In this week’s Crypto Over Coffee, Hashoshi shares five cryptocurrencies he plans to sell in 2024 if the right conditions materialize. Learn more about how to formulate your own crypto strategy for the next bull market.

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    ⏰ // Timestamps // ⏰
    0:00 Crypto Over Coffee #152, let’s go!
    0:55 Altcoin #1
    4:48 Altcoin #2
    9:36 Altcoin #3
    14:18 Altcoin #4
    17:03 Altcoin #5
    22:39 Learn THIS to get the advantage in crypto
    27:37 Ask your crypto questions!

    #Hashoshi #Cryptocurrency #Altcoins

    In this episode of crypto over coffeee I’m going to be sharing with you four maybe five cryptocurrencies that I am going to sell in 2024 now there are a few assumptions that I’m going to lay out in this video I’m going to explain which coins I’m planning to sell and why

    And one of the coins in that list I think is really going to surprise you so it makes sense to stick around till the end of the video so you get to hear all of the coins that I’m planning on offloading in 2024 hopefully for a handsome profit for the most part now

    Before we kick things off on that I also want to point you to the podcast version of this show if you like crypto over coffee you’re on the go uh you don’t have YouTube premium and you want to listen to it in the background I do publish the show and will be publishing

    Some exclusive interview type episodes on the podcast version of the show so use the link in the description if you’re on the YouTube video to check out the podcast now for the very first coin that I’m planning to sell in 2024 and the first coin on that list is Phantom

    FTM now I think probably two years ago maybe a little bit more than that I started uh incorporating Phantom a little more into content because I like many people uh even though I’ve been in this space a long time got really sick of ethereum’s fees and I wanted to be

    Actively in the def space I wanted to trade a little bit more regularly in the d space and so I started branching out into other evm compatible chains so I was using Phantom I was using uh Avalanche I was using um polygon and a bunch of other different chains

    Including a little bit of uh the BSC binance smart chain stuff and Phantom was an interesting one because Phantom was uh a chain that was very much influenced by and driven by uh Andre cron who is a renowned defi developer and a lot of people flocked to

    Phantom for the low fees and the really interesting D5 projects that started to crop up there towards the end of last bull market Phantom was one of the last chains to sort of fall off of the wagon if you will and a lot of that had to do with Andre cron walking away

    From the project very publicly basically saying defi is over you know crypto is over Etc now Phantom is sort of back in the mix and cron is back in the mix and I think a lot of people are excited about that and I do think that Phantom

    Is going to come back in this bull market especially as we get to uh maybe a renewed defi summer uh we shall see people do not want to pay the fees on ethereum and so they’re going to go to layer 2os and they’re going to go to

    Other l1s to do it and a lot of them are going to be evm compatible chains the issue that I have with Phantom is that I don’t see beyond the low fees uh sort of native Leon chain I don’t see what is going to lift it above etherium layer 2os true layer twos

    That operate in concert with the ethereum layer one and so I don’t feel like Phantom can continue to capture market share and capture liquidity from the broader crypto Market because I don’t think that it is going to be able to remain competitive even if it gets some really unique def Primitives or

    Unique di applications with handsome rewards when that Fades away sort of cyclically people are going to move the liquidity away and so as we start to see the final ShakeOut of layer ones that exists today I don’t think Phantom is going to be in that you top 10 that

    Survive and thrive Beyond this so I feel like in 2024 I will take my opportunities to exit Phantom uh and of course I will still keep an eye on it but that is my plan with regard to Phantom do you agree with me do you disagree with me uh doesn’t mean I hate

    Phantom but this is the calculus that I’m doing in my mind with regard to how I might treat Phantom in the 2024 bull market and again that is one of the big assumptions that I alluded to before is 2024 a bull market or do we have to wait

    Till 2025 to see so I’m making an assumption in this video that 2024 is going to be that big initial runup in a bull market so we shall see this could be a 2025 plan rather than a 2024 plan but we can’t really predict that we’re

    Just going to have to make our plan and execute accordingly when we see the Signs Now speaking of seeing the signs uh and it may be a little bit corny but a project that I’ve basically always been a fan of since the very beginning uh of the project itself based on the

    Vision of the project uh and one that I was sort of a proponent of over its major competitor for a long time and I’m sort of changing my tune is polka dot and now I want to be clear I don’t dislike polka dot but I think that there

