Future proofing Finance Strategies for Thriving Era of Digital Disruption

    good morning good afternoon good evening
    uh every everyone welcome to power of
    knowing forums LinkedIn live podcast
    today we are streaming this sessions
    across YouTube Twitter and Facebook
    while we are live on LinkedIn today we
    have the honor of having Mr sambasivam
    CFO from tataa play limited sasim S has
    about 35 years of experience in in the
    industry including senior roles in
    finance and general management brings in
    a wealth of knowledge on the expertise
    of Finance domain today s sir will be
    sharing his insights on future proofing
    Finance strategies for thriving in Era
    of digital destructions we are excited
    to have s on this expertise and engaging
    audience discussion so without further
    Ado please please join M SAS welcoming
    SAS to The
    Forum sir uh good evening Welcome to our
    show sir uh thank you for being here
    thank you thank you very much prum it’s
    an honor to be uh part of this session
    and and I really look forward to
    discussing with you whatever little uh I
    have I have gained over the last say 35
    years yes sir what are the emerging
    technology you see having the greatest
    potential to disrup the finance industry
    in the next decade because yeah
    government technology is growing too
    much on and how banks are adapting or
    the finance sector is adopting is what
    we want to understand
    yeah so I have as as PR said I have got
    about 35 years of experience mostly in
    finance and in operations so the kind of
    uh changes what we have seen in the
    first 30 years versus The Last 5 Years
    particularly after covid is unbelievably
    uh hard to Define uh because the Quantum
    of change it’s it’s like a Quantum Leap
    right like uh the kind of what you can
    say the Microsoft teams or the way in
    which the digital technology is being
    adopted and the way in which people are
    able to work from their respective
    locations and how cyber security has
    moved how gdpr has moved how various
    kind of technological advancements have
    helped people to survive and thrive post
    covid so in my mind the the biggest leap
    happened in the last 5 years versus the
    previous say 30 years so the main
    changes as I see like in 20 2017 I
    remember in the company where I’m
    working today we had RPA as a starting
    point right so we put a lot of insights
    around robotic process Automation and we
    uh we went to one company called
    automation anywhere and we got some BS
    from there and we got one of the big
    four coming and implementing lot of
    robotic processes we we got some payback
    period of 18 months and 24 months and we
    have got a lot of bots working in our
    company in 2024 but after 2021 22 last 3
    there is a flurry of activity or flurry
    of projects which we are doing around
    this topic called animal Cod
    AI which is artificial intelligence
    which is a very large subject so it
    started with AI then we got into a
    subset of it which is called ml then it
    has got a further subset of which is
    called Deep learning okay then it got
    another angle to it called generative Ai
    and within that there is a subset of
    chat GPT there’s a lot of things which
    are happening around this AI animal so
    what is happening is there’s a what you
    can say convergence of data and
    analytics and Technology they are
    converging at a very fast pace right so
    these are all the areas where we are
    currently at least our organization is
    currently focusing more on how to do
    more analytics how to get more insights
    ultimately how to take faster and
    databased decisions rather than hunch
    based decisions and that to at a very
    double quick speed that’s how these
    Technologies are helping us today
    yeah hope I have uh answer your question
    yeah you covered lot of technologies
    that are disrupting the market which is
    a ML and stuff right uh sir how can
    traditional financial institutions adopt
    the fastpaced challenges brought through
    digitals yeah so when I say traditional
    because I think as we speak all these
    traditional institutions or the
    traditional companies so to say I
    believe that almost 70 80% of the are
    already in the Journey of transforming
    themselves I can’t imagine a company
    which has not yet gone into this
    bandwagon of uh digital transformation
    or AI Journey or ml Journey or something
    I think every company is already
    starting to do that maybe the pace of
    change would be different for different
    companies right so the fundamental need
    I would say how do we start is it’s it
    start from the top you need a mindset
    change you need a cult Cal shift first
    of all and then there should be
    conversations at the leadership level
    and basically there should be some time
    sharing in the sense that if there are 8
    hours in a day we should be talking
    about or we should be doing something on
    or we should be running some projects on
    these new technologies at least for say
    maybe 1 hour in a day is what I have
    told myself and in our team uh we are
    ensuring that everybody is spending at
    least one hour in a day on some form of
    activity whether it is a learning
    activity whether it’s a doing activity
    whether it’s a conversing activity
    whether it’s a best practice sharing
    activity so that is very important and
    you have to continuously upskill right
    so it’s it’s a what you can say virtual
    virtual cycle you learn you implement
    you share then you again learn you
    implement you share it’s it’s a it’s a
    continuous cycle I think uh everything
