Is Tin the Next Uranium? (Brian Laks Interview)

    R money miners here we go BR LAX from
    the old west fun oh God mate how good’s
    the bloody us at the moment jeez we’re
    going to have to move over soon Bri save
    us the bloody getting up
    early thanks for uh thanks it’s almost
    five o’clock here so we’re um four
    o’clock we’re we’re doing just fun where
    are you east west where you situ I’m I’m
    in Los Angeles so on on the west coast
    here so glad we were able to figure out
    a time zone God’s country mate Brian we
    are very thankful you’ve you’ve made the
    time for us you one of these funds we
    sort of come across hadn’t heard about
    before we’d started the show in all
    honesty and then we dig into it and
    you’re talking about or you’re writing
    about in your cly letters everything we
    love to chat about we’ve got tin we’ve
    got copper what else have we got Maddie
    there was there was bits of lithium in
    some chats I’ve heard you speak old
    uranium uranium how could we forget
    there was a bit of silver a bit of gold
    mentioned and it’s really interesting
    because you’re not a mining specific
    fund but you’re sort of very value
    oriented and you found your way in there
    so I’m very excited to uh get into it
    Maddie where should we start I think
    uranium is one of the ones you’re most
    excited we’re so much the wiser after
    interviewing Mike alen the the other
    week I wish I could bloody do it again
    are your mates with Mike are you being
    around the traps with him we’ve we’ve
    talked before I met him before yeah like
    I was telling you guys earlier I got a
    little chuckle listening to that
    interview because he definitely goes
    deep at times and it’s uh not for the
    fan of heart if it’s your first time
    listening to that sort of thing oh mate
    there was a lot of Googling going on
    that weekend from from my end got a bit
    of a bloody better understanding what
    what is your sort of how much attention
    is going towards uranium from your end
    at the moment and probably more so when
    did it start for
    you yeah we we’ve been in uranium very
    long time now I guess going on six seven
    years um it was actually one of the
    first things that I started looking at
    when I joined old west back in 2016 um
    it was still pretty early into the trade
    there uh you know kind of depths of the
    of the bare Market I think the uranium
    price bought them that year um around
    $18 and so there wasn’t a lot of people
    looking at it there were a few I guess
    farsighted people who thought maybe
    there was some reason to believe that
    things would change in the future um
    which which we did and we started to do
    a lot of work 2016
    2017 um you know started to build some
    positions and then 2018 we actually
    launched a fund to to really focus there
    just because you know our our most of
    our funds are pretty Diversified and so
    having a large concentration into
    something like uranium when you’re at
    the bottom of the market and a lot of
    these stocks were were basically micro
    caps you know it really made sense to
    have a separate vehicle um to do those
    types of Investments and so that’s
    actually the the fund that I managed
    today so well I guess working the big
    thing we took out of the the chat with
    Mike was how how the I guess the the
    modeling works for this working working
    backwards from the amount of reactors
    that are due to due to come online then
    the enrichment capacity into that then
    the supply drive and the tail that’s
    going to come out of those be used in
    those that enrichment facility do you do
    much modeling on that sort of real macro
    scale of uranium or you’re more focused
    on sort of what equities are most
    exposed to it what’s your sort of
    thesis it’s a it’s a little bit of both
    I mean I think you have to if you’re
    going to look at the the sector you have
    to get familiar with what the supply and
    demand is so you know what mines are
    producing what or can produce you know
    looking at that whole Supply stack the
    cost curve um and then from the demand
    side where do you see it going I I think
    at the time our view was that the supply
    had just been completely destroyed uh
    after whatever that was 5 years of a
    bare market and so really it was a
    supply driven thesis that if you believe
    that demand was not dead which I think a
    lot of people did they thought nuclear
    power was over but if you had a view
    that it was um still going and that they
    were building reactors and that the
    reactors that were here were going to be
    kept alive um it was pretty evident that
    there was not going to be enough Supply
    to to meet that demand and the price was
    too low to give it incentive for new
    mines and that’s actually really a
    common recipe that we see in some of the
    places that we invest in is that you
    know there’s a shortage of something and
    in order for there to be more supplied
    brought online you’re going to need
    higher prices for those projects to make
    sense and so you know at the time it was
    a lot of looking at development projects
    there weren’t a lot of producers out
    there I mean cico was the big one you
    know because Adam prom didn’t come
    public until I think you know late 2018
    time frame so really it was you want to
    buy camico or you know there’s a bunch
    of uranium projects that don’t make
    sense that 20 bucks or 25 bucks um but
    we had the view that hey the price needs
    to go up dramatically in order for these
    projects to be brought on because I
    think we will need these projects and so
    you could really if you had the view
    that it was going to say you know north
    of 50 or 60 and you could run that
    through these mine plans um a lot of
    them were trading at 10 or 20 cents on
    the dollar and so you know coming out of
    2019 2020 I mean we were probably a top
    10 shareholder in a lot of the household
    uranium names um you know and and still
    own a bunch to this day I think today
    it’s a little bit different of an
    analysis because the price has adjusted
    it’s gone from 20 to 100 um you know
    pulled back a little bit it’s around 90
    I think right now so a lot of those
    projects that we were looking at you
    know now they actually have the right
    price environment to be developed and
    now it’s just a matter of timing you
    know um like we wrote about in our our
    letter we just released just because the
    price gets to a place where you can
    start building projects doesn’t mean uh
    your shortage is fixed overnight now you
    know how long’s it going to take to
    build and all of that sort of thing are
    they permited are they under
    construction um and so really I I think
    looking at it
    today it’s not so much that we need a
    much higher price well we probably still
    do I think you know that was a good
    conversation you had with Mike last week
    that even if you bring on a lot of these
    mines it still doesn’t solve the deficit
    and so really the question today is how
    high does It Go um and then does it you
    know is it a spike and then comes back
    or is it more of a gradual Rise um and I
    think you know when you start looking at
    those questions the type of Investments
    That it leads you to differs from what
    it did you know four or five years ago
    when we were um really heavy in the
    space Brian you had a you had a funny
    quote in a podcast I listened to that
    you done about half a year ago and
    describing what you just said there and
    you you called cico your sort of gateway
    drug into the into the world of uranium
    that was um I thought that was quite
    funny I want to tie this in with your
    investment style because you’re very
    value oriented you know buff Munga style
    Ben grah style of investing how do you
    see the the balance as you know the the
    thesis is sort of played out not
    completely played out but to an extent
    has played out and you need to start
    looking at Value in some of these names
    some of the uranium miners or developers
    just were were expensive by a lot of
    measures late last year and things have
    changed as the price sort of floats
    around but where we’re sitting today how
    do you see value across the Spectrum
    perhaps looking at sprot and the
    physical trust versus is some of the
    miners but producers developers
    explorers yeah it’s I think it’s a
    different sort of analysis I mean I
    guess it’s similar analysis but there’s
    a different starting point you know the
    valuations of a lot of these names are
    much different than they were four or
    five years ago a lot of the stocks have
    gone up fivefold or tfold or more um and
    so I think back then you could really
    just kind of close your eyes and throw a
    dart at the space and you’d probably do
    well um over a fewe period um now I
    think there’s probably more
    opportunities for um you know relative
    value is more important I think there’s
    some stocks that are probably overpriced
    or baking in you know a really high
    uranium price there are probably some
    that are more fairly valued um but it’s
    not um and I guess I would add to that
    you know the the physical price um you
    know owning something like sput or
    physical uranium actually probably makes
    a lot more sense now especially if you
    believe that there’s going to be a spike
    in the price because of this timing lag
    that maybe does get captured by guys
    that are going to you know bring on
    projects 5 years from now so it’s just
    it’s a different way of looking at
    things you have a different starting
    valuation and I think if you look at our
    portfolio and you know we have to file
    we’re big enough where we file a 13f so
    most of the US names um that we own you
    can see in our filings uh you can see
    that our the number of names we’ve owned
    has has shrunk dramatically I mean we
    only we’ve really concentrated around
    what we think are the highest quality
    ones um and I think probably more so
    have looked to
    kind of recoil that Spring by looking
    for other areas that have that same sort
    of fundamental setup but where the price
    hasn’t um yet inflected to that point
    where you know now hey if you want to
    bring on a mine you can and it’s just a
    matter of are there enough and then how
    long does it take so you know I think
    probably to sum it up that it’s um
    there’s still I think plenty of upside
    ahead uh a lot of the stocks have
    started to price that in some more so
