URGENT: U.S. Debt Payments To COLLAPSE Stocks, Crypto, Real Estate | Do This NOW

    welcome back to the channel welcome back
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    get yourself scammed if you want to give
    me a follow on Instagram guys that
    Instagram link is down in the
    description box of this video go click
    on that Richard Fain millionaire Mentor
    Instagram link give me a follow on
    Instagram and then send me a DM to say
    hello and let me know that you’re
    rocking with me I really really really
    really would appreciate that we’re
    trying to get this Instagram page up and
    running again since we got the old one
    shut down the old one had
    90,000 uh followers right now we got a
    couple thousand followers on the new
    page so I want to say thank you to all
    of you wonderful folks that decided to
    follow me on Instagram and like I said
    we’re going to be doing a lot of stuff
    on the Instagram page so just you know
    just be patient with me and uh more more
    content coming uh from me um about my
    lifestyle and things like that um as I
    as I get this Instagram page back up and
    running so thank you again guys for
    stopping in today
    um man what a crazy day
    yesterday in the stock market um but
    made a lot of money I mean made a lot of
    money and hopefully you guys have been
    paying attention and and are taking this
    opportunity to level up your net worth
    this is a an amazing opportunity guys to
    level up your net worth um I was looking
    at Nidia and on on Sunday when I
    originally told you guys I was going to
    be buying
    Nvidia it closed last Friday at
    762 I looked at it today and it’s
    824 so
    instantaneously you got a $60 per share
    bump it’s just easy money and do do I
    believe it’ll continue going up I do I
    do now I’m not saying it’ll go to $1,000
    a share
    tomorrow but 60
    bucks and one business
    day this is what I’m trying to tell you
    guys just think about that type of
    increasing your net worth had you had
    you had you putting the video in the
    shopping cart on on on Monday morning
    had you putting the video in the
    shopping cart your financial shopping
    cart on Monday
    morning on Tuesday morning you up by $60
    share just like that right now for a lot
    of people they would have been like
    that’s good I’m out of here I’m selling
    me n n n n n I’mma keep buying right I’m
    going to keep buying through cost
    averaging on a monthly basis and I’m
    going to keep buying the dip every time
    I get an opportunity to buy the dip I
    still think it’s in a dip why do I think
    it’s in a dip because it it traded at
    9975 less than a month ago so I still
    think it’s the dip at $ 824 it’s still
    the dip you’re talking about you still
    talking about
    $125 per share from the 975 to the to
    the 824 this morning when the last time
    I looked at it I mean how you going to
    beat that man I mean how do you beat
    that I mean how do you beat that so so
    that’s the thing that I try to get folks
    to understand is when you got an
    opportunity to buy a great company like
    Nvidia with a with a
    discount I I’m not sure how you don’t
    put it on the short list for me it’s a
    no-brainer right it’s it’s a no-brainer
    I keep buying it I’m going to continue
    to buy it because I think by year
    in baring something crazy happened I
    think by year end it’s $1,000 a share
    stock that’s what I think I think if it
    comes out in May when may rolls around
    which is in a few weeks now I’m not sure
    what the what day in May they will do
    their fiscal year first quarter uh
    earnings report but boy if they beat
    expectations in May you could be looking
    at $11,000 per share that’s my opinion
    I’m not your financial advisor I’m not
    trying to tell you what to do I’m not
    trying to tell you that’s going to
    happen I’m just telling you what my
    guess is what my opinion is I think if
    they if they meet
    expectations on their first quarter
    earnings I I think they go to I think
    they they got a opportunity to be a
    $1,000 a share in
    March matter of fact it was March
    25th they got to
    975 this was March 25th of this year
    less than a month
    ago they hit like
    974 and then closed at
    950 just saying guys I think if they
    come out with in May when they when when
    they roll out their their q1 earnings
    fiscal year q1
    earnings and if they’re good they got an
    opportunity man to to to to get
    themselves over
    over $1,000 a share man and and of
    course like I told y’all on on on you
    yesterday and and on
    Sunday they closed at 762 on Friday last
    week was it what was that uh the 19th
    April 19th they closed at 762 so had you
    been in position today Rose around I
    don’t know what will happen today I’m
    just telling y’all when I looked at it
    this morning before I started the live
    stream they were at 8
    24 so that’s a
    $60 per
    share in one business
    day I don’t know maybe that’s making
    sense to some of y’all maybe it’s not
    making sense but I put it in the
    shopping cart I’m going keep putting it
    in the shopping cart keep executing on
    it here’s the deal guys if you want 10
    shares of The Magnificent Seven stocks
    for free 10 fractional shares of the
    magn seven stocks for free which include
    Nidia which include Nidia Mumu is going
    to give you 10 free fractional shares
    of The Magnificent 7 including Nidia all
    you got to do is click on that link down
    in the description box it’s the first
    link in the description box of the video
    here click on that link open up your
    Mumu account today go get that free
    stock go get that free money they’re
    giving you those 10 free fractional
    shares of The Magnificent 7 as a thank
    you for trying out their brokerage app
    now to qualify you got to put $100 in
    your brokerage account that’s how you
    qualify you qualify for the 10
    fractional shares of The Magnificent 7
    when you put $100 in your brokerage
    account then you can take that $100 and
    continue buying fractional shares of The
    Magnificent 7 you can buy fractional
    shares of your favorite ETF
    that’s up to you right the key here is
    put yourself in the game take yourself
    off the sideline right and start the
    process of building wealth and how do
    you build wealth exactly what I just
    told you you got to buy assets that
    increase in value over time and they
    grow to a large enough asset value that
    they generate income for you and that
    income is what takes care of you that’s
    the only way you save yourself right so
    if you want that offer from mumu go down
    to the description box click on the mumu
    link get yourself 10 free fractional
    shares of The Magnificent 7 when you put
    $100 in your brokerage account and now
    you’re ready to build some wealth and
    you got 10 fractional shares of the
    seven best companies in the United
    States seven of the top 15 companies in
    the world in your portfolio how in the
    world do you beat that you can’t beat it
    you can’t beat it there’s no other offer
    out here in in in the in the brokerage
    App Planet that can touch that offer
    none none so don’t delay get started
    today also while you’re down in the
    description box check out the website
    the new Richard Fame millionaire Mentor
    website it’s alive and running and I’m
    telling you guys thank you so much for
    yours uh you know just just checking out
    the the the website right we got a lot
    of people buying digital products
    investing in themselves to build wealth
    and we got a ton of you guys signing up
    for the membership club which will it’s
    going to be incredible right I’m active
    in the membership club every day I’m
    sending things out to the members every
    morning just to remind them that they’re
    great just to remind them that they got
    greatness inside of them just to give
    them that positive message before they
    go out and start their day I’m sending
    that out every morning to all of my club
    members anybody that’s in the club they
    already know that they get that every
    morning I’m sending them a positive
    message that’s important guys I’m
    telling you you don’t know how important
    that is I get I get I get responses from
    my club members every
    morning with a thank
    you you just don’t know how incredibly
    that is important to be able to to to
    get a positive affirmation every morning
    we don’t know what everybody faces in
    the morning when they get up but isn’t
    it isn’t it incredible if you can wake
    up and read something positive that sets
    the tone for your day I I’m doing that
    every day in in the club right for the
    club members on top of that they’re
    going to get exclusive access to me for
    90 minutes every week they’re going to
    have exclusive access to me through the
    membership club where they can ask me
    and we can cover any Financial topic
    that they want to cover we’re going to
    cover it
    right I’mma make sure those club members
    um have access to me and I’m I’m going
    make it my personal mission to make sure
    every single one of them get to their
    Financial Freedom everything I can do to
    assist them I’m going to do it why
    they’re in the
    club right they’re a paid member in my
    club so so my my responsibility is to
    them right my responsibility is to make
    sure they have everything need
    financially to get to the part of goal
    at the end of the rainbow now they got
    to do the work but I’m certainly going
    to be in their Gang of Five I’m
    certainly going to be rooting for them
    and if they email me I’m on it anything
    I can do to help that’s for my club
    members right so if you don’t mind get
    over to the website second link down in
    the description box click on the the the
    website link Richard Fain millionaire
    Mentor website go check out the digital
    products we got a bunch of them and you
    guys are buying them like crazy and and
    and again it ain’t an investment in me
    guys it’s a very small amount of money
    number one I mean we we you know and I
    know that’s relative a small amount of
    money to me may be a large amount of
    money to you I get it I get it but but
    when we looking at the bigger picture
    here when I’m trying to build wealth
    right the information that I can get to
    assist me in Building
    Wealth come on you you you you you got
    to be able to understand there are
    things that you spend money on and there
    are things that you
    don’t there are things you can spend
    money on that can get you to wealth
