Dr Marwan Alzarouni – Dubai Is The Merchant of Hope: How We Are Building The City Of The Future

    this is the secret formula of Dubai we
    don’t focus on any of that negativity we
    focus on bringing value to everyone we
    focus on building the ecosystem we focus
    on the use cases that will deliver value
    the focus is on the results our fabric
    is always and always will be working
    together towards achievable goals in a
    systematic way we can talk about the
    creation of all this beachr property the
    Innovations the blockchain technology
    but at the end of the day it’s about
    people and about hope that’s ultimately
    what you’re selling hope is the greatest
    power in the world how does this
    mentality spring up in a place that used
    to be a place where there was pear is we
    were seven small Emirates with very very
    small resources all of a sudden we got
    good wealth good prosperity good
    infrastructure good leadership and we’re
    holding on to that we want to genuinely
    not go ever back to not being together
    it’s called the United Arab Emirates we
    are Arabs and we are Emirates but we are
    first and foremost United this mentality
    do you think you will show the world
    somehow that maybe this can be the
    standard We Believe by doing things that
    we believe are right leading by example
    showcasing that we can do it imagine
    looking up having the positive energy
    and understanding that okay today I have
    a mission and this is what I’m looking
    for it’s very structured it’s very
    looking forward when you focus on
    yourself and you focus on your family
    and focus on moving forward in life if
    you improve yourself the rest of the
    world will see what you do and they’ll
    want to follow how can you contribute
    towards Humanity the solution is to
    build something great a lot of people in
    Dubai are financially stable because
    they have a job they have a roof over
    their head you go to sleep not worrying
    about your personal security not
    worrying about your transaction being
    blocked not getting your next paycheck
    imagine living in a world that this is
    not an issue wouldn’t that world be an
    amazing place to live we can do much
    more as humans
    the world is
    changing inspiration is
    everywhere it has never been so easy to
    connect share and bring people
    together we’re learning from others and
    finding the best in
    ourselves challenging our beliefs
    sharing our
    vulnerability overcoming our
    fears transforming ourselves so we can
    transform the
    world how far can we
    go this is London real I am Brian Rose
    my guest today is
    this is London real I am Brian Rose my
    guest today is Dr Marwan aleron the
    keynote speaker strategic adviser and
    passionate advocate of blockchain
    Technology you are one of the middle
    east’s most well-known crypto pioneers
    and have been at the Forefront of
    supporting and promoting blockchain
    technology within the region for nearly
    a decade you are the CEO of the Dubai
    blockchain Center which brings together
    thought leaders developers investors and
    Educators all Under One Roof you’re also
    the Strategic adviser to the Dubai
    Department of econom and tourism with
    the goal of making Dubai the smartest
    and happiest city in the world coin
    Telegraph need you in the top 100 most
    influential people in crypto and you
    have said it is imperative that we build
    sustainable and responsible blockchain
    and artificial intelligence your aim is
    to make the UAE the global leader in
    Technology Innovation and Dubai among
    the top three economic cities globally
    2033 you believe we must push the
    boundaries and push each other to work
    tirelessly in order to make Dubai the
    greatest City on the planet Dr Maran
    welcome back to London rail in
    Dubai thank you Brian thank you again
    for having me back it it seems surreal
    that last time uh we talked you were
    just uh exploring Dubai and just
    literally fascinated by everything that
    is in Dubai and fast forward to today
    where you’ve experienced Dubai over the
    last 13 months and you have a totally
    different perspective and really kind of
    your own uh take on the buai as well so
    it’s it’s uh really exciting for me to
    talk to you and hear about your
    experience as well yeah our first
    conversation uh was I think two or three
    days after I met you at gitex which is
    kind of the biggest technology
    conference in the world and we sat down
    I think right in one of the booths that
    you had in digital Dubai and had this
    conversation that we called uh we ended
    up calling The Merchant of Hope because
    that’s what you named du byai and um I
    was very new I was making observations
    very curious about the place and the
    interactions I was having with the
    people but I think at one point I said
    um am I moving to Dubai and you kind of
    laughed out loud and now here I am I’m
    spending the entire month of January
    here we have the London real Studio here
    and we’re talking to the most important
    people in this city and uh yeah um
    everything seemed to have changed so I
    can’t wait to talk about my experiences
    with you and you know what this place is
    all about um that term Merchant of hope
    it really stuck with me when you said
    that about Dubai because we can talk
    about the buildings we can talk about
    maybe the fact that it’s the only fully
    digitized city in the world we can talk
    about you know the creation of all this
    beachr property the Innovations how it
    attracts people all over the world the
    blockchain technology but at the end of
    the day I guess it’s it’s about people
    and about hope and I thought it was a
    really bold statement that you said you
    guys are the merchants of Hope that’s
    ultimately what you’re selling and I
    meet people from Pakistan from America
    from Europe from Asia from Australia
    everyone is here what did you mean when
    you said you are The Merchant of
