@somtoinyaagha The ultimate solution to preserving your wealth from economic inflation, and currency devaluation, while growing your finances passively in dollars from the comfort of your home daily.

    If you are interested in enrolling, WhatsApp or call me on: 08142715025

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    All right good evening everyone and nice to see you all here present and precisely this is a program you are here for crypto bre the change as presented by ramak Digital Academy my name is Dr and I’m a digital entrepreneur I provide financial literacy insights into digital Finance trading investing and wealth

    Creation using cryptocurrencies and other digital currencies I a digital business and investment mentor and by the grace of God digital Finance consultant and the founder of ramak digital academy on Whose opes this training is coming your way and you can social media on YouTube follow me at

    Toaga on Instagram the handle is at toaga as well and then on Facebook my Facebook page is on X is ataga on linkedin.com is inum toaga and my personal website is www.uma.com and my personal WhatsApp mobile number number is 081 4271 525 so feel free to go look me up on all

    These various social media handles and so you can see the quality of work and input I have done over the years in the blockchain space with respect to cryptocurrencies and digito currencies and I can beat my chest to say that we all have done so far in this space from

    2016 to dat I am indeed an authority in this field in Africa all right so you are in the right place now before I start we are all here for crypto change Business Essentials and what does this imply it’s all about making your money work for you on the

    Blockchain of course you all know how to make money work for you outside the blockchain but now I want you to now begin to expand and explore the opportunities available on the blockchain because the world has gone fully digital and if you’re only harnessing opportunities that are

    Offline a time will come when your inflow will begin to have challenges because now every business that is offline now must have a component online that’s where the word is headed it’s going to be a hybrid so for those of you who have joined already

    Kos to you you’re on the right path for those who haven’t join I’ll show you the way in and for those who have joined already but are not doing so well in terms of financial inflow you’re in the right place and for those who are joining for the first time through me as

    Well congratulations in advance because your financial future is assured now there’s a video I’m going to play for you after Play that video we are going to analyze what was said in that video all right so listen to this clip all of us want to be financially free all of us

    Want to be wealthy in Nigeria today there’s no middle class unfortunately all we have is the rich and the poor so you either rich or you are poor there’s no in between okay and all of us want to be rich so the world game is played using Finance finances for as long as

    You’ve not mastered your finances or how to deploy your finances to make it grow exponentially you will forever remain remain Bor I don’t pray that for anybody in this class today so how can you up your financial gain before I get to that let’s watch this video watch this

    Video you see salary is the medicine for managing poverty it does not cure poverty only an investment or a business cures poverty but not everybody can run a business but everybody can invest okay if you don’t find a way to make your money work for you whilst you asleep you

    Will work when you have to be sleeping all right I know you heard that video but let’s say it took you by surprise let me repeat it again for those who didn’t hear to hear it again we’re going to analyze this video now listen again you see salary is the

    Medicine for managing poverty it does not cure poverty only an investment or a business K poverty but not everybody can run a business but everybody can invest okay if you don’t find a way to make your money work for you whilst you asleep you will work when you have to be

    Sleeping all right so back to you all now now I’m going to allow you unmute your mic let’s start with b to what did you get from that video from me your M can speak to me let’s analyze what was said in that video just watch now all right um good evening everyone

    Yeah good evening um well it’s uh it’s one of the code that has been uh been on my mind for years now he’s trying to talk about earlier you realize how you want your money to work for you better it be and if you don’t quickly make the little money you have

    Now to work for you at this point in time then later later on you keep on working working working even the time that you were supposed to you know be sleeping and be having rest of mind and all you still be working for the money but if you realize that and you actually

    Implement how your money can actually work for you even you better that’s all right thank you very much for sharing that insight and I believe everybody believes that right right so now you know that your salary or your earnings cannot cure poverty and I see Nigerians go all out there make money

    Over and over again and they don’t understand that as you get older you don’t longer have the strength and energy to work as much as you’re working now so it’s only if your money is working for you in an instrument that it is now ensured that even at old age that

    Investment keeps giving you m return because money never gets tied but you as a human being can get tired so while you are resting and sleeping or while you’re in retirement or you’re age your money is working for you now my next question is this in this class of about six to

    Seven um attendees if you here if you are here and you have your money working for you in any investment just raise your hand if you are here listening to me and you have your money working for you in any investment whether on the blockchain or off the chain or online or offline

    Just have money working for you anywhere at all just raise your hand and I will discuss with you now anybody all right so it right for me to assume thatman ibraim all present none of you has money working for you anywhere so which implies that I’m talking to the

    Right set of people okay so we’re in the right place I just want to make sure that I have the Right audience I’m speaking with okay so is not a challenge that you don’t have money working for you anywhere right Nigerians most times if I interview you now you’ve had H

    Various bad experiences in terms of your investment investing money and you lost your capital or something went wrong lot of France schemes and all that so most people now prefer to just do only business without doing Investments okay though I’ll tell you it’s a wrong decision because no matter what happens

    You just ought to keep investing why because you get older your business you won’t be that run it again it’s only investment that will ensure that your retirement will be awesome okay so let’s go back to the slide now and let me continue from where I stopped now we’ve

    Laid the ground rules okay all right so we stopped at this point and then with you is this this is a challenge with salary earance in Nigeria every salary earner is going to face this challenge every businessman in Nigeria will face this same challenge all right say salary is a

