Here’s your crypto bull run guide, last chance to buy Bitcoin.

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    Lark Davis Crypto Portfolio & Disclosures

    00:55 Phase One
    02:34 Phase Two
    07:24 Phase Three
    10:26 Phase Four

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    Everything expressed here is my opinion and not official investment advice – please do your own research before risking your own money. Lark Davis (The Crypto Lark and affiliated brand Wealth Mastery) is not providing you individually tailored investment advice. Nor is Lark Davis registered to provide investment advice, is not a financial adviser, and is not a broker-dealer. The material provided is for educational purposes only. Lark Davis is not responsible for any gains or losses that result from your cryptocurrency investments. Investing in cryptocurrency involves a high degree of risk and should be considered only by persons who can afford to sustain a loss of their entire investment. Investors should consult their financial adviser before investing in cryptocurrency.

    This video is going to serve as your crypto bull market guide there’s four main phases of a cryptocurrency bull market I want to go through those with you describe what they are tell you why basically right now you are running out of time to buy your last chance your

    Window is closing no BS really if we can go by any sort of indicators of how markets work in general then yeah you’re probably running out of time and I want to describe that for you describe the indicators we’re looking for describe when to stop buying when to start

    Selling very important information in this video and phases three and four are probably the most important phases so make sure you don’t skip any part of this video if you want to know the blueprint for succeeding and making money and achieving your financial dreams of sailing off into the sunset on

    Your yacht with your kids and your beautiful wife beautiful husband for the ladies out there come on let’s do it so phase one now phase one’s already finished to be clear phase one that that was the bottom nobody wants to buy at the bottom it’s the most terrifying time

    To buy but the bottom of the bare Market actually signals the reversal the pain is over and we’re going to start slowly moving back up and those early bull market phases are terrifying and scary and you have PTSD and you don’t want to believe that the Market’s recovering you

    Think it’s going to be pain forever and you can really argue that phase one is just the final phase of the bare Market or you can argue it’s the start of the bull market disbelief is very high during this phase nobody wants to believe crypto’s ever going to come back

    It’s dead forever it’s over the Ponzi collapsed move on to the next thing it’s all time to buy AI stocks which are great too but crypto came back didn’t it because it always does because it’s not going anywhere and the sooner people understand that the better they’ll be

    Prepared for this whole cycle to reset and go back to phase one in the next bare Market SL start of a new bull market phase remember this bookmark this video for the future that of course is the best time to buy people are most afraid to buy then buy when there’s

    Blood in the streets buy when others are fearful be greedy when others are fearful right and be fearful when others are greedy simple investing wisdom but it’s true most people fail to recognize it and act on it 2023 is a great time in the market lots of exciting things

    Happened obviously especially near the end of the year we started feeling more comfortable but by then prices were already up 100% the early Believers people bought under 20K for Bitcoin for example are sitting very nice right now aren’t they but I got good news for you

    Because right now we’re in phase two and phase two is when most people are gonna come back into the market the smart people come back into the market actually the vast majority of people come back in in phase four which is the most dangerous time but we see a lot of

    The smart money coming back in this is where we are right now so phase two is really typified by recovery belief that we can have a new cycle the disbelief phase is over people are starting to recognize oh crap look at all the onchain indic indicators look at all the

    Technical analysis charts everything is pointing in One Direction that this is the start of a new major cycle in the market how long that cycle lasts nobody knows for certain we’ll give you some time frames though just based on historical precedence and what that could mean but the money’s flowing back

    In the people are coming back in now not everybody’s coming back in new money largely is not here but people who maybe gave up during the bare Market they’re coming back in people who sold in 2021 maybe they’re starting to pay attention again crypto’s kind of hitting the

    Headlines once in a while so they’re dialing back in they’re bringing some money back in it’s an interesting time now this phase two it’s not the most perfect time to enter the market because that was really phase one but most people don’t enter in Phase One okay phase two is the second

    Best time to get your money into the market this is the time to be taking risks this is the time to be deploying Capital aggressively not Financial advice of course you can lose all your money obviously investing in crypto if you want to see a full risk statement you’ll

