There’s No More Silver?

    this week’s specials for Miles Franklin
    are 90% silver dimes and quarters only
    275 overs spot backdated silver Maples
    for 325 overs spot and pre-33 $10 gold
    Liberties for $34 over melt we have a
    massive inventory along with cheap
    prices you can text email or call Slayer
    mesf and I’d be happy to
    help now let’s get into the video
    Welcome Back my friends thank you so
    much for tuning in today I was supposed
    to attach a GoPro to my head climb in an
    airplane fly up in the sky and when I
    was in the cabin of the airplane but
    with all of you watching I was going to
    scream two people’s names and as soon as
    I screamed those people’s names I was
    going to open up the cabin door and jump
    out of said airplane but I live in Ohio
    and if you are someone that knows
    anything about anything Ohio weather is
    not California weather so they had to
    cancel the Skydive and we have to
    reschedule but uh that means the
    giveaway is still open and this stunt I
    could I guess you could call it is going
    to be filmed so you guys will all watch
    me do this it’s supposed to be a silver
    giveaway in celebration of hitting
    100,000 subscribers entry videos in the
    description or dep pinned comment
    so may the luckiest two stackers win
    this question shouldn’t be controversial
    but it is and not for the reasons that
    it should be if it were to be
    controversial in a in a rational fashion
    what do I mean by that that sounds like
    a whole bunch of word salad it actually
    makes a lot of sense is there really a
    shortage in silver you would think the
    controversy would be yes there is or no
    there’s not but that’s not where the
    controversy lies it lies in how
    deceptive how
    corruptive and how deep this Rabbit Hole
    truly goes yes of course there’s a
    shortage of silver but when you just
    skim from the top you will see some data
    but when you start to dig deeper like
    this article goes into with Ted Butler
    then you start to see how corrupt how
    illegal and how Sinister this entire
    controversy goes how deep this Rabbit
    Hole truly goes so we’re going to dive
    into this I found this article was
    posted yesterday from uh FX Street
    titled is there really a shortage in
    silver and going hand inhand with this
    article we also have some other articles
    that came out today actually this came
    out today April 23rd Silver’s solar
    demand tops forecast surging 64% last
    year just solar alone jumped
    64% and on top of that we have another
    article that came out yesterday from
    investing news titled silver
    due to record second highest deficit in
    20 years with them forecasting a deficit
    25.3 million oun hundreds of millions of
    ounces in the red so it’s getting worse
    not only that though we also have news
    that came out today silver imports from
    UAE route Rises sharply in the first
    three months of the calendar year over
    40% of silver Imports in India in 2024
    has been coming through the UAE route
    India actually imported
    265 more silver from February this year
    than last year so we’re seeing this
    massive Surge and it’s not just India
    we’re also talking about China switching
    their focus to Silver and not so much
    gold anymore as well so this is all
    coming along as you know in real time
    right these two all these articles came
    out within the last 24 hours a lot of
    them just a few hours ago so to revert
    back to this original question is there
    really a shortage in silver knowing that
    the past three years we’ve had
    record-breaking Supply deficits hundreds
    upon hundreds of millions of ounces in
    the red rapidly growing Demand with a
    diminishing Supply we’re talking about
    numbers that we can’t even fathom
    especially since they don’t incorporate
    military and Aerospace and all these
    reserves are being bled dry of course
    there is but what what’s the point of
    this question then well the second
    portion goes into it Ted Butler really
    dives into what’s going on they are
    removing these silver bars there is a
    loophole where the comc which by the way
    the silver Institute or the top people
    at the silver Institute are those at the
    comx as well which speaks for itself
    since the silver Institute is known for
    manipulating their numbers or having to
    revise their numbers after someone calls
    them out of not being accurate enough
    there there’s just there’s this whole
    conspiracy going on a lot of it can’t
    even really be called a conspiracy
    because it’s been true and people have
    been caught red-handed with their pants
    down but the whole point is this it’s
    definitely real and it is price
    suppression when they are trying to
    compare this one:1 ratio of paper
    contracts to physical metal meaning that
    however much paper silver is out there
    there is a one: one ratio of that that
    same amount of silver in physical Vault
    but there’s not and this is them
    inflating the the amount of silver there
    really is there’s not that much silver
    out there and if it was going off of
    reality then the prices obviously
    wouldn’t be this they’ve overflooded the
    market with imaginary silver that isn’t
    really in existence so that ounce of
    silver you hold in your hand the
    hundreds of other people think they own
    that same ounce but they really don’t
    and that’s why I say if you can’t hold
    hold it you don’t own it cuz a lot of
    people think they own that silver online
    but if they triy to turn it in or if
    everyone tried to at the same time what
    a silver squeeze is it would expose the
    price and that’s what the Hunt Brothers