    Bribe given to you by your employer to keep you under perpetually poverty to keep you under Perpetual poverty that’s great Usman L I give you a thumbs up that’s a wonderful definition okay so this is what what usma had just said now in the chat room this is the situation a

    Professor faced this January so he he sent this message to a WhatsApp chat I belong to he said I reached the bar of the professional salary scale in 2011 my salary was 420,000 167 naira for three and the exchange rate then was 1555 naira 71 KU to

    $1 that in November 2011 meaning that my salary was $2,684 then as I was was finalizing this exogal lecture on 22nd January 2024 now my salary stroke take home stood at 395,000 naira to a dollar sorry showing that my salary in dollar was 291 $281

    8 so having spent more than 20 years as a professor did he go forward or did he go backwards I want to chat type in the chat too let me see your chat type in the chat let’s see this is a professor who did his inaugural lecture first time as a professor in

    2011 and then he has now served out 20 years of his life active service god with says backwards yes he was retrogressing what a tragedy that’s the truth tragedy now what can he do now at this he has he has now retired so he’s facing now pension and

    Gratuity so his pension now is just $291 which means If he if he to travel to the US a in us now a plate of good food cost about $50 a plate of good food so if he was in the US his can only buy

    Him food for 3 days at 50 I mean if he eats two times a day to only buying food for only three days and that’s it and that’s what he ends in a whole month and he got a pick of his career so this same situation most of us

    Are going to face it as well too in our various businesses okay reasons being that for as long as we are dealing in naira that’s how it’s going to be now the next thing is this what do you do now to get yourself out of this

    Mess because we are all affected one way or the other all right now most people will say okay let’s get dollar nominated instruments very very important at least that way you are sure you are dealing in a currency that is not prun to devaluation at the rate n is

    Now for those dollar instruments the best they can give you in interest is 6% perum on dollar instruments like what fcmb is giving all right so but if 6% perom is what you’re going to get what and what are other factors in the economy of Nigeria today meditating against

    This remember our aim is how to remove poverty from our life as we walk in and get older right now the first thing you are going to fighting is inflation niger’s inflation as we speak is at 30% per this according to National Buu of Statistics it was 27.3% as of November

    15 2023 but of today 2024 February I checked it they say is now 30.2% that means for every 100,000 NAA you hold in a year it loses 30 % of it value that means 100,000 loses 30,000 in value even though it’s 100,000 in your bank that means what 100,000 can buy

    Today let us say 100,000 can buy you two bus of right at 50,000 in January Now by December of this year that 100,000 will only be able to buy you only one and one and qu bag of fries not even one and half bag of fries the 700,000 and to prove that as

    Of January B of rice was 50,000 today as we speak B of rice is already 67,000 heading toward 70,000 someone even told me they bought 77,000 for brand that’s inflation now the second Factor again that means at that rate before we get to December most likely that 100,000 will

    Able to buy one B of fries because there that factor again eting into our funds which we don’t understand the next one is devaluation devation devaluation of the NAA between 1981 and 224 NAA has gone down from 1981 1 million Nair was equivalent to 1.5 million with 70,000 on

    Top now in 1991 that’s 1 million came down to $2,517 by 2001 that same 1 million became only 8,814 so in just a space of 20 years naira threw away in value over 100 and sorry 1,6 something, value then by 20111 million n became 6382 and by 2021 1 million n became

    2,421 and then in 2024 1 million has come down to $769 this was as of the rate of 1,300 naira per dollar as of today now it’s already already 1.6 already 1,500 something per dollar almost to 1.6 so that means this 1 million naira now is roughly about 400 and something

    Dollars now that means it’s possible that by 2030 or 2031 1 million naira might just be only $6 that’s the Naked Truth we are facing today so every Nigeria as we speak now is in big trouble if you don’t know how to manage your finances right I am sorry

    You will keep working hard and working hard and you yet to be going backwards that means 10 years from now your children will be asking you that what happened to you these two things alone will render all your labor in vain inflation one devaluation to now the wor is that the

    Government doesn’t even know what to do about it that means they are confused they even more confused than you because if they did know what to do about it they would have let things par this badly to the point where you buy something today they tell you the price

    Is 1,000 you want to go home and think about it you come back the next two hours is crazy so the truth is that you’ve got to find a way to enter the cryptocurrency blockchain online space before you are Swept Away by inflation and devaluation of fat currencies now why am I proposing

    Cryptocurrency as your solution because as we speak physical dollar is not available again BDC in Abuja says they closing office but they don’t have access to physical dollar banks are not giving their own dollar out they are Harding it because they are St their own n in

    Dollar so if you don’t have access to physical dollar next is if you have dollar again you need do account to house it now they said if someone sends you money in dollar they will pay you Niger in na government is not even willing to pay you dollar

    Again so you need a Dom account before you can need a the change so you can go and convert your n to Dollar then go and physically pay it into your account now when you pay that account and that when you want to withraw your dollar again

    You are now at the Mery of if the bank will agreed a half dollar what banks will start doing is they will tell they don’t have dollar now can you come next week or they’ll ask you can they give it to you in N equivalent that’s what’s going to happen

    In the country now which means the only way you can half dollar and hold dollar to yourself and have access to it anytime you want is if you move to cryptocurrency Dollar that mean digital dollar which I will show you which ones are credible and sustainable all

    Right now you don’t have to make out of the country of resid Nigeria to transact with cryptocurrencies because once you have a phone you have a laptop either phone or laptop and internet connection you are good to go you only have to think globally while acting locally why