    hope you see we live at even worse than
    than last last year when we talked
    actually in an environment and a world
    that is like filled with conflict uh a
    lot of people don’t want to get involved
    in conflicts a lot of people don’t want
    this controversy a lot of people don’t
    like politics don’t like all the other
    issues that people talk about when even
    when even when they’re prosperous as a
    nation or as as a state uh we don’t
    focus on any of that negativity we focus
    on the positivity we focus on what
    people look forward to and this is the
    the secret formula of Dubai uh getting
    the best out of people getting people to
    be productive providing them with the
    right environment the right Circumstance
    the right enablers for them to deliver
    their best not only for them to wake up
    every day looking forward to tomorrow
    but also ignoring all the differences
    they have with everybody else whether it
    is a colleague at work or either it is
    some issue with politics or religion or
    any other difference no you wake up you
    have a goal in life you have something
    to look forward to or something to look
    and raise your children looking forward
    to is improving yourself incrementally
    improving your inner surrounding your
    sphere of influence influ improving your
    city influence improving improving the
    nation which is the UAE improving the
    world after that as well and you see
    every single incremental success you get
    is fuel for you to do even better it’s
    fascinating because right now in America
    there’s a very divisive presidential
    election you know in London where I live
    there’s a very divisive two-party system
    between you know labor and conservative
    and the list goes on and on and in the
    past 5 years 10 years politics has
    turned into entertainment and media and
    every front page of every newspaper is
    about someone who said something or did
    something or is being prosecuted and
    about issues from the left and the right
    and in the middle and it’s just it’s
    just this engine of anger and hate that
    seems to dominate and I don’t even know
    if we know why we’re doing this and
    engaging in this Behavior I guess
    because it’s supposedly this quote
    unquote democracy this great system but
    like you said it really it pulls us into
    this negativity Loop that has nothing to
    do with our families with the future
    with our businesses with making the
    world a better place and in Dubai that
    just that doesn’t exist and that’s
    intentional yes and and and actually in
    Dubai it’s a it’s illegal for you to to
    uh uh hurt somebody over social media
    it’s illegal for you to take a picture
    of somebody without their consent and
    even in public places and a lot of other
    places in the world if you you are free
    and and perceived public places you are
    free to take pH of anybody for us we
    considered invasion of privacy and an
    invasion of personal space if you’re
    taking a picture of somebody without
    their permission so these kind of soft
    kind of things that give you a comfort
    to go around without expecting people to
    bother you without expecting people to
    try to solicit you to something it’s
    it’s all adds up to this kind of a
    environmental kind of safety and
    environmental perception of safety
    safety as as well when you’re walking
    down the streets when you’re shopping in
    a mall nobody’s like Paparazzi and you
    here you know you you don’t see that
    even the celebrities are much more
    comfortable in taking pictures because
    they people ask for permission always
    it’s not because they are courteous are
    plot because this is the the system of
    Dubai this is the how we grew up this is
    how we are accustomed to actually
    respect the boundaries of people respect
    that they are people after all even
    celebrities even uh you know uh famous
    people and everybody comes and
    approaches you with dignity approaches
    you with respect approaches you even if
    they disagree with you and and I’ve I’ve
    seen uh your interviewer the Mario Noel
    when he was saying that he cannot go to
    certain places in the world because he
    doesn’t feel safe but inby he can walk
    around safely he doesn’t get harassed
    and it looks just like a given but
    there’s a lot of work a lot of lws a lot
    of you know uh culture that comes with
    it and it’s not only culture at work but
    culture in Dubai in general tourists
    feel more comfortable and bringing their
    kids to the beach because there is no
    like public show Showcase of uh intimacy
    on public beaches you know so you can
    bring your kids anywhere you can bring
    your kids there are also adult only
    places where kids are not allowed you
    know so there’s a place for everything
    and there’s a place and and time for
    everything and there’s expectations that
    are aligned what you expect as a tourist
    what you expect as a tourist with family
    members uh what you expect as a person
    shopping in a mall there’s no public
    display of fighting either there’s no
    fighting there’s no cursing there’s no
    even when you’re driving you cannot
    curse at people and driving so all these
    kind of things create this kind of
    environment where everybody’s focused
    laser focused even on work on family on
    getting those things aligned and the
    priorities right they’re not focusing
    that oh today somebody cut me off or oh
    today uh somebody harassed me on social
    media or bullied me in school or did any
    of this stuff because it it’s not it’s
    not an issue and I’ve noticed that
    because I’ve been here for weeks and I’m
    walking around thinking what would my
    walk be like if I was in London in
    London I might have to worry about a
    group of you know drunken Brits after a
    football game yelling being aggressive
    cat calling women I might have to worry
    about the homeless people and falling
    over them or them asking for money I
    might have to worry about you know all
