I have noticed a recent change in the gold & silver markets. This is what is going on and what I am seeing in my coin shop.
    #silverprice #goldprice #coinshop #silverstacking

    On this channel we talk about silver stacking, silver price, gold stacking and gold price. We talk about silver bullion and gold bullion. We talk about current world events and the economy

    I am not a professional financial adviser or consultant, the content is my opinion or the opinions of customers in my store.. This video is for entertainment only. Please consult your investment and tax experts for financial advice. Do your own research!

    Silver stacking, silver bars, Gold Stacking, Silver bullion, Gold Bullion, Coin store, Coins, Silver price, Gold Price, Coin Shop

    contact us at goldsilverstackers1@gmail.com

    Welcome back to the channel guys uh do you guys feel like something big is coming do you feel it in the air because uh I got a weird feeling a gut feeling that this year later on down the road here uh there’s some big events probably

    Going to happen uh it’s a weird Eerie feeling and it’s not based in any kind of fact it’s just a gut and uh the more people I talk to it seems like everybody’s got a weird feeling this weird feeling of impending doom like something big is about to happen

    Um whether or not any of this comes to pass I have no idea but you know we got an upcoming presidential election this year and uh if you believe that we’re going to get to this election and it’s going to be all peaceful and uh you know

    No problems with it uh I think you’re wrong um I just don’t foresee it going off peacefully in a well mannered uh uh election so I don’t want to get too political it’s not really what this Channel’s about but you know I feel like it’s coming and um if you have any

    Comments about this you know please leave them in the comments feel free and let me know what you think but you know uh I just heard that we have another spy balloon going over the United States uh I don’t know they haven’t really said many details about it where it’s coming

    From if it’s the Chinese or someone else and if you know what they’re looking at obviously they’re obviously spying on us in some way but um and uh you know we got a border problem going on uh we got wars in the Middle East and War in uh

    Europe so it it feels very doomy to me and um I have no idea like I said I have no idea what’s coming it just feels that way but I did want to talk to you about uh some things I’m seeing in my shop and uh another a new trend I believe is

    Happening with silver and gold and I’m going to talk to you about that so what I’m seeing in the store right now is a uh really large increase in U new silver gold stackers but um really more gold uh new to the new to Gold stacking new guys

    My phone’s been ringing off the hook uh almost every day for people looking to buy gold and these aren’t uh you know long-term uh silver and gold stackers these are people that I believe are waking up they’re seeing the things that we’re all seeing and uh when I go back

    To my gut feeling I think they have that too and uh they’re trying to protect themselves so um I think that premiums are going to start to go up again really soon I’m starting to see some outages uh of certain things from the big bullion dealers you know my wholesalers when I

    Go to check what they have and I’m starting to notice some things that are out and uh even some silver some silver uh is out right now you can’t even order it so there’s a a lot more silver going out of my store than people coming in to

    Sell it right now and um I know it we were in a little bit of a lull for a while and I’ve uh you know seen the other channels and I’ve talked to other bullion dealers and they’re pretty they were pretty stocked up on Silver but I

    Think it’s about to change um I think very soon you’re going to start to see the premiums rise again um there’s a lot of factors that go into this you know obviously with premiums it’s all it’s all supply and demand and and um I’m starting to see the demand uh increase

    Quite a bit um in my store for example right now I have literally zero gold for sale I have nothing left anything I put out there in Gold gets sold almost immediately uh so I’ve had to keep ordering and ordering and most of the time right I’m doing right now is I’m

    Just having people come in and you know basically leave me a a deposit and then I order them the gold they want and it takes you know three five three to five days for me to usually get that in but um I think it’s going to keep increasing

    For sure and I do believe like uh you know if you want to add your stuff probably now is a good time if you know while the premiums are still low because I think once uh the demand picks up uh heavily again you know Nationwide or worldwide uh premiums are going to shoot

    Right back up and uh it’s something to think about so there is a catch 22 to all of this um in regards to Silver and Gold and premiums and uh with the metals Rising uh and that’s the FED uh whether or not the FED if and when the FED will

