Upgrading your Bitcoin miner can lead to higher mining profitability and a longer ASIC BTC mining rig lifespan, but how do you do that? We will do that with the BCB-100 or simply the Braiins control board, allowing for overclocking, underclocking, and increasing miner abilities and refined passive income! Buy this BTC miner! https://voskco.in/AMs19k

    Buy the Braiins BCB-100 S19 control board here – https://voskco.in/bcb100
    Buy your own Bitcoin miners here – https://voskco.in/am
    Altair Tech PDUs and BTC ASIC parts – https://voskco.in/altair
    Evergreen plug and play low power miners! https://voskco.in/evg
    Use code VOSKCOIN to save some COIN!

    Braiins toolbox install video guide – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgs-MQNxfuc
    Check out the immersion mining farm I deployed! https://youtu.be/tZ3Q4cK6S2w
    Braiins pool and firmware – https://voskco.in/braiins

    ⏰ Timestamps ⏰
    00:00 Let’s install the Braiins Control Board!
    01:44 How to mount the Braiins BCB-100 Board
    06:00 Braiins Control Board mining setup
    08:07 Braiins Control Board compatibility
    09:59 Braiins vs Bitmain Control Board!
    11:16 Should you buy the Braiins Control Board?
    13:03 VoskCoin Braiins Control Board review

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    #Bitcoin #BTC #PassiveIncome #VoskCoin #immersion #dcx #bitmain #antminer #bitcoins #mining #miningfarm #firmware #miner #braiins

    I’m prepping stuffff for the uh next immersion deployment uh tomorrow and on one minor in particular uh this is going to be a bit M amp minor s19 it is the 90 Tash a second version I can’t get brains to flash onto this thing I’ve tried many times it’s failed I have successfully

    Flashed over 20 miners with brains uh but this one fails so why not take this as an opportunity to install one of these guys I mean why we got them this is the brains control board and it’s pretty easy to change I to be frank it’s very easy uh we’re just going

    To take this lid off and replace the board inside so let’s go ahead and do that Caspa Asic mining rigs are like just literally cash cows okay they are some of the most profitable machines in the world they earn ridiculous passive income there’s all kinds of different models from basically mini miners that

    You can plug into any Outlet in your house to bigger miners for the more serious crypto Miner if you want to grab one and get it shipped to you pretty quick at least like mine were check out Asic Marketplace they’ve helped us expand our Caspa Asic miners which have

    Been our most profitable mining RI in the mining farm this year and uh by the way you can save some coin by punching in the code bosin we’re just going to need to remove the lid here so we’re just going to unscrew this till it’s like almost falling out makes

    This loose when you look on the back side you’ll see that the front doesn’t actually screw into it voila forgot my tripod it’s a little hard to do with one hand but you get the gist so this is the control board that has been beating me up screw

    This guy honestly so this is the brains control board here the BCB very simple and very similar right when we look at the layout we look at the orientation and we’re just going to take whatever is over here and replace it we got the power supply data cable

    Here that’s going to go to this little slot then we have four fan connectors those will go to the four fan connectors and then we’re going to see three hash ribbon cables and we can just connect them one two 3 so there’s a couple ways to go about this uh pretty much this

    Control board is only in here with tension and it it slid into place when you really look at the board well there’s no screws going into the device or anything like that it slid into this rail on both sides right here so we’re just going to pop this face plate

    Off slide it right out now just taking a screwdriver or drill removing those screws look comes right off it’s actually zip tied to the fan power cable which is that multicolored cable running up so now we’ll just push this out and now you can easily see what I’m talking about this

    This thing is just slid right in here remember on this board you shouldn’t be yanking anything some of these will have clip connections like you notice this is a six pin PCI connection uh that’ll clip out this one you push and pull and you’ll just pull these backwards but I’m

    Going to go ahead and use both hands on this one so I don’t jack this up because these are delicate parts and while I may be replacing this control board I don’t want to break it or ruin it I want to have it as a backup or standby uh always

    Good to have spare parts on a mining farm so unplugged slide it out I did confirm with brains you see the three ribbon can actors so upon confirmation with them they want you to use slot 1 2 3 do not utilize this fourth one assuming you have this three board connection click click

    Oh oh here I am saying all this BS making a video doing crap with one hand low and bold I took this out with the connector still attached wow that was on there so tightly I had to pry it off with a handy dandy screwdriver and I did

    Successfully reinstall it on the control board the pins weren’t bent so that’s that’s great and I mirrored the orientation that’s on the brains board so I didn’t have to look at the source footage but basically where the openings were on this uh uh pin connector the

    Openings are going uh out from the board here when you look at the p PSU data connector you’ll notice that the lines on it are offset so with that in mind we line it up with proper orientation here push it in slides right in now I just

