Jack Mallers: Bitcoin Heading To $1 Million In This Cycle, Here’s Why

    I’ve heard you say this on a few uh
    interviews or podcasts and on of the
    media a million dollars for Bitcoin walk
    us through your thesis of how it could
    get there I just don’t think that enough
    people have a big enough imagination of
    this upcoming cycle I’m expecting I mean
    the bond market is in trouble who owns
    bonds all of our banks so our our bank
    deposits aren’t there because the bonds
    that were purchased with my deposit is
    underwater and so if central banks and
    government is going to try and save that
    market the amount of liquidity that’s
    needed is going to send assets very high
    I’m very pleased to be joined by Jack
    MERS today he is a founder and CEO of
    strike it’s a system that lets everyone
    use Bitcoin to make daily payments on
    the lightning network uh which allows up
    to a million transactions per second
    it’s been called a revolutionary idea
    concept product it’s supposed to change
    the way we interact with just Bitcoin
    but money itself we’ll talk more about
    that uh I’ve had Michael’s sailor on the
    show um micro strategy CEO last year he
    was telling us about how uh lightning is
    the future and you know people can check
    out that clip for example if you wanted
    to move a $100 right now there’s no way
    you should be doing on the Bitcoin base
    layer anybody that wants to move $100
    $50 buy a cup of coffee $25 even $250
    you should be doing that with Lightning
    Jack was listed on the Forbes 30 under
    30 in 2021 he’s also helped make Bitcoin
    legal tender in El Salvador so
    definitely a household name in the
    Bitcoin and crypto sectors Welcome Back
    Jack great to meet you we’ve met in
    person once I was telling you offline
    but great to reconnect online in my
    interview so thank you for being here
    David I appreciate you having me you
    gotta introduce me in my life more often
    man I got to bring you around that was
    very nice to you I’m I’m happy to be
    here thanks for having me I’m happy to
    host you um let’s talk about stri you’ve
    got an upcoming announcement um about an
    expansion plan that we need to inform
    the public about uh but first I want to
    get your views on bitcoin and what’s
    been going on with this rally a lot of
    people are concerned that this rally is
    going to be shortlived it’s you know
    short-term Euphoria every time we’ve had
    a uh a high to a past High Bitcoin has
    seen a correction and we’re starting to
    see a little bit of that it’s pulled
    back to $60,000 what is your take on
    this rally is this the beginning of a
    new Bull Run Run or is this just
    short-term hype um I’ll answer that in
    two parts uh I’m a long-term holder of
    Bitcoin and I I have the opinion that
    bitcoin’s been in a bull market for 15
    years uh the highs have always been
    higher and the lows have always been
    higher and I think more of the world is
    waking up to the idea that if you’ve got
    one currency that’s fixed in Supply and
    then you’ve got another currency that’s
    being rapidly inflated in Supply then
    the one that’s fixed in Supply is going
    to appreciate in price against the one
    that’s being inflated and so I think
    Bitcoin is is going to go up against the
    dollar and more and more people are
    subscribing to that thesis so it doesn’t
    shock me that Bitcoin is the best
    performing asset again this year I think
    the narrative that we’re living through
    right now is my favorite metric is
    global debt to GDP the way I like to
    think about that is the amount of
    borrowing our governments have done from
    our future versus the growth they’re
    producing to pay that back and so we’ve
    borrowed a tremendous amount of time and
    energy from our future in the form of
    money with no way of paying it back and
    that loss has to be realized somewhere
    and I think the market is waking up to
    the idea that the government and central
    banks around the world are planning to
    realize that loss through debasing the
    currency and you’re seeing that in
    inflation metrics all the way down to
    New York City and so if that’s the case
    uh it’s a race to own hard assets and
    bitcoin’s the hardest most advanced
    money we’ve come across in human history
    and so I think the recent rally the
    adoption of an ETF on Wall Street a lot
    of the narrative is they’re going to
    social I the loss of global debts GDP
    and all the deficits through inflating
    the currency and uh you better not own
    dollars and if you’re going to own
    something why not Bitcoin and I think
    this is the broader theme of our
    conversation today is the adoption of
    Bitcoin long term at what point Jack do
    you think Bitcoin is going to start
    trading like its own asset and become
    independent of the NASDAQ for example as
    you know it’s been very well correlated
    with tech
    stocks well I think um I I like the
    Arthur Hayes quote of bitcoin’s price
    equals technology plus Fiat liquidity so
    it is a technological Revolution it’s an
    innovation satosi Nakamoto solved a
    computer science problem that was
    perceived to be insolvable before and so
    the technology is valuable and the
    technology becomes more valuable the
    more gets adopted the more provides
    utility to Consumers and there’s Network
    effects and economies of scale and all
    of those buzzwords but then there’s the
    Fiat liquidity piece and so Bitcoin
    seems to Trend with liquidity Cycles
    within the broader macro environment
    within the central bank environment and
    so I think it will always at least in
    the nearest term have some correlation
    to the liquidity available in the market
    the funny part about today David is high
    interest rates in America seem to be
    inflationary low interest rates seem to
    be inflationary the deficits are just
    too big that everything’s inflationary
    which I think has resulted in Bitcoin
    just trending up no matter what but I do
    expect it to be relatively correlated
    it’ll take some time so just broad macro
    question then do you expect that
    inflation to continue staying sticky in
    other words it’s not going to come down
    to the fed’s 2% Target anytime soon oh
    no chance I as soon as svb collapsed I
    said that 2% Target you kiss that
    goodbye they’re going to start to
    socialize and normalize the idea that
    well what’s what’s the difference
    between two and three what’s the
    difference between two and 20 yeah uh I
    think that government it’s an election
    year government has a decision to make
    do you want Bank lines or do you want
    inflation to run hot because your entire
    banking system is insolvent uh and if
    you’re going to save them and bail them
    out and fix this spond market then
    you’re going to have to let inflation
    run hot and neither is a good solution
    but as a government you got to pick one
    and I think historically governments and
    empires have picked inflation running
    hot they’re not going to if they wanted
    Jamie Diamond to go to jail for running
    an insolvent bank if you run Bank of
    America’s numbers they’re technically