    than others um and I think one of the
    interesting things to look at is is you
    know which stocks are well above the
    highs that they made in you know call it
    mid to late 2021 because cuz some of
    them are are are still below that um and
    I I think you’ve seen that bifurcation
    in in quality and valuation start to
    play out and it’s a lot more important
    to do that sort of work than it was kind
    of in the early days when a rising tide
    really lifted all the boats and just
    across the board with with your inven
    investment your your uranium investment
    inani didn’t know what bloody is this a
    finance word I didn’t so excited I’m
    stumbling to get the words out across
    the board on your uranium investment how
    do you think about that that position as
    a whole given the correlation is is
    quite High amongst a lot of these names
    in terms of positioning it in your
    portfolio have you gone about that the
    you know over the past three or four
    years that you’ve been looking at
    it yeah like I said it’s gotten more
    concentrated we’ve become more selective
    um more Discerning we probably only have
    a handful full of names now whereas you
    know four years ago at at the bottom of
    Co we maybe had 25 names um really took
    more of a basket Approach at at the
    outset just because there weren’t a lot
    of ways to get exposure to it I mean if
    you remember at the time this was
    probably early to mid uh 2018 there was
    really only one ETF out there it was the
    UR um and they they changed their index
    basically at the bottom of the market
    because the stocks got too a liquid and
    so they added they added half of the
    portfolio as you know kind of nuclear
    adjacent companies but there was a lot
    of irrelevant stuff in there and so we
    kind of built our own sort of pseudo ETF
    inhouse of a basket of names you know
    producers developers explorers um
    because we weren’t really sure how it
    was going to play out we had a very
    strong view that the price had to rise
    and and and pretty significantly um but
    we weren’t really sure I mean there’s
    kind of a path dependency on a lot of
    these names on on which is going to
    outperform and so we didn’t try to be
    heroes and say hey we’re just going to
    pick one name and and hope it does the
    best um you know we were actually kind
    of surprised in hindsight that some of
    the names that did the best for us were
    ones we might not have um picked uh if
    we had to just pick one because I think
    when you get a strongly Rising commodity
    uh price environment a lot of times you
    know some of the real small liquid maybe
    higher cost stuff um sees a
    disproportionate move higher sort of a
    dash for trash they might call it um and
    so we wanted to own kind of a broad
    spectrum of names just to encapsulate
    all of that where you know the overall
    return for that whole portfolio would
    look um Superior to just sort of trying
    to pick one name based on quality or
    valuation or something like that how do
    you look at spot in terms of uh trading
    it if you if still got the uh positive
    view on uranium and say like you know
    spot’s trading at a 5% discount to nav
    so do you look at it right I still
    believe in the uranium thesis I can get
    A1 for 95 here or is it not that simple
    when tried and
    spot you know I think sput is good for
    someone who has a view that uh they they
    really want to play the spot price um
    because that what is what they think
    will squeeze higher um you know in the
    in the coming years or quarters or
    whatever their time frame is versus a
    minor where you know if unless it gets
    sort of traded as like a trading sardine
    and valued up alongside Orizon that you
    know the way we think of it is what is
    the price they’re going to earn over the
    life of the mine and that’s why I said
    it really depends is your view that the
    price of uranium is going to spike to
    200 or higher um over a short period of
    time uh and then potentially fall back
    down or Plateau you know it really
    depends on what your view of where
    uranium prices go and how they go
    because I I think if you’re um you know
    if your view is that that because
    there’s even though the price is here
    there’s not enough Supply coming online
    and that’s going to create a big squeeze
    uh sputs probably the way to to play
    that because that’s going to get the
    purest expression of of what that price
    does whereas you know these equities are
    supposed to be sort of discounting
    machines of what cash flows they can
    generate and if it’s a big spike and
    drop they’re not necessarily going to
    capture that and so there’s an extra
    layer of that which is what are the
    stocks already pricing in I think that
    was one of the reasons we Consolidated
    our portfolio a little bit over the last
    couple of years was you know it seemed
    like uh the equities had gotten ahead of
    themselves versus what the what the
    uranium price had done you know remember
    the uranium price kind of ran in its
    initial move to 50 in 2020 and 2021 a
    lot of the stocks had a real big move
    over that two-year period um and then
    you really had the price of uranium kind
    of Flatline there for about 18 months it
    was really pinned at 50 bucks um and you
    saw a lot of the equities kind of digest
    that move and and and retrace a bit and
    then kind of middle of the last year
    they started to pick back up as the
    uranium price started to run again so
    you know I think what are the equities
    pricing in and and JD kind of hinted at
    it you know some of these things are um
    getting pretty frothy in terms of
    valuation or alternatively you need to
    believe that the price goes much higher
    to justify them if you’re doing like a
    traditional valuation um sort of effect
    um methodology but really I think for
    Spud it’s you know probably a good way
    to play physical if you’re not if you’re
    not buying it yourself and as as Mike
    alluded to it’s it’s it’s difficult it’s
    not for everybody to set up a an account
    at a converter and try to store physical
    pounds there so it is it is a nice um
    vehicle to exist but like I said I I
    think that we’re less interested in
    trying to play kind of a squeeze type
    scenario with a big part of our capital
    I think we liked that we we like the
    setup a few years ago when this sort of
    same fundamental setup existed but the
    price was below what anyone’s view of
    marginal cost was I think we do see that
    same sort of setup in other Commodities
    which is why we’ve really broadened out
    our um our portfolio to include some of
    these other opportunities especially as
    the valuations on the uranium side have
    gotten to kind of more you know I don’t
    want these normalized levels but you
    know they’re they’re more reflective of
    of a of a of a market that’s in in
    deficit than they were you know four or
    five years ago when they were just being
    given away and so if if if we can still
    own the ones that we think are going to
    benefit from increased price movement
    which we think is likely but also kind
    of like I said recoil the spring and
    find some of these other areas that have
    a similar shortage scenario but the
    price hasn’t started to move yet um
    we’ve been adding more of that to our
    portfolio and it’s given us a little bit
    um more balance just to close the
    uranium one out mate in terms of the
    Contracting side of things and if we’re
    going to sort of head towards a bit more
    of a spike in the Contracting what are
    what what is on your radar in terms of
    probably companies and projects that
    you’re waiting to see what contracts are
    going to be put in place to give a feel
    of what this floor and ceiling
    Arrangements going to be going forward
    well yeah I think everyone watches camoo
    because they’re really the the most
    transparent um uh in an industry where a
    lot of these things are confidential
    they’re not disclosed they’re just
    bilateral agreements but usually on
    their quarterly conference calls they’ll
    give an update of the of the Contracting
    Market I think a lot of people are
    waiting to see um what NextGen does uh
    obviously it’s a huge mine um you know
    and people are wondering how that how
    that material is going to get pieced
    into the market um because it is a it
    would be a very big chunk of of world
    production when it comes on and how does
    it get phase and all of that so I mean
    those are uh two a couple names that
    we’d be watching for and then just you
    know kind of more General news on on the
    different players kind of more bit
    players that are getting contract signed
    what are what’s the chatter coming out
    of that um
    you know like I said I still think that
    there’s a lot of um upside ahead uh it’s
    really now though you know these things
    dislocate from the fundamentals on the
    way down I think that’s where they were
    um kind of through the late teens when
    when when they you know there’s no
    reason for the uranium price to trade so
    low for so long there were kind of a few
    unique quirks to the industry that
    allowed that can to get kicked for a
    while um I think the uranium price can
    dislocate from fundamentals to the
    upside as well uh I I think we’re kind
    of already getting to that point because
    you know here we are at $90 and it’s not
    like there’s a wave of Supply coming on
    tomorrow they still have to build these
    things um and like you’re you know Mike
    alluded to last week There’s even if you
    give every bring all these things on
    you’re probably still short over the
    next five six years so um it’ll be an
    interesting time but um how high it goes
    I don’t know that that that’s um
    something that’s uh kind of out of my
    wheelhouse I I much prefer looking at
    things where I know that hey if the
    price of something is below the marginal
    cost and we need more I mean the price
    is going to have to rise I think you you
    see that um in some of these other
    places and so you know we still own uh
    what we view as kind of a high quality
    basket of uranium names that should
    benefit if the price continues to to
    rise like we think it has to I mean the
    Market’s not going to get balanced
    anytime soon but it’s a much easier um
    it’s a much easier thesis for me to say
    hey I’m looking at XYZ commodity it’s in
    shortage and no one’s going to bring on
    a project unless the price goes up a
