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    Moving into the having now if you’re so inclined I’ll answer all your questions to the best of my abilities and we’ll do a little Q&A and go from there that’s it thanks for stopping by French toaster thanks Rob thanks for stopping in man that’s right ditch says uh have you

    Taken a profit of 50k I took a little I took a little and of course this is what’s great about being with you guys there’s no tourists here so like when I say I took some a little bit of profits people you know when the tourists come in and we’re at whatever

    We’re at and I say anything about profits are like ah you’re weak and you got prid hands and blah all right sure so who knows tomorrow could be 49,000 or 47,000 whatever else did I sell the majority of my crypto today or my Bitcoin no that would be in my personal

    Opinion ridiculous but maybe somebody knows something maybe somebody knows that there’s an alien invasion coming or World War II is happening I have no idea and they sold everything H but yeah a little bits and um but I don’t think that the alts have run yet I think everything starts with

    Bitcoin people take a little bit of profits put it into alts because they like to gamble and they go into smaller caps and smaller caps and that’s where the money’s made but it’s the most risky thing you can do thanks to I’m not nobody’s Dad here well maybe I don’t

    Know Goku says uh bet still on salana yeah I own some of that I a lot of stuff as you guys all know SE over 70 different cryptos but you know 70 5% roughly is is uh Bitcoin rle clown I misspoke there ah meme is here SME is here j2day rusty bot

    Solar wind thanks thanks thanks thanks PCY says not selling PCY sounds good everybody’s journey is different right rip Monero you know Monero took a big a big uh dump because of the delisting of binance but you know Tom crown called it he goes I’m going to buy

    It there’s nothing wrong with it was there a double spend something fundamentally wrong with the chain he’s like no I think he made like 20 like a he might have done a leverage play because I know he was up over 20% Which is pretty good I’m not that guy Tom’s

    That guy go watch Tom crown for that stuff Jerry s that’s the grown up thing to do take profit yeah but remember people will say well if you’re gonna take profit you’re going from the hardest St the hardest asset out there into essentially one that is being devalued

    Daily in inflation that’s very true so just remember that when you take profits into certain assets and you go into cash you don’t just sit on cash forever at some point you have to deploy that cash and you’re never gonna stop investing into different asset

    Classes ah PJ hey Rob do you think the pandemic Black Swan might have stopped the prehab pump right straight through the post having pump no remember I mean we went from I remember was like 9,800 10,000 whatever it was and it dropped all the way to like $3,200 that was on

    March 15th but around that same time the Federal Reserve came out and goes don’t worry everybody we got you quantitative easing stemming checks stemmy checks to the moon no problem and at that point everybody’s like ah the jig’s up looks like uh we’re getting free money so I

    Can’t really tell you one way or the other if they wouldn’t have stepped in I think it wouldn’t have been just the just Bitcoin and the crypto Market that would have collapsed I think it would have been all markets would collapsed and that’s why they stepped in now

    They’re going to pay that price even today but do what you got to do Nick says extrem bullish and Cas I own some of that Bak turna says will the clown news ever return to the channel it will if I can get the filter to work that was

    Through Snapchat and it was a great thing Unfortunately they don’t um support that anymore I’m very sorry not too late to buy Bitcoin that’s a great that’s a that’s a great handle honestly thanks for keeping it real I like watching you a Ben and that’s it but Ben’s endless bearishness is pushing

    Me away from his videos L like g w man open your eyes look Ben is Ben and he’s just like he’s like I gotta see this number and I gotta see it at this point I gotta and I’m like sounds good you know though what if

    What if it just comes out of this like because I was I was thinking about this I’m like man I bet Ben Ben could be totally 100% correct like what if Bitcoin just goes cra crazy parabolic you know like it’d be very difficult because I think the mark Cap’s a

    Trillion so for it to double actually no it’s all about it’s all about X factors and and and multiples it’s not just about market cap that is true but uh I mean if it’s true that uh you know traditional markets and institutions are gobbling it up as

    Much it’s a safe play and sometimes it’s not sometimes most times it’s about minimizing your risk to get the best return and uh for that one I got no problems with what uh you know people just get buying Bitcoin although that’s why I like dabble into alts because I’m

    Like hey it goes up 100x I’ll take it but uh yeah you know hey we’re all we’re all different that’s why I love the show NFA live it’s like I’m kind of more like the D Jenny person and Ben’s kind of more like the conservative and gu is