    there are a lot of things we’re spending
    money on that ain’t going to put no
    wealth in our pocket matter of fact it’s
    going to take money out of our pocket so
    all I’m telling you is make a decision
    what you want to do if you want to Chase
    Financial Freedom and catch it you
    better do something the website can
    assist you to do that right so check it
    out check out the digital products and
    then consider joining the membership
    club lot of good things going to be
    starting to happen already they’re
    already happening I’m already active
    everybody that emails me in the
    membership club everybody that I all I
    respond to
    everybody like I said that’s that’s my
    baby that’s going to be my family and
    y’all are my family too on the YouTube
    channel don’t get me wrong but you
    understand how YouTube works and and and
    and YouTube is a is a is a huge platform
    that that people from everywhere so so
    so so I I can’t the things that I do on
    YouTube I do them for a reason because
    of the audience that I that I have here
    the club the membership club is just
    going to be a few select people that
    want to invest in themselves and spend
    more time with me from a financial
    perspective that’s like family right
    that’s like that’s like that’s like
    family at
    Thanksgiving that that’s how entrenched
    I want to be with these folks and I want
    to be a part of their Financial Freedom
    Journey personally be a part of it these
    are people that when I go to a city I’m
    going to be in the membership club
    saying hey I’m going to be in this city
    any of you folks in the membership club
    from these cities let’s go have
    lunch let’s have a cup of coffee so if I
    go to Washington DC and someone’s in the
    I’m going put an email out in the club
    hey guys I’m going to be in Washington
    DC for two days I got time to have a
    lunch and a dinner who in
    I’mma do that all across the country
    when I start traveling this summer so
    the the people in the club they’ll be
    able to sit down and Breck bread with me
    one onone I’m not going to be charging
    oh yeah I’m going to do a meeting in ABC
    and yeah no if you’re in the club if
    you’re a club
    member boom wherever I’m at in the
    country my people in the club will know
    because they’re going to only be the
    ones that know because nobody that’s not
    in the club ain’t going to get the email
    I’m not going to put it on YouTube it’s
    going to be on email it’s going to be
    through the club’s email they’re going
    to be and if they want to have coffee
    with me boom they can that’s how
    entrenched I’m going to get when it
    comes to uh my club members so I want
    you guys know that already rocking with
    me in the club that’s what’s going to be
    happening I haven’t even told y’all that
    but that’s going to be happening if you
    guys are in Southwest Florida and you’re
    in the club and you’re in Southwest
    Florida where I live and you’re in the
    Club paid member of the Richard Fain
    millionaire membership club and you’re
    in Southwest Florida you need to let me
    know if you’re in Southwest Florida let
    me know we’re going to have coffee we’re
    going to have lunch we’re going to have
    dinner whatever that’s how in tune I’m
    going to be to my club folks so whether
    you want to join or not that’s on you
    the people that are already joining it’s
    a bunch of them that’s what they’re
    going to get they’re going to get me
    they’re going to get another level of me
    like I said we going to be like family
    so check out the website consider being
    a paid member at the membership club and
    um we’re going to kick off the live
    streams in May and then as soon as I
    start traveling which I believe it’s
    going to be this
    summer I’m going to be traveling a bunch
    this summer um every city I go to uh I’m
    going to let the club members know and
    if they want to hang out we’re going to
    do that so thank you very much club
    members for for investing in yourself uh
    and and allowing me to to be able to
    spend more time with you through those
    live streams and those one-onone
    in-person meetings they’re going to be
    great well guys here’s the deal we got a
    lot to cover today so let’s get on into
    it and the number one thing we want to
    cover is going to be the US
    debt is is is starting to get out of
    hand it really is guys see see we got
    this debt but we also have payments on
    it we got these debt payments and and
    and that’s where you know as a country
    in my opinion we got to be careful
    because if we don’t it’s going to affect
    stocks it’s going to affect crypto it’s
    going to affect matter of fact it’s
    going to affect all assets if we’re not
    careful if if we don’t reel this thing
    in and get this thing under
    control it’s going to continue to
    and at some
    point you gotta you got to pay the piper
    you can’t kick the can down the road for
    the next 100 years some point it catches
    up to you right so let’s take a
    look at what I’m talking about here and
    then we’re going to reel it back in and
    and show you how it can affect our
    assets and why it’s important that as a
    country we get a handle on this thing so
    here we go you here here’s here’s the
    US debt interest payments reach 1
    trillion now how in the
    world how in the world do you have $1
    trillion worth of interest payments not
    the principal I’m talking about a
    trillion dollars in interest
    payments well I tell you what I’m not
    sure how we managing this this whole
    Houdini Act but let let let let’s read
    on the cost of paying for America’s
    national debt
    trillion dollar Mark in
    2023 wow driven by high interest rates
    and a record 34 trillion mountain of
    debt so here’s the thing we have
    34 trillion dollar in debt
    now some of y’all might say well golly
    Richard uh what debt well you got to
    understand guys we’ve been in a deficit
    for a while and I’m going to get to a
    chart down here to show you what I’m
    talking about but for a while so what
    happens is the federal government
    interest collects income from the
    American people through
    taxes we collect taxes our government
    collects taxes from you and I I just
    wrote a big check check for my 2023 tax
    bill sent it to the IRS big check big
    check I had to write to them right and
    I’ve done that for the last 30 years
    they take
    money I pay my taxes they collect that
    money and then they use that money those
    that income to pay for all the stuff
    they pay for for our government right
    the roads the bridges uh the social
    whatever right they pay for stuff with
    that tax revenue the problem is the tax
    revenue is $4
    trillion but the the the budget calls
    for 7
    trillion we collect four but we spend
    seven we got a $3 trillion
    shortfall how do you cover that
    shortfall you go out and borrow money
    from people you borrow money from other
    countries that’s where the interest
    payments come from
    from that’s where the $34 trillion in
    debt comes from you collect 4 trillion
    you spend 7 trillion you got a $3
    trillion shortfall you got to cover that
    shortfall some way you go out and borrow
    money you borrow money from people like
    you and me and you borrow money from
    other countries like Japan like China
    like the
    UK and other countries you borrow money
    from how do you borrow money through us
    treasuries right through the us
    treasuries whether it be bonds whether
    it be notes whether it be bills that’s
    how they borrow money they raise money
    that way through
    debt right these payments on that debt
    have exceeded $1 trillion just the
    payments this is I’m telling you if we
    don’t get this thing under control it’s
    going to be a serious
    problem over the last decade US debt
    interest payments have more than
    doubled you’re talking about in 10
    years they’ve doubled in 10 years you go
    from 500 billion to a trillion in 10
    years what do you think we going to be
    in the next 10
    years just
    saying just saying over the last decade
    the US debt interest payments have more
    than doubled amid vast government
    spending during the pandemic
    crisis see now we go back to the
    pandemic again all that remember all
    that cheap money they were pumping into
    the system all that free money you got
    to pay the
    piper you got to pay the piper at some
    point Piper looking to get paid all that
    that stimulus money y’ we got for free
    all that PP PP money we done
    forgave right all of that other cheap
    money they introduced when when when
    interest rates were zero fed funds rate
    was zero so you got to pay the piper for
    all that that’s what this is you’re
    paying the piper it wasn’t free see we
    thought it was free but it ain’t free
    right so over the last decade we’ve
    doubled the interest
    payments right for this vast government
    spending during the pandemic crisis as
    debt payments continue to soar the
    Congressional budget office reported
    that debt servicing costs
    surpassed defense spending for the first
    time ever this
    year our debt
    payments we spend more on our debt
    payments than we do on our
    defense guys that if you understand what
    I’m saying here you spend more on your
    debt payments than you do on your
    defense spending right y’all know the
    defense spending is important why
    because if we don’t do that somebody
    drop a bomb on us you know people don’t
    like us already around the world you
    know you got countries out there that
    are trying to De
    dollarize us they’re trying to dollarize
    the the the the world of the US they’re
    trying to crash our US dollar you do
    know there are countries out there
    they’re trying to do that that right now
    actively I’m talking about Big Boy
    companies I mean countries Big Boy
    countries I ain’t talking about some
    little obscure third world country out
    here I’m talking about Big Boy First
    countries you ever heard of the bricks
    Nations you ever heard of them brics
    Nations Brazil
    India who’s the other one
    China and it’s one more
    I think it’s Saudi Arabia I might be
    wrong South Africa South Africa not
    Saudi Arabia I apologize Saudi Arabia
    South Africa so those are the bricks
    Nations do you know they are trying
    to put us in a hole somewhere and bury
    us you do know that right just letting
    know everybody out there in the world
    don’t like
    us they don’t like us below we show how
    debt payments have risen at a faster