    starts from the mindset change you have
    to believe that this is something which
    is important and then it will all fit in
    place yeah hope I had have answered yeah
    sir I think you’ve covered again on
    continuous learning is what you are
    covering on stuff and this this has been
    the trend the last five six years at
    least because you don’t find the same
    thing that is there as on yesterday and
    there is something which is new coming
    again and the trend is changing the new
    Adoption J I was told last year by
    Gartner or anybody did not predict even
    J be going to be that kind of Market
    even Gartner could not predict it last
    when they started in Jan 2023 is what I
    understand so with the rapid changes
    coming in I think now chat GPT 5 is what
    is coming up is what I understand so I
    I’m not sure the advancements but it is
    going to be much much bigger than chat
    jpt 4 is what I understand sir sir what
    role do you envision of artificial
    intelligence machine learning shaping
    the future of Finance sector in
    particular sir yeah in finance I would I
    would tell you that see the biggest fear
    of AI in any sector in financial sector
    non-fan sector every sector is that
    there is going to be a loss of job yeah
    that’s the main I would say the fear of
    AI taking away a lot of jobs but I would
    like to say it slightly differently AI
    per se will not take jobs from from
    people the people who learn and
    understand and Implement AI will take
    the job away from people who do not
    learn and do not understand and do not
    spend time on
    AI right so it’s it’s a very important
    it’s a nuan statement I’m making but
    it’s a very important Nuance which means
    that there is hope for all human
    beings there is no choice but to learn
    learn as long as you continuously learn
    Ai and Implement AI you are
    safe the moment you stop learning and
    continue to say okay this AI is fearful
    I don’t I don’t want to know okay it is
    like a Frankenstein monster I don’t know
    how it will work I don’t want to
    AI then for
    sure uh it’s difficult for you to
    continue wherever you are working
    because there will be other people which
    I’m sure will take a positive note of AI
    and you will learn more about it and
    becoming more efficient and when they do
    the opal at the end of the year you will
    always find that the people who are
    AI are far far more
    productive than the people who are not
    so what do you do then you do the
    apprisal the person who uses technology
    wins yeah in the long run the Gap
    widens so that’s the I think uh the
    point here and also I would add here
    that in our company we have a four
    pronged statement as a finance strategy
    right so I will tell you how AI fits in
    our overall strategy
    statement we have a statement which says
    our finance strategy statement which is
    not changed for the last few years I
    would say last five years at that time
    that this statement does not have the
    word AI right but I’ll tell you how it
    indirectly has AI first statement is
    that the purpose of Finance is to become
    a better business partner that is point
    number one better business partner
    by using latest
    Technologies and become good at data
    analytics and
    insights and become good at
    storytelling so storytelling data
    analytics insights technology and
    partner this is what I believe is the
    comprehensive or slightly broader Ro
    role of Finance as a function in any
    organization if it is not it should be
    it is just no more a controllership
    function yeah controllership is a very
    relatively small portion of the finance
    job while it used to be a very large
    portion say 30 40 years back when I
    started my career Finance job was more
    as a controller’s job and the compliance
    job but now that is taken for
    granted now it is how much you are
    adding value to the business how much
    you are helping the strategy how you are
    improving the cost how you are improving
    the process how you are supporting the
    growth these are the things which CFOs
    are asked to
    deliver therefore AI is an important
    tool which is in the current technology
    bucket the second point which I
    mentioned out of the four pillars so we
    have to continuously upskill ourselves
    on the current
    Technologies sir I was uh reading
    somewhere on the one of the police dep
    Department in the US had given one
    person a desk job his job was to collect
    data okay and he collected data for most
    of the department this one and he was
    only processing the data saying that
    what is the pattern what is the kind of
    this one and he kept up on the crime
    related stuff to a stage when something
    happened and there something major
    happened and you used to curse that job
    I’m doing a just D job this job but
    while he did the an analysis he was able
    to predict because he had the data in
    hand rest of the people did not have
    data in so what I understood from you is
    AI and ml will work if you are able to
    make it work you know how to make it
    work and you make yourself available for
    that kind of a work right sir correct
    absolutely see you are absolutely right
    when we say that the data is the new oil
    and all those things those are all gone
    now see what we used to do in finance is
    that we used to present data to the
    senior leadership and say and we put
    that numbers and say numbers will speak
    for itself now that is not the case now
    the numbers will not speak for itself we
    have to find out the numbers that speak
    and the way they speak and we will have
