Dylan LeClair & James Check on the Post-Halving Landscape

    well hi Chris Wesson here head of
    research at pepperstone really exciting
    times in the crypto scene and
    specifically we’ve got a a very mpic
    Focus today on bitcoin uh we’re 41 days
    since the all-time highs we’ve just seen
    the Haring come through for a lot of
    people that’s a a fairly important part
    in the Bitcoin cycle I’ve got a couple
    of absolute whales in terms of the
    crypto scene to break this all down talk
    about their trading and investment
    thesis I’m going to approach this from
    more of a trading perspective long and
    short and look at you know the
    characteristics of trading crypto but
    the scene evolves and we want to be part
    of this it’s a really important time
    it’s going to be a really interesting
    chat that I’ve got with uh with Dylan
    and James today we’re going to break it
    all down for
    you all welcome back uh I’m going to
    bring uh Dylan lir into the program and
    also James
    cze two big big dogs on on Twitter
    they’ve got a really ingrained situation
    in the whole world of crypto both from
    an onchain data perspective from an
    investment perspective very reputable um
    thought processes indeed uh James Dylan
    welcome to the program Lads um I G to
    start with you Dylan how are you going
    and uh jna just give us a bit of a
    background uh into who you are and and
    how you your journey into the crypto
    scene yeah Chris appreciate you having
    me on uh super excited for this chat um
    a little about me well I think four four
    or five years years ago about uh kind of
    went all in on the thesis that Bitcoin
    is an engineering solution um to a world
    where Financial repression and the
    Perpetual debasement of a fiat currency
    is an absolute certainty um and and not
    cryptocurrency broadly but Bitcoin
    absolutely scarce to centralized digital
    cash is the is the hundred trillion
    dollar idea um and so you know that’s a
    that’s a rabbit hole uh in it in itself
    so uh all of the data around it the fact
    that we have a trans parent Ledger of
    ownership um makes it actually one of
    the most uh interesting and unique uh
    asset classes or you know instruments
    that we’ve ever seen um and so it’s a
    you know I’ve been in this space
    full-time 247 uh since then um and I’ve
    kind of you know uh done a whole whole
    bunch of stuff from writing two years of
    research to uh working with a liquid
    fund to kind of navigate these markets
    so yeah really excited to chat and kind
    of Bounce some ideas off each other well
    it’s our it’s our benefit to have you on
    mate so thank you very much for joining
    us and James fellow uh fellow Australian
    um it’s great to see in obviously such a
    big world where so many people are
    heavily you know dominating from the US
    and Europe as well that you know we’ve
    got two two australian-based analysts in
    the house so yeah welcome to the program
    and um want to tell us about your
    involvement in the Bitcoin in the crypto
    scene thanks Chris yeah no you got to
    put Australians on the map right we we
    do a lot right and uh you just got to
    sing about it so yeah I mean I I started
    my journey I actually was a a civil
    engineer so I used to design basements
    tunnel mines everything underground um
    and in that world you learn a lot about
    probability and risk and in 2018 I
    really I mean I discovered Bitcoin um I
    paid my tuition fees as you do in a bare
    Market but I just love the idea of
    markets and uh just the way price moves
    all of the emotions and all the the
    investor psychology that gets baked in a
    price and Bitcoin as as you mentioned
    it’s it’s such an incredible asset
    because we can actually see the whole
    Ledger and I fell down the rabbit hole
    of onchan analysis roughly 2018 and it’s
    about as long as the discipline’s been
    around um so I think I would have been
    one of probably the first five or six
    guys who started really writing about
    and educating about onchain data um
    spent about three and a half years
    working with glass node as a uh a data
    analyst and led the analyst team there
    and more recently spun off to to found
    check on chain which is an onchain
    analysis well kind of based but we still
    look at derivatives and all the other
    Market factors so really understanding
    how the Bitcoin Market trades but with a
    kind of unique perspective of what
    Bitcoin itself is actually telling us
    yeah well I want to uh focus on some of
    the onchain data and how we can use that
    for more classic trading strategies I
    mean for me what I really like about
    that effect the fact that it’s open 247
    and you minimize that gapping risk that
    you would get from for example with
    equities and other other markets is that
    you get this real strong propensity to
    Trend as well you know like you do with
    agricultural Commodities if you’re
    trading momentum if you’re trading Trend
    following strategies you often see it
    really going in One Direction and and
    and I love that for for for those type
    of stratches it works well you know in
    times of mean reversion as well but I
    feel like that propensity to Trend but
    also from a day trading perspective as
    well if you don’t want to hold those
    positions overnight um you know you do
    get this situation where you you can
    easily get 6,000 Point points in a day
    high to low range so for the day traders
    who are directionally agnostic you’re
    just trading the price intraday um you
    get that huge rage expansion like we saw
    in March where it was trading um 6,000
    points I mean the average sort of 5day
    high to low range and Bitcoins come back
    to about 1500 points uh but relative to
    the spread it’s pretty good so you get
    good liquidity
    you get really good intraday trading
    conditions but you also get that
    propensity to Trend as well so I’m
    really interested to see how you can use
    some of those classic technical