    than at another time in modern history
    so they got this chart here from
    2014 to 2023 so in 2014
    now our debt payments were 442
    billion and the US debt the total debt
    for the US in
    2014 was 18 trillion
    but our debt service was 442
    billion that’s was
    2014 10 years ago
    guys fast forward to
    today we got 34 trillion in debt almost
    doubled the debt almost have doubled our
    debt in 10
    years and we’ve more than doubled the
    interest payments interest payments are
    over 1 trillion debts over 34 trillion
    crazy crazy crazy at current rates
    here’s the scary
    part at current rates the US national
    debt is growing by a
    remarkable 1
    trillion about every
    days at current rates the US national
    debt is growing by a rem remarkable 1
    trillion about every 100 days equal to
    roughly 3.6 trillion per
    year that’s what’s going to be our debt
    service 3.6 trillion how in the world
    you sustain that you can’t some at some
    point you can’t as the national
    debt now the debt now now the national
    debt is is going
    to it it’s growing by 1 trillion every
    100 days that’s not the debt payment so
    let me correct myself that’s not the
    debt payments that’s the actual overall
    debt is growing by $1 trillion every1
    100 days so so basically every year
    you’re adding about 3.6 trillion to your
    overall debt not your debt payment so
    let me correct myself
    there as the national debt has ballooned
    payments even
    exceeded Medicaid outlays in
    2023 so so we are paying more to service
    the debt the $34 trillion 34 trillion in
    debt we’re paying more to service that
    debt the interest associated with that
    debt than we do on Medicaid than we do
    on defense
    spending that’s a
    Insanity that’s insane as the national
    debt has ballooned debt payments even
    exceeded Medicaid outlays in 2023 one of
    the government’s largest
    expenditures on average the US spent
    more than 2 billion per day on interest
    costs last year did you hear that figure
    let me run that by you one more time
    good people on average the US spent more
    than $2 billion per day on interest cost
    year see these numbers I can’t even I
    can’t even wrap my little brain
    around I mean how do you spend two
    billion dollars a day on interest on
    your loans on your debt two billion guys
    I’m talking about what a be this is
    day gee now how do you how do you
    sustain that I mean who can sustain that
    and that’s why I’m trying to tell you
    assets going
    further the US government is projected
    to spend a
    historic 12.4 trillion on interest
    payments over the next
    decade averaging about
    $337,400 per
    American who y’all think pay for that
    who you think pay for all
    this you think they got
    a some magical place they can go
    and just pull it
    out a’t no magical place the magical
    place is you and I are taxes that’s the
    place just saying at some point taxes
    got to go
    up for you folks out there that’s
    struggling to pay your taxes
    now at some point them taxes got to go
    up it’s only way you gonna get out of
    hole two ways either the government is
    going to have to massively massively cut
    back on
    spending and social programs and
    infrastructure and all that kind of
    military something got to suffer while
    they cut back or they got to increase
    taxes those are the only two choices you
    either cut back on all this other
    spending you’re doing whether that be
    military like they said defense social
    programs like
    Medicaid other social
    programs you cut back on infrastructure
    so our roads just continue to be tore up
    can’t put no money in new Bridges can’t
    put no money in making making us a a
    great healthy none of that some of that
    got to go or either you got to raise
    taxes how else you going to do it where
    is the money going to come from and then
    on top of that guess what you got
    against you you got the bricks
    Nation you got the bricks Nation trying
    to dollarize the world trying to cancel
    the dollar I read a story this morning
    where these folks are not playing
    around the bricks nation has bought more
    gold they bought more gold I think it
    they said since over the last couple of
    years I believe that’s what it was
    they’ve bought more gold over the last
    couple of years than anybody the bricks
    Nation why are they buying all that gold
    why are they buying all this gold
    they’re getting ready to take try to
    take down the dollar I’m telling you now
    whether they be successful or not I
    don’t know above my pay grade but I’m
    telling you what they doing I’m telling
    you the game plan the game plan is to
    crush the dollar in my goodness guys if
    they crushed the dollar and we got all
    this debt what’s going to
    happen I don’t know I don’t know all I’m
    telling you
    is while we’re out here electing these
    folks we got this election cycle coming
    hey man you better be thinking about the
    right things I be thinking about hey
    tell me about this $34 trillion in US
    debt and this $1 trillion dollar in in
    payments how do we get out of that
    what’s your game plan to solve that
    problem are we raising taxes are we
    cutting out
    programs how we going to solve that
    problem hey what what what’s the pro how
    we going to solve the problem with
    bricks trying to take the US dollar down
    I’m telling you that’s what you need to
    be asking these
    folks right here raah Rah raah cheer
    cheer cheer but you ain’t asking no real
    questions I’m trying to tell you man you
    going to get if you ain’t got no wealth
    guess what’s going to happen to you that
    wealth Gap the rich they going to keep
    rich the people who ain’t Rich going to
    keep getting
    poor just telling you that’s what’s
    going to happen the middle class going
    to be gone a going be no middle class
    it’s going to be rich or poor that’s
    it if we don’t do something is what I’m
    saying and as the American people we
    should do
    something we this is our
    country as the American people we built
    country we are the lifeline of this
    country not these politicians us
    we got to do something we can’t look for
    some guy we going to sit in the White
    House to do something they’re not going
    to do nothing I keep telling y’all this
    I don’t care who y’all sit in that seat
    they’re not going to do anything by the
    way we don’t put them in that seat
    anyways that’s just a little FYI we’re
    not going to get into that today but we
    don’t put nobody in that seat anyways
    but I tell you what as the American
    people all 350 million of us let me tell
    you guys we can change this if we just
    put our mind to it we have $34 trillion
    in debt our interest payments are1
    trillion we’re adding we’re
    adding $1
    trillion every hundred days to our
    debt they are saying over the next
    decade we will
    spend 12.4 trillion just on the interest
    payments not not talking about the
    principal just the service the debt the
    interest associated with it which
    equates to about
    $7,100 per American how many of y’all
    can get
    $37,000 wiped off of your salary and
    still make it how many how many of y’all
    can take a
    $37,000 take out from your from your
    salary and still make it and live and do
    all the things you need to do not many
    us not many of us so as the American
    people we got to act we got to do
    something we got to do something
    exacerbating matters is that the US is
    running a steep
    deficit which stood at 1.1 trillion for
    the first 6 months of fiscal
    2024 this has accelerated due to the 40
    3% increase in debt servicing costs
    along with a $31 billion increase in
    defense spending from a year earlier
    additionally a 30 billion increase
    funding for Federal Deposit Insurance
    Corporation in light of Regional Bank
    crisis last year was a major contributor
    to the deficit increase see I told y’all
    when I talked about these Banks remember
    I talk about these Banks and I told told
    y’all that we paid for all these fail
    Banks I told y’all that nobody believe
    me oh no no we don’t we got they no no
    the the banks pay for all of that they
    they put a money in this fund and the
    banks pay for it uh uh uh they might pay
    a little bit but they’re telling you
    right here who paying for it too we
    paying for
    it additionally 30 billion increase in
    funding for the Federal Deposit
    Insurance Corporation which is fbic so
    when these Banks fail FDIC goes in and
    and mops that up everything and sells it
    off to another bank but guess who pays
    for all of that you and
    me and we had a $31 billion increase in
    defense spending that 60 bill right
    there from just from last
    year guess what we ain’t got the money
    for it so guess what it does it keeps
    piling on to the
    debt we only collect 4 trillion we spend
    trillion overall the
    CBO forecast that roughly 75% of the
    federal deficit increase will be due to
    interest cost by
    2034 so over the next 10 years 75% of
    the increase to the federal deficit will
    be because we can’t pay all the interest
    the interest going to keep stacking up
    because we ain’t got enough money to pay
    we ain’t got enough money to
    pay crazy right crazy crazy crazy crazy
    I I saw one article that said the the
    the deficit I think they said by
    2054 so basically 30 years from now it’s
    going to exceed about 140
    trillion unless we do something it’s
    going to exceed like
    $140 trillion over the next 30 years
    it’s 34 trillion now but they say it’s
    going to be around 140 140 trillion now
    how in the world can you make can you
    imagine the debt payments on 140
    trillion in debt can you imagine the
    debt payments an annual debt
    payments like they said 75% of the
    increase in the in in the in the in the
    in the debt is going to be due to
    interest payments that we can’t
    pay how do we get out of this as the
    American people we got to get out of
    it the there is no politician that’s
    going to get us out of this one guys I
    can to tell you that right now if it’s
    up to the politicians they’ll run that
    thing up to 300 trillion I’m telling you
    they will run that thing up to 300
    trillion they don’t care so if we’re
    going to get out of this mess it’s going
    to be up to the American people to get
    out of there is no politician that’s
    going to get outside of it it’s not
    going to happen I don’t care who y’all
    put in well again we don’t put anybody
    in the White House I know we think we do
