The CentBee Show: Episode 16 – Satoshi on Trial!

    In this episode of The Centbee Show, hosts Lorien Gamaroff and Kage Ntshingila dive into the world of Bitcoin, mobile wallets, and the enigma that is Satoshi Nakamoto.

    They discuss about the growing adoption of mobile money, especially in Africa, and how Centbee, a Mobile Money wallet that leverages Bitcoin SV, surpasses other competitors in terms of peer-to-peer payments. They strongly emphasise Centbee’s commitment to Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision of an electronic cash system.

    Additionally, they talk about Craig Wright’s claim of being Satoshi Nakamoto and how it impacts Bitcoin’s identity, an upcoming court case involving the Crypto Open Patent Alliance, and settling issues over patents.

    Lastly, they encourage their audience to explore the Centbee app, which enables global digital transactions and peer-to-peer transfers with low cost.

    BSV Blockchain:

    Hello everybody welcome to the cendy show I’m your host lauran gamov and my co-host is kg inila kg welcome to the show Welcome Mr G how are you doing I’m great feeling good back in the SB Studios uh here to talk about SB and Bitcoin and everything around that sort

    Of thing so um yeah happy to be here yeah yeah our favorite part of the week and speaking about our favorite mobile app you know mobile money wallet you know and yeah we’re going to be touching a bit more on that on our peer-to-peer payments to senp you know and uh we also

    Going to be lining up you know one of the most important cases in the history of uh the crypto space if I may say yeah so it’s it’s it’s just going to be one of those shows that you don’t want to miss guys so yeah remember just to also

    Link up your friends if they haven’t subscribed just show some love yeah you know the drill yo Mr G you know mobile money is growing in terms of adoption especially in Africa and what I’ve realized is that a lot of young people are now into that space of sending each

    Other money buying digital goods and stuff like that but I I haven’t really came across a product that matches the CP standard of peer-to-peer payments right well I mean one of the most important things about seny is that it uh leverages Bitcoin SV which is as we always say the original Bitcoin

    Protocol yeah and when Satoshi Nakamoto invented Bitcoin his most important thing about it was that it was lowcost digital cash yeah and this is something we’ve been stuck on for a number of years now is trying to bring a about satoshi’s vision of peer-to-peer electronic cash system and uh I think

    That we’ve embodied that within sby but uh you mentioned mobile money and Africa and of course that’s what we are we are a mobile money app yeah and we are trying to leverage Bitcoin SV to make mobile money better yeah cuz like I’m saying you know it’s it’s a common thing

    In Africa sending money to mobiles and stuff but I haven’t really came across products that are if I may use the term like super app in a sense you know like they are solely focusing on sending money and locally so and also just buying a time or data and for me I feel

    Like it’s limited if you want to capture the younger crowd so CNP has become for me like the epitome of uh a super app basically yeah you’re right I mean when we look look at the mobile money apps in Africa they sort of are kind of limited

    In what they can do when I look at senty and I look at other mobile money apps out there specifically WeChat you know WeChat is the definition I would say of a super app yeah people do everything in WeChat in Asia so we definitely are inspired by WeChat that’s of course why

    We have chat inside sent B and we would love to be able to eventually incorporate all sorts of elements that WeChat has and so that’s going to be our goal is to try and make SC be really just an indispensable part of a person’s life yeah and we have a secret source of

    Course we are not limited by a country where we have payments only supported in in a particular country by using Bitcoin as fee it means that senpi is inherently Global and when it comes to P top payments or sending money from one person to another you can’t really beat

    Bitcoin SV it’s it’s low cost it’s fast and as I said it’s Global you can send money to your friend next door to you or you can send money to your mom across the continent and uh the fees are the same that’s pretty awesome cuz I mean

    Looking at this current space you know there’s a lot of products but when it comes to fees the competitiveness becomes a little bit limited and what I see with cpes we literally come in with a need in that space that you know what our product serves a wider

    Crowd lower fees faser transactions and at the same time it’s easier to also onboard so I really think the fact that CP is the way to be looking at at mobile money apps of the future basically definitely I I think if you are used to mobile money if you use mobile money in

    Your day-to-day life then give sent be a try because it works just like the mobile money apps that you used to but you’re going to see that we are not just trying to compete on cost yeah we are trying to bring features that as you say

