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    Well I mean and imagine you can build a social network with no security team no infrastructure which is tokenized it doesn’t get hacked that’s what we’re seeing today and that’s transformative and it’s much more profound than oh is it going to be mem coins or nfts or something like that blockchains support

    A new kind of software called smart contracts and if smallart contracts are adapted in such a way that will enable the creation of things that we can’t even imagine which are fundamentally different with traditional blockchains um you only really host uh you know token s nfts not usually uh the nft

    Content just links to the nft content and little bits of defi Logic on on the blockchain itself and when you interact with a web three game or something like that it’s it’s generally running on you know big Tech cloud like Amazon web services the difference with the internet computer is that everything

    Runs from uh the blockchain itself so that’s an absolutely gamechanging Advance crypto family welcome back to the channel Aaron here from the Bitcoin Bros coming back at you with another cryptocurrency video today and as you just saw in that clip that was Dominic Williams CEO and founder of Internet

    Computer talking about why internet computer’s different why it’s going to be huge in the future and in today’s clip we’re going to be going over some recent news from internet or computer but before I get into all this I know you guys have been asking us in the

    Comment section why haven’t we been making our altcoin video the entire narrative was the Bitcoin ETF we’ve been making more Bitcoin videos than altcoin videos but we’re going to try to get more into these altcoin videos because we’re going to be going into a bull run 2024 2025 will be a

    Potential crypto Boron not Financial advice but we have rates being lowered there’s going to be more liquidity in the system so that’s going to be more money be poured in these projects like ICP like Bitcoin like all the cryptos that we cover so and And subscribe if

    You haven’t already we have new videos coming out every single day but let’s go and jump into it here today you can see the internet computer blockchain is very healthy blocks continuing to go up and up and up you can see how many transactions per second there around

    4600 that looks really good if you look at the eth equivalent in those transactions it’s just a lot of transactions on the internet computer side the total internet identities is continuing to go up at around 2.3 million identities you can see it’s basically just gone up and up and up

    Since the start of the blockchain there and we can see here the CK BTC the number of Bitcoin on ICP is around 224 Bitcoin I think that’s around $1 million using some quick math in my head so that looks good there and then the smart contracts the canisters are going to

    Continue to go up and up and up as well we can see that right there the developers are continuing to to build more projects coming out right there so that is really really good and then I wanted to get into this first piece of news here that I thought was very very

    Surprising I saw this from Dominic Williams he tweeted chain key support for Signature scheme used by salana is in the works so internet computer is going to be integrating with salana it sounds like very similar to how they’ve integrated with ethereum and how they’ve integrated with Bitcoin and why I think

    This is just very very interesting because back in 2021 when internet computer came out the price tanked you know VC’s had a lot of uh profit they sold a lot of their ICP but along with that salana FTX they were kind of doing a marketing campaign against internet

    Computer kind of just saying like hey don’t invest in this project because it’s a scam and it just gave Dominic Williams a lot of ill will toward Solano a bit just from what we saw from a couple of years ago and now he’s kind of like flipping the switch here and he’s

    Saying hey like we’re going to integrate with Solana we want to get some of that liquidity from their Network get it over into internet computer so that’s that’s big news that’s huge we are investors in salana as well another great project these projects are very similar you use the web apps the decentralized

    Applications on either one of these blockchains and it seems like you’re using a web 2 app you can’t say the same thing with ethereum and that’s why we like internet computers that’s why we’ve been making these videos for years and also one thing I want to just mention here in

    Today’s video is we’re seeing that Trend change for internet computer finally a lot of people just said ICP was a scam for so long when it released in 2021 everybody said it was a scam because of price tank throughout the entire bare Market people were saying ICP was a scam

    You can see a year ago on the cryptocurrency subreddit the internet computer is it a scam or is it legit what do you think people are kind of going back and forth who knows if it’s a scam or not but the Bitcoin Bros knew everybody that you know was in ICP even

    Though the price was going on knew that this was a good project because we used decentralized applications and they’re obviously not a scam look they’re hiring guys so if you need a job make sure to go over to definity website and you can potentially get a job as an engineer a

    Developer or a marketing manager so check that out just wanted to share that with you there but now that entire narrative is changing and the biggest thing in crypto guys especially during bull runs is to follow the narratives the narratives are where you’re going to

    Get most of the gains and I think a lot of the narrative now is Within salana These fast blockchains and salana I know a lot of people in the internet computer Community don’t like salana but internet computer and salana to me they are very very similar just because how fast they

    Are and how it and how these decentralized applications work versus something like ethereum or cardano so that’s just my personal opinion but we’re starting to see that Trend change why do we still ignore ICP this is just two months ago this is in the same cryptocurrency subreddit and people are you know

    Looking into ICP and you know it’s funny that the trend has completely changed over a couple of years but this is good this is good for ICP this means that going into 20124 the rest of the year that when more liquidity comes into the market people are investing in crypto

    Because the prices are going up the Bitcoin ETF is probably going to push bitcoin’s price up the Bitcoin having is coming in April and the rest of crypto will follow that and people are going to speculate and ICP may be one of the cryptos that does really really well and

    That is what the Bitcoin Bros believe and that’s why we’re making this video for you guys and we’re starting to see more articles like this five reasons why ICP is the compelling investment opportunity right now kind of what we talked about at the beginning of the video increased adoption and utility uh

    Potential for great great rewards they talk about staking here how you can get you know 8% when you stake your ICP tokens uh support for businesses so they talk about here Beyond its investment potential it stands out for its ability to support businesses in navigating complex landscape of climate related

    Risk and opportunities that’s because of the sustainability uh the infrastructure that’s built in with ICP and it also talks about how ICP will help a low carbon economy uh decentralized internet obviously there you know that’s the big selling point uh focusing on Enterprises they want to integrate with some of the

    Biggest corporations out there and then plenty of funding for development so they do have grants that they give any of the developers that want to build new projects on ICP which is very good to see you want to see these blockchains invest back into themselves and that’s

    What ICP does and I think that’s definitely a good thing to bring developer activity and to bring new applications onto internet computers so that’s all good to see there and all these reasons are definitely why ICP could have some huge price gains in the next bullroom and then Singularity net

    Had a strategic partnership with definity and I think that artificial intelligence is definitely going to be another Trend that is going to blast off in the crypto market and this partnership between Singularity net which is a crypto the Bitcoin Bros hold and definity is just just huge in my

    Opinion because it puts definity in that bucket of I’m working on AI so people are going to speculate and say oh internet computer is one of the cryptos that’s focusing on AI so just really good to see there Dominic Williams has been doing a phenomenal job with internet computer and Affinity over the

    Past couple of years if you asked me but let me know what you guys think about ICP in the comment section below are you buying now are you selling are you staking what are you guys doing with your ICP let me know thanks for watching

    All the way to the end and hit that like button if you found any value my name is Aaron from the Bitcoin Bros I’m out I’ll see you guys in the next one have a gr of your Day


    1. Good coverage. The top crypto projects out there based on tech and major use cases is Bitcoin, Eth, Solana, and ICP. Everything else is not needed unless it's to support those 4 projects. I'd argue that even Solana is not needed if Eth can do everything Sol can do.


    3. If people use chainkey btc on ICP for next to nothing fees what happens to the btc minors?they earn less which could kill btc? Utopia another incomming project this year on ICP. Time to load up your ICP bags now as the price is sure to spike to $20 this year if not more.

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