    insolvent uh they could have thrown them
    in jail in 2008 uh that’s not how they
    do it so I expect inflation to run hot
    and the currency to be debased you use
    the words hard asset to describe Bitcoin
    can you just elaborate on what you mean
    by that yeah hard it’s a simple concept
    it’s the hardest to produce so how hard
    is it to make more of it so uh housing
    is harder than dollars because it’s
    harder to create more housing than
    dollars but bitcoin’s the hardest money
    of all because it’s the only money that
    has a scarce fixed Supply so in my
    opinion Bitcoin is the most advanced
    money ever created in human history
    because it’s the hardest money and money
    tends in Trends to be one and the one it
    finds is the hard the hardest to make
    more of because it’s then the the
    easiest way to persist and store value
    through time and space well the having
    which just happened theoretically it’s
    supposed to have pushed up mining costs
    supposed to have um well not supposed to
    but it did decrease uh the amount of M
    bitcoin’s mind per day by half right why
    didn’t the price react accordingly why
    didn’t we see a huge Spike immediately
    afterward which was couple days ago yeah
    you know I got a different take than
    maybe you’d read online of the having uh
    this is my third having as a Bitcoin
    I’ve been in the space 11 years uh I
    think of it as an inventory reduction
    like a commodity inventory reduction I
    don’t think it’s something that the
    market can necessarily price in or not
    price in I think think of it like
    there’s one natural seller in the market
    and that’s the commodity producer that’s
    the minor they have a commodity premium
    there’s a cost to produce the asset and
    in order to pay down the cost that they
    intake in producing it they sell the
    finished good that they produce and if
    that is going to be reduced by 50% then
    the cushion the natural sellers are
    reduced by half so all that means to me
    is the cushion that the market has to
    enter new price Discovery is just
    significantly less if for whatever
    reason there’s a new found demand cycle
    like interest rates lower or some new
    nation state adopts Bitcoin whatever
    that is you’re going to enter price
    Discovery in a lot more violent fashion
    so I just considered an inventory
    reduction just like the 88 drought for
    agriculture Commodities and that’s I
    think you tend to see cyclical behavior
    that follow the having is because
    there’s less cushion and less padding
    for the market to take on new demand
    okay and what does this mean ultimately
    for the miners are we expecting the
    miners to be able to survive in an
    environment where the costs are
    significantly higher over time not just
    because of the having but also keep in
    mind they have to compete with AI
    companies now for the same data center
    so perhaps their fixed costs are going
    to go up yeah I think I’ll separate that
    one into two questions as well one is
    bitcoin’s going to survive no matter
    what the protocol actually adjusts to
    how many miners are on the network and
    that’s one of the Innovations the
    difficulty adjustment is arguably
    satoshi’s most clever invention so the
    Bitcoin network doesn’t care the actual
    mining business I think has got to be
    one of the most Cutthroat tough
    Industries in the world from the highest
    level possible you are competing against
    every human on the planet for energy
    which is the currency of the universe so
    I think that that is just an impossible
    industry to master and they’re like
    going to be miners that have a really
    difficult time there’s likely going to
    be miners that are really successful and
    like you said energy is consumed not
    just in Bitcoin I mean human flourishing
    has a correlation to energy our our
    ability to commercialize energy from the
    Sun is what humanity is all about and so
    I think it’s just a Cutthroat industry
    no matter how you slice it we’re going
    to continue with Jack Mar’s bitcoin
    price forecast and his expansion plans
    for strike a first a quick shout out to
    our sponsor itus Capital an IRA that
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    referral link you get $100 of a sign up
    bonus once you fund your account okay uh
    turning back to bitcoin itself I’ve
    heard you say this on a few uh
    interviews or podcasts and on the media
    a million dollars for Bitcoin walk us
    through your thesis of how it could get
    there I just don’t think that enough
    people have a big enough imagination of
    this upcoming cycle I’m expecting I mean
    the bond market is in trouble uh for
    really arguably the first time in modern
    Financial history Bond holders are
    getting absolutely demolished and
    crushed now David who owns bonds all of
    our banks so our our bank deposits
    aren’t there because the bonds that were
    purchased with my deposit is underwater
    and so if central banks and government
    is going to try and save that market the
    amount of liquidity that’s needed is
    going to send assets very high I mean
    you can try and do napkin math and I I
    joke like how many cids are we going to
    get if they try and bail out this Market
    that we’re in today you may get two
    three covid so if that happens it’s
    impossible to speculate on an asset as
    scarce as Bitcoin but I think 250,000 to
    a million is the imagination I have in
    that range of just how big this can get
    and that’s based on all the liquidity
    that’s going to be required to make this
    Market solvent is that based
    on uh a steepening of the adoption curve
    which we’ll talk about in just a minute
    or is that just based on normal Market
    action like more liquidity like you like
    you mentioned in the natural course of
    time just passing like what what is a
    catalyst is basically what I’m asking I
    think all the above well you’re we’re
    talking about pricing Bitcoin in a piece
    of paper that’s being actively debased
    right so maybe a more interesting
    question is you know how many houses can
    I get for my Bitcoins in a year um but
    given the fact that it is in dollars I
    think that’s where your imagination has
    to go insanely High because of the
    predicament that the government is in on
    the other side of that though on the the
    talk of adoption and just the notion of
    it I think price is the most accurate
    kpi we have into Bitcoin adoption what
    price tells me is a rather accurate
    measurement of how much of the world is
    using Bitcoin as money and so I expect
    more of the world to take on bitcoin as
    money whether it be for any form of use
    case or value to them because it is so
    appealing in solving so many different
    problems so I expect adoption of Bitcoin
    as as a monetary unit to go up and then
    against the dollar in particular and
    other Fiat currencies I expect it to be
    violent to the upside okay well I I I
    think the followup question to your view
    is look the lightning network was
    created to solve the problem of a slower
    transaction speed for Bitcoin right but
    why would you just philosophically
