Bitcoin will PUMP but first we see “the death of crypto” (it’ll be sweet)

    all right guys welcome back we’re on
    location again beautiful Gold Coast
    Sunny one day and sunny the next uh Bly
    Beach here we are let’s dive into it the
    update today Bitcoin will boom but first
    the uh death of cryptocurrency hear me
    out I’ve got some explanation to do of
    course and I’ll make this one relatively
    quick because well there’s a pretty
    simple understanding to how this plays
    out and I’m very much appreciate you
    guys uh showing a lot of support to the
    channel smashing up the like button even
    when the views have dropped off with
    this period of the market with how quiet
    it is and boring and dying out it it
    it’s uh going through we’re still seeing
    pretty decent uh engagement with the
    video so much appreciate it if you are
    new to the Channel Make sure you do hit
    the Subscribe button the guys down below
    in the comments section will let you
    know uh that they wish they found this
    channel sooner all right enough of my
    own trumpet toting here let’s crack on
    with it first quick recap of the
    traditional markets just out in location
    here S&P 500 NASDAQ Dow Jones all had
    their second Green Day in some cases
    they’ve had 2 days up and I think for
    the the NASDAQ it was an inside day an
    update what does that mean essentially
    still need more time to decide whether
    this is the bottom that the stock
    markets have seen or if we’ve got a
    little further to go either way they’ve
    seen a single digit correction and and
    the seasonality of this period had shown
    that we were going to go through some
    sort of Correction and potential trading
    range that could last a few months what
    does this mean for Bitcoin and
    cryptocurrencies well if these markets
    die off essentially the investor hype
    loses some interest you expect Bitcoin
    and crypto to also lose some sort of
    Interest we haven’t seen the really
    strong rebound for Bitcoin and crypto
    especially with their volume especially
    with the trading volume as well so what
    the retail investors uh where they would
    be trading we haven’t seen a lot of
    volume pick up on those exchanges so
    that’s something that I definitely keep
    an eye on uh in this period we typically
    see the highest volume around the Peaks
    it’s exactly what we saw in March as
    well and at the time we were looking at
    a lot of metrics suggesting that that
    was going to be uh potential top or Paws
    uh it wasn’t popular at the time so you
    know if you weren’t following then and
    you um you know only seeing this now
    great follow along uh we’ll continue to
    update you with stuff that I guess the
    uh the old oaces don’t want you to hear
    or they just don’t see any value in
    telling you because well it doesn’t do
    anything for their bottom line they need
    to be making money off clicks okay so
    anyway traditional markets even if this
    isn’t the bottom it seems like we are
    somewhere around that period I’m very
    cautious of saying that it is the low or
    it isn’t low because at the end of the
    day no one knows what what’s going to
    happen in the market we’re just trying
    to work off probabilities and hopefully
    swing the probabilities in our favor and
    so far we’ve been doing relatively well
    with that and you know good things come
    to those that have patience and that
    continue to follow up on the objective
    data rather than the uh subjective stuff
    and getting hyped up with the emotions
    so cycle and the seasonality suggests
    that we could see that sort of late
    quarter 2 or quarter 3 um until we get
    closer towards the
    election and in which case what we’ve
    seen pretty pretty much most elections
    as I pointed out on the channel is that
    you’d see the market die off again
    leading into the um election I was going
    to say recession we know have one of
    those and that’s very important to
    understand too after the election you’ll
    start to see markets pump so that would
    be quarter 4 probably the you know
    November December period right now
    looking at recessions incumbent
    presidents that have had a recession in
    their Year have a 20% chance I mean I’m
    trying to remember this all all off the
    top of my head but it was a really low
    probability of getting reelected and so
    I think what’s going to happen is you’ll
    probably see the fed and everyone else
    do everything in their power you know
    basically more spending to keep the
    president in power that’s essentially
    what happens with this um you know with
    the presidencies and the elections so
    there’s a much higher chance it was
    roughly 78% or 80% chance that this the
    current President Biden would get
    reelected if there is no feeling of
    recession or less feeling essentially of
    recession now we had huge feelings of
    recession in 2022 and 2023 so luckily
    they didn’t have the election then but
    there’s obviously less feeling of
    recession now so it might be uh more in
    their you know for for their interest to
    be able to get reelected this time round
    either case whoever side you’re on I
    don’t care it doesn’t matter they all do
    the same thing over and over again
    that’s a story for another day when it
    comes to um politics but essentially
    it’s the same nonsense over and over
    again which is why the 18.6 year cycle
    continues to repeat that might be
    something that we can continue to talk
    about as we get closer to the election
    as per usual markets are up Cycles are
    up bin will boom so we’ve got that out
    of our way looking at what’s what I
    think anyway from my analysis is going
    to happen for the the stock markets
    whether we do go into this bit of a um
    Tri sideways churn you know not reaching
    new all-time highs which is really where
    the retail Market gets super excited
    about the market um which could lead
    to dying out as well we haven’t seen the
    volume come back we’ve seen the 67k get
    met today it got rejected just slightly
    we might see a little bit higher so we
    got to you know keep our wits about us
    there are targets to the upsid 69k is
    next and 71k which is where it’s been
    rejected from before so super important
    uh numbers to look at but for
    cryptocurrencies the old death of crypto
    typically what we’ve seen with each
    cycle previously so we’ve got a couple
    of Cycles to work from now but even so
    you can see Cycles within cycles and
    from these times if Bitcoin is to die
