MUST WATCH LIVE Cardano Price AMA and Crypto News

    and it looks like we are live welcome
    ladies and gentlemen I am the crypto
    Crow it’s about 2 pm Eastern Standard
    Time and I figure I’m going to go live
    today and I’m going to uh talk about uh
    what’s going on in the market some
    things that I really want you to
    consider I think this is a video uh that
    I I think everybody should watch um
    because I think that there’s a lot to be
    said the problem is is I have a
    throbbing headache and it’s likely
    because I’ve been painting
    you it’s hard it’s hard for you to
    see but this is a a thing that I’m
    working on the arms aren’t on yet uh
    it’s something I’ve been 3D printing and
    uh painting just because I haven’t
    painted in I don’t know feels like a
    year so uh what’s up Jason Owen welcome
    Alex I see you bu um so yeah and I think
    that the airbrush stuff has me kind of
    like woo I’m like I need to crack a
    window uh so anyway I thought I would
    just go live and just talk talk openly
    about a lot of what’s going on on uh
    there’s some there’s some big stuff
    happening so uh first thing I want to
    address is time for love um they just
    had uh the First dress rehearsal or yeah
    rehearsal let’s see if this will this is
    like a little video that uh that I was
    working on for my wife and her Instagram
    basically showing behind the scenes of
    kind of like the production and the
    rehearsals and who’s in it and um just a
    quick little thing for Instagram uh time
    time for love ton of coming
    May 31st it’s a really really big deal
    uh also I had talked to kha briefly
    about yesterday’s video and I and I said
    hey you know um let me know if your
    accounts started to to blow up at all
    and she said oh my God it’s been going
    off all day so uh thank you guys I don’t
    know exactly what um what the total is
    yet uh I’m waiting for her to respond um
    but uh she said that her her like
    Snapchat and venmo and everything was
    just going crazy it was clinging all day
    so I really really do appreciate it um
    you know I don’t I don’t generally ask
    for anything from you guys uh but every
    once in a while I might ask for for some
    help for someone else and um yeah she
    just she really needs it so and I’m
    actually in the process of getting her
    set up on a cardono wallet um because
    well for one everybody needs one and two
    uh that’ll help me because everything I
    is cardano right I mean let’s be real
    about it um so yeah I’m going to I’m
    going to kick her something I’m going to
    get her started in blockchain and crypto
    and all of that and then
    maybe at some point um you know maybe at
    some point we’ll have her on uh as a
    guest and maybe talk about um not only
    just her life and like her struggle and
    what’s been going on uh with
    legionnaires and um but also like her
    career as a dancer and and how that is
    translated into what she’s doing for
    time for love
    um a lot of lot of Talent on this cast
    man um a lot of talent uh Horatio
    Goldfinch W Winston these are the two
    primary actors for the story The Wealthy
    inventor and his assistant and the story
    is is that um and I’m just I’m gonna I’m
    going over this a bit while I’m letting
    some of like the people come into chat
    and so forth um get their notifications
    I figure this is easier than just like
    um you know sitting here with like a a
    tick tick down or a a clock down maybe
    stuff you’re not as into but it’s better
    maybe than watching like a really long
    intro for uh the live so anyway um but
    um and so Horatio invents this time
    machine and then his and he’s never been
    in love he’s been working his whole life
    and Winston his loyal faithful uh
    assistant basically steal takes the time
    machine out and he goes to all of these
    different times and eras and he tries to
    find the most interesting or inspiring
    women of the world and he brings them
    all back to ultimately perform for
    Horatio and hopes that he’s able to find
    his true love and they’re all different
    um styles and and and so they all
    perform um like
    calop uh she is a she’s a she’s a
    incredible dancer but she’s she does
    posa dobl uh in the play
    Isabella um and if you want to know more
    just go to um time for love and you can
    click on each of these and it’ll tell
    you more about who they are folks photos
    of them um you know all that kind of
    stuff um and um I apparently I have her
    last name wrong it’s roas not Rosa so I
    need to go through and change all that
    soon um my apologies uh but uh Isabella
    she’s a jazz vocalist she’s actually
    sung for presidents uh in the past
    obviously my wife Kristen um
    salsa I think it’s West Coast Swing uh
    she does Latin Ballroom you have Lana
    who Lana is so if you see if you see
    these images to the right these are
    actual images that I created using
    AI to to reflect the kind of like what
    we want for the characters okay and we
    found all of these people uh that
    basically not only perform what my wife
    was looking for but they fit the
    descriptions of the AI characters I
    created when we first first started
    working on this story it’s absolutely
    amazing and Lana is like I I will say
    Lana she’s a drag queen and she’s
    phenomenal and she’s she’s not as big as
    I to I when I thought of Lana and my
    wife were thinking of Lana we’re
    thinking of like a really heavy set
    woman um who’s just like witty sharp
    funny kind of tough love kind of
    personality but uh Nick who’s who’s
    playing Lana is
    like not as big but dead on what we were
    looking for and what’s funny is Nick’s
    show uh persona’s name is
    Lana I [ __ ] you not like I don’t know it
    might not be as big a deal to some of
    you but um the way so much of this is
    lined up you have astred um which is
    Christie christe is an amazing
    aerialist um Fatima she’s basically Al
    like kind of an acrobatic uh Latin
    dancer uh and then kashina is Francesca
    and Francesca is kind of this like BDSM
    kind of dark mysterious kind of you know
    but she’s the pole dancer and she is
    absolutely phenomenal I mean like this
    is definitely an 18 up 18 and up show um
    but tickets are on sale if you’re in the
    Tampa area you’re gonna want to watch
    this you’re gonna come you’re gonna want
    to check this out um a lot of the
    marketing around Tampa is going to kick
    off two weeks before I’m nervous I’m
    scared this is not cheap this is like a
    this is really just kind of helping my
    wife um kind of bring a a lifelong dream
    to to fruition and um you know it’s a
    big big big deal for us but anyway it’s
    a time for love I can’t wait to see what
    people have to say about this once
    they’ve seen it um I’m gonna have we
    need to have somebody like at the exit
    like what did you think about this kind
    of doing one of those things um so
    anyway yeah also just a quick notice um
    love you too Jacob uh Jacob
    walosi uh appreciate that man love from
    Carolina um murder of crows for those of
    you that don’t know uh this is about to
    end so I think we have seven or eight
    days left of minting and the policy
    concludes and I think honestly there’s
    like only about half of them have sold
    through since we launched this thing I
    mean you guys know me I’m not great at
    like pumping stuff and and like just
    drilling it into people’s faces all the
    time it’s so annoying when I see
    YouTubers do it so I try not to um but
    yeah this is the LA this is gonna be
    like the last seven days and murder of
    crows comes to an end if you don’t have
    one within the next week you’re you’re
    not going to have one unless you’re
    picking it up on the secondary market
    and and right now I mean you can mint up
    to 10 at a time uh and this is all
    through NM kr.