    but we really don’t but all the rest of
    them them guys and gals that we put in
    you better know who you putting in those
    seats in
    Congress you better know who you putting
    in those
    seats I find it really interesting a lot
    of these people that have been up there
    on Capitol Hill I’m talking about for 15
    20 30 years on Capitol Hill in Congress
    done got all of them got rich they got
    insider trading information they buy
    these stocks before anybody else know
    anything going on with the stocks
    they buy it get rich they sit up there
    on Capitol Hill for 20 years I just
    don’t get it man we’re we’re trip we’re
    trip man some of the stuff we do I don’t
    get it
    but I don’t get it man but I will tell
    you this as the American people it’s up
    to us if we don’t get this thing fixed
    we got nobody to blame but us because
    all those people sitting up there on
    Capitol Hill in Congress we put them in
    there we put them in
    there we’ll allow them to stay in there
    for 15 20 years just just milking it
    ain’t doing nothing just getting a cushy
    check everything paid for getting rich
    off of insider trading all kind of
    stuff we just we just we just let them
    do it sit there 15 not both sides of the
    aisle too it ain’t just Democrats it’s
    Republicans too they all sitting in
    there getting rich insid of trading
    using the American people right but we
    don’t have to stand for
    that we we can we can we can we can
    control that that’s on us now if we sit
    around and let them do that that’s our
    oh see I don’t blame these politicians
    y’all might be a little different than
    me I I don’t blame them cuz that’s just
    human nature right I don’t blame them
    they going to get greedy that’s human
    nature who I blame is us we put him in
    there we let staying there for 15 20
    years doing nothing but getting a fat
    check and getting rich off inside of
    trading we let them stay in there for 15
    20 years we
    do we
    do so if we want to blame somebody we we
    got to look at
    us we ain’t got to put most of these
    people in there we can make the laws we
    can force them to change the laws no you
    sered two years you out bring somebody
    else in two years out bring somebody
    else in not just sitting up there for 20
    years doing nothing but getting rich I
    mean come on guys we allow them to do
    though we’ll allow them to do it we’ll
    allow them to do it let’s talk about the
    housing market real quick I thought this
    was interesting I I was checking out
    article um I thought it was interesting
    here’s the headline the outlook for home
    prices has
    changed drastically in just the past
    as Fed rate Cuts look more and more
    distant remember we talked about that
    probably I believe might have talked
    about that yesterday or last Friday
    where we you know we had these three
    rate Cuts in mind early in the year mid
    year they don’t push them things back to
    December so we may or may not have the
    rate Cuts we may or may not have the r
    Cuts that’s crazy right we may or may
    not have these rate Cuts
    so yeah we got to figure it
    out we we got to figure it
    out we definitely got to figure it
    out the Outlook so here we go forecast
    for us home prices suddenly look a lot
    different compared to just the month ago
    according to Freddy Max latest Outlook
    price will increase only 0.5% in 2024
    and 25 the mortgage giant said Thursday
    that’s down sharply from its forecast in
    March when it predicted home prices
    would rise 2 and a half% in 2024 and
    2.1% in
    2025 the view for 24 has
    suffered especially compared to the
    start of the year when prices were seen
    Rising 2.8 so not as much but you’re
    still going to get them they’re not
    going down is my point they’re not going
    down so a lot of us out here are waiting
    for home prices to go down they’re
    not to be sure less aggressive
    trajectory for home price gains sounds
    like good news for prospective buyers
    but when combined with still limited
    inventory and higher for longer rates
    the overall picture isn’t
    a major Improvement why doesn’t matter
    what home prices do if you can’t afford
    the monthly
    payment interest rates are still 7 and
    half% can’t afford the monthly
    payment there are plenty of people
    buying houses that were overpriced guys
    after the pandemic plenty of them why
    because they get a low interest rate and
    they can afford the monthly
    payment but they can’t afford the
    monthly payment right now interest rate
    R are too
    high right plus the thing that’s going
    to continue to hold these prices where
    they are and slightly higher is lack of
    or limited
    inventory but no one’s going to build
    anything on a massive scale when you
    don’t have demand you have no demand why
    would I go out here and build 5,000
    homes and ain’t got nobody to sell them
    to basically while housing demand is
    solid due to a large share of millennial
    firsttime home buyers looking to buy
    homes they are challenged by high
    mortgage rates and a lack of homes
    available for sale this is what Freddy
    Mack said in his April
    statement we expect these challenges to
    persist in
    24 mainly in the absence of significant
    rate cuts which will keep the rate lock
    effect in place and keep keep total home
    sales volume below 5 million in
    2024 what do they mean by the rate lock
    effect they mean somebody that has a
    loan on their current home for 3 and
    1.2% they are not willing to give up
    that rate for a 72% rate so guess what
    they’re going to do they’re going to
    stay put they’re not going to put the
    house up for sale to move somewhere else
    they’re going to stay right where they
    at cuz they do not not want to double
    their interest rate on the new house
    plus they’re going to play more for the
    new house they’re going to pay more for
    it and have a higher rate why would I
    sell my house right now why would I give
    up my house right now to to go in
    something crazy they’re not going to do
    it that’s what they mean by the rate
    effect and keep home and guess what that
    keeps home sales transactions lower why
    you ain’t got you you not a lot of
    people are selling houses
    now like they said you still got some
    people Millennials some baby boomers
    people that got wealth some of them are
    buying houses now but not at the level
    that we used to we’re not at that level
    not at that level with the economic
    landscape holding steady the main
    difference over the past month is in the
    rates Outlook and when the Federal
    Reserve may start easing which right now
    we know they’re not going to ease
    anytime soon
    let’s be honest here they’re not they’re
    not going to ease remember they’re going
    to meet April 30th and May 1st next
    week the fed me next week I believe it’s
    next Tuesday and
    Wednesday we’ll see but they’re not
    they’re not going to reduce no rates on
    Tuesday fed share Jerome pow confirmed
    wall Street’s fears by saying that due
    to the robust labor market in remaining
    progress required on inflation rates
    will stay where they are for as long as
    needed this is the Fed share this is
    what he
    said treasury yields climbed even higher
    with a 10-year rate topping
    4.6 sending other borrowing costs up
    two see the 10year treasury guys affects
    the 30-year fix rate mortgage when it
    goes up guess what happens to the
    30-year fixed rate mortgage rate it goes
    up yes sir that’s what happens here we
    go treasury yields climbed even higher
    with the 10-year rate topping 4.6
    sending other borrowing costs up to the
    30-year fixed rate mortgage surged past
    7% so as that 10year treasury bond goes
    up your 30-year fixed rate mortgage
    rates go up as with go up with it what
    brings down the 10year treasury when you
    drop interest rates when you drop the
    FED funds rate when you drop the FED
    funds rate the 10-year treasury bond
    rate drops when the 10-year treasury
    bond rate drops your 30-year fixed rate
    drops there you go there you go for the
    first time this year according to Freddy
    Max reading on Thursday those
    developments over the past month
    appeared to be the major Catalyst for
    Freddy Max’s big downgrade in its
    housing market
    Outlook you’re talking about one of the
    biggest mortgage holders in the country
    you got Fanny May and Freddy Matt now
    they say they’re not government bodies
    but they are influenced by the
    government they’re supposed to be
    Standalone bodies but I don’t believe
    crap I don’t believe it so Fanny May and
    Freddy Mack two largest mortgage holders
    or whatever you want to call them in the
    world in the country
    right one of them is saying uh we’re
    downgrading the housing market Outlook
    downgrade mean not good guys that means
    not good right in March it predicted Fed
    rate Cuts could begin as soon as the
    summer with mortgage rates staying above
    6 and
    A2 through the second quarter then
    drifting lower in the latter half of the
    Year while inventory would still be
    tight more firsttime home buyers
    continue to flood the housing market and
    push home prices
    up so y’all sitting around here waiting
    on the
    crash well I don’t know I don’t know
    let’s see what happens with the debt now
    the might crash everything right but
    right now
    no crash low
    inventory no crash yet now for the
    people that are living in and having to
    take care of themselves through the
    housing market they’re feeling pain
    they’re feeling Financial pain because
    why they take they take care of
    themselves through transactions there
    are not many
    transactions they’re they’re predicting
    lower transaction volume this year under
    5 million transactions that’s what
    they’re predicting
    under 5 million
    transactions so not
    good not good instead Freddy Mack said
    the FED is now in a wait and see mode
    before it starts easing and refrained
    from offering more specific guidance on
    rates we therefore expect mortgage rates
    to remain elevated for
    longer 7 1.2% or higher for
    longer the new forecast comes as high
    home prices and mortgage rates have kept
    many Americans away from ownership the
    cost of owning a home is officially the
    highest on record
    ever highest on record ever guys that’s
    nuts oh what do you mean we got this
    great economy we got this great job
    market everything’s booming what do you
    mean yeah but you can’t afford to buy a
    house so I’m not sure how it’s booming