    speaking use Bitcoin as a medium
    exchange at all if you believe it’s
    going to go much higher to $250,000 or a
    millionar whatever the target may be why
    wouldn’t I just hudle it as a store
    value yeah well so a guy like me I’m so
    convicted I actually don’t even own
    dollars anymore I only own Bitcoin so I
    have to spend it because it’s the only
    money I own but my thesis there is I
    spend on credit cards because I get to
    borrow a currency that only goes down
    and spend without owning it and then I
    own the very hard hardest money that is
    the best performing asset in human
    history so I’m running a short dollar
    trade in my everyday life which so I
    have to I have to spend Bitcoin um so
    that’s why I do but I also I mean we as
    a business we have a product line that
    moves Fiat currencies over the lightning
    Network so we take a little bit of a
    separate View and and view that part of
    Bitcoin as a payments Network and I
    agree with you there are customers of
    ours that don’t want to spend Bitcoin
    but they do value faster cheaper Global
    Payments and so that is the part where
    the technology is actually disruptive in
    creating new value and disrupting
    existing businesses I I’ve never seen an
    asset that is so conflicted in its
    actual use case as Bitcoin you talk to
    five different people I get like at
    least three different answers as to
    exactly why one should own Bitcoin right
    there’s a lot of critics out there who
    don’t necessarily agree with your view
    in particular right which is that
    Bitcoin should be used as payment some
    people think it’s just too volatile an
    asset why would I pay for something that
    moves up and down the way it does right
    it’s just not useful as a currency how
    would you respond to that well um so I
    think I’d agree I I mean I I view
    Bitcoin as pure Humanity in the sense
    that it’s one of the only free markets
    we have left and so I love the idea that
    people can do whatever they want with
    Bitcoin so if someone says I don’t want
    to spend it because all it does is go up
    well I’ll shake your hand good for you
    you might be right but uh there’s the
    concept David in Bitcoin of capital
    Bitcoin capital B Bitcoin and lowercase
    b Bitcoin lowercase b Bitcoin is when we
    are referencing the monetary unit the
    actual bare asset capital B Bitcoin is
    when we’re referencing the network what
    I mean by that is take gold for example
    which Bitcoin is compared to all the
    time what is Gold’s monetary Network
    it’s us human beings if I wanted to move
    gold across the world I’d have to get
    off my butt put it in my pocket get on
    an airplane and drop it off wherever I
    needed it to go Bitcoin actually has a
    network associated with it as well and
    that’s distinct separate value so you
    could say that maybe Bitcoin the unit
    can be competitive to the bond market or
    the real estate market or dollar Bitcoin
    the network can be competitive to Swift
    can be competitive to Visa it’s an
    entirely different value proposition so
    that to me we can move Fiat currencies
    over that why can’t I move a dollar Euro
    trade over the Bitcoin network instead
    of the Swift Network and so I don’t
    disagree with you whatsoever I think the
    technology is valued independently of
    your personal spending preference well
    more broadly um in in regards to your
    philosophy of what Bitcoin is you said
    in a January interview view that Bitcoin
    is the only Innovation that can solve
    the biggest financial problem ever which
    is Central Banking uh what did you mean
    that um just that there’s a group of
    people that so I think of listen I think
    of money as time and energy in an
    abstracted form it’s abstracted into a
    market good but that’s what money is
    it’s a market good that you don’t buy to
    consume for its own sake but you buy to
    then exchange later so you work really
    hard David on this podcast and what in
    return for that you get money yeah the
    fact that there’s a central bank that
    can debase the value of your money means
    they can de debase the value of your
    time and energy and so it is a very real
    threat to society uh and so I view
    Central Banking and the manipulation of
    currency to be a central party that can
    manipulate society and human Tendencies
    and I think that you’ve been able to see
    that over the last 100 years since fat
    currency this latest interation of the
    dollar has been introduced I think it’s
    caused a lot of problems so I viewed
    Bitcoin as a solution to that do you
    think Bitcoin is becoming more
    centralized because of well the Bitcoin
    ETFs which allows large institutions to
    basically Buy in theory a majority of
    the Bitcoin float I mean wouldn’t that
    create a central bank for Bitcoin so to
    speak no uh so it’s a common
    misconception it’s a great question uh
    Bitcoin is not proof of stake so that
    might very well true for something like
    ethereum Bitcoin operates with proof of
    work so and and you tell me if you want
    to get into that but what that means
    from a high level is that uh the I don’t
    matter how much you own of the actual
    asset itself it gives you no further
    influence on the on the wider Network so
    someone that owns no Bitcoin versus
    someone that owns all the Bitcoins has
    the same opportunity and chance to mine
    the next Bitcoin block they have to
    follow the same rules and consensus
    protocol on the network itself so it
    doesn’t matter the percentage that
    anyone entity owns over the network it’s
    distributed in ways that don’t account
    for a person’s Holdings okay um another
    argument I’ve heard against uh the
    bitcoin’s um limited Supply argument
    which is that it’s cap at 21 million
    therefore it has value there you can
    just Fork Bitcoin to Infinity right um
    what’s your counter argument to that uh
    forking Bitcoin is uh creating a new
    asset uh I like the analogy of Chess
    have you ever played chess David sure
    yeah I’m not very good at it but I
    understand the rules
    I love yeah I love the game so let’s say
    you and I are playing a game of chess
    yeah and you’re kicking my butt and then
    I fork the game and say my pawns are now
    allowed to move like Queens right and
    then I Checkmate you
    well that we we decided to then not play
    chess we’re playing Jack’s chess or
    we’re playing Jack and David’s chess or
    we’re playing the Tuesday night chess or
    the chess we play when we have a bunch
    of beers that’s a different game and so
    Bitcoin is defined by the consensus
    rules the parameters of the system and
    that’s enforced by the distributed
    Network so you can Fork it and create a
    different asset but you can’t inflate
    the supply of the currency that operates
    within the consensus rules just says you
    could change the rules of Chess but
    you’re just creating a different board
    game you can’t you know inflate the
    rules of chess the rules are the rules
    uh okay so a hard Fork on bitcoin
    wouldn’t change the fundamental um core
    argument of Bitcoin is having a limited
    Supply is what you’re say yeah and we’ve