    Got to plug these guys up easy enough but that was definitely a twoand job everything looks good to me while I’m in here right just going to double check those are seated well and uh let’s get this thing put back together we’re just going to do everything we did in reverse order which

    Begins with putting this base plate back on going great this is going just great one-handed install do yourself a freaking favor around here and don’t tighten these too tight until you get the top latch back on before you’re out there looking like a freaking idiot yeah

    Back on I don’t think I ni the wire that’s good this is still loose going to need tighten him up got my handy dandy screwdriver not left-handed but going to act like I am come on Aid dextrous it’s pretty long drawn out process you know to record

    This and talk while I’m doing it it’s something you know first time take you 5 10 15 minutes depending how fast you’re trying to go and how comfortable you feel with this kind of stuff uh but that’s it so I’ll throw this back in that box that anti-static bag and let’s

    Throw this back into the mining farm so plugged it in two C13 connections uh to a C20 uh integrated pdu in my case now uh what’s going to happen is you’re going to get a new IP address assuming you’re using DHCP on this minire uh so it’s essentially a new

    Computer a new device as far as your uh network is concerned so let’s log in so I’ve got this app I use ero uh for my network over here and so I found the IP address the host name came up as Miner dd0 341 uh for me and hash mining Sr is the

    Manufacturer here uh so I went ahead and labeled it uh just with how it’s going to be deployed in my mining form talk about having a day right so when you saw me earlier in this video I’m like you know let’s let’s break it out right little snapshot I’m like hey

    Uh brains firm War didn’t install remotely so I’m going to put the control board in what a genius move me then I put the brains control board into this specific model and this was like about a week ago I go through the whole install and and brain says that it supports this

    Minor but not exactly look at this screenshot they support the 88 chip model they do not support the 126 chip model I fortunately and unfortunately have the better model with a 126 uh Asic chips per hash boo right because an AS basic minor is just a custom computer right with your little

    Control board piece which is like the brains it’s the computer portion essentially uh you think Raspberry Pi is right then you have the hash boards and they are these purpose-built chips that all they do is one thing for example just crunch the Sha 256 mining algorithm basically more chips per board they were

    Better boards uh and they can be overclocked further and we’ve actually squeezed some pretty impressive performance out of the 126 terahash model over the last week but it was not on brains because they do not support this model yet uh so that was quite a curveball and so upon further Testing Research and

    Deliberation uh with the brains team I was able to confirm a few things right but let’s take a quick step back and go over um you know what brains does so they support the ant minor s19 series and really all of the previous uh Generations uh their focus is you know

    Being able to customize your minor right overclock underclock efficiency they have their tuner aspect the downside is you pay for brains even though it’s free with their Dev fee of 2 1/2% uh but you do get a 0% pull fee if you mine on the brains mining pool you can remotely

    Deploy brains with the toolbox which we talked about that in a couple videos and made a dedicated video to it you can do bulk installations uh you can update and it’s not automatic you have to manually punch in the firmware for this to happen but it’s easy enough uh and their support is

    Very helpful you know it has all these benefits and in particular it’s when we got my shirt on today they sent me uh when we deployed our dcx uh immersion enclosure we got a crash course on brains because we needed immersion ready Miners and uh they did not send us any

    Fan spoofers and that was something I overlooked in my initial deployment they support stratum V2 and uh you know there’s a couple other good things about brains so but that’s the gist and the brains control board is just brains but there’s some interesting things about this like for example it’s not really

    Much more expensive than a bitm you know Factory control board we see the am logic board right here 100 bucks we see the Beagle bone board right here 90 bucks we see the xyl linkx board right here 140 bucks and then you look at the brains board right uh per Alters pricing

    Who have been fantastic to work with on a lot of fronts and you can save some coin by punching the code vcoin uh and as always we appreciate if you use our link down in the video description below all that stuff uh because uh in particular we started working with Al a

    Lot uh because we started deploying his mining pdus all over the farm and they’ve just been freaking fantastic uh but he’s actually helped us Source backup power supplies control boards a bunch of other parts uh that’s made scaling our mining Farm much more just to be frank even possible uh but the

    Point here being right is that this is a great price point in a way it’s kind of a novelty collector item in my opinion works well it has in our experience in testing if it supports your model it has according to everyone I’ve talked to it has according to brains

    But what else does it do enhanced efficiency stability and profitability custom designed by their team is made in China like every electronic is essentially when we look at the technical specifications four hasbo Hardware support highspeed internal memory of 4 GB these St micro electronic cortex A7 SD card slot two

    User buttons 2 gigs of RAM an Ethernet interface and a single board computer look at that little guy when we look at the information on this this was a lot more interesting when brains did not support remote installation onto pretty much every minor model that they support