    IO and um you know it’s you know I see
    people posting them everywhere I see
    them in the chat people are using them
    as their avatars and I love it because
    it’s kind of like I know who’s with me
    like I know who’s really a part of like
    my journey my legacy and everything that
    I’ve been doing and um you know this has
    just been it’s been like a really really
    great time and and I’m like honestly
    kind of sad that it’s going to be over
    um it’s not going to be over in the
    sense of like how we use them and what
    we put these things to use for in the
    future I feel like that’s going to be an
    ongoing thing for as long as I’m in
    crypto and as long as I’m in YouTube um
    but my murder of crows these are my
    babies man like these are like I almost
    look at it like a Cabbage Patch where
    you like adopt one um so anyway it’s a
    big deal but yeah you got one week to
    Mint some and then that’s it and then
    you’re basically going to be forced to
    buy them on the secondary market for
    whatever the values are at the time so
    uh keep that in mind that’s murder of
    crows. you’re going to want to check
    that out if you’re at all interested and
    if you’re not you’re not it’s all good
    uh one final
    update this ladies and gentlemen’s is
    warram and this is a um this is still an
    alpha this is still like you know being
    developed and everything but we’re
    really getting along and I’m going to
    play this little video it’s one and a
    half minutes it’s basically going to
    show you what Warg Grim’s play is going
    to look like um some of the red outlines
    are for spacing and things for the time
    being but those aren’t going to be in
    the final version but let’s go ahead and
    watch this if you don’t mind and you
    guys are going to get a good look at
    what’s going on with warram this is a
    real thing this is happening this is
    going to be badass keep in mind though
    there’s no real animations yet and we
    don’t have audio yet but that we’re it’s
    all being lined up it’ll be in in the
    next next phase right now it’s all about
    play mechanics um card mechanics all of
    that stuff but you’re going to check it
    out you’re going to
    see um so basically just to explain some
    of the mechanics like you’re you’re
    going to be able to expand on the images
    for the cards because some of them are
    hard to read if you can’t so you’re
    gonna be able to blow the cards up and
    basically you’re going to start your
    your hand with like seven cards and then
    every turn you’re going to be able to
    lay one of those cards face down to
    become a resource so that you don’t get
    quote unquote like Mana locked uh which
    I absolutely despise in games like magic
    the Gathering um and you know every turn
    you can continue adding like your most
    useless card for the the the time you’re
    in the game and um you can just throw it
    down as a resource and so by like turn
    two you’ll have two Reeses turn
    resources turn three you’ll have three
    so forth and so on and then the cost of
    the cards you play are GNA are up in the
    upper left corner and it basically tells
    you you need this many resources to play
    this card and then once you play it the
    effects um like you’ll see like the text
    effects in the Bas uh down below that
    can go into effect or maybe you’re
    targeting an ally for a bonus or benefit
    or whatever or you’re just attacking um
    the the the commander on the other side
    and basically the commander is it when
    the Commander’s dead the game’s over and
    um so I mean it’s G to play very similar
    to other uh tcgs out there in terms of
    the base mechanics of the game uh but
    it’s it’s there’s going to be a lot more
    to it and so yeah that’s War Grim for
    those of you guys and gals that are
    interested I really expect to see warram
    blow up I think this is going to be a
    really big deal because I’ve seen other
    trading card games on blockchain so far
    they really haven’t blown my skirt back
    if I’m honest and I really think that
    this is going to be it I think this is
    going to be a really big deal and of
    course it’s going to be built on cardono
    um and it’s going to be playable on just
    about everything from your phone to your
    iPad to your desktop to your like I
    don’t know whatever so this is this is
    my baby right here folks um and uh it’s
    funny because my lead developer’s been
    renting my renting my house so I’m like
    you know I’m bringing my developers
    close uh he’s he’s in driving distance
    and but I I’m kidding but yeah he’s he’s
    doing a great job in in leading the team
    and getting everything done and sending
    me regular updates on what’s Happening
    and he takes my input uh the new website
    is being finalized right now hopefully
    that’ll be up very
    soon uh will each card be an nft yes
    they will and on top of that there are
    going to be ways of so you you can see
    these cards right um you’re going to
    have your basic mint cards but then
    you’re also going to have ways that you
    can either purchase or buy animated
    versions of those cards and um and then
    maybe some other things like we want to
    set it up so that you know there’ll be
    things that you can place on the
    battlefield where maybe you have one uh
    one particular item or totem or benefit
    or something and you’ll you you won’t
    get those in boosters but maybe you’ll
    be able to buy those with Crow tokens
    okay and those are things that when you
    play them at the beginning of the game
    they will affect either the entire board
    um or or well generally they’ll affect
    the entire the entire board um because
    they have to maintain balance But
    ultimately they’re going to be things
    that you’re going to see on on the table
    like in the battlefield and you’re going
    to probably be able to buy those with
    Crow tokens and and I think that’s going
    to be the primary use case for Crow
    tokens in warram are like um you know
    it’s almost kind of like um if you’ve
    ever play gwent uh The Witcher 3 game
    that’s kind of like what this is going
    to be like there are so many different
    elements of different games that we’re
    kind of bringing into this with with
    some other things that have never before
    been seen in a card game um that that
    I’ve touched on in the past but I don’t
    want to get too deep into it but um but
    yeah like Crow tokens are going to have
    value and they’re going to be usable for
    things like this especially in really
    highly competitive games because there
    are some elements like you know I play
    war machine which is a tabletop
    game and I really like how that works
    and and like your your commander card
    will have like a one use flip um kind of
    like war machine has with your War
    casters you know like once per game you
    can basically do something big that will
    like really affect a lot of things and
    it’s very strategic I think everybody’s
    going to love this game if you’re into
    tcgs you’re gonna absolutely love warram
    like no [ __ ] it’s going to be really
    good uh welcome adamar I don’t think
    I’ve seen you in chat for a while um so
    yeah so there you go that’s warram check
    that out and let’s dive into some what’s
    going on uh in the crypto space okay
    because uh the cardano’s Dollar
    Dream is a price explosion coming or
    just Deja Vu okay here we are again now
    I don’t even need to really read this
    article it’s the headline itself tells
    the story okay and and there’s something
    that I want to so in the last Market
    cycle before the 2021 Peak it wasn’t
    that long maybe a year before the peak
    something like that maybe nine months
    where cardono was only two freaking
    cents all
    right and I’ve and I’ve told people this
    multiple times I had people messaging me
    all the time oh if cardono just gets to
    a dollar if it just gets to a dollar I’m
    going to be so rich I bought I watched
    your video last night I just bought a
    whole bunch of cardono blah blah blah
    blah blah I and I tell the story of the
    guy who like literally he texted me and
    he called me and he was like bro if
    cardano just gets to a dollar me and
    three buddies are buying an island and
    you’re GNA come party with us well I
    never heard from them again I never
    heard from him again my guess is they’re
    on their Island um and either that
    Island got hit with a hurricane and they
    got swept to sea or what because I’ve
    never heard a word from them because not
    only did cardono hit a dollar it hit3
    so the and the point of this is is that
    I see all these narratives all over the
    place now granted I understand what it’s
    like being a YouTuber and trying to
    trying to figure out what do I talk
    about today how do I keep myself
    relevant how do I keep the machine turn
    in and things moving right and um
    sometimes I just don’t do a video and
    then YouTube says H slacker we don’t
    really care about you if you’re not
    going to commit and you’re not going to
    be on your every single day of your life
    um then the algorithm is going to slip
    that’s one of the reasons why I’m not as
    big on YouTube is because I just do what
    I want and if there’s something to talk
    about I talk about it and oftentimes I
    find inspiration from other YouTubers
    like yesterday’s video and me talking
    about Benjamin Cowen and his stance on
    card and Bitcoin and the markets and uh
    quantitative easing and tightening and
    all how that can affect everything so
    sometimes I and I like this morning I
    watched um Ben I watched uh bitboy uh I
    know he’s over that name but um you know
    I I watched his video for a solid hour
    or so uh while I was painting and just
    trying to find things that talk about
    things that are interesting what’s my
    perspective on something which is what I
    know a lot of you guys tune in for um
    and I’m very grateful for that you guys
    know I just I call it as I see it I’m
    always right sometimes and that’s just
    kind of how the cookie crumbles with me
    but this whole like will cardono reach a
    dollar narrative folks cardono is at
    like 50 cents I mean or or or what is it
    right now I haven’t even looked because
    I just don’t care because I’m not
    worried about it um okay it’s down to 47
    Cent so it broke under 50 um but you
    know I told all my friends you know it
    it was up to it was like 52 cents or 53
    cents or whatever it was and I was
    looking at the charts and I’m like you
    know what don’t freak out but there’s
    probably going to be another pullback I
    don’t think we’re done yet uh and that
    was a few days ago and now it’s under 50
    cents again maybe it goes down to 45 or
    40 who knows I don’t