    I’m not sure how your economy is booming
    when you can’t buy a
    house can’t afford to buy a house how is
    that booming it’s not booming it’s
    booming for the 1% but these folks down
    here in this 99% economy this bust
    economy this Cesspool economy as former
    president Trump calls it this Cesspool
    economy can’t even buy a
    house that’s why I’m telling you guys
    it’s so important for you to build
    wealth that’s why it’s so important for
    you to buy assets right now forget the
    house I would be pouring every dime I
    own into assets that actually generate
    income I wouldn’t worry about buying
    assets don’t generate no income now if
    you want to go out there and buy your
    rental property that’s going to generate
    some income and pay for itself that’s
    different but you trying to get some
    house that you going to live in that
    ain’t going to do no but suck money out
    of your
    pocket and you going to have a 7 7 . 5%
    interest rate and you’re going to pay a
    premium for it if that’s what you want
    to spend your money on I I got to I got
    to ask you to
    reconsider put your money in things that
    are going to multiply it and put money
    in your
    pocket forget this home ownership stuff
    ain’t no money attached to it ain’t no
    income attached to it forget it don’t
    put your money in nothing that don’t
    have income attached to it it’s the only
    way you survive any of this stuff
    stuff red fin CEO said would be buyers
    who held out last year are tired of
    waiting oh I’m a wait I’m a wait should
    I buy now I’m a wait I wouldn’t buy it
    all if it was me and I’m in the building
    stage of wealth I wouldn’t buy nothing
    I’d put my money in assets that are
    going to actually make some money I
    wouldn’t put nothing in no real estate
    right now that’s just going to be a dead
    asset that I just going to live in that
    I’m just going to live in I’m doing
    nothing with it but live in
    it and I’m going take 50% of my income
    40% of my income and I’mma dedicate to
    something that I’m just going to live in
    that’s not going to produce any income I
    don’t know how smart that
    is I don’t I don’t know how smart that
    is you do see what’s happening right now
    guys we got some of the best assets in
    in the world on
    sale we could be buying those things I
    just told you gave you a Nvidia
    closed on Friday at 762 looked at it
    today it was 8:24 now it might have
    changed since I’ve been on the live
    stream but that’s $60 a share instant
    $60 a share that’s net worth that’s $60
    a share increase in my net worth in one
    day I keep telling y’all guys we we we
    we gotta we got to get in that that that
    that way of
    thinking before you know it I’m going to
    have $100 per share in Nidia in net
    worth why execute it pull the
    trigger execution pull the trigger
    before you know it I’m going to have
    $100 per share in net worth gain for
    doing one thing pulling the trigger and
    impatient and I’m going do it probably
    listen it may get there this
    week it may get up to 860 this week
    before Friday Nidia could go from 762 to
    862 in one
    week and guess what I got a $100 net
    worth game $100 per share net worth gain
    where you going to get that
    at tell me where you going to get that
    at you gonna get in a piece of real
    estate you’re getting ready to buy
    nope matter of fact that’s going to take
    money out of your pocket down payment
    calls woo I ain’t even throw in flood
    flood insurance if you’re in a flood
    zone or or homeowners insurance woo I
    haven’t talked about property taxes
    y’all do know what’s going on with
    property taxes in a lot of parts of the
    country they’ve
    doubled in a lot of parts of the country
    your homeowners insurance double
    especially if you’re down here in
    Florida and Hurricane Alley if you’re
    down here in Florida anywhere in this
    Hurricane Alley you already know what’s
    happening with flood insurance here
    where I live at in Southwest Florida
    flood insurance premiums went up by 25%
    boom from
    2000 let me see here from
    200 what was it prior to the pandemic I
    think it was
    2020 on one of my properties the
    homeowners insurance
    was I want to say $14
    $1,500 $4 $1,500 something like that
    guess what it is
    today I’m talking about four years guys
    guess what it is today $4,200
    yeah yeah yeah yeah so all I’m telling
    you is listen you better figure out how
    to put your money in assets that
    actually build wealth now I’m not
    telling you if you want to go buy a
    house and you hell don’t B on doing it
    go do
    it but you’re going to be house
    Rich assets cash poor because I’m
    telling you that house is going to take
    40 to 50% of your income right off the
    bat that’s what it’s going to be require
    the average house in America is 42 20
    $460,000 that’s average house that ain’t
    macdaddy house that’s average house so
    listen man housing market is is is
    there’s an opportunity there I think
    there’s an opportunity there if I’m
    trying to buy real estate for income
    then I think there’s an opportunity
    because you got sellers out there that
    have fatigue they’re ready to sell these
    properties they’re tired of holding them
    they’re ready to sell them so if you got
    cash if you are a high income individual
    that can afford the 7 and a half%
    interest rate you could potentially go
    get you a good deal on a piece of real
    estate right now cuz I’m telling you
    sellers are ready to negotiate because
    they’re tired of holding these houses
    there ain’t many people out there buying
    there ain’t much
    demand but if you’re just trying to buy
    this thing and move into it and put it
    Instagram man you better think about it
    you better think about it would be
    buyers who held out last year are tired
    of waiting as Millennials who delayed
    starting a family can only wait so long
    he said he’s never seen anything like it
    calling it the worst situation for the
    housing market housing is in a
    recession and the rest of the economy is
    booming I can’t disagree with
    that I can’t disagree with that I can’t
    disagree with that I can’t disagree with
    that you’ve heard what Freddy mat one of
    the L largest mortgage holders or
    whatever you want to call them right
    y’all can go research them on the1
    trillion doll research
    lab they’ve given you their Outlook
    they’ve downgraded it you got the guy
    from uh red fin the CEO from red fin
    calling it uh uh real estate the housing
    Market’s in a recession why because
    their stock price went from a nice stock
    price to like $5 a share
    why because ain’t no activity man ain’t
    no it ain’t no demand you got a few
    people out there buying houses like
    Millennials and Baby Boomers and a few
    you know
    1centers but the the average everyday
    Joe can’t afford it man not at no 7 and
    a half% interest rate can’t can’t afford
    it can’t afford it can’t can’t can’t
    cannot afford it plus guess what’s
    happening a lot of these Banks and a lot
    of these lenders are doing what they’re
    tightening up on their lending
    guidelines because see they learned a
    lesson in 2008 you be laxad and Loosey
    Goosey with your lending guidelines if
    you want to and go to giving all these
    loans all these people who can’t afford
    it soon as something happen in their
    financial life they going to stop paying
    you I can promise you that they’re going
    to stop paying you lenders know that so
    why put myself in Harm’s weight they’re
    not that’s why now you’re seeing lenders
    are tightening
    up oh no no no no no no no we can’t give
    you a DTI of 36% anymore nope can’t do
    it we got to take that down to
    30% no more 36% DTI no no uh-uh no more
    40% DT uhuh we got to take that down to
    30 that tightening it up tightening it
    up no no no no no no no no no no we we
    need you to put more down payment just
    in case you decide to walk away from
    this thing and I’m talking about nonfh
    loans right non I’m talking about
    conventional loans just your straight up
    loan right where you put money in they
    give you a loan they’re asking you to
    put more money in they don’t want to be
    left holding the bag when you decide you
    don’t want to pay them no more we
    already know 1 million mortgages are 90
    days past due right now 1 million
    mortgages just saying guys so be careful
    what you’re pursuing when it comes to
    assets my recommendation is if it ain’t
    going to put no money in my pocket right
    now I’m not buying it I only want accet
    that generate income and put money in my
    pocket just saying if you’re interested
    in those 10 free fractional shares from
    Mumu of The Magnificent 7 they’re going
    to give you 10 free fractional shares of
    The Magnificent 7 when you open a new
    Mumu account you put a $100 in your Mumu
    account they don’t they don’t take your
    $100 guys that’s $100 that you can then
    use and invest in more assets they
    require you put the $100 in there so
    that you’re serious about using the
    brokerage app they don’t want you to put
    your little $100 in there and get your
    Magnificent Seven stocks and then cash
    them in and close out the account on
    them who would want that to happen
    they’re not dumb so they’re going to
    make you put money in there and really
    use the account or they don’t want you
    over there so go down to that
    description box if you want 10
    fractional shares of The Magnificent 7
    for free open up the mumu account click
    on the link down in the description Box
    open up the mumu account and get your 10
    frack fractional shares of the most
    valuable companies in America which is
    the Magnificent
    7 I just told y’all
    Nidia made $60 a share in one business
    day just saying I don’t know let me see
    what it’s trading at right now because I
    know somebody oh no it’s not trading at
    824 it’s at 810 let’s see what it’s
    trading at right
    now still trading at
    824 so right now technically I could
    sell the position and make $60 a share
    one business day where is she going to
    get that from where is she going to get
    that from where else that’s what I’m
    saying let me let me take it one step
    further let me show you something one
    further let me just do this little
    exercise right here what was that uh
    okay divided by
    762 so that would have been like 131
    shares right let’s say I put 100 Grand
    in that would have been 31 shares I
    ain’t going to take exact what I put in
    but let me just say I put that in let’s