    See that in the description below pinned comment on X as well as my full portfolio disclosures if you ever want to know what I have in my bag or any my Venture Investments you can find it there okay so disclaimer over also phase two great time to be farming airdrops to

    Be staking coins this is a great time to be adding value into your portfolio and taking those risks to try to position yourself for a future where prices go parabolic and they probably will phase two is the ape phase think less ape more again not Financial advice most of your

    Cash should largely be in during phase two this is when you want to be allocating to be dollar cost averaging into the positions that you want to hold throughout the bull market this is the risk phase of the market where you take risks with the hope of an eventual payoff in phase four

    Later on remember phase four is not when you want to buy phase two buying time phase one great buying time most don’t do it that’s fine phase two is when you are probably going to be buying a lot of your coins now this cycle to be clear is

    Moving a bit earlier in some ways than it has compared to previous Cycles so when will this particular phase in the market end the Bitcoin having as a nice signpost that hey the Market’s about to heat up but you can still buy after the Bitcoin having now historically about

    Months after Bitcoin having is when we hit a new moment of price Discovery so in this situation when we cross over 70k can be expected about six months post Bitcoin having now if the cycle keeps moving earlier as it has been for some indicators that are already starting to

    Flash maybe this time is a little bit different in its structure structurally will still play out approximately the same just the timings are a bit different we’ve never had some things happen like passing over the 0.618 Fibonacci line before Bitcoin having it’s a bit technical but essentially it

    Means means that we are moving a bit earlier in this cycle largely due to those inflows of new money from the Bitcoin ETF so okay maybe we have four to eight months left to position ourselves so the good news is you still have some time the bad news is that time

    Is running out so if you don’t have money then you be thinking how do I get any kind of extra what can I sell in the house what kind of side gig can I get right now to get cash right now because at this stage the next four to eight

    Months $1,000 put in the market can probably turn into $10,000 in 2025 Maybe not maybe it goes to zero obviously too right it’s crypto it’s risky but that’s the general thought if the whole crypto Market goes up altcoin markets go up if we go up to a six7 trillion dollar

    Market cap everything’s going to pump everyone’s going to eat well who bought now or during this next four to eight months before we start Crossing into New price Discovery zones now before we get into phase three which is a very important phase and of course probably the most important phase which is phase

    Four I just want to let you know real quick if you’re not yet signed up to wealth Master newsletter you got to get signed up best damn newsletter in the cryptocurrency industry every single issue packed full of alpha we send this thing to your inbox multiple times per week technical analysis onchain analysis

    Defi the hottest airdrops in the market right now the news the newsletter after all and much much more you can join our 100,000 plus weekly readers for free by signing up using the link in the description thank you very much so phase three phase three is an interesting time

    So once we cross into those new highs the game starts changing you need to update your mentality a little bit you see because the risk reward at that point of aping a bunch of money in is diminished you have a better risk reward profile buying Now versus buying when we

    Start hitting price Discovery for Bitcoin and ethereum it’s just simple math that’s all there is to it okay it might feel warmer and fuzzier to buy when the price is $80,000 and everybody’s talking about oh my gosh Bitcoin starting to hit new highs this is so exciting hey it’s a a winner I

    Want to bet on the winner now you have to understand bitcoin’s always a winner ethereum’s always a winner salana is always a winner just depends on what price you want to get in at a lot of people will get in too late when it’s riskier and the game’s nearing its end

    The calculations on risk rewards start changing a lot during phase three and now’s actually the time to be taking less risk in the market you want to ape a little bit less turn on the thinking brain a little bit more dial down the lizard brain a little bit yeah still

    Lots of great opportunities to be clear phase three is still a time of great opportunity there’s lots of great new tokens launching you can chase those shiny new coins to get into you can hustle to try and get on token sales on launchpads you can hustle into those hot

    New airdrops that are coming up all the time in the market right now but consolidation largely going to be thinking about that you want to be largely Dum buying by this point the vast majority of your cash should already be in the market if you have new

    Cash coming in think about how you’re deploying that in an effective way maybe you want to focus it on aird drops maybe you want to focus it on shiny new coins maybe you just want to DC a bit into some existing position but with the knowledge that you’re not going to get

