Bitcoin Is Coiling Up For a HUGE next Move. I rank altcoins on what I think is the next big move from the markets. in February 2024

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    [Applause] Right hey guys welcome to the very first house of crypto live stream in this video we’re going to talk about Bitcoin which is pumping pretty hard right now uh and soon going to be potentially drinking the rest of the markets up which is very exciting uh so we’re going

    To go through and rank your favorite cryptocurrencies uh about how far they can potentially go in the future we’re going to look at some price predictions uh different narratives and things like that and as well if we got some time we’ll jump into some questions as well

    So first of all guys hit that like button do me a favor if you haven’t already then subscribe and let’s get on with it shall we so first things first let’s have a look at where we are in the market and obviously be a bit patient with me guys obviously not used this

    Kind of software before so getting used to the tools firstly uh we want to take a look at what’s going on across Twitter okay before we jump in and like do some of this this stuff and uh there will be a lot of this kind of to do so you know

    Be patient we’ll get there um I want to look at the kind of the bigger scene the bigger picture feels like Bitcoin and crypto’s been doing nothing okay and that’s because we had a really hot and exciting Christmas period uh and then now it’s kind of been a bit boring okay

    It’s the same you know we’re all kind of in this and and not much has been going on but we have to remember where we are previously and this is from L Crypt Prof other information’s available but he’s been pretty spot on uh quite often is basically using various indicators kind

    Of of shows that we could well be uh in a position sort of into uh or approaching into a bull market now I actually feel that we could well be due to see a good push towards the upside and looking at previous results here um I can see that we have kind of

    Like pumped and then sort of dumped I do think that a dump is kind of less likely and I’ll show you on a Bitcoin chart why that is right now but I do think that we are due to see a pump before a significant pullback why might that be

    On the sort of shorter time frames smaller time frames shall we say uh it’s been fairly obvious we’ve been coiling up in this since um when since the 26th of January okay and now we see that kind of coil up we kind of had a bit of a push and now

    You know right now it seems like we’re squeezing out although not with a huge amount of excitement clearly not that much volume in the market now typically if we were expecting to kind of drop lower here I would have expected to see it happen straight after this big spike

    Here okay straight basically down maybe a retest and then sort of a good a good lower putting in lower highs okay but notice we’ve now got a low sorry a higher low coming in up here and if we’re able to break Beyond these highs I think we’re going to be retesting this

    Zone up here do we break it I don’t know potentially we could just go sideways for a bit longer we could go down but you know we got to understand that right now the trend is trend is our friend okay don’t want to use that cliche but

    The trend is our friend something else that’s really key to pay attention to is this and this is the using an RSI relative strength index typically you would expect to see a lot of coins right now which have been pumping pretty hard kind of higher on this Mark okay higher

    Up here which is usually an indicator that we’re going to see maybe a bit of a cool off in some of those coins some of them we can see up here have been performing a bit better more recently you got chain link uh suie and who else

    Um is that behind my picture know we’re in the right place uh and you know pith Manta few of the ones that you know people have been focusing on more recently but then we look down below and you can see a lot of it it’s kind of

    Floating around the middle ground a lot of it’s floating into this green which means that we shouldn’t be surprised if suddenly we see the market start to take off remember if Bitcoin stabilizes and starts to go sideways it’s Prime altcoin season and we need to kind of be ready

    Prepared if we’re not already so in this video I’m going to take you through uh a number of different coins uh and talk about kind of the way I see them going through and a lot of things I see in crypto right now because I’m going to be

    Honest guys a lot of the stuff you’re seeing across YouTube is absolutely trash okay and I’ll tell you why that is in a minute uh but I’m seeing some some horrible stuff and I’m not I’m not going to pick out individuals I’m not going to say that like I’m better than everyone

    Else but I’m going to manage manage something I’m not better than everyone else by the way some really good YouTube channels as well and I’ll tell you which ones I recommend uh slightly later on now first things first if you haven’t already guys make sure you subscribe because you know why else

    Would I be doing live streams I’m joking live is exciting never done it before so yeah um every day making you know different different videos on different coins things like that an analyzing the sentiment in the market different tools that you can use uh different upcoming like potential render Killers we got a

    Huge one here which is ether there’s a pre-sale for that coming up next week uh in the private Community which I’ll talk about later on if you want to get involved in that various things with AI coins and you know just the overall narratives and things we should be

    Paying attention to okay first things first let’s jump into this because everyone loves this okay why do we keep seeing this on every YouTube video do you want me to tell you it’s easy right this gets views I don’t know why I don’t know what it is in our human psychology

    That wants this quantifiable thing so everyone loves to use this in their YouTube videos and you’ll see a bit of a pattern here when you see YouTube videos of just people knowing what works okay which means one thing you tend to get a lot of repetition and I try and avoid

    That to my best of my abilities but you know if I have a video that does well 10 or so people I see new thumbnails just emerging on the same content okay it’s fine it’s just how YouTube Works people like to copy and it means that if you’re

    Going to learn about crypto shouldn’t just be using YouTube okay because it’s just very narrow right now the only coins everyone wants to talk about on YouTube in crypto is like ICP Casper xrp although xrp Army has kind of died off a bit as xrp’s gone quiet anyone in the xrp Army here

    Okay right anyway let’s get on with it shall we first things first Bitcoin guys uh we’re not going to go through all of these okay because there’s a lot um Bitcoin is not going to do a 10x okay a lot of things I see across YouTube right

    Now people being like Oh Bitcoin is going to go to a million bucks I mean at some point in the future that might happen Okay but ultimately once you get more and more big money coming in it’s now you know third or sorry three or 4%

    Now by Black Rock I believe um and you’re going to see more and more of that Bitcoin being bought up by big money it’s just going to be used to manipulate markets from overbought to oversold it’s going to used to make money from investors the same as Forex

    Markets the same as anything else which means it has to go up and down they can’t make money if it just goes straight up in the air okay easy same for everything so when’s pumping in you’re like this coin is different it’s never different okay it’s going to be

    Exactly the same people are always going to take profits a easy easy money right I’m going to touch first on chain link because chain Link’s been pumping recently and we you know everyone loves a bit of chain link um so I talked about in a video I made yesterday I believe