    Am I suggesting you think globally I’m sesting because in Nigeria the way Nigeria is now the only thing that can save you from being poor in this country is if you now learn how to earn in dollar and spend in naira for as long as you are earing in NAA just take note

    That already all n are spended in dollar like it or not even though any in naira why do I say we’re spending in dollar it is because our economy is dollarized almost 92% of what we consume are imported which means the cost of things in Nigeria are dependent on the

    Dollar value which the import about it at so if an importer change NAA to Dollar at 1,600 to a dollar and he Imports a good at $100 of course multiply it now it means he paid a 100 sorry he paid 160,000 to buy the

    Good he now lands it at say 20 extra $20 means he lands it at $120 into Nigeria right so add an extra 20,000 again so another um $20 of at 1,5 so let’s say 25 30,000 to e again so that one um almost 160,000 he spent cost price plus 30,000 brings it to

    90,000 the said the man wants to make only 10,000 profit on it so he now puts the good for sale in Nigeria at 200,000 do you understand now so you’re now paying in Nigeria buying that good at $130 that is how we are affected by this dollar incre falling to the dollar look

    Around your house everything in your house almost 80% of what is in your room today is important if look around your room where you’re listening to me from from your phone to the lap to the laptop to your ceiling board to your electric everything you have TV and all even to

    The ti on your floor everything is important maybe the only thing in your room that is made in Nigeria might be just the door and if your door is sty door imported or China door is imported so only the block on your wall is only made in Nigeria because some people use

    Uh office lining sort of cutting is imported your Alum window imported anything just look around you so most likely what is in your room now that is made in Nigeria is your bed and maybe the wall just to show you how bad situation is so you must think to find a

    Way to begin to earn in dollar and then spend in N which means when you now keep your money in dollar whatever the exchange rate is at whatever you want to spend you simply convert it at that days rate and you now both par with respect to the valuation secondly the little

    You’ve earned in Nira whether your salary or your business earnings immediately convert it to Dollar once you leave that money in Nira it loses value every hour not every day every hour so with crypto dollar you can quickly someone pays you for a service now you simply go to your phone convert

    To dollar straight and hold it in dollar whenever you want to now spend it you convert back to na that way you have not preserved that your nether earning from devaluation so if this only what you learned from class today this alone at least ensure that little you are making

    In terms of the monies you making now you’re not throwing it into the gutter allow it flow off through devaluation and inflation so you need to transform your thinking to transform your wealth and how do you do that you need a new mindset in 2024 you need new information from books

    CDs and teaching like mine that’s ongoing now you attended you need that will give you new knowledge for new experience it’s going to give you a new perspective to your thinking and then you begin to have a new approach and style to your finances in terms of how to acquire your

    Wealth how to multiply your wealth how to preserve your wealth okay because the rich don’t leave their money in N all these rich men even including Ians when they steal those money they steal from government they move it to Dollar threat because leave it in N makes no sense and that’s why

    You see them stealing money now in billions somebody took 84 billion person took 3 trillion you wondering what’s happening that’s because they know the NAA is virtually valueless all right then once you have a new approach and St to your finances you begin to have new results and new

    Outcomes you begin to move yourself a day at a time from poverty into and then you can begin to now experience a new life beginning and then you can now have New Visions for example today cement that was being sold as of last year at 4,5 a bag and we were screaming

    We now hoping that Bo coming on board he promised us he he will make C 3,000 now we’re now expecting a trade war between boa and dang so that to now bring C down to 3,000 only for us to come in this year that cement now went

    Up to 7,500 as of last week you’re sincerely today they telling me a pack of cement is now 9,500 so how would people now build homes in Nigeria at this rate is possible that by next week now that me to be 10,000 something now for as long as you are

    Thinking in NAA you are ear in NAA and you don’t have a means of earning in dollar you see you can’t have a new vision of what you want to do because the economy will be changing and getting worse faster than you are earing because at this rate minimum W is just 30,000

    NAA 30,000 NAA going by the current inflation rates and devaluation of NAA minimum W should not be anything less than between 300,000 NAA to 400,000 n going by the current inflation rate but you and I know the government cannot afford it so all the meetings they having now

    To increase minimum wage well I don’t know what to come out of it but the government is broke so it is time to think for yourself the little you are earning preserve it preserve it the best way you can then multiply it the best way you can and you can have all this

    Opportunities on the blockchain reasons being that business in the physical space takes time to mature there lot of things that have to come into place for it to profitable but the block chain if I teach you how to play Financial game on the blockchain you are able to make your money multiply

    On the blockchain comfortably from your home with just a phone and a laptop and knowing the right places to go to okay that’s the essence of this program crypto BR the change and where we’ll be doing this is under a segment of crypto called decentralized Finance all right

    Because the first thing any Financial system needs is of course money now cryptocurrency is not all about volatility coins that go up and down like Bitcoin and ethereum in cryptocurrency we have coins that are ped to Dollar rates they are called stable coins and the most popular are usdt usdc and die

    All right so now these are the coins I’m asking you to move your n to as quickly as possible once you have a centralized exchange like binance you can use it go to the peer top section use it to move your naira into dollar and then whenever

    You want to spend move from dollar back into Nair and you spend I don’t even keep more than 50,000 naira in my Nigerian bank account every I just left 50 just forcy all rest of my money are all on the crypto space in usdt all right now the

