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    The Bitcoin halfing is around two months away 60 days at the time recording this video and what that means is the Bull Run is expected to happen anytime after that which it has done in the previous pull runs I put this Tail list together and

    We’re going to look at 25 alt coins that I’ve either owned or spoke about before and give my opinion on how I think they’re going to do or how good they are is in the upcoming bull run which could be 2024 or it could be 2025 we don’t

    Know but I’m hoping that it’s going to be probably in 2024 we’ll see so we’ve got anything from me all the way up to S tier and how I think these coins are going to do in the bull run so the first one I’m going to start with is xrp the

    Highest in market cap out of all these coins um just check What It Is by market cap now $ 30 billion doll market cap in the uh previous bull runs by market cap it got over in the other Bull Run in7 uh 2018 it got up to

    $130 billion market cap and it didn’t get as high in the last Bull Run just because of the SEC case ongoing which is still ongoing and the question is is this going to be settled before or the bull run I think xrp will always kind of stay

    Up there because its market cap is so high in the top 10 will the Central Bank digital currencies uh will the countries choose them to develop it some are in the research stage you can check that out on cbdc track.org which I’ve shown many many times on this

    But I do think there’s a lot of better out coins out there to make money on and they’ve not got ongoing uh cases xrp has a lot of holders that are above the level that it’s at now because if you think if you got in the last ball run

    20178 you know it went all the way up to uh $2 uh I think it was $250 let me just double check uh $340 is the all-time high so you got to think there’s a lot of people in Above This 55 cents range particularly in xrp they need it to do a

    6X potentially to make profit if they’ve not obviously DC in which means you know this is going to have to get over 100 million 100 billion sorry I do think that this particular coin is is you know going to be in up there in the bull run but is it better

    Against to M else well I’m going to say this is probably for me probably a b category um no not now sorry C category um cryptocurrency in my opinion next one is chain GPT and this particular coin was one that I got in recently because some I fetch if you

    Want to watch the video you can uh have a look at that I know as well when I’m as I’m making this Tail list a lot of people are going to be offended because not said the coin’s going to do 100x which you know sorry just a harsh

    Reality CH GPT is a AI coin that pretty much covers a lot of bases and this is fing 35x market cap quite low quite risky um but I do think that this has got some height behind it it’s got its own app and it does uh

    Various tasks for AI it’s an actual AI coin unlike a lot of things in AI I think this uh this is just continuing to rise and I think this is going to do well in the bull market I’m going to give it because it is risky I’m going to give it

    A b tier because I think if it was higher in market cap been around longer it’ probably be maybe a but I think this is a good project and that’s why I bought it for the Bull Run basically next one is mirria and mirria is a gaming token that is pretty much

    The equivalent of Gara games but lower in market cap it is 274th by market cap 197 million and this is another coin uh that hasn’t had a bull run yet it has been released um I can’t remember exactly when it was released to be honest with

    You um 23 I’m just double check was it 22 um no it was actually oh right clicked on the wrong thing yeah 2023 it must have been so this has been out basically a year and um it’s just gone up ever since it is like Galla games it has got a high

    Uh High trading volume uh for its uh rank $97 million market cap like I said and the only issue I have with this is there’s it’s not got enough working games on the platform which is third party it’s a layer two Solution on ethereum and for that because it’s not

    Going a working product yet I’m going to put mirria um on the probably the same as that b category if you had working games it’d probably be a in my opinion next one is V and this is a coin I got into in the previous Bull Run and

    What happened with v is it never really did anything in price uh so I just got rid of it uh I used to stake it in the Vera wallet used to get 25% apy um but like I said I made a a big loss on it because he just didn’t do anything

    In the last Bull Run um it is still uh quite low in market cap but not done anything 496 you can see the chart does doesn’t look great at all if you look at it by market cap does it look any better um not really and the question is

    It’s got It’s Kind of a gaming token is it’s all about ging views again it’s a proof of view coin so you gain by viewing uh you know YouTube and other platforms it’s got it own Esports section of it you can buy it on major exchanges I think there’s better ones