    yeah and we’ve already seen that we’ve
    seen these iterations of Bitcoin Cash
    There’s Bitcoin gold there’s Bitcoin
    faster version Bitcoin inflated version
    Bitcoin smart contract version and these
    are just different assets that end up
    trading and being valued at zero so I
    view generally the altcoin space and all
    the Bitcoin forks forks to be arbitrages
    on the trend in my opinion uh I don’t
    view them as valuable whatsoever and
    we’ve we’ve seen this play out and uh
    yeah the main point is you can’t change
    bitcoin’s rules uh the distributed
    Network protects against that and if you
    do you create a new asset class you
    don’t inflate the existing one okay um
    let’s move on and talk about Bitcoin as
    a form of payment which ultimately is um
    one of the um problems that your company
    is trying to solve or enhance I mean do
    we do we know why Bitcoin is not W as
    widely used as let’s say Fiat I mean
    you’ve made very compelling arguments as
    to why it’s a superior form of money in
    ways yeah I think and I mean we see this
    in the growth of Our Own business our
    payments business is growing and doing
    well but our biggest business line is
    customers buying and selling Bitcoin I
    think the the biggest use case for
    Bitcoin today is it stores value across
    time better than any other asset and
    that’s the killer use case that even
    Wall Street is subscribed to today and
    so that is what’s carrying the adoption
    and that’s why people don’t spend it is
    because they buy it to hold it uh I also
    do think on the payment side we see a
    lot more interest in adoption often
    times for cross currency payments cross
    border payments because there’s real
    friction there the issue is changing
    consumer behavior is very very
    challenging and very very difficult and
    so we see the payments line in that
    business it grows in a slower adoption
    cycle than someone in Nigeria whose
    currency is being rapidly debased and
    they need something else to hold because
    they’re basically dying and they need a
    life raft the central bank is sucking
    the time and energy out of their life
    well when when you first got involved
    with strike right when you when you
    first had this business idea what was
    ultimately the problem you wanted to
    solve so when I founded the company
    initially it was based on the lightning
    Network’s idea of I I view it as an open
    value transfer protocol on the internet
    and so what I believe the world
    desperately needs is a neutral value
    transfer protocol that can get a neutral
    value instrument anywhere in the world
    in less than a second and at no cost and
    often think that that implies spending
    and using Bitcoin and there’s all this
    volatility but we actually can move a
    dollar over that value transfer protocol
    or a Euro or a pound or a naira and it
    opens up new cross currency markets that
    were previously impossible because of
    the cost so you can do micro payments
    and internet tipping and it greatly
    enhances and disrupts existing ones that
    are very cost prohibitive so that was
    the initial thing that brought me to El
    Salvador the way the business has
    evolved is we’ve turned into one of the
    best in the world at Bitcoin period uh
    especially after the fall of after FX
    and Sam I mean we are one of the most
    licensed regulated globally accessible
    Bitcoin financial service providers and
    in my opinion have some of the best
    technology in the world and a lot of
    customers come to us for all Bitcoin
    buying it selling it storing it sending
    it receiving it payments we have
    developer products and apis so we’re a
    One-Stop Bitcoin shop at this point but
    my initial thesis was that the world
    needed a business that really focused a
    lot more on bitcoin and less on
    speculative crypto Exchange because
    there’s a lot more of the technology
    within Bitcoin that we can advance
    Humanity with and I didn’t see I saw a
    hole in the market there I saw a lot of
    crypto exchanges with leverage and not a
    lot of Bitcoin Financial Service firms
    that were dead focused on taking Bitcoin
    as far as I can go okay uh speaking of
    Bitcoin as a form of payment Bitcoin
    used to be used predominantly as a form
    of payment before the Avent of stable
    coins and I think a lot of I’ve talked
    to several um uh payment vendors and and
    platform and they’ve told me that it’s
    now 8020 stablecoin versus Bitcoin for
    for bdp transactions whereas a couple
    years ago it was reverse right um why do
    you think that Trend
    happened oh I think bitcoin’s volatility
    is a user experience problem in payments
    um the way we solve that is by moving
    Fiat currencies over the Bitcoin Network
    so that you can spend a dollar using
    this neutral value transfer protocol but
    yeah uh stable coins solve that user
    experience problem so I believe that’s
    the primary driver uh I think people can
    flate the idea that stable coins compete
    with the lightning Network stable coin
    is an asset it’s a euro dollar product
    it’s not a network um but I think
    they’re going to eventually be
    complimentary but I think that’s the
    primary driver so for the viewers out
    there watching this who may not be
    familiar with the lightning Network um
    let’s let’s explain how maybe it works
    so one of the fundamental problems of
    using Bitcoin with the criticism of
    using Bitcoin is a medium exchange is
    let’s say I go to a store and buy my
    coffee with Bitcoin it’s a slow protocol
    to transact with lightning fixes this
    how uh it takes the payments off of the
    blockchain so the Bitcoin blockchain has
    to be slow because it accounts for the
    reality of physics things like the speed
    of light so every single Bitcoin payment
    you make on the blockchain you have to
    announce to the world the world has to
    receive that message validate it in
    incorporate it and mine it into the
    blockchain and that takes time the
    lightning Network takes Bitcoin which is
    a broadcast protocol so you’re
    broadcasting to the whole world and it
    turns it into a linkto link protocol
    where you’re just broadcasting to your
    direct counterpart and if you’re just
    talking to one person then Things become
    a lot faster and a lot cheaper so it’s
    what we call a layer two in the industry
    but it effectively allows Bitcoin
    payments to be made instantly and at
    little to no cost okay and what what
    does the end end user have to do to to
    to make this happen does he have to
    download some sort of software does he
    have to use it through an app or does he
    have to transact Bitcoin only through
    the strike Network yeah hopefully
    nothing right like um there’s a lot of
    layers of the internet in fact yeah you
    know there’s maybe seven um but all you
    need to do is download a browser so we
    as a financial service provider build
    wallets that build all of this in housee
    so that it feels and looks like a cash
    app or a venmo but of course if you
    wanted to build your own internet stack
    yourself at home you can you can be your