    bunch um and you know a lot of these
    things that we look at are pretty Niche
    the valuations are are are quite low
    because I don’t think there’s a lot of
    attention on them and so we’re happy to
    really start building positions in in
    these areas ahead of you know when when
    the price starts to move and when the
    crowd um really starts to to jump on
    these things very good thanks M love it
    Brian I want to talk about 10 now and
    the the way I want to go about this to
    start is to to learn how you discovered
    tin because you know in your investment
    style you say you’re you’re not top down
    and you know going Bottom up in tin
    we’re really talking about metalx and
    Alpha Min is that the way in which you
    discovered you know the the market setup
    in tin and then you you know you learn
    about it more broadly or was tin a bit
    different how did it all come about to
    start with yeah 10 I guess it first came
    on our radar probably
    this probably early 2020 was um alphaman
    had just brought on their mine a few
    months earlier and you know there were
    some there were some guys talking about
    it you know it actually uh alfman was
    was the first way we heard about it you
    know the stock had done really
    well excuse me the first I guess few
    months of um 2020 it was up like 60% or
    something and so you saw guys talking
    about it and then Co hit and it got cut
    in half and it was one of those things
    where I was like oh man you know glad we
    dodged that bullet um and then kind of
    forgot about it for a while and and then
    you know ricked it up maybe later in
    2020 when we saw that it had doubled
    kind of back to that same level it had
    been before um you know and it was one
    of these things where the the the thesis
    made sense you know it was a very
    similar type of story of hey there’s a
    shortage here and the price is too low
    we’re going to need more Supply we’re g
    to you know it’s kind of the same thing
    um but at the time you know we were so
    focused on uranium it was just you know
    almost one of these you know Curiosities
    but then we you know kind of did a
    little bit of work on it and and put it
    to the side um you know I I think we
    didn’t really uh get involved until kind
    of early 2021 um Mid
    2021 um you know and at that time it was
    it was it was playing out in a in a
    strong way you had the a big um demand
    pull forward from Co everyone buying you
    know new laptops and computers and stuff
    you had some supply chain snarls
    happening that uh
    really caused a bit of a squeeze um
    excuse me to you know the price got to
    like I want to say maybe 50,000 um a ton
    in in early 22 so you got a glimpse of
    how tight the market was and you know
    fragile that Supply demand balance was
    um you know but like I said for for most
    of those years we were pretty heavily
    invested in uranium and so that was our
    main focus um you know throughout 2022
    obviously in the middle of 2022 the
    price peaked out you had a couple things
    happen uh the FED started raising
    interest rates and China shut down their
    economy for covid zero and so a lot of
    Commodities got whacked 10 especially so
    um you know it’s it’s a pretty small
    Market it’s very volatile you had some
    um Traders and speculators jumping on it
    and pounding it down and so you saw the
    price drop I think it was 60% in like
    six months and so for us who you
    know an ideal situation for us is to
    find something that has a good long-term
    setup but then poor short-term either
    sentiment or Dynamics right because that
    allows you to really build positions and
    things um when people hate them um even
    though you have a view that maybe a few
    years out things are going to look a lot
    different and we have the benefit of you
    know an investor base that knows that
    that’s our our style of of long-term
    investing and kind of zigging when the
    Market’s zagging and if we can find
    something that has that compelling
    fundamental setup and do the work and
    build the positions when no one’s
    looking at it or the Market’s weak for
    some reason um that’s ideal for us and
    so throughout 2022 as the market was
    crashing we’re like this is great I mean
    we were you know I just really started
    ramping up doing a lot of work on it so
    we dialed up a lot of the positions
    throughout 2022 you know the market
    bottom there I think in in late 22 and
    then um started to improve throughout
    2023 and and and really it was over
    those two years that we built our
    positions um you know it’s for what we
    were kind of viewing as an eventuality
    of hey people you know during the a rate
    hike cycle and you know China worries
    everyone’s just focused on the demand
    side of things and just selling every
    commodity no one wants to touch it how
    low are these things going to go how
    high our rates going to go you know it
    was this whole conversation focused on
    the demand side and and no one wanted to
    touch anything no one cared about all
    these Supply problems that were on the
    horizon which is really um what got us
    interested in is the supply situation
    was just just a a complete mess um and
    so we’re like look at at some point this
    is going to start to bite here even if
    the the you know General investment
    Community doesn’t want to touch
    Commodities here because you know
    they’re afraid of How High rates might
    go so anyways that’s that’s our ideal
    scenario and and we were we were buying
    a lot of this stuff um the last couple
    of years and you know sure enough you
    fast forward to I guess earlier this
    year and all of a sudden people start
    focusing on the supply side of the
    commodity problems um and you start to
    see a little bit of um strength in the
    prices um you know I think it it just
    kind of shows that well one you need the
    right type of investor base that is
    willing to you know ride with you while
    you’re While You’re Building those
    positions and things are going against
    you but you know as we saw with uranium
    um you know I mean I guess if I draw a
    parallel there in 2018 and 2019 when we
    were building our uranium positions uh I
    mean the stocks were languishing I mean
    they were they were terrible Investments
    um but because of the way we you know
    design and we we you know raise over
    time and we build positions over time it
    actually worked to our benefit to have a
    a short-term period of negative
    performance because we can continually
    build these positions at lower and lower
    cost so that when eventually these
    long-term fundamentals start to shine
    through we already have you know full
    position sizing and and and we’re off
    for the races is is 10 like what can you
    what other commodity can you compare it
    to in terms of the amount of pure play
    investments in there like you said Al
    Metals X like is it similar to like a
    niobium like where you got just bugger
    all plays to get a pure exposure to it
    you know I I think niobia maybe is a
    little bit more concentrated you know
    they got the one guy producing you know
    80 or 90% of the market but for for 10
    yeah there’s there’s not a lot of ways
    to play it that’s actually something we
    really like about it um uranium we used
    to think was was that way I mean when we
    were first looking at the sector there
    were maybe only 15 or 20 names um of you
    know of any sort of Merit and maybe a
    fewer portion of that was uh were things
    that actually could be invested in um
    and we thought that was great right
    because you look at something like gold
    or even copper and there’s hundreds of
    ways to play it um and so it’s kind of a
    it’s kind of a maze to to dig through
    all that um you know looking at uranium
    where there were only a dozen names or
    so was was actually refreshing tin I
    mean it’s you know yeah like you said
    there’s only really a handful of names
    there that that you can invest in that
    are big enough that are that are
    meaningful that aren’t just kind of
    lowquality promotional projects and so
    it it we like that because um you know
    we can build positions there and if
    we’re right about the thesis and we’re
    right that the flows need to come in you
    know they get pretty concentrated into
    only a few names it’s not like you know
    gold people decide they want to own gold
    miners and it’s like you got a list you
    know 500 companies Long of of which ones
    they can pick I mean if if if you start
    to do the math on tin you say hey I
    think there’s something here there
    aren’t a lot of ways to Express that
    view and so I think that works to our
    benefit where if we can identify these
    things ahead of a lot of the investment
    Community doing that work then we can
    build positions at a pretty low cost and
    and really let the market come to us um
    you know so we we can have a pretty
    heavy weight and something um before
    people start to look at it and then you
    know kind of lighten it up to a more
    normal waiting you know as the as the
    thesis plays out and these things go
    from extremely cheap to to very cheap
    haes haes SL to
    that would be the best thing about it
    wouldn’t it that’s well that’s right
    well look I think especially with
    something like uranium there’s a huge
    learning curve there as you guys got a
    nice dose of last week when you were
    talking to Mike it’s a it’s a very
    complex industry and so you don’t want
    to have to scramble and start all of
    your research once the things are
    already moving and everybody’s piling in
    we love having a nice year or to to to
    Really dive into something get to
    understand it well when no one’s talking
    about it no one’s doing anything the are
    trading for nothing um that’s just a
    perfect scenario and I think we saw that
    in tin the last couple of years when you
    know the 10 price was in the $20,000
    range nobody’s making money you know
    half the industry is hurting um but
    that’s a great time to to be you know
    building models and and looking at where
    the supply is going to come from and
    what’s demand doing and all all that
    sort of work that takes time to really
    do it well it’s nice to be able to do it
    um when the stocks are still being given
    away and not a lot of other people are
    talking about it I mean look there’s a
    handful of people that are talking about
    it like I told JD earlier I mean that’s
    one of the reasons um you know I’m a big
