What Are the Top 10 IT Skills For 2030? Expert Predictions | Future Tech

    whoa whoa whoa what’s different what
    well let me give you a hint we got a big
    camera upgrade for you I’m so excited
    this is I feel like can you see my pores
    can you see every inch of dust on all of
    the things this is the highest quality
    camera I have ever owned I feel like I’m
    this proper adult that has to take care
    of this thing now um and I’m very
    excited about it and the first thing we
    are going to be filming with this new
    camera is of course preparing you for
    the future now when you’re looking ahead
    thinking of 5 years from now you know
    what the scary thing is it’s almost 2030
    I mean yes let’s not get ahead of
    ourselves it’s 6 years away not five but
    it is really really
    close like
    this which brings up the question how do
    you stay ahead how do you learn skills
    today that will remain in demand or even
    become more in demand in the future
    that’s what we are going to go through
    today all right let’s get into it oh hit
    that subscribe button for more Tech
    coding future Tech Career you know all
    the good stuff related videos now let’s
    get into
    it now listen don’t get me wrong these
    list this list is going to be very
    specific skills that you can learn but
    we had to start out working our way from
    number 10 to number one number 10 being
    something you probably didn’t expect
    always expect the unexpected that’s tip
    number one I’m just kidding in all
    seriousness though coming in at number
    10 10 is actually soft skills now you
    might be thinking Tiff these are skills
    that are the most in demand in it for
    the next foreseeable future for the next
    6 years seven years why are you talking
    about soft skills well the reality is
    asz Tech is progressing at such a rapid
    pace and also producing tools that
    allows more people to be technical get
    their hands in the weeds if you will
    hands in the you know what I mean at a
    quicker rate what will happen is soft
    skills are continuing to become more and
    more important if you want to stand out
    so the question is how do you get these
    soft skills well it’s definitely not
    needed to take a course for soft skills
    but if you are like me or millions
    billions of others out there sometimes
    your technical skills might initially be
    stronger than your soft skills so you
    need to work on them just like you do
    your technical skills here are two
    courses that I think are great one is
    from corera which is effective
    communication for professionals
    specialization if you are someone who
    often times feels as though they can’t
    communicate what their thoughts are or
    accurately get across what you want to
    this is for you another one is by edex I
    love edex I think they have some great
    courses on the technical side but then
    also too on the personal communication
    side so this course is problem solving
    and critical thinking skills now this
    might be more relevant to people who
    don’t come from a technical background
    because it’s more of that critical
    thinking that you are building and that
    is something that you do get with
    technical skills so that’s just
    something to keep in
    mind coming in at number nine is user
    experience now this is an area that is
    continuing to grow rapidly in demand and
    can you guess why well for one reason
    it’s because everything everything we
    are building with AI now AR VR all of
    this technology requires to have very
    specific user experiences now more than
    ever is ux and even UI in demand because
    of that so what skills are required for
    user experience for one you need to
    focus on user research wire Framing and
    user testing so this is a role that yes
    you aren’t coding per se in it but you
    also still need to be pretty Tech
    technical but then on the other side you
    also need to enjoy interacting with
    people is you are going to be
    interacting and testing with users or
    potential users to gain their feedback
    that is how you are going to design
    these applications now you might be
    thinking what are some courses for user
    experience maybe you’re someone who
    wants to break into that area you’re
    further along in your career and it is
    of interest to you we live in a time now
    where you can go from one role to the
    other I love any courses typically by
    Google I would say you know they are
    such a great company very credible and
    it also doesn’t hurt to have a
    certification by Google on your resume
    so this course right here is called
    Google ux design professional
    certificate it is a great course if you
    are looking to level up your skills
    another one this is really cool I wasn’t
    super familiar with this site but it’s
    called interaction design foundation and
    they offer really a wealth of knowledge
    when it comes to user experience and
    user interface so go check it out coming
    in at number eight might be one that
    surprises you at first which is actually
    blockchain now if you are someone who is
    in the blockchain space you will totally
    understand why it is is an area that is
    continuing to grow in demand actually
    right now when you go on job postings or
    look online blockchain is an area that
    is most widely looking for people to
    recruit which is very interesting now I
    think here’s the thing blockchain can
    sometimes get a little bit of a bad rap
    but it’s not blockchain that actually
    deserves this bad rap well I’m not
    saying any technology does but what it
    is also always Associated so closely to