    Out there and unfortunately with v still not got going or got any heypee behind it since the last pull run so in my opinion this is going in the C category next one is engine and this is another one that is a gaming token this I first got exposure to this on the

    Swissborg platform again 150 by market cap this is slightly higher with a $467 million market cap but again this this is another token that I hold that never really got going it’s a gaming token with its own ecosystem and again chart doesn’t look great never really got going um so we th

    Again I’m going to put this even lower I just don’t think this is going to do anything unfortunately so it’s a me from me for uh engine next one though this is going to be interesting because this was in my opinion the best AI coin and it still

    Could be but the issue I had with Fetch and people are going to say oh it’s gone up in price yeah it has it has but all all my eggs weren’t in one basket I didn’t have everything in fetch I’ve got other the tokens Casper for example and

    Chen GPT has gone up higher in the time that I had it vix is a great AI coin it does everything it’s got real world use case the chart looks great it’s going up past its old all-time high um you can buy it pretty much anywhere the only thing with

    This is the negative news and people will say it is food were the uh paper reported that they had funding issues which is a problem so that means are they going to dump some of the token if they’re having funding issues I don’t know but that from what happened to me

    With Celsius Network and the cell token this is one of the reasons where I sold this token I’m going to put it at B it would have been s but I’m going to put it at B just because of what happened previously it may continue to do alltime

    Highs but just because of the caution and what happened with uh with them with the article basically saying they didn’t have enough funds you had to liquidate the company didn’t s sit well with me so this is why he going in B tier next one is Gala and we know Gala

    Games is a token that went uh crazy in the past Bull Run been around a long time it has a real world uh working games on the platform um it’s nearly a billion dollar market cap it’s been around a long time again the main issue for

    Me sorry the main issue for me with this is the fact that uh one guy is suing the other and is apparently for dumping tokens which isn’t good if you want to buy Gala of course you can buy it um you know on major exchanges binance for

    Example mexc but the main thing wrong with this is is the one owner or co- co-founder suing the other and until that gets sorted out I don’t think this will go back to its alltime market cap High just like xrp didn’t in the previous bull run because of uh the SEC

    Case so therefore I’m going to put this uh probably at the moment until it sorts out its issues uh in the C tier for me now one thing I talk about a lot in uh my videos is the 10x Club this is my private crypto community and it’s all

    About uh a community of light man individuals looking to leave the 9 to-5 matrix it’s a private Network to connect with people passionate about crypto and making money in the Bull Run is not a cheap Discord or patreon where you pay $5 a month it’s full of 5,000 members

    All talking about meme coins and Shilling or trying to find out the latest coin that is going to go crazy um it is without being harsh um the more higher tier uh private communities that you have you kind of get more of a better conversation and member joining

    Sorry it’s just true we have weekly q&as all recorded if you can’t make it we talk about anything in crypto gem hunting we talk about all new coins that get released and icos these are emailed to me on a a weekly monthly basis and then I put them on something

    Called the ultimate gem database so you can get into these early with my promo codes if I have any and also before they launch if you want to we can talk about your portfolio and superch charge it ready for the 2025 Bull Run you’ve got direct access to me we’ got a YouTube

    Master class in there we’re going to have VIP inperson meetups and also my how to defi courses in there as well so if you’re more interested click Link in the description and I’ll pin it in the top comment as well going back to this the next coin is games for a

    Living this again is similar to Mira similar to uh Gala but it is based on the bance smart chain and this the Tim recording has four games they’re developing inhouse and these four games will be the first ones that will be able to play and Sal swap individ ual items within it problem

    Is it’s not released yet so that is the issue with this it’s very very low in market cap so it could be a moon shot that you look at but again I’m going to put this uh pretty much um in this category it only has four games it’s going to be

    With this until it gets released then it’ll move up Gala that move up to maybe BR once this lawsuit’s done because that’s heavily suppressing it in my opinion next coin alivium I like this coin if you look at this this is the in my opinion the best looking game they’re looking at