    Are are for a a young person that are meaningful uh and relevant yeah and one of the most important things when it comes to payments is that conversation the social element the social element a to connect your friends and to be a to have a conv and be able to send money

    And that’s embodied in our chatay So within the chat client that we have within seny you can chat to your friends and you can send money so it’s a really great way to receive money but also you know if you are a hustler if you are if

    You are receiving payments for work that you done then of course seni is just perfect for that as well because transactions are instant as soon as you get paid on Cent B you can go and spend that money you can either send it to somebody else or you can go buy

    Something in our in our shop yeah so I highly recommend people if they if they are looking at mobile money apps today and they want something that’s just a little bit more user friendly that is a bit more interesting and exciting and of course has that Global element then

    Absolutely give sent be a try I fully agree especially I see that in the use case of guys who do maybe remote work and stuff and you can try to accept bsv as a form of payment yes exactly if you receive payment on SB you’re not trapped

    Inside CB you can go and take that cash you can go and transfer it into a bank account or a mobile money account or even withdraw it from an ATM yeah so if you want to have a a mobile money app that is global in nature that really

    Leverages the strengths of Bitcoin then I highly recommend it and um I’m sure you’re going to love it so give it a try everybody you heard it guys I mean come on we’ve been repeating this and we’re going to keep on doing so check out the CBF on the stores always remember that

    Uh there’s features and updates that we trying to incorporate just to make the wallet more cooler than it is you know so always make sure that you check out the updates and if you don’t have SB by now step out of the rock you living under man it’s time for mobile money and

    CP is the only way you’re going to get the true experience of that remember to comment subscribe show some love you know the drill by now thanks for that Mr G I mean at this point we’ve established that CB is the only way for me you know

    To experience mobile money on fire you know and if you guys haven’t checked it out you’re missing out so I I suggest that you do check it out on the stores show some love some comments oh yeah and also just remember that we we have an

    Open door policy and this is a a people’s product so your feedback is very much valued here so yeah remember to drop us some comments or send us whatever suggestions you have via supported MH cool sure Mr G now we stepping into our second segment and

    Um this is for me like one of the most you know long awaited reveals of this crypto space of who is the real Satoshi you know with this copper Cod case going on so Mr G could you try to clarify because it’s it’s really confusing you

    Know yeah I think the the the question is will the real satosi please stand up yeah yeah you know that what’s what’s pretty interesting and exciting right now is that in a few days time there’s going to be a big court case it involves Craig Wright of course who we think is

    Satoshi Nakamoto yeah and uh it also involves an alliance of businesses that are all collaborating together because what they feel is that Craig Wright has become a threat to them and they want to settle the question once and for all yeah you know for years now Craig Wright

    Has openly acknowledged or or or said that he is the inventor of Bitcoin satosi Nakamoto yeah and because he hasn’t proven it in the way that the crypto Community would be happy with you know and the way they would be happy is if he moved some of his his sat coin

    Coin yeah the question has always been up in the air whether he’s Satoshi or not yeah and of course the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto for a lot of these businesses especially these exchanges like coinbase and Kraken and okcoin as well as other companies if you think about micro strategy uh what they have

    Is a significant holding of Bitcoin or BTC should I say BTC and so Craig wght coming and saying well he’s the real satosi Nakamoto and BTC is just passing off as the real Bitcoin and Craig Wright he is making an issue now of the copyright over the Bitcoin white paper

    And in fact the copyright was granted to him in the UK UK yeah and he’s calling out BTC as as not the real Bitcoin and in fact people who are calling it Bitcoin are passing it off as the real Bitcoin and that’s a legal issue if you are selling sugar water and

    Calling it Coca-Cola and it’s not Coca-Cola you’re passing it off as Coca-Cola that’s illegal it’s quite funny with that analogy because it’s quite clear that if you’re doing something like that you know it is illegal but here we are in this uh crypto debate of saying this is what it

    Is and this is what it’s not but people are still sticking to what it’s not just to push us certain narrative well the the thing that they’re trying to retain is ownership of the the brand Bitcoin of course that name is very important because when people invest in BTC they

    Think they are investing in Bitcoin because that’s what it’s called yeah but also if it turns out that Craig Wright is satosi Nakamoto and he is now going to try and reclaim his right over the The Ledger that was initially created and also as I said the copyright

    To the name then it means that the the holders of BTC could very well face a lot of volatility in the markets to come because of course we all know that cryptocurrency is not valuable because it is a useful technology and has all these fundamentals that that make people

