Robert Kiyosaki, Andy Tanner, Charles Goyette, Jim Rickards, and Dana Samuelson engage in a deep dive into the current state and future of the US dollar. They discuss the historical significance of gold and silver, the effects of government economic policies, and the dangers of relying on paper assets like bonds. The conversation highlights the growing national debt and advocates for the strategic use of precious metals for wealth protection. The panel underscores the necessity of financial literacy to navigate the complexities of the economy and safeguard assets.

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    Robert you sent me one of the most simple head snapping texts I’ve ever received about a year ago the system is not only bankrupt it’s corrupt welcome back Robert K the Rich Dad radio show the good news and bad news about money and today we have some

    Really bad news about this stuff here it’s called the dollar it’s called toilet paper it’s called Fiat it really should have been F ke fake money and what we’re talking about here today is these are my four people I do buy from and I buy from them for different reasons because they have

    Different the subject of money and gold and uh this is gold and this is silver they’re massive subjects gold and silver have been around for 5,000 years and so today when I meet those young kids who are stackers and they got they think they’re getting they think they’re

    Donald Trump stacking you know 500 Silvers that kind of back off because they they lose the reason for it so once again this is uh part two of a four-part series the most important show you could watch because I cringe every time some young guy comes up to me says oh I’m

    Doing as I told I’m buying real estate and I look at this guy said you know I recommend 25 years ago I was in real estate real estate’s coming down no it’s not no it’s not or I talk to the guy does my hair I said

    Why why are you working for this here why don’t you buy silver no no and again goes back to this book here called the grunch of giants by Dr R Buckman Fuller created the geodesic dome I studied with him for four three years 81 82 83 84 he wrote this book grunt

    Stands for gross Universal cash I how wealth is stolen VR money inflation and uh taxes and America was founded as a tax-free Nation but as Fuller says in here our school teachers are the problem our school teachers know nothing about money they’re like my poor dead PhD poor

    Helpless desperate and broke and when my dad died broke after pounding on me for years get my PhD I said Dad if I get a PhD I’ll just wind up like you broke but as you guys just noticed just recently we had we had the four the cast

    Of three the head of Harvard um MIT and upen it’s about time our government cracked down on the Communist organization called higher education and as I talk about you know we don’t know anything about money that’s not a mistake that’s exactly what Fuller was saying here so the problem is is right

    Now we’re on the edge of Destruction because it’s not so much that this gold is important or silver important but America today is the biggest de nation in history we cannot print any more money and if you believe the fed the treasury or Biden I call them the three stes I

    Mean I don’t know how you can believe them so for all these years I’ve been I’ve been saying you know buy silver I started buying silver in ‘ 64 I bought my first gold coin in 72 in Hong Kong because in 72 it was illegal for Americans to own gold imagine that

    In 72 it was illegal for Americans own gold and what I had to do I had to fly this little baby here my helicopter Behind Enemy Lines to buy my first bit of gold here but that’s how much our government and our school teachers don’t want you

    To own gold or silver this is about 35 bucks today this is about 2,200 I bought I bought my first one was 50 bucks I still have it it’s stored in a vault someplace outside of Switzerland I don’t keep my gold and silver at home because they just might

    Confiscated so with that this is part two of a four-part series these are the people I actually buy from I buy from them because is this is not as important as our information their knowledge and their experience so we’re like the four they’re like the four wise men up there

    So my question today this part two is what do you think is the fate of the US dollar because a little history again I think it was 1944 that this thing here was backed by gold then in 71 Nixon took it off and now we’re the biggest deor

    Nation in the world I heard estim I I was never good at math in school but it’s a trillion dollars in interest just to pay our debt so it’s nothing to do with gold or silver or your PhD we’re being run by The Three Stooges Larry Mo and Joe Biden Yellen and

    How our country is broke that’s why Andy was talking about being Patriots I fought for this country but the problem is our school teachers run the show they’re Marxist they should have read this book here with that said andyw what happened what what do you think the fate

    Of the US dollar is but you said something to me when I first met you of what Afghanistan meant and the reason Afghanistan meant a lot was we left behind I don’t know how many billions of dollarss of equipment for the enemy Biden did that that man should go to