    Why I think chain Link’s pumping if you missed that you should have subscribed uh but the reason you know chain Link’s pumping in my personal humble opinion is this chain link is basically connecting real world assets to the blockchain it’s going to be something that’s incredibly uh incredibly useful and if we think

    Back to last year we saw um CEO what’s his name Larry thinkink of Black Rock uh making so so much easier to record videos than is to do live streams stick with me um chain link basically uh connecting real world assis he was saying that tokenization is going to

    Happen across the chain okay across everything so basically all different like you know gold silver all these different assets are basically going to be moved onto the blockchain as in the data for them was all going to be moved onto the blockchain and that’s in interesting because potentially if

    Everything’s looking to get tokenized you’re going to need with this use of oracles to be able to connect that it’s very very powerful stuff and it’s why I would say that pretty much everyone who I’ve spoken to I’m talking like the likes of virtual bacon uh Kyle chass um

    Lots of other big YouTubers in the game no BS crypto um ran ran yuner and the and the Crypt banter guys all all will be their top kind of handful of coins okay top four fives so chain link for me is one that I’m also holding right now

    Why do I hold it right now because I don’t anticipate seeing a huge upside uh is this uh bear with me because I got too many coins here I don’t know where everything is well right now it’s 18 bucks earlier on in the last year on this channel we

    Were talking about this down in a buy Zone um which was this basically wof accumulation okay uh woff accumulation we can see it dipped out the bottom of the woff perfect opportunity down here around $4 okay and at $4 everyone was snapping it up problem is now it’s now actually

    Recovered pretty hard and aggressively compared with a lot of the market which makes it seem a bit off-putting but it means it’s moving first it’s moving early look at it compared with like Bitcoin this means these kind of earlier coins uh you know we’ve identified them okay it’s annoying that’s Bitcoin there

    We got chain link on the bottom uh and they basically you know kind of recovering back towards their previous alltime highs and that’s good because it means to us that we’re probably going to be able to get in um on some earlier gains earlier moves

    In the market okay they might not be the biggest gains ever but but I was talking to my barber yesterday and saying that you know you should be focusing really on right now trying to get yourself 45x before August does that sound doable because everyone’s like oh let’s

    Go and get 100x 45x before August is like this you got five grand let’s say 500 bucks whatever it is five grand and I want to make 100 Grand it’s only a 20x but it’s still tricky to pick your 20x if I’m just trying to make a 4X on

    That by August then I’m at 20 grand by August and then I’ve got a full ball Market to do a 5x on that 20 grand okay so focus on the kind of the less risky ones to build your bags first what everyone does at the early stage

    Annoyingly stupidly is try to like make massive money straight off just put it in the you know the slow burners at the start cuz it might feel slow but actually you know you get in chain links they do like a three or 4X and you’re happy right so Jane link on this you

    Know I’m not going to lie it’s not going to go down they’re going to go there sorry they’re going to go in here uh a cash guys now you know if you’re subscribed deep in you know I’m not like getting all like confirmation bias like you know the deepin Army cuz that’s lame

    Okay hopefully I’m cooler than that at least I used to be um but basically what we want to do is understand this as a narrative and why this is such a key narrative okay deepin is so big because of this this is Yahoo finance okay uh talking about Nvidia

    Stocks if you don’t know what Nvidia is um it’s uh the world’s largest producer of gpus computer GPU ships okay these gpus are used to power things like AI large language learning model or large language models like chat GPT and all these other new bits and pieces coming

    In uh also used to power like big complex games with loads of like AI agents and things running around okay all of this stuff needs gpus but there’s a demand that’s growing around 10x every 18 months and the supply is only 2 Xing every 18 months what does that mean it

    Means the supply can’t keep up with hold on S supply can’t keep up with the demand okay Supply demand models happy days right so if we know that Supply demand models are in place uh and this is basically going to be driving dpin which is decentralized physical infrastructure networks it’s basically

    What’s required to power all of these kind of big games all of these huge um metaverse projects which could potentially be blowing up soon if that Apple headset and the concept of headsets and metaverse stuff starts to pick up then you know it’s all going to look a bit exciting okay that’s what

    We’re really betting on most of crypto outside of that don’t really need right now to be honest we might yeah it might be like a nice thing to have but you don’t need it it’s not like a crazy demand okay it’s the same as like the electric car now obviously I care about

    The environment and you know I’m not going to get into an argument about this but the electric car the the technology that could have made that was you know happy coming around in the early 90s no one really gave a about the electric car yeah maybe you could say

    That the big oil companies stopped that well okay I tell you what all those people being like Oh well yeah but ICP is the future but what about all the big companies like Amazon and Google and everyone else who will lose out massively like three or four of the

    World’s biggest companies will lose out massively if that transition takes place so wouldn’t it make sense that maybe pressure will come from people to stop other people okay it’s not a little rant over there anyway what I’m getting at go down rabbit holes my apologies is that

    This is kind of fueling a catalyst the compute decentralized Compu networks so people are having to go away to Source GPU power from elsewhere okay how do they do it they go to things like a cash Network okay like this one uh who’s being how do I block people you need to be

    Blocked people being rude in the chats are they uh okay right I haven’t gotten an assistant who can read the chat as well so do your best do your worst whatever I don’t care um where are we Nvidia so what we’re going to say is a cash basically a cash Network guys provides

    Uh decentralized compute networking power now what does that mean if you have like a huge demand right now for like rendering services for like video games or maybe huge demand for like metaverse or whatever and you don’t have the ability to buy the gpus you will

    Start to Outsource a lot of that work to other places why because those G CPUs particularly those Nvidia ones are really really expensive like thousands and thousands of dollars okay tens of thousands of dollars in fact so you’ll Outsource it like rent out to other people and there is online sorry there

    Is like offchain solutions for this at the moment through Amazon through a bunch of others but it’s actually pretty expensive okay so lots of people are now looking to Outsource this kind of stuff to various deepin networks and a lot of these deepin networks do sound very

    Exciting but I would also also urge an air of caution on this a lot of the deep in networks that we know and have kind of like fallen in love with we’ve kind of fallen in love with them because we’ve suddenly realized the power behind deepin which is why like render network