    fan of the show you guys actually talk
    about some of that stuff there’s not a
    lot of ways to find information on the
    sector I think that’s um you know a good
    thing and a bad thing right I mean
    everyone wants to be a contrarian and
    take some view that something’s going to
    be very different a few years from now
    but eventually the market has to agree
    with you because that’s how you get paid
    otherwise these things just sort of
    languish at very low multiples um you
    know you want to be a contrarian uh and
    identify the momentum before it comes
    momentum but if you’re all if if these
    things just stay unknown or stay low
    value I mean you’re not going to really
    get paid on your money I think there’s a
    lot of value traps out there that people
    find themselves in that never really get
    that reating um but yeah it’s it’s nice
    not having to um you know analyze a 100
    companies uh I mean it’s it’s pretty you
    you can look at the sector and pretty
    quickly see who’s real and who’s not um
    it’s it’s that doesn’t take a lot time I
    guess takes time is to really understand
    uh the supply and demand and say hey is
    is this actually going to work like we
    think it is um because if it does and
    you know we like these situations where
    it doesn’t actually have to work in a
    big way um for you to do very well and I
    think you can that’s why I like
    investing in these things when the price
    of the commodity is below that marginal
    cost because you think that’s at least a
    floor that it has to get to um and then
    the fact that these companies are
    trading it like you know two times or
    three times uh that’s that’s easy for us
    let’s just kind of sit here and wait you
    don’t want to wait forever there’s a bit
    of a timing component here um but I
    think if you can identify something that
    has uh that sort of upside you can still
    wait a few years and your annual return
    is going to be very good um and so you
    know it’s it’s uh it’s it’s worked for
    us and we’ve been able to build um a
    portfolio around it and I think if you
    can kind of stagger these different
    sorts of opportunities at different um
    time intervals you can really keep it
    Evergreen and not uh you know not just
    be having to wait for one thing to work
    for your whole portfolio to work in in
    your research there getting deep into
    tin I’m sure you would have come across
    the dynamic that played out with Myanmar
    and the the setup a decade or so ago you
    know wasn’t wasn’t too dissimilar from
    what it is now and manmar came a bit
    from Left Field obviously there’s a few
    other things going on but how do you
    think about these risks from from Left
    Field potential countries potential
    sources of Supply that could just come
    out and CH changed the game
    really yeah I think we saw that um in
    nickel really with the Indonesians you
    know over the last couple of years um in
    Myanmar for 10 yeah I mean they they
    basically came out of nowhere and and
    became the third largest producer um but
    then it it went away just as quickly as
    it came because it was I think it was an
    artisanal mine and they realized there
    was a lot of tin there and so they did a
    little bit more heavy lifting were’re
    able to to really produce a bunch but
    then kind of hit a wall and said hey if
    we’re going to continue to do this um
    you know we need to really bring in some
    serious capital and some more um kind of
    industrial mining methods and you know I
    think that was a big problem because
    that that wasn’t the way they had done
    it before and so you know it’s also in a
    kind of a a wild part of the world there
    it’s in that Breakaway region of the
    country you know they had a coup there a
    few years ago China is heavily involved
    it’s right on the border um you know it
    just is a it’s a pretty crazy thing to
    think about that that was you know 10 or
    15% of the world’s 10 or more I guess
    that’s what it is now um you know and so
    it looked like there was a bit of a
    maybe a cash grab there you know they
    they they shut down that mine last year
    um you know there was a lot of talk
    about it earlier in the year last year
    than they officially did it I think in
    August and you know it was hard to get
    news out of there I mean it’s really
    hard to find um Myanmar
    news but you know I think that uh the
    government or whoever the whatever
    they’re ruling party is um of that
    Breakaway region you know said okay you
    can turn back these mines on but uh you
    know we want 30% of the 10 I mean there
    was kind of a you know it was it wasn’t
    a perfect solution I mean you know I
    guess it wasn’t as bad for Myanmar well
    maybe it was but it was kind of B worse
    for the Chinese who were reliant on that
    on that um that concentrate to feed
    their smelters um you know they’re kind
    of half the market so uh you know yeah
    it’s it’s thinking about how those
    things can can come on I mean it wasn’t
    overnight I mean it it ramped from you
    know maybe 2012 to 2017 so it was kind
    of this fiveyear story um but like I
    said it went away just as fast and we
    are um I guess mindful that the you can
    find new sources of Supply but there’s
    just not a lot of people looking for it
    right now and I think that’s the really
    interesting thing about looking at some
    of these Commodities where the pric is
    temporarily low for some reason is
    there’s not an incentive to go spend a
    lot of money look for this stuff um if
    the 10 price starts to rise yeah maybe
    you’ll see some exploration dollars flow
    but then there’s no guarantee that that
    comes on either and you know then those
    things have to be built and you’re kind
    of like where uranium is is okay now the
    price is high uh who’s going to build
    the stuff that’s already out there and
    then what else is there that we can
    build um you know and how much higher
    does these prices have to go to really
    smoke out enough Supply um to balance
    the market so I’m not I’m less worried
    about another Myanmar coming out of
    nowhere with some unforeseen Supply than
    I am just about
    um you know really the the thing that’s
    weighed on tin in the past has been the
    demand side um you know and what’s
    happening there I think we really had a
    bit of a hangover from that covid demand
    pull forward in 2022 and 2023 but you’re
    starting to see you know semi demand
    pick back up and if that’s the case and
    people are going to focus on Supply and
    I just I don’t see Supply coming
    anywhere close to meeting demand um
    we’re going to need a lot of projects
    and a lot of them are you know need a
    much higher price to be developed and so
    you know in the ideal world the price
    goes up to let some of these marginal
    projects in um or at least get to that
    level and then the guys that can produce
    or can do it at a little bit lower cost
    are going to earn those extra margins
    over a longer period of time than you
    would expect I think that’s the way we
    see things playing out and it’s
    surprising to us that you can buy these
    things at at pretty cheap valuations
    today um if that’s how it does play out
    who’s your preferred pick out of
    alphaman and Metal X oh man you’re gonna
    get a lot of people angry at me on
    Twitter it it goes back and forth um you
    know I can see why uh a lot of people
    like alphaman just because of uh just
    it’s it’s a real Peerless asset I mean
    it’s it’s the best mine in the world
    it’s just in a real rough part of town
    and so it’s got that big jurisdiction
    discount and there’s a question whether
    it will ever um you know overcome that
    especially since the news there just it
    doesn’t seem be that good but at the
    asset level I mean it’s it’s really hard
    to beat and I think that you know
    they’ll what they’ll do is you know pay
    dividends or you know maybe do a buyback
    or something to return that Capital to
    shareholder in the event that the market
    never wants to rate it um Metals X is a
    little bit different right I mean you’ve
    had a few guests talk about it on your
    show there was some concern that you
    know they they’re sitting on a bunch of
    cash like half the market cap but will
    will investors ever see that is there
    some you know misalignment of interest
    there uh governance issues that might
    prevent that Capital return I think they
    addressed it a little bit uh you know a
    month or so ago when they did that
    buyback but the buyback was small and so
    you you know I think it just highlights
    there’s not a really perfect way to play
    um the sector I mean you’ve got kind of
    everything’s got got uh got issues with
    it um you know I think today we may have
    uh metalx maybe a little bit um higher
    weighted in in our commodity fund you
    know in our in our general funds I think
    we own alphaman just because it does
    have that kind of overall appeal um it’s
    extremely low cost so they can weather
    the volatility but um like I said it
    changes given the different fluctuations
    and prices and Outlook but you know
    metalx probably has the edge today just
    because because of how much cash they
    have um it it is a little bit cheaper um
    and you don’t have really the
    jurisdiction risk to worry about um you
    know alphaman is cheap if you want to uh
    give it proforma for the the second mine
    that they’re bringing on um which should
    be you know is basically imminent um and
    so you know I think you can kind of get
    a close evaluation there but the real
    question is how much um do you want to
    avoid having any sort of jurisdiction
    risk and so I mean we own both I think
    it’s a you know it’s um it’s a pretty
    easy sell um given where they’re valued
    and what our what our Outlook is for the
    10 price and what that means for what
    these companies can earn JD I reckon
    we’ll bloody I reckon we need to amp up
    the Jo fids and the Jo Cam and the
    fraking assay compilation to get more
    tinant and verify AI I reckon that’s the
    answer mate something that is scarce
    that is how we’re going to find it if I
    was an Explorer looking for medals tin
    would be very much on my radar I’ve just
    heard what Brian’s had to say about the
    uh Supply demand Dynamics and with
    verify ai’s new product coming in
    they’re going to help you find it it’s
    going to be that much cheaper that much
    easier it’s a no-brainer right verify AI
    is the vehicle to take your company