    know but I’m not worried because around
    this time last cycle it was around two
    freaking pennies and it went to
    $314 and it wasn’t even a completed
    blockchain and then I’m and there’s
    another article that I’m going to point
    out here in a minute that kind of talks
    about salana and and and you know
    cardono and comparison and their tvl
    right and and all this [ __ ] and it’s
    like it’s all [ __ ] the narratives
    about some of these tokens are such
    [ __ ] I’m going to show you exactly
    what I’m talking about but the idea that
    you know cardano reaching another dollar
    and this reaching a dollar in this bull
    cycle when it’s it’s currently sitting
    at around 50 cents um as it’s being
    accumulated and things are happening uh
    while it’s a complete you know 95 90%
    completed blockchain with all the bells
    and whistles everything else the only
    thing that’s finalized right now is the
    the basically the built-in Democratic
    transparent system that we all know and
    love that some that other blockchains
    are starting to try and fud on that as
    well basically trying to say well
    cardano users are stupid and if they’re
    in control of like what happens on the
    blockchain it’s going to drag everything
    straight to [ __ ] and it’s like you know
    a lot of people are just saying that
    it’s kind of like you know you hate me
    because you can’t be me and that’s how I
    read a lot of this stuff um there are
    going to be protective measures in place
    to make sure that big whales are not
    able to just basically uh chunk the
    token and basically chunk the entire
    project okay that that’s not the nature
    of how this stuff works it’s I think
    it’s all going to be relevant to the
    constitution of cardono which is going
    to be built into the system and that
    Constitution is not going to be like
    today where we see everybody politically
    [ __ ] all over it ignoring it
    breaking it just what doing whatever
    they want to do it’s like pandemonium
    today you’re not going to be able to do
    that stuff on card
    so it is what it is but I just wanted to
    basically point that out that like you
    know I have absolutely no concerns
    whatsoever the cardano is going to meet
    a dollar at the peak of the cycle I
    still believe in an A8 Dollar Plus Ada
    by the peak of the cycle um on on I mean
    know it’s just stuff like this is just
    it’s stuff to basically say here’s
    something that you should read because
    it’s something that’s set every cycle
    I’m not worried about it okay uh another
    quick note I will be at rare
    Evo um in Vegas August 15th and 17th
    this is my my wife’s uh birthday month
    so you can guarantee we’re going to
    we’re gonna have some fun on Vegas I
    don’t know what that means because we’re
    old but well I’m old um she’s like 40
    going on 25 but uh I I you know we’re
    gonna have a lot of fun we’re gonna have
    a Warg Grim Booth uh we’re gonna have
    you know we’re going to display murder
    of crows uh warram probably Crow Trader
    my bot which is about to get another big
    update uh my Dev is getting ready to
    launch the live 247 bot so that people
    can tune into it anytime they want uh
    and see what the bot’s doing how it’s
    performing and all of that so that’ll be
    really interesting but ultimately
    Caesar’s Palace in Vegas I’ll be meeting
    Charles hoskinson for the first time I
    think he’s probably going to [ __ ] a
    brick when I walk up to him and he sees
    exactly how big I actually am in real
    life because it doesn’t matter how many
    of you uh have watched me for years the
    first time you meet me I think every one
    of you [ __ ] yourselves and I think it’s
    kind of funny um because all you see is
    basically my head and shoulders on
    YouTube right then when when you have
    this seven foot monstrosity walking up
    to you it’s funny because you know even
    in my fight uh at karate combat with
    moon daddy Moon Daddy was like 6’4 65
    230 something like that he’s a big dude
    I mean he’s not a small dude but
    compared to me I really did make him
    kind of look childish and it was kind of
    funny watching that fight back
    um but anyway yeah cardano price
    prediction is it over for
    Ada this is so funny I mean the stuff
    that people are pumping out right now
    cardano price prediction is adaa drops
    out of the global top 10 crypto rankings
    is it over for Ada um these are the
    typical clickbait you know freak out for
    two seconds and pay attention to my
    articles folks cardano has bounced up
    and down in and out of the top 10 of the
    crypto market cap since 2017 probably 25
    times um maybe maybe maybe 10 10 to 20
    times something like that it’s happened
    over and over and
    over but the the thing you also have to
    consider take out the stable
    tokens take out the stable Co tokens and
    see where cardano ends up I think it
    ends up at like seven or eight or
    something so
    you know the price action of today is
    just not a concern for me really hasn’t
    been in quite a while uh but I’m just
    pointing out like what some of these
    article headlines are when I’m scrolling
    through and I see the news I’m like oh
    my God here we go again what is this
    like the third time you know in the past
    year it’s like come on
    folks hadera’s age bar jumps 96% on
    misunderstood block Black Rock
    update uh interesting when the community
    became aware of the situ situation
    chrisal Connor the founder of the
    cardano ghost fund Dow criticized the
    hadera foundation for what he perceived
    as misleading the public and I saw Ben
    cover this a bit this morning hadera’s
    native token H bar experienced a nearly
    100% surge in the past 24 hours the
    rally was triggered by news that black
    rock a prominent Global prominent it’s
    like the like the biggest one out there
    uh prominent Global asset management
    company based in the United States was
    bringing its IC US Treasury Market fund
    on chain to be tokenized on the hyera
    network I that’s what I
    read in response to this news H bar
    price rocketed from 8 cents to 17 cents
    almost 18 cents on April 23rd accompan
    by accompanied by a trading volume of
    1.48 billion do according to coin market
    cap however the digital asset has since
    retraced to
    1396 I think that’s wrong retraced to
    about 14 cents at the time of writing
    with a market cap of 4.99 billion which
    is still significant let’s be real about
    it it’s still significant um I guess I
    should blow this up a little bit more so
    you can follow along a little
    easier uh the confusion stemmed from
    opposed by the hadera foundation the
    nonprofit organization overseeing the
    network on Tuesday on x the post
    announced that blockchain trading
    infrastructure companies ARX and onera
    had tokenized black Rock’s IC US
    Treasury fund on the hadera network the
    post was accompanied by a video
    suggesting a partnership between onera
    ARX and black rock with harar claiming
    to bring Black Rock on
    chain however the news was
    misinterpreted by many and even shared
    by crypto influencers leading to the
    belief that black rock was directly
    responsible for tokenizing the MMF or
    had partnered with ARX and onera the
    video received over 2.1 million views
    and thousands of reposts contributing to
    the surge in h Bar’s price by 96% on
    Wednesday when the crypto Community
    became aware of the situation they
    hadera was criticized he also made it
    clear that the world’s largest asset
    manager had no hand in the MMF
    tokenization clarifying that what
    happened was a Project based on the
    hadera blockchain through the secondary
    market tokenized shares of a black rock
    fund I mean that’s still cool what did
    happen was harar was an harar project
    through the secondary market tokenized
    shares of the fund much like I can buy a
    Rolex take a pick and post it on my X
    account doesn’t mean Rolex partnered
    with me said ok Conor on X he further
    expressed his frustration with what he
    described as misleading marketing
    tactics to artificially inflate the
    value of har bar why don’t we ever see
    this kind of stuff against salana that’s
    what I’m curious
    about I mean we do but we don’t right
    wink wink these kinds of misleading
    marketing pump my token pieces are gross
    lol H bar pump 35% based on a
    non-event guess who gets wrecked in the
    few days as insiders take profit don’t
    be a sucker so here’s the
    thing was this misleading yeah I mean
    obviously it was uh was it at the beest
    of of hidea foundation I don’t know um
    you know likely it seems to be that way
    but I will also say
    that crypto is such a doggy dog world
    and we see so much garbage rise to the
    top because of [ __ ] marketing and
    nobody bats an eye it’s almost like if
    you expect a company to be [ __ ] as long
    as it makes the price go up nobody seems
    to care I mean let’s be real about it
    you know we’re we’re at a we’re at a
    place now where it’s almost like
    everybody um you know I I actually kind
    of compare it to like some of the
    political parties out there where they
    ignore all of the terrible [ __ ] so many
    people in the party do um as long as
    they’re pushing narratives and agendas
    that the individuals agree with it’s
    like I really love yellow pencils and as
    long as you support my love for yellow
    pencils I don’t care what you’re doing I
    don’t care if you’re causing car wrecks
    on the road I don’t care if you’re
    firebombing buildings I don’t care what
    you’re doing as long as you support my
    love for pencils that’s all I really
    give a [ __ ] about and I feel like that
    that kind of thing is what gets people
    into trouble I mean you know because
    eventually you know every as everything
    changes you know that yellow pencil is
    either just going to go away uh or that
    that yellow pencil is going to create
    like a lot of harm to me as an
    individual and and but I’m still GNA
    have my yellow pencil but it just might
    be made out of like toxic materials or
    or whatever and it’s all because I
    overlooked the really important things
    because of my just I just love yellow
    pencils I don’t give a [ __ ] about
    anything else and I and I see a lot of
    that kind of stuff playing out in crypto
    is this right no it’s not right
    especially if it was intentional but at
    the same time it’s kind of it’s kind of
    like fighting fire with fire to some
    so 25 billion Ada in 24
    hours 25 billion cardono Ada in 24 hours
    what’s happening now this article isn’t
    that clear uh but basically it’s talking
    about how 25 billion cardano tokens or
    adaa tokens have been moving right and
    that it’s it’s almost kind of like a
