do it share share sh I don’t I don’t know what I want to okay I don’t know what I want to share but like basically I like we met with them um we

    Went over like a to z basically all the code they have like um oh my gosh let me look I have this this this pinned here hold on this is Pinn one two three four five six seven eight nine contracts that we went over yesterday smart contracts

    Each one does different functions on as far as splitting marrying um swapping there’s a couple of pool contracts if you wanted to create pools and we can kind of get to that in some deep dive later when we talk Deep dive hypercycle in three months don’t ask me about them

    Um but basically we went over all those contracts on how to do all these functions so this is going to be a whole education that we’re going to be doing over the next couple of weeks I know I get probably uh a bunch of emails every day on when we’re supposed to

    Marry the tokens um just be patient we’re still like working that through and that we went over everything a toz on how to do that and so we’re gonna be talking about that a little bit later in the show today should we talk about Brandon Brandon Brandon should we talk

    About the hypers shares that we’re gonna be doing that we’re going to be offering um yeah we had a couple questions about that you want to explain that so we’ve noticed we have people that approach us and say hey I don’t want to mess with all this hey can you

    Merge my tokens licens do all that point all this kind of crap and so we thought wouldn’t it just be easier in many cases to just sell the entire thing done like the licenses merge with the tokens this the C hypercycle tokens already appropriately adjust like all of the

    Steps the mini which you’re all going to learn about the mini many many steps it takes to go from one to the other which is fine that’s part of any ecosystem but some people don’t want those steps they might just say look man I want 256 node license bundle

    Tokens all of it done give me the hypers share token the package that’s right give me the package so we’re gonna do that we’re gonna have uh it won’t be this second it’s probably going to be that’s something we would roll out later next week right yeah it’s going to be later next

    Week it’s also going to be yeah um maybe maybe later next week we’re going to work through some detail there’s a couple other things but yeah we have to make sure it’s a still it’s still an easy experience and we have to go out and fish those tokens when someone wants

    To do that and we have to have them in advance and we so there’s a certain amount of embeddedness cost-wise to us to get that done but we’ll do it we’ll start probably with smaller bundles and then we’ll work our way up so like the twos and the eights and maybe the 16s

    Things like that so we’ll we’ll look at those and that would be um easy easyier for a lot of people so that’ll be coming um yeah so that’s neat hold on I’m gonna share my screen because this will help kind of conceptualize and kind of I basically I guess uh figure this stuff

    Out oh hold on hold on remove real quick oh hold on let me just get something over here okay oh so um okay let me add it back okay so we’re good okay so basically when you get through these um so when we do the hypercycle so you have

    The license oh let me just draw this you have the license the license okay I can’t do white come on you can’t do white on white the license is a 721 does this look like a 72 none of that looks like anything that’s some chicken scratch bull smoke

    721 there you 721 yeah you got out of school go on yeah when you make the token clusters what we’re calling on hyper on hyper on node Market because it’s going to make more sense what what hypercycle calls is something totally different and totally non like humans can’t understand not not intuitive got

    It not very intuitive at all so we’re g to call it a token cluster what because what that is is when you take those 10,24 tokens you put that into what they call a c hypercycle and originally I thought those C hypercycle were one to one native tokens so when if you took

    1,024 hypercycle tokens it would make 10,24 C hypercycle tokens that’s not the case what it does is it bundles those 10,24 tokens in there into another 721 and they call that a c hypercycle 721 and each one of those has a different level on those C hypercycles and so then

    You take your license which is right here and you take your C hyper cycle that you’ve created so you’ll have to create that with your 1024 tokens and let’s just say this is a one license a single node license and you combine those okay into what is called the 1155 right and that’s

    Your hyper okay and so what Nick is talking about is we’re going to take these hypers shares after they’ve done these steps right here they we have the license we have the C hyper cycle which this process right here is not very intuitive even though we’re making it