    Want it but really it’s speculation and so if it turns out that BTC is understood to not be the original Bitcoin and in fact maybe even is illegally claiming the name Bitcoin of course people who hold BTC could be facing a massive shock in in the price

    Yeah of that currency so the members of this organization Copa the crypto open patent Alliance organization and of course as I said it has Square which is Jack dorsey’s company uh significant players bit pay they see Craig r as a risk and they want to shut

    Him down and the only way they think they can shut him down is if they can take him to court and they can finally have a judge take a look at the evidence yeah and then if the judge declares that that evidence isn’t uh the sort of evidence

    That can make make a determination about the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto and it turns out that Craig W is actually just been lying the whole time then at least Copa and the people in the BTC Community can finally say all right we’ done with it he’s been discredited and we don’t

    Have him as a risk a problem anymore yeah in fact coinbase famously in their one of their Prospectors say that the identity of of Satoshi Nakamoto if it revealed could be a risk because then it could affect the markets so Copa has now come along it’s now uh a few days away

    Before there is a court case where Craig white is now going to have to bring all his evidence to the judge all his Witnesses and everything like that and they can go and hash it out in the courts you know like people are still in doubt that Craig is Satoshi because

    There’s sort of like also reveals of fraudulent documentation that or was manipulated in some way well when they say fraudulent documentation of course we don’t know what’s fraudulent and what’s not I mean that has to be decided by a judge yeah and um so right now in the court of public opinion everybody’s

    Coming up with their their own judgment based on on which faction they’re aligned with so it’s so important now I think to finally put this question to rest who is Craig right and what what connection does he have with the original Satoshi and can we finally put

    That matter to rest yeah and either we put him behind us uh at least in terms of him being the Satoshi Nakamoto that U that he’s claiming to be uh or can we finally acknowledge that he is in fact the orig original Creator now of course

    It doesn’t really matter in terms of the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto how if Bitcoin succeeds because Bitcoin SV at the end of the day is just technology it’s Not a Human Being uh it’s not that we need to put Faith in a human being for Bitcoin SV to work the

    Question is does the technology work and can it do all the things that we hope it can do and so even if it were the case that Craig Wright would be declared a fraud and fake toi a fake Toshi it makes no difference to bitcoin SV of course

    Yeah but actually the reality is that Craig Wright in the virtue of his of his own experience and own his own knowledge that he has around Bitcoin he has a wealth of of understanding around Bitcoin and of course through nchain now has a massive payent portfolio which is

    Why Copa exists is because they believe that the the patents that Craig wght holds are detrimental to the growth and development of Bitcoin and that’s of course the Mandate for Copa is to try and free up those patents that’s quite crazy because the way they pushing this

    Narrative you’d swear like they are for what Bitcoin really is but if you actually like look at it with the micr lens you see that these guys are literally trying to push a narrative or an agenda that facilitates them uh to do what they’ve been doing all along yes

    Which is basically listing tokens on exchanges and making a huge amount of money ripping people off uh well I mean the the business their entire business bus models of these exchanges is for people to come trade these cryptos and of course if there was a shock to the

    System and people all the traders who are holding BTC suddenly find that BTC is now worth less a lot less yeah of course the people who’ve been recommending BTC ownership and trying to to sell it to to investors and calling it investment and also of course we’ve

    Got the ETFs now yes and so if there is as I say a shock to the system and Craig R turns out to be Satoshi and that has a negative effect on the price of BTC then there’s going to be a lot of questions that are going to be asked of these

    People who’ve been pushing that whole narrative as you say but really the the idea of Copa and this trial is that Copa wants to make sure that patent are not there to restrict the development and innovation on bitcoin that’s their mandate it’s to try and free up those patents and make

    Them available to everybody because they what they think is that that’s going to be for the greater good yeah but if you look at it I think that’s sort of like a a Masque that they putting on cuz if we still look at what’s really happening they’re trying to protect the whole

    Speculative nature of their businesses but they’re not really trying to protect the technology cuz if we were to dumb it down to the tech none of the existing crypto like Creations come close to what Bitcoin SV really is yes well there of course people are are in in this organization

    And others in this Alliance should I say many of them do have that sense that Bitcoin is is a public good and there shouldn’t be any restrictions or there shouldn’t be any patents that lock up very important IP that can benefit people in the long run so the the the