    record high and like what’s happening
    and it doesn’t say what they’re moving
    or where they’re moving to and from it
    just says they’re moving and I think the
    ultimate idea is is that people are
    preparing like I think people are
    preparing I think people have been
    accumulating and I think they’re moving
    them my guess is they’re moving a lot of
    these tokens off of exchanges into
    wallets and and and staking them um you
    know because that’s another side to like
    price action that a lot of people don’t
    account for you know if your Ada tokens
    are being held um technically that’s
    like tvl even though it’s not included
    in any tvl equations in the market um
    because it doesn’t it doesn’t really
    help the narratives of a lot of the
    competing blockchains out there you know
    when you’re staking your cardono it’s
    not locked you can use it it’s just that
    what you earn and yield the following
    Epoch isn’t going to be as high because
    you’re going to have less Ada in your
    wallet that’s being
    staked and so because you could still
    freely use it the benefit of it being
    delegated to a node like the crow node
    Crow big selfless Shameless plug there
    um you know and we’re working on I I’ve
    got my Dev working on Hydra and
    everything I want my node to do
    everything it can possibly do in the
    cardano ecosystem so just know that
    moving forward like if there’s a chance
    that we’re all going to be able to
    delegate to the node and everybody kind
    of get little little fragments of other
    um cross chain transactions and side
    chain things believe me cron no’s going
    to be I want it to be one of the first
    to do it um but don’t oversaturate my
    node please because I’m probably not
    going to launch an over spill node this
    time uh
    um yeah I mean in general I just think
    people are accumulating Ada and and
    these narratives about um tvl and all
    that it’s all so misleading and it’s all
    such garbage now there was an artic
    article that I had is it this
    um staggering a uh delving into the
    onchain we see a notable spike in the
    number of large transactions which often
    signify substantial wallet movements by
    whales or institutional players such
    movements can suggest preparation for
    Market developments bullish or bearish
    furthermore the large transaction volume
    peaking at
    27.6 s billion Ada recently reinforced
    is the intensity of this activity yeah
    man because people are gearing up and
    you know I think that everybody’s
    starting to realize to that this
    downtrend that we’re in you know it
    could last a month or two we’ve seen you
    know post having price momentum
    basically be stagnant for like two
    months after a having but what we didn’t
    have are the institutions in play
    then and so you know it is what it is
    but um you know I see a lot of metrics
    comparing I guess it’s not that article
    I’m not sure which one it was um I see a
    lot of metrics
    comparing um the total value locked of
    of salana right and and I talk about
    salana a
    lot because the press and crypto media
    talks about salana a lot
    um yeah here uh onchain metrics
    demonstrate how cardano is failing to
    attract a real base of crypto users
    which is total [ __ ] the blockchain
    has just $416 million in total value
    locked as per defi llama now I’m going
    to open that up because I want to take a
    look at it that compares to well over 10
    billion dollars locked on the salana
    blockchain all right now here’s another
    thing that I I I want to talk about all
    right uh because we get we see these
    narratives in the media and typically
    when it comes to salana I’ve noticed
    that a lot of these articles are super
    misleading and total [ __ ] um so I’m
    going to look at at this I haven’t
    looked at this stuff in a
    while well it’s 5.8 billion not 10
    billion um so that right off the bat I
    guess that’s just due to Solana’s recent
    crash and and um the price getting hurt
    when was this
    written um so cardano’s only so 382.48
    million not 400 million but at least
    it’s not half uh so obviously that’s a
    pretty dramatic difference right there
    uh I mean and here’s the thing with
    salana salana is actually locked but
    here’s the side to this that people
    don’t talk about this is all based on
    value and you know what as a matter of
    fact this is perfect to what I was going
    to uh explain in this if if the majority
    of salana
    tokens are owned and maned aged by its
    Founders and venture capitalist
    groups and maybe 20 30% of it is
    available on the market okay think about
    the numbers of this let’s get real real
    and this is basically the whole point of
    what I wanted to address in this video
    which is why I
    said you know watch this
    video is because if you compare cardano
    salana cardano is in the hands of the
    many right you you don’t have you know
    50 60 70% of the total tokenization of
    the project in the hands of very few
    people like six seven people maybe a
    couple VC companies or whatever they can
    easily lock that up okay right off the
    bat they just they can lock it do
    whatever they want with it and then they
    can take the remaining tokens that are
    out there and I don’t have all the the
    the the pure tokenomics if you got one
    of you guys wants to show me um bu me
    show me uh maybe I’ll dive into this and
    do a specific video on it
    later but let’s say that there’s let’s
    say there’s a 100 tokens okay total and
    80 of them are locked away and then 20
    of them are left on the open market for
    people to trade and then I put you know
    I don’t know however much money I want
    to uh every week week after week pumping
    the the 20 tokens that are available on
    the market and the price goes up what
    does that do well that magnifies the
    total value locked so if 80% of those
    tokens let’s say they were worth a
    dollar I’ve got $80 worth of tokens
    locked up I’ve got 20% of those tokens
    on the free market then I’m boosting the
    value of those 20 tokens because of a
    bunch of false narratives and paid for
    advertising all over crypto media
    because let’s face it we’re all [ __ ]
    okay um then that that that $1 token now
    becomes $2 so you’ve got 20 20% of the
    tokens creating the market
    capitalization value of all 100 80% of
    them are locked up and it’s easier and
    easier to control the price and where
    the price goes based off of media
    narratives and paid advertising okay
    it’s really just that simple that is in
    the nutshell the way I look at all of
    Salona salon’s tokenomics which is
    probably also why the price that dropped
    so dramatically compared to what the
    article was
    explaining 10 billion dollars locked on
    the salana blockchain and this article
    is from it’s a three minute read that
    came out yesterday so for whatever
    reason the the details that this
    gentleman had on Solana’s blockchain was
    basically it’s dropped $4 billion dollar
    in 24 hours and um yeah where’s the
    narrative about that where is anybody
    mentioning that that because it’s so
    easy for number to go up the problem is
    is that when people start dumping they
    can easily they can rinse and repeat
    what what they have let’s say 80% of the
    tokens are controlling I don’t even know
    what it is now right now I remember back
    when salana was on into the block where
    you could get really deep into Solana’s
    onchain metrics and all of that data
    which for whatever reason is no longer
    available um which I pointed out in a
    video quite a while back I found that
    kind of sus but
    whatever I mean every time I every time
    I look at salana there’s something else
    about it that just like you know I’m
    like what the hell man like and it still
    doesn’t make any sense and I’ll see some
    comments in the in the in the comments
    like but number go up yeah number goes
    up number goes up until they decide you
    know the people that control the
    majority of those tokens that it’s time
    and when they decide it’s time you
    figure4 billion dollar drop in 24 hours
    what are you going to do when you’re out
    to the beach or what are you going to do
    if um you know the the the network shuts
    down again for a week and you know maybe
    the other people are holding the
    majority of those tokens and this could
    be reaching to some extent but they
    decide to dump those tokens okay um I’m
    telling you a lot of people are I I I I
    feel wholeheartedly a lot of people are
    going to get wrecked with salana and
    salana is not the only one there are
    other projects out there doing the same
    kinds of [ __ ] I just don’t think they’re
    as big as salana because they didn’t
    have as big a push and they weren’t like
    the second biggest holding at FTX and
    you know I just look at all of the Shady
    uh stuff
    and whether it’s by designer just the
    way that things have come about I I just
    I have a real real real hard thing about
    salana and I just feel like you know if
    there wasn’t so much BS put out about
    salana and it was able to just rise on
    its own Merit like cardano does instead
    of like constantly coming for cardano
    constantly aiming at it you know pushing
    [ __ ] like this I don’t know if this
    article is paid for I don’t know if Joe
    Frank um I don’t know who he is I don’t
    know if this is a paid advertisement in
    any way it doesn’t say it is but the
    thing of it is is that a a lot of times
    you’ll see articles you’ll see content
    written in favor of a particular
    blockchain maybe it’s not paid but the
    individual could simply hold a lot of
    that uh right or you know like I hold a
    lot of cardano so I defend cardano and I
    and I talk about a lot of its
    competitors it’s no different I mean
    really it’s no different the only
    difference is is that I call [ __ ] as I
    see it I don’t make up a bunch of bogus
    [ __ ] to try and pump cardano because
    I don’t have to and that’s that’s really
    the key difference I’m a big proponent
    of cardano not because
    um um okay so there there’s the
    disclaimer it’s not saying anything
    about it being paid so you know I don’t
    know there’s so many different elements
    to this all I can really say is be
    careful what you read uh and and be
    careful where you put your money because
    you just never know a lot of it is is
    [ __ ] um you know looking at Bitcoin
    on Fair desk uh there’s still my trade
    sponsor as you can see I’m in a negative
    4,286 trade right now um you know my
    liquidation price is like
    47,800 I’ve been in this trade for weeks
    now I just I’m not going to get out of
    it um it’s either going to liquidate me