    of course is cryptocurrency which of
    course two different things and
    blockchain can be used for so many
    different uh everyday uses especially
    when you think of healthcare when you
    think of schools universities that we
    really need to separate the two so this
    is something if you are interested in
    blockchain this technology is here to
    stay it is building our future we will
    continue to use it and here are some
    good courses for it now one is a
    certified blockchain developer course
    which you can see right here oh by the
    way I’m going to link all these courses
    down below the other one is a course by
    IBM called blockchain Essentials which
    I’ll also link down below now coming in
    at number seven is something that
    encompasses you could say many different
    skills in a way but it’s still its own
    Niche which is internet of things or iot
    iot is something we interact with I mean
    every single day from
    our why can’t I think of an example
    rewind this part all right we’re back
    now let’s try this again Smart Homes I
    mean smart devices are things we use
    every day when we think of our
    thermostats our locks nowadays the list
    goes on and sometimes it’s even as I
    just had there easy to forget what we
    interact with with iot on a daily basis
    because it’s so ingrained in Our Lives
    nowadays there’s so much potential
    though for you if you are looking to
    upscale in an area to get involved in
    iot it’s a fascinating industry a
    fascinating job that you can really have
    within it when you think iot you can
    think of things such as embedded systems
    sensor technology and wireless
    communication protocols there’s so much
    to it so because there’s so much to it
    we need there’s no surprise there is a
    ton of different courses on iot but here
    are some of the top ones the first one
    is Cisco’s certified Network associate
    so this is a CCNA in industrial
    certification so this is a really great
    certification if you’re a bit further
    along in your career and looking to
    level up with a certification in iot
    another one that’s more so for beginners
    is iot fundamentals connecting things so
    this is a course by corsera and if you
    are just beginning your career in iot I
    would definitely recommend checking this
    one out next on the list coming in at
    what number are we at coming in at
    number six is devops now devops is
    something that not only is in demand
    right now but will continue to grow in
    demand especially as Tech continues to
    move faster and teams become more agile
    devops will become even more essential
    which kind of feels impossible at this
    point now here are a few tools or
    Technologies you will be working with
    when in a devops role some include
    Docker kubernetes and Jenkins now listen
    in some roles you won’t be using all
    that in others you’ll be using different
    ones but those are a really good place
    to start when you are looking into
    devops now most people don’t just start
    their it career in devops it’s something
    that you come from either a software
    development background I mean I’ve even
    seen people more from the product
    management side get into devop so there
    is multiple paths you can take to get
    into devops but of course one of the
    best ways is through some courses AWS
    has a great devops course it is called
    AWS certified devops engineer and this
    is professional level you can see it on
    screen here and I’ll link it down below
    another one I mean kubernetes is still
    so in demand and such a niche skill I
    think I remember about a year and a half
    ago when I was job hunting I would
    always see developer Advocate roles
    specifically for kubernetes and it’s a
    whole other world so that is why this
    course here is dedicated just to that
    which is kubernetes certified
    application developer or CCAD CCAD you
    know what I mean next on the list coming
    in at number five is full stack web
    development yes I know you see all these
    crazy headlines of how AI is going to
    overtake web developers we are far from
    there and trust me when or if we ever
    get there so many other rules will be
    taken as well that we will have evolved
    with AI in this Tech by that time now
    what has happened though is this role
    does look slightly different we are now
    using these tools in our everyday jobs
    to code better faster more collaborative
    even it doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing
    per se and you can see that by the
    number of jobs that are still open and
    in demand for full stack web development
    so if you are someone who is thinking
    should I learn how to code I feel like
    I’m going to waste all my time learning
    how to code and then AI is going to take
    it over please do not let those thoughts
    take over the reality is it is one of
    the most in demand areas that you can
    really put your focus to and learn learn
    not only today but in the foreseeable
    future as well and four courses on web
    development I mean there’s endless ones
    but one resource I really love to use is
    free code Camp I mean one I used it so
    much when I was first learning to code
    two it’s free three it is it’s taught by
    some of the world’s biggest experts
    they’re thought leaders they’re such
    great Educators and I feel like they do
    a great job of breaking it down I I
    really love free code Camp so any of
    their courses are so well done and well
    thought out I like also to they have a
    lot of
    smaller projects you can build so I link
