Industry body discusses nuclear energy and the countries leading the way

    we have right now uh 18 countries in
    Europe the European nuclear Alliance
    that are seriously committed to nuclear
    energy Japan is seriously committed to
    nuclear energy so I don’t know what that
    tells you because Japan actually did
    understand very clearly the consequences
    of the events at Fukushima so I think
    that uh obviously uh nuclear energy is
    not for everyone but right now we have
    25 countries in the world that are
    committed to tripling Global nuclear
    capacity and just a few weeks ago in
    Brussels the International Energy agency
    nuclear energy Summit brought together
    35 Plus countries that also were very uh
    forward looking and very bold in their
    assessments of nuclear let me just have
    one more crack of this before we move on
    and just to say yes Fukushima was the
    exception rather than rule but it only
    takes one exception to to have
    devastating effects as well and there
    are still concerns to this day about
    what it means for marine life that water
    goes back into the system marine life
    across the whole of the Pacific um the
    radioactive waste we still don’t have
    ways of safely soaring or or or treating
    radioactive waste do we so there are
    still some very big concerns from those
    exceptions I would push back on that I
    mean I would say that the nuclear waste
    which is used nuclear Fuel and
    radioactive waste uh to me is one of the
    best news about nuclear energy tell me
    which other energy source has a teeny
    teeny tiny amount of waste and so if you
    consider all the used nuclear fuel that
    all nuclear power plants in the world
    have been have uh created in the last 50
    years of operation this is less of a
    football field this is very little and
    let me which other industry knows what
    all their uh use fuel is and has managed
    it throughout the entire history of the
    of the of the of the industry and I I
    think that with do have Technical
    Solutions I mean just this year we will
    see Finland stacked in their deep
    geological repository Sweden is
    following uh shortly after and France
    has for example a quite different
    approach they are doing recycling so for
    for France uh they are not really going
    to to Simply store the use this used
    nuclear fuel they are going to use it
    and recycle it so I I think that to me
    the the use nuclear Fuel and nuclear
    waste are among the best stories of why
    nuclear energy is is sustainable let me
    move on um where Europe is mixed and
    some countries resent as you say 18 of
    them are moving ahead as well China is
    not reticent China I’m going to say a
    statement you’re going to tell me if
    it’s true or not China is just leading
    the way and with a huge huge expansion I
    think it’s 26 new nuclear units combin
    capacity 30 gaw plus as well is China
    showing the way forward well China has a
    very very clear are long-term vision for
    nuclear and as you said I mean they are
    building uh or they are starting every
    year between 6 to 10 new nuclear
    reactors of many different Technologies
    so so I don’t know whether they are
    leading the way but certainly they are
    they are uh walking the talk which
    perhaps in other parts of the world we
    are still talking not doing as much as
    we want about the

    Sama Bilbao y León, director general of World Nuclear Association, discusses the nuclear energy industry, its safety record and the countries leading the way.

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