    Uh aach and a few others are like catching our eye right now and we’re like wow but there is some crazy crazy new launch products coming up in this space one of which I’ve got here which is ether and there’s another couple GPU Donnet uh GPU Donnet I’m actually

    In talks with the CEO of that company so I’m going to see if I can get us a pre-sale in the Inner Circle so I’ll talk about how you can join that later as well guys make sure if you subscribed then I’ll talk about how you can do that later

    On um right so aache Network aach let’s have a look at where aach is now guys I’m going to be honest we’re not going to have to get through all of these with such detail uh I’m going to have to obviously race for a few because you

    Know haven’t got all day all night whatever time is uh where you are a cash Network’s been been pumping recently okay and I know like a lot of people get put off when projects have been pumping a bit recently and quite rightly okay it was me as well as others

    Who’ve been telling you to avoid you know buying in onto these big pumps but cash networks relatively sort of new okay um we have had a bit of kind of sideways momentum I am yet to see you know it would be nice uh to have got in

    Around this kind of level down here around 2.3 but you know you can’t really go far wrong and you know this is with a very big air of caution with dcing into particular projects that you personally see fit now this is high okay there’s a good chance it comes down so you you

    Know you DCA in if you want but you know there’s always another coin if you if you missed a coin you know then don’t DCA in I’m not telling you to DCA in I’m not telling you to get into a cash there’s a number of other coins I think

    Probably better options I would anticipate a pull back on the cash to beon honest uh but it might not happen where would that pullback come to uh you’d have to imagine that from that big kind of pump there we’ve got a nice kind of area uh through there that looks kind

    Of healthy now a lot of people in the past I made a video on Casper and I still still get a little like comments now and then being like Oh you told me to sell because you said it was going to go down I’m not telling you to sell a

    Cash okay saying that it looks kind of expensive right now uh and if you weren’t into it already then you know maybe maybe wait be patient because that looks to me like a bit of a you know shoulder and a head and another shoulder and a neckline and

    That would to me tell me that we’re going to probably do maybe that that’s our first buy Zone you know put my 50% in there 50% in there okay this is for people who haven’t got in yet if you’re already holding it then it’s probably not a bad coin hopefully you’ve been

    Taking profits if you got in down there you know the deal okay a cash where’s it going to go well quickly let’s look at coin market cap have a look at um this guys I want you to be cautious as well see someone in the chat just writing a

    Cash thousand X I know you’re like you know you love these things and and uh it’s exciting THX no chance okay look it’s what 627 million it’s not be worth more than like Bitcoin right um no chance okay it might be worth I mean the whole the whole of deepin right now is

    Worth like 20 billion dollars okay at the end of 2023 according to the misari report the whole of deepin was worth $20 billion do which is you know a just pass the 20x 25x on this circulating suppli is not bad a cash 15 20x you know from where we are right now

    I would be surprised if it got beyond the 20x not bad one though that’s but that’s good okay want to remind you 20x is really really good but unfortunately so many like lowlevel people lowlevel like creators let’s say who can’t like think how to make content more interesting

    Whatever will just kind of trick you with these thumbnails saying like THX this and 20,000x this trying to make you believe that their videos actually going to be interesting but they’re just trapping you with this confirmation bias they’ll then go and tell you that this

    Coin’s going to do X you know 500x when it hits this exchange just to make you keep wanting to be in their like communities and stuff like that okay no okay if you get 50x plus you’ve absolutely killed it okay stop being dragged in with this fake news stuff

    Because it’s going to ruin you 20x is crazy yeah Flavio is explaining 20x is absolutely ludicrous okay 20x if I said right now I don’t you know depending on how much money you’ve got in the bank guys if you you know with your with you know you your

    Investment you said to yourself I can make 20x in the next year no entrepreneur in the world expects to make 20x in the next year okay AP from ones in crypto might happen but outside of crypto never ever happens nothing’s free okay how do you work anyway I’ve been through two cycles

    Already give me a 6X and I’m done exactly you You’ are bang on the money mate because that’s that’s how to win okay go stop trying to go too big you’re just going to end up on the Rocks anyway filecoin guys filecoin again uh absolute Beast because and why I’m so much more

    Bullish on filecoin than a cash is simply because filecoin again within the kind of deep in environment deep in uh storage but look at the look at the current situation of the price ah how I do that current situation of the price is what $514 in the past it

    Was all the way up here like 280 bucks okay so it’s all the way up another 48x from here now I would assume that maybe we’ve seen a lot in terms of inflation but filecoin guys also with this integration of AI um if you want to know about the kind

    Of inflation and things it’s worth doing this guys go to all on coin market cap and click on market cap because you’ll see that the market cap was really really big for filecoin went up to about 12.3 billion currently it’s currently it’s set up at like two

    Billion okay so in terms of price it looks like a 45x but actually it’s a 6X okay coin price might have changed but it’s a 6X on market cap but now we got like full volume full circulating supply all good okay so I think f looks really good still healthy

    Uh has been kind of rejected this level I was more bullish on it sorry I was less bullish on it I thought that we were going to break this red line and go harder we came back now I’m even more bullish on it okay filecoin looks really

    Good how big we go on filecoin I think it’s ambitious what was that market cap at 2.5 billion can it 10x would take you to 25 billion I think a 20x is ambitious but let’s go 20x still think it’s an ear earlier mover as well still think the

    Big narratives are going to go earlier I think the like the the proper D gen like game five stuff you know I’ve seen Alex Becker talking about it a lot with the exception of the like the one or two projects that he talks about I think game fire as a whole will eventually

    Boom but I don’t think it’s going to happen for probably you know good portion of time until we get into that kind of big Market kind of Hysteria excitement we’re definitely not there right now where can we find how much YouTubers get paid to shill coins want me to tell you

    Um you can find depending on the channel you can go and find specific chats I know that big boy used to take about 50 Grand a video his channel was around 1 point something million now he’s not that big I would imagine that like altcoin daily is probably up towards 20 30

    Grand uh channel of my size probably about three grand but it’s it’s not even worth it like that price so um yes there you go where is Casper Casper’s there did I not add it Okay Casper should be there bear with me I haven’t been I haven’t

