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    It is the 1st of February and today we are at 15 trading sessions for these Bitcoin ETFs and I wanted to do a quick update just to remind people because there’s a lot of Doom and Gloom boomering going on uh with people trying to figure out like oh these ETFs didn’t

    Mean much etc etc and I just want to remind you what has actually happened or inform you because you might not know you might just be listening to all of the all of the [ __ ] that’s out there and you might not actually know what is

    Happening as a result of these ETFs so I wanted to remind you and inform you if you haven’t been informed that we are 15 trading sessions in and what this ETF has meant for the Bitcoin Market sure the short term uh you know we’ve seen we’ve seen price declines but you have

    To understand what’s going on inside the market here and as of today the Bitcoin ETFs have combined uh have a combined holding of 648,000 8,358 Bitcoin and I’m talking about combined gbtc is as important to me as the other new ETFs it is essential in my opinion that you monitor all the ETFs

    And we look at the whole ETF Market as a snapshot rather than just you know black rock or just Fidelity or just you know the new ones that have been issued so let’s talk about this gbtc started off with 69,000 Bitcoin under ETF institutional uh control and so today we see 648,000

    Bitcoin 648 358 648 358 Bitcoin that have now as of today been acquired and controlled are controlled by these ETFs so what does that mean it means within 15 trading sessions these ETFs have acquired 29358 Bitcoin to put on their holding sheet right that means that based on a

    Per trading session basis these ETFs are sucking up a net despite what anyone’s telling you they’re sucking up a net 1,957 Bitcoin per trading session per trading session this includes and this is how you should look at things you should look at things over a period of time right not like what’s

    Going on on a daily basis because daily swings can happen like gbtc outflows were declining they jumped up 20 million one day and then they collapsed again the next day so you don’t need you need to look at it over a period of time so 6 1,957 Bitcoin per trading session is

    Being sucked up by these ETFs that’s 1,957 people that will be denied from being whole coiners every single trading session that’s going on right now right now assuming that the pace continues as is assuming that no extra demand comes in assuming that all of that all all of

    Everything stays the same that means that the ETFs need to acquire or will acquire based on this trend 10 15,6 78 Bitcoin by the Haring which is like 54 trading sessions or 76 days away and if we stretch this out to the year to just 2024 these ETFs have to acquire

    465,000 think there’s like 240 trading sessions left for 2024 the ETF buying has been absolutely Relentless here and what this means is is that the type of buyer as I’ve been saying for a while the type of buyer that’s buying through the ETFs now is a long-term holder these are people

    Looking for long-term positions of their portfolio in Bitcoin they’re not Traders they’re not coming in trying to go oh maybe I should buy this because there’s an aror opportunity on gbtc these are long-term holders that are buying these ETFs and and these ETFs are out here controlling and trying to trying to

    Corner basically Corner the market and the difference between the gold market the silver market and the Bitcoin Market is that you can actually Corner the Bitcoin Market because there’s a limited Supply with silver what you couldn’t control you couldn’t Corner the market uh as the hum Brothers tried to because

    There was manipulative things that I could do to affect the supply of Sil can issue a bunch of issue a bunch of permits to mine silver as the price goes up more silver can be suddenly more silver can come out of the sky and you can actually just create silver Supply

    And then the markets would turn around and they said okay you can’t actually uh you can’t actually buy any more silver but the sell orders were open right uh when it came to what the hum brothers did but with Bitcoin if the ETF demand is this high and they say you can’t the

    ETFs can’t buy Bitcoin for whatever reason and let’s say the price is moving crazy it wild they try and control that there’s no Market limit things that you can do with Bitcoin because I can go buy Bitcoin on coinbase right I can go buy Bitcoin on any other exchange I can go

    Buy Bitcoin on the street I can buy Bitcoin anywhere in the world at any moment in time so there’s nothing you can do to control the volatility on bitcoin once it starts getting going but this is extremely important this the guts of it I don’t care what anyone else

    Is saying about getting excited about what black rock is doing Fidelity is doing I like looking at the market snapshot as a whole I want to know what’s going on as a whole and the ETF is a market to me the ETF is a funnel it’s an entry funnel into Bitcoin so I