    Be of this is that you can do this from the comfort of your home you don’t need to leave your house to go to any change anywhere once you have a bank account just link it up if you don’t know how to do it we will teach you how to do it all

    Right now in this def space notice how as of May 20th less than1 billion was in this space that was last year then by September 21 last year total monies in this space went as high as A1 billion meaning people are realizing the potentials of this D5 space and are

    Bringing more money into it so they can make more money for themselves all right so you two can send your only little earnings in here and use these platforms I will show you to multiply your funds at least preserve your wealth and multiply it per anal as against the 6%

    The banks are going to give you in Nigeria today okay now how are you going to mply this money it’s not through a pony scheme it’s not through illegal businesses what I’m showing you are legitimate transactions going on on the blockchain under decentralized Finance people are coming on chain on the

    Blockchain to borrow cryptocurrencies to defair tax on trading gains people are coming there to enhance their profits with leverage 2x 3x 5x 150s as the case may be people are coming there to lend their money to earn interest your idle money in leaving it in your bank account

    Bring it here put it on a platform people will borrow it and pay you interest and there’s no room for default because all loans on this platform are what to call over collateralized so you have no fears when the person come pay you they sell his collateral and pay your money straight

    Away when the time is right now defi taking people are taking their Monies to multiply their asset people are do what to call defy swapping swapping one crypto to the other and back then people are do what to call Yi farming the act of using a particular coin to ear

    Another coin and then people are investing on various platforms on this defi space so that as those companies are growing in value the amount they invested is also multiplying and this is what I’m talking about where you are earning transaction fees as a digital currency provider so

    Business is to bring whatever monies you have that line iding instead of putting them in the bank where the bank is giving you four 4% or 4.5% per anom on your money whereas inflation is at already at 30% now meanwhile banks are doing business with your money you the one

    That put your money there yet when you want to withraw your money they will charge you you want to transfer your money to anybody above 1,000 whether it’s your father your mother your brother or sister or your wife or your girlfriend the bank will charge you $50

    N first for stamp Duty they bounce that onean they didn’t ask didn’t making your money because brought it to the bank then when you now transfer it from maybe GT Bank to another bank or any bank to another bank any bank to each other they will still charge transaction fee 35 NAA

    If you now go to withdraw for 8 years again and it’s not your bank they charge you again then the SMS alert they sent to you to tell you how much is in your balance they charge you again for that one then after a while they charge you

    Maintenance cost for ATM card they charge you for the charges they just keep taking those charges from you because somebody is with them then the one that pains me most is that they will now take your money loan to businessmen maybe give it to them as

    24% then the man takes the loan does business pays back the loan to the bank after one year the bank will take 4% and give you who owns the money and then the bank will hold 20% so it’s your own money that bank used to do business and they made 20% on

    Your money then you who owns money only 4% now meanwhile 4% after a year by the time you putting factor in the 30% um inflation and factor in devaluation that money you put in the bank has lost half of its value so instead of leaving your money

    In Nira I’m telling you this as long as money is in Nira and it’s in any bank it is losing its value per second your best bet move it into dollar then look for high interest yielding legitimate platforms to invest that money to multiply it for you all right

    And it’s one of those platforms that have put together into a c which I called crypto through the change so I’m introducing to you a business course a business program that teach you how to move your Nira into crypto dollar then shows you where and where on the blockchain you can

    Safely plug in those your Monies to start earning daily income for you in dollars even while you sleep and I will guide you on how to create those portfolio move your funds to maximize your profits and I assure you in this investment your capital is secure and your profits are

    Assured so who is this course meant for this course is for someone who wants to quickly understand and expand the knowledge of what digital currencies are and how they work two somebody who wants to learn how to start a digital currency exchange business and earn fees from other post

    Transaction three those who want to create and earn multiple strings of passive income daily on the blockchain in dollars take note passive income so doesn’t affect what you do for a living for for the day you plug it in set it up and you can do what you want to do you

    Come back two three days four days does even how I teach you how to automate it you don’t need to come to take this investment for one month it to run on this phone all right you’ll be earning in dollars from all over the world and

    You be earing even while you sleep using your phone or laptop or an internet connection and mind you there are people already doing this this Dy but it is not profitable for them due to various Concepts which I will not mention now until you come into the cast join me all

    Right at least statistics show that up to 55% of those in defi space are making losses but with my expert advice you will be among the 45% who are making tremendous profits in this space all right now this business course is not for free because it’s a training you

    Join my Academy we teach you hold by the hand guide you for the next two to three weeks teaching you this business remember when you go to learn in the University you pay school fees they teach you you come up with certificates and got look for job when you going to

    Learn apprenticeship you serve your master for seven years in neand before he sets you free so in everywhere when you go to get knowledge you pay for it to get that knowledge quality knowledge is not free anywhere even you to go to Google and type what I’ve just saided now Google

    Will bring a lot of free documents for you to read you will keep reading and reading and read reading but nothing can replace the experience I have which I have put into this course which I’m giving to you and I’m guiding you with you go to Google you see articles

    Articles Onin you go to YouTube you see tic videos just videos showing you the how but not telling you the why so I have made all the mistakes I’ve made the errors I have lost the monies now I have found out the profitable way to go about this to run this business

    And this investment and be profitable in it comfort comfort of your home and that’s what I put together and I want to guide you on at the cost of $100 all right that’s about $100,000 n now you’re going to learn how to end daily between 55% to 105% per anom rates