    Been singl out Casper right let’s go to Ether guys uh ether new project I talked about this the other day and we have a pre-sale in the Inner Circle which is very exciting this is a brand new project hasn’t launched uh and I believe and we don’t

    Know this for sure it’s going to be launching around a market cap of like uh let’s say four uh 400 $300 million maybe it’s a big one now this is what happens with these kind of big AI projects and compute stuff a lot of you are looking

    At them being like Oh they’ve got big market caps and they’re you know this is right you’re not necessarily going to see astronomical gains but why have they got such big market caps and they’re brand new well because the tech that they are involved in is extremely high

    Level they’re extremely expensive to set up so they have to get big funding yeah it’s not like a meme coin that costs like 50p to get started probably cost a bit more if it’s on ethereum but you know not a lot these are expensive okaye you a huge amounts of investment into

    Gpus huge amounts of stuff like that yeah so it’s expecting uh sorry expecting expensive interesting outfit on sh fees um yeah coming back to the Shi fees uh personally you know I will do like uh sponsorship segments and things like that and actually affiliate deals are

    Way you know way better for me and my community I think because you know I think things like novpn I do make small commissions on and I’ll tell you about nordvpn later on and exchanges things we must use in crypto and things I think

    Are the best and the ones I use okay I’m trying to do a deal at the moment because we we did have a deal with this one which is descent and I really like this wallet don’t get me wrong but it’s really expensive okay they’re like 150

    Bucks each and I think that’s too much for the average cryp Trader out there so we’re trying to do a better deal with what’s the big one Ledger or any others if you could suggest some guys uh you know maybe we can go away and see what

    We can do okay because we have big Community we can kind of make leverage on it uh which is also useful but I coming back to that Shilling of projects guys it’s not actually the worst thing in the world okay I’ve talked about this before people will show projects and I I

    Think people do give it a bad name but as long as you can kind of work out you know if you’re still early when they’re Shilling it it’s not necessarily the bad thing okay if altcoin daily shouts out a particular project and you happen to be

    One of the first 10 people to watch that video and another you know like in the bull market 4 500,000 people are about to watch that video it’s not a bad thing that he’s shouting it out and if you’re holding it you’re pretty damn happy he’s

    Shouting it out okay so just crypto okay everything’s every single coin you can think of will be getting shied at some point on some platform okay treaser tangum please invite Tyler s and Jordan camand on your show Jordan I know I think I do know I know Tyler s

    Jordan not sure well I think we’ll having uh virtual bacon at some point and no BS Krypto who I uh big fan big fan of their their content something something a bit more different bit varied okay um right where we going sorry I get do trade on Lage yes I’m I’m

    Stu asking questions I always will never get through this Lads right ether yeah sorry um decentral compute storage similar in a way to what render does and I talked about this on the video the other day Okay um which was this this video here where is it render killer basically saying that a

    Lot of this rendering uh demand for uh sorry a lot of the GPU demand for AI not just rendering stuff but for AI specifically large language models you need a specific type of Nvidia chip to be able to run this it’s called an h100 I believe and that is something that

    Render doesn’t have any has no chips okay but ether has partnership with e with Nvidia and owns like 20,000 of these chips ether is already making a revenue bigger than the entire deepin space was making at the end of 23 okay so that’s why I’m excited by buy

    Ether still got a big launch price though now if you wanted to get into uh a pre-sale on that guys um then I have the what’s it called let’s go here then you can go to the Inner Circle which is linked Down Below guys uh then you can get into pre-sales with our

    Venture Capital fund basically where we give you the ability to act like a large whale and you can go and invest minimum I think is about 500 bucks typically but you can go and invest into pre Ico projects recently we’ve had some absolute monsters okay okay such as like

    Ready player games or ready play games whatever it called which was a binance lab project binance Labs projects vary but in all-time high average from the precede rounds which is what we’re raising into they average at like 186x that’s an average 186x we have projects like this two or three times

    Every single month and if you want to invest in these which no one else has ability to do then you just need to go to that link down below if you want to go to like if you’re using like cify or like dowm maker or something and you’re

    Having to stake like two grand it just pay 20 bucks a month okay and you can do this you don’t have to stake anything no brainer also you have access to the trade zone you can see some of these different trades that are going in all

    The time I’ve been act adding a few trades but D dadon DW addon this is absolutely killing it with some of the trades he’s been doing more recently and there’s a few other guys adding trades so if you want free trading signals not free it’s part of 20 bucks but trading

    Signals every day then get into here loads of other chats and bits and pieces okay I’m stop I’m going to stop shilling my free my zone stuff yeah chats and things and stuff going on there in a circle link down below uh next one where am

    I yeah so ether guys pumped for ether I think it’s going to be a very exciting project we will also try and get the CEO of ether onto a live stream soon uh so yeah pay attention to that one again I think 20x is would be phenomenal for

    Ether you know it’s already going to be launching with a 400 500 billion doll market cap although sorry million dollar market cap although in the Discord we’re going to get a discount on that I believe somewhere around 30 or 40% discount on the pre-sale price so when

    It launches you’re going to be already potentially up 30 or 40% I know as well they’ve got like a year of like full vesting on their investors okay so no one can sell it you’re not going to get VC’s dumping they can’t do it okay fully transparent team uh all good salana you

    Know obviously salana is one of my favorites guys we will look at salana and ICP together because a lot of people are comparing salana ICP right now and well I will talk about ICP in a moment but salana we had that outage yesterday everyone was like oh salana is done for blah blah

    Blah what happened yesterday to the salana prize nothing in fact it went up so yeah this kind of bearish like news and everyone gets panicky and whatever guys you know fair enough it’s not necessarily a good thing for the network but this used to happen salana all the

    Time one thing you would say that is a very positive thing about salana and actually something that bigger money and investors are looking for is to see something get Battle tested okay nothing is the finished product think about how many like uh iterations of new Macs and uh Windows computers and everything that

    Had to be before you got like decent products so actually it’s a good thing to see things getting battle tested yeah it’s not ideal that it’s been going down but that’s why the price doesn’t really get rattled much by it in fact salana now looks like it’s bouncing from this