    off you typically will see cryptos also
    die off and they’re dying off against
    their Bitcoin value now you might
    remember in the last couple videos said
    now might not be a bad time to be
    looking at dcing into cryptos I say that
    because well do you want to be getting
    into crypto when everyone else is
    getting into it and they’re all pumping
    or do you want to be getting into them
    when they’re potentially trending around
    some sort of bottoming pattern knowing
    full well that they could go lower but
    we have seen many cryptos down 60% from
    their highs that’s 60% in USD value and
    60% in BTC value so when you compare
    your alt against Bitcoin so I’ve I’ve
    talked at length about finding a strong
    versus your weak cryptocurrencies
    subscribe to the channel hit that like
    we are doing pretty well very well
    actually trying to beat the YouTube
    algorithm and the typical YouTube oaces
    and warnings and watch this video now 24
    hours to go cryptic candles uh you got
    to get into it all that sort of jargon
    right we’re doing very well because you
    guys are hitting the like and sharing it
    with friends so that we can see this
    type of content so what actionable stuff
    can we take from this so Bitcoin is sort
    of cooling off it’s been up 6 months in
    our swings seven green months that’s
    massive massive massive moves there’s
    still more to come I still think there’s
    a wave five to come a big move to the
    upside but if we get the cooling off
    then we can potentially see cryptos down
    further uh more great uh entry
    opportunities but you’ve got to pick the
    right ones you’ve got to be getting into
    the right ones and of course as I’ve
    said I looked at the strong versus the
    weak in the last couple of videos so
    I’ll leave a link to those at the end of
    this so that you can follow along there
    um that uh those price points for
    Bitcoin the breakdown of 59 is obviously
    a key level the pre the levels below
    that roughly 56 and 53k does it get
    there who knows right but as long as
    you’ve got on your plan there is a
    possibility of that then you know what
    to do um get in a little bit where you
    feel comfortable and then have some
    backup if it goes lower then if it
    doesn’t go lower you’ve got that backup
    to enter on confirmation of the uptrend
    that is the beauty about being a Trader
    and a you know medium-term investor
    you’ve got opportunity no matter what
    you don’t have to worry about it the
    biggest thing is you don’t get these
    opportunities um so often say for
    cryptocurrencies so choose the right
    ones you’ve always got an opportunity
    something’s going to pop up just make
    sure you get into the right one so we’ve
    talked about that plenty of times so the
    death of crypto previous cycle for
    example 2020 uh salana as an example we
    saw salana fall 90% in usdt value USD
    and in Bitcoin value through the second
    half of 2020 this is what the death of
    crypto looks like 2023 we saw the death
    of crypto through the the low in June
    and then to the low in September there
    was also a quick dump in March which was
    the old banking crisis so there’s plenty
    of potential deaths in crypto coming up
    this is all the death in crypto is it’s
    where I said you know hear it out you’ll
    see it over and over again if there is
    multiple days down then you’re going to
    see uh
    multiple uh videos of um the the
    possibility of collapse right so that is
    something else to look out for in that
    period though most people think that
    it’s over and that we’re not coming back
    from this particular drop many cryptos
    won’t a couple of narratives couple of
    sectors that I like obviously AI I think
    that one there has to stick around mean
    coins it has pumped but they’re still
    holding it relatively strong and I’ll
    get into those when I go back into the
    charts but I just love being out on
    location here sound of the Waves
    beautiful right mean
    coins what I’m noticing with gaming
    there are some that are going but it
    seems like the talk is louder than the
    walk when you especially look at uh uh
    YouTube and and on X the talk about
    gaming going up seems way louder than
    what is actually going on with the price
    on the charts and then the strength on
    the charts correct me if I’m wrong put
    your favorite gaming tokens down that’s
    absolutely fine put it down in the
    comment section all good right um so
    that’s three different areas and the
    fourth one of course would be smart
    contracts a lot of things trying to take
    on ethereum which isn’t showing great
    strength obviously salana doing very
    very well there look at some of the
    stronger narratives leading into the
    next move there will be I think anyway a
    death of crypto because of where we
    currently sit structurally for BTC for
    many of these other cryptos and where we
    are in the election year and of course
    where the stock markets are because
    they’re starting to get their heads
    around the possibility of no interest
    rate Cuts pausing of interest rates and
    a potential interest rate increase
    something that we’ve talked about before
    so I won’t toot my own horn again as
    some of you guys have been pointing out
    but essentially you know I covered that
    over 3 months ago now the mainstream’s
    only just catching up to that on top of
    that there’s is still a loosening going
    on out there there is still loosening
    and while loosening is going on
    basically more money coming out not
    necessarily printing but ease of access
    to money that’s what loosening is also
    you’re still going to see markets
    eventually go up so so keep that in the
    backs of our mind even during this
    period of any sort of Correction here
    even if Bitcoin drops back down ER there
    is still a lot going on in the macro
    that should suggest we’ll see further
    upside the 18.6 year cycle still got a
    ways to go and of course I think anyway
    bitcoin’s got a pretty good chance of
    doing some big things later in this
    cycle even if we get this this pause
    over this period now hit the like button
    we are smashing the algorithm which
    essentially is the YouTube audience
    because they want to see o faces they
    want to see warnings and breakings and
    all this thanks again guys I hope
    you’ve enjoyed being out here on
    location looking at the uh the beautiful
    surf here of Bly and I’ll see you guys
    back here at the next video thanks again
    guys take care peace out