    Just the guy in the Middle with great takes and fantastic uh knowledge so works out great ah Johan Lis hey Rob Anthony pomp has credibility is an excellent has credibility as an excellent master of Bitcoin especially in to I got to agree he is great I can’t uh guy sounds very

    Smooth like very very smooth on TV ah Ben’s haircut is here that’s fantastic Jose says what if you only sell 20% 25 and ride the rest till 2030 wouldn’t be that bad the thing is though no I mean you could do that sure uh probably work out pretty well

    And who knows we might not have a crash this time we we may get Mass adoption for everything but I guess it really depends on your you know the the digital asset that you’re into are you talking about Bitcoin that worked out pretty well for like my friend Simon Dixon who

    Got a Bitcoin like at three bucks and been holding forever uh but if you’re like you know I’m getting to um you know there’s a crypto called meth and it’s in the top 70 maybe you’re into meth again it’s called it’s a crypto and uh you’re

    Going hold it to 2030 you probably go broke unless it’s some awesome thing I’m not sure toal spell check I have a problem with spell checks too nazza is here now as Bitcoin reaches reaching near at time highs I wonder if that means that Bitcoin will surge past to far higher

    Prices or this bull cycle will end early I don’t think it’s going to end early especially with the narrative that’s out there especially with the bullishness that we see but again I will warn everybody and I want to make this Crystal Clear in the bare Market you

    Always feel like it will never get better and it will just keep going down as we chop sideways you always feel it’s going to drag again forever and it will never go up or down because it’s just going sideways and when we go in the bull market and we get extremely bullish

    Like some people are feeling right now you will feel the Euphoria and believe that it will never go down and the market is not perfect and it will do the opposite of what you expect so having said all that good luck I know but I got to tell everybody

    The truth I mean sweet Mary and Joseph I could just be bullish it’d be great for the channel but it’s bad for everybody’s bank account uh Rob is the best followers that’s true you guys are great especially all the wrenches I appreciate you guys moderating and keeping all the the scam Bots

    Out Eric Murphy comic hey Rob do you think Bitcoin take a dip before propelling up and how much of a pullback will it be usually it’s always a dip and usually we see a dip after the having because not usually but I mean you will

    Hear the people go a it’s a buy the it’s buy the rumor sell the news that’s going to happen for the having usually it does but I’m not in any hurry to like sell 25 50% of my Bitcoin and just kind of Base it on that I still think that for me

    Doing a little value cost average a lump sum every so often and you know DCA along the way works out pretty well so to answer your question if it is a pullback historically I mean you’re looking at what 5 10 perent not too bad I’m you know that’s it but watch out for

    Macro watch out for jobs reports which will probably be manipulated because we have a presidential election this year in America which will be taking place on super Tuesday November of 2024 so H the day that we get out is probably gonna be positive anyhow because it’s whole bunch of Lies allegedly

    Dan Dan pool that’s great finally Ben has somebody who has his haircut and has his chair and I get my pool Dan pure DJ speculation here what is the price of sweat that you like to dump your token no offense of sweat team great product

    But selling is a part of the game I bought it in at a penny and a half let’s see how much it is I will sell it three cents remember everybody I uh do not be disillusioned by my Pleasant demeanor I will dump on everybody and that’s the goal that’s not

    The goal that dumping everybody the goal is just to do your best and take the risk and at some point take profits someone’s G to call that dump that’s fine but remember this as if you’re a tourist uh me and everybody here has been doing the hard work and buying up when you

    Were sitting pretty and doing nothing so if you’ve been here for months and months and months you did the hard work for the people that come in hey no no free there’s there’s no free rides baby that’s what it is so sweat economy is essentially the stable coin of my entire

    Portfolio and it’s at a penny so let’s take a look at the max woof look at that I wish I would have see right here some people say well Rob why don’t you sell right here why don’t you sell at seven and a half cents well

    I would have but I got into the seed round at a great discounted price of a penny and a half I’m not I’m not mad it’s a great prod it’s a great project it is it’s just doesn’t have much price appreciation why is that it’s because this entire Market is based on

    Speculation and hype for the most part and we’ve we’ve done many examples alium helium great products great products but like a tenth of what they were worth back in the speculation days of 2021 so I’d probably sell some at three cents go from there let’s see uh what’s your sales strategy o

    Great great question excellent question I’ve had a couple over the years what I’m going to try and they all pretty much work to some degree but you just have to make sure that you follow through and don’t be a knucklehead and say well if