    Stated goal of Copa is to try and create a world where people can openly innovate on on bitcoin and uh so that’s they that’s a stated goal but of course stated the the fact that they are are really going after Craig RI means that they are trying to protect interests and

    It doesn’t seem the interests are aligned with this sort of magnanimous sense of um making IP available to innovators to build out Bitcoin it just seems that they’re trying to protect their bags at the end of the day that’s what it is that’s what

    It is cuz that’s how I see it cuz like I was saying if you were to take it to the technology even Craig himself is not attached to him being like acknowledged in that sense of you are Satoshi but he wants bsv to be acknowledged for what it really is from its invent

    Yes now this is a very interesting thing that has happened is that Craig Wright has in fact offered a settlement yeah uh just prior to the case taking place he the trial taking place he he wants to avoid all that because of course it involves a lot of expense and a lot of

    Time and really all he wants to do is just focus on bitcoin and and improve it and and build IP around it and now sorry Mr G like it now also becomes a personal attack to him and he’s human at the end of the day and you know a person can

    Only take so much beating especially regarding something that you have created from scratch and then you are being overlooked over that and then a certain narrative is now being created there’s just all this these evil forces basically that are just against him so that’s why he’s his fight back to

    That is literally saying we focus on the technology and the technology stands for what the world really stands for and it has nothing to do with me so yeah Mr G I mean you know like in the tax space patents are important but do you somehow

    See them as a form of restriction in terms of innovation well that’s what Copa is saying is that if there are patents on bitcoin that mean that that important Innovations now cannot be used by entrepreneurs or or innovators um unless they pay some kind of license fee or royalty or restricted outright they

    Think that that those patents will then limit the progress of Bitcoin but just generally speaking when it comes to patents there is a sort of misunderstanding around patents and also maybe an extreme view when it comes to patents that people look at patents as something that limits Innovation and

    Restricts innovation in some form cuz hence I’m I’m in that question it’s like the way these guys are trying to protect all these patents like you’d swear like they are vouching for you know an open- Source system where Innovation is vast in terms of you know the patents being

    Open source anyone can use them you know but does it like does it really restrict well of course uh to use the specific Innovation or IP in the patent yes there is a restriction there but this is the thing about patents is that interestingly or ironically patents actually stimulate Innovation because if

    There is intellectual property that is useful then and it cannot be freely used then what do humans do they innovate around that they come up with new ideas or new Solutions and so patents not only protect the intellectual property of the inventors which is a very important

    Thing I mean we all understand physic property but of course intellectual property is as real you know if you’ve worked on something you you own that and it’s yours but when it comes to limiting Innovation well if I can’t use your patent then I’m going to go and invent a

    New way of doing something that I want done I’m going to have to find a way around it I’m going to have to come up with a new novel idea and very often patents actually Force others to come up with even better ideas and the original patent then Falls

    That’s true cuz um I mean if you look at human history that’s always been the grid of innovation you know like and and one idea sort of like inspires the next you know so yeah it’s quite clear that patents are sort of like a way of protecting you

    Know the intellectual property of one but at the same time they are not limiting the expansion of innovation overall absolutely I mean the whole history of of humankind has been one of innovation and the patents the intellectual property that one person creates will just mean that now there’s

    Going to be somebody else creating something else of that so I mean I believe that that having an open patent Alliance is I mean of course uh it’s virtuous in some respects but the fact that what Copo is trying to now do is stop Craig Wright from forcing his

    Patents onto their blockchains I mean that just seems like an Endeavor that will fail ultimately but of course a greater problem for them is his identity yes and if it comes out that he is Satoshi Nakamoto of course that’s going to have a massive effect on the market

    As a whole and so they are now trying to basically shut him down so cool m g I hear you you spoke about satoshi’s patent by Patent do you mean like patents that he personally owns yes well he of course has been the author of thousands of patents um a thousand have

    Been granted and there’s another a few thousand that are are pending and so those are owned by enchain and nchain of course is one of the world’s largest holders of of patents the largest numbers of patents and so those are the patents that Copa really are uh of

    Course not wanting Craig to be able to enforce because they they think that and because there’s a lot of useful stuff there yeah I can imagine involving all sorts of Industries I mean Internet of Things Security Central Bank digital currencies so there’s a a lot of very Innovative intellectual property that