    Releasing this year simultaneously aium Overworld and aium Arena these are the two games they’re developing chart is down and I think it will go up a lot um once this game is released it’s 125 by market cap there plenty of room for this to go up and

    Once this game’s released I think this is going to go crazy in my opinion you can buy on major exchanges you can stake it to uh gain benefits within the game if you want to play the game in my opinion this is up here I think this

    It’s been developed by the Unreal Engine epic games this in my opinion is number one in gaming it’s gaming it’s metaverse this is uh because you can buy land within the game as well so you’ve got all these different elements you’ve got alivium as a whole You’ve Got

    Arena Overworld the other one I forgot the name of it where you can buy the land in the game you can swap all your items between all of them and you can catch the alluvials in the game convert them to nfts and sell them so I reckon this is as to in my

    Opinion next one is arbitrum and arbitrum is a layer 2 solution uh for ethereum and this hasn’t had a bullom before but this is making good gains as in I think it’s at getting to its all-time high still uh just at 43 market cap and if you’re looking for a layer 2

    Solution I recommend that you research this the chart looks decent uh the volume on it is uh you know pretty crazy 214 million and in my opinion this is a very good layer 2 solution and coin this is um available on most exchanges and I really like this uh I really like

    Arbitrum so I’m going to put arbitrum in the a category next one is avax and avax is kind of like uh um you know bance smart chain it’s got it’s got It’s a layer one it’s got cheap fees it’s got a lot of projects on there there is a

    Lot of pump and dump tokens on this particular chain uh but it is cheap fees you can uh have a lot there’s quite a few tokens on there it’s got Trader jaw which is the Dex it’s going up by market cap at the moment um there’s a lot of

    Trading volume going through this because just as that many little tokens getting built on it 441 million and I do think this is a decent token to be honest you can pretty much buy this anywhere as well as the other tokens so I’m going to say with X I don’t think

    It’s an elite one I think this is probably a B level token at the moment next one is Kronos and this is crypto.com basically and I think the main thing crypto.com has Advantage wise over a lot of exchanges uh that not as as big as it or

    On the same level you’ve got your bances and coinbase this is kind of a teer below so it’s on the same level for me as like mexc for example and uh gate.io stuff like that and in my opinion the advantage this has over other um other exchanges is the fact that it

    Has the best um the best web address in crypto crypto.com it’s got advertising we’ve got the crypto.com arena sponsors the F1 sponsor sponsors football AKA soccer it has a basketball arena as well it’s got a lot going for it so you’ve got all the sponsorships of the awareness of the

    Brand which is obviously going to push people to buy Kronos as well as that you’ve got um you’ve got uh sorry you’ve got the the the you’ve got the cards sorry I was thinking so you’ve got the cards you’ve got it as a layer on ecosystem with nfts

    And you’ve got the cards that you can buy the Ruby whatever uh Emerald Etc the only thing with that was um they cut the rewards for some of them which people weren’t happy at obviously because it’s an exchange coin I am worried about what happened

    Last time so I’m going to put this under the B category uh for the time being next one is Monero and Monero if you don’t know has been around for 10 years I have Monero only a small amount and what I am doing is basically um holding

    Mano until 2013 Beyond CU I know that when Central Bank digital currencies come in people are going to realize that Bitcoin has a a ledger you can see it they want they don’t want people knowing uh how much crypto they’ve got mono is the biggest privacy

    Coin out there it had a dip recently because he got Dlisted off binance but I think this is a long-term play in my opinion I think this is a really good cryptocurrency to hold do you research on manura it is the number one privacy coin it’s pre of work just like Bitcoin

    And I think this is a great coin you may not agree with it but here we go a for me with manura now next next one is Sheba and why did Sheba come into existence so Shea and you came into existence because um Dogecoin is what Elon

    Musk always talks about and let me know if this is wrong he talks about Dogecoin and then Dogecoin pumps apparently uh Elon Musk has a dog no no no sorry sorry this is it so as far as I’m aware Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency that Elon Musk loves when he tweets about it