    Of your Capital with crypto brw the change business cost now you’re getting lifetime access to crypto Bo the change business including your registration your live training the follow materials the reference materials and then everything value is $100 and I’m not even charging at $1,500 per dollar I’m

    Just charging at a, Nair to a dollar I’m not breeding right now but because you attended this webinar and you stay true till now I believe you’re interested in this program I’m going to give you a discount today of 31% that means all you get to pay is

    Only 69,000 to enroll for this training and also begin your investment life right now even though I’m charging 69,000 just assume you are paying 100,000 because I want you to keep that 31,000 I’ve given you as discount as your initial investment sum so once you finish your training you invest that

    1,000 which I’ve given you now as discount and you start earning within 24 hours and I’m giving you a money back guarantee if you finish my training and you think I overcharged you just let me know no questions asked I refund you your fund if you finish my training and you

    Don’t start earning immediately money back guarantee I give you back your money that’s what I give you all right so there’s a 30 days money back guarantee attached to this program because what I want is results from you not just your money right now these are testimonials from my students who have

    Done this program and what they to tell me you can see says down here third line third line I want to thank you especially for what you are doing for us with crypto through the change I wake up every day to passive income earnings from my money

    Working for me you are truly God sent God bless you sir you can see Mrs MEF the last line she sent she says Don sir credit Al light received you are truly a leader who feels the the Pains of his followers may God bless you abundantly

    For us all so B that this money we are put into this business you can withdraw it at any point in time you have any need it’s not staking it’s not fixing you’re not fixing it it’s you just supplying funds for others to do their trade in return you are charging them

    0.05% of whatever trade they do with your money and when you want your money back you simply request for withdrawal and take your money and do what you want to do and convert it from when you pull your money out of the decentralized finance space and convert it to naira is

    Just a space of 10 15 minutes maximum all right so your money enters and comes out freely at you have total control then the beauty is that you are not giving your money to any company you are not giving your money to me either my duty is to teach you how to

    Plug your money onto the blockchain and how to make profit from it and you in investing on the blockchain directly not in any company so at each point in time you have C of your funds so it’s you put money some disappeared or one company

    Closed and went with it no you have full control of the finances and I will tell you which cryptocurrency coins to use as well so that those cines will also appreciate in value sort giving you more profits on your Capital all right that’s be of it now

    This is another testimonial from Alex he says that’s that should be fourth conversation he says sir your way of doing things and handling situations is beyond professionalism May the Almighty God who understands the impact you are selflessly creating reward you without measure and Grant all your hard Desires

    In Jesus name amen so these are people are not these people are not only saying they have earned money they are telling me thank you that mean they thanking me from their heart based on Services I deliver my training is so Elementary that even if you’re a new person to

    Crypto you can easily understand assimilate and do it yourself this is Armstrong from South Africa he says hello Dr suto I checked my wallet this morning and my earnings have increased to $2,571 should I withdraw it or should I leave it for the next bu run so people

    Are making money all right so I’m giving you this today at a 31% discount of just 69,000 naira only now just to make sure you are happy I’m going to give you additional five bonus strategic training lessons that will help you reduce your transaction cost and increase your daily passive

    Income profits that one two is worth $100 but I’m throwing it in for free now those five lessons are these number one I’ll teach you how to super charge defy lesson two I will share with you my favorite scaling Solutions lesson three I’ll will show you how to supercharge metamask wallet

    So you can use it for every transac you want to do across all blockchain lesson five I four I will teach you how to get your asset across the bridge lesson five also I will now give you practical live classes on how to reduce your transaction setup fees from $30

    That is reduce it from almost 45,000 naira down to 20 cents which about 400 n for every transaction you do on this process this lesson five Al loone has more than paid for the amount you paid for this cost ability to reduce your transaction fee from $45,000 n down to

    400 n okay so follow me on social media so you can go and find out who I am just if so question of you don’t trust me just go and follow my works and see what I’ve done so far and you can know that I

    Am not telling you what I cannot do it’s what I’ve been doing over the years I entered this space in 2016 and I’ve been in this space till now all right so you have worked hard for your money it’s time to let your money work hard for you

    So make your money end between 55% to 105% of your Capital per anom in passive income simply a role for crypto to change business today at this special discounted price and if you want to buy it online if you know how to purchase things online through e-commerce simply go to my company website

    Www.ram digital.com product then crypto the change or simply go to www.ram.com when you go to the website click on CES the first C there I have eight cses I published but don’t worry just buy only this one crypto the chain that’s what I’m talking about today that

    Will teach you how to earn passive income daily in dollars even while you sleep you will see this picture there that’s a picture of the cost and then for those who need my assistance if you can’t buy it on the on the site maybe you don’t want to put your credit card

    Card or debit card on my site no problem even though H it’s uh the payment processor is pay stack pay stack is a professional processor so your credit card details or debit card details is not stored with them they simply just deduct the money and send it to my bank

    Okay so you have to be worried about but in case you don’t want to go through that means of buying on on my website as well send me a private chat on my private WhatsApp number 081 4271 5025 and then I will send you my personal bank account number you

    Transfer money there and then send me your email and then I will enroll you into the course directly all right I will assist you so screen grab this page screen grab it or snap it and then keep it so this is how to join this program

    And I assure you you not regret joining this program rest assured this is the only solution I have seen so far to Nigerians Quagmire and ch now I’ve been in this country with you all I understand what we’re all going through it’s not easy for us but remember the government is