    Want to look at the whole thing and based on the whole thing within 15 trading sessions they’ve acquired 29358 Bitcoin that means 1,957 Bitcoin a day are being sucked up by these ETFs which means that if that if this pace continues doesn’t increase no no new demand comes in just maintains

    This and also bear in mind this also assumes that the price stays the same right and the price will adjust based on the available Supply but based on this they’re going to buy 105,3 78 Bitcoin within the next 50 something 54 trading sessions 76 days and they got to buy

    465,000 and he said there’s been $700 million of net inflows this week into Bitcoin just through the ETFs that means we’re on Pac to add like a billion dollars into Bitcoin every single week through these ETFs right now of course it has to continue there’s a lot of ifs

    There but it’s also while there’s ifs on the demand remaining there’s also we’re not including the increased demand that’s coming black rock is out here publishing an advertis izing Bitcoin on the side of Wall Street buildings at this point in time right like this this is all beginning right now advisors I’m

    Educating advisors one onone that they can actually sell Fidelity Bitcoin products because they haven’t been educated on that yet they haven’t been informed on that yet right so all of that is yet to come and the ETFs are already sucking up 1,957 Bitcoin per trading session since they’ve been alive

    This is a phenomenal level of demand that Bitcoin has not experienced yet this is brand new for Bitcoin it’s brand new for bitcoiners we have never seen this amount of Relentless buying and I believe that it’s going to continue and I believe it’s going to get stronger

    You’re looking at what 6070 million a day what happens once the Haring kicks in right right now the half of that daily uh half of that daily Supply is basically new minded Bitcoin right 900 Bitcoin a day about half right once the Haring kicks in in 76 days or 54 trading

    Sessions there’s only 450 Bitcoin which means the ETFs even if they just com continue the the current acquisition Pace that they’re doing they’re now buying four times the daily issued Supply that’s without more Capital coming in without more selling going on without more anything so I wanted to

    Give you an update on what’s going on with these ETFs a supply shock is building up here because there’s no way that you can just keep sucking up 2,000 Bitcoin a day and not have a supply issue at some point right that’s happening it’s building up the cab

    Markets are rotating at the same time you got Federal Reserve chairman coming out and basically saying hey yeah we’re going to start talking about you know lowering rates pretty much but when the data is right what else did you expect him to say right said exactly what I

    Thought he was going to say which is maintain his position from the last press conference which was basically rate hold slightly dovish um and so that’s what’s going on here and I think that if you’re sitting here and you’re going hey maybe do I need to learn about

    Bitcoin now I’ve heard Black Rock talk about it I’ve heard Fidelity talk about it do I need to actually learn about this thing I would say you need to get off your ass and start learning about what Bitcoin is if you haven’t started learning about it yet if you haven’t

    Started realizing that 2,000 Bitcoin a day are flying into ETFs net net net not gross net this is inclusive of gbtc outflows here right so again this the the entire market snapshot is important to me and on my Twitter uh every few days I’ll be doing a summary of what’s

    Going on with uh how many Bitcoin the ETFs are sucking up so make sure you follow me on Twitter if you want to see that um and ultimately if you’re trying to learn about Bitcoin here I’ve created a training for you go to the description

    You’ll be able to see the link to the trade it’s called the $5 million Bitcoin basically Bitcoin is going to $5 million a coin and this training is like six modules that will teach you why it’s completely free you can send it to your parents you can send it to whoever else

    You need to send it to brothers sisters uncles advisers whoever ever you need to send it to you can send it to them and and check that training out because time is running out there’s you know we keep saying that and people go oh my God what

    You know is time actually going to run out the price of Bitcoin went from 25,000 up to 45,000 uh 49,000 just with the ETF launch process coming in now there’s been a dump of Supply onto the market and it’s being chewed up at 2,000 Bitcoin a day at this

    Point and this is assuming that it doesn’t accelerate so this is getting really serious now like if you haven’t got to your one Bitcoin yet if you haven’t acquired the amount of Bitcoin that you want to acquire now is the time to stay focused start acquiring and and

    Keep relentless on that because one day you’re going to wake up and the and there’s just going to be this crash between the ETF demand and the lack of Supply on the market so this is the time to to take this seriously and that is the ETF update for the first 15 trading

    Sessions and it’s quite remarkable if we had thought that ETFs would be sucking up 2,000 Bitcoin a day like clockwork you know I don’t I don’t think many people many people would have thought that for this long including the Bloomberg guys because they’ve been saying you know the the amount of