    Craig right now has has either patent for patent pending and so Copa is is quite Keen that those aren’t enforced it’s I find it a bit hilarious cuz um I’m sure like this won’t last in terms of the narrative that they trying to push I mean for the fact that till

    Today bsv has surpassed most of these cryptos if you look at the technology behind it there’s proof that bsv is the only original Bitcoin I mean we can track it back Mr G from the fox and everything PSV has remained what it stated it to be what it was stated to be

    In the white paper so yeah guys remember if you want to experience the power bsv check out the CNP app if you don’t I suggest you download it now we’ll wait for you go to the stores download the app Remember to also show some love you

    Know by now so yeah Mr G I mean I mean this is huge also for Craig and what about the the settlement that he was put out that he put out yeah so I touched on it earlier now of course the trial starts in a few days and

    Craig actually offered a settlement to Copa be prior to the case that the trial being heard because he doesn’t want to go through with all the expense and all the time time that it’s going to take to now resolve all this stuff and also he isn’t interested in whether or not

    People believe he is Satoshi so what he offered in a settlement is that he has said look I I am willing to end this all now let’s take a settlement um I am willing to say you guys can continue with with your versions of Bitcoin and

    Let’s just compete we can we can go ahead and compete um I’m not going to make you guys admit that I’m Satoshi Nakamoto but what I do want is for you to admit that bsv is the only Bitcoin version out there that conforms to the original satoan Nakamoto vision of what

    Bitcoin should be so what he’s basically offered them is an olive branch it is uh a peace offering cuz I was saying I was about to say that it’s I mean for how Craig has been painted in the crypto space it’s quite Noble for him to act

    The way he did because I mean if it was someone who they claim to be as egotistic or you know this wouldn’t have went this route absolutely and you can see that it’s not for financial gain he just wants Bitcoin to succeed yeah and you know he has some very very important

    Claims at least he has rights that he could enforce which would be the ownership of the original blockchain Ledger that or the database he has database right over the over Bitcoin and that means all the different versions of Bitcoin that That Grew From that original ler when we had the forks the

    The different uh versions of Bitcoin when BTC split away from Bitcoin and Bitcoin cash now all of those versions of Bitcoin all stem from that original database Ledger yeah and of course the software is open source but the data itself he has ownership rights over that

    So to speak so he offered an olive branch a peace offering and in that settlement there were there were two important things there that he he offered them he said because of course the first one is that since BTC and bch those Forks of Bitcoin That Grew From the original database

    What he has what Craig white has if he is Satoshi Nakamoto of course is that he has rights over that database and by producing a new cryptocurrency from that original database well Craig Wright has database rights over that he owns that so to speak and so what he could claim is that

    Now his rights have been infringed and he could now presentes that in court and so as part of the settlement he said look um I’m going to wave that I’m going to not make a case of that and so that was the first part of the settlement

    Which which really if you think about Copa and what they want to do is they they want to make sure that there are no uh rights that can be enforced to stop those Bitcoins those versions of Bitcoin from growing and developing so he said that he said well I’m going to wave that

    To the database um and the second one is of course the passing off claim and so the passing off you know if they are calling themselves Bitcoin and it’s not the Bitcoin that he created well then again they’re infringing on his rights to the name Bitcoin true and so in the

    Settlement he said look I I won’t I won’t enforce that right I’ll allow BTC to carry on being called Bitcoin and we can all acknowledge that there are different versions of Bitcoin but what was important is that he said well first of all stop harassing me and trolling me

    On on social media and all that and calling me a fraud and another important part of the settlement was that they don’t have to acknowledge Him as being Satoshi Nakamoto yeah but what they what he does want is for them to acknowledge that Bitcoin SV represents the original Bitcoin according to what satosi

    Nakamoto designed yeah so really when you look at that and you look at the settlement you can see that isn’t interested in in his identity being known he he’s saying look I’ll I’ll stop worrying about that I’m not going to worry about people not important it’s not important if everyone knows that I’m

    Satoshi Nakamoto fine but I do want people to acknowledge and I want the people the the members of this Alliance to acknowledge that Bitcoin SV is is the original version of Bitcoin yeah and then of course other things um interestingly he wants them to make a

    Donation to a charity charity I saw that and I was like with all of that Mr G for me it’s a true reflection of what kind of a person he is because if he doesn’t want like you know that self- glorification and says guys let’s focus