    did in 1980 which pushed the price of
    silver to the highest price it’s ever
    been still till this day so anyways
    that’s just a little bit of context I
    could go on for another 4 hours just
    scratching the surface of this simple
    yet not so simple question so let’s dive
    into the article the silver Institute
    released its 20 24 World silver survey
    last week according to the data silver
    demand outstripped Supply in 2023 for
    the fifth year in a row the deficit was
    over 142 million ounces in the forecast
    for 2024 indicates that the annual
    production shortfall will nearly double
    to 265 million ounces and that’s
    interesting because it was actually 190
    million ounces in the red this year so I
    don’t know why he mentioned that it was
    190 million ounces they forecast Ed it
    would be 140 million oun but it was
    actually 190 million oun they also
    forecasted production would be up 2%
    this year but it was actually down 2% um
    so anyway silver prices have finally
    began playing some catch- up to Gold
    perhaps speculators in the Futures
    Market have finally begin paying
    attention to fundamentals like supply
    and demand the overall Supply deficit is
    collaborated by another data point comx
    Vault inventories of silver are also in
    Decline so if demand from industry and
    from investors is greater than what
    Miners and recyclers can produce then
    additional silver must come from
    existing above ground stocks comx vaults
    are major stockpile sure enough
    inventory in those vaults has been
    dwindling the comx reports total silver
    inventory is just over 291 million
    ounces in the later support published
    Friday that is down from the peak of
    just over 400 million ounces in early 20
    21 inventory in the much larger lbma or
    London bulling Market Association vaults
    has also Fallen sharply stocks are down
    more than 300 million ounces from the
    1.2 billion ounce peak in 2021 that is
    massive so here we go into the legendary
    Ted Butler Ted Butler of Butler research
    has posed an interesting question for
    investors watching supply and demand
    last fall he sent a letter to both the
    heads of the s e and the cftc his
    question is whether the 100 million
    ounces of silver inventory reported by
    the iar’s silver ETF SLV which is stored
    by JP Morgan which is the shadiest bank
    in the world is also being reported by
    JP Morgan as comx inventory it is a
    simple question but The Regulators have
    yet to answer there are many reasons to
    think twice before buying silver or gold
    ETFs the potential double counting of
    the inventory which is supposedly backs
    those Securities in just one of them
    their inherent counterparty risk is
    another that’s a good point the double
    counting right because those there’s not
    a one: one ratio which the price is is
    supposed to be based off of they’re
    flooding the market with paper and
    holding down the price by doing so so in
    addition to the questions about double
    counting the outstanding shares of SLV
    have recently begun falling shares
    outstanding are a representation of the
    silver inventory held by the ETF there
    were 482 million shares on April 8th
    that number has fallen to 455 million
    shares currently that means that slv’s
    inventory has fallen by 5.6% in two
    weeks which is counterintuitive given
    what has happened to silver prices in
    that time period higher silver prices
    have not LED authorized participants in
    the ETF to add silver and create more
    shares that they can sell into the
    market they are removing silver bars
    instead if the silver deficit reaches
    265 million ounces this year as forecast
    how many of those ounces will come from
    the lbma or Comax warehouses and at what
    price of course much of the inventory in
    those vaults is not actually for sale at
    present although at some price nearly
    everything is for sale the comx reports
    its Holdings in two categories
    registered and eligible only the
    registered Holdings are available for
    delivery now the owners of eligible
    silver must be persuaded to register
    their bars for that metal that could be
    sold and delivered and most most of that
    is never going to be turned in and
    that’s what they’re hoping and that’s
    why when the Hunt Brothers bought all
    the silver on the comx and turned it
    into physical delivery that threw the
    system off guard that was them doing a
    silver squeeze and pushed the price to
    $50 and made the government ban silver
    on the spot throwing a rule called
    silver rule 7 out there caus the Marcus
    to go crazy and that’s what Wall Street
    Silver tried to do as well silver
    squeeze buy all the silver up Force the
    com X’s hand that there isn’t that much
    paper silver out there and the way to do
    it is have everyone that owns the paper
    silver turn it in proving that there’s
    not enough for everyone to have everyone
    wants a slice of the silver pie but
    there’s not enough pie to go around and
    F forcing the comex to play their hand
    would expose Silver’s price and that’s
    what a silver squeeze is that’s what
    they’re trying to do so uh but but
    actually we don’t even there’s a natural
    silver squeeze happening already without
    them having to do these massive silver
    rates so silver must be persuaded to
    register their bars before that metal
    can be sold and delivered they or the
    registered inventory is only 47 million
    ounces currently a small fraction of the
    291 million ounce total in the comc
    system the lbma does not publish how
    much of the inventory is in their system