    Uh and it’s very easy and we show that in the toolbox but the toolbox is very new and they’ve been developing these control boards for a long time they also essentially hack the miner when they do their install that’s why if you didn’t know this miners have to actually be

    Mining for you to inst stall most aftermarket firmwares especially at least brains uh so you have to turn it on it starts Mining and then you can perform the installation but this was only publicly released recently especially with support for every operating system uh Beyond Linux right

    Windows support Mac support uh so this only recently became really accessible uh the control board would have been a very good solution previously the question has been raised well what if bit M figure figures out how to lock them out again in the future and that’s when brains refers to their control

    Board as Plan B they have future plans to develop it further and it’s just a great uh tool resource to have in their back pocket right if they get blocked out from being easily remotely installed which is also essentially free installation as opposed to dropping 100

    Bucks on a control board so the bottom line is the brains control board is very very cool it’s absolutely an achievement and I think that they were very fair with how they priced it it’s the same price as other control boards if you need a new control board for your you

    Know Miner why not just get one of these unless you just don’t want to use brains you know whether it’s because of the Dee or you just don’t want to or you want to pursue different firmware or you want to use a different control board option because there are a couple aftermarket

    Control boards now manufactured ured for uh the amp Miner series which I love from a consumer point of view here at the other day I thought it was pretty funny that I pretty much installed the control board on like the only minor that I couldn’t uh that was just

    Beautiful luck or happen chance stance whatever uh so that’s funny maybe funnier for you than it was for me I was pissed I was pissed I was just like what is going on on I’ve talked about this in a lot of other videos but I really do

    Enjoy brains um it’s been a very good experience when we look at my mining performance here on the brains mining pool it’s consistently good uh you know my earnings are good uh my average payouts with all my miners right now at about 2 and 1 half pay to Hash a second

    Uh is about $210 in Bitcoin or about 005 uh BTC mine per day we look at my minor performance perance my miners are performing well we look at their 1-day hash rate they are pretty much mining where they’re supposed to be we SE s9j Pro 120 at about 120 s19 K Pro 115

    Averaging above that uh this one about 115 uh you may notice the XP is a little bit lower than it’s supposed to be I’m still working on the fine-tuning of uh that minor in particular right but uh and these are all on brains by the way

    Just to be very clear clear but the bottom line the takeaway is is you know I’ve had a good experience with their mining pool I’ve had a good experience with their firmware I’ve had a good experience with their control board it just you know sucks for me that of the

    Minor model variation I had the one off uh that is not supported they support almost every single a minor s19 now which is you know kind of funny I feel like I just want to ship them this thing be like hey support this thing this isn’t a sponsored review uh of brains or

    Anything uh brain Reigns has sent us Hardware alter has sent us Hardware uh to review we do have relationships uh with them uh unfortunate that after doing this for over 7even years we have relationships with many companies uh in cryptocurrency especially in the mining sector right uh so right now I’m on a

    Quest to review all the control boards all the firmware and continue refining my mining Farm to make it more profitable more efficient I increase my uh you know lifespan of my equipment uh from you know it’s just you know literally making it perform better long term and just running it in a fashion

    That increases its lifespan right as well as you know from a profitability point of view increasing the lifespan of making this Hardware more efficient uh and also by getting the efficiency up I am decreasing the electrical footprint and consumption which is in essence increasing the density of my mining form

    Allowing me to deploy an additional efficient miners it’s a unique way to go about this I think uh it’s not the most common way uh but it’s the path that I’ve been pursuing and we’ll see uh you know in the end if it was really the the

    Right path maybe there’s just many paths a few of them right so yeah this has been an interesting experience I I love the fact that this exists I don’t think there’s really a point to buy one right now other than if you think it’s cool or

    A novelty or just to mess around with or really it’s ideally suited if you know your control board fries and you need a new one uh which happens I’ve replaced three control boards uh on my farm over the last year so if I needed to buy another control board I’d buy one of

    These assuming it was suitable and you know obviously I want it to run brains I’m excited to see where they take this and go with this I would love for brains to produce control boards I know for other minor manufacturers as well as uh you know either update these or make new

    Boards that are compatible with the new minor S21 series and so forth having more options is better for everybody and uh it’s really just as simple as that so hey I’m BOS you’re on the boscoin YouTube channel home of the CBO and it’s the chief brains officer but just so I

    Don’t get sued that’s with one eye Tails vas our resident Sheba the Doge Lord she’s a good girl she’s in my office looking at me why do I keep saying her name might be tree time huh we’re going to go get treats see you Later


    1. 4 December 2023 IBM unveiled the first quantum chip with more than 1,000 qubits that equals 2000 bit with super condense coding.
      So thats some what more than the 32 bit chips in the asic miners today ?
      Idk just thinking the future is closer than we think maybe ?

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