    or it’s
    not but I believe that we’re going to go
    up before we go down to 47,000 but I
    could be wrong man crazier [ __ ] happens
    in Bitcoin wouldn’t surprise me one bit
    but you know we’re we’re currently
    um uh we’re currently bouncing off of
    the 200 moving average sometimes I
    forget what’s what especially if I
    haven’t looked at it in a while we’ve
    broke down through and this is an hour
    candle we broke down through the 50
    moving average a while
    ago uh and well not a while ago since
    yesterday and we’re just kind of
    trending along trending along on the 200
    and the last time we uh broke below
    below the
    200 uh
    was all the way back here
    419 so basically a week ago uh and it
    was trending up from there and then here
    we are bouncing off of it so the
    question is do we break below this which
    we’re currently in line to do uh or do
    we touch on it a third time or like a
    second time and go up touch it a third
    time and then finally break through uh
    maybe sometime before the weekend I
    don’t know uh we’ll see but it could go
    either way uh but you know I’ve looked
    at my other charts and it looks like
    we’ve got some room to go down so I it
    won’t shock me if this happens but
    ultimately I expect this to set up a new
    channel and and I I this is all still
    playing out through the channel I’ve
    showed on this on this show quite a few
    times so I’m going to go scroll up to
    the top I’m going to start addressing
    some of the comment see how many I can
    get through before my head feels like
    it’s going to pop because it’s already
    getting close so um hopefully I’ve
    helped some of you guys understand at
    least my perspective on some things and
    I’ve exposed you to some cool stuff um
    David Peterson with his murder of crows
    in the Avatar I think that’s a thing
    that’s a use case I want your murder of
    crows in the Avatar and then I’ll start
    addressing your your uh addressing your
    comments and questions without you
    having a tip I know a lot of people
    don’t touch anything unless there’s a
    tip associated with it I don’t want your
    tips folks I really don’t I appreciate
    it but I don’t even really know where
    they go um I just don’t I haven’t I I
    have no idea where my YouTube money goes
    I haven’t seen it and I God knows how
    long um good God evening Crow Sweden
    here what’s going on Sweden I love
    Sweden Crow is badass well thank you I
    don’t know if you’re talking about me or
    the murder of crows or the crow token
    but anyway I’ll take it Ninja what’s up
    Haven Cooper you know the deal I
    appreciate it I’m sure she does too I’m
    still waiting for her I don’t know if
    she’s messaged me yet or not um
    and I’m gonna take a look real quick and
    see if she said
    anything now she saw it but she hasn’t
    said anything yet
    so I don’t know um I don’t know I don’t
    know I have no idea I know I know it was
    blowing up on her yesterday I’m here to
    gain more wisdom well thank you Bona
    face I try to dish it out as best I can
    what’s up uh David
    aade dope says Jacob Crow your nft takes
    forever a mint um interesting I don’t
    know I don’t know why uh I have that’s
    the first I’ve heard there’s any issues
    at all minting minting the murder of
    crows you only got a week left you only
    got a week you only got a week to Min
    your murder of crows and become a part
    of the murder of crows happy to be able
    to spread some
    wealth Michelle
    sunflower AA is a little disappointing
    up to now bought in last summer and have
    been waiting for something little bigger
    to happen happen this is every Market
    cycle this is literally every Market
    cycle people you’re going to learn you
    bought in last summer so you got in a
    year ago uh you’ve been waiting for the
    bull market to really kick off we just
    had the having trust me cardano’s
    probably going to go on three
    significant tears if this is anything
    like the last Market cycle um you know
    cardano will go on three significant
    tears uh against Bitcoin as bitcoin’s
    rising and you people are going to [ __ ]
    yourself that I mean that’s just the the
    nature of what I’ve always seen in
    cardano that’s why I’m so chill about it
    folks you got to understand like and and
    I’m going to be real real with you like
    the bulk of my um resources my
    everything is in cardano right now
    cardano is some Bitcoin um so if cardano
    did not do well and I did not
    wholeheartedly believe in cardano’s
    future and it did not do well in this by
    the peak of this Market cycle I’m I’m
    struggling like legitimately I’ll be
    struggling I mean I’m taking a big big
    risk um but I I wholeheartedly believe
    in everything that um that that Charles
    and everybody else involved I they have
    hundreds of developers working on this
    thing this isn’t like five guys working
    in a basement somewhere okay um and and
    I believe in the actual use case
    potential for cardano especially once
    100% so you know it’s just one of those
    things where you know I’d rather have
    I’d rather have the bulk of my Assets in
    something that I believe in that I’ve
    been following since 2017 pretty much
    every inch of the way than some new
    shitcoin it’s got a big narrative and a
    big story about how they’re going to
    take over the world like 30,000 others
    like it that have come before it just to
    watch everybody get rugged and everybody
    get wrecked I’m just not with it I trust
    cardono even if it does let’s just say
    hypothetically it didn’t even get to
    eight bucks all right I believe it’s
    going to I really do I believe it’s
    going to I believe we’re going to see
    somewhere around eight bucks this cycle
    but even if it doesn’t let’s just say it
    got to $3 again that’s fine you know why
    that’s fine which I think it’s GNA break
    that but even if it only got to three
    bucks I’ve still done very well um and
    and and uh you know I mean that’s cool I
    it’s better that than um something that
    basically rug pulls or blows up or you
    know any number of like crazy things we
    see with a lot of these projects to me
    cardono has absolutely stood the test of
    the time it’s only gotten better like
    fine wine with age and um you know
    that’s that’s the way I feel about it
    I’m always right sometimes and
    everything in Cris uh crypto is risky
    don’t get me wrong but always grateful
    for your honest support and market
    analysis well thank you I appreciate
    that from Vermont I have never been to
    Vermont but I appreciate you
    um can’t watch till later wanting to
    give the engagement while you’re Live
    Well I appreciate that look at you guys
    thinking of me I love
    you uh what the f is this retro Beast I
    have no idea what you’re referencing but
    it’s probably something I showed Oh I’m
    guessing 159 I’m guessing it was my
    wife’s play that you were talking about
    what’s up Clayton hoser M did you get
    the Billboards finalized yes I did I
    ordered them paid for them it’s all done
    they’re going to go up two weeks leading
    in they should be in uh I think I got
    two different Billboards in pretty
    prominent areas in Tampa so people are
    going to see them and uh yeah I mean I’m
    nervous as hell believe me and I still
    have to figure out what radio station uh
    I want to work with in Tampa uh I send
    out press releases and things and you
    know it doesn’t seem like the media you
    gotta really I don’t know if you just
    need a publicist or what but trying to
    do it yourself is not easy or fun and uh
    but I’m trying to figure I want to get
    my wife and maybe some of the cast
    members um on the show I want to get
    them on like a talk show in the morning
    and really talk about the story and the
    play and what they can expect to see I’m
    telling you right now people there this
    play is gonna blow people’s minds um go
    ahead and massage the like button yeah
    sure or just smash
    it this price action totally
    sucks you know are you new to crypto I
    mean yeah it’s it’s pretty much par for
    the course sup
    nerds a a gang a a gang what’s up David
    Peterson with the murder of crows in the
    Avatar site looks great and I’m working
    on another site I’m I’m changing my
    original cardano site I’m gonna make it
    basically make it a hub for newcomers to
    cardano just haven’t had time to work on
    it lately yo Crow is this the time to
    cardono I mean I’ve been bagging it for
    well over a year I’ve been
    accumulating um if cardano were to get
    like if the market were to get like a
    real big drop and it gets back to 30
    cents or something something like that
    I’m going to look at where bitcoin’s
    price is see what the ratios are you
    know I mean I I would I might be tempted
    you know I might be tempted to to to
    pick up some more but um I think I think
    I’m good where I’m at I think I like my
    spread I like um how my portfolio looks
    um I mean my portfolio is already up I
    mean my my portfolio my portfolio is
    probably doubled since I started
    averaging in with my average prices and
    everything else
    so you know I mean I’m happy uh but you
    know it is difficult it is difficult
    adaah had better start going up sooner
    I’m definitely switching it all into ICP
    well that’s entirely your prerogative I
    hope that works out for you
    um uh oh nice bit of Queen’s blood I’m
    not sure what you’re talking about there
    is that a play if you compare like last
    Cycle’s top of around $3 and you believe
    this cycle will at least meet alltime
    High then yes yyw buying cardono at 48
    where it’s roughly right now would be a
    smart move in my eye says Shiloh I mean
    that’s basically where we’re at I mean
    we’re we’re in a very similar price
    action point it’s just at a much higher
    price so people justifying you know like
    if and and that’s the thing for for
    early adopters for newcomers to the
    space it’s a lot easier to look at the
    price of something that’s two cents and
    and AP in a little bit um than than when
    the price is 50 Cents right because the
    the narratives haven’t changed since
    2017 the narratives for for cardano
    haven’t changed cardano has been working
    itself Against the Grain and against the
    narratives of other blockchains since
    Inception okay the the the the
    differences are now you know it used to
    be a ghost chain it used to be Vapor
    Weare it used to be a scam it used to be
    Charles was a con man it used to be all
    of that [ __ ] now all these years
    later those those narratives don’t have
    a leg to stand on right every one of
    them’s been disproven in mass and and
    it’s and and now it’s it’s become like
    the most developed blockchain out there