    Actually lower interest rates uh is a big big factor in what’s going to happen with silver and gold um I think if they do go ahead and start lowering rates and there’s speculation as to when initially they were saying it was going to be in March and now they’re pushing it ahead

    They’re speculating it’s going to be in June but if and when they do this uh that should help silver and gold uh immensely um Unfortunately they just came out with some hot inflation numbers and um I believe the FED is caught in a really weird spot um I think they’re

    Damned if they do damned if they don’t scenario and uh you know there’s a there’s a small chance and uh some guys have talked about this some Economist which I am not an economist but some guys have talked about this there’s a chance that they could surprises and

    Raise rates um and if that were to happen uh I think the metals markets would really crash uh and probably the stock market as well because a lot of the stuff’s already baked in they’re expecting they’re expecting them to lower rates but you know it’s a it’s a

    Catch22 for the FED uh if they lower rates uh you know are we going to have more inflation because we already got you know inflation we had these hot numbers is it going to start running up again uh there’s a lot of guys I’ve listened to on YouTube that know a lot

    More than me and they think uh you know we’re just going to get massive inflation again or more or it’s going to rise higher and you know what as to the numbers they’re telling us who knows if any of those are real because all you

    Got to do is go out to a store go to the grocery store and you’ll see how much inflation there is so I’m not sure what’s going to happen but I there is a there’s a small chance I believe that they will actually raise rates um it’s

    Just my opinion guys you know I don’t know it’s more likely they’re going to lower rates and when they do you know it should help the metals the prices of metals uh significantly so we’ll just have to wait and see what happens just monitor what’s going on um nothing’s

    Ever set in stone with this stuff and uh you know do your own research and be aware and pay attention what’s going on um I wouldn’t didn’t listen to any of the hyped up super hyped up guys super hyped up channels that are saying you know gold Gold’s going to 20,000 an

    Ounce and Silver’s going to 500 oce blah blah blah that’s uh probably all bunch of baloney um so do your own research but I think those are the main factors right now but I am seeing uh a really massive uh increase in the demand specifically for gold right now now

    Silver and gold is only part of the equation um if it really hits the fand I mean Big Time hits the fand uh you’re going to need more than just silver and gold um I’ve been researching and watching some more of these prepper channels um I don’t think it’s rocket

    Science but I think there’s going to be some certain things that you should have and should you know you might need uh for what’s coming that I think is coming down the road here and um you know me and myself personally uh I’m going to start to concentrate a little bit more

    On uh making sure I’m prepared in case any of the stuff actually happens uh it just seems like that’s the route we’re heading and I don’t want to get caught you know I got a lot of silver I got a lot of gold stashed I got nothing else

    Stashed it doesn’t even make any sense uh if you’re in the mindset that the dollar could crash one day or collapse and uh or you know worse we can end up in a war or something like that uh I think you’re going to need some other

    Stuff there was just some uh stuff about more Cyber attack cyber hacking I guess some of the pharmacies around the country were affected by a Cyber attack and you can’t get medicine um these are like little warning signs that if anything major happens you’re not going to be

    Able to get anything I mean can you imagine if our vulnerable power grid were to go down just for a few days I think it would only take three three four five days for it to be down and it would be all Panic All would hit the fan

    If you know what I mean I’ve read some statistics on this and we rely heavily on our systems and if we were go were to go down a lot of people wouldn’t make it so I think you need to be thinking along those lines as as well I know a lot of

    You do but these uh some of these new stackers that have been showing up in my store recently uh I don’t know if they’re thinking about any of this stuff and I’m not sure I even thought about it that much I mean I have some stuff put

    Away but what I have I don’t think it will last me too long so I am personally going to be uh adding to my uh prepped supplies for myself but uh if you have any comments about this do you guys have any tips uh please leave them in the comments um

    Also please like And subscribe I’m trying to build this channel up you know and I appreciate everybody watching and listen to listening to me ramble anyway so that’s all I had to say today thank you and have a great day


    1. I'm feeling it too. Gold seems to have based out around 2 grand, and any combination of the events you spoke about could send us into new territory. Silver always slingshots past gold in percentage terms when these things happen. SD bullion claims the buyers have been busy buying too.