    towards being a 10 Explorer developer
    producer it is as easy as that JD get
    onto them get Grant ver give Grant at an email no in that verify
    and they will make the on the it is a
    sophisticated onboarding process
    training everything like they they map
    it out they don’t just hand it to you
    and expect you to use it they map it out
    for you they help you they compile all
    the data and mate they are a freaking
    brilliant business get verified mining
    companies should we chat about copper
    next Maddie oh mate copper geez I’d I’d
    imagine that’s another 2020 or previous
    uh play where you’ve been building the
    position there just a
    hunch yeah I mean we’ve we’ve owned some
    copper for a while um just sort of as a
    as a generalist does you know I think
    we’ve owned Freeport for quite some time
    um more recently over the last call it I
    guess three four years we’ve started
    adding more copper um you know we’re
    really big fans of what the londin are
    doing down in South America I think it’s
    a you know in a if if you have the view
    that we’re going to need a lot more
    copper and there haven’t been a lot of
    discoveries there haven’t been a lot of
    exploration all that sort of stuff you
    know it’s only natural that we would be
    interested in something where it looks
    like it’s one of the bigger discoveries
    of a generation here and the fact that
    they have these people behind it with
    Deep Pockets and this expertise
    operating expertise of you know decades
    multiple generations of the family it
    really is a a good setup that we like in
    the space and given how the the price of
    copper was basically chopping around for
    the last few years we didn’t really want
    to just have Pure Play copper exposure
    we wanted something where there was like
    a value creation lever and you know I
    think you know we own felo that was a
    pretty good example in 2022 where you
    know I think the copper price was down
    10 15% or something in in felo was one
    of our best performing stocks I think it
    nearly doubled that year and so if you
    can have something that’s not just a
    proxy on the on the copper price that’s
    a real good way to to hide out kind of
    in a short-term environment where you
    know no one like I said no one wanted to
    own Commodities you know in 2022 and
    2023 um up until really earlier this
    year I mean I think that’s been the big
    shift on how we’ve been looking at
    Copper is it looks like um some of that
    demand concern that we saw over the last
    two years is starting to shift to supply
    concerns you saw the price recently
    break out I don’t know what it’s at now
    maybe 450 or something the fact that
    it’s broken out of that range that it
    was in for so long I think we’re more
    willing to add companies that have that
    sort of um you know pork to higher
    copper prices um you know obviously you
    still want to have some sort of value
    creation levers that play but you know
    you look some of these copper producers
    and if the price goes from four to five
    I mean their earnings are really going
    to go up um a lot and you know you look
    at some of the estimates of where copper
    has to go to really balance the market
    um you know I think it wouldn’t be out
    of the question to see six bucks a pound
    or higher over the over the next few
    years and if that’s the case and these
    things are in our View kind of
    misvalued um and so we’re happy to
    really own um a bunch of them that we
    think will benefit the most from that
    you speak about talk there a word we are
    very fond of and you know that plays
    into the um the price picking up and
    then there being a flight to to trash as
    you as you sort of put it before
    anecdotally how do you how do you see
    the popularity of of metals and Mining
    and commodity stocks broadly in the in
    the US at the
    moment it’s not popular at all that’s
    one of the reasons we we like it um you
    know we do a lot of work with financial
    and you know they for the most part they
    don’t own any any Commodities um or
    their clients don’t for their clients or
    if they do it’s like they own you know
    maybe some oil and gas ETF right you
    know the big commodity ETFs are very oil
    and gas heavy maybe they own a little
    bit of copper or something you know like
    I said some free Port but for the most
    part you look at like the index
    weightings of um Mining and the S&P I
    mean the materials index is only about 2
    or 3% uh of the S&P and a small fraction
    of that is is actual mining companies
    and so for the most part people don’t
    own it um and I don’t think they feel
    like they have to own it because a lot
    of funds that people own really just
    track the index um and so everybody owns
    a lot of tech and mega cap and you know
    whatever AI stock is hot at the time but
    uh you know I think Commodities is is
    not that popular you’re starting to see
    more interest in it I think that’s
    really um what we like to see is that
    people realize you know they read the
    news they see what’s going on they see
    it an alltime high they see people
    talking about copper some of these other
    things uranium um and say hey that’s a
    really interesting you know what’s the
    idea there and so we do a lot of these
    calls um privately where we talk about
    you know how this setup is just like
    we’ve been talking about some of these
    other things and I think you know
    investors are saying hey this is really
    interesting it kind of used to be the
    thought that oh there aren’t a lot of
    places to get growth in the market or
    earnings grow I think that’s why so many
    people have crowded into some of the
    tech names um but but you know we lay
    out our view on on why we think a lot of
    these mining companies are going to see
    pretty significant earnings growth over
    the coming years you talked about you
    know yeah the the the rising prices and
    how that feeds into earnings especially
    on some of the higher cost guys that
    margin expansion I mean we think these
    are going to be some of the better
    earnings growth stories over the coming
    years and yet they’re valued at some of
    the lowest valuations of any sector we
    see in the market and I think maybe
    there’s a number of reasons for that but
    one of the big reasons is probably
    people didn’t have to own them for a
    while a lot of people don’t like
    cyclicals they don’t like Commodities
    you know it’s hard enough to get the
    company right now try to get the
    commodity price right and so you’ve just
    really seen almost avoidance of the
    sector um and it hasn’t really mattered
    because people could throw a dart at the
    NASDAQ and you make your 20 or 30% a
    year and so who cares right but when
    that starts to slip and I think we saw a
    little bit of that in 2022 when you know
    a lot of the mega cap stuff crashed out
    people you know it’s a little bit of a
    wakeup call maybe not that much because
    the stocks obviously bounced back in
    2023 and everyone just bought the dip
    but you’re starting to see it again I
    think even this year as you know the the
    tech stocks really came out hot out of
    the gate and then you know the last
    several weeks have been giving it back
    and I I think um there’s a big question
    amongst investors over how long you can
    continue to to beat that horse of just
    riding tech stocks um you know through
    thick and thin every year uh there has
    been a lot of appetite for things that
    are differentiated where hey you can
    show this is a very compelling long-term
    return and it’s completely uncorrelated
    from anything that you’re doing um and
    so I think that’s why you know these
    this the style investing that we do has
    really resonated with a lot of investors
    because you know it does have that sort
    of return potential but it’s it’s
    completely different from what other
    people have been using to to get that
    sort of thing how do you look at in
    terms of the equities for copper because
    copper Copper’s one of those Commodities
    that has such a broad scale of capital
    required you’ve got your small copper
    operations you’ve got your massive poery
    operations that require billions of
    capex then you’ve got the I guess you
    got the ones in the middle like your
    sandfire and your Metals acquisition
    that aren’t they’re not a big poery
    they’re more your high bit higher gray
    but they don’t require much Capital how
    do you look at which ones to get the
    most probably torque and most leverage
    to the copper
    price yeah well so for you know the last
    few years um we weren’t we were in
    development projects because I thought
    that was where a lot of the value
    creation was happening I think now that
    the price is actually starting to to
    rise you can shift a little bit more
    towards near-term production current
    producers um you know guys that are
    going to see their their earnings grow
    as as this as a rising copper price
    flows through their income statement um
    you know copper yeah there’s a lot of a
    lot of names I mean I mean especially in
    Australia traded there you know I think
    it’s it’s it’s refreshing for us to be
    able to look at companies that actually
    have cash flow I mean I spent so many
    years looking at uranium companies where
    there was like one or two it was all all
    just analyzing and valuing development
    projects I think tin somewhat similar I
    mean they’re really only a handful of
    producers that you can model out so it’s
    nice to come to something like copper
    and say oh hey there’s you know dozens
    of of producing companies where do you
    want to spend your time like I said I
    mean development stage was was really
    where we um hit out for lack of better
    word um for the last few years now that
    we’re seeing some of these the price
    start to actually move and people focus
    on these Supply concerns yeah we we like
    producers uh guys that can take that
    Rising price and turn it into near-term
    cash flow and then if you have some
    extra levers that you can pull whether
    it’s you know bringing on a new mine or
    something like that where you’re going
    to get some additional um you know
    earnings growth that maybe is not being
    um you know properly valued by the
    market and that’s and that’s all the
    better but really I think where we’ve
    shifted and and what our portfolios are
    probably seeing more of today are are
    some of these producers that are