    Have been some concerning things in the polka dot ecosystem over the last couple of years and especially during the bull market I think that during the uh polka dot par chain auctions and some of the exciting stuff that was going on it ended up sort of falling flat uh in

    Terms of actual tangible execution and usage of the network and once that excitement sort of peaked at the par of chain auctions I just didn’t see that step change in what polka dot was offering to developers and what polka dot was offering to Everyday users I saw

    A lot of polka dot fans continuing to use the network I definitely saw some interest in some of the interesting defi things that were going on uh aala was one that came to mind the problem is is that I just haven’t seen the type of

    Uptake in polka dot as I have in Cosmos and I actually like polka Dot’s General design and I think that it works this sort of par chain slot-based solution that all centers around uh the polka dot Network as a layer zero I guess you could call it the

    Issue that I have is that Cosmos has executed on that vision of course with permutations a bit better and I think the uptake in the cosmos ecosystem just seeing the number of app chains that have been developed the amount of usage that’s happening the excitement around

    What’s going on in Cosmos I just feel like polka dot has lagged behind a little bit now it’s not to say that in a renewed bull market polka dot won’t do well I actually think it will I think that polka dot projects will do well I’m

    A fan of effinity uh the uh nft focused app chain or par chain that you can um that you can relate back to uh engine uh engine protocol which I really like as well um the thing is is that I’m I’m just not seeing what will make polka dot the

    Winner if it comes down to Cosmos versus polka dot in general interoperability I think that Cosmos right now as we sit here today has the advantage in a lot of those areas not in every single one but in a lot of those areas and that concerns me with regard to polka do now

    I could be proven completely wrong I’ve been staking my DOT for a long time now and I’ve been participating as much as I can in the polka dot ecosystem maybe this will surprise me um and I will regret my plan to sort of remove myself a little bit more from

    From dot as an investment what I’m planning on doing is selling dot as I start to see it rising up and try and make some profit and I would roll that potentially into par chains I still want to have some exposure to the polka dot Eco system I’m just unconvinced dot is

    The best way to do that so that is my plan as of now going to be selling dot in the bull market I’m going to try and catch as close to the top as I can by sort of the reverse dollar cost average selling at different tollgates all the way up

    And I’ll be rolling those funds into um PA of chain tokens and rolling that into um you know sort of my my profit bucket again if you are a polka dot fan I’m not calling you out not saying you should sell your dot just giving you my perspective and what I’m thinking about

    Going into 2024’s hopeful bull market now the other assumption that I’m making is that there’s not another General interoperability project that starts to enter this race and get competitive because right now in my view in terms of General interoperability and layer zero type of networks you’ve only got a

    Handful of them and polka outt and Cosmos the ones that are probably talked about the most but there are others out there it’d be interesting to see if those start to really capture a head of steam and compete that could change the mix uh that could change things here

    Because obviously pressure from other projects can drive um existing players to Double Down level up and grow so we shall see now speaking of exist existing players man can’t talk today speaking of EX existing players one of the longest standing projects really the project that you can attribute currently what

    Defi is all the way back to with its original constant product liquidity pool model is unis Swap and Unis swap is a really interesting one because a lot of people still think Unis swap is the Undisputed king of Defi and it will remain so forever almost like people

    Think about uh ethereum as the Undisputed King of the l1s and it cannot be unseeded um the issue that I have with Unis swap is that Unis swap seems to no longer have its Vision straight and obviously it’s Community governed which which is a good

    Thing you have the uni token and that is the subject of this coin I’m going to sell in 2024 at least I’m planning to so it’s Community governed and you have of course this push back into relevance with um you know this Fe the fee switch where um you know token

    Holders are going to have the ability to sort of collect rewards from the emissions of the protocol and as the protocol gets more usage it rewards token holders and you know you have this this cycle that’s better for everybody right that’s at least the theory the

    Issue that I have now is that Unis swap is trying to appeal to institutions so they’ve got this institutional product it’s trying to be on every single layer 2 Network in the ethereum ecosystem which I guess makes sense in terms of a liquidity capture strategy but now what

    You have is you have liquidity fragmentation that is happening all over the place with Unis swap specifically and this isn’t unique to uniswap but it’s something I think is in particular uh a challenge for UNIS swap is how do we stay relevant long enough and innovate fast enough because it is