    these things that now I don’t even worry
    about and after a while it it really
    does change your entire mental state and
    here it’s just not an option it’s not
    allowed you almost know it’s not allowed
    even without reading the rules on the
    side of a building it’s like you start
    to realize that’s that’s just not okay
    and here’s the thing that’s interesting
    Dr Marwan is that people in the west say
    well we’re free we have our freedom okay
    well what is your freedom does your
    freedom mean that there are no rules
    does your freedom mean that you can like
    you said the paparazzi get in your face
    you can verbally assault people or with
    a set of rules does that actually make
    you more free and that’s what this place
    feels like and the West can say oh we
    have a democracy we have a free press
    first of all you don’t and second of all
    it’s an illusion of freedom to a certain
    extent um and when you really start to
    drill down into it again look at the
    results again what is the user
    experience 100% it’s clearly not working
    because you know I I feel safe in a lot
    of cities but that’s because I can
    protect myself but a lot of people don’t
    and they can feel you know dominated
    they can feel uncomfortable and it just
    doesn’t happen here it’s it’s and I know
    it’s not easy and I know you’re a police
    officer as well and so you have an
    intimate knowledge of what it takes to
    keep this place safe yeah so so it’s
    it’s environmental security number one
    number two perception of security like
    you said there’s a lot of soft power
    being at play here I’ll give you an
    example you mentioned theb police for
    example theb police in the early days
    used to have like much more muscular
    people much with with machine guns with
    a lot of other stuff that even when you
    see them you’re intimidated even the
    airport there we had people with machine
    guns some airports in the world have
    people with machine guns we got rid of
    all of that all the the police people
    here in Dubai are very soft spoken
    they’re not authoritative uh so even
    when they stop you at the traffic stop
    uh they’re not very aggressive they’re
    not aggressive at all they are overly
    friendly actually to the point that you
    you you they say like is this even a
    police officer is too polite you know so
    these kind of things make a huge
    difference on how you perceive security
    here when you are in trouble they pop up
    out of nowhere it seems like right they
    are there they are there you have the
    perception of if something bad happens
    there are people that actually will take
    care of you their police will come up
    very quickly the ambulances the fire
    Services all very Swift very quick and
    their time based and their operations
    are optimized to the maximum and they
    get they get kpi for the amount it takes
    on the phone amount it takes to respond
    to you and all this other stuff now and
    yeah and and and it’s it gives you that
    perception uh again very softly now
    there’s an expression you know speak
    softly but carry a a big stick so the
    user experience is a soft experience but
    at the end of the day you have a big
    stick and you will take somebody to the
    airport and they will never come back if
    they start violating rules um or I do I
    have that wrong but it does feel like
    there’s consequences here and I guess
    there has to be yeah like I mentioned
    the social media for example there’s no
    social media harassment you can sue
    anybody that talks bad about you on
    social media tries to defame you if you
    cares anybody even in a private chat
    even in a WhatsApp group even in any
    kind of perceived private space
    harassment is harassment you harass
    somebody I have the right to to report
    you okay got it and so but the user
    experience is one of empathy um so the
    rules are strong but the experience is
    soft yes and you don’t leave room for
    people to to literally uh be abusive uh
    on any kind of basis you know abuse is
    not there’s no excuse for abuse right
    and it stops immediately at the smallest
    point so it doesn’t get get more yeah
    and and like you said the big stick is
    in the law that you understand that okay
    this is not allowed it’s not somewhere
    an environment that is tolerant to this
    there’s zero tolerance for violence
    there’s zero tolerance for racism
    there’s zero tolerance for sexism for
    any kind of you know harassment based on
    ethnicity orientation or anything else
    there is you do whatever you want to do
    you have your personal freedoms nobody’s
    allowed to harass you in any way and and
    if they do you have the right to to sue
    them right let’s talk about something
    else cuz I came here for the future
    blockchain Summit in October the event
    was time to happen literally days after
    what happened in Gaza and with Israel
    and you told me that there was I think
    an Israeli citizen that was
    uncomfortable about coming here and
    being in Dubai or even sharing a stage
    with uh someone from Palestine and I
    think a couple people actually came
    canel their trips and I know you told me
    and maybe you told them that there’s no
    need for them to do that because this is
    Dubai and you pride yourself in the fact
    that in that situation an Israeli and a
    Palestine could be on the same stage and
    there will be no issue there will be
    100% safety can you talk about that
    because you seem very passionate when
    you told me that and again as you said
    before this is a tough neighborhood I
    mean just look around us there’s
    conflict there’s lots of Nations
    um there’s there’s things happening and
    yet in this pocket this Oasis of Dubai
    because of your
    rules it doesn’t happen here can you
    explain yeah and and the example was one
    of the exhibitions here uh we had a
    person who was uh coming from Israel to
    Dubai uh for the launch of their company
    here in Dubai and uh first he was