    Zone here uh I would expect it to be retesting around $104 doar pretty soon depending on what goes on with Bitcoin uh and that could say that we are looking at you know some form of a I won’t draw it like that because we know

    What that looks like uh some form of a head and shoulders sake Grow Up Guys shoulder head shoulder okay and I would expect you know like see a break maybe like that continuation salana what previous highs again people keep looking at salana and anticipating where it’s going to go in the

    Future really difficult to but I you know I think people need to be a little bit more conservative because it’s already monstrous market cap uh and also just because it went to $270 last time if we look at the market cap again it’s been inflating um chart market cap one year

    Or all-time high it’s already nearly at its previous no it’s not it’s a 3X to its alltime high alltime high market cap uh I I could see salana kind of doing maybe a 2.4x on Sal on uh on this alltime High previously which was what

    270 bucks so I think the price for slana I see around $900 which would be about a 9x um why I mean it’s quite evident you know and know people get really like emotionally attached to lay ones which is kind of creepy but to be honest you

    Know right now whether you like it or not salana is gaining a huge amount of attaction you’ve just seen one of the biggest decks is Jupiter which we got on here as well uh suddenly gain more volume on a day trading than than Unis swap on ethereum that’s absolutely ludicrous okay so it

    Means salana is now getting more volume on a daily basis at some points than ethereum you’re seeing a load of new um deep in networks going over to salana you got Renda going across there yeah it’s all looking pretty positive Renda again guys 20x something like that I

    Think it’s reasonable ICP now ICP is the torque of the town and I don’t really understand what it is behind like certain cryptos that get everyone really excited about them okay I talked about ICP last year multiple times when ICP was much cheaper than it is now where

    Literally everyone was just calling me a scammer and said that it was and it wasn’t going anywhere because you know what happened in the last bull market and suddenly it’s managed to do a complete 180 and now everybody loves ICP when that happens I’m not saying to

    Like run away but be cautious if everyone already loves it and everyone’s already talking about it who’s left to come in and add money to that PO no one right which means you then have to wait a while before more money kind of arrives into the market and this is what happened to

    Casper and actually Casper’s breaking right now it’s interesting um we’ll talk about this one later on that’s what happened to Casper here and look back on the 19th of November and then since the 19th of November is now like the 7th of February it’s been doing nothing for

    Like a good three months you know if if you were in down here happy days but you have been kind of consolidating sideways and sloting slightly so don’t waste you know if you’re in Casper and you think it’s good for the Long Hall excellent maybe take profit sometimes along the

    Way up the rest of the time just leave it alone stop focusing all your time on watching the same videos every day telling you it’s going to 100x probably not okay um ICP uh internet computer now internet computer everyone’s like why is no one talking about this it’s the biggest

    Deepin project on coin market cap it does have like potential to be able to build deep in on it but right now it’s not happening so it’s all hype and all uh potential and I am excited about the prospect of what ICP is offering but I think it’s just so

    Incredibly um how do I put it if they can pull it off it’s going to be incredible but it’s not going to happen in my opinion in this bull market and I been wrong guys I could be wrong okay but a load of people every time I talk

    About anything I just people people diving in being like ICP is amazing ICP is amazing I was telling people to buy it all the way down here made multiple videos through this kind of bare market and then suddenly it’s kind of shot up and it’s still going to absolutely kill

    It from here what 12 bucks it’s like 5.6 billion you know I think is it possible that it goes to 100 bucks $120 to $150 I think it’s reasonable 10 to 20x 10 to 20x okay let’s move a bit quicker veracity um veracity has been kind of

    Lagging a bit okay but it’s just because his narrative isn’t kind of getting too exciting yet personally I think that it’s going to see some more excitement it’s in the right kind of space um chart looks pretty decent you know it’s finding support down here so I would

    Anticipate that maybe veracity has again a potential for a sort of you’ll notice that I you know ambitious I know you’re probably watching videos of people all the time telling you like oh this is going to 100x this is going to 500x they’re lying okay they might not be but they are not

    Lying about 99% of them okay and again 20% 20x crazy 10x is crazy 10x on bitcoin well not going to happen I don’t think this Bel ball Market 10x on salana and chain link more reasonable you know and the difference is but the 10x is going to happen but the the 100x

    On some of the others less likely now the next one guys I’m bang this one in here kazuna I don’t like meme coins okay and I haven’t talked much about meme coins I did talk a little bit about this one uh back in when back in the Autumn why did

    I talk about it uh because kazuna is basically um a meme coin that’s sort of a decentralized meme coin that’s basically being created using an AI model it’s it was created using Bender okay so a large language model actually wrote the code that created the the token and I think

    That’s kind of cool I love the kind of like the artwork and the stuff behind it looking as well at the Twitter and what I’ve suddenly like come across this again is actually I’ve started to notice people talking to me about kazuna so no one also yeah make sure you give me a

    Follow over on Twitter guys because we have daily like um daily updates on what’s going on and actually you would have caught kazuna we posted this back all the way in when was it uh in like November time and people made like two 3x in in a

    Couple of days um right now it’s at 7,200 followers when we covered it last time I think it was about 3,000 in terms of the followers we can see actually some bigger names coming in now okay Brian Jung’s got like a million subscribers on YouTube great Channel

    Actually Phil Bello I seem to be following him but I can’t remember who he is and uh and who’s this Poopman yeah some bigger some slightly bigger followers okay with with meme coins with small market caps kazuna is like 13 mil market cap I don’t think it’s beyond hope and

    I’m not saying to go and put tons of money in guys okay it’s risky it’s a meme coin after all but it’s worth a punt okay I love the love the website go go and check it out um nice artwork fee burning lots of other bits and pie you

    Can go and learn about here okay U and actually like a a pretty passionate pretty passionate and excited Community who actually I think could push this forward um so yeah take a look uh this is on Unis swap um I believe um when it comes to yeah I I’ll

    Give you a little plug guys when it comes to trading coins I am at the moment using Maxi 100% of the time and yeah this is a sponsored Link Link down below but guys 0% if you’re new and you’re using like coinbase it’s ridiculous okay I I use

