    hello and welcome to denish Gua books
    ABC again we continue profiling the
    books that changed my life and change my
    way of thinking and inspire me and
    everything that comes into us and of
    course when it comes to books everyone
    knows that it’s one of my passions and I
    have hundreds of books and thousands of
    books and I keep buying more books all
    kind of books I would say that
    definitely book is a great friend but is
    as well a great self-analysis when I
    read the book when I get excited about
    the book I can actually change my life
    and change the way I think and at the
    moment in a time of AI this is probably
    the most important thing that can
    actually come out of everything is the
    way we can push our minds and the way we
    think so today I want to highlight a
    special books ABC to an author that I am
    a huge fan for over 10 years or 15 I
    would say Nick bolon and Nick Bol I
    interview previously on my YouTube
    podcast Series so you can actually find
    everything about him but he probably the
    most quoted philosopher researcher in
    the areas of philosophy and artificial
    intelligence and the future of humanity
    and I will start being in mind that Nick
    bolon is effectively a philosopher so I
    start with a quote from one of the
    biggest philosophers Of All Times
    educating the mind without educating the
    heart is no education at all another one
    as well that is important is is the
    market of an educated mind to be able to
    entertain a thought without accepting it
    so these are two quotes by
    Aristotle okay so Nick bolom so Nick
    bostron has a new book and is definitely
    one of the biggest Minds in the world
    and when you look at him definitely you
    can find an entire research about all
    the books and the impact he’s been
    having in the thinking about Humanity
    Future Past and as well in the way we
    look at technology artificial
    intelligence a lot of different things
    so when it comes to the books of Nick
    Bolen I will start by lighting new book
    deep Utopia and the Deep Utopia that is
    launched in 2024 in May the title of the
    book is De deep Utopia life and meaning
    in a Sol world and the it’s a book that
    touches the narrative around how to
    create Utopia how can actually you can
    actually look at finding balance in a
    world of transformational technology
    that actually can actually bring a lot
    of different things so this is
    definitely one of the different things
    and of course when you talk about
    someone like n Nick bolom we’re talking
    about someone that is a highly regarded
    philosopher Professor Oxford and leading
    one of the biggest institutes in the
    world in terms of research the future of
    humanity Institute but one of the things
    he’s been doing in all his books is
    looking at what I would say that part of
    the Common Ground is what constitutes to
    be a human it’s a big question but it’s
    probably I think the the common do
    denominated in all his work and of
    course his work touches amazing things
    like I was looking and the if I look at
    some of these different things from the
    research between language and reality
    from the different parts of humanity
    bias and some of these books I’ll just
    highlighted some of them and you’ll see
    it in the background you have anthropic
    bias from 2002 Global catastrophic risks
    from 2008 human enhancement 2009 Super
    intelligence paths danger strategies
    2014 and de Utopia life and meaning in a
    Sol World idea press
    2024 so super intelligent particular
    it’s a book that I think just
    highlighting it’s one of the most
    critical books I would say that was
    released ever about artificial
    intelligence and it’s a book that in a
    in a simple way looks at how artificial
    augment intelligence AGI can actually
    change the path of humanity and
    therefore the the subtitled paths
    dangerous strategies it was done in 2014
    10 years ago as we speak now in 2024 and
    in 2014 talking about this was still a
    bit of Science Fiction domain and uh
    when you look at this of course this is
    a book recommended by Bill Gates and a
    lot of global
    personalities is it was talking about we
    need to be careful about AI but this was
    10 years ago now of course A lot of the
    things that the book was highlighting
    are happening on a day today so we are
    in a breakthrough in terms of humanity
    and of course A lot of these topics are
    more relevant than ever relevant in
    terms of anthropic bias we can actually
    look at anthropic is about humanity and
    as well how we can actually look at the
    challenge of conventional formulations
    of the anthropic principle advocates for
    a more Nuance approach to indexical
    information across various disciplines
    including cosmology philosophy and
    quantum physics then of course I
    mentioned about super intelligence and I
    think especially in super intelligence
    Nick boltron explores the various
    Pathways to achieving super intelligence
    including WB brain emulation and AGI
    highlighting the transformative power
    such entities could wield and of course
    Nick balron distinguished between final
    goals and instrumental goals argued in
    that while certain objectives May
    converge across intelligence agents the
    combination of any level of intelligence
    with diverse final goals could lead to
    unforeseen consequences Boston warns of
    the risks associated with creating a
    super intelligence AI emphasizing the
    global potential for an intelligence
    explosion and the establishing of a
    single t a global decision-making entity
    that could optimize the world according
    to its goals and this of course comes
    with one of the areas that is quite well
    known that is the simulation argument
    that is a position that looks that the
    fraction of human level civilizations
    that reach a postum stage is very close
    to zero and the fraction of posthuman
    civilization that are interested in
    running ancestor simulation is very
    close to zero and the fraction of all
    people with our kind of experience that
    are living in their simulation is very
    close to one so that means we can build
    eventually some kind of simulation
    machine that can actually put us a bit
    like imagine we are managing a colony EV
    ANS that you can take out of their their
    part and put it in another environment
    humans can do that super intelligence
    can do that so there’s a lot of Ethics
    around this is work a lot of philosophy
    a lot of Dimensions but what I think
    it’s very special is the way he looks at
    Humanity technology Evolution and
    present future and he looks at
    mathematics and a lot of different
    things for if I look at the book like
    the global cat copes that is a book that
    was created by Him and edit as well with
    milanovic it’s a massive amount of work