    just hypothetic I put in 100 Grand right
    say I put 100 Grand and I bought it at
    762 a share that’s 131 shares
    right today today it’s at 824 share
    131 so I just made 8
    Grand just made eight grand I just made
    an Roi of 8% in one business day
    let’s say it goes up $100 a share by the
    end of the week I’m not saying it will
    but let’s
    hypothetical let’s say
    hypothetical of course I got 131 shares
    right let’s say it goes
    up see
    862 so now I just made in one week
    Grand just saying just saying 13 Grand
    in one week oh let’s say it goes up $200
    share right let’s just say it go from
    762 to
    962 on that 131
    shares now I just made 26 Grand just a
    quick 20 so all I’m telling you guys is
    listen figure out something figure out a
    game plan that works for you I’m not
    saying what I did will work for you
    figure out your game plan right figure
    out your game plan that works for you
    but do something do something man do
    something there is so much opportunity
    to build wealth right now despite the
    debt the the debt payments for the US
    debt despite that despite the housing
    market there is still opportunity out
    there to build wealth if you’re not
    afraid and if you’re willing to get
    information and take action right if
    you’re willing to do that now one more
    thing I just want you guys to understand
    kind of what’s brewing out here so that
    way you knew what how to
    prepare you need to know what is going
    on guys when it comes to the United
    States and its debt you need to know
    that you also need to know what’s going
    on in the housing
    market you also need to what’s going on
    in the labor market so let’s talk about
    that real quick here’s the headline
    layoffs could Spike as one labor market
    indicator says a recession is already
    here now again guys you can look at this
    two ways you can say well golly this guy
    Richard Fain all he talks about is gloom
    and doom and no that’s one way you can
    look at it or you can look at it as okay
    I see what’s kind of lineing up I see
    what could potentially happen what
    should I do I should always prepare for
    for the worst but expect the best how do
    I prepare for the worst I put myself in
    a financial situation where no matter
    what I
    win that’s that’s what you should be
    looking at it I I say look at it that
    way I put myself in a financial
    situation when I go to bed at night I
    don’t worry about the labor market when
    I go to bed at night I don’t worry about
    the housing market when I go to bed at
    night I don’t worry about the US
    debt I don’t because I put myself in a
    situation where I have assets I have
    cash cash I got no Consumer
    Debt so so so I can weather any storm if
    the market crashes guess what I do I go
    right back to 2008 gobble up as much as
    I can and I hold them for 10
    years that’s all that’s it see that’s
    why you got to be lean and you got to be
    mean when it comes to your financial
    situation that’s why I encourage you
    guys to get yourself out of Consumer
    Debt that’s why I encourage yourself
    don’t saddle yourself with a house
    that’s taking 50% of your
    salary when you factor in taxes
    Insurance interest in principle
    repairs that’s why I’m telling you don’t
    take all your money and put it in
    that get lean and get mean and go make
    some money build your assets up so that
    you can weather any
    storm that’s all I’m saying so look at
    it as gloom and doom or look at it as
    you know something hey let me prepare
    for the
    worst I don’t I’mma prepare for the
    worst but I’m going to expect the best
    see when I go to bed and I don’t worry
    about gloom and doom I don’t when I when
    I get off this call I’mma go about my
    day not with a worry in the world I’mma
    go check on my other house I’m going do
    some other things I ain’t going to worry
    about none of this why cuz I’m
    prepared I’m prepared I’m always
    prepared I I got cash I got assets I got
    a high income skill set between those
    three things right there guys what what
    do I got to worry about financially I
    got no Consumer
    Debt all I’m trying to get you to do is
    put yourself in that
    position get out of this High interest
    rate credit card
    debt stop overleveraging yourself on
    these houses and these cars just over in
    ourselves to keep up with the
    Joneses so people think we’re successful
    we got to get out of those bad
    behaviors you guys see me every single
    day do I am I really do am I concerned
    about what somebody think or the way I
    look or or or have I changed anything
    anybody that’s been rocking with me
    202 what have I changed about what I’ve
    done what have I changed about my
    appearance what have I changed about
    anything I
    haven’t I’ve said the same thing for
    four straight years this is the fifth
    year I’ve been saying the same
    thing and I haven’t changed a bit I
    still wear raggedy t-shirts I don’t care
    because see that don’t matter to me what
    matters to me is I got cash I got no
    Consumer Debt and I got assets that
    generate income that’s all I care
    about I don’t care about nothing else
    when it comes to this financial stuff
    that happens around me I don’t I just
    don’t pay attention to
    it all I’m trying to get you to do is
    focus yourself
    focus focus on Building
    Wealth focus on protecting you and your
    family through
    wealth that’s what you got to do guys
    that’s what you got to do let’s talk
    about these layoffs not that anything’s
    going to happen we know we got a booming
    uh labor market we know that
    but again always prepare for the worst
    but expect the best when do you prepare
    for bad times guys please somebody tell
    me in the chat when do I prepare for bad
    times when do I prepare for bad
    times please somebody tell me when do I
    prepare for bad
    times in Good Times that’s when you
    prepare I don’t prepare for bad times
    when bad times get here it’s too late
    right it’s too late I prepare for bad
    times when we’re in good
    times when we’re in bad times I prepare
    for good
    times that’s how it
    works that’s what you got to think
    about even though the labor market right
    now is red hot and good when do I
    prepare for it to go south right now
    that’s when I prepare for
    it so that’s what this is this is not
    saying the labor market is going to
    crash tomorrow what is saying is while
    it’s good you better be putting some
    metrics in place so that if it goes bad
    you’re protected and your fam is
    protected financially that’s why I’m
    reading this to you let’s
    go the us could see a rise in layoffs
    and there’s one indicator in the labor
    market that suggests a recession is
    already here that’s someone’s opinion
    guys but we prepare for bad times in
    good times right so that’s all this is
    preparation mentally get ourselves
    prepared just in case they flip the
    script on us we’re ready I hate for them
    to flip the script on us and we ain’t
    ready and we
    right but quail in intelligence research
    Chief strategist pointed to worrying
    signs in the labor
    market despite the headline job growth
    remaining strong the economy added
    33,000 workers in March but the jobless
    rate has steadily ticked
    higher raising from a low of
    3.4% in April 2023 to around
    3.8% last month what’s the jobless
    rate anybody can tell me in the chat
    what the jobless rate
    is what are they talking about there
    when they say the jobless
    rate just seeing if you guys paying
    attention what does the jobless rate
    mean what are they talking about what is
    that widely called
    unemployment that’s that that’s another
    word for unemployment rate guys the
    unemployment rate went from 3 3.4% in
    April to around 3.8% last month in April
    of 23 so it went from April of 23 3.4
    last month it was
    3.8 as of February the labor market has
    been pointing to a historical recession
    indicator that flashes when the
    unemployment rate rises
    0.3% above its cycle low and holds above
    that level for at least 3 months that
    was the case for the 2008
    recession Booth noted with the National
    Bureau of economic research dating the
    recession back to the month the
    indicator was first
    trigger so we’re in a recession as far
    as the unemployment rate is
    concerned boo said speaking in an
    interview with the David Lynn report
    week job Cuts have climbed this year
    total layoffs and discharges Rose nearly
    10% year-over-year in
    February according to the Federal
    Reserve data and worker firings could
    accelerate in the coming months Booth
    predicted given that layoffs typically
    surge as firms report
    earnings she estimated that layoffs for
    the year could rise to 370,000
    by the end of April that would be the
    highest number of layoffs recorded over
    the first four months of the year since
    2009 in the wake of the great financial
    crisis she said booth has been warning
    for months of a coming wave of job
    losses top Economist David Rosenberg has
    also predicted that the unemployment
    rate could
    ra rise to around 5% by the end of the
    year as the recession hits the
    economy now guys again don’t know if any
    of that’s going to happen but I’m just
    telling you what’s out there I’m just
    telling you what other people are
    predicting all we look at see most of us
    all we look at is just what’s been added
    to the economy but we don’t look at all
    this other data from April
    2023 unemployment has went from 3.4% to
    there’s a reason for
    that this person is saying by the end of
    April there will be what did she say
    let’s see let me let me make sure I got
    that right what did she say she
    estimated that layoffs for the year
    could reach 370,000 by the end of April
    which is one of the highest rates
    ever again prepare for the worst expect
    best who knows what’s going to happen
    but I would definitely rather be
    prepared than not prepared now Richard
    how do I prepare how do you prepare for
    that get you some additional streams of
    income in place that’s how you prepare
    for it get your emergency fund in place
    that’s how you prepared for it get
    yourself out a high interest rate credit
    card debt that’s how you prepared for it
    get yourself in a wealth transferred
    blueprint where you’re buying assets on
    a monthly basis that’s how you you
    prepared for
    it none of this is any secret to the
    guys that been rocking with me y’all
    know I tell you this every day every day