    Inflows here is ridiculous in any other product this would have been an earth shattering uh thing but Bitcoin is disappointed with the fact that these bit these ETFs are acquiring 29358 Bitcoin over 15 trading sessions so pay attention to what’s going on here the underbelly of the market Market is

    Shifting right below your feet and if you haven’t got to your Bitcoin allocation yet you seriously need to think about think about it because price is going to start moving up as soon as this Supply gets chewed up and it’s not going to take long for this Supply to

    Get chewed up if we’re sucking in 1,957 Bitcoin a day net into these ETFs what happened when G what happens when gbtc outflows just stop right that’s happening I put that out a couple weeks ago I said I think gbtc outflows will will drastically slow down and they have been they’ve been

    Trending down literally almost since the day I put that tweet out they’ve been trending down and at some point I think you’re going to start seeing gbtc inflows because of the volumes the derivatives products and everything else that can come on top of gbtc being the biggest asset holder in the space so

    Again look at the entire Market as a snapshot when you look at the entire Market as a snapshot your time is running out 2,000 Bitcoin a day are being sucked up into these ETFs and you need to get your [ __ ] together if you plan to acquire the amount of bit Co

    That you want to acquire and you need to take the time to learn about it the training that I put together is going to take you 3 hours to go through it’s 3 hours it’s exact basically what I did was recorded on camera the thought process that I took my parents through

    When I was having the conversation with them about diversifying some of their real estate holdings into Bitcoin and that’s the training that I put together but ultimately despite all of this whether you do that or not whether you take the time to learn about it or not

    The ETFs are sucking up 1,957 Bitcoin a day and one day is going to come soon where Bitcoin just crashes into that demand cycle and the price starts shooting up and then you can no longer achieve the amount of Bitcoin that you wanted to achieve but ultimately there

    Are always only three rules to bitcoin step number one you buy Bitcoin step number two shut the [ __ ] up and step number three you get fabulously wealthy


    1. AMS55K stands out with its advanced blockchain technology, especially in staking and decentralization surpassing other platforms. It doesn't require a locking period, and its development focuses on peer-reviewed research for comprehensive improvement.

    2. 750 days from now , all BTC’s from Exchanges will vanish at 2000 Btc per day consumption, hope BH prophecies of 5M per BTC will come true…

    3. Come back in 2 months and he will be saying the exact same thing.

      I have posted many times, there was never some army of millionaires and billionaires waiting on the sidelines for Pope Gary’s blessing.

      The demand is obvious not there. It’s ok, we just need to accept it.

      All these millionaires and billionaires of which he speaks like the fiat world. It’s been good to them. It’s made them wealthy.

      They are not about to start ape 🦧 assing in on something that hasn’t done much in ages. Despite all the hype of ETFs, for fuck sake it couldn’t even hold 49k.

      Those who want in, are in. That’s not going to change until it organically goes up well past 100k. And the millionaire class isn’t going to be comfortable with holding huge portfolios of something that can at any moment, go down 30-70%.

      Get a grip bozos.


    4. Do you believe it will follow the past history and crash before the halving? A lot of folks that follow the four year chart say it's going to 32-36 again

    5. Thanks for continuing updates 👍🏻 I'd rather trade the stock market as it's more profitable. I make an average of $25,500 per week even though I barely trade myself.

    6. So in the name of Jamie Dimon, I’m going to begin selling Bitcoin rocks that must be paid for in Sats. But as a coin collector I noted your video title of 1957 Bitcoin. I think I’m going to start selling those too. A 1957 Bitcoin has all sorts of value for the buyer although it concerns me that Satoshi might be that old. But watch for my offering.

    7. As 2024 unfolds, the financial landscape is characterized by a complex interaction of forces affecting equities, bonds, gold, and Bitcoin, with looming economic downturns and a potential Bitcoin bull run influenced by fiscal and monetary policies. In this environment, the significance of technical analysis in formulating adaptable investment strategies becomes paramount. Central to navigating these turbulent waters is Tobias Hawke, whose extensive expertise in both cryptocurrency and traditional trading, combined with his holistic investment approach and dedication to staying current with market trends, makes him an essential resource in mastering the challenges of this new era in cryptocurrency investment.

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