    Pretty intuitive over at node Market when you want to wrap your tokens up into those C hyper cycle we’re going to make it intuitive and then there’s a process so that’s process number one process number two is where these lines are and that is the assignment of the C

    Hyper cycle over to the license and so that’s process number two so we’re going to do process number one which could be anywhere from one to nine steps depending on where you sit on the the Earth on the earth 64 tree right so one to nine steps so we’re going to make

    That intuitive and then the next step is the assignment so you’ll assign or marry is what we’ve been calling it but this is the assignment and then that makes the 11 55 right here and so this 1155 all packaged up nice and neat with the

    721 and with the c hyper cycle in it we’re going to take those and we’re going to put a couple of those on node market for those that don’t already want to do that themselves even though like guys we’re going to walk you through these steps so don’t worry if you guys

    Want to do those steps we’re going to walk you through those but this 1155 will have the r Wait is it the r and the S tokens now yes revenue and security basically R and the S tokens so this 55 comes as like a little business and T’s

    Talked about this so much it’ll come as a little business and these each will have 1,24 R tokens and 10,24 S tokens in there of which you can transfer those tokens anywhere you want and then this hypers share this 1155 is actually the one that gets assigned to your node that

    Is over on your software okay so once that gets over and pointed towards your node that’s where it starts tilling and that’s where it starts to go to to work because right now as this sits without the node without the software and the hardware this thing isn’t tilling and

    Once it starts working on that node then Revenue comes into the node okay this is revenue whoa Revenue comes into the node during compute phase it goes out and it’s distributed amongst the r and the S tokens so if you only hold 500 of those Revenue tokens within that 1155 you get

    500 out of 1,24 almost 50 %c of the revenue and so that’s how the revenue is going to be split amongst all the different holders so a token holder can have a percent a license holder can have a percent a hardware holder can have a percent so ideally what’s going to

    Happen is we’re going to send these 1155 over to either hyper pool we’re going to send the whole chunk and they’ll actually send the r and the S token percentages back that they want to give us so when they get paid from their Hardware doing compute work we’re going

    To get a percent of Revenue according to how many RNs tokens we hold within that Master license so us holding the license and the tokens is a really good deal and a really big thing so um this is uh this is a lot I know but keep in mind I’m

    Going over this macro view just so you guys can start to like breathe it in like start breathing it in because I get so many questions about this and they’re like oh man what we don’t get it but now you guys can start to think about it a

    Little bit let it gel in your heads a little bit with this like beautiful picture because man this is good this is almost as good you know we need you know what would be really good we should do a children a children’s book oh my gosh like a step by step type of

    Thing like a children’s book for and we can get Dolly 3 to to do all the artwork we could do a children’s book on no no I am so mad at Dolly 3 yesterday they did not help me one bit but whatever but I don’t like to play with dollies um

    Anyway so let’s see so for an eight license note after let’s okay let’s do this let’s not get into this right now we are going to go rather than teach everybody half-assedly how to do it we’re going to have a full bunch of videos we’re going to have explainer

    Stuff also on at node Market this will be as intuitive as it can be I mean it’s not super easy but it’s also not much more difficult than making a loaded baked potato oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh but this is important right did we trade to

    Ungroup okay so at node Market this is so cool because there will be a Marketplace for this so these are the licenses let’s just say you’ve grouped your hypercycle tokens and you’ve done all the steps to make a c hypercycle there’s going to be a Marketplace for

    These bundles and there’s also going to be a Marketplace for these bundles so any step along the line you can buy or sell any of those bundles so if you guys want to do all the work and combine all those and pay all the gas fees to make a

    C hypercycle there’s a little value in that so you can sell C hypercycle bundles to people at maybe an upgraded premium and people would just go buy those bundles rather than have to go buy the tokens on the decks we are evolving hypercycle into a place that’s going to

    Be so much better than what Cur any anywhere else and this is not going to be done anywhere else either so that’s what’s really cool about this you can go somewhere else if you want to but you’ll fail well no I can’t no it’ll be fine we’re just gonna make we’re gonna make