    own ISP and so consumers can set it all
    up but nowadays you just download a
    Bitcoin wallet a lightning wallet and
    those that support the features it it
    works out of the box um I just to give a
    comparison to the viewers I believe and
    correct me if I got the numbers wrong
    but I believe that the Bitcoin layer one
    transaction speed is roughly around
    seven transactions per second whereas
    lightning can operate up to a million or
    more uh in some cases right so I mean
    does this has this has this caused some
    regulatory challenges around how much of
    an improvement this is over the layer
    one no um I think that this is just the
    biggest Showcase of programmable money
    right uh I mean bitcoin’s going to get
    better forever because Engineers are
    never done so it’s just about the
    coolest thing in the world that we have
    a global money that we can work on and
    so I think we’ll continue to extend the
    functionality and this is only the
    beginning in my opinion unfortunately us
    humans can’t live forever to see it but
    uh it’s it’s it’s great it’s great well
    tell tell us about the next steps for
    strike and how your expansion could lead
    to the concept of hyperbitcoinization
    which is that at some point this is an
    idea it’s a fantasy but it could happen
    it’s at some point everyone in the world
    could use Bitcoin for something right
    we’re not there yet but how could strike
    help us get there yeah well so with
    Europe we’re in almost a 100 markets and
    I think the difference between our
    product and maybe something like a
    bigger exchange is one we focus only on
    bitcoin because we think Bitcoin is the
    Innovation and the actual only money
    within the crypto space and then two we
    treat it as money so our product is a
    wallet and we focus on your ability to
    acquire it or sell it if you live on it
    and then your ability to store it and
    move it as opposed to trade it uh we do
    not consider ourselves in exchange more
    so than a money app and so we believe
    that more of the world is going to adopt
    Bitcoin as money because it is better
    money it’s harder money and we see that
    in our own growth in our own numbers and
    so the future I’d love to see is that we
    are one of the many players that provide
    Financial Services to the new world
    Reserve currency how do you just
    convince people to start using Bitcoin
    as a form of payment I’ll give you an
    example okay so you’ve mentioned El
    Salvador where you were um involved in
    this is an article from science um
    Science magazine uh they’ve concluded uh
    this is a long uh paper but they’ve
    concluded here in the abstract that
    Bitcoin adoption in El Salvador has been
    rather weak so far uh one of the issues
    that a lot of people don’t yet trust
    Bitcoin as a form of payment uh the
    study finds that Bitcoin adoption is
    strongest and young educated men um
    banked men for that matter people with
    bank accounts um most respondents didn’t
    know what Bitcoin even is were does so
    even though it is legal tender in
    Bitcoin not everyone still uses it on a
    regular basis what would you say to
    those people not using Bitcoin um well I
    think this kind of comes back to the
    idea we’re were talking about earlier
    that changing consumer Behavior at that
    level is very challenging and difficult
    um but on a in wider scope I think El
    Salvador adopting Bitcoin has been a
    huge success my favorite story is the
    government’s treasury of Bitcoin and the
    fact that I actually don’t know the
    Bitcoin price when the government of El
    Salvador can call the IMF and say yeah
    hey guys it was nice knowing you but uh
    I’m gonna end the relationship but um I
    I don’t know I mean what I would say to
    the people is I mean if I were to walk
    down to a corner store I guess and no
    one was accepting Bitcoin yet I would
    say listen it’s a new payments Network
    that gives you access to new customers
    and there are no chargebacks it’s cash
    final there’s no interchange and by the
    way if you wanted to use a service
    provider like us we cash final settle it
    in any currency you want if you don’t
    want to hold Bitcoin and be exposed to
    the volatility so if you mark it up
    property by property it’s better than a
    Visa there’s no interchange there’s no
    chargebacks it’s cash final it’s open
    and interoperable with any service so
    you can accept a lightning payment from
    cash app from soon Tobe coinbase from my
    customers so as a payments provider in a
    network it’s h hand over heals better uh
    but I think changing consumer Behavior
    at that level is difficult uh I think
    the adoption you’re seeing from Bitcoin
    more organically is people that are
    tired of getting poorer through currency
    de basement okay but okay so back to you
    you mentioned that you transact mostly
    in Bitcoin correct how do you how do you
    how do you physically do that in your
    everyday life yeah so I’m almost running
    and we’re going to launch products
    around this in a bit um I’m almost
    running the Michael sailor trade
    personally so what I do I only own
    Bitcoin and I spend on credit so I it’s
    what sailor does you borrow the weaker
    currency harder currency so I have a
    credit I have credit cards and I spend
    on those and then when I need to pay
    those down I sell the Bitcoin to pay
    them off I you know I do bill pay with
    Bitcoin but in that way I’m borrowing
    the currency that only goes down so I
    get to spend it without ever needing to
    hold it and I hoard the currency that
    averages going up 50 to 100%
    year-over-year so everything around me
    gets 50 to 100% cheaper year-over-year
    right it gets a half off every single
    year uh and I spend on a credit line of
    the currency that’s getting actively
    debased by my government so I’m just
    running a short trade all the way down
    to the penny
    okay and um and are are you okay what
    what has your bank said about this um
    they haven’t said anything um so far so
    good I don’t know um I I can’t imagine
    that they have I don’t know maybe
    they’ll watch this interview and they’ll
    give me a call but yeah I think the
    broad question is I think the banks will
    start using your method right they’ll
    start opening up avenues for people to
    also adopt Bitcoin use transactions with
    Bitcoin take loans using Bitcoin at what
    point do you think the traffi
    institutions will start catching up on
    this trend Jack well I’d be curious what
    they’re going to do about it it I think
    that if this gets adopted like a
    GameStop Robin Hood Type situation
    you’re going to run the banking
    institutions in the US ins solvent if we
    all hoard Bitcoin and spend on a credit
    line of credit cards yeah then banks are
    going to go under um but it’s very
    obviously the financially responsible
    thing to do you know when my buddies are
    like know how could you possibly do that
    I look him in the eye and say why would
    I own something that only goes down
    that’s the US dollar so if I if the bank
    is going to give me a line of credit and
    I can afford to not have to own it and I