    Community govern that’s going to slow you down it’s like making decisions in a homeowners association how do we stay relevant long enough for this liquidity fragmentation problem to get solved in the ethereum ecosystem and I don’t see that happening in the near term I think that’s going to

    Take a while and why that matters is because in a liquidity pool based approach for defi for decentralized exchanges for swaps and exchange your liquidity is everything the pairs that you have and liquidity on either side of a pool is directly related to not only the stability and

    The fees and the ability for users to swap the tokens they’re trying to swap but it is basically the lifeblood of your protocol and when you have little isolated liquidity pool pockets all over the place inside of an ecosystem that you can’t really mix well it makes things not only

    More complex it not only requires bridging but it also means that the the protocol is not as strong as as it could be now I still like Unis swap I rarely use it because of fees but when I do it’s for a deliberate purpose and it’s still probably my choice decentralized

    Exchange on ethereum especially for the L1 I think I’m probably at the point now though where I’m ready to sell the uni token in the bull market I think it will tell me exactly whether or not this is a good idea now I’ve you know participated in governance and all that and it’s

    Great but I think for me there are other D5 projects that are potentially more interesting and a lot of the defi work that I will probably be doing is going to be on ethereum layer 2s and other layer one chains with lower fees because it just makes a lot of sense looking

    Back at the bull market in 2021 it was that much harder to make a profit especially on altcoins with high risk because I was getting gouged by fees and so even people that have a decent stock of eth are going to question whether they want to be trading uh on the layer

    One especially but even in layer twos there are probably better options in many cases that have lower fees so it’s a tough one but I think you and I might be time for you and I to separate and people are going to laugh at me cuz that

    Was the dumbest possible joke I could have made but the reality is that is my thought with regard to Unis swap again what do you think are you thinking Unis swap is going to continue to dominate or do you think its days are numbered and more new and fresh relevant ideas are

    Going to rise to the surface be curious to hear your thoughts uh you know you just I’m going to swap the order of these because I think I want to give Save The Best For Last okay I want to save the best for last it’s probably the

    One that is the most shocking for last uh people who know me and follow this channel are going to be surprised with the last pick uh so I’m going to swap the order I was going to talk about this one next but I’m going to switch it the

    Other project is actually semi- related to Unis swap but the reason I want to sell it is for different reasons and that is Sushi the native coin behind Sushi Swap this was probably up there with one of my worst picks or my worst thesis in the last crypto Bull Run and

    This was me making a bet that sush would launch a lot of its new functionality I think it was Trident and a handful of other sort of new features new functions to make the protocol very relevant and at that time liquidity was really really flowing in the ethereum ecosystem and

    Layer twos were really catching their stride people were moving funds there left and right and Sushi was right in the middle of all of that but then there were some political issues within Sushi there were leadership changes there were uh there was some technical issues a lot

    Of things went wrong a lot of things went off the rails and they never got their stuff straight before the floor fell out on the bull market and everything sort of stopped uh and Sushi was just down down down down down and it’s still there I don’t think Sushi has

    Really rebounded in a meaningful way even though the market has started to pick back up again and I think that it’s one of those projects where you just have to accept that it’s very likely that Sushi is not going to make its way back back into the def Zeitgeist anytime

    Soon and it may never get back there and so for me this is not a sell for a major profit this is sort of a I don’t think it’s ever going to get back to where I bought it at and where my made my thesis

    That it was going up further and so I’m just going to have to cut my losses and get rid of what I have left of sushi because what it showed me in this last sort of I would say 2 and a half three months where you had the TF cycle in

    Full hype mode you had a lot of stuff going on in the space Sushi was just kind of eh you know just didn’t it didn’t really do anything that showed me it’s going to capture that attention and I don’t think that releasing new features and functionality at this point

    Is going to actually make a difference so Sushi and ex sushi so the Stak Sushi is probably something that I’m going to offload in 2024 if I can cut my losses a little bit more if it goes up a little bit more then great but but I’m going to

    Start cycling out of it and just take the L on that one and the last one that I want to talk about the the grand finale I suppose the one that’s going to surprise everyone is ether now before everyone freaks out it doesn’t mean that I think ethereum is dead doesn’t mean