    the most decentralized blockchain out
    there like it all of those narratives
    have been completely turned on their
    head so now it’s how can competing
    blockchains bolster themselves with
    false narratives rather than try to dunk
    on cardano because dunking on cardano
    has not worked um and and and here’s the
    thing that everybody really needs to
    consider when when you’re talking about
    cardono you’re talking about cardano
    plain and simple I don’t give a [ __ ]
    what the narratives
    are people are still talking about
    cardano constantly and more people are
    talking about cardano today than ever
    before in history okay so people say oh
    and I’ve seen some of these guys man
    they’re salana holders or they’re e
    ethereum bugs or whatever and that’s
    totally fine do you boo I don’t give a
    [ __ ] but you know so many of these
    people try to say cardono is not going
    to reach its previous all-time high it’s
    a dead chain it’s nobody’s using it
    right and they’re not looking at onchain
    metrics they don’t give a [ __ ] about
    that all they care about is perpetuating
    [ __ ] to people willing to listen to
    them and unfortunately there are a lot
    of stupid people out there who just
    either don’t have the intellect the
    aptitude or the time to dive deeper
    beyond what is said it’s no different
    than you know politically people look at
    headlines and they judge their entire
    political makeup based off of the
    headlines they’ve absorbed or swallowed
    like a blankety blank uh all over the
    news which you know the majority of the
    news media is all leaning to one side um
    and and I believe it’s a very
    concentrated effort you know for a lot
    of what’s going on today but like
    whatever uh who am I to to Really judge
    or dictate any of that but we see all
    the same kind of stuff play out all over
    the place and yeah I just I’m not as
    affected by it as I used to be and I
    honestly I learned a hard lesson like I
    say all the time there was a period in
    the last cycle where I could have bought
    like 450,000 Ada for one freaking
    Bitcoin and I passed I should have
    bought two or three and I didn’t and I
    just kicked my own ass every day since
    and I feel like that’s kind of where
    we’re at right now you know it’s like
    but the only difference is this time I I
    I started averaging in much earlier um
    now the spread against bit Bitcoin might
    be better today than it was you know 6
    months ago uh but the price of both have
    shot up dramatically so it is what it
    is um all right so now we’re back to
    down there where I answered that
    question by Mr Jason
    Owens should make it so staking crows
    gives higher chance at rare
    cards very
    interesting very interesting
    idea the problem I think it depends on
    how popular Oram is you got to
    understand that there are so
    many there are so many like if there’s a
    way to do that easily I’ll ask my Dev
    and I’m like hey man is there any way
    that this could be a thing I I I don’t
    know maybe maybe it’s just a matter of
    just constantly um checking the
    addresses that are um delegating to cron
    node and then when those addresses are
    put into the system maybe they get a 20%
    boost in um potential like I don’t know
    bonus resource or bonus something as it
    to minting I don’t know if there’s a way
    to do that I’m happy to do it I don’t
    think there’s anything wrong with that
    um so yeah I’ll look into that that’s a
    good good qu the thing is is like if
    it’s a big um project to establish that
    kind of use uh or functionality it might
    not Merit it it just depends on how
    successful warram really gets um if
    warram becomes like the TCG of
    blockchain uh and like tens of thousands
    of people are playing it and winning and
    earning and doing all kinds of fun crazy
    stuff and it becomes like a really big
    monster then yeah man there’s no limit
    to what we would do absolutely no limit
    I mean I’m bu we’re building this game
    for trading card players and blockchain
    people um and and we want you know even
    if you’re just like a an avid TCG
    collector or player or a competitor we
    don’t want you to have to really know
    blockchain to play the game you know
    like we want it to be as simple as like
    one two three you’re in um and and I
    think we’re going to be able to do that
    I think we already kind of bar it’s only
    a realm I know it’s only a realm I
    proved it’s only a realm do you have a
    conscience you know an inner voice a
    five dimensional Consciousness because
    do that means it’s only a realm is that
    a line from uh what is that Hitchhiker’s
    Guide to the Galaxy or something Jamie
    I’m not sure but that’s what it reads
    like serious question then what is the
    Best Buy right now ICP or ad up that’s
    for you to decide I I don’t tell people
    really what to buy or what to do with
    their money it’s different for everybody
    you know don’t do what I do I tell that
    to everyone all the time you know um my
    means my understanding my risk tolerance
    my everything might be very much
    different than yours I don’t know who
    you are I don’t know if you’re worth $50
    million and you you’re like hey I want
    to catch this old guy on the internet
    talking about crypto and I’m gonna put
    five grand into one of the one of the
    two because I’m bored I don’t know maybe
    you’ve only got five grand to your name
    and you’re desperately trying to F
    figure out a way out of a hole I I don’t
    know and and that’s the that’s the thing
    and you know this is honestly one of the
    reasons why so many of us say do your
    own research don’t rely on what any of
    us [ __ ] YouTubers have to say Okay
    ever ever ever I don’t give a [ __ ] how
    much you love us you know I I almost
    attribute to because I know that a lot
    of you guys really love me and you
    really respect me and you really value
    what I say because I see it in all of
    your messages your DMs I’ve had telegram
    Twitter I even get stuff on Instagram
    folks I don’t even know how to use
    Instagram I have an account I don’t do
    [ __ ] with it because I don’t really
    understand it it’s the most like shitty
    app I think I’ve ever seen it’s like not
    F blah it’s like vomit to me but um you
    know I tell everybody like don’t don’t
    do as I do you know or don’t and don’t
    do as I say do what you I try to point
    people in the right direction I call
    [ __ ] as I see it through and through
    that’s all I can offer you I will not
    tell you to buy cardono I will not tell
    you to buy ICP I will not tell you to
    buy any [ __ ] thing I will not even
    tell you that a project is good that is
    paid me to be on my channel if I don’t
    think it’s
    good okay you like my my thoughts are my
    own my thoughts are not controlled by
    money by Power by anything it is just
    powered by what the [ __ ] I feel in the
    moment in time and that could change
    tomorrow uh but I just I will not tell
    anybody what you should do with your
    money that’s all there is to it and if
    you don’t have an idea as to what I
    think or what I how I feel about
    particular projects it’s because you
    don’t watch me enough I feel like the
    people that watch this channel
    religiously anytime I tune in or I’m
    going live or I’ve got a video and I’ve
    got something to say it’s more often
    than not and I’ve heard this a million
    times it’s more often than not that the
    bigger most beneficial nuggets of what I
    have going on or what I have to say have
    nothing to do with the actual thumbnail
    or the actual topic of the video because
    if I if I I can run a tangent where I
    just vomit like my truth my my true
    feelings about whatever the case may be
    or whatever’s going on or maybe I’m
    reacting to a comment like I am right
    now I just like I always say I call it
    as I see it and I’m always right
    sometimes and and that’s the best I can
    offer anybody and anybody in crypto that
    tries to say differ completely and
    utterly full of [ __ ] [ __ ] hands down
    period and the story and and and and you
    know that’s that’s the all there is to
    it none of us are fortune tellers none
    of us are geniuses none of us are
    anything special other than this is what
    we do we have more time to put into the
    research reading what’s going on
    understanding the tech behind any
    particular project that interests us and
    we typically talk about it and we’ll do
    paid segments some of us disclose those
    paid segments some of us will do a paid
    segment read a script provided by the
    company paying us and just regurgitate
    whatever the hell we’re told I won’t do
    that [ __ ] I don’t care if somebody
    offered me a million I’ve turned down a
    million dollars literally I’ve turned
    down a million dollars in tokens of
    projects in the past because I’ve I I’ve
    hired a lawyer that would research them
    and research the team and tell me it’s a
    gray area but I probably wouldn’t do it
    million dollars goodbye I don’t want it
    I don’t want to be a part of it I don’t
    want I don’t want any [ __ ] I don’t
    want any trouble I don’t want anybody
    getting caught up in anything I want
    everybody that watches my channel to do
    well and all I can offer is the best
    means I know how to try and effectively
    do that and that’s [ __ ] it period
    what up finally caught alive what up
    Adam cspr over Ada but you can’t really
    go wrong with either all right Oram
    looks cool thank you it’s been a hot
    minute stupid life getting in the way of
    my crypto fund I totally understand how
    that is holy crap good for
    respect I will tell you guys
    I’ll let you I’ll let you guys in on a
    little Alpha for something I can’t oh
    okay you you guys can probably figure it
    out I’m not 100% that this is g to
    yet but I will
    that somebody I fought in the
    past there only two two options there I
    think really um somebody I fought in the
    past may very well be accepting a fight
    against somebody I’d personally love to
    fight fight but I can’t um a they’d be
    stupid as hell to take that fight but B
    because um I just think I’m done but I
    am going to be training them personally
    to whoop this dude’s
    ass so we’re gonna see how that comes
    about I really can’t say anything more
    because I don’t think the contracts have
    been signed yet I don’t know uh or I
    don’t know what and I’ll also say that
    I’m trying to get an old friend of mine
    um who’s like a
    jiujitsu just jiujitsu badass he even
    said he’d be willing to go up against
    that Mike Mikey Mikey mushishi or
    whatever I can’t his last name I don’t
    know he’s a cute kid he’s super smart