    All of this as easy as possible and for those of you that want to do roll up your sleeves and do the work there will be you know benefits for you because you might be able to sell resell whatever there’s a lot of people that might create their own little niche income by

    Just doing a lot of this work and just reselling there’s going to be people making money all along the pathway I think yeah yeah my thoughts did you want to show real quick now that artwork of the cluster that you had the so that that makes more

    Sense oh yeah yeah yeah I can actually show this this is in the Photoshop version this is actually pretty cool so nowhere on hypercycle side have they ever done anything like this so we’re making this very like visually appealing too so on node Market if you’ve created

    A c hypercycle cluster and this is the level 19 this is the top level one if you’ve created a cluster of C hyper cycle you’ll be able to see this visually that you have uh 5,200 524288 tokens locked up you’ll be able to see if it’s assigned to a license

    Immediately if it’s not assigned to a license then it’ll look a little bit different it’ll say unassigned basically right so if it doesn’t have if it’s not linked yet to a license so when you go to buy these clusters if you want to go buy a cluster

    You’re going to look oh make sure it’s unassigned or if you buy an assigned one you can actually just reassign it to another license which we can dive into that after we get behind the wall just a little bit because there’s something I do want to mention behind the wall but

    Anyway so basically it’ll look like this and so in your profile over on node market and nowhere else if you go look on openc or anywhere else all you’ll see is code bits and broken jpegs but it on node Market if you created a c hyper cycle you’ll see your profile and you’ll

    See like all these bundles so you might have a level 19 if you have uh just a two- node BND bundle or whatever you’ll have a level 11 license and it’ll say you have 248 tokens locked up and it’ll say whether it’s assigned or not and all

    That kind of stuff and it’s going to be so cool so you have a a little tab for licenses all your licenses you hold all your C hypercycle bundles you hold and then if you have any hypers shares created you’ll have another tab for all the hypers shares that you’ve created

    And then I’ll make another I’ll be doing another graphic for that coming up here in the next day or so so it’s going to be looking really dope and this won’t be too difficult for people because the thing to remember is it’s like this is like learning a new language but the new

    Language is like consists of 20 words you’ll learn 20 words and then you’ll be fine it’s just going to be a little bit you know that that first kind of week to two weeks of kind of familiarizing yourself with these terms and then you’ll be thinking the same way the

    Developers are are thinking which is going to make it easier for you to do all sorts of cool things in the ecosystem as they roll out compute and keep in mind they’re still six and change months ahead of schedule so for the first six months of compute you need

    To remember that we’re still in an early testy kind of bumpy environment I really don’t think we will know even like what the nodes are paying per day and all that kind of stuff we’re just not going to really know that until that ecosystem is like full of clients and that could

    Be could be September of of this year so don’t like week one like my node’s not making me Rich yet yeah give it a little time just remember we’re very very early and also when you’re early in a project a lot of the peripheral stuff the sales collateral

    And all the kind of cool stuff that would come with it if you were further down the line has not been built yet because they’re so far ahead of schedule and that’s just you know when you’re building things sometimes you over or underestimate how long it’s going to

    Take like we underestimated how long it would take to to do these like the contract upgrades and stuff for the gasless contracts for node Market but we we underestimated how cool it would be like the coolness of it when it rolls out is going to be way Advanced whereas

    The rollout took a month longer than we thought well not quite a month like like 20 days longer but so anyway that’s just the way it goes in software engineering you don’t know what you know until you already knew it is that what is that saying Brandon the future ain’t what it

    Used to be that’s right that’s right that’s right cou oh Marty hadit a good question here this is good um well a couple of people are ask the levels are yeah they’re just like whatever level you have to match the C hypercycle Level with the amount of licenses you have so

    When you go lock up those tokens you have to know that you’re going to marry it to a level uh 10 license which which is a one license or a two license so you’ll see all these different levels but that’s why we made it into so imagine none of these pictures like