    On the tech for what it really is let’s compete let’s compete yeah he’s that’s like honestly like it it confuses me further that these guys would want to sort of like fight a man like that well I mean they they turned the settlement down it didn’t take them very long they

    Received it and within a few hours they made a public statement saying they’re not going to accept that surpris which is surprising CU like I was saying it’s for me it’s a mosque that they just putting out there yes but if you actually look at it for the fact that

    They are willing to take this all the way you know it also shows that I mean they’re big boys they have the big bucks to stretch this case but for the fact that Craig look looks at it in a person in in in a human form of saying it’s

    Taking a toll on myself so I’m going to exclude myself from that and guys let’s focus on what this conversation really is about which is the tech it’s about the tech it’s about Bitcoin Craig right just wants Bitcoin to succeed at least the vision that Satoshi Nakamoto put down peer-to-peer electronic cash a

    Massively scalable ledger so it’s just interesting that Co didn’t take the settlement and are are willing to now take this to court and deal with which seems to be uh an unwinable case if if you ask me they have the Bucks to stretch in Mr G well I

    Mean they don’t have the truth on their side of course definitely so what’s going to seem to happen is that this case this trial is going to continue and Craig right no doubt is going to bring all the evidence that he has including Witnesses and all that and the judge is

    Going to take a look at it and really once and for all the question of Satoshi Nakamoto the identity of of Satoshi and who C right is is going to be there’s going to be a judgment and frankly I’m very excited about that because I would

    Love this whole question to be put to rest for real it’s been long over due like it’s been long over due I think I think the unfortunate thing about it is that crypto was allowed to grow and this whole speculative environment where people are just now looking at it at as

    As a way to make money to invest in these things and to flip currencies that was never the intention of Bitcoin it was never meant to be digital gold or an investment it was meant to be digital cash y and so that really the whole thinking around BTC and uh the whole cryptosphere

    Has essentially the development of Bitcoin and people in crypto don’t realize that they are Their Own Worst Enemy of course there’s a lot of well-intentioned people out there who do believe that BTC is a an important new form of sound money or or Sound Investment and they believe that it is

    Going to have a positive effect on the world and U they are all in on this whole idea and so they have lost the original intention of what this was meant to be and now it’s about wealth and and wealth preservation and not about creating a an infrastructure based

    On a technology that can be something that cannot that cannot be fraud it can greatly reduce the cost of transactions for people who need there to be lowcost digital payments so there there is just a unfortunate situation now where we have crypto versus Bitcoin yeah I I think

    That’s what this this trial is is about it’s about do we want a world of crypto or do we want satoshi’s Vision which is lowcost digital payments on a network where you cannot commit fraud and it brings so much benefit to people so anyway we we’re going to see how this

    Pans out um I hope that it doesn’t take too long M um and I hope that um yeah and and I hope that eventually we can move on from this and we can focus on what’s important and for us it’s to develop the world’s coolest mobile money app definitely that can change people

    The people’s lives the people who are are most needy out there in the world yeah and um we can move into a better future come on guys you got to check out the CNB app explore how super powerful bsv is I mean this is literally mobile

    Money on fire so check it out on the stores and explore the shopping catalog with over thousand products you can select from all you have to do is just select your country where you at and then you’ll just see a long list of all the like opportunities for you to

    Explore so yeah remember to check it out on the stores remember to also comment and uh subscribe you know the Dr by now cool oh thanks for that Mr G like for me it’s always exciting when we actually tap into the industry news because it it

    It clarifies a lot of mist that’s been put out there deliberately to sway the people away from the truth you know and if we take it back satoshi’s Vision it’s you know it’s clearly stated in the white paper and and it’s pure it’s pure it it doesn’t involve making people

    Greedy or yeah unrealistic in the expectations that maybe this can be a pathway to instant riches it’s pure and simple yeah it also it’s not crypto which is that idea of encryption and and hiddenness and anonymity none of that you know the the most important thing about satoshi’s

    Vision is that it was out in the open yeah and it was transparent yeah and so you can’t hide you you can’t you can’t fraud it it’s it’s something that eliminates fraud yeah it it eliminates Badness in the world at least that’s how I I think of it for real cuz like I’m

    Saying it’s been stated from inception in the white paper and all Craig was pushing is honesty and especially in also the current Financial system that exists we know like there’s a lot of illegal activities that are happening so for someone someone to foresee a future that is transparent and honest in that

