Ripple XRP – SEC SHOOTS DOWN XRP! BREAKING NEWS! (Best Crypto To Buy Now 2024) Get Started Here:

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    Bowl Runners welcome back to the channel we are going to be talking about the cryptocurrency markets around the SEC what they just said and if you’re new to crypto make sure you consider subscribing hit that Bell notification to stay up to date with our information here on the bull Runners Channel and

    Here’s the deal I want to let you know that I have a lot of stuff I want to cover some breaking news what people are saying what Gary gendler has to say the SEC the government and you know just some other amazing stuff that I think is

    Important for you guys right now Bitcoin is sitting at under $40,000 is it time for you to back up the truck is it time ask yourself this question would you look at xrp at 50 cents 51 Cent right now is this a backup to truck season or

    Not let me know how bullish you are on crypto without telling me how bullish you are on crypto here’s let’s get into the news currently Ripple is collaborating with over 20 central banks worldwide asserting that cbdcs pave the way for Mass adoption the widespread service adoption of these central banks could notably

    Impact the xrp price especially if xrp is un uh utilized uh as a bridge currency for transactions now stick around the entire video CU maybe I’ll share with you a secret about a crypto that could I got to be careful what I’m saying but anyways you’re not going to

    Want to miss it make sure you stick around the entire video another thing that’s huge is that you have to listen up to grad garlinghouse rle is working with the largest central banks in the world xrp will Bridge cbdcs as soon as they start basically people are saying

    That we could be seeing some big digits for xrp check this out the the macro environment around custody digital assets uh is expected to be close to10 trillion do by the year 2030 and inevitably uh people going need a place to store those assets safe

    Secure and they need to be able B to transfer them as well having good on and off ramps even a tokenization engine some of the work Ripple is doing around Central Bank digital currencies or cbdcs so we think the there’s a lot of pieces that uh come together and we

    Already had and I remember when you and I first spoke um you know I remember being a a call with one of the largest top 10 banks in the world and a a bank Ripple was already working with and they were asking us about could we help them

    With their custody this is prior to to Medical acquisition and we weren’t in a position to do that and so I think about that Synergy the ability to say to that existing Ripple customer hey you know here’s a best-in class you know going head-to-head time to time again and

    Winning uh on the custody uh level you know to be able to bring that product to them I think is a great opportunity for the two companies together so uh that’s really really really phenomenal news and I know he sounds really really ambitious about it but here’s the deal there’s

    Some breaking news Ripple is wrong I know what people are saying that Ripple is wrong the SEC rejects Ripple’s Baseline claims so Gary gendler is not joking around okay they they you think things are over but they’re not over I hate to say that they still want to come back and

    Really get them right in the next key I don’t know about you guys have you guys ever seen a lot of these Netflix shows and stuff like that there was this Mendes fan that they did two court cases for the first one they could have potentially won the second one they

    Manipulated them into losing I don’t know what the government’s trying to do with ripple I have no idea what Gary Gensler has up his sleeve but people like this do not want to lose and as much as you may think that we’re going to win with xrp army comment below if

    You’re feeling bullish you never know so I will always tell you guys right now as bullish as you can be on some of these cryptos you have to also take a step back back and diversify a portfolio because man there some jokes that come out every single flipping day and that’s

    One of those jokes that I start to think to myself like dang can they can they just stop like can you guys just be nice to xrp and can you let can you let the xrp Army just completely win can you let the bull Runners make crypto bags that

    Go through the flipping Moon all right now watch this Michel says that you can tell David feels a lot of pressure off his shoulder since the SEC case is pretty much over pretty much over see what I’m saying pretty much over like is it over is it not over we don’t know as

    The end consumers of xrp we don’t know whether you see stuff online you never know what’s happening behind the scenes so be careful when you again I have I’m not trying to scare you I’m trying to prepare you so what other cryptos are out there just and I’m going to leave it

    Towards the end of the video of something that’s really flipping cool that makes me bullish on crypto as a whole and I believe the future cryptos very bright after you see this video so stick around you’re not going to want to miss it but two things I believe from

    Watching this video is that David thinks xrp can be a world Reserve currency Ripple had absolutely not pivoted from Banks all right so watch this one thing that I thought was really cool is what this guy just said right now about the banks for years and we’ve talked about

    Look it’s difficult to get these big Banks uh which are deep rooted in the Swift system and the way things have been going for years and decades right um however with the growing adoption of blockchain and crypto and ETFs getting approved and cbdcs are coming and stable coins being issued