    is actually available for delivery it is
    also it’s Al almost certainly far less
    than reported total
    but to be certain there are large
    amounts of silver outside of publicly
    reported stock piles publicly reported
    stockpiles that could come back to
    Market at higher prices stocks of
    bullying coins and bars are well north
    of 2 billion ounces so that’s a lot more
    potential Supply that could also come to
    the market even though there are still
    lots of silver around the silver
    production shortfalls will put pressure
    on prices to go higher in order to
    induce new mine production and or Draw
    silver out of private hordes and just a
    couple of key points real quick one the
    private aren’t selling that’s not
    even a big a big deal though the biggest
    part of the that that conclusion or the
    last sentence is new mine production now
    when you talk about an annual demand of
    1.2 billion ounces or hundreds of
    millions of ounces in the red for
    multiple years in a row now
    record-breaking or India importing 200
    165% more
    silver did you know I’m going to ask you
    a question how much do you think the top
    silver mine in America mines in one year
    how many how many ounces do you think
    the top mine does which um it’s either
    uh uh Phillips Baker the CEO of pekla
    mining that’s the the biggest mine you
    also have Keith new CEO of First
    Majestic silver they’re they um they’re
    a little under Phillips baker has the
    most I think it was like just get before
    I say the number just guess remember we
    have a demand of 1.2 billion ounces so
    with the top mine silver mine in America
    how many millions of ounces do you think
    they produce annually is it 60 million
    ounces you think because I mean 1.2
    billion ounces annually for the demanda
    so much 60 million 100
    million what is it what if I told you
    that this year they
    had a record well I don’t I don’t know
    if it’s like if it’s historic record but
    this year they did great or last year I
    would say they did great you want to
    know how much silver they mined last
    year 16 million
    ounces the top mine the best mine in
    America mined 16 million
    ounces when we have a demand of 1.2
    billion ounces miners aren’t
    even scraping the tiniest percentage of
    silver in terms of it coming back or
    producing especially given that as time
    goes on the records are being broken
    creating more gaps so it’s like this
    NeverEnding cycle of the silver shortage
    getting worse but for the time it would
    take to catch up and maybe even put
    things in green or even break even we’re
    creating more shortages so yes there was
    190 million ounce shortage this year but
    by the time we catch those 190 million
    ounces up we’re going to be two three
    four years down the line with more
    records being broken of hundreds of
    millions of ounces in the red it is
    impossible to catch up especially since
    most Silver’s thrown away so even if
    Silver’s price goes higher what are
    miners going to do do you really think I
    mean most silver comes from Mexico and
    Peru right you have China Australia but
    it’s Mexico and Peru they accumulate a
    lot of the silver but even their mines
    are being protested the one the fres
    Nilla mine or one of them in Mexico um
    they they got protested and shut down
    especially the new ones that are trying
    to come online like the one in Canada
    last year got protest because silver
    contaminates the groundwater so I just
    don’t see how this problem could be
    fixed or you could argue recycling
    recycling I don’t even think that could
    put a dent in the amount of silver we
    need I just couldn’t see how you know
    recycling is going to help the hundreds
    of millions of ounces in the red they
    about how much silver sitting in a comx
    vault that’s how much silver we were in
    the red this year
    alone not really you know 190 million in
    the red comc sitting at 291 million
    ounces in their vaults but you know what
    I’m saying you get the point how much
    silver have Reserve is literally almost
    how much we have in the red how much
    silver we need just that year alone but
    then you have a video like um where is
    it this video is Silver the new gold the
    lady interviewing asks him she she goes
    into that you know she says well in the
    next 5 to 10 years what would these
    numbers look like cuz the numbers are
    already crazy now record after record
    being broken but imagine in like 10
    years from now or like 5 years from now
    what would they look like then and
    that’s the angle I’m coming at I don’t
    try to look at things from such a
    minuscule day-to-day perspective I try
    to step back because that’s what
    investors should do right so anyways
    yeah I just thought that was interesting
    it was a good article I’m glad they
    brought up Ted Butler um and I I’m glad
    that they dived a little deeper in just
    the um just the silver institute’s
    numbers and and you know what that is
    because it does go a lot deeper than
    that but anyways I’m going to wrap this
    video up here um make sure you guys
    subscribe if you enjoyed the video make
    sure you guys go ENT my giveaway and um
    yeah I’ll see you guys very soon thanks
    for tuning in this is silver Slayer make
    sure you subscribe like the video let me
    comment down below what you think about
    this and also um make sure you guys go
    check out my other videos and I’ll be
    doing another um interview with Andy
    sheckman for our podcast as well thanks
    tuning in this was silver Slayer I will
    see you guys later today or tomorrow
    peace for