    hesitant but they ended up actually uh
    coming here and doing the the the speech
    that they had to do uh out of respect of
    of course they canceled any party or any
    other thing because of the situation it
    was very early days of that situation in
    in Israel and Palestine so uh but the
    same guy actually employs Arab Muslim uh
    people within his company as well it’s a
    multinational company as well and uh the
    guy who went on stage with me on stage
    actually was was a Muslim guy actually
    representing that company so it is it is
    Dubai is a land of Tolerance it is a
    land of you know living Co existing and
    and putting our differences aside and
    focusing on uh delivering results
    focusing on like I mentioned hope and
    yeah it’s a true story and uh and you
    check you can back check the the story
    and I don’t want to name the company of
    course or the people but uh it is the
    true story that happened Dubai in an
    exhibition and I was on stage with a guy
    that actually represented the company
    and I was flying from London and a
    couple people asked me is everything
    going to be okay in Dubai um and I
    didn’t really think about it but when I
    was here uh there was no issue
    whatsoever there was no feelings there
    was no anything going on you know that
    everybody was in a bubble of safety here
    contrast that if we had had this
    conference at Harvard or at MIT where I
    went to school or University of
    Pennsylvania or other American cities
    You could argue that there they would
    experienced problems hates
    discrimination like that could have
    easily happened in any of those other
    cities and yet it didn’t happen here
    yeah again uh it it is because we in
    Dubai are very tolerant uh we understand
    that there’s conflict uh in different
    places in the world we understand that
    there are people that their livelihoods
    are are changed there are people who
    lost family members and we are sensitive
    to that uh but today and and and uh the
    Dubai is not the stage for conflict
    there’s a stage for conversation open
    conversation yes but not to uh you know
    put our emotions and and physical
    violence in in space yes we can talk
    about situation yes you can support uh
    whatever cause you think you can support
    on social media you can of course uh uh
    express your opinion without imposing it
    on other people how do you stay safe in
    this region how do you stay neutral in
    this region because if you look at the
    map you know it’s it’s a pretty
    interesting group where Straight moves
    is right there you have Iran we’re next
    to Saudi we’re next to Yemen we’re not
    far from the Red Sea which of course
    connects Israel and Palestine and
    there’s a lot going on around here
    there’s warships around you know it’s
    really fascinating if you look at the
    map we are in the center of a lot of
    conflict a lot of action how does the
    UAA stay neutral because it’s one of
    your greatest exports hope safety maybe
    business how do you do it focus on the
    positives is is very easy we live in a
    tough neighborhood and if you live in a
    tough neighborhood you you follow your
    path you have your kpis you have your
    performance criteria you have the goals
    to look forward again hope is the
    greatest power in the world looking
    forward to to tomorrow not worrying
    about the external factors a lot of the
    people who who look at conflict as as
    their main
    driver you imagine waking up every day
    and have nothing on your mind but
    conflict and nothing on your mind but
    sadness or or you know heat towards a
    person because of his politics uh
    polarization based on religion on any
    other Factor imagine waking up not
    looking at not not having any negative
    energy the opposite of that is having
    the positive energy and every day waking
    up and understanding that okay today I
    have a mission this is what I’m looking
    for it’s very structured this very
    looking forward uh all the other stuff
    could happen in the world of course but
    your focus is still on your family your
    health your you reorient yourself and
    focusing on things that you have an
    effect on you might not have an effect
    in a conflict uh even 10,000 kilom away
    or 20,000 or 100 K or another you know
    Universe what you have an effect on is
    your immediate family your work your
    environment you educating people around
    you educating yourself about the
    conflict or any other thing you can and
    I’m not saying you can can’t but there
    are things that are tangible that you
    can focus on to make a difference in
    your own Circle rather than trying to
    you know talk about it talking to people
    about it and and really trying to flip
    their opinion shouldn’t be your agenda
    because the success rate of that and the
    influence of that could be there but
    they are much more um likely to have a
    better effect and have a uh much more
    positivity when you focus on yourself
    and you focus on your family and focus
    on moving forward forward in life
    incrementally uh rather than try to
    persuade somebody to your opinion I we
    say that Dubai is very London real you
    know and I’ve had about a thousand
    conversations over the last 12 years and
    I speak to people and they talk about
    being kind of in a low energy vibration
    like where you’re in this state of hate
    and you’re projecting all of your
    problems on other people on other things
    it’s a victim mentality it’s their fault
    or you can kind of take a higher state
    of vibration where you kind of take
    extreme own ship of everything you focus
    on yourself and if you improve yourself
    the rest of the world will see what you
    do and they’ll want to follow how can
    you contribute towards Humanity um how
    can you push yourself beyond your
    boundaries in order to get better find
    out what’s out there you know uh David
    goggin the US Navy SEAL says most of us
    quit at 40% as then we have so much more
    that we can give that feels like
