Under Sunny Lu’s leadership, we’re turning sustainability into action. From next-generation smart materials with Nobel Laureate Sir Konstantin to sustainable supply chains powered by #Web3, we’re putting the power in people’s hands to make a change. Act, Earn, Prosper. This is VeChain’s vision of a Web3 world.

    There have been many great inventions and products launched aiming to solve the sustainability challenge but the real challenge is to have an inclusive adoption the missing puzzle is to get the normal people individuals to be involved and motivated to create sustainability impacts every day so blockchain technology actually uh makes

    This possible by tracking and incentivize sustainable actions by rewarding people for the like you know driving a e reducing the waste or generally speaking you know supporting any kind of sustainability business we can create a rle effect that drives a real change to the world it could be a

    Fractional effort it could be a fractional value but if we’re able to put them together in a cumulative way the collective result will be massive


    1. Sunny I love you mate and have been a a substantial vechain investor for awhile now about 8 years now but I'm also aware that the climate change carbon science is flawed and a total criminal fraud by the UN and scumbags at the WEF so hope you're aware and take measures to protect vechain from the downfall of these criminal syndicate's because they will be held to account very soon mate 👍 and using words like sustainability inclusion equality make me want to throw up its like saying democracy all swearing to me offensive language but keep kicking goals and take blackrock for as much as you can before Trump strips them of every penny they have 😆

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