    Have you seen a change in interest or demand are they now more open to listening to the folks at Ripple and seeing how we can do pilots and working together and things like that yeah way more way just just you guys oh just hearing that alone from someone like

    David Schwarz is powerful for us as as the people that believe in a project that are backing up the truck for it that are holding on to it for dear life right and and to hear him say that I know he’s very very proud too so in the early days we almost had

    To pretend we weren’t a crypto company now I will leave it at this we had to do the same thing getting into the crypto space with banks with people that we did business with because they didn’t believe in crypto the banks sometimes still don’t even believe like

    Some of these people that I’ve done business with and maybe you guys can relate that you’ve done business with they just think it’s just a joke still come on it’s not it’s real you know like we basically said hey we have this payment system that’s like something better than that’s like it’s an

    Alternative to Swift so yeah I I think that when you guys get time do yourself a huge favor and watch this interview all right now I don’t know about you but this makes me even more bullish and ambitious Mr Brad garlinghouse says less eff and go 2024

    Is going to be big I do believe that xrp has something underneath its sleeve so another thing is that back in 2022 they told you exactly what was happening all right guys a complete change in the financial system and who is going to run this X Border cross

    Border payments check this out what underpins a world order is always the financial system and what we’re seeing in the world today I think is we are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to and I’ll say this boldly we’re about to abandon the traditional

    System of money and accounting and introduce a new one and the new one the new accounting is what we call blockchain it means digital it means having a almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy which will give us far greater Clarity over what’s going on it also

    Raises huge dangers in terms of the balance of power between between states and citizens most people think that digital money is crypto and private but what I see are superpowers introducing digital currency the Chinese were the first the US is on the brink I think of moving in the same direction the Europe

    So what are your thoughts 2022 this is actually happening right now right before our eyes so don’t you dare just give up on your dreams because we have some great news as well as xrp holders this is huge MasterCard has entered a partnership with ripple and will use xrp for its cross border

    Operations we just watched that video this is the great news that’s coming our way it’s just telling you right now again people are saying xrp is the Holy Grail you guys there’s a lot of Truth to that we have to agree and another thing that I thought was pretty neat because a

    Lot of you guys are in nfts check this out so coin Market actually has made a post and Magic Eden launches their new program rewarding users with nft tokens I don’t know about you but are they starting to think that they can become like the next uh I don’t know openc or

    Something like that let me know in the comments below what your guys’ thoughts are on that very very interesting news that just came about another thing you guys we have to give credit where credits du a lot of YouTubers are out there and they you know they’re doing

    Wonderful things on the YouTube space Chico crypto Chico crypto I said crypto Chico crypto congratulations my man he goes guess what I’m engaged to the love of my life this is just again you have to give credit where credits du I know this guy has worked his butt off in the

    Crypto space and a lot of people have not given this guy credit he’s made some some some phenomenal picks in this past um for crypto and I have to give this guy some some love you know everyone comment below or go over to Chico crypto and and show him some love because this

    Is a amaz this is more this is more of an accomplishment than going and building some sort of business you guys getting married to the love of your life I’m telling you guys is more important having children is more important than you building some sort of business I’m

    Being real all right because when you have the right family that you’ve created everything else is secondary okay and if you focus too much on making the money you focus too much on the materials and stuff and you don’t get yourself someone by your side that really really matters you guys you’re

    Heading somewhere fast in the wrong direction so congratulations jic crypto I wish you MTH success and keep winning you guys if you’re out there with your family show love to your loved one today and give him a hug give him a kiss go kiss your kiddos if you have some kids

    Now this is the what I want to end this video on something very very actually maybe maybe later uh I’ll come back to it but by the way I keep on bringing this up because I think it’s important SBI the CEO every Bank in Japan will use Ripple by by 2025 I keep

    On talking talk about this because I want you guys to know you are not late before we watch this video to end this video I want to talk about how important it is for you guys to to come in discover our top allcoin picks first

    First if you want to be first then come be first and our early bird access to our financial educational platform if you go over to ball click that link below if you got some value from this video make sure you share if you care now I want to talk about the

    Future of crypto and why is this important and why Bitcoin is the future and why cryp as a whole is the future look at what happened out here in South Africa when I went to South Africa it was one of the most beautiful times of my life and what they are doing right

    Now is going to change the world as we speak check this out 400 million Africans live without electricity but that’s changing I have three Kettle when using a matchet for chopping that F I would have used 2 or 3 hours to chop enough food for my Kettle but with this 10