    Coinbase for like maybe the first month I was in crypto a few years ago okay and it cost you like 10% to make a trade cost you 10% to change your USD into Bitcoin let’s say and then it will cost you 10% at the end to send your Bitcoin

    Into usdt it means you got to make a minimum of 20% before you can even break even ridiculous okay 0% ludicrous okay cheapest out there 4 half thousand coins I’ve been talking to various other influencers and people today who basically talking about you know what complete BS like all that kind

    Of fud behind Mexi was okay just Mexi and other exchanges will try to battle each other and take bites at each other to sort of scare them away okay it’s based in Singapore I’m actually going to Singapore soon and I’m going to try and go and visit them so I can give everyone

    Uh some more information on that if you want as well guys uh and you are in the US and you can’t access Mexi which has 4,000 altcoins 4 and a half thousand pretty much every coin Co that’s not on uh most other exchanges is on there then

    You can use my nordvpn link okay if you’re in the US you just change your location to like the UK or somewhere else and you can transfer cash in there if you try and like deposit money you’re going to have to kyc but if you transfer

    Cash in there you don’t have to kyc you can just use this nordvpn which is like 4 months free $250 okay $250 and then you can go and uh interact with it 239 so it’s like $250 $260 big discount okay let’s jump back uh cify cify Launchpad big fan of

    Launch pads in that they are doing well am I big fan of launch pads in general I mean people don’t like them because they’re expensive uh but guys people invest in them still right and if people are investing in them and they’re expensive the reason they go into Spike

    Price like this cifi had a killer year already the projects on cifi as well been performing really strongly um which we checked out on is it crypto rank crypto rank bear with me all your videos are full of you’re the only Channel I dislike oh you’re

    Tough all right Jimmy tough guy uh right idos iOS what what’s the better Channel Jimmy give me give me a good one uh idos iOS where are we on here guys you can check out different uh launch pads sorry Central exchange launch PS rois uh these are

    Some of the launch pads on the rois for like binance C coin Etc these are phenomenal Ido launch pads um some of theming doing really well now ignore bounce I covered this the other day on a video but unfortunately since then uh the only project they seem to have done

    Really well on was this savm and we all know what happened to that uh but if you come down below um CI has been doing quite well in terms of some of the projects they’ve been launching uh alltime High return on investment look 700x now I’m not telling you to

    Invest in um staking cifi so that you can enter into these projects but if cifi has got you know big chunks of these coins sidus is another one they can do PR they’ll do pretty well when the markets get moving okay so this is uh definitely worth paying attention to

    Staking and holding cify tokens could be something that’s potentially useful where’s it going to go I mean I think to previous sort of highs that Dow maker saw in the last ball Market down could being a bigger run I think maybe ambitious but a 30X is possible dydx as

    Well I’m kind of pretty bullish on as well let’s rle and there Doro uh another project which I covered back at the end of last year uh and actually supported their pre-sale just for full full clarity or full disclosure whatever I am holding a bunch of Doro tokens but why

    I’m bullish on D Toro is that um it’s basically a decentralized exchange a fully working decentralized Exchange it launched around $115 a token sorry 15 cents a token currently it sat around a 3X at one point it went up to like $1 okay it’s very new uh they don’t even

    Have Venture Capital funding which is positive they got fully working decentralized exchange with synthetics uh provided liquidity that’s all extremely positive okay so maybe we can stick that I would say up towards the 50x but I don’t want to just PE be accused of Shilling my own bags but yeah

    Stick it in here guys right next one R weave R weave I also like the look of although yeah people are like got hacked yesterday again guys when it comes to these things as the kind of like the the uh retailers retailers are the only ones who seem to get massively upset about

    This because yeah are we’ve took a little dip I got it on here um oh we took a little dip yeah yesterday because um appeared to get hacked yet the next day it has a little pump towards the upside whenever you see like really kind of like bad Shady press

    Come out about a particular project not shady press Shady press is a different thing if it turns out to be a scam or whatever then yeah don’t don’t go and dive into them but if it could if it’s like power outage or um something was compromised or whatever ultimately the

    Reaction the price will be reacting to that very very quickly which means that then the price will tend to return to where it was before then we can dive in we get a nice little opportunity earlier on you can see that since yesterday had a push okay it’s 4 and a half% it’s

    Nothing crazy but our we still looks good I don’t think it’s as exciting an option as file coin because it lacks that kind of AI element but in terms of the deep in space I’m pretty confident R we is going to do well has a smaller

    Market cap by about half of what file coins is uh so yeah decent let’s go to back to this uh yeah okay tal brenza I’m a big fan but it’s got huge market cap um huge market cap okay but it’s doing some crazy stuff Jupiter also big market cap doing quite

    Nice stuff on salana Celestia also pretty pretty excited by but you know again been pumping more recently um ethereum is what I want to cover I think a good like 8 to NX is possible on ethereum still hasn’t really seen much excitement going on uh now interesting I want to talk

    Quickly about layer twos I haven’t uploaded all the layer twos I wanted to hear layer twos are probably the narrative I see going with deepin next ambulance um probably the narrative I see moving next layer twos so I would look to potentially look into the likes of uh metis and mantle which I’ve

    Covered on videos more recently or before Christmas I believe um sorry after Christmas and these these projects looking you know looking to gain a lot of that hype and attention a lot of that kind of like ethereum as ethereum starts to look like it’s its time in the market I think people are

    Going to move in they’re going to start wanting to stake ethereum and that’s where a lot of these layer twos are offering big staking pools mantle being one okay um lots of exciting things as well you can anticipate air drops uh there’s a a linear airdrop coming on

    Soon which I will be talking about or trying to talk about linear is the company that’s behind metamask uh and we’ll also probably have a massive airdrop we’ll talk about how we can get involved in that so if you’re subscribed I will be going over that

    Soon um now been talking a lot guys tough times right have you got let’s just go through a few of your questions then um because I’m aware we’ve been on this for 50 minutes and I want to wrap it up within the hour um we’ll go through a few and see if