    That I think ethereum is not going to compete and it doesn’t mean that I’m convinced that ethereum is not going to remain the leading L1 chain in this new renewed bull Market because it has remained that way year after year bull market bare Market back and forth ethereum has remained King

    However just like uh in 2021 when I said you should sell Ada cardano Ada even though I love the project it’s the same with ethereum you have to be able to look at the signs and say do I want to roundtrip this every four years and really do well with eth

    And then ride it all the way back down or do I want to capture my profits and if I see a compelling re-entry take it that’s what I did in this last bull market because I made the mistake in the previous one uh so that 27

    2018 is I watched ether rise and rise and rise and Rise actually this at this time back in 2017 it was a really tough time I think my girlfriend now my wife my girlfriend at the time was in the hospital and I’m watching all this go

    And and I’m seeing ether just go up and up and up and up and up and I think it was at that time that it just started tanking and tanking and tanking and tanking and it’s like you just watch all of your gains evaporate before your eyes

    And I said to myself I’m not going to allow this to happen again and so in this 2021 bull market I made a concerted effort to look at what I thought would be the top for ether and and start selling there and I missed the top not buy a lot but I

    Missed the top and I was okay with that and I didn’t sell everything but I sold a good bit because I wanted to live to fight another day and that really helped me during the bare Market because then I had some funds to allocate without having to sell during a bar Market which

    A lot of people get stuck in is they want to re reallocate funds so then they have to sell in a barar market and a lot of times it ends up biting you in the ass later so anyway ether why am I looking to sell it in

    2024 again this is under the assumption that 2024 is the bull market which we aren’t sure about yet and so if it ends up being 2025 then we’ll call this coins I’m going to sell in 2025 okay but the reason that I will sell eth

    In this bull market is the exact same as the reason I sold it in the last one but there’s even more fuel to the fire now because ethereum right now is at a point of inflection it’s at a point point of inflection because it’s almost to the point where the layer

    2 dream the the layer 2 Vision the L2 Centric vision for ethereum where you have heterogeneous l2s that sort of take up data availability space on the ethereum layer 1 derive security from the finality that the ethereum L1 gives you but allowing its users to take

    Advantage of the low low low fees which could be lower if ethereum delivers on some of its vision for this year um that’s great right we have this L2 Vision but I don’t think it’s enough I don’t think it’s enough because even with EIP 4844 which creates a new fee

    Market for blob space or data availability space which will lower the fees on the in on l2s I still think there’s this fragmentation that naturally happens it’s that liquidity fragmentation I talked about with Unis swap for example that isn’t fully solved by that and I still think that Reliance on sort of

    Moving coins from one space to another the complexity that’s involved in this and the fact that I actually think the original sharded design for the ethereum ecosystem to scale was probably better and we’re still going to end up getting there even though we took a circuitous

    Route to it by going L2 Centric rollup Centric we’re eventually going to package all that together in parallel evm and it’s going to end up back where we started with the ethereum vision probably something that’s going to happen in another 3 to four years and that right there is the reason why I’m

    Not as sure about ethereum holding on to the number one title I think it’s going to be in the mix for probably for as long I think it’s going to survive in the top 10 for sure I think it probably survives in the top five I’m fairly

    Confident in that does it stay number one I’m not confident in that I’m not sure of that I’m not as sure of that as I was three years ago and that’s the reason why this year if I get an opportunity to sell eth beyond the all previous all-time high and even beyond

    That and obviously there are ways that I look to figure out whether we’re at the top based on narratives are all the narratives played out are you starting to see plateauing liquidity or you starting to see plateauing developer um developer activity on that chain building daps Etc

    If I see we’re getting near a top I’m going to start to position myself out of eth again not entirely but I’m probably going to do it even a little bit more aggressively than I did in 2021 and so what that tells you the listener or The Watcher depending on how you consume

    Your crypto over coffee is nothing is permanent and even if you love a project I love ethereum I still um people probably bash me for it but I’m still relatively loyal to ethereum because that’s where I got my start that’s where I built things for the first time that’s the the ecosystem that

    I probably uh know the best just fundamentally speaking but just like I’ve said about cardano in the past and people know I’m a fan of cardano you have to know when to sell to take care of you and that’s the big thing is that you’re not doing