    Jail for that leaving living all that equipment 86 billion 86 billion was the number I’ve heard from Trump we’ll never know I know because I was part of 1974 I had to abandon equipment in Vietnam because we lost so it’s a little it’s more more personal gym okay when

    You see when you see your stuff being taken over you go holy M I went back to Vietnam a few years ago and the hangers and the revetments we started helicopters in now have Chinese com stars on them we gave up to the Communist just as we gave up to the

    School teachers for this here so Andy what happened in Afghanistan that’s fired you up yeah well you know three over over 300 years ago to your main question voler said all paper currencies eventually return to their intrinsic value which is zero and the US dollar

    Will be no F no different and look to your point Robert the world has changing so much more quickly than most Americans understand and and because of that there’s virtually no coverage mainstream media to Buckminster Fuller’s point you can’t get out of the way of what you

    Don’t see coming so what did happen in in August of of um or September of 2021 and and let’s preempt that by saying maybe the biggest event certainly I think cumulatively in all of our careers was the bank of international settlement two years before that reclassifying gold

    As the only other tier one Reserve asset let me say that one more time since the end of 1944 Robert as you mentioned the dollar was the world Reserve currency a tier one Reserve asset the bis which is the central Banker Central Bank the most powerful Bank on the planet said by the

    Way now gold is a tier one asset too and that should not be lost in any of these these discussions but what happened when we left Afghanistan in a way that was very in my opinion unamerican we left 3,000 if I’m not mistaken Americans Behind Enemy Lines we left even almost

    As as or maybe even worse the Freedom Fighters and the and the translators and all of these people we promised visas we left them behind and the timing of the announcement that happened seven days later should not be understated I think is not coincidental when Saudi Arabia and Russia signed a joint military

    Cooperation agreement and that’s significant in the respect that in 1973 when the deal was struck between Kissinger and the Saudis for what makes the dollar the the Petro dollar it was we will protect the Saudi Kingdom and and by extension OPEC and as a result of

    That they OPEC will value oil in dollars globally uh and take those dollars and recycle them into the treasury market now we don’t have to talk about how the treasuries have done one second reason this is important because this is my study also is in 74 I believe it was 74 the dollar

    Became the Petr dollar because Nixon took this out of this here right now the question is after they took petrol off of it what became te one asset then just just gold and that was in 2019 I think it was bonds debt well that that was the bonds and the dollars were

    Were considered tier one asset that’s correct and they still are to this day wa please understand this Andy when I talk to friends out there they go what’s a tier one asset what does that mean I said it was it was called a treasury a

    Bond and to me bonds are as worse as this well you’re right from a historical standpoint government debt has a very shallow history as being an asset that’s I’m and that yeah that’s right and so right now they’re three tier one assets as far as government’s concerned hang on

    I’m GNA set up to you so when they when the bond became after after all this stuff Bond became the number one asset in the world how come Banks started to collapse what happened and gate and I mean svb and all that so all of these Banks were incentivized when you deposit

    Money into a bank it it’s an asset of you the depositor it is a liability of the bank and the banks have to offset that liability with an asset traditionally it’s 10year treasuries because they are so liquid and and so riskless everyone thought and that was with interest rates that had been at

    Zero on the federal funds rate for nearly a decade Hi everyone I’m Kim kosaki co-host of the Rich Dad radio show and I want to thank today’s sponsor our friends at Gold Alliance you know we should all be concerned about high inflation a looming recession the very troubled banking system and outof control spending in Washington and the fact is during every

    Major crisis in US history many of those who failed to prepare watch their savings Investments and retirement funds plummet While others with the foresight to own gold help preserve their wealth and purchasing power now we’re facing several major crisises at once and we may soon face even more economic turmoil

    So please don’t wait consider gold and put yourself on the road to Financial Peace of Mind the new free 2023 gold guide from our friends at Gold Alliance can show you how just visit www.f freegold / Robert or call 1 800 473 4585 Republican governor and conservative commentator Mike Huckabee

    Says gold Alliance is the only gold provider he recommends to his friends and family please visit free gold Robert or call now at 1 1800 47348 thank you hi everyone I’m Kim kosaki co-host of the Rich Dad Radio Show Robert and I have warned that 2023

