Join us in this enlightening episode of “Unscripted Crypto” as we dive deep with Lyn Alden, a renowned investment strategist, into the fascinating evolution of the banking system and its future trajectory. Lyn Alden sheds light on the historical context of banking, the transformative impact of technological advancements, and the significant role cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, might play in addressing the inefficiencies of traditional financial systems. Through a blend of historical insights and forward-looking predictions, this discussion offers a comprehensive understanding of where finance is headed and the potential solutions digital currencies offer to longstanding challenges. Whether you’re a finance enthusiast, a cryptocurrency investor, or simply curious about the future of money, this conversation provides valuable perspectives on the intersection of technology, economy, and digital assets.

    This channel is intended to share tips and investment videos by experts. We DO NOT GIVE FINANCIAL ADVICE! Please consult a licensed financial advisor and do your own research before making any financial action.

    Never buy crypto just because you see a YouTuber talking about it. Always do your own independent research before investing in any coin.

    If you go back to kind of the the full history of banking mostly what you’re trying to do is make money more efficient so gold is is costly to move around it’s costly to verify it’s slow and so most of the history of banking was how can we move this Faster by

    Moving it as little as possible so for example you deposit gold in a third party and then you know if me and you are both using the same party and I want to send money to you or you want to send money to me we just contact that third

    Party and say debit from this account add to this account uh and that just represents our claims of that gold moving and that trusted third party just keeps holding the gold that way the gold has to move and get verified less often that’s kind of the multi-century history

    Of of banking uh for the most part uh and whenever that kind of blows up you add another layer of centralization you kind of just built centralization on top of centralization on top of centralization the history of banking is a testament to Human I’s quest for more

    Efficient ways to handle money in the past gold was the standard but its physical limitations led to the birth of banking as we know it Banks became the trusted intermediaries allowing people to transfer value without moving the actual gold thus speeding up and simplifying transactions this system however layered centralization upon

    Centralization leading to the complex Financial structures we see today but how does this historical context apply in our current digital Age The Rise of cryptocurrencies and blockchain techn ology offers a parallel narrative to the evolution of banking aiming to solve many of the inefficiencies and centralization issues inherent in the

    Traditional Financial system what really kind of kicked into high gear was the introduction of the Telegraph and so that was invented in the 1830s but it wasn’t really widely deployed until the 1860s so cross continent cross Atlantic Ocean connecting the the Western World by the early 19th century it crossed the

    Pacific it kind of connected the rest of the world over time and by that point we could move transactions at the speed of light uh around the world but of course we still couldn’t move the physical settlement over time this fractured into increasingly centralized systems they dropped gold backing entirely and

    There’s not really been a viable alternative uh for that time uh and so we we kind of find ourselves in a world where there’s 160 different Fiat currencies or so most of them rapidly lose value a handful of the best ones lose value slowly most of the other ones

    Are not wanted any where outside of their jurisdiction right so for example I have Egyptian pounds and Norwegian croner in the in the drawer next to me and there’s very little way to spend them here in New Jersey there’s there’s even converting them to other assets there’s very little liquidity for that

    They basically lose all of their monetary properties outside of their jurisdiction in a similar way that arcade tokens or casino chips lose value outside of their very narrow defined you know kind of issuer regions and there’s only a handful of kind of global assets that connect that all together

    And so one of the contentions I make in the book is that you know even though the broader crypto space has been filled with hype and fraud and scams and things like that that Bitcoin and some of the underlying technology and and things like stable coins are actually um

    Powerful innovations that that are solving problems and that are probably going to surprise a lot of people to the upside in the years ahead in terms of you know how what their staying power is like and what they end up changing no makes sense and then do you see I guess

    The Isis centralization in the cbdcs the classic thing that a lot of people talk about do you do you think that’s something the governments are going to try to to do to sort of bring it into the the fed and and their own control I

    Think that’s the Big Fork on the road I think that you know cbdcs are basically the Capstone on the multiple centuries of centralization that I just talked about right so that’s the final thing that’s basically that the government can monitor every transaction that happens freeze any transaction they don’t like

    That’s kind of the end state from the centralization perspective on the other hand we have for the first time in in history we have ways to do distributed settlements you know ledgers that are backed up by energy in a decentralized manner rather than just tied to like one

    Central bank’s Ledger um and so we we kind of For the First Time have the ability to do speed without centralization whereas most you know for centuries almost every friction in money is solved by centralization you say okay we’ll just make this friction go away by centralizing it we’ll just use the

    Shared Ledger uh and then when that has frictions between like another shared Ledger we say okay we’ll build a bigger Ledger under them we make it a central bank and when central banks have trouble um you know kind of connecting with each other they resort to connecting it into

    An even bigger Central Bank so the world Reserve currency used to be uh Britain now it’s United States almost every problem is solved by centralization um but with this technology uh as long as Humanity has the internet and and other High B high bandwidth maners of communication which which they’ve had