    we’re talking about 500 pages but I will
    just look at some of the quotes that I
    think are important especially to look
    at this when you look at humanity and
    the different parts that we can actually
    highlight because effectively everything
    we’re trying to do right now it’s partly
    described and he been kind of looking at
    all the possibilities of taking Humanity
    a new level but as well to to find some
    kind of ways of protecting Humanity at
    the same time so when you look
    especially at V parallel I’ll just read
    a bit of discussion and conclusion by in
    accessing the global risks measure
    variable is how long it will take to
    develop nanotechnology to the point of
    exponential molecular manufacturing
    nanofactory is building nanofactories
    opinions May widely vary but
    nanotechnologies who have studied
    molecular manufacturing most closely
    tend to have the shortest estimates it
    appears technically plausible to us that
    molecular manufacturing might be
    developed prior to
    2020 so that means a lot of things that
    had happening in humanity has been
    actually looking at this from a
    scientific and perspective okay so to
    look at this I just want to highlight
    especially his new book which I think
    it’s very important because it’s it’s
    lunched as we speak so I want to start
    with actually a beautiful quote that is
    on on the introduction of the book that
    is so the new book like I mention deep
    Utopia life and meaning in a solved
    world and the book is as well here on my
    right you can actually look at it as a
    book that looks at Utopia in the sense
    of not looking at dystopia and how we
    can actually create a transition to the
    machine intelligence era without making
    humans absolete so I know that this is
    very philosophical philosophical but if
    you are in looking at some of my
    interviews I’ve been discussing this
    I’ve been interviewing Global
    personalities and this is really more
    relevant than ever and I will just look
    and read this perace to the book that I
    think it’s really impassive like
    children opening their eyes to a new day
    having gone to the previous nights a
    stuff of Snows began falling we dashed
    to the window and lift ourselves to the
    tips of our to
    to behold the landscape transformed a
    winter wonderland glittering the
    possibilities for Discovery and play
    even the tree branches before sub
    boringly bear have been changed into
    something beautiful and magical we feel
    we are inhabiting a story book or a game
    world and we want very much to put on
    our boots and mittens immediately and
    run outside to see it touch it
    experience it and to play play play play
    so this is very poetic face for the new
    book deep Utopia but as well is what is
    happening we have a new world that is
    all the technology developments and all
    the playgrounds of artificial
    intelligence but of course we have in
    the other hand of course the global
    catastrophic human brain that has the
    capacity to create Utopia capacity to
    create dystopia and looking at his work
    I think what I love about Nick bolon is
    that is actually looking at we are in a
    s world where human labor became become
    absolute due to the advanced AI systems
    but at the same time we have 10 billion
    people by
    2,100 and we have a lot of challenges
    facing Humanity like always in history
    The Challenge right now is that we have
    more humans than ever in history and at
    the same time we still have all the
    beautiful principles of your our old
    operating systems without new operating
    systems of what is to be human so I want
    just for you listening to this books ABC
    of course I will iight all these books
    please look at the interview I did with
    Nick Bolston look at these books read as
    much as you can if you don’t cannot read
    500 pages look at summaries look at
    interviews he has like thousands of
    interviews available in YouTube my own
    interview and so forth but learn keep
    updating yourself keep a narrative that
    is positive and the narrative that is
    positive is narrative that manages the
    pro the pros and cons of what is Being
    Human all our feelings all our emotions
    all our emotional intelligence and all
    our poetry of loving some things versus
    others but please don’t be aot try to
    create this world with positive but as
    well with sense of belonging and sense
    of pushing yourself to be a better
    person of course this is very humanistic
    and positive his work is much more
    pragmatic but I think it makes really
    sense are looking the complexities of
    navigating a world where the fundamental
    changes facing Humanity are still there
    but they are longer less and less
    material and more philosoph
    philosophical and spiritual and I think
    especially in this new book there’s an
    exploration of how individuals and
    societies might grapple with it use of
    purpose identity and fulfillment in a
    world where traditional Notions of work
    struggle and mortality are fun
    fundamentally changed so so I’ll finish
    here for everyone listening please books
    are a great way to keep your mind active
    to find new ways to take you out of
    depression or to find new ways to solve
    the problems you’re facing challenge
    yourself with a good book they are
    available Al over they are in the
    internet they are in paper digital any
    format audibles I love audiobooks
    whatever works better for you but keep
    reading keep learning and I’ll finish
    with a quote by Nick B
    because I think it’s very important that
    I want for us to think how we can
    actually look at this so let’s look at
    this quote that I think it’s important
    for all of us and I would like you to
    think about this before the prospec of
    an intelligence explosion we humans are
    like small children’s playing with a
    bomb such is the mismatch between the
    power of our playing play thing and the
    immaturity of our conduct super
    intelligence is the challenge for which
    we are not ready now and will not be
    ready for a long time so this is one of
    these quotes now let’s look at a bit
    more poetical and that we can actually
    look from this many of the points made
    in this book are probably wrong it is
    also likely that there are
    considerations of critical importance
    that I fail to take into account thereby
    invalidating some of all or all of my
    conclusions this is another quote from
    Super intelligence and I think it’s very
    interesting for us and as well sense of
    humility that are important for us thank
    you so much for being here for listening
    and supporting me and please use this
    engage and comment and subscribe and
    share and please provoke me as well with
    your thoughts with the books you love
    and the def you have thank you so much
    for being here