    Or X is about it the price goes up the dog that is on Dogecoin is a Sheba Inu therefore this coin was created for it called Sheba Inu which he’s mentioned a couple of times as well therefore this is why this is so high market cap

    Then El musk has named his dog Floy that’s why there’s another coin called Floy in you anyway vix will always pump on the back of Elon Musk and in my opinion he’ll probably still be up there I think Dogecoin is better there’s not much to really say about this coin I is

    Um CTI because he’s always going to pump when Elon Musk talks about it in my opinion next one cardano and this is a coin I held back in the day it’s been around a long time um I used to stake it for 5% I think I sold it uh at break

    Even um there’s no proper stable coins on it really the volume isn’t great on it uh compared to comparable coins although you can see that it’s quite High 687 million I just I just think James H James Charles hodkinson has been talking about this coin beaten ethereum since 2017 it’s still nowhere

    Near ethereum uh I think xrp is probably better than this I think there’s a few other coins better than this run a similar market cap not really a big fan of it I think the reason is still so high is because people see on all these

    Exchanges at a price of 62 cents and think it will go miles higher don’t realize that is a massive market cap I’m not going to put it on the me cuz it’s going to be up there but I’m just going to put it on the C next one is Dogecoin

    And again what I said before that Dogecoin is going to be up there obviously because of Elon Musk um it’s not really got any utility to be honest with you it’s just a meme coin been around a long time time I there nothing really to say about it put on the same

    Level and it’s going to be a c going to be a c oh accidentally put egld so egld this is multivers X we know this used to be called elrond we know this is a know Multiverse uh metaverse sorry coin we’ve see what’s happened with the Apple Vision Pro getting released which is

    Weird they’re going down this fully metaverse rout I still think it may have legs in it this was my biggest holding in the last Bull Run I didn’t take profits when it was up here um I thought this was going to go to $100 and didn’t um and some say this

    Is dead I don’t think it it is I think if they play the cards right it could do okay but I still got to see more projects on it because there’s not been many released recently um I do like the X launch pad it’s got quite a bit of

    Utility in run it’s um you know it’s ecosystem you’ve got the app that you’ve got um to uh the X portal to stake your crypto to hold your nfts uh mine are not great Lun lions and um Maya uh the wizard one Maya Maya punks I’ve got bot

    For one egld or half egld is worth hardly anything now because they’re like .1 um but mulus X it’s got to show more to me I think this is unfortunately C tier at the moment needs to show more happening within it um I’ve not seen anything on the road M recently to

    Convince me otherwise other other words I would have moved it up next one is H bar HED bar someone says boo mine uh I know H one of fellow YouTubers Jake talks about it all the time it was his biggest holding in the last ball run

    I understand but um is H byad don’t think it is it’s got a lot of Partnerships um I do think personally there’s better other coins around the same level or slightly higher I Casper um H bar you can buy in most places you can stake it as well I think

    H bar again is going in this C category next one there we go jasine this coin this coin Japan’s Bitcoin that is on ethereum don’t get me wrong coins will pump in here in the bull run everything pumps I just don’t see any anything with this coin

    I don’t see it it doesn’t do anything this coin at the moment does absolutely nothing but it has got hype behind it but I just I just I can’t take this coin seriously so I’m just putting it in me I just I do not see this coin doing

    Anything and I know Sony Executives blah blah blah but I just just don’t see it doing anything it probably pump but utility why I just I don’t know there just I just don’t see this coin in any good light providing anything of value so me sorry jasine no this coin is controversial

    Because of initially I poo pooed this coin and I was like no don’t like X ICP but I did look into it did my research on it looked at what it did and and then I was like well this coin actually does everything ignore this first chart look at it mobile market cap

    Look into the reasons that it dumped at first and in my opinion this is a decent coin this is um a massive ecosystem that covers AI gaming defi wallets cloud storage available on all exchanges you can stake it it’s just got a lot going on and in