    and he’s all he eats is like P Pizza and
    Pasta every day and he’s got this really
    regimented um daily diet and all that
    but he’s probably one of the best in the
    world I think honestly they’re probably
    both two of the best in the world if
    you’ve got if you’ve got 10 guys in
    Jiu-Jitsu um my friend is probably I
    would say maybe in the top five
    especially at his weight class um I mean
    I’ve known him since he was like hell I
    don’t know 15 years old um his sister
    was a ring girl for me when when I was a
    fight promoter and um I mean he used to
    be such a spaz man I mean I I remember
    he would come over to the house man we’
    play uh play video games and you get on
    the mic just like trolling people I mean
    he’s funny and now he’s like a grown ass
    man driving a Lambo with multiple
    jiujitsu gyms and stuff and it’s just
    it’s so funny to watch how he’s changed
    and grown up as a man but he’s good and
    I I put it in um I put that in karate
    combat’s ear and said hey you know he’s
    he’s willing to basically grapple
    against the best in the world if you
    want somebody who’s really good has a
    big following online so we’ll see if we
    can help facilitate some of that boy
    we’ve been live an hour oh my gosh 1124
    people oh $5 a a peak is very
    conservative yeah last Gambit I totally
    agree man I absolutely agree but you
    know I do try to be conservative I don’t
    want I don’t you know I think 8 is is um
    I think 8 is very fair for this cycle
    given everything that’s happened on
    cardano since it was three bucks it just
    sounds crazy to me anything less than
    eight doll will surprise me but anything
    is possible we’ll have to see um I I
    honestly think eight to 10 bucks
    and if we if we are somehow in some sort
    of super cycle that really you know like
    we don’t have a peak for five six 10
    years from now who knows then I mean you
    know anything could happen Crow did end
    up getting a well-deserved bump in
    help um I’m not sure what you’re talking
    about po man helping what
    maybe um that’s stupid if you’re talking
    about cardano you’re you’re well
    misinformed hey Crow with snck being
    being the best meme coin on cardano what
    could you see its market cap being at
    the peak of the Bull Run um I’m sorry
    Johnny Johnny I don’t know where you’ve
    been but Crow tokens are the best
    shitcoin of cardano okay and and that’s
    it well that’s the crow Dono node that’s
    my node Crow node okay but uh yeah dude
    hold on a minute here hold on a minute
    can’t believe you just I can’t believe
    you’re doing that can’t believe this is
    this is the best shitcoin on cardano
    okay all right it’s available at vifi
    and I think men swap you can go get some
    right now if you wanted to you don’t
    have to um it’s not going to make you
    rich okay but um it is my legacy token
    um no all all jokes aside uh snck being
    the best meme coin on C you you say is
    the crow is the best shitcoin on cardano
    snck can be the best meme coin on
    cardano okay that’s fine what ABS all
    right um but I don’t know and I keep
    seeing things happening that
    uh okay I wonder if that has anything to
    do with that I’m GNA do something here
    real quick turn
    on all
    right now I’ve got that on I feel a
    little bit better
    um so yeah I don’t know what what what
    do you see its market cap being you know
    maybe I’ll do a video so I don’t even
    have any snack I you know what snack
    people send me like 10 billion snack
    tokens okay and then I’ll start covering
    it how about them apples um no I’m
    kidding I you know I don’t know but
    maybe I’ll do a video sometime in the
    future where I’ll break down some
    numbers for snck and see what might be
    possible I need to look at its history I
    need to look at where it’s at what it’s
    done in the recent um time periods uh
    accumulation how many tokens are out
    there all of that stuff it’s a deep dive
    typically that’s the kind of stuff I do
    as part of a paid segment but um because
    I love all you cardono people and I know
    that a lot of you guys hold snck I’ll
    I’ll show some love right back at you
    and we’ll see what I can do maybe I’ll
    do one of those this week the more you
    guys hype cardono the more the price
    drops that’s not true either you guys
    get out of here you guys you guys are
    ignorant as hell the only thing holding
    Ada back is no usdt and usdc simple as
    that Eddie maybe I don’t know but you
    know quite honestly I don’t think that’s
    I think that’s kind of a bonk narrative
    too I think the only thing holding
    cardano’s price action back is the
    market overall it’s where we are in the
    market cycle folks this is nothing new
    to anybody that’s been a part of this
    thing forever it’s just not how uh
    things roll now I saw somebody
    um I saw somebody tip and I don’t know
    what happened to it CU I was
    rambling with a lot of comments I always
    see my gay for Crows I don’t know why I
    love those I just think they’re
    hilarious I love it um everybody’s tired
    of this Market I get it
    um I get it
    uh it it’s but that this is the Calm
    before the storm folks see here’s what’s
    gonna happen this is what plays out
    right now so there are so many people
    are like I’m tired of this Market the
    Market’s boring the price isn’t moving
    blah blah blah blah blah right but when
    was the the last time you bought some
    like when was the last time you have
    accumulated another round of ADA just
    asking okay or whatever other project is
    out there okay that you like when was
    the last time you actually bought a
    significant amount my guess is probably
    not recently why because the market has
    been more or less sideways or choppy
    within a specific Channel now for like a
    month or two or whatever and is likely
    going to continue for month or so all
    right we had a Bitcoin all-time high
    before the having and then stuff petered
    out all right everybody started to get
    amped up like here we go and I’m like I
    don’t think so but it is what it is
    right the problem is is
    that if people aren’t accumulating the
    price doesn’t move people aren’t
    accumulating because they’re waiting for
    Bitcoin to tell the tale and so you know
    it’s like people can be tired of this
    Market but what’s going to happen is
    let’s say in two months the market
    really start starts moving and cardano
    you wake up you know cardano is 53 cents
    and you go to sleep and then cardano is
    a dollar and what’s the first [ __ ]
    thing that’s gonna come out of your
    mouth damn it I should have bought more
    son of a and that’s what’s gonna happen
    you’ve got this T this whole time where
    bored but I’m guessing you’re not
    accumulating so you’re going to wait
    until what you’ve already bought is
    worth more to to to basically react and
    say I wish I would have got more when I
    could have and by then it’ll be too late
    because that’ll be the first of multiple
    pumps that cardano’s going to have in
    the bull cycle and then you’re going to
    be like wow man I bought all of these
    before it was even 50 cents now it’s a
    dollar man I just don’t know if I feel
    right buying and then you’re just going
    to keep talking yourself out of [ __ ]
    then what’s going to happen is you’re
    going to go look desperately look for
    something else you can buy for two to
    five cents that you expect to go 100x
    over the next six months so that you can
    kind of like feel better about all of
    the Mis action or non-action you didn’t
    take when you had the opportunity that’s
    what’s going to happen and it’s going to
    be that desperation that that fuels the
    greed and the fomo and then that greed
    and fomo fuels the rest of the market
    because everybody’s doing the same [ __ ]
    trying to play treasure hunter and and
    then a lot of those projects are going
    to go to [ __ ] and you’re gonna we’re
    gonna get all the Articles like oh this
    project rug that project rug like a
    billion dollars liquidated this and that
    and it’s going to be because of all the
    desperate acts of people that waited
    around too long waiting to be told what
    they should do when we already know
    we’re in a bull
    market teach their own teach their own
    um and then it’s obviously going to be a
    lot of the newcomers to the space as the
    prices rise um that are ultimately
    pushing the price even higher than it’s
    ever been before
    um so okay I just got an update real
    quick from Kina
    um over a ,000 over $1,000 was sent to
    her cash app and her venmo accounts from
    yesterday so thank you guys very very
    much um that’s a really big deal she
    said so far $1,000 and2 or
    $1,025 I can I can show you right
    there I don’t know if you can see
    it but yeah so far $1,000 so yeah folks
    I really appreciate that I’m sure that
    helps her immensely um and uh yeah once
    I get her set up on the cardano wallet
    I’m G to match that we’ll just put it
    that way uh I’m GNA match that in
    cardono so thank you guys for helping
    her and uh when i’ when I’ve done that
    I’ll send the transaction or a picture
    of it or something so you guys know I’m
    not about the
    [ __ ] um okay oh here it is good I
    wanted to show this before I conclude it
    I have no idea what it is hey brother
    when’s and where is your next public
    event my son and I want to say hello one
    day um Gregory thank you for the tip man
    um I don’t know I you know the I you
    know the I know that some of you guys
    are going to my wife’s play in May where
    I’m I’m going to be there obviously um
    we might do like a little Afterparty or
    something like that but obviously that’s
    in Tampa I don’t know where you’re from
    um beyond that uh the next public thing
    that I have planned in the books is in
    August in Vegas at uh rare Evo and I
    know that a lot of people something
    tells me I’m going to need to take extra
    vitamins uh and and my wife is going to
    have to put me on some like Biden
    boosters or something because when I get
    out there something tells me I’m going
    to be doing a lot of pictures a lot of
    you know meetings and meet meet and
    greets and a lot of talking and a lot of
    hand shaking and a lot of picture all
    stuff and something tells me I’m going
    to need a nap uh I’m going to need my
    old guy nap in the middle of the
    afternoon but I will be I’m going to try
    and meet as many people as I can while
    I’m out in Vegas and I know that a lot
    of people have already messaged me
    saying hey I’m going I’m going to meet
    you where are you going to be and I’m
    like okay um I don’t know 100% but I am
    going to have a booth and what I would
    suggest is follow me on Twitter um