    to put it in such a way that they will
    tell a story the numbers have to tell a
    story that is where the data analytics
    come in that is where the artificial
    intelligence and the pattern finding and
    everything comes out so that it it
    extracts the critical pieces of
    information from the mass of data and
    from that mass of data then you come out
    with those insights which are typically
    known from the human eye point of view
    many a Time the kind of insights which I
    get from the data using AI is something
    which is already hidden and suddenly I
    find oh I never noticed this that’s the
    power of AI it has got the ability
    to look at billions or millions of
    transactions and find out what is the
    peculiarity or what’s the pattern which
    is emerging which for a human ey to come
    and find out it’ll take months to get to
    that kind of inside you may or may not
    get that you may not you may stumble
    upon it but AI has the knock of finding
    those kind of patterns that’s the beauty
    AI sir how Finance Prof professionals
    best leverage data analytics to drive
    Innovation and strategic decision
    making yeah so what we do now in our
    company we we continuously uh uh kind of
    uh a recruit people who have got
    analytic skills for example in my team
    there are quite a few Engineers quite a
    few data analyst data scientists quite a
    few of them not small number double
    digit number okay so that is one so
    you’ll have to ingest the people with
    such training and knowledge and that is
    not enough
    what happens to the existing people so
    we upskill them it could be through
    sabatical they go to IM they go for some
    courses where we sponsor some 50% of the
    cost some identify people and they go
    for those training they do one year
    courses all these things we do so over a
    period of time what happens is that the
    organization at least within our
    function they become much more
    knowledgeable the other thing what we do
    is that we spend a lot of time for
    people for the kind of data analytics
    knowledge we have at least a goal of 10
    mandates of training for every
    individual in the function every year if
    a person has been in the company for say
    10 years he would have gone through 100
    days of
    training so which is a lot of training
    and this is over and above what the
    person trains using his own money and
    his own courses and all those things
    that corser and other things are outside
    of this right for example I have spent
    say 18 weeks going through a python
    course or a machine learning course of
    MIT which I proudly put in my LinkedIn
    profile right so that is not included in
    this right so so we encourage every
    human being to learn in our company and
    there are lot of python coders lot of
    people they can extract data they can
    analyze data they can do things very
    comfortably sir what are some challenges
    that Finance organizations when uh face
    when adopting to digital Technologies
    and how we can overcome this yeah I can
    give a personal example here so 10 years
    back or 11 years back when I joined this
    company we are not like what we are
    today okay we had a team of nearly say
    80 90 people the entire Finance function
    I’m including we have supply chain we
    have got revenue insurance we got also
    strategy payroll lot of functions are
    included within Finance so we got about
    say 80 85 people uh within that we had
    say handful of Chartered account only
    and we had zero m
    BS at that point in time now clock turns
    11 years later I was counting the other
    day out of the about 93 people I got
    14 mbas from Premier institutes when I
    say premier of Premium I im a BC kind of
    thing I got 14 of them and I got I think
    some 15 or 16 Chartered Accountants oh
    okay and some Engineers some data
    scientist and other things so the the
    quality of the
    Manpower you can actually change over a
    period of time by proper Recruitment and
    by replacement with some high skilled I
    would not call Labor High skilled set of
    people so that is one challenge One
    Challenge is that people fear of their
    job see what we use are are the my
    Mantra is very simple AI or any
    technology is meant to be easing your
    life and not taking your
    job I’m repeating any technology is
    meant to be easing your life and not
    taking your job this is
    fundamental people will not believe you
    day one day two day three but if you
    consistently do this for say one year 2
    year 3 years and they start believing in
    it over a period of time people start
    believing in what we are saying because
    they see the actions around this
    they see that their life has changed in
    terms of amount spent or the time number
    of hours spent in the office versus
    number of hours spent with the
    family I’ll give you one small example
    one small data point 11 years back our
    Employee Engagement score of the finance
    team was
    52 out of 100 the company was
    71 and ours was the our fun was the
    lowest rating there were reasons behind
    that because lot of things people were
    highly pressurized and lot of work was
    there and month end was a pain and you
    have to work for late hours so those are
    the things which are quite normal and it
    is taken as part of job
    right now come
    2024 our current score from
    52 and the company rate was 71 company
    has moved from 71 to 77 which is a good
    thing I’m saying
    Finance is also moved to
    91 oh okay and this coupled with the
    another data
    point that the average
    length of a finance team member today
    within our company is nearing 10