    #silverstacking #Investing #silverslayer

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    Need silver? I have some silver deals for you 😉 email ill make sure to take care of you!

    Silver stacking is by far the best investment! Precious metals are a great way to protect your wealth but stacking silver bullion in particular has more opportunity beyond gold and other precious metals. Why invest into Silver bullion in 2024? Silvers price will drastically rise in the coming years for many reasons i explain on my channel, so make sure to subscribe for daily silver videos! There’s no wrong way to stack silver! There’s not even a wrong way to buy silver! Selling your silver can be dangerous so make sure you watch my videos explaining how to safely sell. The best way to stack silver is buy the physical silver bullion and store it away! Some investors buy silver coins that are more expensive but i recommend beginners starting to stack silver to play it safe, buying silver bullion with the lowest spot prices. Silver stacking will change your life! Financial freedom and understanding the value of true wealth is what buying silver represents! I cover various types of Silver videos on this channel such as how to buy silver, where to buy silver, best silver for beginners, silver tips, silver news & updates, silver price forecasts and predictions, the best silver coins to buy, silver and gold giveaways, podcasts, livestreams, interviews, silver and gold unboxings & more! Hope you enjoy my channel & Keep on stacking!

    Silver is by far the best investment for many reasons explained in this video, even beyond other Precious Metals such as gold. Silver stacking is the best way to secure your wealth into something that has intrisic value (real value). If you are a beginner silver stacker or new into the precious metals world then i highly encourage you to subscribe and watch as many silver stacking videos as you can because its called a silver stacking STRATEGY for a good reason. Don’t worry too much about silver prices or spot price because buying silver is storing your wealth into something of real value.

    Become an exclusive member of the Slayer Elite here!

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    ***DO NOT invest more than you are willing to lose.. every investment has risk involved. I am NOT a financial advisor, do not seek financial advice from this channel as i am only sharing my experience & opinion involving the world of Precious Metals & Cryptocurrency. Always be careful & responsible.. do your research before investing into ANYTHING***

    Key topics my channel discusses:
    silver stacking, silver stacking coins, silver prices, silver bullion, investing in silver, stacking silver, silver coins, precious metals, buying silver, silver for beginners, how to buy silver, how to stack silver, best silver to stack, best silver coins, silver stacking stragies, gold vs. silver, silver bars, the silver shortage, silver eagles, silvers price in 2024.

    – Slayer


    1. Bycie częścią społeczności, w której ego schodzi na dalszy plan w stosunku do pogoni za wiedzą, jest odświeżające. Pokora jest tutaj naprawdę cnotą.💋

    2. The give away is great, but honestly I just wanna see your face when you actually jump… You'll either never do it again or you will find an addiction to the adrenaline! Looking forward to your jump.

    3. I expect that within the next year there will be little silver available from coin shops and none from the mints in the west. The physical short will be that severe. While demand is up production is down The military /industrial has been pulling silver out of reserves since 1940. Stockpiles are running down as a result. None know the truth of the stockpile volumes but we do know that while the solar demand is up 64% the military demand is not tracked and it is higher than solar. And the That means stockpiles are much lower than reported or expected. The timing of the true physical short is impossible to know. But the Comex delivery delays tell us it is close.

    4. In celebration of 4/20, I ordered $420 FV in silver quarters. 300.3 oz. I might splurge the .3 part but not the 300 part…

    5. I truly believe that all the world governments are working together on this CBDCs work perfect to control US the people even more . I mean did anyone think they were messing around when they said you will own nothing and be happy? Well this is not just a Western society or eastern society thing it’s about keeping people in power over other people. This has been going on since well only God knows when as soon as the first man said I like that shine rock it’s worth something to me now it’s worth everything to you . This is all going to plan don’t be fool there are no Reputations or Democrats it’s the same rich families that run everything they do not want to lose the pole that have enjoyed for decades apron decades. And don’t think they won’t take our gold and silver away from us How you ask EZ make it illegal to own and operate li’e they did in 1933 most people nowadays do not know their history and it shows . The only real wealth a man truly has is his health and his family members if you have anything above those 2 things it better be GOD MONEY MEANS NOTHING THE ONLY THINGS THAT MATTER IS GOD FAMILY AND YOUR OWN HEALTH PUT THSE FIRST AND YOULL BE OK I PROMISE YOU THIS. GOD BLESS GOOD LUCK TO US ALL WERE GOONG TO NEED IT

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