    get to own and hoard the thing that only
    goes up you know I’m a college drop out
    David but that’s a very simple trade and
    so and so I don’t know I you know we’re
    hopeful at strike to launch some
    products that make this a lot easier and
    more user friendly and I’m really
    curious to see the adoption rate of it
    because I think it’s obvious uh what
    what do you think would incentivize
    Merchants at local businesses to start
    accepting payments with
    Bitcoin um we see it and we work on it
    it it grows slower than those that want
    to buy Bitcoin like I said yeah but when
    people adopted it’s because one you’re
    acquiring new customers so Merchants
    aren’t married to the Visa Network or
    the MasterCard Network they want
    customers to spend money at their store
    so it acquires a new sector of customers
    the payments Network is Cash final so
    chargebacks are some of the biggest
    costs that Merchants uh occur when
    selling goods and services on the
    internet so there’s no chargebacks it’s
    cash final it’s a physical instrument
    that settles in real time and it’s a lot
    cheaper because there’s less
    intermediaries to broker the finality of
    the transaction so it’s cheaper it’s
    faster it’s cash final and you get to
    acquire a new sector of customers and
    for all of those reasons or a few of
    those reasons we see Merchants pick it
    up more and more does strike allow you
    to have the option to let’s say convert
    Bitcoin to Fiat in L at a merchant yeah
    so we allow customers to send Fiat
    currencies over the lightning Network
    and allow whether it’s consumers or
    acquires or anyone to receive Fiat
    currencies over so for example in our
    launch with Europe our dollar euro
    market so we allow then by Na by nature
    of having a btcusd product and then a
    BTC e product by proxy we have a USD e
    product and that product is actually
    significantly cheaper than transfer wise
    which the world will know as we launch
    so um we allow cross currency payments
    or payments to be acquired in local
    currency without ever touching Bitcoin
    so everyone kind of gets the best of
    both worlds you can get the benefits of
    the network without touching the asset
    or you can get all the asset and the
    network so so just to clarify would I be
    able to let’s say if I have Bitcoin with
    strike uh and then I go to like let’s
    say a McDonald’s I tap my phone I take
    the Bitcoin out from Strike and it
    instantly converts to $3 for my Big Mac
    or whatever right would that that that’s
    how long would that process take less
    than a second instantly instantly yeah
    yeah so if you think about it um let’s
    go through so if I was uh I love cross
    currency uh transfers because they’ve
    got the most friction it’s the easiest
    to understand let’s say that uh I wanted
    to send1 us to Nigeria what strikes
    going to do is well how much Bitcoin
    is10 US dollar worth in our system of
    btcusd so we’re interconnected with the
    rest of the market and we’re going to
    get an amount of Bitcoin then we what is
    that amount of Bitcoin worth in naira
    and we’re able to send that Bitcoin to
    any counterpart in Africa in less than a
    second and at no cost and so then what
    you’re what you’re seeing is Bitcoin is
    almost like the translator like in
    Google translate um right like you take
    one language you put it into Google’s
    translate interpreter and then it comes
    out as a different language with cross
    currency you take one currency you put
    it into Bitcoin and then it comes out as
    another currency and so that’s how you
    get like a dollar naira Market that’s
    50% cheaper than the rest than like
    using the Swift Network and clearing
    through central banks does that make
    sense and so it does yeah just we’re
    just trading Bitcoin right like sending
    dollars over lightning is a btcusd buy
    order because I’m taking the customers
    dollars and I’m sending Bitcoin out and
    acquiring as a sell order I I think one
    of the concerns that a lot of bitcoiners
    have had since the collapse of FTX and
    Celsius and a bunch of others is that
    you know you know the phrase not your
    keys not your Bitcoin and people are
    have been advocating to use wallets for
    that particular reason I know stri is
    not a wallet it’s a custodial service so
    people don’t actually own their keys
    through strike so how would you respond
    to people with those concerns that they
    don’t actually own any Bitcoin through
    strike you know you ultimately you
    control the keys right uh yeah we do I
    would say take it off the platform uh
    and we’ll help you and encourage you to
    do that I do believe that there’s room
    for financial institutions in Bitcoin I
    think I mean centralization provides
    efficiencies there’s no doubt about that
    that’s why AWS is the best place to a
    server in the world is because it’s
    centralized with Amazon if we had to run
    a distributed AWS it wouldn’t work um
    and so the idea of distributed or
    decentralization is very valuable when
    trying to elect a monetary policy for
    the world to agree on but for financial
    services I think centralization in some
    parts is okay and that’s what we see in
    our growth and our customers but I would
    say if you’re not cool with that then uh
    hit withdrawal and we’ll process it okay
    fair enough uh finally what’s next for
    strike besides your European expansion
    are you are you thinking of the entire
    world or are you just limiting it to you
    know certain jurisdictions for now
    whatever you can comment on at this
    point yeah we’re thinking the entire
    world I can comment and say the UK is
    the next market and we expect that to
    land within this quarter uh the way I I
    kind of open with this the way I think
    about it is global debt to GDP is so
    ludicrous and the whole world the
    collective governments have borrowed so
    much from our future no way to pay it
    back and everyone needs Bitcoin and so
    as a Bitcoin financial service provider
    someone that holds the conviction in the
    future of this technology saving us and
    providing us hope we want to be as
    accessible and available to everyone on
    the planet and what I think is the
    greatest wealth transfer of all time and
    the great reset and the future of money
    so we’re just going to keep our head
    down and keep going if you had to guess
    which markets or which areas in the
    world would adopt Bitcoin the fastest as
    a form of payment would it be the
    developing countries or the developed G7
    countries for example I think the
    developing I think the developed the
    Western world is going to adopt it uh as
    a hedge against Fiat debasement like
    we’re seeing on Wall Street the store of
    value use case I think Wall Street is
    leading this charge of oh my gosh and
    you know they’re sending gold to new
    highs and Bitcoin as well and I think
    the developing uh will adopt it more as
    a medium of exchange first finally I
    have to before I let you go I have to
    get your thoughts on
    altcoins um you know uh uh it’s it’s
    pretty broad we won’t have time to go