    We’re we made the pictures for you imagine just code like you’re just seeing a light of code is what hypercycle is doing right wx3 Niner what w I mean it’s indicated by the end you could start to read the code at the end it’ll say like one zero Dash anyway so

    But like we made it so level 12 is for example it’s four licenses okay so level 11 is two licenses level 12 is four LIC remember it’s binary so each time you go when you go from 10 up you’re going from one node with 10 24 to two to 4

    8 16 32 64 128 256 512 right okay so Marty hit the best question um is node Market the only place these processes can be done so um does that drive up the r okay so yeah so n node Market is exclusive to sell on these licenses and

    As far as I know nobody else is going to be selling these bundles or allow the thing is we’re not the only one that can sell these bundles you guys can sell these bundles too this is a secondary Market this is a free Marketplace so this is also a secondary market for

    Licenses that you don’t want to use and yes as far as I know no Market is the only one launching any of those features you can split your licenses elsewhere but you’re going to see a little bit of a difference in UI and things like that but you can split your licenses and

    Marry your licenses El where elsewhere and do some of the other things um people people are going to go where it’s easiest people are going to go where there’s the most volume in liquidity and they’re going to go if if you can put all of that in one place which we’re

    Doing it doesn’t it wouldn’t make any sense like I can either go to 15 websites and do each step at each or I can just go to one place and manage all my stuff like I mean you would think it would be common sense we’ll see um but

    Anyway yes it would be it’s going to be good for the token holders because all of the revenue as you guys know moving forward for the foreseeable future all of the revenue 100% of what node Market makes in fees goes back to the Token holders all of it yeah yeah yeah there’s

    Gon to be and we’ve told you guys this like tons of times already but I think it’s going to start to like you guys going to start to like oh wait the exchange was only like a small portion of what node Market’s going to be doing

    Yeah and you guys are going to start to see this with hypercycle and Andy uh if if we make a AK will our tokens be lost or will we just be you’re just going to be frustrated the tokens aren’t going to be lost because we’re making it in a way

    That the DAP um communicates with the contract the smart contracts but there’s no way you can just like delete your tokens or send your tokens anywhere else other than the correct place the transaction will either succeed or fail and it’s going to be very it I don’t think you’ll be frustrated either

    Because it’s going to be fairly walkthrough process on all these steps the only only reason it’ll fail is if you don’t have enough gas for the transaction or you don’t have the correct amount of tokens for the transaction and then there’s one other thing but I I’m not going to talk about

    That because it’ll just confuse everybody so all right let’s move away from the hypercycle stuff for now we’ll we will get everybody the tools they need when they need them so everybody can relax um and we’ll have more to say on that uh behind the wall okay let’s do

    This let’s real quick go through the AI news and then because I have a lot of bitcoin news I can explain to you almost exact why the price of Bitcoin is down um it’s and it’s actually because there’s more sellers than buyers you guessed it it’s it’s the nature of the

    Sellers it’s the kind of it’s the way it skews between big bag holders small bag holders and like buyer Behavior it’s very interesting it’s a it’s a classic wwdd oh okay what would to we we will we will go right through that which is great um let’s let’s knock out the the

    AI news because there’s some cool AI news and we love our AI news anytime Zuckerberg is in the AI news you got to be like what the smoke so let’s check that out okay so um you know other than like VR you don’t really think about Mark Zuckerberg for AI that

    Much um but he is kind of here so he and meta are steering towards an open AGI uh he revealed he as in Mark Zuckerberg revealed that meta is actively pursuing the development of artificial general intelligence in exclusive interview and uh this was on threads of course their little

    Knockoff of uh you know X which is hack job version ofter it worked for two days yeah so with a focus on open sourcing um making it uh as accessible as possible to benefit Humanity see this is what you can do when you’re really rich you can actually try to