    something you know his Royal Highness
    would say here or something you would
    say and so this city is very interesting
    because it it has so so many parallels
    with some of the great parts of humanity
    that I’ve been able to uncover with this
    show um problem with some of that
    negative energy is it it can become very
    addictive you know you wake up in hate
    hate gives you an emotion and it’s very
    easy to repeat that loop it’s someone
    else’s fault while you’re not innovating
    oh I’m going to go get those people
    today and you can fall into these really
    negative loops and never go anywhere but
    that’s not that’s not the solution the
    solution is to build something great and
    do you want your children in those same
    ha Loops do you want those children in
    those same lack of ownership Loops
    victim Loops or do you want them
    creating great people and great things
    um and it’s a real question to ask
    people because you seem like you embody
    that mentality here um I had a thought
    this week and I’m curious what you think
    um for me that Dubai in a way feels in a
    good way a bit like a Cults a bit like a
    group of people that say you know what
    we don’t want to live in the world where
    your values seem to be this this this
    and this we want to think a different
    way and we want to be around each other
    and we want to set up our own kind of
    rules and we want to go do things
    differently over here and we feel
    comfortable here and we want to be a
    part of this way of thinking and that
    kind of walk away from the other part of
    the world um what do you think about
    that analogy I think you mentioned that
    the leadership in Dubai is amazing
    number one number two they push us
    actually so they are the great motivator
    you mentioned that it it is a a way of
    living right it’s a mentality and
    mentality comes actually from our
    culture it comes from our religion it
    comes from a lot of other influences
    that comes from experiences we’ve had in
    the past it was not always you know uh
    amazing in the B we’ve had we’ve done
    we’ve we’ve gone through a lot of
    hardship in the B A lot of my my father
    and grandfather as early as that had a
    lot of hardships growing up a lot of
    friction and getting to work uh I I saw
    a a documentary a couple of days ago
    where it took hours to go from one
    Emirate in the in the northern Emirates
    just to come to Dubai hours almost days
    sometimes because there were no roads
    and it was a tough journey and a lot of
    people did not make it and a lot of
    times you know during these kind of
    travel between uh different uh
    Emirates and coming from that hardship
    and understanding that the prosperity we
    got very quickly and relatively speaking
    compared to other places we appreciate
    that another another thing that
    intrinsic to every single imarati is
    Unity we know that together we can do
    more we were seven small Emirates with
    very very small resources all of a
    sudden we got good wealth good
    prosperity good infrastructure good
    leadership and we’re holding on to that
    we’re holding out to that hope again
    we’re holding on to every single success
    that we have we want to genuinely not go
    ever back to not being together not ever
    go back to being you know um separated
    from each other no matter how much
    competition we have that does not ruin
    our fabric our fabric is always and
    always will be working together towards
    achievable goals in a systematic way you
    said that it’s so extreme some people
    can might compared to a cult it is not a
    cult it is
    Unity Unity is what brings us to
    together it’s called the United Arab
    Emirates we are Arabs and we are
    Emirates but we are first and for
    foremost United it’s not only amarati
    that feel this way every Arab person
    every Muslim person that lives in the Yi
    feel at home some people used to call it
    second home a lot of people call it
    first home now they love it more than
    their own country not because of the
    physical location but because of the
    mentality and the mental state that they
    feel when they are here in the UA what
    about the foreigners do they feel the
    same way 100% because they agree to the
    to the idea of the UI it doesn’t matter
    what religion you are it doesn’t matter
    where you come from when you live in the
    U you very quickly consider yourself an
    ambassador of the U right you you just
    received your golden Visa wasn’t that a
    proud moment a so proud I was going to
    Tweet out my ID but I realized I have my
    information on it and I didn’t but it
    was a huge day I was I was yelling and
    screaming it’s a big deal I I I feel
    honored to be part of this incredible
    idea in this ethos and this thing that
    is Dubai and the Emirates it’s a huge
    deal and every single Foreigner that’s
    here I think you have secretly given
    them a contract with the minister of
    Tourism because all they do is talk
    about how great Dubai is and all they do
    is tell everybody else that this is the
    greatest place on Earth and I I liken it
    to Tesla Elon Musk doesn’t do
    advertising for Tesla he just builds the
    greatest car in the world and when you
    have the greatest product in the world
    which is the experience of living in
    Dubai or having you know um the the
    ability to stay here a long period of
    time then that customer experience is so
    strong that then you just talk about it
    to everybody else 100% And and we just W
    uh not surprisingly but I’m very very
    very uh humbled and and very honored
    actually for us in Dubai to win for the
    third year in a row the trip
    advisor best destination in the world
    tourist destination in the world as
    voted by by people you know and that’s
    exactly what you just said because
    people are our best Ambassador tourists
    who come here review us genuinely in a
    positive way because that’s how they
    experienced the Buy and they loved it