    The ecosystem any favors by not selling and round tripping your your coins right you sell to protect yourself and to cover you and to follow your plan your thesis and then you’re responsible for the results if it continues to go up and you regret it well that’s on you if it

    Goes down and it tanks after you sell and you say wow I just captured profits and I positioned my family better than we were before then that’s fantastic for you right but ultimately then you bear the responsibility and don’t just round trip a coin out of loyalty it’s silly

    It’s crazy you can’t do that so the point uh the reason I’m making these videos right now talking about coins that I’m I’m interested in or ecosystems I’m interested in like I did last week and this one where I’m talking about selling before the bull markets even

    Started is because this is what I do every single time we start to get to the bull market period I think about the narratives that are going to take hold sometimes I’m wrong sometimes I’m right generally I think I have an okay track record on this and

    I make a plan I think about what I’m going to do and I think about the scenarios that may play out and the things that may happen and they’re unpredictable things FTX I didn’t see that coming I really didn’t uh the 3 hours Capital situation that like took down half of of

    CI I should have seen that coming earlier but I ended up figuring it out eventually um but it’s like some of those things are unpredictable but for the most part I think you can make a plan think about the the edge cases the best case scenarios the worst case scenarios

    And find your middle ground and do well and crypto is a zero sum game so if someone makes you every time you read one of those stupid stories on Forbes M on Forbes online that’s you know someone put in $100 in some meme coin and made 200,000 $250,000 or now they’re a

    Millionaire for that person to have done that a ton of other people had to lose a ton of other people aped into that coin as it’s running up and then got left holding the bag that’s how this space works and so if you don’t have a plan

    You are at a disadvantage against all the people who are better Traders than you who have a plan and who are paying attention or have the luxury of paying attention to the space 247 I don’t even have that luxury I’ve got a life outside right I can’t sit at my computer all day

    And just stare at the crypto markets and so therefore the way I get around that is by having a plan setting up mechanisms and putting things in place so that when things are happening I’ve already sort of prepared for them and when things go off the rails completely

    I generally am positioned in a way that my life is not affected if things go completely sideways or completely off the rails so that’s the reason I’m making these videos not to tell you that you should be replicating my plans that’s why I only give you uh I give you

    As much as I can without telling you to do something because you shouldn’t copy me follow my process follow the way that I approach these things and make your own thesis about what you should be doing the coins that you’ve been holding evaluating each of them and thinking

    About how you want to play them going forward so I hope these videos are helpful for you as I sort of give my stream of Consciousness uh thoughts on how I approach these things and sometimes I’m formulating these ideas as I speak to you if you want to see uh my

    Notes for this video as I as I work through it these are my notes just the bullet points that I wrote 5 minutes before I hit the the the recording button about which coins that I was going to talk about here based on what I’ve been thinking about and

    Chewing on in my mind over the last couple of weeks last few weeks so that is how I approach this space and that are those are some of the coins that I’m thinking about selling in 2024 2025 depending on where the bull market ends up Landing so I think based off of time

    Yeah we’re about 28 minutes I generally speak for I always Target 20 minutes and I end up at 30 so we’re we’re right about uh where I thought we would be on this video so thank you very much for tuning in to crypto over coffee this

    Week and every week if you have any ideas for video topics that you’d like or questions that You’ like answered in crypto over coffee in a Q&A video I think I’m going to start doing just dedicated Q&A videos maybe some lives if I have an opportunity uh so make sure

    You’re subscribed to the channel make sure you leave your video ideas and questions in the YouTube comments or on the podcast message box and most of all I hope you and your family have a wonderful rest of your weekend and until next time cheers


    1. Great video …talk about how to take profits and selling those coins or bags that you’ve held onto since last bull run …cause I’m almost positive there’s people who are holding onto coins from previous cycles that are down 90% that are hoping those coins pump again -cheers!!

    2. Honestly cosmos has always been superior to polkadot and avalanche as a layer 0. In tech and even as an investment (with many airdrops that are worth tens of thousands of $).
      Dydx the biggest dex went to cosmos.
      Picasso is bringing ibc everywhere and promoting the cosmos narrative.
      Even circle did native usdc with a cosmos chain and probably will pay for security to the AEZ (atom economic zone).
      Plus by staking atom you get not only airdrops but also a share of the tokens of the chains that are a part of the AEZ (which will include usdc once noble joins)

      I feel like cosmos is the end game vitalik wanted.

