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    Adrian Day, the founder of Adrian Day Asset Management, returns to the show, and he shares his expert insights on the looming challenges in the commercial real estate sector, emphasizing the significant risks posed by foreign banks, particularly German and Japanese institutions, due to their stringent write-off standards. Furthermore, Adrian discusses the broader implications of current economic uncertainties, including inflation concerns, the potential collapse of major banks, and the precarious position of insurance companies. Additionally, Adrian offers a compelling analysis of the precious metals market, highlighting the resilience of gold amidst economic turbulence and the factors influencing the performance of gold and silver stocks.

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    โ–บ I am not a professional financial adviser, nor do I offer financial advice. This video is for entertainment only. Please consult your investment and tax experts for financial advice.

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    Hello everyone thanks for joining and welcome back to Wall Street Silver joining us today is the founder of Adrien day Asset Management the man himself Adrien day uh Welcome Back Sir uh thanks for joining us well thank you Ian thank you for having me yeah it’s

    Always a huge pleasure having you uh on we haven’t had you on for a while but I I really wanted to bring you on to talk to you about what’s happening in the economy you know there’s so much uncertainty especially around Banks commercial real estate uh what is your opinions right now

    Focusly right on Commercial Real Estate uh people are saying that there’s going to be a collapse coming there soon yeah sure sure because you know you’ve seen this with a lot of banks not just us Banks but but foreign Banks as well but primarily say German banks Japanese

    Banks that have a lot of investments in commercial real estate in the US and their standards for write offs are a little strict than in the US and so you’re seeing a lot of foreign Banks particularly the two countries I mentioned but others as well who are writing

    Off um and taking impairments on their us commercial real estate the US Banks seem to be wanting and able to sort of just defer and push down the road but that doesn’t make the problem go away of course so yeah I think we’ve got a major

    I’m not alone in this of course we’ve got a major problem in in commercial real estate in in the US and and and it’s coming to a head and absolutely and the FED can’t really like you know people are always saying you know they could just reduce rates but at the same

    Time if inflation cons continues to stay hot or continues to go up and it’s under reported a lot of people do believe that the actual inflation numbers are a lot higher than what they report in the news oh really yeah of course so it’s it’s so

    You know if you look at that Adrian and you say okay okay if inflation numbers are higher they can’t reduce rates but they’re just trying to you know play that game the fed and in the commercial real estate I’ve heard also Adrian a lot of these banks these major banks have

    Billions of dollars invested in this commercial uh real estate and they’re all in unrealized losses they haven’t actually declared them yet because uh but if they do it’ll be e you’ll see Bank collapse like crazy so what do you see I’m not just Banks of course but insurance companies as well same thing

    The com the insurance companies that are that are insuring the banks for the losses or insuring the commercial real estate developer uh uh owners landlords you know they’re going to have a problem as well yeah you’re absolutely right I mean the FED there’s always a dilemma

    Right there’s always if we if we do this there’s a risk if we do that that’s a risk but right now the FED really has a huge dilemma um as you say if they lower rates then the inflation numbers are only going to pick up I think they’re

    Going to remain stubb and and and and move up I’m not talking about accelerate or I’m not talking about runaway inflation but they’re going to move up anyway right but if they lower rates that only exacerbates that problem and that’s really I guess that’s really the only downside for the fed I’m not

    Talking about you know fundamental effect on the strength of the economy but that’s really the downside for the FED at the moment to lowering rates but on the other side the downside to keeping rates where they are for any period of time is not only a recession

    And higher unemployment but as you say it’s commercial real estate and that Banks and potentially and potentially the insurance or some insurance companies which are heavily exposed to cres and c and then the other downside of course is the federal government’s debt levels which at at even if you keep

    Rates where they are that means a huge increase in the amount of the percent of money in the federal budget that is going simply to interest payments right so if we keep rates where they are for a while that’s going to increase by I don’t have the numbers in front of me

    Sorry but that’s going to increase by at least 50% over the next 12 months just if we keep rates where they are W so I think on balance the FED knows that they have to ease and there’s different things they can do you know with uh bank reserve requirements and with you know

    There’s different things they can do but on but it means overall they have to ease and that’s bad for inflation so I just wanted to let everyone know about our new sponsor Strategic Wealth preservation they are an international precious metals deal deer and they are secured storage provider that have

    Headquarters in the Cayman Islands the company owns and operates a large class 3 UL rated vault in the Grand Cayman and they offer other strategic locations as part of its Global Storage Network they specialize in the acquisition Secure Storage and liquidation of precious metals for individuals companies trust and wealth management professionals on

    Behalf of their clients so if you guys want to check them out the link is in the description below and how do you see this playing into precious medals uh for gold silver um do you like a lot of people have been saying oh the second you reduce the

    Rates then you’re going to see uh silver and gold Skyrocket uh but they’re still holding strong like gold has been holding strong uh for a very long time it’s it’s very resilient so what do you see there in the pr yeah no and we’ve talked about this before but yeah gold

    Itself is holding very very strong but silver Is Not Gold stocks are not silver stocks or not and we know the reason for that the reason for that is is is one thing and one thing only and that is when you look at who has been buying

    Gold gold Assets in the last 18 months and this been central banks and central banks want to buy gold bullion they don’t really want to buy silver bullion and they definitely don’t want to buy new month mining or Ajax expiration they want to buy physical gold and that’s why

    Gold is doing so well even in the face of the gold market otherwise being very very weak I mean you look at ETFs for example over the last 18 months we have had steady outflows from global global gold ETFs I don’t mean every single week or even