    My opinion I point ICP up here this is fully changed your mind and hey in crypto we’re allowed to change our mind we are allowed to change our mind and that is why I’ve put this in a next one is the coin is the coin which is uh Casper

    And uh the Casper Creator and I’m going to get his uh name right here and when I Google it it does it still comes up with a takeaway that says desserts uh let me just get it up now Jonathan s pinski so this guy his contribution to the field of

    Blockchain is notable his 2013 paper on the Ghost Protocol is cited in the ethereum white paper so this guy who created Casper another thing or two about crypto and he has created this ghost ey uh technology and if we go beyond that Casper is looking to be it is a

    Proof of what blockchain but layer one proof of work with smart contracts which has never been done that’s what he’s looking to do this is it alltime high it is still only 29 by market cap 3.6 billion this is now my biggest bag I spoke about this

    Coin since July last year and it’s just never stopped going in the Bull Run you need a bit of hype behind you you need a coin that is going to keep going and this coin is just going to keep going I love this coin and um I can’t put

    It uh any other thing but s because I bought it three cents it’s nearly at the 5x for me to take my initial principal out and everything from that is profits and it was funny today um I had some comments saying as if you’re not taking profits blah blah actually

    People going telling me not to take profits like at the end of the day if I want to cash out and take a bit of profits I will do because you know that’s your opinion this is my opinion don’t get mad at me so Casper is St in my

    Opinion next one is salana and this is the one where they halt the blockchain all the time it is closely linked to Shang bman freed um the other side it does have a massive ecosystem it does have massive 24hour trading volume uh does have a lot of coins in it

    But I don’t like the close links to SPF I do not like how it hals its ecosystem all the time uh I don’t like it I do not like salana you can buy it everywhere it’ll probably be up there but I don’t this is going in the C for me

    Unfortunately next one is traveler now you would think on paper that this would be you know going crazy this is Ava this is traveler this is traveler.com this is slid down the rankings a lot but despite being 775 by market cap it is uh $1.5 million tra volume you can get

    Proof of travel nfts for this you can um stake it to get discounts and you off your holidays if you don’t know what it is if you go on traveler.com you can book holidays flights trips uh activities via crypto with traveler.com it’s basically the booking.com of crypto

    Really good but there’s no hype behind it unfortunately and I think it even has it has a real world use case but there’s no hype behind this coin unfortunately I really like it but I’m going to have to put it in C because there’s just no hype unfortunately last one pulse

    Chain uh you’ll know if you’re a follower of this channel that um I didn’t like hex so I basically bought $50 worth Stak tap for a year now I’m just going to tell you how much it’s worth with this little pump um I was considering so it to pulse

    Chain if it went up but it didn’t so I’ve now got $20 of hex from initially uh $50 so that’s where we are with hex and unfortunately with what is happening with Richard Hart this SEC inquiry with them accusing him of spending the sacrifices so if you don’t

    Know people sacrificed a billion dollars towards he uh pulse chain and a billion dollars towards pulse X roughly so about2 billion but $1.8 billion overall they’re accusing him of spending uh a large about $20 million worth on Ferraris Lambos G wagons Gucci tracksuits Louis Vuitton bags private

    Jet trips Villas you name it and obviously flaunted this on Twitter and X obviously doesn’t now but he did and if he did or he didn’t that is irrelevant the fact is the truth is there’s an SEC case ongoing and the problem is as long as there is an

    Ongoing SEC case then uh that means that this price will be suppressed in my opinion just like um xrp was in the last ball run so unfortunately post chain Inc do you agree with me top five coins there we’ve got alivium Casper arbitra manura ICP followed by the B Chen GPT meria fetch

    Avalanche Kronos the rest average then me engine and Jasmine let me know what you think if you get getting offended by what I’ve said a coin’s going to do then I think you need to uh get a reality check but if you do like my content Please Subscribe like the video and I’ll

    See you all very soon


    1. I react the same way as you whenever someone asks for my opinion about JASMY. I personally don't buy all the hype but, hey… to each his own.

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