    There’s any coins I’ve kind of obviously there’s coins I’ve missed uh that we want to kind of talk about now I know a lot of things as well going on right now people like oh what about xrp or H bar I mean guys it’s hard to kind of stay focused and give my

    Attention to coins these ISO coins and things like that really aren’t gaining much attention I think you’ve got to you know I’ve told you in the past just chopping and changing your bags is a bit of a risky thing but that’s because what most people are doing is they’re buying

    Coins that they don’t you know really know much about and then they see something else that’s kind of pumping and then they just chop into the new one and they don’t really think about what they’re doing but if you’ve been kind of like monitoring the space of crypto it

    Seemed like Midway through last last year and I’ll be honest that the iso 222 whatever it’s called was a really promising and exciting narrative that was going to catalyze a huge growth in the crypto market for certain coins didn’t happen didn’t really do much okay it potentially might further down the

    Line for the likes of uh who’s that like xrp um har the xlm of this world but right now it’s it’s not doing much okay that’s why I’m far more hyped and excited about deep in and stuff like that because you got to keep an eye on the narrative and

    Keep an eye on like the dgen stuff that’s happening on Twitter YouTube’s not really going to give you the truth okay Twitter X is is where like most you know most of my information comes on that I’m sharing with you a lot of this information on on is going to put you

    Way ahead of the crowds of people on on YouTube just watching you know repeat videos on on their favorite coins um whiff dog with hat I mean I did I did take a little bit of a bite with the other day and then it’s absolutely wrecked

    Me I don’t trade meme coins but then occasionally I get caught out um gamei yeah okay gamey um one project that I’m actually very interested Ed in um that I’ve been hearing silent murmurs about is gaming and I actually bought an nft today very overpriced

    Nft this is my gaming nft is it mine no hold on this is my gaming nft uh why did I buy this um extremely overpriced nft because um gaman hasn’t got a to token I don’t believe yet uh and when that token gets launched from what I’ve heard that you

    Know if you’re into you’re holding these Genesis coins then you have a much better chance of securing like allocations on icos and things like that I personally love it when projects launch like this because if they’re making it like difficult to get into it does really well if you’re in like um

    I’m assuming nfts still run like this I got heavily involved in nfts in the last ball market and I remember like sitting in discords and chatting for hours so that you could maybe get onto the white list um and if you eventually get onto the white list then these projects sell

    Out because you have hundreds of thousands of people trying to get on wh list believing that if you’re on white list you’re going to buy you’re going to make money anyway so everyone’s pushing and pushing and pushing and then eventually it launches and it just goes

    Crazy there was one like Hae Beast or something did like went to like 13 e cost like 400 bucks okay and that was because it launched like this it’s a very um good way to launch this now anyway what’s gaming gaming in the world of deepin something I like uh I’ll just

    Give you a bit of a heads up on what it is and I’ll go into more depth on this tomorrow is basically for for gamey gaming which is heavily Demand on those gpus we talked about uh a lot of the the demand on those gpus is because a lot of

    The gpus are taken up by gaming computers okay loads of people in the world gaming it’s one of the biggest industries or fastest growing Industries at least a load of these big GP U chips are being used in in smart um gaming computers so what gaming allows you to

    Do if you are a gamer is to be able to share some of that GPU power back obviously decentralized which is good share that GPU power back into the system which ultimately is better for you because you’re going to make a passive income while you’re playing your

    Games and whatever also you’re going to share that GPU power back into the network um and it’s yeah all based around kind of web free gaming uh cloud computing okay it’s one of I think the only one I’ve seen that’s kind of doing this kind of game fi deep in kind of

    Crossover in this way and that I really like um it’s not particularly huge again I’ve reached out to them I’m trying to talk to them on Twitter seeing if we can get ourselves maybe allocation for pre-sales in the discords who knows okay obviously nothing guaranteed but it all

    Sounds pretty good okay and again I’m going to as well try in my future kind of live streams and stuff to get you know CEOs on um because the CEOs guys they will give you information that no one else is going to talk about okay if you

    Can get into the kind of amas and stuff on Twitter on projects you really like that’s a really handy thing as well because you can find out information ahead of time it’s very helpful um I’ve been working on linear airdrop forever hope it hope it comes

    Good yeah I mean Lo yeah linear is an interesting one I’m sure lots of people have been kind of driving for it woo I’m talking too much made myself tired you copied and printed your nft will look nice in a frame yeah but Ken you all right Ken you

    Seem to be having a hard day mate the point of the nft isn’t that it looks pretty the point of the nft is that it has the ability to do something else this is this is a proper school boy dumb comment Ken um the point of the nft is I

    Get allocation into a pre into a pre-launch and also if everyone else is trying to go and buy nfts and this project does well in the future speculation from people I’ve been talking to that this could maybe go up to like being worth 60k we saw in the

    Last ball Market nfts if the market starts to get going a lot of money will flood from crypto into nfts it’s the biggest D gen play okay it happens every time this is a salana nft so yeah cheers Ken thanks for coming give me another one gaming doing

    The same as noan yeah noan is also um annoyingly I found out about noan too late you know uh and they all got a good deal going on with render I will kind of look I’m going to look in more depth to it and I will cover it in tomorrow’s video

    And I will probably bring in noan as a comparison so thanks Al alme who uh who just brought us that beam noani yep aoi Z deepin Storage streaming wow yeah it’s weird isn’t it that like there nothing was being said about deep in and then all of a sudden it’s kind of

    Come in um I mean to be honest I found out a lot more information about deepin through various people on Twitter and then I started to bring on YouTube and then now like I think about four or five days ago crypto what’s his name it’s a big the big

    Channel um crypto guy guy what’s the biggest coin Bureau coin Bureau made a channel video on it right and then now it’s absolutely blowing up everyone’s talking about it so absolutely crazy um so yeah I think deep in guys much like in the last bull market where we saw

    Like game five being the key nowar to everything game five was going on I think I think people are now suddenly realizing that deep in is a very exciting area so if I was you and yeah AGI guys I talked about AGI while back I’ll talk about that in a minute I keep

    Telling you this and I don’t I don’t think it’s a bad thing try and narrow down your focus if you really like gamei stuff go and look at gamey projects yeah really get into the nuts and bolts of gamei if you really like um defi get into defi if you really like