    365 days a year I tell you this that’s
    how you prepare for all this stuff I
    don’t care what bad could happen I don’t
    care about the gloom and doom because
    prepared see I don’t have to waste
    no space in the filter system on gloom
    and doom because I’m prepared now if
    gloom and doom comes guess what I do I
    buy more assets and I just hold them
    gloom and doom won’t last
    forever it’ll it’ll 2008 didn’t last
    forever did it people thought it would
    people thought that would destroy the
    United States would never be the same
    again guess what we we
    recovered we
    recovered when do you get rich somebody
    tell me when do you really if if you’re
    smart and you know what you’re doing and
    you don’t mind taking a little bit of
    risk when can you really really get rich
    you really can get rich in a recession
    guys that’s where you get rich if you
    really want to hit this thing and knock
    it out of the park fast a recession is
    where you do it I don’t know why we
    don’t understand that we hear that word
    and we freak out no I hear that word i’
    be like okay I don’t want it to happen
    but if it does might as well get rich
    and how do you get rich woo all these
    you think these assets are discounted
    woooo you think they discounted we hear
    get a recession around here they really
    going to be
    discounted think about
    2008 think about 2008 you know how many
    people became millionaires and
    multi-millionaires and billionaires
    because of 2008 plenty plenty guys I’m
    one of them I’m one of
    them why because I just
    knew the fundamental thing you got to
    know about most assets most good assets
    they go back up in value when demand
    goes back up they go back up in
    value that’s why I keep telling you with
    stocks and with
    ETFs even with real estate right now
    even though it rates Skyhigh if you buy
    a piece of real estate and you got the
    right rental income on it it’ll pay for
    the 7 and a half% rate and then guess
    what in a couple years when the rates
    come down refinance
    it if you buy it right in the right
    location the rental income will pay for
    it even after 7 and
    A2 the rental income will pay for
    it because you got to understand what’s
    on your side with rental income most
    people cannot buy a house right now they
    are forced to
    rent and if I got the money and I want
    that white picket fence American Dream
    House in in a great neighborhood I
    rather rent it until I can buy
    it and I’m willing to pay a fair market
    value rent to have that lifestyle so
    don’t run away from the real estate
    market if you’re an investor and you can
    afford the seven and a half and and how
    do you afford it get in your good Market
    that got a rental rate that can pay for
    it buy you a house in a rental in a
    rental rate area that can pay for it
    that’s all you got to do don’t run away
    from it but if just one of these people
    could oh I got to just buy this house
    it’s the perfect house for me okay I’m
    willing to give up 50% of my salary to
    do it and I’m just going to eat poking
    beans and weenies every day but I got
    this great house
    why why would I do that why would I do
    that I
    wouldn’t I
    wouldn’t I would take all that money
    that all that 50% of I put in that house
    I take 20% of it and put it in rent take
    that other 30% put it in assets and just
    do that for 10 years then go get me a
    house what do I need to be sitting
    around here putting 50% of my money in
    an asset that ain’t going to produce no
    income I
    wouldn’t there you go let’s talk a
    little bit about the stock market and
    then we going to get out of here we
    pretty much covered everything we wanted
    to cover but let’s get again guys if you
    want those 12 I’m sorry the 10
    fractional shares of The Magnificent 7
    you got to go down to the mumu link and
    and and and hit the mumu link sign up
    put your $100 in your new brokerage
    account they’re going to give you 10
    fractional shares of The Magnificent
    Seven don’t delay go get that free money
    that free stock today let’s move on
    let’s finish up with the stock market
    and then we going to get out of here
    appreciate y’all bearing with me today
    here’s the headline
    stocks rise for a second day as earning
    season ramps up di up more than 100
    points US Stocks rose on Tuesday as the
    corporate earnings season picked up
    steam and investors look to build on the
    strong gains from the previous session
    the Dow climbed 120 points or
    0.3% the S&P gained
    0.4% along with the NASDAQ
    Composite Spotify surged more than 15%
    after surpassing pass ing wall Street’s
    first quarter estimates and issuing Rosy
    second quarter
    guidance that’s how it happens guys now
    this think about other companies that
    will be having their earnings reports
    coming up AKA Nvidia think about them
    what if they have something just like
    that I don’t know what the earnings
    report will say but I tell you what if
    they had if they get anything like what
    got can you say through the roof I can
    thank goodness I’m invested thank
    goodness I’m buying thank goodness I got
    it in my shopping cart and executed
    I’mma just wait and be patient let’s
    moving UPS shares edged slightly higher
    after delivery giant posted better than
    expected quarterly earnings PepsiCo
    meanwhile dipped 2.4% despite reporting
    better than expected earnings GE
    Aerospace also reported
    and earnings
    beat here’s one of my favorite companies
    Tesla is slated to report earnings after
    the Bell followed by meta platforms on
    Wednesday afternoon I’m going to be
    really curious today what Tesla does
    y’all know I’m a big big time Tesla
    investor I love Tesla let’s see what’s
    going to happen today am I going to be
    able tomorrow morning wake up and buy
    Tesla lower or will they have a bounce
    because they get good news I don’t know
    either way I win either way I win if it
    bounces I’m already positioned because
    I’m in the stock right now on the low
    low I’m in the stock on the low low
    right now so if it bounces I win if it
    don’t bounce and they don’t come up with
    anything good for the market they slide
    even further and I buy more and I just
    keep waiting at some point they bounce
    at some point they correct them
    themselves elves at some point right
    that that’s my strategy it ain’t it
    ain’t the best strategy but it’s my
    strategy and I I’m going stick with it
    so so I’m waiting on Tesla they’re going
    to report this afternoon when the market
    closes so by Tuesday morning I mean
    sorry by Wednesday morning either I’m
    bouncing or I’m buying more I’m buying a
    dip either I’m bouncing or I’m buying a
    dip either way I win well how can you
    win either way Richard because Tesla’s
    gonna at some point they’re gonna
    they’re going to get back to to $250 a
    share at some point they going to get
    back there at some point I don’t know
    when matter of fact I think they’ll be
    456 $700 a share at some point in the
    10year future I don’t know I’mma stay in
    them though I’mma keep buying if they
    slide I’m buying the dip tomorrow
    morning if they slide I’m buying the
    dip if they bounce I win cuz I’m already
    in the stock on the low
    low I’m already in the stock on on the
    low low so if they bounce great I just
    made some net
    worth that’s just me you do whatever you
    want to do but do something have some
    kind of plan don’t be around here with
    no plan have a plan guys telling you my
    plan that don’t mean it need to be your
    plan but I’m telling you my plan here we
    go meta on Wednesday
    afternoon and then alphabet and
    Microsoft round out the technology heavy
    earnings week on
    Thursday just
    saying woo you got some Magnificent
    Seven Heavy Hitters in this thing this
    week I’m talking about Heavy Hitters you
    got Tesla in that thing you got alphabet
    in that thing you got Microsoft and meta
    all this week all reporting first
    quarter earnings I
    believe what you going to do what you
    going to do what you going to do you
    going to barbecue a meal do what you
    going to
    do like I said what I would what I would
    do is I get down to that description
    box I get down to that description box I
    click on that moomo link and I going to
    get me 10 fractional shares of The
    Magnificent 7even where you’re going to
    have meta alphabet
    Tesla all in your basket
    all you got to do is execute just saying
    I don’t know that’s probably a pretty
    decent deal get your 10 fractional
    shares of all your great companies these
    seven Great
    companies just because you tried out a
    brokerage app and you put $100 in there
    that you can then use and buy more
    fractional shares of these companies if
    you want to or buy something else so
    it’s up to you my recommendation do
    something though have some type of
    plan have some type of plan roughly 20%
    of the S&P has reported earnings through
    Tuesday Morning of those companies 76%
    have beaten analyst expectations guys I
    keep telling y’all the S&P 500 if you
    ain’t invested in that I’m not sure what
    are you doing did you hear what the
    folks just said 76% of the companies
    that have reported earnings and the S&P
    7 S&P 500 have beaten expectations 76%
    of the
    companies what does that
    mean they’re making
    money and when they make money if I’m in
    the S&P I make
    money roughly 20% of the S&P 500 is
    reported earnings through Tuesday of
    those companies
    76% have beaten analyst
    expectations Tuesday’s moves come after
    an upbeat session on Wall Street
    investors bought the
    in tech stocks after a recent selloff in
    names such as Nidia which has been
    dinged recently amid fears of higher
    inflation and the prospect of elevated
    interest rates equities have staged
    among the best behaved sell-offs in 30
    years however as AI winners mag
    7 took the brunt of the last leg lower
    disappointing earnings May accelerate
    losses a risk option seems to
    Discount there you go man there’s your
    daily update of the market what’s going
    on today in the stock market and I I
    when I read that I just think about
    opportunity I don’t know what y’all
    think about but me I think about whoa
    goodness gracious all this opportunity
    out there all these things are happening
    and rates are still higher for longer I
    know when rates come down assets go
    up what am I waiting on why am I not
    sewing my seed right