    Overwhelmed in fact you listen to to the TV when you hear them talking they say it’s opposition causing the crisis I wonder how opposition is causing hunger something that is glaring to all of us that is going wrong they tell is opposition so mean I to feel like these

    Our leaders are not in touch with reality that mean they don’t even understand what we are passing through it’s like when they enter into they cover their eyes with something then when the person comes out from office he starts saying hey like the other day former president bhari said

    Hey that it looks like Caba has hijacked his government it looks like I’m like hello are you serious are you for real so you be surprised that President doesn’t even know what is happening he’s inside he’s the microman information for him so he W know maybe 8 years down the line he

    Now comes down then he now sees the damage already done and people have dropped are already dead then so my dear you have to think for yourself the government does not give us road we buy jeep and jumping the road jumping the P hole they don’t give us water we dig

    Well we dig B hole in our houses now they’re not giving us power we all have generators including solar now the economy the N is now getting messed up don’t wait for them to get it right begin to save yourself the same way you bought your Jeep to jump the road you

    Bought your generator to give yourself light you dog your well or B to give yourself water it is now time to buy a program that will teach you how to preserve your NAA your hard end money and how to multiply it for your best interest don’t wait for the government

    They don’t even know they don’t even know we exist for all I care all right they don’t know your name you just just you’re just fellow Nigerians to them fellow Nigerians that’s how they address us on on TV fellow Nigerians don’t know they don’t know your name so it’s best

    You who know your name you know yourself you know your finances you know how difficult it is to make your money so don’t make that hard end money and allow inflation devaluation throw it into for you so you go you make more money it loses value it gets useless you got make

    More money the cycle over and over again then when you are now 60 70 retirement you begin to tell us the same story our our Dear Professor is telling us okay so this is the right time to begin to think for yourself and change your financial situation I’ll stop at

    This point for now like I said I’m not the prophet of Doom I’m not here to put fear into you and being brutally Frank with you as it is that’s what I owe you being sincere to you and to let you know there is a solution which if you are

    Able to afford please come on board and let me help you like I’ve been helping other mentees and students of mine and for those who will buy this course today I’m going to give you one crypto coin my own research I am sure that coin I give

    It to my students who bought this cost two weeks ago between then and now that coin has done 3x that mean if you had put $100 in that coin two weeks ago now you have $300 now that coin before this bu run is over that coin will do at least 10x I’m

    Very sure of that based on it is still the market capitalization is still low and the potentials of that coin there are three things there are three narratives that if they come together for any crypto project that project must do well that coin has shown good Potentials in all three and already it

    Is it has pumped so I give you the coin just wait for it to correct because it pumped again day before yesterday yesterday and today it will correct by this time as from this evening to tomorrow start correcting once it corrects you enter in again and then you

    Ride the next p so any which way any amount to spend on me proing my CS I’m telling you you’re going to reap the benefits times three in in various aspects just tell yourself you found yourself a capable HPT Mentor come on board and let me help you help yourself

    Financially digital Finance is my specialty all right you all are also special in your various ways in your various fields of endeavor you put Consultants there and then for me this one is my this is what I do for a living I’ve been doing it since 2016 okay all

    Right so I’m going to open the lines now ask me your question share your concerns with me or share what you feel about the program or the project and let us discuss and then close okay so um let me start with who do I start with now anybody can speak to

    Me let’s start with you text let’s start with you so after listening to me what do you feel about this project or this solution I’ve have just provided to your finances uh good evening sir good evening n yeah I really appreciate your in fact your explanation so far you have

    Done absolutely you know well in fact I can let me give you 100% Kudo sir well done sir thank you very much I appreciate yes sir so sir in fact I just want to what I actually want to find out you know this is my first time of meeting you online

    And uh I’ve never though I’ve been hearing about digital I mean crypto currency but I don’t even let me say I have zero knowledge about it so until I met you on Facebook and I just click on that button I say let me just let me

    Give it a try let me see let me what let me hear uh what this person we talk about you know concerning the crypto currency H so that was one sir then actually I want to find out from you sir this thing is it I I believe everything

    You have said and I’m very sure that I’m very very you know in agreement with you that you will not uh do contrary to what you have said you know so far so sir my my own kind of I call it a fear or you know maybe because I’m a new

    Be I know I know nothing about the some the on the crypto currency so I want to ask is it this after paying that money you you may mention uh hope everything if let me say you will hold me by the hand take me till the time I we you know

    Let me say I’ll start seeing results you know based on everything you have said so that that that’s one sir then two I want to ask sir uh uh I hope this crypto currency you just discussed will not crash soon in case h i buy the C and go into it hope

    It to Not Crash it’s not hope it’s not something that maybe after few years you know everything will just die down just like that okay thank you very much now first of all rest assured my Academy has groomed as we speak over 30,000 Ms from

    2016 today in fact we now even have a full women Wing called women in crypto Nigeria that is spaded by my wife okay that’s what I’m going to send you to first so learn the rudiments of crypto then come because I’m handling the advanced version so you come into

    Academy I’ll send you there you learn all you have to learn from to me you come up this way too and join me right now this aspect I’m handling de centralized Finance is a new Financial system globally that means this current banking system we are using now has

    Lasted more than a thousand years in fact it this system we using now wow dates back to when they moved currency from precious stones Manila cies into F paper money paper money has already resisted more than 2,000 years and it just entered digital digital money no money went from paper now to digital