    Minutes it is very fast time is so important most important most important our kids have improved in their studies stay tuned watch this because we were using candles and kerosene which will damage our eyes because of the smoke and we also see the benefit because we charge our F Well we watch TV

    Things have been perfect a comfortable life Wow amazing how did they get power it starts with naturally running water watch this this is feeds into a Hydro power plant problem is it’s normally not profitable to build a rural power plant like this my name is Thomas pans I’m the

    Co-founder and CEO of Hydrox we produce power for the local community this site is located in moranga County that’s in central Kenya we were producing power but back in the day only able to sell 40% and and of course economically that doesn’t make any sense I got to know

    Eric and I was talking to him about our challenge we said okay what if we came in and we gave you 100% usage right away our job at gridless is Bitcoin mining you seeing this what Bitcoin can do what Bitcoin mining as a whole can do what crypto can do this is revolutionary

    Come on guys watch this we’ll walk in a 20ft container with 130 miners in it we turn it on all of a sudden their finances are different just like the Villager who’s getting electricity for the first time and now they can Envision a different future same thing happens with energy providers immediately they

    Can start thinking about the future and they can start thinking about oh there’s that other site I wanted to go and energize I have been able to get the money because I haven’t been able to prove that I will be able to pay it back now I can there’s at least 90 locations

    That we’ve disqualified because there’s simply not enough demand so if now Bitcoin mining can come in then all of a sudden it becomes uh viable for us to develop a project that’s a fundamental paradigm shift for a company like us we win because we’re mining Bitcoin the power generation group wins because

    They’re finally financially viable and because of that more people can be connected to electricity right away it’s absolutely phenomenal this is so this is so cool you guys you know a lot of people out there would say like what’s your what’s your guys’s use case on this like you know

    Can it really work well here’s a use case of it working and not just only working it’s thriving they can make a decision after after they don’t have to make the decision first it’s just some of you guys might catch that but again I wish you guys massive success let me

    Know in the comments below whether or not you guys are back at the truck for xrp even in these down times because do if you guys think that we are heading into a bare market for a long period of time then I understand why you guys are

    Not buying but I also understand that to there people that are like wait wait we’re in the beginning maybe I should be backing up the truck for some of these alt coins then please do yourself a huge favor and be smart go to BU come hang out with us right now it’s

    Free will it cost money in the future absolutely we’re doing ourselves and you a favor by bringing the right people around so that you can make money during the bull market but you have to get doesn’t it make sense to get in now if things are down and then learn which alt

    Coins can potentially give you 10x 100x 1,000x returns okay I’ll leave it at that I wish you Ma success my friends I’ll see you next video and I’ll also see you on the beach Of The World God bless you you


    1. Get Started Here:

      Watch out for impersonators and scammers in the comments. We will never ask you to message us, txt a number, or reach out on WhatsApp or telegram asking for money or crypto.

      As always, past results don’t guarantee future profits. Common sense would suggest that It takes solid risk management, patience, and persistence to make money with crypto. We do not guarantee any results nor are we financial advisors so don’t buy anything we talk about. This is all public information and Results aren’t typical….. so don’t be typical. πŸ₯‚

    2. One Judge Equal 100 Judges … Useless lawsuit.. No Judgement for softwares in the world .. only update and Upgrade…and Advanced .. Support For grow country Economy…πŸ˜…πŸ˜’πŸ˜…

    3. Why are you convinced that it is impossible? Are you familiar with the Block Sailor BLOCK? The cost of this will increase dramatically.

    4. ❀❀This is a great Video! I really appreciate the dedication in each video you post, I learnt a lot watching your videos from last and am super excited about how my stock investment of $5,350 is going so far, making over 22k weekly is an amazing gain.

    5. No way backing up the truck for xrp! Way more projects out there that will return better and quicker gains. In fact if you hold xrp your better putting those funds to better use in other decent projects that actually move and retain their gains somewhat. Xrp and ripple are conning the xrp token holders as well as all these influencers. The incumbents are not ready to allow xrp to run, so make some money in other projects and move some of those profits into xrp. Xrp is a traders coin currently. You could have picked probably 100+ other projects which would have made you some decent gains/profit. Currently holding xrp is ultimately for losers and that includes me πŸ˜…

    6. Gensler going to get his butt kicked again by judge Torres don’t forget both parties were told to come to a settlement , it will be worse for the SEC if if has to go to trial πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

    7. I just sold two real estate properties for a total sum of $800k. I planned on purchasing a new house next year, the cash is just sitting in my savings account. What do you recommend i do? I will appreciate any suggestions.

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