    versus the average length of the company
    employees which will be around
    roughly 6 years just giving you some
    little bit of data points uh but uh
    these are even six years is a good data
    point I think for a company which is
    very new 6 years is very very decent yes
    sir very very decent I would say for a a
    new company a new age company like ours
    we are a new age company right we
    started only some 17 years back right we
    are a very young company so to say we
    are a teenager we’ve not started 18th
    one yet 18 years is not completed yeah
    18 18 actually I think 18 by by this
    August we’ll be completing 18 we are in
    the 18th so for for a company this is a
    very decent one and uh for a company to
    have a 10 year kind of a life of an
    average employee is something which we
    believe is a good thing because the
    engage the engagement is good longevity
    is good people are staying and they are
    contributing so what more do you
    need this is what we I think is future
    okay sir in your opinion what are the
    most significant regulatory
    considerations for finance comp
    companies navigating digital space
    digital disruption or digital space
    yeah so
    disruption is is the order of the day
    right so so there will always be
    disruption and there is always
    regulation right I can I can think of
    Regulation from two aspects one is
    regulation from the aspect of cyber
    security right
    second is the regulation because we are
    a b2c company regulation from the aspect
    of data
    privacy these are in a way interl but at
    the same time they are covered by
    different sets of rules and
    regulations the cyber security
    regulations are different and the
    gdpr laws are
    different so these two things I think we
    have to be at least for a b2c company
    these become very very important because
    we cannot afford
    to lose our data so people say dark web
    people say ethical people say hacking
    and we are hearing lot of horendous
    news that data of companies are just
    floating around everywhere and there are
    cases where there’s ransomware threats
    which are happening these are the things
    which I am really worried about so to
    say both and there are regulations
    around it and these are things which we
    and with proliferation of AI these
    threats are actually becoming even more
    grave so to say because these are going
    to matter a lot more because like
    companies are learning about AI the
    people who are also hacking they are
    also learning faster than us right yes
    in fact there always one step or two
    steps or sometimes three steps ahead of
    us what I was told was looking with the
    new technologies the Cyber attackers or
    the criminals are more advanced to three
    times then what we try to deploy and
    they are already having the equipment
    and it is a kind of funding that gets
    into them to see how they can infiltrate
    right so how they can hack and see what
    are the test cases also that can be
    looked at while we look at Cyber threats
    there’s kind of simulation that also
    these organizations which we do right
    absolutely we we keep uh working on what
    are the actions which we can take and we
    have a team of very strong it experts in
    our teams not in finance in the it
    function uh there are technical experts
    and we we get lot of tests done we go
    through what you can say test cases then
    we see how many attacks are happening we
    try to look at simulate those attacks
    and see there is something called red
    hat and all those things there’s host of
    things but I still feel that whatever we
    are doing it may not be fully sufficient
    right so we have to keep read inventing
    keep inventing inventing inventing
    because something new will happen every
    single day so so this is a this is like
    a catchup we are always playing a
    catchup game in the Cyber area is what I
    feel hello hope I have answered yeah
    yeah s
    uh how can Finance leaders forecast a
    culture of innovation and continuous
    learning with in their
    organization yeah it is it is important
    that we should foster a culture of
    learning we should for foster a culture
    of innovation right so it is it is
    extremely important this is a I would
    say this is a pet project of mine uh we
    actually every year what we do the
    beginning of the year uh there’s a
    standard process for the last 5 years we
    have been doing we uh congregate into
    one room or have a brainstorming session
    for say 2 3 days
    okay and we discuss okay what are the
    next level of innovation which Finance
    can deliver in the next say one year two
    year 3 years so we come out with say
    assume that we come out with say some 20
    30 40 ideas then we go through each one
    of them and say okay some of them are
    important and Urgent some of them are
    yes nice to have so we divide that into
    two buckets uh the first one we call as
    projects which are must to do projects
    and the second we what we call as good
    to do projects which are nice to have
    right so so typically we would have both
    put together somewhere around 20 to 25
    projects every year so which means that
    in the last six years we would have
    delivered about 150 plus
    projects so which is a large number yeah
    it is a very large so all these projects
    are nothing have nothing to do with the
    ba when I say ba business as usual they
    are not maintenance activities these are
    taking to the next level some of them
    again we bucket them into five groups
    one group we call it as a automation
    bucket there will be some projects which
    are focused on automation the second