    It 10x then that means it can 20x and if it can 20x that means it can 1,000x or something crazy like that so like I said in the description of all my videos in there is a link and it’s this particular video why and when I’m

    Selling 80% of my crypto and what I should do is another watch watch Along Watch alongs are pretty fun because I play the old video but I have myself in the uh lower corner right over here and I just answer questions as people are going along watching the video with me so I’ll

    Do that again just to make sure everybody’s understands it so I think that’s I think it’s more important I think everybody can buy dips right I think we’re all Pros meth equals m ah the ring meth is meth dubsky hey Rob finally got my stuff back from Celsius congratulations man I’m

    Happy for you are you going to speculate and diversify with your distributions on hold no uh essentially they gave it to me in Bitcoin and eth and I kept it in Bitcoin eth and that was it I was like what this is easy yeah pin ho says lection year

    Printable St going I have to agree with you I do and even you know and there was a u there was a picture that’s been circulating I will bring this up right now so everybody can be aware I don’t think this is what the intention

    Was but I could be wrong and it is uh our president Senor Joe Biden who has what I thought was laser eyes and people were freak were flipping out even me I was like hey this I don’t know if he got hacked or whatever but this is real this

    Is from President Joe Biden’s account with a uh whopping how many 100,000 view followers oh he’s got 37 followers it’s amazing and uh what it really is is people tell me that he is embracing the dark Biden or what is it Brandon dark Brandon that’s what it

    Is how he’s embracing the dark Brandon moniker and uh is going to run with that so some people say that’s not with Bitcoin at all but I that was pretty funny and people like ah it’s GNA pump and then today it pumped but I don’t think it’s what it was interesting stuff

    From the president United States great no dips is very bad yeah hardworking man says by low sell High solid solid solid wow Jupiter mojoo says hey Rob finally got some celsus Bitcoin back this week and sold at 50k today we’ll see pretty good let’s see what it goes down to or up

    Danpol is a great name great job getting James back James never left I just gotta have him on the show he’s he’s had me on the show like twice I haven’t I’ve been caught a jerk and havn’t invited him he’s busy guy you’re a joke you have a point ah the pull pick

    Yes Jose Felix says right it’s a green screen Christmas Christmas it’s good that dark fast yep H’s right H’s good but don’t hodle too long lose all your gains as we talked about ah Jesse Rob do you feel like cardano will reach its all-time high again I know it’s impossible to know

    What I will be shocked it is I will be shocked too $3 some people say it may be very difficult but I believe it can and you know who can tell you to do that and find out this guy right here what’s up Dan excellent show especially if you want to

    Know things of what’s going on with cardano midnight Charles hoskinson the things that I did not know about so uh there’s a link in the description for Dan sorry Dan I only linked it to your ex account because it’s really good there but they can find your YouTube stuff excellent guy fantastic yeah

    Buddy yeah he’s here dark Brandon thank you nas thank you cow with a K is here let’s see what did I miss let’s see CCV says thanks Rob what’s your exit strategy for Ada well again you know like like that video it’s all just takes a look at another one

    That I like to look at is the time and risk bands and of course that’s on Ben’s Ben’s site and just takes a look at just the time of what the price action for specific altcoins have been I take a look at that then I could also take a

    Look at an RSI take a look at the index itself and say is this oversold probably is so to answer Dan’s question probably time in Risk bands also to kind of time it also with because usually Bitcoin runs first you got a couple months then alt start to crash

    Then you go into like this H big depression as far as like the fouryear Cycles so I won’t sell my alts with the Bitcoin I probably sell a little bit of Bitcoin first then a boatload of alts and then I’ll just disappear and as a reminder Dan I think we talked about

    This during the bull market the parabolic bull when I sell my crypto I’m stepping down from this Channel and that’ll be it so the reason is is because nobody needs me in the bull market you guys don’t the only thing that people really I think need are in

    The bare Market they need people to tell them like this is where the millionaires are made I know it’s tough but this is where your dollar cost average and this is where you kind of go along with the ride and just kind of take your time time in the market is more important

    Than time in the market Market to a point so I’ll step down from the channel and I’ll come back when the bare Market comes back and that’s the plan not a good plan to uh raise uh you know memberships or uh viewers but I think it’s the best option for everybody and that’s