    Nature and considering you know a me a man in the street who wants to send money or spend his money you know micro payments or buy stuff anyhow like for me there’s only one bsv Bitcoin and that’s bsv I’ve said it from the beginning and I’ll there’s only one vision and that’s

    The Toshi’s the only Vision Mr G that we support whether it’s Craig r or not whether it’s him or not we support satoshi’s vision yes guys remember the worst place you could ever have your bsv Z an exchange so download the SB app if you have your cash on an exchange I

    Suggest you you know it into your CB app what just ch there BR sorry man I’m getting more local now um yeah remember if you have uh some PSV on an exchange I suggest you actually just send it to your wallet and experience the true power of bsv cuz

    It’s literally cash like money that’s spendable not all these speculative coins that you see out there that are ripping people off and are also irregulate so remember to check out this NB up on the stores explore the bsv power through CB this is mobile money on

    Fire yo you know the drill by now sh Mr G thanks for that uh we’re going to be tapping into this week’s uh questions and feedback back from our guys MH um so yeah our first question on X um comes from Lviv L aiv mhm uh so they’re asking

    Which crypto exchange does s be accept for BTC transactions okay well I mean the important thing there’s BTC of course seny is a bsv wallet Bitcoin SV so we don’t support BTC we don’t in fact support any other other cryptocurrency blockchain currency uh we single currency wallet we we support digital

    Cash in the form of Bitcoin SV so there’s no there’s no exchange that we can offer that you can send your BTC to s b but um of course if you have bsv on an exchange Bitcoin SV then feel free to send it to senp so you can actually go

    And use it instead of just parking it in on Exchange and and um hoping that you can flip it in and out of currencies and make money yeah I know guys remember this is about mobile money being able to spend as little as a dollar to buying

    Your everyday needs so yo check out the SB up yo like I was saying if you haven’t used or downloaded CP step out of the rock you’re living under so Mr G I was second question comes from Collins and he’s saying how can I make more

    Money uh on S B yes now remember it’s not an exchange and it’s not about earning money from your bsv it’s not about the the volatility of the price bsv is not a speculative asset yeah if you want to make money with sene you’re going to have to go out and earn

    It hle you’re going to have to get a job or provide a a service or create a product that you can receive a payment for in bsv so s is not a way to make money the way you make money is how people have been making money forever

    Which is go do something for somebody and get paid in bsv so the cool thing is if if you do get paid in bsv you’re going to receive the money instantly yeah and then you can go and spend it either on in the retailers that we have

    In the store the shop s be shop or you can go and send it to somebody make a payment to somebody so s is not about making money your job and the things that you do for people that’s how you make the money but you can certainly receive payment inside sent B straight

    Up yo I mean for me it’s getting clear and clearer every day if you haven’t really caught up with our previous shows I suggest you do so uh subscribe follow us and guys CNP is the only way currently you can experience the power of bsv in a real world like you can

    Literally someone can send you cash now from overseas you can explore the shop now you can send cash into your bank account now like bsv is about the now and if you don’t have CMP wallet download it now also just important important to note is that if you do

    Receive payment in bsv you can just go for the countries that we support of course yeah you can then go and send it to your bank account or your mobile money account or you can send it to an ATM for cash collection yeah so if you

    Do get paid in s be you’re not tied into the S ecosystem you can go and cash out for the countries that we support so just check the bank transfer option if you go to the send screen and you just tap the little plus button at the bottom

    Right you can then go and add a bank recipient or mobile money recipient uh or cash collection recipient and then you can go and send your bsv to that bank account mobile money account and and be able to receive the cash from there it’s as easy as that guys thanks

    Mr G uh we’re going to be tapping into our third question uh third question comes from Muhammad so he’s saying well well since day before yesterday I couldn’t buy rear card on senp I don’t know what’s the problem okay so one of the things that we offer for many

    Countries is the ability to recharge your mobile with data or with call time and for those sorts of products sometimes we find that the operators go offline temporarily and so your transaction might fail in which case you would receive a refund so what I encourage you to do is maybe just wait a

    Few minutes or an hour or so if uh your transaction does fail and then try again but if it fails repeatedly then please reach out to us at and one of our support Consultants will help you through that and maybe we need to go and check the

    Operators or or something like that so Muhammad thanks for that question if you if you if you can reach out to us at support we certainly can help you out cool thanks Mr G thanks Muhammad yo guys remember CMP is the people’s up you know your suggestion is valued so