    For a long time now there’s ways to do this in a more distributed Manner and so um I think that technology is going be very powerful and we’ve kind of seen interesting um scenarios where for example Nigeria they you know they have ongoing long-term currency crisis uh High inflation persistently High inflation

    You know they also have a fairly tech-savvy population especially in cities there and so you had very high adoption of of things like Bitcoin and stable coins and so the central bank said well okay it’s we’re going to block all banks from sending money to crypto

    Exchanges try to slow this down uh and we’re going to introduce a cbdc and what happened was that band was in place for something like three years Nigeria um you know by most metrics for example chain analysis um estimated that they had the second highest crypto adoption

    In the world uh and specifically the highest peer-to-peer trading volumes in the world because that’s how they went around those um Bank blockages so they they failed to slow down you know Bitcoin stable coin and sometimes other crypto use cases or or speculation uh at the same time their

    Cbdc had very low and slow adoption no one really wanted it it wasn’t really solving a problem that people wanted and uh in recent months the central bank has actually reversed their prior ban uh it’s kind of acknowledging that it was not working uh and instead they’re

    Saying well let’s let’s Instead try to regulate this because it’s not working and I think that’s kind of a theme we’re going to see a while is that you know Central Bank digital currencies um they don’t really solve a lot of problems that people are looking to solve and so

    I think we’re we’re probably to see an ongoing battle between what policy makers want to happen and what the people find actually kind of serves their needs better in this digital age cryptocurrencies and blockchain Technology emerge as beacons of innovation challenging the status quo of centralized Financial systems ly

    Alden’s insights underscore the unique value propositions of Bitcoin and stable coins as solutions to the inefficiencies and limitations of traditional Finance despite the noise of hype and skepticism surrounding the crypto space these Technologies demonstrate a robust potential for reshaping global Financial transactions offering speed transparency and decentralization moreover the

    Conversation around cbdcs highlights the ongoing tension between increasing government control and the liberating potential of decentralized Finance the example of Nigeria’s crypto adoption despite governmental resistance illustrates a global Trend towards recognizing the utility and inevitability of digital currencies in meeting the financial needs of today’s population what is your outlook for

    Bitcoin and I guess cryptocurrencies in 2024 do you have a sort of any bies we’ve already hit some of the targets um I have I have a very big range for what I expected to go to I I I’ve been trying to stick to like a two-year view um

    Because I don’t really know for sure what’s going to happen in 2024 um I have higher conviction that throughout the course of 2024 and 2025 it’ll be notably higher than it is now um that that’s kind of my My overall base case um I I’d be surprised if we didn’t see six

    Figures uh in that two-year view certainly possible that we won’t but I’d be surprised if if we would not um and from there there’s a very big range because you’re basically you you you’d be trying to predict what what do humans do when the the price goes up well how

    How much of them we buy I don’t know um but basically we know the supply side uh we can also look at onchain indicators to see for example the behaviors on the supply side so you can look at how many coins are held by entities that have a

    Very low propensity to sell and you know during bare markets that ratio goes up you know the people that have been buying coins the bare Market they’ve gone through a lot of that they’re gener not going to sell um anytime soon even with a significant bull run it would

    Take a very high price point to get those coins out of their hands on the other hand when you have um bull markets you have a lot of new buyers coming in uh generally that’s that’s the handful of times when those longer term uh holders tend to sell they sell into that

    Strength we’ve not really seen that cycle start yet and so I think I still think we’re fairly early phase in the bull market but you know that doesn’t mean anything about three months or six months generally my research shows that that bitcoin price is heavily corelated with liquidity in any given multi-month

    Period uh generally speaking what happens when the reverse reapo facility gets low uh what are some of the the liquidity actions that they can resort to how bad would they let liquidity get before they were forced to intervene um those types of things can all determine

    What Bitcoin does in any sort of given given quarter or couple quarters uh but long term uh next two years and and longer um I’m I’m quite bullish concluding our journey through the evolution of banking and the rise of digital currencies we focus on the future outlook for Bitcoin

    And the broader cryptocurrency Market ly alden’s perspective offers a balanced view of cautious optimism highlighting the potential for significant growth in the coming years despite the uncertainties that lie ahead bitcoin’s unique characteristics including its limited Supply and the behaviors of its holders provide a strong foundation for its value proposition the analysis of

    Onchain indic indicators and Market cycle suggests we are still in the early phases of a bull market with long-term indicators pointing towards sustained growth this optimism is tempered by the recognition that short-term liquidity fluctuations and Regulatory actions can significantly impact market dynamics as we look to the Future the interplay between technological innovation

    Regulatory environments and market dynamics will shape the trajectory of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in closing the journey from gold to digital currencies is not just a story of technological advancement but a reflection of our Collective pursuit of a more efficient inclusive and decentralized financial system remember to subscribe and like this video if you

    Found it informative until next time keep exploring the unscripted possibilities of crypto


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