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    PS – A common response to stock markets in ATHs is “This is a sign that a collapse is near”. My response is yes, it is a symptom of a collapse but the timing is the issue. Now is not the time for a worldwide collapse. The Everything Bubble must do its damage first (to the upside) for a major collapse to unfold.

    Video Description:

    My 20 minutes or less “thoughts on” the markets today.

    The masses always arrive too late to the market cycle and stay too long. It happens every single cycle without fail. Avoid doing what the masses do when the buy and sell bitcoin and crypto. In this video, we analyse what is happening in the traditional markets, SP500 and economy right now including interest rate cuts and hikes, along with when is a reasonable time to take profits on Bitcoin and what strategy I am using with my bitcoin profits in the crypto bull market cycle.

    Like and Share if you want to inform your friends and family.

    00:00 Death of Crypto, macro, recessions, elections
    07:00 Death of Crypto, bitcoin & altcoins

    *I reserve the right to adjust my outlook as more information and data come through for Bitcoin.

    ➢ Disclaimer: This video is for entertainment purposes only. It is not financial advice and is not an endorsement of any provider, product or service. All trading involves risk. Links above include affiliate commission or referrals. I’m part of an affiliate network and I receive compensation from partnering websites. Swyftx, ByBit, BingX and Bitget are channel sponsors. All decisions you make are your own. #crypto #bitcoin #cryptonews


    1. Everything is geared towards the biggest ever economic reset, people say supply shock like there’s nothing in the world that won’t affect demand

      World war 3, Energy problems( Crypto just happens to need so much energy), Demand can go to zero – Bitcoin still has no fundamental usage in terms of adoption

      They are going to create a 2008 like crisis – they’ll take everything

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