    and slunder by the way yeah I just saw
    that three years in a row you’ve got
    that yes and now now it’s the third most
    visited destination third or fourth in
    the world something like fourth I think
    it is or I’m not sure about the numbers
    but I’m sure 100% about the trip advisor
    100% that we won three years in a row
    which is unprecedented anywhere in the
    world and again you’re all about the
    customer experience which is the
    experience of the visitor or the citizen
    and you run this place like a business
    because that’s how businesses run things
    they always ask the customer how did you
    do cuz they realize that without the
    customer experience they will no longer
    exist at some point but I’ve never been
    in a place that literally treats the
    person like a customer I was telling
    someone when I was getting my ID the
    person in the government when they
    needed me to come back to to get the
    picture they gave me their WhatsApp
    their personal WhatsApp I told a guy
    there I was at the DU by blockchain
    Center event you had a couple days ago
    and I told a lawyer he came from
    Switzerland and he said what what and I
    said yeah because they wanted to make
    sure I had this really quick low touch
    Point experience and that was was all
    about when you’re anywhere in Dubai
    after something happens they want to
    know how did we do when you land on an
    Emirates aircraft as soon as it happens
    how was the food how was the service how
    was everything it’s all about that
    feedback loop um I never see that
    anywhere else and and that’s it’s an
    amazing machine actually that that is Du
    buy and you mentioned the feedback loop
    there the way we capture feedback loops
    is amazing we have this happiness index
    that’s live actually so every touch
    point you have in theb you have these
    three faces uh Happy neutral or not or
    or unhappy and uh yeah we we captured it
    live so let’s talk about business I was
    down at the government buildings a few
    days ago um there was a a big conference
    I think it was the billion follower
    conference and of course I noticed again
    the eight principles of Dubai um and I
    think those were kind of put forth uh By
    His Highness uh you know probably many
    years ago and they’re all fascinating um
    they talk about the union they talk
    about no one is above the law they talk
    about the three factors that drive
    growth um the unique personality the
    economic diversification the land for
    talent and they how they care about
    future Generations but the one that I
    focused on was that we are a business
    capital and I thought this was
    interesting because I don’t know of any
    nation that literally has this in almost
    their founding principles and it says
    the government of Dubai aims to improve
    the lives of its people through
    strengthening its economy again no
    apologies there in Europe you know they
    apologize I think sometimes for their
    for their capitalist intentions and it
    says duvi does not invest or involve
    itself in politics and does not rely on
    politics to ensure its competitiveness
    this is strong it says we extend a hand
    of friendship to those who hold good
    intentions toward Dubai and the UAE
    Dubai is a politically neutral
    business-friendly Global Hub that
    focuses on creating economic
    speak on that because those are strong
    words 100% and like I told you external
    factors and politics and that kind of
    stuff for us we don’t we don’t get
    involved in that we focus on on building
    relationships we build interpersonal
    relationships business relationships
    private Public
    Partnerships uh a lot of the time a many
    models of of success and businesses do
    not come in this like client versus uh
    server or or uh commercial entity versus
    customer or B2B and b2c the lies are
    vague sometimes and sometimes the
    incentives are vague so you need to
    really focus on how to bring value to
    everyone involved to the customer to the
    partner to the private sector to the
    education sector and that’s why even the
    ethos of the by blockchain Center is
    built in the same way we do not focus on
    actual you know money making or anything
    like that we focus on bring value to
    everyone we focus on building the
    ecosystem we focus on the use cases that
    will deliver value whether it is to a
    government department whether it is to
    private sector whether it is to educate
    people around the technology that’s uh
    emerging so the focus is on delivery the
    focus is on the results the focus in on
    delivering value and value take for
    every single thing um when AI took off
    we were one of the first people if not
    the first people to have ai initiatives
    coming up we had the world’s first AI
    Minister way before Chad and all these
    things sck off we have an AI ethics
    report that came out we had metaverse uh
    white paper that came out on telling
    people how we perceive the value from
    the meterse and how ethical um uh
    project in the meterse can be and how we
    can work together in a blueprint that
    does not invade the privacy of people
    that not uh you know create kind of
    silos and and really Empower us as a
    brand to Showcase Dubai and Dubai values
    and different mediums including and not
    limited to the metaverse and in gaming
    and other Aesthetics we have actually a
    yearly event with a line service
    focusing on how do we keep the buai
    ethically in the right space how to
    create a environmental safety for people
    as well uh we focused two years ago on
    the metaverse last year we focused on
    gaming we focus on AI as well so every
    single year we try to feel where where
    the puck is when it comes to technology
    and where people are moving to and
    trying to see where we align with that
    on the ethics front on the governance
    front how do we stand and we wait for
    the P feedback loop form academics uh
    decision makers Regulators we give it to