    It oh it’s a good question what happened with you and James and Ben how come we don’t do DC anymore okay it’s just it’s just us and a thousand people don’t tell anybody here’s what really happened so Ben went on a crazy drinking bender and he was so belligerent I’m just kidding

    So really what happened was this when me and Ben and James did DCA it was a great show and I was kind of like Ben and James uh you know they were had they had different opinions which was fine we had no problems with each other but our

    Communities hated each other so as we went into a bare Market the whole idea of the show was to give everybody a little reprieve and give them a little bit of a break from the markets and just kind of like sit back relax and just kind of listen to some some varying

    Opinions of what could happen and make the best decision unfortunately a lot of people hated each other and when we got together it was a war so we said we all agreed we said it’s best just let’s just kind of split up for a bit and then uh

    You know just let our let our communities calm the F down and then during that time like I was like I don’t want to do anymore and then Ben was the same way and then and then James like I’m want to pick up some and he picked

    Up some great people he picked up uh he picked up ran at first CTO LS uh I think Tom was in there for a bit and then um uh Ian on Tech then that’s like a great show right there so like and then that was cool and then uh Ben was doing

    Some things with guy over at coin Bureau on a weekly show and they’re like hey you want to start it up again I’m like not really but I mean maybe our commun will Jive and that was it pretty much it and then I’ve been on james’ show on DCA and

    We all talk we behind the scenes you know behind the scenes if we manipulate prices by salana just kidding or am I that’s it good story right all right well that’s it everybody so that’s it for today it’s getting late it’s getting dark I gotta get out of here before you

    Start to hear the kokey frogs here in Puerto Rico but that’s it for this piece you like today’s video give it a thumbs up consider subscribing everything we talk about is time sensitive congratulations for everybody making it this far it seems great I think we haven’t seen anything

    Yet good luck all right thanks so much see you guys in the next one have a great night


    1. Anothony Pompliano's number are wrong. Net ETF inflows including GBTC outlfows between Jan 26 and Feb 9 is $173.9 million /day. At 900 BTC mined / day * $50k / BTC = $45M BTC mined per day. This is 2.86x more than what is produced per day, not the 125x that Pompliano claims.

    2. Last cycle $BTC was approx. $10K at halving and $ADA was $0.10. This year $BTC is looking like $60K and $ADA looks like $0.60. $SOL has been an outlier that has really pumped. Will $SOL keep it up?

    3. Thank you! I just twigged something. Those brackets for long term capital gains are NOT income brackets – they are the size of the capital gains. I was thinking they were income brackets. Since the 2020 tax year I have been having to dip into my IRA to pay taxes (I don't withhold much because I cannot predict my pensions – some of which are in GBP – and the SSA pension is too complicated to figure out because of double taxation). My tax bill is large $XX thousand dollars so my withdrawal from the IRA far exceeds my MRD (required distribution) and so my IRA has been diminishing. It would be better to sell a fraction of a BTC perhaps since I would not pay any taxes on it. Of course if BTC goes to the Moon maybe not so smart. I could use the IRA fiat I would have withdrawn to buy more spot BTC ETF shares to offset the loss of true BTC exposure.

    4. This year is NOT the year of Bitcoin. It's the year for ALTCOINS! As the USD continues to go to 💩 ADA, Near, Avax, Sol, Eth, Sui, Link, Dot, Vet, etc…. will soar! The reason why BTC is not is the global economic system needs an alternative to fiat currency. As Peter Zeihan pointed out BTC is not a currency but a commodity. A dwindling commodity at that.

    5. So please you moved away from James. He comes across as a shilling salesman, rather than genuine guys who want the best for everyone, like you and Ben. Ran seems to be far more in James's category. No hatred here, but getting crypto advice from somebody who would be selling dodgy second hand cars had crypto never existed doesn't feel good 😄

    6. You know you've done it right for this cycle when you dont feel the need to be buying anymore crypto when you see prices rise….that and the fact you've hopefully already emptied your bank account all into crypto :p

    7. I get the comment on Ben, I like the guy but he's put me off buying when I should have, i.e. in early 2023 and Oct 2023. I'm new to Crypto and when people like Ben and Gareth Soloway say it's going to crash, you listen. Not blaming him, it's my fault for listening. I need to build confidence in myself to be confident to know when to buy and when to sell.

    8. thx robbo for the video. it think community of james dont get along w/ any other community. Partly because of james own tribalistic behaviour (that he talks against very often,yet still does himself xD).

    9. 💰iTrust CRYPTO IRA channel sponsor
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