    them down below too coming in at number
    four I mean it’s no surprise it’s the
    new oil can you guess what that is data
    and analytics these skills around data
    science and analytics professionals they
    are continuing to grow in demand data is
    not running out we are continuing to
    gather more and more data and often
    times the quality of this data is
    getting worse especially because of AI
    we love AI but then on the other hand
    it’s kind of muddling some Waters so if
    you are someone who is interested in
    data science or becoming a data analyst
    either of those roles it is such a great
    area for you to focus on not only for
    now but to feel confident that what you
    are spending time on now will evolve and
    grow with these AI tools and other
    Technologies in the foreseeable future
    now there’s endless courses on data
    science and analytics here are two ones
    that really stand up to me though one is
    IBM’s data science professional
    certificate and the other is certified
    analytics professional or cap now I like
    both of these because you end up with a
    really great certification and
    especially for the IBM one it’s a great
    way to have that big Tech well not big
    Tech but what is IBM Consulting so it’s
    not big Tech but it’s big four no it’s
    not big four con IBM it’s a great
    company you’re going to have it on your
    resume now I feel like this one should
    be number one for how hot it is how hot
    it is yeah but it’s number three right
    now and that’s because there are some
    that are even hotter if you will I need
    to find a new word other than hotter
    that sounds weird but this is cyber
    security and no surprise here cyber
    security is coming more and more in
    demand especially thanks to all the tech
    coming out so quickly on one hand it’s
    great techs coming out but on the other
    it really enables people who maybe
    shouldn’t have this technology to have
    it and that is where cyber security
    comes in now within cyber security there
    are so many different areas that you can
    focus in on that it’s kind of like this
    interesting or exciting time that you
    can really pick okay do I want to focus
    on uh reverse engineering do I want to
    focus on uh more on the security side
    security within cyber security but there
    are so many areas and facets to it that
    are really exciting and this isn’t a
    role that you have to be technical in
    yes there’s a lot of technical roles
    within cyber security that you can learn
    and gain skills for but equally there
    are so many roles on the business side
    you need to be so knowledgeable about
    cyber security practices as well now
    coming in at number two is something
    that was holding number one spot for a
    long time just recently got pushed down
    to number two which is cloud computing
    this area is still so in demand skills
    and knowledge within cloud computing is
    continuing to grow in demand and will
    for the foreseeable future now like all
    the topics we have been covering today
    there is so many different areas that
    you can really focus in on with cloud
    computing so make sure to do your own
    research when it comes to cloud
    computing but here are two Great Courses
    I would recommend all right coming in at
    number one is AI and machine learning
    and I’m sure that’s no surprise
    especially with our last few years how
    quickly AI has grew into our everyday
    lives it’s something that we use I often
    times will Google things or I’ll
    oftentimes use Claud or chat GPT to
    search things instead of using Google
    now which is just such an interesting
    time to be part of now there are so many
    roles Within These two fields that you
    can learn about and grow skills within I
    mean think about the business side of
    things really understanding the ethics
    with AI really understanding the
    business challenges there are so much
    there and then on the flip side things
    such as machine learning Engineers are
    one of the top well the top in demand
    roles for 2024 so if you are someone
    who’s already a developer or technical
    individual I would definitely suggest
    checking that out that being said though
    this isn’t something something that you
    can just shift right into it’s something
    that people study for years and years so
    if you are looking to get into these
    areas it is a really great time because
    it is so in demand that you might be
    able to get some of these positions with
    a little bit less experience and then
    learn on the job now of course here are
    some courses that are great for AI and
    machine learning but just like all of
    these courses that I’m recommending it
    really depends on what area you want to
    focus in on all right if you made it
    this far in the video I am I love you
    extra extra amounts because you made it
    to the end comment if you made it to the
    End by the way cuz that is really
    awesome I hope you enjoyed going through
    this these are some of the top in demand
    skills in demand areas that will
    continue to grow and they’re one of
    these things that are really exciting
    even if you aren’t in any of these areas
    it really helps to be aware of what is
    in demand and just start learning a
    little bit on the side it doesn’t mean
    you have to do a full career switch or
    uh completely leave what you’re studying
    now but just just start figuring out
    what you are passionate about and
    growing it that way all right make sure
    to hit that subscribe button and I will
    see you all soon oh also how would you
    like the new camera bye everyone