    Benefit Humanity on the way there you have to step on everyone’s neck but once you’re really really wealthy you’re like I am a man of the people so good for him anyway meta is bringing together its fair and general ai ai research teams uh with a long-term vision of building AGI

    Open sourcing it responsibly and making it widely usable to benefit Society I mean okay everybody’s saying that um anyway he highlighted the team is currently training llama 3 uh he also touted uh meta’s massive AI infrastructure expected to include 350,000 Nvidia h100 gpus and again let

    Me just remind everyone gpus are not the way we’re going to get to really re okay in my opinion really really functional AGI we need AI chips AI use you know purpose-built AI process units not just throwing more gpus at it that’s like trying to teach your dog

    Mandarin and just yelling louder speak Mandarin your dog’s like what like there’s no amount of yelling that’s gonna make me speak man anyway um so the whole idea of just having more h100s it gets you a lot of Firepower but I don’t think it gets you there not not

    In a consistent way and also not in any kind of cheap way anyway that that gamble right there is a 10 and a half billion dollar gamble so Zuckerberg still sees the future of AGI assistance interacting with people primarily through AR and VR headsets like meta’s Rayband stories glasses which are dog

    let’s be honest do you have I got a pair of them they suck they don’t do anything they they record stuff but okay like so what there’s a 100 pairs of glasses that record stuff but they’re going to make it more and more where those apparently the the the goal is

    With those stories glasses that they’re going to become more and more like an AI assistant and they’ll start to have more uh AR features like right now when you look through them you don’t see any you just see it’s like a pair of glasses now they have an onboard camera and and like

    A data and Bluetooth and all this kind of crap but that’s not wholly interesting but eventually you’ll see stuff in the kind of like the uh the Apple Vision reality Pro uh really expensive that I just bought um you’ll see things like your apps appearing in the real world you see the

    Real world behind it and that that kind of extended reality experience you know uh AR and VR and whatever XR looks like I think that’s kind of the whatever anyway his commentary and vision comes despite previous AGI skepticism from meta’s own team uh Yan laon their Chief scientist who said he doesn’t believe

    The tech will be achieved anytime soon so so mark is like yes we’re going to do it and the head the head scientist is like it’s not nope no these glasses suck we’re never going to get there so and he’s like just shout Mark zucker’s like we’re just gonna shout louder all right

    Um so cool I guess I I feel like he had he had to say something because Alman said something like every time anybody says something the other guys come out like I gotta say something too you know it’s kind of like when some when anything well probably render will come

    Out say that render is now teaming up with Microsoft right I mean no no no with uh with meta wouldn’t that be the next thing yeah they’re now meta fan they’re now meta yeah yeah they’re meta we’re still meta obv um okay and then um BMW their one of their factories is

    Gonna get some robots they’re gonna get some damn robots anyway um robotic startup figure just announced an agreement with BMW to deploy its humanoid industrial robots at the automakers manufacturing facility in South Carolina as soon as this year so the apocalypse could start in South Carolina this year I wish we had that

    Like you know the ter the the Terminator anyway well I mean that makes sense South Carolina yeah that was where it start I think that’s where they always planned it and I mean they moved it around a couple but I yeah I think the partnership will start with identifying

    Initial use cases for these robots production followed by a stage deployment um figure figures the company their robots will be integrated into BMW’s Spartenburg plant with a focus on uh automat uh automating very difficult unsafe or tedious tasks um early use cases include Material Handling uh pick and place pallet loading and unloading

    You know just like the just the crappiest jobs um helping automate positions with high human employee turnover oh uh jacqu broke his back again he’s won’t show up for work this month he’s just collecting that check I was like damn jacqu jacqu broke his back

    20 times last year yeah yeah jacqu is a bad back but we can’t fire jacqu well guess what jacqu your shit’s done we have robots now all the Jacks out there you know who you are there probably none of them listening to this all your days are numbered suckers what do you