    Was going to be a roller coaster of volatility after all the stock market is largely flat this year except for a handful of tech companies and other asset classes are struggling to meet expectations one survey reveals that living paycheck to paycheck is the most common lifestyle in America even for

    Those making six-figure incomes combined with hundreds of thousands of layoffs in just the last few months it’s clear a financial storm is brewing the question to ask your yourself is are you safe for years Robert and I and other investors have been putting more and more money

    Into assets that can still climb when the stock market flatlines one investment that doesn’t seem to be affected by the ups and downs of the stock market is Art in fact one of our close friends and advisor recommends art as his number one asset protection even more contemporary art prices have

    Outpaced the S&P 500’s Total return over the last 27 years by 36% if you think art as an investment is something you want to pursue then there is a vehicle that allows you to do that without investing Millions thanks to Masterworks our longtime sponsor their platform lets you invest in shares of

    Painting by icons like Picasso and Banky Masterworks now has 800 million in assets under management but thanks to our friends at Masterworks you can skip their wait list just click the link in the description for this episode off offerings have sold out in minutes but richdad listeners can skip the wait list

    Going to Aki is the bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad over 40 Mill million people have taken Robert’s advice now it’s your turn attend Robert’s free virtual wealth building event claim your free access now at rich dadre don’t wait access is limited go to Rich deadfreakingpool

    And so I applied to be a financial planner and those stupid financial planners started to tell me that Bonds were safe I said you’ve got to be kidding me now I had just come back from Vietnam flying this thing around the place looking at gold and bonds are not

    Safe but the American public has been taught to buy this stuff here paper and then bonds which are so that’s that’s this is this is why I get so hot when a financial planner tells me it’s called the 6040 60% equities 40% bonds then they have people believing bonds are

    Safe are they safe well when interest rates go nowhere but down since 1982 they certainly have been safe and have been very liquid but as interest rates began to move the other direction ction uh it starts to take on a whole different uh a whole different View and

    And when you see interest rates Rising coupled with the fact that all of these banks have been allowed to maintain virtually nothing in the way of reserve requirements when the depositors say give me back my money the banks don’t have it on hand they are forced to sell

    Those bonds that have lost 40 and 50 cents on the dollar as interest rates have moved up so rapidly with 11 straight interest rate hikes and it keep keep it simple bonds are not safe okay they’re not safe anymore that is exactly right they’re not but they were always

    Considered the safest the safest asset on the planet one one more thing so then Andy called me says credit swe is going down and then he called credit Swiss the Swiss banking system supped be the best in the world the the Swiss banking systems going down because their bonds are going

    Down and our financial planners are still telling you it’s safe as bonds that’s all I’m trying to do is have people wake up because our school teachers are definitely not going to tell you that because that’s who they work for go go ah go ahead Charles well I I appreciate Andy’s uh deconstruction

    Of of the bond market back in the 8S but the essential thing to remember in the current environment is this that all of these instruments are uh promises to pay all of these in instruments or will pay you on a based on the contingency that the people who issued them are able to

    That they don’t defraud you that the state doesn’t intervene and screw everything up or that they can so in in the current environment in which everything is falling apart and in which the center of our economic uh structure is not holding the most important thing to remember is that you don’t want to

    Own somebody else’s liability sometimes bonds are good sometimes they’re bad but right now all promises to pay are fraught with uh with risk you look at this country look we we the the Biden Administration just ran the largest monthly deficit in the history of America 314 billion dollar for one month oh

    There must have been a shortfall in Revenue no there wasn’t a shortfall in revenue revenue was up %. income was up to the state and yet the deficit was the largest monthly deficit in history I’m telling you that all of these problem es to pay no matter

    Who the issuer is are contingent it’s like a game of Jango people are pulling little blocks out here and there and the whole thing is on the on the verge of toppling over the uh the rubber band has been stretched to its uh to its logical

    EXT can’t be stretched anymore we got to keep it simple Okay the reason I make the big bucks is I just get it down to where I can understand it but the reason I call you guys is sometimes you guys know too much just keep it simple you know like when