    Are you ready to future-proof your IT career? In this video, we’ll explore the top 10 most in-demand IT skills that you can start learning today to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving tech industry.

    We’ll dive into a wide range of topics, including Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Data Science and Analytics, Full-Stack Web Development, DevOps, Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, User Experience (UX) Design, and the importance of Soft Skills in the IT industry.

    For each skill, we’ll discuss its growing importance, mention key concepts, recommend popular tools and languages, and suggest valuable certifications to help you enhance your expertise and stand out in the job market.

    By the end of this video, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of the essential IT skills you need to learn to stay competitive and thrive in your career. We’ll also provide resources for further learning, including online courses and tutorials.

    Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more informative videos on IT skills and career growth!

    1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
    – Google AI/ML Certification: https://cloud.google.com/certification/machine-learning-engineer
    – AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty: https://aws.amazon.com/certification/certified-machine-learning-specialty/

    2. Cloud Computing
    – AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate: https://aws.amazon.com/certification/certified-solutions-architect-associate/
    – Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900): https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/certifications/azure-fundamentals/

    3. Cybersecurity
    – CompTIA Security+: https://www.comptia.org/certifications/security
    – Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH): https://www.eccouncil.org/programs/certified-ethical-hacker-ceh/

    4. Data Science and Analytics
    – IBM Data Science Professional Certificate: https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/ibm-data-science
    – Certified Analytics Professional (CAP): https://www.certifiedanalytics.org/

    5. Full-Stack Web Development
    – The Full Stack Web Development Certification: https://www.freecodecamp.org/certification/
    – Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree: https://www.udacity.com/course/full-stack-web-developer-nanodegree–nd0044

    6. DevOps
    – AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional: https://aws.amazon.com/certification/certified-devops-engineer-professional/
    – Kubernetes Certified Application Developer (CKAD): https://www.cncf.io/certification/ckad/

    7. Internet of Things (IoT)
    – Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Industrial: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/training-events/training-certifications/certifications/associate/ccna-industrial.html
    – IoT Fundamentals: Connecting Things: https://www.coursera.org/specializations/iot

    8. Blockchain
    – Certified Blockchain Developer – Ethereum (CBDE): https://academy.b9lab.com/courses/course-v1:B9lab+CBDE-ETH+current/about
    – IBM Blockchain Essentials: https://www.ibm.com/blockchain/blockchain-certification

    9. User Experience (UX) Design
    – Google UX Design Professional Certificate: https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/google-ux-design
    – Interaction Design Foundation – UX Certification: https://www.interaction-design.org/courses/user-experience-design-course-ux-certification

    10. Soft Skills
    – Effective Communication for Professionals Specialization: https://www.coursera.org/specializations/effective-communication
    – Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills: https://www.edx.org/course/problem-solving-and-critical-thinking-skills

    What Are the Top 10 IT Skills For 2023? Expert Predictions | Future Tech


    1. Hi friends!! I hope you enjoy this video (and the new camera)! We are stepping our game up! What are you most interested in learning about or studying btw? Leave in the comments! 💓

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