    Think Brandon you want a robot yeah I want a robot I I don’t even know what it would do I have no idea what it oh mine would cook and clean that’s it you imagine like the robot looks at a flight of stairs and it’s like nope like what do you mean

    Nope you’re not I am the Jac robot and I will not I will not Ascend these stairs God damn you robot he’s starting to piss me off let’s not invite jacqu okay um so the CEO said some crap and no one cares all right um there’s a new AI skin

    Cancer detection device and it’s getting um FDA approval which is this kind of stuff is cool this is the kind of stuff that gives me hope um anyway this one is called it’s a company called Derma sensor they got FDA approval for a handheld device that uses Ai and spectr

    Spectroscopy um to effectively detect the three most common skin cancers in real time during an office visit my guess is at some point you should be able to do this on your phone so don’t go out and invest in Derma sensor because probably you’ll be

    Able to used to use GPT 4 scan your skin and be like you’ve got cancer and then maybe it’ll fix it I don’t know anyway in FDA studied the device correctly identified 96% of skin cancers with a 97% chance of correctly ruling out cancer the non-invasive device works

    By Shining Light on the skin analyzing cellular patterns within an integrated AI algorithm it’s actually not that expensive the device will use a subscription model priced at $199 a month for five patients or unlimited uses for three for 400 bucks a month so you can have a skin cancer center for

    Basically for 400 bucks a month plus whatever rent is on the building people just walk in like where’s the doctor it’s like doctor we don’t have a doctor we have a little thing that looks like a phone oh what have I got you got the cancers you got all the cancers you

    Got all of them 97% accurate dang it especially that smokey here’s some lotion here’s some lotion gp4 GT5 lotion oh sweetway that would do everything it envisions improving collaboration between uh pcps and dermatologists allowing point of care access that can lead to quicker diagnosis I mean all of the

    Primary care places if you could walk in and like eight minutes later be like okay I’m good that’d be a peace of mind rather than I don’t know they they did a biopsy they took seven square inches of my arm and they’re gonna tell me in five

    Weeks H anyway um this kind of stuff is going to be popping up more and more and more um however the approval took 12 years 12 year you know the dudes that worked there were like I’m waiting 12 years I’m checking my now anyway so that’s good okay so that’s

    That the only other thing I thought was cool deep Minds Alpha fold identified potentially new psychedelic molecules oh yeah uh for all of you that like the uh like the licking frog and what is the other like there’s like all the things that people in the jungle

    Do to get high I guess that’s one of them and like anyway uh the pharmaceutical sector is taking Ken interest in Alpha fold major companies are integrating it into their drug development pipeline hoping that it will expedite the discovery of Novel Therapeutics uh although yeah in this

    Case they found a whole bunch of really cool psychedelic drugs like that could potentially be created wouldn’t it be interesting if we like you know that kind of micro dosing people do with mushrooms or whatever the psilocybin and all that kind of stuff wouldn’t it be interesting if they would like do some

    Scan of you like they scan Brandon and then they go based on your kind of stress you need these micro does and then you just like 3D print it eat it pass out order pizza call it a day wake up feeling great and then check your skin for

    Cancer on your phone definitely anyway yeah that’s coming okay uh we’ll go behind the wall now and behind the wall we’re going to talk about the Bitcoin because there’s a lot of crypto news that most people don’t want to read because we went through all the biases yesterday and yet people

    Still still get caught up into the biases so anyway um we’re going to go through that we’re going to talk you had some other stuff you want to talk about behind the wall hypercycle is that true also Brandon yep yep yep just a little bit fair play okay remember what it is

    Now but it’s important yeah well it’ll either pop up or it won’t what it’s coming it’s coming back to me we’re going behind the proverbial wall now to continue the broadcast privately for the digital investors and digital private clients if you’d like to join us simply go to nickl And

    Subscribe to one of our plans and immediately take advantage of our library of tools tactics and information it’s all designed to help you learn grow and manage your portfolio like a pro join us Now


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