    actually going to see a um you know
    near-term boost to earnings and we think
    that they’re trading pretty cheaply um
    because I don’t think a lot of people
    are are are expecting that now I will
    say recently you know give it the last
    maybe few months a lot of people have
    been jumping on the copper bandwagon
    you’ve seen a number of the big Banks
    come out with reports talking about you
    know price got to go to five six seven
    bucks higher and so it’s not necessarily
    anything secret um you know I think the
    valuations have started to improve I
    mean a lot of these copper companies are
    up 30 40 50% over the last six months so
    it has been um good timing for us uh I
    think it probably continues that you
    know these things are in a straight line
    you know you may see some pullback from
    from time to time but we’re not really
    trying to estimate um what the daily
    move is or even the monthly move you
    know we’re looking at longer term supply
    and demand thinking where do prices have
    to go over the next few years um and if
    the prices get there what does that
    imply for what these companies can earn
    and how are they value relative to that
    earnings power and we think a lot of
    these things are are very cheap because
    like some of these other Commodities I I
    think Supply is going to have a very
    tough time meeting the demand that’s out
    there which is just going to continue to
    put upward pressure on prices until
    people start to develop more Supply and
    the people that can either bring on that
    Supply at a low cost or are currently
    producing are going to benefit from that
    and so yeah it’s a big part of our our
    portfolio today oh just one more on that
    JD the so the your big por free like
    yeah the ones in the vonia casabel Wy
    GPO all all those sort of ones would you
    class them as the most riskiest ones to
    I know W’s inside Newmont but one in
    terms of risky to invest in just because
    of the the amount of capital required
    and the risk of it being developed or
    not based on getting that capital I yeah
    I think anytime you have an earlier
    stage project there’s there’s more of
    those risks um a lot of times it’s those
    big projects like you mentioned that you
    know maybe it’s worth taking those risks
    because there’s a lot of value there I
    mean I’ll give you an example I think
    our our biggest copper position right
    now I think is filo which is one of
    those giant development projects it’s
    going to be billions of dollars um to
    develop in fact we just had the the CEO
    was in our office last week and and so
    we were asking them all these questions
    you know it’s they have all these just
    incredible drill results that come out I
    mean I think they just put one out
    yesterday um this thing’s huge I mean
    it’s going to be a huge hole in the
    ground that they’re going to develop at
    some point in time you know they haven’t
    put out a resource yet just because they
    continue to find mineralization they
    haven’t really found the edge of this
    thing and so it’s been this kind of back
    and forth I mean you know we were
    telling them hey you know we it’s great
    I mean we love to see all these Real
    Results but I think you’re not really
    getting the bang for the buck that you
    used to when you were putting these
    things out a few years ago I think
    there’s a lot more interest now people
    already agree hey you’ve got a massive
    resource how’s it going to be developed
    who’s it going to develop it what are
    how are all the pieces going to be put
    in place you know they have those other
    related entities that are around them in
    different projects in different stages
    so yeah to partially answer your
    question our biggest position is one of
    those big type of of deposits but lately
    we’ve been adding a lot more of just you
    know current producers because because
    we think that if the price rises from
    here and continues and goes up to five
    bucks or higher you’re going to see more
    uh kind of tangible value creation from
    the guys that can capture that and turn
    it into cash flow whereas you know the a
    rising copper price for some of these
    development projects is more of like a a
    modeling exercise of you know how how
    much should this be worth and you can
    look at you know comps or other resource
    companies of similar stages or you can
    actually kind of you know pencil out a
    mine plan and and think of what they’re
    going to build uh I think that’s one of
    the reasons that um there is a push for
    them to release at least an initial
    resource estimate later this year is
    people want to start doing those numbers
    um and and really highlighting the value
    that’s been created I think it’s a lot
    tougher for people to get their mind
    around when it’s still at the early
    stage especially sort of traditional
    investors which is where you know a lot
    of new capital needs to come from you
    know it’s funny we consider our self
    value almost almost deep value looking
    at this stuff but people look at our
    port P folios um and they’ll say you
    know like what’s your PE Ratio or
    something you know half of our companies
    don’t even have Revenue I mean let alone
    earnings right the earnings are negative
    and so you know we have to do different
    sort of valuation methodologies
    depending on what stage the company’s in
    um that’s a good example of it and when
    you get these things where incremental
    you know additions of resource from the
    drill bit aren’t really moving the
    needle anymore then I think investors
    want to see some you know more on the
    corporate development front they want
    you to put a marker in the ground look
    the trade-off for that company was
    always hey we don’t want to release a
    resource estimate too soon because we’re
    still finding stuff and if we’re going
    to give a number to the market let’s
    give it the biggest number we can find I
    think now though they just have so
    much the additional hits that they’re
    getting you know I mean people are like
    okay we get it you you got a lot of
    resource let’s just kind of put a put a
    box around it so people can start the
    value without having to just really do
    back of the envelope type stuff and so
    you know it’s encouraging to see that
    progressing um you know and we have a
    few other compan that are in that stage
    but I think today if we’re in an
    environment where the price is hey you
    know now we’re going to go from we’re
    going to get that reating or at least a
    start of it to you know call it north of
    $5 do if it keeps going um probably the
    most immediate beneficiaries are going
    to be the producers that are going to
    see that increase in cash flow and then
    the real question is you know how are
    these things being valued based on that
    um you know and can we kind of buy a a
    handful of these things that we think
    will be the biggest uh
    beneficiaries M I’d hate to see a PE
    ratio of my portfolio as well gr be
    pretty pretty gruesome one thing that’s
    not spoken about in terms of copper
    demand is the amount of power that
    Silverstone uh supplies so power needs
    copper wire JD with the growth of
    Silverstone in this power generation and
    Supply industry this is going to be a
    big driver of the copper market and
    imagine you’re building this Funia
    District you’re building this very
    complicated project and you think G I
    just think somebody could take a bit of
    this weight off my shoulders if someone
    could just sort out everything power
    related for me I wish there was someone
    that could do that you’re telling me
    there is there is mate Silverstone mate
    they are power boom power simple as
    simple as act mate if you need to you
    need to Power Mate if you want to power
    the vun you want to power any mind side
    of any scar Silverstein have a solution
    whether it’s a green form old School
    diesel Jenny’s they tick all the boxes
    for power JD get them on site
    Silverstone she’s a One-Stop vertically
    integrated shop for mining mate they’re
    right here in wa they’ve done it with
    some of the biggest miners in the
    country they’ve got their reputation go
    and have a chat with them they will look
    after you Silverstone thanks for driving
    the copper price up to to tie out the
    last commodity I want to speak about is
    gold and I want to come at it from a
    macro type lens to start with you spoke
    about in your quarterly letter about a
    few different ratios you look at you
    know the the Buffett indicator comparing
    the US Stock Market and US GDP another
    sort of metric that’s been kicked around
    a lot is the US debt to the the nation’s
    GDP and tying that in we’ve seen what
    appears to be a lot of Central Bank
    buying in gold in you know for over a
    year now but in particular the last the
    last few months have been quite lofty I
    noticed the the 13fs you referred to
    before that ago and barck I think I saw
    were some of your us Holdings in Gold
    what’s the thesis with gold some people
    come at it from a a real value lens
    others from a you know government debt
    type lens how do you view
    it yeah gold has been a tough one um
    especially on the mining side just
    because uh they’ve struggled on their
    operations you know production has been
    declining for the most part and costs
    have been rising and so you know even
    though the price of gold is hitting
    all-time highs lot of these guys are are
    are seeing lower margins than they did
    you know a few years ago um when gold
    price was much lower and so you know
    I’ve always struggled with gold just
    because uh it’s difficult to handicap
    the demand because so much of it is
    dependent on those things you just
    mentioned you what are central banks
    doing what is investor sentiment you
    know are guys you know gold bugs going
    to the coin store and you know loading
    up on on bullion um that sort of stuff
    is is really hard to to uh ify and so
    I’ve always preferred the Industrial
    Metals where it get you know the demand
    gets consumed and so it not isn’t just
    being moved from kind of one one Vault
    to another I think that’s why in the
    precious metal space we’ve we’ve tended
    a little bit more towards silver I mean
    we talked about Adriatic a little bit um
    in the past which is one of the ones we
    own and you know it’s I guess silver is
    their largest component they also have
    some gold but we like I guess if I’m