    through all the alt coins let’s start
    with eth um in particular you’ve called
    it a Tech play in the past uh
    y Kathy Wood recently stated her love
    for eth she said just today in an
    article that she expects the cap to
    reach $ 20 trillion by
    2032 um with 120 million tokens that
    equates to
    $166,000 per token um she’s basing this
    this the rationale is she’s basing this
    on the fact that um there’s going to be
    massive adoption uh with defi
    applications being built on eth
    expanding can you comment on that um I
    think she’s wrong I guess is the short
    answer but um I I do view I don’t think
    any of these altcoins are money which is
    a subtle comment but it means a lot um
    ethereum ethereum went through a dow
    hack I don’t know if you’re familiar
    David a long time ago where the protocol
    was hacked for hundreds of millions of
    dollars and they changed the monetary
    policy to protect the developers and to
    me that was the first instance of what
    has become many of a prioritization of
    being a technology that wants to be
    further adopted by developers and not a
    money that can be acted as the neutral
    based currency of the world and so
    that’s why I view Bitcoin as the only
    money that’s come out of this sector and
    everything else as a technology the
    reason I call it an Arbitrage on the
    trend is if you want to build technology
    that’s fine that’s what I do at strike I
    built technology I have strike shares
    that’s a security that’s an equity um
    the the issue I have is why then do you
    need your own currency that’s when I
    think things get a little messed up is
    oh yeah I’m saving the world oh really
    how do I get involved well you buy the
    currency I created well now I now I
    start to disregard your opinion a little
    bit you’re just it seems to be a a less
    legally accountable way to be a central
    bank as oh sorry that Siri I think it’s
    a it’s a less legally accountable way to
    be a central bank than it is anything
    else in my opinion it’s it’s a lot of
    people’s excuse to create their own
    money and and sell it to the public so
    that’s my brutally honest take on
    ethereum I think uh that less legally
    accountable way is uh now like the SEC
    is catching on to that I think that’s
    what they’re taking the issue with so
    that’s my opinion I I think it’s an
    Arbitrage on the trend and it won’t last
    forever you don’t think that the
    argument that it’s a deflationary asset
    u meaning that it gets burned um isn’t
    going to boost the value at some point
    no but it it became deflationary when
    that’s what everyone was kicking and
    screaming about they switched to proof
    of stake when politicians were kicking
    and screaming about energy consumption
    you know who else changes and launches
    features based on customer demand strike
    Apple Amazon Facebook these are
    companies these are centralized entities
    these are not you know distributed
    neutral so so you wouldn’t you wouldn’t
    consider Building strike on any other
    protocol besides
    Bitcoin uh no and it’s nonsensical oh by
    the way strike
    our servers run on centralized servers
    because we care about efficiency and
    speed to customers right I think if you
    wanted to run a distributed Network for
    some application great and you wanted to
    use money I’d use Bitcoin but if you’re
    going to run a distributed Network and
    then introduce your own currency that’s
    when I start to have questions for you
    is what’s the need for that if it’s not
    to enrich enrich yourself so so what how
    do you define a
    shitcoin um I think a shitcoin is a
    currency that that uh was founded and
    distributed and has outside influence
    from a central group um personally like
    I don’t think gold is necessarily A
    shitcoin yeah uh I I view the US dollar
    as a shitcoin I view ethereum as a
    shitcoin I view all the altcoins as
    shitcoins okay uh is there anything that
    could in your opinion um be the closest
    in solving the blockchain tremma
    security um what was the third one uh
    decentralization well the problem I have
    is I think Bitcoin does a great job at
    it you know here’s here’s a a mental
    exercise I think is interesting David in
    every single thing on planet Earth with
    more Supply you find more demand yeah
    the reason that I can’t store my value
    in iPhones is I’ll buy 10,000 iPhones
    today and then sell them for 10x the
    price in 10 years because the demand for
    iPhones is going to go up is because
    with more demand for iPhones Apple can
    just produce more iPhones so the price
    will never go
    okay right does that does that make
    sense so I I think the the only asset
    that uh can actually solve of that is is
    Bitcoin um bit Bitcoin is the only asset
    in instrument where with more Supply or
    with more demand you cannot find more
    Supply um so I I don’t I I don’t know I
    I don’t think uh
    Bitcoin has I don’t think any of these
    guess my point is in Bitcoin with more
    demand you can’t find more Supply you
    get more shitcoins sorry I had to just
    cut to the chase there does that make
    sense see what we’re seeing in this
    industry is when there’s more demand for
    this asset and for this technology you
    can inflate the Bitcoin so what you do
    get is a bunch of shitcoins and a bunch
    of arbitrages on the trend and a bunch
    of people that are trying
    to in inflate the Revolution and
    innovation and sell it to the public my
    final question Before I Let You Go Jack
    great talk what would change your mind
    about Bitcoin suppose something in our
    lifetimes happens such that you would
    give up on the idea of Bitcoin as a
    money you would give up on the idea of
    Bitcoin as a hard asset um and you would
    move on to do something else with your
    business what would that hypothetical
    event or series of events
    be well I I believe money wants to be
    one and money tends to be the hardest so
    if there were to be a harder form of
    money I would adopt it along with the
    rest of the world logically uh and so if
    there’s a better money that Humanity
    comes across or if Bitcoin becomes a
    worse money but I view both of those as
    zero to no chance at least within my
    lifetime I think bitcoin’s that big of
    an innovation where this thing is going
    to last hundreds or thousands of years
    and I’m just luy to be alive during the
    beginning wow okay great where can we
    follow you jack learn about you learn
    strike oh man I’m all over the internet
    I that’s where I spend all my time I uh
    I sit here on my computer and talk to
    guys like you so I’m Jack MERS on
    Twitter and everywhere else and uh yeah
    strike is available in close to 100
    countries so if you want to get the best
    out of Bitcoin give it a try let us know
    what you think all right we’ll put the
    links down in the description below make
    sure to give Jack a follow make sure to
    give strike a follow thank you very much
    for your time Jack it’s a great honor
    meeting you likewise brother thanks for
    having me thank you thank you for
    watching don’t forget to like And