    Um uh what else is there um privacy networks wherever else is guys get into that right and you’ll you’ll absolutely clean up because you because you’re going to out compete everyone else it’s too much noise crypto that’s the problem too much going on and people can’t concentrate question for ether can we

    Buy or no you can’t uh the public sale is going to be I believe towards the end of this month into March even like the pre-sale for us is going to be somewhere in um I believe next week or the week after what happened to Phantom C okay

    Let’s have a quick look if we got any more that I want to put on here I mean yeah another like ISO coin people were very excited about was Quant Quant again still pretty undervalued not really doing much could be wrong maybe all these o ISO coins suddenly pop up maybe

    ISO is a thing that you want to dedicate your time to I know nobs crypto does a lot of coverage on ISO stuff it’s going to give him a follow um let’s just do one last one would you prefer let’s have a look at Gile I’ll look at

    Gile uh and talk about a couple of the memes uh people keep talking about jasmi I talked about jasmi at the start of the year to be honest jasmi at the start of the year I wasn’t really that well read into crypto as well as I am now um I

    Mean it’s doing all right jasmi like decentralized um remind me what was jasm do internet thing stuff was it storage uh Jasmine also deep in stuff right it’s Japanese project but I mean a lot of people were like M I’m and aring what I didn’t like about jasmi that

    Eventually got me not keen was this kind of weird like stuff to do with the team a lack of like transparency yeah they they put their faces on things but there was never much in terms of people sharing um doing amas and bits and pieces it might have

    Changed I kind of lost interest in it when also this kind of captured the attention of everyone on YouTube and for some reason it was really hyped up and exciting and people were talking about it everywhere um there’s a couple of channels that you know will just talk about the kind of

    The and don’t get me wrong I did this in the last poll Market with ethereum it’s how you kind of grow newer channels just focus on the kind of the hype and attention but fortunately um fortunately I now have found other things to be talking about

    Can we still see that right jasmi jasmi currently needs to um needs to maybe take a b 76 it’s still it’s still doing all right people have been talking about it through the year if it breaks this area up here up here then maybe we could see a bit of a push higher

    Um yeah I mean to be honest another ambitious like 20x or so from jasmi I mean also to be honest can’t really remember significantly well what jasmi does I do remember this sort of diagram on the jasmi website let me just remind myself rather than be ignorant what’s it called jasm Global

    That was the thing so they had two websites they got one in Japanese and one in English which is fair enough but the one in Japanese is completely different from the one in English which was so weird like completely unrelated and then a lot of people uh Japanese

    People were saying that yeah this company wasn’t registered under the name that it said it was and yeah you know maybe it’s true or not but I don’t have time to waste on deciding whether or not I want to be investing in coins that might be a scam leave him alone okay as

    Far as I’m concerned decentralized data that’s what it was okay so basically data one of the biggest industries right now loads of people storing your data all the time uh jasmi was basically uh offering you the right to sell your data so that you don’t have to share it if

    You don’t want to but if you are sharing it then you’re going to get rewards in return so you share your data you get paid in jasmi tokens uh Etc Jasmine tokens are then used um to run the networks and and various other bits and

    Pieces yeah I like I kind of like the idea um it’s it’s potentially valuable if they can get it going uh if this kind of like transparency thing cleans up I don’t I don’t know why they can’t just have matching websites one or the other

    You know feel free to let me know down below what I’m doing wrong okay guys that I think will probably be the end of it because we’ve made it for our first ever live stream it’s taking an hour I would love your feedback down below do you prefer live live streams

    You know let me know what I can do better be be polite be mean whatever you want to do uh would love to have your feedback guys if you haven’t already please smash that like button for me it really helps me out also make sure you

    Are subscribed to the channel um as well guys have here the free um that’s my editor’s chat the free what’s it called House of crypto chat okay so if you want to join the free house of crypto chat then jump into that guys okay lots of different bits and pieces being

    Shared in here all the time um and if you’ve got more things you want to find out about various different projects then you can ask in here okay there a variety of people lots of new people but then there’s also a lot more experienced people in here all the

    Time um and it’s just a great place to kind of like share your kind of crypto experiences with other people around the world you can find out more information uh about the other products and things like that and here see you can see uh what do you guys think about no AI

    Ticket GPU uh lots of people sharing information about the projects and things they’re buying um yeah I probably already said that but you know it’s live not used to it okay guys hope you enjoyed that video subscribe control uh subscribe like the button hit the like

    Button me and I’ll see you tomorrow uh hopefully to learn a little bit more about gaming and um see what that’s about because it’s It looks interesting to me okay cheers guys see you later byebye let’s figure out how to turn this off finish


    1. I'm into ICP bit of a maxi but to be honest if it hits 50 I'd be happy 5x would be more realistic in my view I think a lot of people are expecting to much personally if btc hits 100 grand I'd be surprised but its only my view

    2. Thank you for sharing. Financial education is crucial today to show incredible resilience and discipline in the volatile market, masterfully balancing strategy and insight for success. This dedication to continuous learning is inspiring…managed to grow a nest egg of around 2.1BTC to a decent 11B TC in the space of a few weeks… I'm especially grateful to Tobias Hawke, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape..

    3. Some of the ISO20022 connected tokens are having a great early run. Stronghold (SHX) and LCX are early starters for the bull run. The mainstream focuses on XRP/XLM etc but behind the scenes, their cousins are booming already, or positioning themselves for take off (Gbex/DAG/CSR/Velo/CPH). Love your channel, Peter, I'm very pleased for you it's also having a great run! πŸŒ™πŸš€

    4. It is important for beginners in trading and investing to understand that success in these fields requires more than just technical analysis. Emotional maturity and self-discipline are equally important, as they enable traders to make rational decisions even during periods of market volatility. This means that consistently investing over a long period of time is generally more effective than trying to time the market by buying and selling based on short-term market fluctuations. Learning is crucial for success in trading and investing. Keeping up with current trends and strategies can help traders stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions. I'm glad that Pennie Thorne insights and strategies have been helpful to most of us. Remember, success in trading and investing takes time and effort, but with dedication and discipline, it is achievable….

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