    bucket what we call as process
    Improvement there are some projects we
    work on process improvements third one
    we call as people
    enrichment fourth one we call it as
    collaboration where cross functional
    collaboration comes into play the last
    but not the least which is a pet subject
    is cost
    control so these are the five buckets
    where we group each of these projects
    and we keep uh working on new new ideas
    so and uh once you do it one year 2 year
    3 year four years 5 years and uh it
    becomes a culture right and when we go
    and update to our senior leadership like
    I have to go and update my MD saying
    that okay what we have done because it’s
    not enough that we have told you okay we
    are doing but we have to keep on
    updating once every four months or five
    months go and say okay what’s happening
    so that’s a what you can call a project
    management culture which also Fosters
    this Innovation
    culture so this is what we have been
    doing at least in finance yeah now that
    you have said we have done about 150
    projects that you have done what are
    some potential risks associated with
    digital transformation in finance and
    how they can be
    mitigated see the biggest risk as I see
    is uh around the data piece right and
    the data security so that is I think the
    biggest risk see it falling into the
    wrong hands or it falling into the
    General Public public
    unknowingly is the biggest risk of
    digital we touched upon it earlier right
    the cyber security is the one where I
    believe the biggest risk for any company
    now is more around cyber security than
    around any otheris I think it is now for
    me it is the topmost
    risk within the company I feel that
    cyber risk is the top most risk because
    we have a risk management profile there
    is something called ERM Enterprise risk
    management which we do we identify
    critical risk medium risk low risk and
    we update the board every year and I
    happen to be the head of the at least
    the responsible the person responsible
    for handling the of the
    company so it is my job to go and uh at
    least update the board regularly on what
    are the risks of the company and how we
    are mitigating it for me now the top
    risk in my mind is cyber
    risk okay so that is something once and
    it’s it’s a never- Ending game right
    it’s never going to
    end so now the more and more AI you do
    there will be more and more such risk
    which are keeping on cing and gdpr again
    these two are the critical risk the
    other risks are around what you can say
    sometimes what happens is that when uh
    we think that AI we overestimate the
    power of AI yeah that’s another risk we
    think that AI is like Aladin in the lab
    that somebody says gomba and some
    solution comes
    no you should not think AI is
    the Sol solver of all
    problems it can only do that much and we
    should know how to use a and what it can
    deliver it’s very it’s very easy to
    overestimate the power of AI and it’s
    also very easy to underestimate the
    power of
    AI both people go wrong both ways
    because it’s very difficult to exactly
    estimate what this animal can do that’s
    where the challenge is which we are also
    grappling with the same
    okay sir how do you foresee blockchain
    technology revolutionizing Financial
    Services in the coming years see
    blockchain I’m not an expert in
    blockchain whatever little I have read
    and I’ve had a couple of conversations
    with the Gartner folks uh we we
    subscribed to Gartner for the last 7
    eight years we are a regular subscriber
    so I keep talking to those folks maybe
    even today I had one chat with a
    gner expert so to say in the morning so
    so that’s a regular activity of mine and
    uh many of our projects what we talked
    about we use some of those ideas which
    come from Gartner right and the material
    which they give so according to them
    blockchain while it started off with
    much much big
    Fanfare but they are not at least there
    is not too many success cases like the
    way say chat GPD has become a success
    let us say or or J has become a success
    nobody expected it to proliferate as
    much as it is become
    today but
    blockchain has not grown that much but
    yes there are use cases because the
    problem at least I see is that there’s
    an ecosystem you need to develop okay
    till that ecosystem is
    developed we cannot actually get the
    full benefit of blockchain because it is
    like it has to be built one on top of
    the other right what is blockchain it is
    making sure that nobody can tamper with
    whatever you are
    saying so everybody in the ecosystem
    should be in blockchain for us to get
    the benefit even if there is one link
    which is not uh updated then you have a
    loophole there right then the blockchain
    won’t work the chain breaks yeah it’s a
    extended ledger so that so the chain has
    to be there so and today I don’t think
    it is that much comprehensively or wider
    the wi wider usage is required
    yeah that’s my limited I’m not a
    technical expert I’m just going by
    whatever I have read and whatever I have
    heard this is a this is not based on my
    personal learning all the other whatever
    I have told is based on my personal
    experience blockchain you take it with a
    pinch of salt because it’s only here sa
    me yeah okay okay got it sir sir what
    are some strategies you would recommend
    finance department professionals to stay
    updated with the latest trends advanc
    Technologies I keep telling my team be
    curious be curious okay so you have to
    block your calendar every every day at