    2. My apprehension is this: silver and gold are essentially static, while it's obvious that the economy is declining. Au and Ag should be picking up because it naturally absorbs some of the refuge or alternative investment money when people get nervous. I quit watching the gold and silver investor channels because they will continue cheerleading no matter what. They are confusing me more than clarifying me. Maybe an esoteric sort of rigging against the Au and Ag markets is ongoing.

    3. I only started stacking around 18 months ago but have had that "gut feeling for" 7 or 8 years prior, so I concentrated on the basics first.
      I moved out of the city to a nice quiet rural location with a little land, and concentrated on the four things which are necessary to get by (water, food, shelter and cooking/heat in winter).
      I have an independent power supply set up too, and while it's not perfect and I'm also still on grid it would be enough to scrape by most of the time if necessary.
      It was only after I had these things sorted that I started stacking PM's.
      Now some folks might say "my circumstances wouldn't allow me to do that" or whatever, and I totally get that because everyone is in a different situation.
      However, even if you're just stacking some silver keep in mind that if you're only 10% prepared you're still more prepared than most people are, and each little bit you add to that increases your preparedness?
      And if you're on a tight budget it doesn't have to cost much to get some long life food in.
      Rice is cheap and will last for 20-30 years if stored in airtight containers. Canned fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel) are cheap and high in protein etc. etc.
      If you can increase your preparedness by just 1% each week it's still an improvement on where you were last week, right?

    4. Being a "poor boy" , i stack the real money" base metal coins. The pre 1982 copper cents , and the nickle. The composition of "the nickle" has never changed . Real money at NO PREMIUM. remember buy when no one is buying and sell when everyone is buying. If gold anx silver come back as real money in circulation WE HAVE TO MAKE CHANGE!!

    5. Great video. The only thing I would add is if we got hit by an EMP to take down our grid everyone who has a safe with an electronic key code will be locked out of their safe and everything in it will be inaccessible.

    6. Excellent video topic!
      Undoubtedly, there is a mostly unspoken concern that things are very shaky in so many day to day realms.
      1. Uncertainty of an election this year.
      2. April 8 solar eclipse that makes an arc over this nation that actually completes the arc in 2017 making an "X" over the USA. (Could it be soon judgement?)
      3. Deagle Report for 2025 shows an extremely large population reduction. This report is not recent but about (10 years old…not sure?)
      Being an election year, the powers will do all they can to prop up the dollar to artificially keep things rolling high in the dow and nasdaq. So i dont expect gold or silver to jump high this year. IMO, gold will stay @$2000/oz and silver at best will be @$25/oz for 2024. (A major negative occurrence could cause commodities to skyrocket)
      We'll see. Just food for thought.

      Prep items: protection, food, and water are the main ones

    7. Even Vermillion Enterprises said they are quite low on mercury dimes. He continually dismisses silver shortage ideas though. I think mercury dimes are especially prone to go into shortage.

      That is my focus now.

    8. Here's a Tip. Plastic 5 gallon buckets with sealable lids, 20×30" at least 5 mil mylar bags, 2 to 3,000 cc's of oxygen absorbers per bucket, at least 30G desiccant pack per bucket and a whole lot of white rice, beans and oats. Last 30 years at 75°, even longer if cooler. Each bucket will weigh 30 to 33 lb.

    9. There has been impending doom since 1945. Spy balloon is less dangerous then sputnik in the 50s. New money at high prices are usually the end not a new beginning. Remember if everyone knows something is going up then who are the idiots selling it? Always look at the commercials. When they do not wish to sell forward contracts then you can get excited. If you believe that lower interest rates will help silver go up then please explain why silver did not go through the roof when rates were down for years???? Look at cocoa prices and buy those candy bars as prices will double!!

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