    Jack Mallers, CEO and Founder of Strike, discusses Bitcoin’s long-term growth potential as a globally accepted currency.

    Sign up for an IRA with ITrust today using this link: https://itrust.capital/David

    *This video was recorded on April 23, 2024

    Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/510WZMFaqeh90Xk4jcE34s
    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-david-lin-report

    Strike: https://strike.me/
    Twitter (@jackmallers): https://twitter.com/jackmallers

    Twitter (@davidlin_TV): https://twitter.com/davidlin_TV
    TikTok (@davidlin_TV): https://www.tiktok.com/@davidlin_tv
    Instagram (@davidlin_TV): https://www.instagram.com/davidlin_tv/

    For business inquiries, reach me at david@thedavidlinreport.com

    *This video is not financial advice. The channel is not responsible for the performance of sponsors and affiliates.

    0:00 – Intro
    2:10 – Bitcoin rally
    4:16 – Bitcoin adoption
    5:30 – Inflation outlook
    6:33 – ‘Hardest’ money of all
    7:30 – Bitcoin halving and mining
    10:27 – $1 million Bitcoin
    13:04 – Bitcoin’s use case
    16:03 – Central banks and money
    17:20 – Bitcoin decentralization
    20:10 – Bitcoin as currency
    21:28 – Strike
    23:30 – Bitcoin vs stablecoins
    24:45 – Lightning Network
    27:40 – Hyperbitcoinization
    30:39 – Spending with Bitcoin
    37:35 – Strike’s expansion plans
    38:57 – Ethereum
    42:55 – Blockchain trilemma
    44:41 – What would change Jack’s mind about BTC?

    #bitcoin #crypto #investing


    1. We live in the era of Post Modern Absurdity. If you step back and objectively observe what's going on, without getting emotionally involved, it's absurdly funny.

    2. The folks in the comments sound like the old people back in the 1990s I used to deal with who were so ignorant about this little thing called the internet. Jack is a little aggressive in his timelines, but I do not think he is wrong. The doubters in the comment sections are going to be proven really wrong in the next 5-10 years only wishing they bought some Bitcoin when they could have.

    3. Q
      How about: NO
      Bitcoin = scam
      When there's money ๐Ÿ’ฐ to be made, it can be literally anything.
      When ๐Ÿ˜‚ you can buy imaginary
      REAL ESTATE in lala land…no dirt involved. And make money on it.
      The dude with real dirt grows potatoes ๐Ÿฅ”, carrots ๐Ÿฅ• and cows ๐Ÿ„. Real food. Burgers ๐Ÿ” and fries ๐ŸŸ.
      The imagined online real estate…๐Ÿ˜ฎ I know its shocking ๐Ÿ˜ฒ but you aren't growing anything that will keep you alive. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ a picture of this burger ๐Ÿ” doesn't go into your mouth and digestive system to keep you alive. A real one does though.
      BITCOIN = picture of burger
      Dollars = buy you a burger in real life
      Eventually if neither dollars nor Bitcoin survive….
      Potatoes ๐Ÿฅ”
      Carrots ๐Ÿฅ•
      Cows ๐Ÿ„
      Will more than likely be around and to me ๐Ÿ˜‚ your currency can be named anything as long as I can have REAL BURGERS ๐Ÿ” AND FRIES ๐ŸŸ AND A DRINK.

    4. Crazy part is itโ€™s actually possible, how probable that possibility is, well thatโ€™s debatable but multiples of a million are definitely coming someday

    5. Everyone should just stop working for a living and just take every penny they have and buy Bitcoin and just sit back and wait to become like this kid. Why work at all for a living when the answer is like this kid says just go all in on Bitcoin? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    6. This kid was 12 years old in 2008…..he has zero clue how bad that I was. I assure you if we get another 2008 people will completely dump their Biitcoin. Could it come back later? Yes probably but it will take years.

    7. Your video serves as a calming beacon, particularly when financial markets are in tumult. Your analysis offers a prudent course of action, fitting seamlessly with the current stage of the economic cycle. Nonetheless, one cannot overlook the expanding mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies since 2019, as well as the fervent discourse surrounding prospective Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs. Might these elements sustain the market in this particular cycle? Speculation abounds that we are on the verge of a significant market upswing, making this a moment of great import for any discerning investor. My own portfolio, enriched by 34 bitcoins in a mere seven-week interval, serves as a compelling testament to Kerrie Farrell financial wisdom…..

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