    least I would I would mandate if if you
    really want to be on top of the game you
    should spend you should time time box
    there’s a word called time
    box where you say that okay this one
    hour I will not do anything but learn
    about something it could be blockchain
    it could be nft it could be AI it could
    be ml it could be python it could be
    anything so unless you time box it and
    you do it consistently for about a year
    or two you are not going to learn
    anything therefore I suggest that we
    start somewhere you should start uh big
    and the learning there are n number of
    way there are books there are podcast
    there are videos there are uh Google
    search engines there is so many TED
    Talks uh and there are courses all free
    courses every University conducts free
    so information and knowledge is
    abundantly available it’s very very
    cheap today the biggest transformation
    is that education has become extremely
    extremely accessible and high quality
    education is coming to you free of cost
    the problem with that is that you can’t
    understand that there is high quality
    education because it is coming free of
    cost you do not attach much value to
    it people don’t give a value when it is
    coming free but half I think 70% of the
    knowledge that is available is available
    free only and there’s really some high
    quality knowledge which is available
    fore really high quality
    so I was looking for privacy operations
    some about a year back when I was keen
    on looking at gdpr and in last August
    when our Indian government started dpdp
    act I wanted to understand how
    technology and stuff but the amount of
    information people have put on the
    internet and the kind of videos that we
    get we have abundance of knowledge but
    people don’t know to search it is what I
    think and people don’t want to follow it
    because it is free as you right yeah
    yeah that’s the main thing in fact if
    you go to my LinkedIn post I keep on
    forwarding lot of these courses somebody
    is putting in I don’t create any post by
    myself I am only forwarding I only
    forwarding in the hope that somebody
    will use
    it so coming back here what are the St
    uh how can Finance organization balance
    the need of innovation with maintaining
    robust cyber security
    measures so as I said no we have uh
    cyber security is is a very important
    topic in fact I have got a couple of
    people in my team who are uh kind of I
    would say 50 60% of the time they are
    working on cyber security okay uh so
    they they they are very hardcore
    supporters for the it function okay and
    there is a cyber Excellence program
    which our Tata group has so we are going
    to learn from that cyber Excellence
    program there is a set of of what you
    can say guidance notes which are
    available as a group uh we take cyber
    security very very seriously and every
    company is encouraged to improve their
    knowledge and implementation of cyber uh
    anti-cyber threat
    measures and we get a lot of support
    from the group and there are experts who
    can come and give us SE lectures there
    are uh materials available there’s a
    4050 page document
    available uh and uh other group
    companies we can go and talk to them and
    they say okay what implemented we can
    Implement there are best practices
    available in the standard portal which
    we have so there is enough as you
    rightly said even within our group also
    we got enough and more knowledge on what
    to do on cyber
    security so we we have started doing
    something but we are at very very early
    stage in the company maybe in the next
    two years time we would have matured a
    little bit but it’s as I said it’s it’s
    a journey and it’s a catchup journey and
    you rightly made a point saying that
    learning has to be there once you learn
    the place to implement also has to be
    there and that is evolving as new
    threats come in the people are trying to
    attack you in a different forms and you
    are supposed to look at what are the new
    ways that they have come in and
    penetrated that also you’ll have to look
    at and keep yourself updated with the
    latest trends made a very valid point
    there sir so happing and doing learning
    and doing it’s a cycle it’s a continuous
    cycle you rightly said sir it is a
    continuous learning continuous
    deployment stuff where you have
    something to be learned and that becomes
    old as on today yesterday’s news is here
    it’s about a years old news now if you
    really look with the technology coming
    in lot of advancements so coming back
    here again how important is finance
    professionals to develop strong digital
    literacy and how can they enhance their
    these skills efficiency because you
    touch that point on a brief point where
    knowledge is available freely and all
    the stuff but but still there always
    seems to be somebody saying sir I went
    to this course I did not get value to it
    and this is where I need something else
    that kind of situation you would have
    faced but if you really look at 70 60%
    or 70% is available freely but whatever
    they look at is as we started discussing
    in the starting of the discussion
    there’s a lot of data available Google
    gives you a lot of data now chat GPT
    gives you a lot of data what to believe
    what not to believe is one other
    challenge that people are having and
    they want to look it as a format of
    a a class or an online session how do
    you look at this as growth opportunity
    for the finance department so there are
    two things I will again talk from my