    going to be forced to own gold I kind of
    like byproduct gold because I want to
    have the driver being something that I
    can really understand the supply demand
    better but yeah we’ve I mean we’ve owned
    gold miners for for years for better or
    worse um you know I think that uh it
    remains to be seen if they can keep
    their costs under control because you
    don’t get any benefit of a rising price
    if your costs are rising faster than it
    in fact it hurts you and I think that’s
    one of the reasons that you’ve seen the
    stocks do so poorly um yeah you know the
    we own a couple of those big ones in
    kind of our more uh Diversified funds we
    don’t I mean you know the problem with
    the 13fs is you don’t see a lot of our
    intern you don’t see any of our
    International stocks they’re the ones
    that are tradeing Canada or Australia
    because we’re not required to file them
    but that’s actually where we’ve done the
    best um on the gold side are some of the
    more intermediate producers or
    developers that have had kind of that
    that value creation lever that I’ve
    talked about the past like we we own ago
    because we own Kirkland lake and we did
    very well on Kirkland lake and that was
    one where you know they just they had
    the grades and they kept finding stuff
    and it was you know not just a proxy for
    the gold price and an or an imperfect
    proxy at that where you got you know the
    gold price going up and and their
    earnings going down so you know I think
    um we have it in our portfolio there is
    a there is a chance that some of these
    uh gold producers kind of get past their
    operational challenges they can keep
    their cost in control and especially if
    you get an environment where um you know
    the gold price keeps Rising uh at at a
    pretty fast clip like it’s like it’s
    done in the last few months there’s a
    chance that you know that heals all
    wounds there and and the price goes up
    so fast that even their their their
    missteps um you know get overlooked but
    uh you know we’re happy to own a little
    bit for that sort of eventuality but I I
    think where the bulk of our portfolio is
    positioned is on some of these more kind
    of special situation type of commodity
    plays where you have these big Supply
    demand imbalances and you need the price
    to rise in order to fix them and so you
    know that was uranium for us um still is
    but that in a big way the last several
    years and and more recently we’ve
    started adding some of these other ones
    you know I I would argue that both tin
    and copper um the price is too low to
    really bring on um enough new Supply to
    balance those markets and so you’ve
    started to see those prices move in the
    last few months I think we’ll continue
    to see that you know sort of daily
    volatility not withstanding like I said
    we don’t really care about um The Daily
    swings in these things I think we have a
    view that marginal cost is going to
    drive or these prices eventually shake
    out a lot of times you’ll see it
    overshoot that just because um nothing
    really moves in a straight line but if
    we can find something where we think
    that the price has to rise because the
    Market’s out of balance and we can we
    can find ways to express that view that
    are that are kind of cheaply valued on
    an absolute basis that’s a that’s a
    great combination there and it’s been um
    you know I guess we’re not the only ones
    that are interested in that we’ve been
    doing a lot of calls lately just because
    I think there are other people out there
    that um are interested in that sort of
    idea for generating returns uh they
    realize it’s got a long Runway I mean I
    think these these sorts of Supply demand
    imbalances play out over a multi-year
    period And so you know it’s great for us
    to kind of identify them do the work
    build the positions and then really let
    them play out over um over a long time
    frame on on Adriatic there Brian
    obviously a lot A lot has changed since
    you have picked up that position and
    they’re really coming into being a
    producer and they’ve been rewarded for
    that pretty strongly how do you see the
    the balance at the moment have you
    started selling some of your position
    are you still holding on you know we’ve
    just we’ve held a pretty um stable core
    position there for for several years now
    um really I think the question is what
    what prices do you expect them to
    achieve you know this year they’re going
    to ramp up the mind so what we really
    want to see there is how does the
    production Shake out what do the costs
    look like you know is this thing going
    to work are they going to run into
    challenges and so I think the next few
    quarters um it’s really going to be sort
    of a show me story like okay you’ve
    turned it on you know for the longest
    time no one really cared about it it
    kind of languished there uh you know I
    think and people said hey let’s see what
    happens when the mine comes on there
    were a few delays and so whenever you
    get into that sort of situation I think
    people want to see the cash flow hit you
    but you know they put out some guidance
    a few weeks ago and if they can hit that
    you you kind of run them a current price
    deck or whatever price you want to see
    and um it looks like it’s pretty cheap
    given what they’re going to produce all
    these different Commodities uh for for a
    fairly low cost because it’s a a poly
    metallic mine so you know we haven’t
    really dialed it up or down too much
    we’ve just kind of held this core
    position and I think what we’re really
    looking for is how does the ramp up
    progress and um you know what sort of
    prices are they able to achieve here
    because like I said given our view of
    where um a lot of prices of the products
    they produce are going I mean I think it
    it trades it’s a very cheap way to get
    exposure to that um you know and uh yeah
    it’s a I guess the joke there is um you
    know they they’re going to produce a lot
    of silver silver stocks usually get a
    pretty high premium and so you know
    should they change their name to
    Adriatic silver because maybe they’ll
    get a valuation upli you know I think
    the big wild card there is that um you
    know if I maybe draw a parallel to to to
    metal X is metalx already has the cash
    and the question was what are they going
    to do with it are they going to give it
    back you know they did some sort of
    questionable transactions um you know
    buying some other
    equities uh you know they talked about
    wanting to do m&a um that’s tough to
    handicap right you don’t you don’t if
    they go out and do some big splashy
    acquisition you don’t know ahead of time
    how how to really you know if you want
    that or not I think um that’s been the
    case also with Adriatic you know their
    CEO has kind of been on record saying
    they’d like to duplicate this this
    process that they’ve done which is
    identify a mine and and bring it into
    production um and we’ll see what happens
    I mean in that case because you don’t
    know what that Target is going to be um
    you’re really relying more heavily on on
    the management to identify those things
    and hopefully they can find something
    similarly attractive but um you know I
    think for us that’s kind of the big the
    big things that we’re watching there is
    you know how does the Mind ramp up go
    and then once this thing starts
    generating cash uh what do they do with
    it beautiful lovely mate brilliant yarn
    we we could go for another hour but I
    got to go sort the kids out
    Unfortunately today but um and it’s past
    5:00 where you are in the world there in
    LA so we will let you enjoy your evening
    but I appreciate you making the time
    Brian it was great to talk about all
    things Commodities everything we’re
    interested in well well like I said I’m
    I’m a big fan of the show uh thank you
    guys for having me on you know like I
    said we get a lot these invites um don’t
    do a lot of them just because not a lot
    of the stuff we do changes uh very
    frequently but you know maybe once or
    twice a year we’ll come on and you know
    you guys are one of the few people
    talking about tin so I was always
    happy we’re we’re very flattered that
    someone at your level is uh listening to
    us so we really appreciate it mate yeah
    look forward to circling back in in a
    year or half a year’s time on on all
    these Commodities all right sounds good
    thanks guys oh jeez that was a riage j I
    love talking about I like talking
    about that’s the best way to put it
    don’t we all bit of copper bit of tin
    bit of uranium I love it and all these
    you know people in different next of the
    woods different views they’ve got
    different thesis they’re holding
    different stocks it’s fascinating to to
    help round out our thesis and you know
    make us smarter Maddie M but tell you
    what I still don’t know how the you
    find all these people JD you’re all over
    it if it was up to me I’d be just
    talking to you and Trav every day so
    mate top top job but it I just love
    hearing about how early a lot of these
    funds got placed in these like you know
    we’ve only been going for a year but
    these These funds have been looking at
    these thematics in like 2018 and things
    like that and really getting in early
    and going through times and not
    making anything yeah and I really I
    really love these these value oriented
    guys who came in into it when it was a
    contrarian beaten up space you know like
    uranium for example five odd years ago
    these people that like to invest in the
    manga the Buffett sort of style really
    really appeals to me and you know I
    think it makes for a a great chat that
    we can all learn a bit of I like I like
    just investing in making it this year so
    we’ll see how we go right thanks for
    thanks to Brian for coming on thanks to
    all the partners we talked about verify
    and Silverstone during the episode we
    also got get wet Solutions DSi
    underground anytime expiration wa water
    BS Brooks Airways and krill Odo money
    H information contained in this episode
    of money of mine is of General nature
    only and does not take into account the
    objectives financial situation or needs
    of any particular person before making
    any investment decision you should
    consult with your financial advisor and
    consider how appropriate the advice is
    to your objectives financial situation
    and needs