    My financial planner told me bonds are safe I F I said I’m going to find somebody else because I understand counterparty risk because I was one of the few guys flying these things Behind Enemy Lines looking for this I understand this stuff let’s keep it simple

    Okay so Dana how safe are our bonds compared to a gold coin well gold coin is much more uh offers much more safety in a rapidly changing interest rate environment uh and we’ve seen that obviously with the failure wa wait wait Dana it’s not interest p is well it’s

    Right it’s it’s dead so they just create more debt because Bond wait guys the ABC is a finance a bond is debt and America is now the biggest deor nation in the world and you G and you’re GNA buy a bond you nuts that’s that’s what but it’s all Deb

    It’s all debt whether it’s the dollar bill it’s a debt instrument whether it’s a bond it’s a debt instrument A treasury uh bill that’s a debt instrument the only thing that’s not a debt instrument are the gold coins that you’re holding and the silver coins that you’re holding

    You have those outside the system it’s off the radar it’s your one asset we talked about before thank you this is I want people understand sometimes I come to you you guys I’ve got to get out my dictionary and re you know if you read this book here and you read this book

    Here grunch the school teachers are complicit that’s why they say we should pay taxes when America was founded as a debt-free nation I mean a taxfree nation and our dollar is our dollar became debt in 71 and then it sure the Revolutionary War was the Revolutionary War was all

    About that taxes they wanted to put a 2% tax on te yeah and we said no nothing nothing doing and there was a war fought over it now at 50% 60% everybody okay well that’s the way it is keep it simple okay Santa Robert you sent me one of the

    Most simple head snapping texts I’ve ever received about a year ago the system is not only bankrupt it’s corrupt right and you made me rethink everything that been ingrained in my mind over 40 years of education and business and programming by the system now I could

    See the debt go from $5 trillion doll in 1995 that took us 200 years to accumulate now we’re six times higher over $33 trillion in debt the value of gold is Multiplied almost the same amount from $3 $400 an ounce to $2,000 an ounce during this time period it’s

    Not that the dollar has uh that gold is gaining so much to the dollars that the dollar is losing purchasing power yeah said guys keep keep it please right got got three more shows you can tell your customers that stuff but the system is bankrupt and corrupt you’re correct

    About that this is so this is this is my question for episode two what is the fate of the US dollar can we just keep printing money can we keep printing money they can try but it always ends very very badly and it ends badly for the people

    That uh hold their money in us uh US dollars in paper assets just yes or no you I mean I got I’ve got I’ve gotta talk to these guys they call my brothers and sisters oh we sa we save this I wipe my butt with it that’s the difference 64 I started

    Saving these things that you gave me a half dollar because there was no copper in it it’s that simple look if we got to keep it simple you guys people are saving money they’re working for money they think their jobs a asset they think their house is an

    Asset and Andy I don’t know if you just saw it but there’s a big expose on the Condominiums of Florida going down because of insurance real estate is not safe okay I did see that I I think I think here’s a way to keep it very simple look for people who understand

    The national debt is growing so rapidly that our own government the Congressional budget office said that by 2031 which is 7 years away interest on the debt plus mandatory entitlement spending like Social Security will consume 100% of federal tax revenue in seven years so what does that mean that

    Means that the entire discretionary budget of the United States including the the military will have to be borrowed so how are we going to be the dominant superpower politically and militarily if we have to borrow money even to finance our military in seven years amen the answer is no you cannot

    Continue this path well back to your question about can we can we keep printing money the answer is absolutely no and even Alan Greenspan the corrupt fed chairman said all uh Fiat money returns to Gold yeah so do the math on the price of gold at $2,000 versus $20

    In 1930 we’re operating on a 1-cent dollar how long can that go when that one cent is gone okay okay Jim Jim keep it simple I have other people to to give time to so Dana what happened in 1933 uh we made gold uh illegal to own

    In the United States in 1935 we confiscated the gold in 1933 we took it out of the monetary system and the rest of the world followed suit which allowed politicians for the first time to print more money than we had gold and currency that’s where really the root of the