    Digital is when you now started using um ATM cards Mobile Transfer that’s that’s the metamorphosis of the original money right so this system now money has now from digital now onto the blockchain blockchain is simply internet 3 3.0 so the same money is now moving into digital form now if the previous paper

    Money and and digit what do you call it digital money fed the world for 2,000 years plus I am telling you this particular version of money blockchain money just started in 2009 if you learn this skill is going to feed you feed your children children’s children for

    Another 2,000 years to come that mean technology is advancing it’s not it’s not going back okay question of it crashing it’s a question of me showing you coins to use that are stable and have already tested the test of time for example Bitcoin for example has gone

    Through two beer markets and two boo markets as we speak today Bitcoin has crossed $50,000 for one so it goes down but still comes back up it is the most expensive currency in the world today h okay all right new generation of the new generation gen Z Gen X the

    Currency they know is cryptocurrency they don’t even they don’t even use all those banking apps again they are all on the blockchain so this my this my train is for people who are still in the old school who want to now migrate into the new school now so I’m I’m the go between

    Between the the baby boomas the Millennials and then the Gen Z Gen X remember when before you must go to the bank before you do any transaction today you can do something from your from your home with just your phone some of us touch physical money

    Last one week ago before he must every day now you can without without having paper money that’s how the world is advancing so is not crashing you only bringing yourself up to speed with the current way Financial system works unlike the older way that already going

    Out of Vogue okay all right sir thank you sir thank you very much all right sir thank you sir I’m gonna drop my my number now I’m going to drop my number in the chat room so that you guys can also my personal number chat me up and tell me you’re ready to

    Start if you can’t buy online I’ll show you um let me let me first of all drop the the website where the PO is hosted okay sir all right so everyone if you go to the chat room now you can copy this is this is the link to where the

    Cost is hosted on my website all right and then if you don’t want to buy directly you can just send me a chat on uh 081 4271 525 that’s my number as well ch me up and let’s start up your training okay now I want to listen to Usman lad I love

    His explanation what the salary is so thank you so much for sharing okay and I’m expecting to see you by time this lecture ends joining me um please unmute yourself and share with me your own questions concerns or share with me what what you feel about this program this solution have just

    Profiled good evening sir evening to everybody oh good evening thank you very much sir welcome yeah thank you actually when you ask that question if H if anyone is experienced as touching the blog chain stuff I was looking for where to raise my hand but I couldn’t find it yeah I

    Like you mentioned I’m also one of I’m a student with your wife which is the women in crypto yeah no I I just started I just started with her but one way or the other I’ve been doing my own personal research like that and trying to juggle between binance and so and

    Honestly um I really want to thank God for the block chain um stuff now is is in fact something happened some few weeks ago somebody just posted a contract address and I Tred most times you know when you are talking to the big boys like that

    They may not answer you so I go to YouTube YouTube also help me when I went into it I was able to maneuver my way through pancake Swap and just within three and let me say 300 I bought one BNB yes with 360 something, I was able to cash

    Out over that is within 12 hours I cashed out about $1,567 with my capital in B andb still at the pancake SW and if I’m to convert that money to Nigeria to our own currency is over 2 million naira within 12 hours so to as many that are here that place magic they

    There yes apart from apart from the women in crypto h i mean in the blockchain blockchain oh I what you mean blockchain yes the crypto world in the crypto world place that when you when you when you you can sleep very poor and wake up massively Rich that’s true it’s

    Overnight it’s it’s it’s mive there and honestly that’s my drive I really want to know more I want to I want to I just want to know more honestly I’m I’m like this man my brother which just finished speaking the truth is you see me I’m a complete novice to this crypto world

    Complete novice but I just kept pushing myself because as I speak to you I’m an I’m an officer I’m an officer with the federal Ro safety but salary don’t they do anything Nothing excuse me sorry salary does nothing absolutely nothing when I look at the situation of things due to situation my husband had to drop his job due to health challenge I’m the I’m I’m carrying everything and because of that I knew that I needed extra source of income I opened a little

    Company because I can’t really manage it myself people just made a mess of it so I decided what is that I can do that I will be in control of and when I began to dig deep into this crypto World Ah that’s where it is the world is all

    Going there massively and especially coming this Buon now is something else so honestly I I would my own I will not say it’s a question but it’s an encouragement to every one of us on this call honestly if you don’t if you don’t have a knowledge over this I know most

    People when you call the name crypto all they know is a scam scam scam all they know is this one is not is not true they will just you put your money and run away no not blockchain not blockchain at all if you know you are here you have

    Not started crypto you are missing massively you are missing so it’s time to really take advantage of this and see how it will in fact expand you the world everything is going so digital like you say I don’t my money is in usdt I was telling my husband today I

    Say ah he hungry me to remove 200 USD because when I did the conversion it was 300,000 just for 200 years you bought it how much it was when I bought it we bought it at no you know it was B&B I bought it’s part of the the years oh

    Yes it’s part of my profit so I said let me withdraw but when I bought the last time I bought USD M it was how much I think I bought it at 1,400 something that was when I bought it which I even bought it late at 1,400 plus but now it’s

    1,57 or so if I’m not mistaken so you see the difference you can’t lose you can’t lose so it’s really massive so to who and who that is on this call I’m with his wife m is he for for for for yes and my wife you see I