    Feedback when you’re using the product If you experience any glitches any delays just hit us up on support or you can send us on socials like we are reachable man so yeah thanks for that Muhammad uh Mr G our fourth one comes from Eric Eric says uh when will

    It be when will s be ready to use in UK retail stores yeah well that easy answer to that one is senp is already available in the UK if you are in the United Kingdom then you can go and tap the shop menu item and choose the United Kingdom

    And then you will see a list of all the retailers and brands that you can go and spend your bsv at yeah uh in fact we’re not just available in the United Kingdom you’re going to be surprised that we are in 10 and something countries 175 plus

    So if uh your country if he listed there it probably is go and have a look and you’re going to see the spending options that we have available we are constantly increasing the options available in those countries and so keep checking back if the place that you want

    To go shop at isn’t available maybe it’ll be available soon [Laughter] good that was a brain glitch yo yo thanks for that Mr G I mean this is um a feature that’s been there quite for a while now you know so yeah Eric if you just uh explor

    Uh your shop on C uh your shop just select your country uh you’ll see all the available categories there products and brands that are available there cuz remember like we saying CP is your mobile money wallet that helps you to spend on your daily needs so this is not

    Out of touch with the reality of you having to buy the stuff that you need but it’s really in touch with that like you can get paid now to sanp and buy stuff that you need now so if you don’t have CP download it now you know the

    Drill by now uh Mr G um now we’re going to be stepping into this week’s highlights and uh we have highlights from two of our favorite ladies uh one comes from Cassandra she says CP is always amazing always always amazing thanks Cassandra you’re always amazing

    Yeah thanks for the love cuz like I was saying for me the key word is always cuz that means she’s always using can absolutely that’s what it’s for it’s for your daily needs yeah uh yeah thanks Cassandra um so our second one comes from zamantha and she says take

    Advantage of CNP to enhance your financial experience and make a lasting impression absolutely if you want to be cool and you want to be hip and you want to be up to date with the latest trends in Mobile money yeah Global digital cash get senp yo straight up yo

    Yo guys I’ll repeat this and I don’t care if you get tired of me repeating this I’ll keep on saying it always check out if there’s H the latest version on the app store if you have the SB app just make sure you’re on the latest

    Version if you don’t have the CNB app dude there’s something wrong hey like you need you need to be downloading and get plugged cuz uh there’s a lot of products you could be exploring there you know you could be also connecting your friends cuz um remember SB is more

    Of a Social Mobile money app social payments payments you know so it helps you to also stay in touch with your reality basically you know you can chat with friends you know be the one who’s buying the pizza today speaking of which there’s a a new feature we’ll just

    Quickly drop that we’re working on right now which is group chats and and group payments so listen out for that oh man that’s exciting oh man Mr G this is awesome cuz um I remember when we first started having a chat about this feature and it was way back probably what 3 4

    Years back and seeing it come to life it’s very heartwarming for me because it goes back to you know satoshi’s uh Vision we are trying to you know work parallel with that because it is about activating people’s lives you know micro payments being able to spend cash the

    Way they want without ripping people off you know yeah cool thanks Mr G uh thanks Samantha so yeah guys remember to check out this NB app on the stores remember to subscribe and also check out the remember to check out the the the app on the stores and yeah man see you again

    Again next week Mr G thanks for dop show thank you cage thanks so much for that show it was nice to be able to talk about uh our peer-to-peer payments which is a very important aspect of s b Global peer-to-peer payments very low cost and then of course touch on uh an

    Interesting and exting trial that’s going to be happening in a few days time uh the question of who is Satoshi Nakamoto which is the real Bitcoin uh I think it’s going to be surprising and probably shocking in some respects yeah but uh we know that the technology that

    Sent be leverages the Bitcoin that Satoshi envisioned is uh something that is certainly transformative it’s going to change the world it’s going to enable people to make lowcost payments globally uh and that’s really going to have a huge impact on Humanity as a whole so we’re very excited about bsv whether or

    Not Craig rid is Satoshi Nakamoto makes no difference to us so yeah cage so thanks everybody for joining us on the sby show please come back soon awesome He


    1. The problem is if the court could be corrupted and this whole thing will not go through
      And Craig Wright is fake Satoshi and the massive crypto scam keeps on going 😊

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