    Problem started so is that why many people run to you because is there some kind of rule that if if it’s before 1933 they can’t confiscate it uh collector coins of uh value 15% or more over their gold value were not confiscate at the time most had no collector value back

    Then but today a lot of them do so we do sell a lot of pre-1933 us $20 goldcoins like Jim was talking about in part one as a result because they are theoretically exempt from a future confiscation so I thank you know Charles and Jim give me these half dollars here

    I hand them out to all my friends because it’s pre 64 the date means a lot in history and Andy gave me one of these things 1933 that’s what I’m talking about I buy from these guys I’m not saying you should I’m not recommending you buy gold

    Or silver but I buy from these guys cuz there there’s they’re not little silver stackers these guys know that the history of how we’ve been by the our own government over all these years so gentlemen thank you we come back for part three next time but uh we’re

    Getting down to we just keep it super simple so people can get off their asses and start wiping their butt with this stuff because that’s all it’s going to be worth in a few years thank You this podcast is a presentation of Rich Dad media Network


    1. i’ve got a couple of good ETFs in my portfolio and I still got other share holdings doing incredible numbers. I’m up 37% YTD! I’m also well positioned with good blue chip companies and I have stop losses in place, Personally with insights from my advisor Emily Lois Parker I prefer to invest in large cap companies which have economic moats, large cash flows and strong balance sheets. Some of which are AAPL, MSCI, IUKD, VHYL, SCHD, NVDA and Barclays…

    2. I am super excited to read my Rich dad poor dad book it just arrived a few days ago, now i learn from this book so much, i havent finished reading it but i am loving it

    3. Robert, do you feel as some others do feel that it may be better to stack pre-33 gold coins considered as numismatics for a possible protection against government confiscation? Ah, my question was somewhat answered at 25 min into the podcast.

    4. Does Robert ever let his guest speak or is he all about dominating the interview with his guests, but for God sake let them speak and have the floor instead of constantly interrupting their flow.

    5. To enhance our long-term investment mix, my partner and I are introducing a range of stocks and ETFs. We've committed $220k initially, with a particular emphasis on inflation-protected bonds and businesses demonstrating robust cash flows. I see potential for enduring growth in the current market, yet I'm also keen to explore strategies for generating short-term gains.

    6. Robert, you don't have to use the F-word and be so rude to people and because of how you are acting on this channel I can't share any of these videos to people because they won't listen to them because of your language and you're rudeness. And it's sad because you have such wonderful educated people on here. But because of how you are hosting this show, I cannot share these videos.

    7. I have been a dividend focused investor for a long time. This does not mean I don't own growth stocks, I do. A well rounded portfolio should be a mixture of both categories. One way to minimize the anxiety out of stock market investing, is to make sure you keep a large cash cushion. I invest in the market, but never put all my money in market.

    8. With my portfolio of $750k. I’m looking for opportunities to profit in a potential downturn, According to rating agency Moody’s, both the UK and the US are set to fall into a recession because of higher interest rates.

    9. I think investors should always put their cash to work, especially In 2024, we'll start to see more market diversification. I'm hoping to invest about $350k of my savings in stocks this year. Hope to make millions in 2024.

    10. I have a three fund portfolio consisting of 33% S&P, 33% Total stock, and 33% international. I feel a need to focus on complete growth so I went 100% stocks, but does the SP500 and TSM overlap too much to make sense holding both? However I’ve been in the red for a month now. I work hard for my money, so investing is making me a nervous sad wreck. I don’t know if I should sell everything, sit and just wait but watching my portfolio dwindle away is such an eye -sore.

    11. Successful investing is hard work because it means disciplining your mind to do the opposite of human nature. Buying during a panic, selling during euphoria, and holding on when you are bored and just craving a little action. Investing is 5% intellect and 95% temperament.

    12. I think investors should always put their cash to work, especially In 2024, we'll start to see more market diversification. I'm hoping to invest about $350k of my savings in stocks against next year. Hope to make millions in 2024.

    13. I'd love to invest in stocks after listening to a guy on a podcast talk about the importance of investing and how he made over $300k in few months of investing into stocks from $175k initial capital, somehow this video has helped shed light on some things but I'm confused about the current market volatility I'm new to this and I'm open to ideas.

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