    personal experience there are two things
    which we have done which one is what we
    have done one what we’ll be doing right
    one we we see uh we started about a year
    back a concept called reverse
    mentoring okay when you say reverse
    mentoring you know the term reverse
    mentoring I assume that uh uh the new
    kids who who come from the uh management
    institutes they come with a lot of uh
    Advanced knowledge about technology they
    can understand technology for example my
    kids understand technology because they
    have grown with those Technologies right
    so the way I understand technology and
    the way it is like natural for them so I
    have started this for myself and my
    direct reports we have identified some
    young kids and uh they are actually and
    I’m spending time with them last one
    year every month I spend about an hour
    or two trying to understand about
    various Technologies what are the AI
    tools available specifically focusing on
    AI so I have at least been exposed to at
    least some 20 25 tools in the last one
    year okay lot of AI tools right so then
    what we did after doing that then we put
    it all together and we have now started
    sharing with the other functions and
    they are finding it very useful uh so
    some of them they started using it also
    so we started using some of them for our
    uh business uh problem Solutions and
    some are being used by other functions
    also and this is an ongoing Journey
    right because if you had not done this I
    would never have come to know about this
    tools I would never have even heard
    about many of haen what is hen I’ll
    think okay he generation or something
    like but the hen is a tool it’s a very
    interesting tool I’m saying so like that
    there are so many things which are
    available today like Sora you would not
    have heard Sora yeah Sora
    jini every day there are at least there
    are 200 300 tools which are available
    which are big
    tools I was part of a conference with
    Microsoft about a month back where they
    were discussing about copilot right yes
    copilot copilot is Big very big very big
    and they have two versions one is free
    version and the pro version so what what
    that they demonstrated in the co-pilot
    was the look at how productive you can
    be while you reply to mails or what is
    that you’ll have to look because in the
    leadership you become so busy with those
    meetings and stuff you don’t look at
    your mails or your followups or your
    approvals or stuff what I saw while they
    brought co-pilot was to look at how this
    all can be automated and given you a
    brief saying that these are the five
    Mals that you are supposed to reply
    which are on Priority One these are the
    things that this is a kind of demo that
    they showed us and again I was part of
    Microsoft alone again for one more on uh
    I met one lady called radika she says
    she they have developed a human kind of
    an interface where you give your uh
    documents and it scan those documents
    and reference it for you saying that
    this is mentioned in this document right
    so you give that kind of a document
    knowledge to that uh a assistant and
    that gives you the whole uh brief of all
    the documents where you don’t need to go
    and fetch for which document it was
    mentioned so I found it was very
    interesting so I me talks with her to
    see how I can take some leverage on that
    so on the other thoughts your thoughts
    on the future digital currency sir and
    how it might impact the traditional
    banking system so digital currencies I
    was quite
    uh interested say 3 four years back uh
    when all these Bitcoins were going
    through the roof the valuation of
    Bitcoins went up but somewhere along the
    line I currently feel that uh it is now
    gone to the other side in the sense that
    at least in our country unless unless
    there is a full 100% support and
    blessing of the government which is when
    I say government it is
    RBI uh this will not uh flourish is my
    personal View and I don’t I’m not sure
    whether our government is now looking at
    it like a is like a positive growth
    engine I’m not sure because what I at
    least whatever I have read maybe six
    months back I don’t know recently how it
    has changed that uh they were not very
    on making this uh digital currency very
    uh ubiquitous one is what I read
    somewhere but I don’t know the latest on
    that whether the thinking has changed or
    not I have no idea but this is what I
    read I think some six months back okay
    so I have not kept a tab on it so I feel
    that uh it is now dormant so to say
    maybe it’s ideas every idea know there
    has to be a time for an idea maybe it’s
    time up not time it will come later
    maybe is what I feel so it’s not it’s
    not your time is what I feel at least as
    of now for the
    country okay sir in your experience what
    are the key qualities or characteristics
    that enable Finance professionals to
    thrive in the year of digital
    destruction huh see there’s a book
    written by my boss called adapt Thrive
    just not survive his name is harit nakol
    he’s written a book called Thrive just
    not adapt is is talking about what are
    the things one has to do how to survive
    in today’s world right it’s a very
    recent book released in
    2024 um so you need to have that
    resilience in your self right for any
    any disruption you need to be resilient
    thing and that fear of the unknown is
    always there right you should at least
    it’s very difficult to remove the fear I
    know uh but somehow we should get out of
    the fear of the
    unknown and at least I encourage my team