    now why I’m Not sewing my seed should I
    be I’m I should be sewing my seed
    sprinkling those seeds out I should be
    throwing them seeds out throwing them
    out pouring water on them every month
    pouring water on them throwing them
    seeds out every month and water them and
    Wen them and waiting for that Harvest
    down the road right I’m I’m planting all
    these seeds today and that Harvest is
    going to come down the road 10 years
    now I get the
    Harvest this this big Bountiful Harvest
    in 10 years because I’m planting seeds
    today I’m buying Nidia today I’m buying
    the Magnificent 7 today I’m buying an
    S&P 500 ETF today I’m buying a
    healthcare ETF
    today I’m buying these Great Big Boy
    Blue Chip companies today I’m planting
    the seeds I’m watering these seeds and
    keep planting and keep watering keep
    planting and in 10 years from now I reap
    the big old Bountiful
    Harvest which is called Financial
    Freedom that’s it guys so everything I
    said today you can take it negative you
    can take it as gloom and doom or you can
    take it as an opportunity to prepare for
    the worst but expect the best and get
    and and get your net worth up and get
    your and get your your your your pot of
    gold at the end of the rainbow up plant
    you some
    seeds plant you some seeds what what do
    you mean plant seeds go out and buy some
    Investments right restrain yourself from
    spending your money on stupid stuff that
    don’t put no money in your pocket
    restrain from that change the your
    behaviors incorporate the
    millionaire mindset behaviors
    incorporate those seven millionaire
    mindset behaviors seven behaviors you
    need to seven behaviors and and
    principles you need to
    adapt start playing some seeds open up
    that Mumu account go down to the
    description Box open up the mumu account
    plant some seeds today get your 10
    fractional shares of The Magnificent
    Seven plant you some seeds today
    that’s planting seeds guys and then get
    yourself on the on on the wealth
    transfer blueprint where every single
    month you’re planting seeds you’re
    buying assets you’re taking your hard
    earn money that you work for you’re not
    spending to make the 1% wealthy but
    you’re going to take that money and
    plant you some
    seeds and then you’re going to be
    patient you’re going to be consistent
    you’re going to be disciplined because
    you know 10 years from now you’re going
    to have a Bountiful Harvest you’re going
    to have a pot of gold at the end of the
    rainbow I don’t care what age you are I
    don’t care if you’re 18 or
    80 plan plan now execute now get down to
    the description box like I said for you
    new folks and for you folks who want to
    get these 10 fractional shares that
    ain’t for everybody some of y’all the oh
    already got a brokerage account plant
    your siege in your brokerage account you
    already got but I have no idea why
    someone wouldn’t take 10 fractional
    shares of The Magnificent Seven guess
    what I don’t care if I got a progage
    account I’m going to have two I don’t
    care if I got three I’mma have four I’m
    going to get these 10 fractional shares
    of these Magnificent Seven and then
    guess what I’m going to do I’mma to take
    my $100 200 300$ 400 $500 a month and
    I’mma keep buying fractional shares of
    The Magnificent 7even just keep planting
    my seeds keep planting my seeds keep
    planting my seeds because I know 10
    years from now big old gigantic
    Harvest I don’t want to wait 10 years
    don’t that’s up to you man you wait two
    days if you you want to that’s not my
    plan I’m just giving you my plan I’m I’m
    giving you my
    opinion over my 30 years of doing this I
    don’t know how long you’ve been doing
    it I don’t know I’ve been doing it for
    30 years how long you’ve been doing
    it just saying just saying sometimes we
    got to we got to we we we got to we got
    to listen sometimes we got to listen
    right especially if somebody is talking
    that has done what he’s asking asking us
    consider right sometimes I don’t know
    maybe see see see if a if if a
    billionaire came to Richard Fain and
    said hey Rich uh I see what you’re doing
    good stuff but here’s how you 10x
    it what I’m going tell the billionaire
    oh no I don’t want to listen to you
    I’mma do it my way guy’s a
    billionaire why would I turn that advice
    down if the guy comes to me or the gal
    comes to me and says hey Richard love
    what you’re
    doing I’m a billionaire I I got 100
    milal I ain’t even got to be a
    billionaire I got 100 milal I got 25 mil
    I got 50
    mil I think I can help you get
    there but I need you to tweak these
    things why would I not listen to that
    why would I not consider
    that see and I’m not trying to say I’m
    some billionaire because I’m
    not but I do have 30 years of experience
    of doing this
    I I I have built a level of
    wealth I have and all I’m telling you is
    here’s the things that you got to be
    thinking about you got to put yourself
    in a you got to plant some seeds guys
    you got to plant the
    seeds and wait for the Harvest you got
    to be patient enough well here’s that
    you got to be disciplined enough and
    consistent enough to plant the seeds
    every month
    and then you got to be patient enough to
    wait for them to develop and grow into a
    Bountiful Harvest that’s why the 10
    years are so important for most of us
    that doesn’t mean it’s right for
    everybody there going to be some of you
    folks in here that can knock this thing
    out of the park and get it done in a
    year two years three years because
    you’re just that type of person you make
    that kind of income and you’re going to
    put everything in but most of us ain’t
    going to do that let’s let’s be honest
    most of us are not going to do that cuz
    because most of us don’t make that kind
    of income the average American family
    makes $75,000 a year that’s the average
    Family Guys in
    America and if you’re black black
    Americans bring that down to about
    $48,000 a
    year just saying so all I’m saying is is
    get used to delaying gratification and
    not be afraid of doing something over a
    longer period of time it’s okay I did it
    over 30 years I think I’m doing okay
    today I think I’m doing
    okay I didn’t do it in one year I didn’t
    do it in 5 years I did it in about
    realistically I did it in about 20 years
    and then I just kept doing it for the
    last 10 years and I’m going to keep
    doing it for another 10 years so all in
    all I’m going to be 40 years into this
    thing when I’m done do you see me
    complaining and oh golly I’ve done this
    for 40 years I’m so sick and no I don’t
    want to do this for two years I I just
    want to get up and be rich it’s not how
    work be honest with yourself don’t lie
    to yourself most of us not going to do
    it in one or two years we need at least
    years 10 years sew the
    seeds water
    them wait for the
    Harvest right that’s it well appreciate
    you guys I’m going to get ready to get
    on out of here thank you so much for
    locking in today tapping in today hit
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    in you guys right it’s an investment in
    you so check out that also give me a
    follow on Instagram that link is down
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    you know have a great rest of your
    Tuesday and y’all know I’ll see y’all
    back here tomorrow Wednesday 10:30 a.m.
    eastern time with more financial news to
    cover and more financial tips nuggets
    breadcrumbs to get you to your financial
    freedom and your pot of gold at the end
    of the rainbow thoughts become things
    see it in your mind you can hold it in
    your hands you guys keep chasing your
    greatness never stop believing in you
    say stay healthy stay wealthy and I’ll
    catch you guys on the next one peace

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    1. One of the biggest problems are the US Treasury ought to stop thee Fiat currency 💵 policy because it destroying the working class Americans are going to pay for the money pouring out to the rest of the world including unsuspecting balouts to help the rest of the world that is our big problems.

    2. Tesla, Stellantis and many others are heeding the Feds warning. Inflation won't fall unless unemployment rises. Many big companies are re-examining their employment rolls. Some are laying off employees by the thousands. Lay-offs for many more companies is coming. Powell is determined to get Inflation to 2% or less!

    3. Our society is on the verge of collapse people don't grow their own food, gov't is highly corrupt, anyone who is not investing now is really missing a tremendous opportunity, imagine investing $2,000 and receiving $11,300.

    4. Our grandchildren will inherit a debt that they will be saddled with and never be able to pay off. Servicing that debt will eventually take up most of our GDP! The US will be forced to default or; raise taxes and fees to service the debt leaving Americans with even less money in their paychecks. It's unsustainable!

    5. US Debt is definitely a serious issue. I do believe there will be an increase in taxes in the future, as well as a reduction in social programs. However, regarding Gold; The United States holds the world's largest stockpile of gold reserves by a considerable margin of over 8,100 tons. The U.S. government has almost as many reserves as Germany, Italy, and France, which are the next three largest gold-holding countries combined.Mar 19, 2024

    6. Man it’s some miserable people in this comment section y’all must be broke… all of you spoiled Americans have so much opportunity to go make money everyday but you decide to sit on your fat butts with this negativity on Big Rich’s channel complaining…. Make your own channel and complain all day I’m sure you’ll get views

    7. Question for Richard. When we borrow money we pay interest to the bank we borrowed from.
      So who does the government pay their interest to, and who do they borrow from?

    8. most of the debt incured from money-laundering by way of covid/ukraine/israel/proxy wars/hotel sheltering,clothing and feeding thousands of illegals/terrorists

    9. I'm not remotely a Trump supporter or Republican. I'm an independent but I often question Biden's judgement regarding how much money this man spends. Why are we giving countries overseas unlimited amounts of money , some of whom don't give a shit what Biden says but thinks we owe them money. This is crazy. Why not do loans? This is why we are financially in trouble and it seems our media and politicians don't care.

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