    all the government departments to hear
    their feedback as well and where where
    they stand on different front
    uh aspect and this conversation is
    extremely important a lot of people talk
    about Ai and say AI is going this way
    it’s going to be harmful and all the
    stuff and other people talk in other way
    it’s the greatest invention it’s the
    next you know wave of
    evolution either is it one or other we
    don’t know but we can put our thoughts
    on how we perceive the value from it and
    where we can use AI for good and use
    blockchain and cryptocurrencies for good
    of course every single technology we
    have the first use cases are usually the
    or the first value takes is realized by
    criminals because it is new not a lot of
    people know about it we had that with
    mobile phones we’ve had that with
    blockchain technology with Bitcoin as a
    cryptocurrency we’ve had it with every
    single uh Evolution or wave of of
    technology and we continue to have it
    it’s just it will take time for us to
    realize the real value and make that not
    only mainstream but ethical and have
    ethical uses of it and put the
    guardrails around it so we do not divert
    from that path which is the the path
    where we get the most value and minimize
    not eliminate there’s no way we can
    eliminate all the harmful effective any
    new technology um and doing that will
    actually help us a lot in realizing not
    only what we can do uh as humans but
    what we can do for each other uh for
    example an AI you can use it to create
    the world’s most sophisticated weapon or
    you can create the most efficient engine
    or the the best you know PA or helper or
    white CER kind of
    supplementation where do we put our
    effort in harm or in good this is this
    is the the bottom line and if we wanted
    to guard real this technology how do we
    do it what are the technology that will
    help how much money and effort and time
    should we put in that should we go to
    market very quickly with certain things
    versus others and there’s a lot of other
    ethical issues as well that can be
    discussed with this uh technology it’s
    very early days but we have to start the
    conversation from now because
    conversation is the only way we can
    bridge the gap otherwise you’ll think in
    your own way I’ll think in my own way
    everybody will perceive it in their own
    context we need to align and we need to
    talk about uh the emerging de and you’re
    a huge proponent of not just talking
    about Ai and talking about blockchain
    and throwing these buzzwords around as
    sometimes governments do without any
    results for you it’s about okay that
    then what is the Practical steps and
    then what is the feedback loop to where
    we can really find out if we can use
    this technology and I know you were
    early in adopting blockchain for some
    things and you were early in abandoning
    it in certain aspects of the government
    because you’re all about fast feedback
    loops and real world real world use of
    these Technologies as said we started
    the blockchain uh uh strategy in 2016 we
    finished by 2020 we realized all the
    applicable use cases AI we started way
    before we have the AI Ethics Committee
    in still Dubai we have ai ethics white
    paper as well we have a lot of other
    Publications that came out we got the
    feedback look we changed it we have
    working groups all the time to deal with
    AI we have a center for artificial
    intelligence which was launched by sh
    hamdan B Muhammad the Crown Prince of
    Dubai and the youth for for that are
    already live you know so there are a lot
    of Pilots as well there’s a lot of other
    work groups that are realizing within
    each government departments and with a
    central entity hold hand handholding
    each one of those news cases moving
    forward let’s talk about the big
    aspirations of this region um literally
    the tallest building in the world is
    kind of right down the road um you built
    I think you told me more new beachfront
    property than any nation in the world
    pal Jamira I get to look at every single
    day and uh the other night you drove me
    around another one of the man-made kind
    of islands that’s pushing out into the
    sea and I think I made a a note of wow
    isn’t what amazing you can build in in
    the Emirates and you said no Brian we
    always collaborate with the best in the
    world um the Burj Khalifa was a
    collaboration the Palm Jamira was a
    collaboration and then you went on to
    tell me a story is that you you found
    the best of the best to help you build
    your vision and I think at the time for
    building the palom jira it was uh the
    Dutch and the Japanese because the Dutch
    had been reclaiming Land from the ocean
    for centuries and the Japanese had built
    that airport I think in the ocean and so
    you asked them to help you build the
    project and I think the first feedback
    they gave you was uh this is impossible
    and you should just not bother and I
    believe your reply was we didn’t ask for
    your opinion we asked for you to help us
    build it that is is very emirati that
    attitude can you talk about that
    attitude having these big Bodacious
    goals these um visions and dreams that
    last beyond a lifetime and I still don’t
    understand how everybody here seems to
    think of that as the default option when
    you dream of the future not 10% better
    20% better let’s build the biggest and
    the best and let’s build things that be
    hard to even dream of and then show the
    world that we did it and then continue
    going in almost this strange positive
    feedback clbe so it’s a few questions
    but your thoughts on what I just said
    yeah I’ll give you a very good example
    so so ell musk himself when when he came
    to duai he had this kot uh um at the
    footsteps of the B Khalifa and uh in the
    middle of his talk he was uh talking
    about the T statistics numbers what they
    doing and how impossible it was and what