    Every single month but on balance for the last 18 months we’ve seen money flow out and this year up until February 15th latest data this year been 42 tons outflows of gold ETFs that’s more than all of last year’s outflows so those outflows are continuing um so so so I think it’s

    Important people realize that’s why gold is holding up in the face of everything else gold coins gold ETFs silver silver stocks everything else going down why do you think the gold ETFs and and everything is there’s so much going out of it and it’s low like why what’s the reason you

    Know I might get some hate mail on this I hope not I think that it’s gold everybody talks about the disconnect between gold and gold stocks right I think it’s gold that is too high for the current economic environment now that’s changing but if you look say three months ago you

    Had interest rates moving up dramatically not just in the US but in other countries around the world in Europe even in Japan they’re moving interest rates up for goodness sake if they keep on at this rate they might get to zero pretty soon but um so interest rates moving up um

    And a strong dollar well that economic environment is very negative for gold in addition to that so so I would argue that the disconnect between gold and gold stocks is not the Gold stock are too cheap but the gold is too expensive for the economic environment now that’s

    The economic environment is changing so so that’s good news but but when you ask why have gold stocks been so weak I think that’s part of a reason and the other part of a reason frankly is that the broad Market is doing so well people

    Often say to me oh Gold’s doing well the stock market is doing well why aren’t gold stocks up and that’s there’s a false premise there gold stocks will typically do well I think gold stocks will do well when the rest of the market stumbles not when it

    Crashes goes down now there’s like an AI rush you see so many people invest billions and billions into AI stocks or any anything to do your normal generalist investor or your family office or whatever whatever they’re having all the fun they could possibly have with Nvidia and apple and yeah

    Looking for AI they’re not looking at Gold stocks they’re not looking at oil stocks either um but when that when the leaders start to drop I think people will start to look at well what’s what’s undervalued what do we look for now and and gold stocks are clearly one of the most undervalued

    Sectors absolutely there is so I I think the premise is wrong if the if the market starts to fall falter falter would be a better word yeah if the market starts to falter that’s when I think we’ll see um some interest return to Gold but but getting back to your

    Original thing about the FED I mean history tells us that when the FED starts to cut after a raising cycle gold moves up and that’s that’s happened every time there’s no reason to think it won’t happen again right this time so that’s what we’re really looking for absolutely and there’s so much uh

    Uncertainty with Wars going on you see the like the wars you never know maybe it can go another six seven years in Ukraine with Russia and uh and that would that will play a huge role on inflation globally stock markets uh and then you see what’s happening in the Middle East what’s your

    Ideas uh there for like the stock market compared to geopolitical issues like War um do you think it’s just temporary like if a war War breaks out it’ll only temporary temporarily affect gold and silver or yeah typically geopolitical events typically they have only a short-lived impact on the price of gold

    When something happens there’s normally a spike and frankly you often see gold moving up if it’s something that’s predictable like the Ukraine Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was re I mean I got it wrong I didn’t think they would invade but I mean it wasn’t something that came complet completely out of a

    Blue yeah you knew that for you knew there for like weeks right and so gold was moving up ahead of that within three months it was back to where it was before that and that before before the whole thing started for crisis started and that is not an untypical pattern notice how Brit

    Speaking with double negatives that’s not an untypical pattern you know even 911 11 that was that was completely unexpected um had only a shortlived impact on a price of gold typically if Gold’s already in a strong up move and you have a geopolitical event that’s if

    If you like icing on the cake and it can be a much bigger move like with the Iran hostage situation in 1979 80 gold was already flying but but ever since ever since then geopolitical events have been a very minor um impact to be honest um they have a bigger impact

    On um they have a bigger impact on other Commodities but but might where the supply might be directly affected by what’s going on so phosphate uh with Ukraine and and Russia that’s a a prime example oil you know one might have thought oil would have gone up more with

    What’s happening in the M right now particularly in the yeah um you know because that could hurt supplies uh significantly the fact that it hasn’t suggests to me that there’s probably a little more Supply than you know we thought there was right but but but but as for gold it

    T and silver tends to be a shortlived shortlived impact absolutely well Adrian it’s such a huge pleasure having you come down to Wall Street Silver as always where can people connect with you and yeah where can they see you but I don’t want to leave on that note that

    It’s should I would on the note that whether it’s three months or six months we are extremely close to that point where the FED will have to cut rates yeah before inflation is completely under control or killed and that will be extraordinarily positive for gold and

    Silver uh where can people get me it’s uh Adrien d awesome well again such a huge pleasure Adrian and love to have you back in the future love to and thank you very much for having me awesome talk to you soon


    1. Still waiting for silver to make even just a slight move upwards..
      I think it will only adjust to its real price once the system aka the matrix has finally collapsed (which will happen probably within the next 2-3 years).

    2. At this rate it is impossible to teach about gold to the dummies ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿคฆ

      Let the gen Z go all in in Bitcoin then ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜

    3. I think the banks are controlling the price by smaller selling, then buy huge amounts. The price starts going up, then they ALLL sell a small amount at once, keeping the price down. At some point, perhaps a collapse of some sort, then they are done selling and it takes off.

    4. Thank you for sharing. Financial education is crucial today to show incredible resilience and discipline in the volatile market, masterfully balancing strategy and insight for success. This dedication to continuous learning is inspiring…managed to grow a nest egg of around 2.1BTC to a decent 15B TC in the space of a few weeks… I'm especially grateful to John Preston, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape……๐Ÿ“Š๐Ÿ“Š

    5. Central banks and governments have been acquiring gold for years and will keep on for who knows how long only the globalists will know when it's time to bring the system down

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