    embrace new learnings to embrace new
    technologies to embrace new ideas be
    open to something coming as fresh and
    don’t feel threatened so that don’t feel
    threatened will come once you know about
    something because since you do not know
    about AI you think it’s a it’s it’s a
    bad thing but the moment you understand
    how to tame that animal then you are no
    more afraid of it I think many companies
    or many people have this fear of the
    unknown so that’s where the learning
    becomes essential once you understand
    something know that fear goes away
    people think that okay I can’t do
    mathematics many people say they don’t
    even touch maths somewhere in their
    brain there is a hardcoded statement
    that I will not know mathematics or I
    cannot learn
    mathematics even though they may have
    the capabilities which I believe
    everyone has got the same brain and same
    capability that fear of the unknown and
    the fear that okay I cannot learn is
    something which is a which is a barrier
    to growth I don’t know whether I’m
    making myself clear
    but this is something see once you
    remove that fear then everything becomes
    easy sir it is it’s the fear that does
    not allow you to do many of the things
    you’re right on that because if fear
    it’s not about doing it is the fear
    after you fail something and people view
    how you as a person is what more
    prevailing than they say I in our
    company we celebrate failures by the way
    you in our company we we we have the
    concept which is again my managing
    director his own word CEO culture
    collaboration experimentation and
    ownership e is experimentation which
    means that you have to experiment new
    things and if you fail it’s fine but
    don’t fail again second time but you
    fail you can fail once you can fail once
    and you can then get up and do something
    else because we believe that if there
    are 10 ideas we experiment one day one
    or two will
    succeed so but you have to keep on
    experimenting those 10 things you have
    to invest on those 10 things we have to
    spend money on those 10 things not
    knowing which one will
    succeed okay sir uh with this I have
    done with my thought process that I
    wanted to discuss with you there are few
    questions which have come on to this one
    so one is this Carlos Mario says this is
    great and we have one more question from
    uh one person how Finance strategies can
    be adopted in digital effectively
    ensuring resilience agility in the rapid
    evolving business landscape first
    question and what are what key
    consideration should Finance leaders
    prioritize future proof their strategies
    I this is this these questions is what
    exactly we answered in the last 45
    minutes I think at various points these
    questions are answered is what I feel
    yes sir we did answer yeah uh uh
    mahapatro if I’m spelling it right uh we
    have the session uh streamed live on to
    YouTube and Facebook and Twitter as well
    this recording is there already on this
    one we’ve covered a lot of ground
    related to these strategies and Sir has
    spoken in-depth on that request you to
    have a view of this and you’ll get the
    answers is what I say because we running
    short of time now with this I think uh
    uh we had a great thing I would like to
    summarize here sir we talked about uh
    adoptability we talked about continuous
    learning and we talked about various
    ways of how the finance industry is
    leveraging Technologies how AI machine
    learning Bots are playing a role in
    helping uh the finance sector to take
    some of the jobs which can be uh
    automated that’s what we discussed and
    some of the key pointers is that uh
    blockchain is one topic which we said
    can be a game changer but it has to be
    supported by the government or the RBA
    that’s what we discussed also then we
    not blockchain blockchain is not that I
    talk about Bitcoin Bitcoin is where
    government support blockchain there is
    government support blockchain the
    ecosystem is not there sorry yeah sorry
    to yeah blockchain is the ecosystem and
    Bitcoin and the nft and those kind of
    things are government support government
    yeah yeah then uh finally we talked
    about digital currency and how it is
    getting evoled so that’s what we
    discussed lot of insights lot of thought
    process around the finance industry and
    how industry is looking at cyber
    security how the laws are being played
    thank you very much sir great having you
    on the show any last more words that you
    want to talk around and give a sense
    poin out to the audience So yeah thank
    you thank you PR thanks a lot it was a
    interaction uh my only I would say uh
    request or submission is that uh uh
    please try and uh learn more about Ai
    and Technology I think uh if you can
    take one message from today’s meeting is
    that I always believe that we should
    learn something new every day that is my
    personal Moto as well so that’s what I
    keep talking about every day thank you
    thank you sir with this we will conclude
    the show uh you can watch us again on
    YouTube Facebook LinkedIn and Twitter we
    have this recorded stream
    we are Lively streamed with all the four
    platforms at once please have a look at
    it thank you sir good day sir thank you

    Power of Knowing Forum & Executive Excellence Forum Presents

    The Theme of the discussion is “Future-proofing Finance: Strategies for Thriving in an Era of Digital Disruption”.

    Speakers: Sambasivan G, CFO Tata Play Limited

    Moderated By Vijay Anandhan TD and Prem Kumar A S

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