    people were saying as as as as uh never
    going to happen uh for in the context of
    Tesla and Midway through his speech he
    stopped and he looked he’s like the B
    khif and he was like wow you guys get
    things done so you know if if we can
    impress uh Elon Musk as Dubai I think I
    think Dubai is doing the right thing I
    think to aim high and to aim to be the
    best it sends a very soft message but
    very strong signal that we mean business
    and his high said it very very very
    clearly in the eight principles we are
    here to set new standards we are here to
    be the business Hub we are here to drive
    you to every single person here in the U
    to wake up wanting to be part of the
    story one thing wanting to be a part of
    that narrative that I am involved in
    this the guy who was the The Bu
    Khalifa you know uh project was not an
    architect he was not he he worked in Du
    economy and tourism where I work right
    now and and he built the world big sping
    you don’t need to be uh the world’s best
    architect to build the tallest building
    you just need uh motivation you need the
    Insight you need that real good drive
    behind you you need to try you you will
    try and you will fail and you will try
    again because you are not occupied with
    doing anything else you are really
    focused laser focused even on getting
    things done laser focused on your vision
    laser focused on your goal drive to do
    better you are always driven to do what
    is best for you what is best worldwide
    why even for second best you all should
    always work work towards
    first there is no second place this is a
    theal this is is Muhammad’s mentality
    you always aim for number one you never
    aim for second place nobody thinks about
    second place you also said you know
    don’t compete with other people you
    should be competing with who you were
    100% you will sit your own bar right you
    world’s tallest building you should not
    compete who else build tallest building
    your aim is build to build this is your
    goal it’s not a competition there a
    rumor you might uh have a building that
    might be bigger than your current
    tallest building in the works why not
    why not why not you also said last time
    and I think it was a sist shik Muhammad
    that once said uh everybody here when
    you wake up in the morning you wake up
    and get ready to run you know I think
    you said whether you’re the lion or
    you’re the
    gazelle everyone kind of expected to
    wake up and run what did you mean by
    that yes and it’s actually in his is
    book The the the president CEO so um um
    the Sheik CEO I think it’s called the it
    is the ethos of the buy right you wake
    up have goals in your mind you
    sleep to continue watching the rest of
    the episode for free visit our website
    londonreal.tv or click the link in the
    description below

    Brian Rose: London Real
    🍿Watch Full Episode: https://londonreal.tv/dr-marwan-alzarouni-dubai-is-the-merchant-of-hope-how-we-are-building-the-city-of-the-future/
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    Dr Marwan Alzarouni is an internationally recognised blockchain expert, keynote speaker and strategic advisor. As one of the Middle East’s most well-known crypto pioneers, he has been at the forefront of supporting and promoting blockchain technology within the region.

    In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, few individuals stand out as prominently as this man. What he and his team are achieving in Dubai is pushing the boundaries, testing the limits of our imagination and reimagining what the cities of our future might look like.

    Dr Marwan boasts a career spanning over two decades, marked by significant contributions to emerging technology, information security, digital forensics, and artificial intelligence.

    Alongside being the Strategic Advisor to Digital Dubai, Dr Marwan is also the CEO of the Dubai Blockchain Centre. If anything sums up Dubai’s commitment to the technology of tomorrow it is the Blockchain Centre, a place where educators, investors and developers come together to share thoughts and ideas.

    Cointelegraph named Dr Marwan in the Top 100 most influential people in crypto, and with such lofty goals as making the UAE the global leader in blockchain innovation, while ensuring Dubai is the happiest place to live on the planet, it’s little wonder why.

    Most significantly, Dr Marwan is currently the Strategic Advisor at the Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism, testament to his wealth of experience, vision for the future and incredible efforts he’s made in bringing the smartest and sharpest talent in the world of technology to work here in Dubai.

    Thanks to Dr Marwan’s work, Dubai has become home to the world’s first made-for-purpose regulator, the Virtual Asset Regulatory Authority (VARA). Rather than imposing traditional financial regulations onto crypto, VARA was developed collaboratively with stakeholders, fostering a regulatory environment that encourages innovation.

    In the midst of these achievements, Dr. Marwan remains focused on the community’s success, emphasising the city’s commitment to enabling businesses and contributing to their narratives. As a city of merchants, Dubai operates with a unique ethos, running for the success of businesses because their success is inherently tied to the city’s prosperity.

    As the digital landscape continues to evolve, Dr. Marwan’s leadership, vision, and commitment to innovation position him as a central figure in shaping the future of blockchain technology, not only in Dubai but on the global stage.

    I’m really looking forward to finding out what else Dr Marwan has in store for the future. With so much happening in the world of technology, crypto and AI, this is sure to be an enlightening conversation!

    It’s so important to be well informed and aware of what the future holds. There’s money to be made, investments that need to happen and opportunities for growth, and there really is no better time than right now to get yourself up to speed.

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