    The same kind of reward like chain link for example by this stage in the market chain links probably me 50 bucks as an example and still has a great potential maybe you’re going to get 100% gains out of that maybe 200% but it’s not like buying

    It at seven bucks when we were buying at seven bucks we’re sharing that on the channel hey packing giant chain link bags at seven bucks guys anybody who was paying attention to what ccip was and all that stuff we’re up 100% now not bad right so when you’re buying chain link

    At 50 bucks hey still a great coin still very powerful infrastructure for the whole crypto space but your potential for gains is diminished again you can still take that risk but you have to understand that as the price keeps going up you’re taking more risk for Less reward okay okay so

    How long that phase lasts from Price Discovery until New highs is anybody’s guess could be six months could be 12 months there’s a lot of opportunity in those six to 12 months to make all kinds of money again on the shiny new coins on the aor drops taking profits on existing

    Positions as narratives go absolutely insane gaming narratives gonna pop off and all the gaming coins go up like a thousand per in a month and then you take some damn profits man come on phase four this is the selling time phase four is when you want to really just flip the

    Switch in your brain and go okay this is the danger time in the market and this is ironically the most greed euphoric crazy time in the market when everybody’s going to be coming in you’re getting the phone calls from people haven’t talked to in 10 years wanting to

    Buy dog coins this is the time because you were here in phase two you held through phase three and you had a little bit of fun playing around some stuff maybe took some profits whatever but now it’s phase four now this is the most dangerous time to bring new money into

    The market and ironically it’s when 90% of people are going to come in and buy it’s just how the game is man don’t hate the player hate the game it is what it is these people are going to be your exit liquidity this is a player vers

    Player game here it’s not Kumbaya okay we’re not all gonna make it I’m sorry but we’re not in order for you to get out of the top somebody has to buy the top markets are ruthless as and you have to get realize that this is the

    Truth of it okay now so the sell time is here and you’re going to sell because you don’t want to be a broke ass next bare Market you don’t want to be sitting around in a Reddit group or a telegram group with the other 10 people who

    Didn’t sell and are down minus 99.99% on their bags being part of the community no you want to sail way on the Y that’s what you want so you’re selling so what do you do what do you do well first you have to watch for General conditions in

    The market coinbase app top five binance top 10 10 apps downloaded right in like America and stuff like that these are Big indicators to watch for huge Euphoria and greed on the timeline we see people posting Rolexes daily we see people posting new cars daily we see huge media frenzy articles

    Like hey everyone’s getting hilariously Rich except for you those kind of Articles tops in tops in Jimmy Fallon buying a million dooll nft again Topson get ready start thinking about selling so what do you want to do now now you want to unstake your coins most coins

    Staked on chain can take anywhere from 7 to 30 days to unstake unstake think about selling your risk reward now for continuing to stake those coins is unfathomably high because would you rather would you rather unstake your coins and sell them nearish the top or would you rather wait and get another

    Two or three% apy paid out in those coins but now the coin’s down 50 60 70 per. choice is yours so think about it now is time to dial down risk dramatically and I’m talking about you want to exit your Farms you want to get out of airdrop positions you want to

    Exit leverage and I’m not talking just about leverage trading I’m talking about things like onchain Leverage things like uh ethereum reaking and rehypothecation schemes that stuff’s probably G to come tumbling down dramatically badly during the bare Market okay you want to get out of that stuff before that happens again

    There’s going to be a buying Frenzy everyone’s going to be telling you you’re an idiot for selling right now it’s just going to keep going up forever and then it doesn’t but you’re not an idiot you’re the one who’s going to sell you’re the one who’s going to take

    Profits you’re the one who’s going to ensure your Financial Freedom potentially intergenerational wealth for your family you’re not going to screw it up are you lading out can really help here I know when you have a position that’s seven figures eight figures some of you guys are going to really do this

    Okay I need you to understand that it gets stressful it gets stressful trying to think you have to go either all in or all out at one particular second you can ladder out take out 5% a day for 20 days straight take out 10% every three days whatever figure out a strategy that’s