    Convinced her to join this place to start she was in onlywood acting very well making money from small money I told her I got married to her in 2017 by 2018 I started teaching her cryptocurrency by 2019 she was so good I now made her an instructor in my Academy

    From my Academy and okay can you now handle the women Wing now go Mo take a full section now and run and then she start women in crypto Nigeria and then she has run it up to today as efficiently so so she’s one of my products and you can be like her someday

    As long as you’re interested you’re willing to learn you’re diligent I make you a professional in that’s thank you very much sir thank welcome you’re welcome you all right thanks so much for sharing we really appreciate you and may God continue to protect you out there because our officers and the firing line

    Way the country is security wise but God protect you on Amen all right welcome then uh Ibrahim Ibrahim let let me speak with you Ibrahim unmute yourself and share your experience any questions you have and anybody has a question I’ll just take after ibraim just one more person we speak and we

    Call it a day let’s all go and rest okay so ibraim ask a question or you have any comment to make or contribution if none move to that person and then we call it a day and for those who want to make part payment in case you’re not able to make

    The full 69,000 I can allow you two installments make the first one locking the price because this 69,000 is the price I started selling that was December and January based on Christmas and New Year I’m supposed to increase it this February back to 100,000 okay back

    I’m coming to you now so you can speak to us okay so utilize this this uh time I have putting this out discount to come on board you can just pay part payment and lock in the price at least half and then whenever you want you can then

    Complete for those who on salary I know it’s month end your money will come in but no problem so we can start something okay please ask your question or ask question all right good evening everyone good evening good evening good evening welcome I sincerely appreciate all that you’ve done

    And you know dep what other said um is I actually know about um uh BL CH but not really deep like that and apparently like what um that woman said you know I’ve been having this idea of scam scam I know that blockchain is actually real

    It’s actually real in fact there was a time in 2011 someone wanted to give me um what it called this Bitcoin about you know Wonder one Bitcoin then I was 2011 there about I just joked with it actually so it was later maybe 2018 I come to realize that 20 Bitcoin is

    Now one Bitcoin was still about 15 yes one Bitcoin yes sir that means if you took that one Bitcoin then 2011 one Bitcoin was just between 15 to 20,000 one Bitcoin 20,000 NAA today that one Bitcoin is 65 million n of course if fact you did I still like

    I still you know blame myself for that action I actually and that is why when I saw this off I because your your your presentation on the ad that you on on Facebook I took my time to listen to you and understand what you’re talking about before I

    Actually C on the so now my B of contention now is it’s not about what we are ready to learn but my B of contention now is um the payment for the course presently I I I actually quit my job because I really want to focus on

    How that I can actually you know leverage on earing on earing dollars you understand okay like have some digital skills you know I’m a graphic designer all but with this blockchain I believe I can actually more on now my my point is present the fee is quite okay compared to the end result

    Which I actually understand very very well you understand but the point is as of now I don’t have the so for some of us that we are looking for to you know you know like that what can you do for us what can we do like is do that after this um

    Presentation the money will go back to its initial price and we have to you know s for can get what you want to do us have okay what I’ll do for you is this for all of you that this presentation I will still leave the

    Price at 69,000 for you at least up to the end of this month I won’t touch the price let me just run this promo all through so I know it’s March I’m increasing it okay so do all you can between now and month end you don’t have

    The full money at least pay half the Mone to lock in the price for yourself so even if I’m increasing money by March it won’t affect you okay thank you yes Nigerians are facing difficult times I’m a Nigerian too as well I want to also help one way

    Or the other but just that the crypto is a dollar dominated business and and that’s my challenge I’m having the more na is devaluating more and more the more the price should be going up but I just put it on that pegged fixed price all right so don’t worry I I will consider

    That okay just send me a WhatsApp chat to remind me I say I’ll lock the price for you guys as it’s 9,000 and I’ll recollect okay I’ll just take a snapshot of all those who attended today’s class I’ll have it on my on my screen in my

    Phone as a photo so that once you just send me among those that you I said yeah among those I said I will lock the price just give me your name on your on your Zoom screen now I’ll just look at look at it across that photo and once it’s

    There I’ll I’ll take only 69,000 from you okay so let me let me just do a a snapshot of of all of you here present now now your your names all right all right so I have it now okay done SOC I’m sorry please not get Wellman madman Gama then Vivo V 2207

    Please change it to your real name Because unless you’re going to tell me your name is Vivo this look like a phone a phone name Vivo V 2207 you can type your name now so I can change it for you then Kenny Kenny your name is not in full so

    That you’re not interested but no problem okay so that’ll be all for now all right so thank you everybody for staying to this moment I thank you all appreciate you all all right and so I look forward to seeing you guys in the academy and you starting your financial

    Journey to playing the financial game right all right and chat me up like I said 081 4271 525 and let’s take it up from there when you’re ready to join the academy okay so from me to you and everyone here present okay VI okay uh endurance all right let me let me just

    Change your name now okay all right I’ve taken note okay let me let me let me rename rename you from here okay so endurance all right let me take the final shot again once more H someone just joined now Shar Elizabeth you are late but but you’re going to enjoy this discount as

    Well okay so sh Elizabeth you are welcome all right so the discount applies to you as well okay whenever you’re ready just send me your name I’ll check against this snapshot I took and then you’re are good to go all right so bye-bye everyone and all have a

    Wonderful night rest and see you my private WhatsApp grou okay byebye

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