    because even when I’m not like if I’m
    anywhere um I’m I always have my Twitter
    and I typically will update things on
    Twitter that I don’t update in videos
    kind of like the peak of the market the
    double peak of the market I was getting
    on a plane I didn’t have access to
    anything but my Twitter and my phone so
    I tweeted that out so um you know maybe
    I will um maybe I will announce thing
    maybe I’ll get some security and then
    I’ll announce where I’m going to be at
    different times while I’m in Vegas um I
    don’t know what the the conceal carry
    laws are in Vegas but I might have to
    find out uh just in case I don’t know I
    don’t want to end up in the back of a
    van with a hood on okay that’s all I’m
    saying uh so anyway let’s see what else
    here uh waram looks like it’s AI
    generated especially the reborn cards
    will you replace the art with human made
    art at some point is this for the vibe
    or are these images will be minting no
    they’re M I’m doing them in Ai and I’m
    absolutely proud of it I don’t have $4
    or500 to spend on individualized art or
    the project I’m funding um you know with
    very very little help so um if if if
    you’re against AI art uh I can tell you
    it is just prompt crafting for AI art is
    still a very difficult challenge uh but
    yeah I’m absolutely proud that I that
    I’m doing this in AI even the background
    you saw I did it AI the majority of what
    you see is done in Ai and there is no
    problem whatsoever with that listen and
    I don’t have a million or two2 million
    dollars to pump into to to creating this
    so um due to artificial intelligence and
    my ability to utilize it because I’ve
    been using it for so long it’s empowered
    me to do things I wouldn’t otherwise be
    able to do and so quite frankly whether
    you can specifically look at a card and
    say I think that was AI or or I think
    that was done handheld by pastels or or
    what it doesn’t matter um because the
    thing of it is I’ve tried doing things
    uh I’ve tried doing projects hiring
    artists and doing that and they just
    [ __ ] you I’m sorry but they just screw
    you every turn every time I’ve hired a
    freelance artist for anything they have
    always with the exception of one one
    person was legit and did what he said
    and came through with flying colors and
    that was the guy who did uh my Twisted
    times nfts and my murder of crows it was
    the same guy did the art for both and
    that dude was a boss but anybody else
    I’ve tried to hire they’ve all [ __ ] me
    over and I’m like you know what I’m
    gonna learn how to use Ai and I’m G to
    create the art that I want and um yeah
    I’m proud of it but if you don’t like it
    you don’t like it um that’s okay um see
    at the show in Tampa Crow is it okay to
    come and speak to you after the
    performance uh absolutely Jason yes
    absolutely hashtag ninja there we go I
    appreciate you man uh but yeah dude what
    like um preferably not during
    the play uh but if you run into me
    before or after um you know I can even I
    can kind of hang somewhere you know so I
    mean you it’s not like you’re gonna miss
    me dude like you know let’s be real
    you’re gonna see me from from the Moon
    um but yeah man come up say hi we take
    picture whatever you want man I’m
    totally down uh I think there are some
    people that think adah should move based
    on their personal bags it doesn’t work
    that way folks Tony I totally agree it’s
    not about the personal bags it’s about
    the tech behind it and there’s no equal
    when it comes to blockchain Tech
    decentralization and everything else
    cardano has going on uh what do you
    think has better returns World mobile
    token or at
    Ada that’s a good question I really
    don’t know I really don’t know I think
    world mobile token is one of the first
    major significant use cases not just in
    cardono but in the world like of all
    blockchains uh I just think we lucked
    out with World mobile token uh founding
    itself on Ada uh so we’ll see I mean I
    have hopes I have I think copi token’s
    going to be a banger too once we get
    once Co once cornuc copius reaches some
    pretty significant Milestones being
    primarily the ability to start building
    your own domes I’ll tell you guys this
    I’m pretty sure I can say this uh if not
    then they’ll be mad but you know they’re
    not going to sue me they love me as much
    as I love them but I I mean I asked them
    flat out I’m like listen when these
    domes launch am I going to have to hire
    a team like you know like with sand like
    you have to hire a full-blown team to do
    anything in that the the the voxal art
    the pixel art the style the tools
    everything it’s super complicated very
    wonky it doesn’t it’s not good I tried
    hiring people to to build um my my
    because I’ve got my 3×3 plot I still
    have that and in sandbox but I couldn’t
    do anything with it people are trying to
    oh it’s going to cost you $80,000 to do
    what you want in sand I’m like get the
    [ __ ] out of here you guys are out of
    your mind so that’s how expensive it was
    for me to build what I would was looking
    to build on a 3X3 plot in sand but with
    cornuc copius I asked them flat out I’m
    like well I have to hire a team to build
    my Dome and to do what I want to do or
    will there be will will the tools that
    exist be all I need to do it myself and
    they’re like 100% you’re gonna be able
    to do it yourself like we’re building
    every and I’m like man when you launch
    this [ __ ] I’ll tell you right now when
    cornuc copius launches the means of
    being able for me for me to be able to
    build my Dome my Arena my my world and
    my Dome and I can just sit there I will
    [ __ ] live stream all day that I’m
    working on that and just show you like
    what I’m building I’ll take advice from
    you guys like I kind of want to do this
    what do you think and we’ll design
    Crow’s Nest together to a certain extent
    I want a live streaming stage I want to
    be able to do like um like the Virtual
    DJs I want to have events I I’ll do
    lectures I’ll do interviews and my it’ll
    be exclusive to uh and on top man I’ve
    got so much [ __ ] I don’t even want to
    give it all away yet I still I don’t
    want to break it I almost lost it for a
    minute I’m not even going to tell you
    folks what I got planned but let’s just
    say that there’s an internal game system
    that I want to create specifically for
    my Dome that only works in my Dome that
    is going to be
    badass and you’re only going to get
    access if you have a murder of crows nft
    or Crow tokens that’s it that’s it so
    when I do big special events
    I might say hey there’s a ticket fee for
    this event because maybe it costs me a
    little money to do but then I want to
    try and recoup that by say it’s going to
    cost you X Crow tokens and you’ll pay
    for admission with Crow tokens [ __ ] like
    that um
    so I mean the stuff I have planned I’m
    telling you I I think it’s going to get
    really badass but once that stuff kicks
    off and we’re we’re going to have so
    many people think of the number of
    people out there that did that have been
    they’re still streaming building their
    bases in in things like no man’s sky
    right no man’s Sky look at this I mean
    there are videos all over the place with
    millions of views just showing the
    amazing cool [ __ ] that people have done
    building bases in no man’s Sky they’re
    not financially motivated to do that or
    to build those bases imagine when you
    can do that on land you own in a
    metaverse like cornia Copus if you guys
    don’t realize yet how big and how
    significant cornuc copius is and how
    significant it’s going to be when a lot
    of this key stuff launches I’m telling
    you right now as long as I’m man you
    anyway no man’s sky is a buggy mess Mike
    when was the last time you played no
    man’s Sky bro like really because no
    man’s sky is like one of the biggest
    cleanest baddest freaking open world
    exploration games out there today I know
    when it launched it was a buggy [ __ ]
    show but that was how many years ago and
    the the team has like perfected it
    expanded it I don’t know how many times
    with major major huge updates and
    extensions on the on
    everything I’m yeah no man’s sky is
    badass dude I don’t know it had to have
    been a long time since you’ve played
    that game um warram gaming room oh
    that’s so funny that you say that but
    that’s just just one thing that’s just
    thing I really want to build Crow’s Nest
    in corn copius is a place that I
    virtually exist all the time and and
    like as much involvement as I can
    establish in my Dome keep in mind I
    don’t just have a dome I have other land
    as well and and and you know how I
    utilize those we’ll see um but
    uh yeah so all right folks it’s time for
    me to sign off my wife just told me she
    made some food and I’m hungry it’s I’ve
    been on here an hour and 20 minutes this
    might be my longest stream in a year so
    uh make sure you go Min yourself a a
    murder of crow nft if you’re so inclined
    not because you’re going to get rich but
    because you love my channel and you love
    what I offer uh but uh yeah you know you
    got like a week left until the policy
    closes and you’re not going to be able
    to Min anymore so after that it’s all
    secondary market so if those things
    become useful
    um yeah those those are probably yeah I
    don’t know you you’ll probably be glad
    you have at least one especially if you
    think you’re going to want to
    participate in anything I’m doing over
    the next couple years so uh until next
    time guys and GS thanks for joining me I
    am the crypto Crow and I’ll see you
    again soon cow your coins – TCG Game Coming Soon
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    1. Can you do an update / deep dive on World Mobile or see if you can get an interview with someone from the team?
      They're building their own blockchain called AYA and a lot of new partnerships coming from web2 to web3. Maybe some news to break.
      Many Cardano holders are moving from ADA into WMT.

    2. Some of the people telling us “what happened” still don’t understand it themselves.

      Reading and comprehension is difficult for some. It was all spelled out in the thread from @HBAR_foundation

      Take the time to read. Not just headlines.

    3. I dont see the link for the tickets here for the play, wanna check it out. Also, you had mentioned a meet-up about a month ago and I know your hands a full, any idea if happening and a possible date? Here since 2017 following the channel. Cant even say thanks enough. You just gotta know we appreciate everything.

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