    Going to work for you personally and then do it start lading Out start clicking the sell button be emotionless these coins are not your friends the people who are in that Community are not your friends okay you have to be emotionless about this they’re not your buddies the

    Coins are not your buddies the coins are not going to keep it warm at night the coins are not going to pay your bills when they’re down minus 99.99% okay the only one you will be betraying by not selling when you have lifechanging money on the table and not

    Changing your life is you that’s the only person who’s going to have to pay the piper at the end of the day and answer to themselves when they look at themselves in the mirror and saying I had lifechanging money on the table and I didn’t sell didn’t take any money off

    The table you don’t have to sell everything okay you can sell half your bags three quers your bags 90% s your bags if you’re really just like I have to keep something just so I can always be in the market and I can be there for

    Be part of the community you can still be part of the community and have a th000 bucks worth of the coins you can just sell the other million okay there you go if you see a coin pumping during this phase like wildly it’s up two 300%

    A week get out sell take the opportunity because other people are going to see a coin go up 300% a week and go oh that one’s a winner I have to buy it meanwhile you the smart money you’re getting out at this stage you want to go

    Largely Into Cash again you can hold Moon bags you can hold some small percentage of your Holdings throughout the bear Market whatever okay but you want to largely get out at this point in the market you want to get into cash and you want to wait and you probably

    Actually want to get most of your cash offchain you don’t want to be in farms during this period you don’t want to be in anything that has any kind of Leverage during this period you want to have have your money off of exchanges during this period okay something like

    Usdc or usdt held on chain is going to be safer quote unquote things can still happen to stable coins that’s why it’s not a bad idea to put cash into your bank account while you wait for the worst of the craziness the deleveraging in the bare Market to happen when

    Everything starts collapsing and the bankruptcies start happening and the protocols start breaking and the chains start breaking and people start freaking out and panicking you don’t need to be there for all that pain you don’t need to be there for all that suffering again you were smart you sold you’re on the

    Yach in the Caribbean with the wife and the kids you don’t care about any of this crap you’ll come back and buy the bottom start from phase one again right look during this phase four you risk run the risk of course that you’re going to sell and the markets pump

    Higher in this phase but you don’t need to stress about that too much you’re never going to get out perfectly at the perfect top and if you keep thinking I can only sell if I perfectly sell exactly at the exact exact exact exact top You’re Gonna Lose You’re Gonna Lose

    Straight up almost no one there’s GNA be like one guy and you’re probably not going to be the one guy who exactly perfectly sells the absolute top you won’t be so why even stress about it focus on getting as much as you can but don’t strive for Perfection because

    There is no Perfection the markets are chaos there will be no orderly exit when the time comes I mean anyone standing there with you know big lights in their hands everybody over here to sell everybody over here to sell no no very much the opposite it’s going to be

    Absolute chaos that everyone’s be telling you not to sell and that you’re an idiot for selling you have to think contrarian you have to think this is my life this is my life changing money on the table right here and I’m going to change my life your final chance to exit

    If you keep denying and denying and denying and denying and denying that the bare Market’s about to happen and everything’s about to go to your final chance to exit it’s probably going to be when something like the weekly macd on bitcoin hits its Bear Cross now

    You’re not going to get a perfect exit at that point things are be down 30 40% already but if you don’t want to go down minus 99999999 % which a lot of altcoins will do then this is it that’s your chance to get the hell out of the market before

    The worst happens because if you don’t all your dreams right down the toilet and you can enjoy sitting in a telegram group with the other 10 guys who didn’t sell that’s it good luck


    1. Just want to say i recently found your channel. And as someone who’s been in the space since the last top.. yup dumb money here lol I want to say your channel and videos are amazing. Liked and subscribed! And let’s get this life changing money!

    2. Great video brother… Selling is the hard part… I have a lot of really good positions right now and I’m up massively and it’s already hard, I can only imagine when bitcoin is at all-time high, the anxiety I’m gonna feel… I think I need to start meditating, grow some bamboo trees Drink a bunch of green tea and focus on being one with the universe lol

    3. Coming in from a life of equity trading where a 3% profit on a trade was great, and in a year, 40% was outstanding, I'm not fretting missing the top on all my coins that will easily 2x.

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