    On the show today we had Brian Laks, co-chief investment officer of Old West, an LA-based investor.

    Brian has gone deep into a number of the markets that we love chatting about, and we had a great time talking about uranium, tin, copper, gold, silver, the metals & mining sector broadly and a whole host of companies and projects that fall into these categories.

    Thank you to our Podcast Partners:

    VRIFY – Communicate in 3D
    Email (no e) for more information

    GetWet Solutions – Innovative bladder tanks for mobile water storage


    DSI Underground – Supplier of Ground Support Products to the Mining and Tunnelling industries

    Silverstone – Energy solutions for your business


    K-Drill – Safe, reliable, and productive surface RC drilling

    Brooks Airways – Perth’s leading charter flight operators

    WA Water Bores – WA’s premier water well drilling company

    Anytime Exploration Services – Exploration workers, equipment, core cutting/storage plus much more



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    0:00:00 Brian Laks on Money of Mine
    0:01:03 The uranium investment to-date
    0:06:39 The gateway drug to uranium
    0:12:08 Trading SPUT
    0:16:14 Big Uranium contracts to look out for
    0:19:26 Discovering tin
    0:30:33 Is there another Myanmar in tin
    0:34:53 Alphamin vs Metals X?
    0:38:38 Copper torque
    0:45:14 Choosing between producers, developers & explorers
    0:48:59 Investing in big porphyry copper projects
    0:54:47 Why is gold running?
    1:00:20 Is Adriatic fully valued yet



    All information in this podcast is for education and entertainment purposes only and is of general nature only.

    The hosts of Money of Mine (MoM) are not financial professionals. MoM and our Contributors are not aware of your personal financial circumstances. Before making any investment decision, you should consult a licensed financial, legal or tax professional.
    MoM doesn’t operate under an Australian financial services licence and relies on the exemption available under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) in respect of any information or advice given. MoM strive to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this podcast but we don’t make any representation or warranty that it’s accurate or up to date. Any views expressed by the hosts of MoM are their opinion only and may contain forward looking statements that may not eventuate.

    MoM will not accept any liability whatsoever for any direct or indirect loss arising from any use of information in this podcast.


    1. Love ya thoughts on the direction OBM is going with latest quarterly and lithium and EV vs Hydrogen Cell vehicles and companies like PH2 developing hydrogen cell vehicles

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