    In this episode of Booksabc, author and entrepreneur Dinis Guarda reviews books by Nick Bolstrom, a Swedish-born philosopher with a background in theoretical physics, computational neuroscience, logic, and artificial intelligence, along with philosophy. Booksabc is a series powered by and

    ‘Deep Utopia: Life and Meaning in a Solved World’ is the first book Dinis highlights. In this latest book, Nick Bostrom envisions a future where AI development unfolds positively. As the conversation around AI continues to evolve, Bostrom probes the profound philosophical and spiritual implications of a world where superintelligence is safely developed, effectively governed, and utilised for the benefit of humanity.

    To find more about ‘Deep Utopia’, visit

    The second book by Nick Bolstrom that Dinis reviews is ‘Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies’. In this book, Nick explores various pathways to achieving superintelligence, including whole brain emulation and AGI, highlighting the transformative power such entities could wield. He also warns of the risks associated with creating a superintelligent AI, emphasising the potential for an intelligence explosion and the establishment of a singleton, a global decision-making entity that could optimise the world according to its goals.

    To know more about ‘Superintelligence’, visit

    ‘Global Catastrophic Risks’ is the book by Nick Bostrom and Milan M Cirkovic. In this book, 25 leading experts look at the risks facing humanity in the 21st century, including asteroid impacts, gamma-ray bursts, Earth-based natural catastrophes, nuclear war, terrorism, global warming, biological weapons, totalitarianism, advanced nanotechnology, general artificial intelligence, and social collapse. The book also addresses over-arching issues – policy responses and methods for predicting and managing catastrophes.

    To know more about ‘Global Catastrophic Risks’, visit

    About Nick Bolstrom

    Nick Bostrom is a Swedish-born philosopher with a background in theoretical physics, computational neuroscience, logic, and artificial intelligence, along with philosophy. He is known for his work on existential risk, the anthropic principle, human enhancement ethics, whole brain emulation, superintelligence risks, and the reversal test.

    Nick is the author of more than 200 publications. His academic work has been translated into more than 30 languages, and he is the world’s most-cited philosopher aged 50 or under. He is a repeat main-stage TED speaker and he has been interviewed more than 1,000 times by various media. He has been on Foreign Policy’s Top 100 Global Thinkers list twice and was included in Prospect’s World Thinkers list, the youngest person in the top 15.
    Nick’s work has pioneered some of the ideas that frame current thinking about humanity’s future: the simulation argument, the vulnerable world hypothesis, the unilateralist’s curse, etc.).

    To know more about Nick Bolstrom, visit

    About BooksABC

    After the success of his youtube podcast series, with more than 12M views, Dinis Guarda presents BooksABC, a new series where he reviews meaningful books that are changing the way we understand technology and society as a whole. More importantly, these are books that he loves. Dinis Guarda is an avid reader and writer and believes books are there to inspire and teach us. The first episode is available now on YouTube.

    About Dinis Guarda

    Throughout his career, Dinis Guarda has published numerous books and articles, and has been interviewed for media outlets such as IrishTechNews, O’Reilly, and Forbes. He is the founder of digital news sites,,,, and more.

    As an author, Dinis is well known for his book with Rais Hussin, “4IR AI Blockchain, FinTech, IOT – Reinventing a Nation” and “Blockchain, AI + Crypto Economics – The Next Tsunami.” Additionally, he is about to publish a new book, “NFTs Uprising – The citiesabc Ultimate Guide To Non-Fungible Tokens”. With this new series, Dinis tries to give voice to outstanding books, ideas and authors.

    To know more about Dinis Guarda, visit and






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