    3. I had the same epiphany about Dot for other reasons, but it caused me to sell most my dot in exchange for Solana when Solana was in the $20 range. One of the greatest trades have probably ever made. Even though I was down on my position and died. It is better to sell now and get into something that has actual legs and ride the winner. Then it just to wait for the loser to try to win.

    4. Is there architecture value in DAGs? Decentralized Acyclic Graphs? A DAG is not an L1 blockchain, nor is it an off-chain L2. So is the case for/against DAGs proven in the market?

    5. Eth is also on my sell list this upcoming bullrun and I'm not re-entering. It's slow, it's super expensive, L2s are complicated with all the different tokens, tokenomics, bridges, wallets, etc. L1 monolithic is going to be the winner in the upcoming years and not modular. Modular might win out once we have true mass adoption (billions not millions of people) then I can see the modular system winning.

    6. I have a feeling DOT is going to melt faces in 2024. Been holding since day one and it's been a big disappointment over the last 2 years but big things are coming and major developments have been happening.

    7. Hashoshi, I did not hear you talk about fantom sonic an EVM-compatible blockchain with brand new tech created by Fantom. I don’t know much about it but I’m currently accumulating ftm. When I think about Andre and his wizardry along with fantoms strong ability to create hyp and a really pretty good marketing plan. I’m not saying that this will be the best tech ever but I am saying these people have the ability to have some very pumpalicious dapps and I just think use it for what it is!. If you have not researched this prior to your video wtf?? Also a bit perplexed about what you are say about eth! Okay fair enough but what is the plan? SOL? Please!! I do like Cosmos and the IBC.

    8. When preparing to sell – can you share any experience in preparing or coordinating with your receivng bank and the exchange you are using to sell. If it is a big $amount – will there be issues?

    9. I do see a weaker ether this cycle and going forward. It’s had its fair chances of fixing the fees and performance but the newer chains are just better in terms of experience. And let’s face it, normal users will not care about the security, decentralization, they just want quick finality and low fees.

    10. DOT is the only bag I rescued from Celsius before the ponzi scheme imploded. I've learnt a technically sound project & developers don't guarantee a successful project. When retail hysteria runs through the sales, closing down forever door, they grab anything shiny. Only an SEC regulatory approval towards an ETF may save Polkadot. Or they may sponsor Barcelona FC.

    11. Damn so even with being in the TOP 3 chains by DEVs according to latest Messari report, everyone seems bearish on the DOT ecosystem… IDK, I guess my biggest downfall is loyalty… I always said I was going to follow the DEVs… i am NOT in this for the fastest horse. my game plan was aways to buy and hold until 2030-2035, I know this may sound stupid to most… i guess time will tell what happens with DOT

    12. I bought Arbitrum on the correction. I will ride it up on the release of protodanksharding and ride up to etf, then selling in March prior to the next unlocks. That money will be going into BTC L2s and new wave L1s.

    13. Any technological weakness in L1's, VMs and programming languages will be ruthlessly exposed over the next few years, so imo Ethereum and its L2s are already doomed for those three reasons. I think FTM Sonic will drastically improve Fantom's tech and they will still have Andre Cronje. IMO de-fi will flock to Solana as the market chases network effects, liquidity, cheapness and speed. FTM will easily survive but I think it will be niche product because Solana is so strong. Ethereum is going to die a terminally slow death.

    14. I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my whole life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Karen Cosmann

    15. You are correct abt Cardano. It had its chance to prove itself the last 3 years, and failed. They are now out of ideas, and are adopting Polkadot’s stack. Additionally, Hoskinson is a bitter, kooky embarrassment to the project, and not a fit leader. ADA was my largest holding for years, but I exited last year when they failed to attract momentum and real usage

    16. Polkadot is the most hopeful of the dino-coins. Gavin is a genius, and v2, with its pivot from parachains to core time liquidity, 1M tps throughput, and infinite horizontal scaling, could be a game-changer. Although speculative, Sony may build its blockchain on DOT. These alone are reasons to hold a small bag, but Hashoshi is right, you should move on, as Polkadot has failed similar to Cardano. I’ll miss you, but will always remember the good times we had…

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