    strategies um and actually use and
    heighten that with with some of this
    onchain data let’s let’s just have a set
    the scene and then we’ll go into the
    Haring because it’s obviously a big
    situation I want to we’ve got that sort
    of in the rearview mirror now but we
    want to talk about hash rates and and
    what this means for the sort of price in
    the short term but I I just want to set
    the scene because if we just use Bitcoin
    in isolation rather than going to some
    of the mcoins alt coins for example you
    know you had this move up um you know
    between September and into January what
    90 odd 96% we had this bit of a pullback
    uh we traded into the all-time highs in
    March it was another 96% move that that
    came through and really we’ve just been
    sort of just trading uh in a bit of a
    short-term range between the all-time
    highs I say it’s been about 41 days
    since that point um but we’ve seen good
    buying you know coming below the 6,000
    level so we’ve seen about a 17 18%
    pullback uh from the highs and really we
    haven’t seen much more than a 20%
    correction in this bull market that
    we’ve been seeing but we’re just sort of
    trading in a bit of a range it looks
    like this wants to kick a little bit
    higher um you know I’m hoping you know
    from a momentum perspective that this
    really starts to to kick higher I’m
    seeing fundamental reasons why that can
    um Dylan just talk about um you know in
    the short term while we’re setting the
    scene in terms of price um yeah how you
    how have you been actively involved how
    active have you been in in the market in
    the short
    term yeah well you know I think there’s
    a few things to you know of note so far
    this year one was obviously the the
    etf’s approval and that was a large
    Catalyst from not only a narrative but
    just a pure flows perspective um and and
    from a narrative perspective this is an
    asset that was been called a Ponzi
    scheme and money laundering index and
    now that you know the largest
    institutions in the world largest asset
    managers in the world are offering
    products uh not because they’re Bitcoin
    maximalist but because their clients are
    knocking down their doors demanding that
    they do um the second point is that
    you know this bull run right the fact
    that we’ve made new highs as Bitcoin
    often does and you know whenever you
    look at a Bitcoin you you look at the
    Bitcoin exchange rate on a linear chart
    like right now we’re looking at a a log
    scale with the draw Downs visualized as
    well uh whenever you look at Bitcoin on
    a linear chart it either looks like a
    you know somewhat of a bubble or a large
    bust um and that’s you know that’s the
    beauty of this asset um but really this
    bull market and all Bitcoin bull markets
    are primed because of the actions of the
    be because you have have an increasing
    hodler base um as this asset is
    monetizing that is acquiring it they’re
    price agnostic and they’re acquiring
    more so if you look you check the tape
    you look at what Checkmate was saying
    all of 2023 you look at what myself was
    posting on the timeline as well the the
    the just a data view the data driven
    analysis was all it takes is a a
    inflection in the macro Outlook and this
    thing’s going to absolutely rip because
    it had never been more constrained on a
    supply side so you have you have an
    absolutely scar asset it’s extremely
    inelastic relative to demand like unlike
    any other commodity it is inelastic to
    additional demand so if oil doubles in
    price if gold doubles in price if wheat
    doubles in price if any if any uh you
    know agricultural or industrial
    commodity doubles or 10x is in price all
    of a sudden the next year’s production
    the next season’s production there’s
    going to be a lot more investment into
    actually you know digging it out of the
    ground per se Bitcoin yeah is is very
    much different and so because that it
    trades very much what someone may look
    and say that’s irrational but really
    it’s just extremely inelastic and it’s
    why you get this you know extreme
    volatility both to the upside to the
    downside so the fact that we had a new
    all-time high before the having uh if
    you asked me before the year I would
    have been pleasantly surprised um I was
    pleasantly surprised that the ETF flows
    uh you know ibit has been this the most
    successful ETF launch in history um
    there’s obviously institutional demand
    for this and I think a lot of investors
    are waking up to the fact that never
    mind the next week or the next month the
    next quarter the US fiscal situation the
    global macroeconomic situation even
    after a once in 50y year inflation shock
    is not improving it’s actually getting
    worse yeah and so there’s this there’s a
    realization that oh crap I need
    long-term debasement protection and
    Bitcoin at a trillion dollars is is an
    unbelievable bargain um and I think a
    lot of people are looking at a linear
    chart saying well it looks a little
    expensive and I think that’s uh you know
    the wrong way to look at this James um
    Dylan just touched on an important point
    that um we we were hit an alltime High
    70 or 74,000 before the Haring I think
    that’s the first time in the three other
    episodes that that we’ve seen um an
    all-time high I mean how how significant
    is that um is is there any significance
    towards towards um the fact that we
    we’re trading an alltime high prior to
    the harving does that make this time
    this harving slightly different how do
    you see interpret that
    situation yeah great question um uh in
    terms of just like a very structural
    sense there was a narrative in the 2022
    bare Market that price cannot go below
    the previous all-time high and it of
    course did and there was also a
    narrative that we can’t alltime high
    before the Haring and of course here we
    are um so in my in my view like I
    wouldn’t too much put too much weight to
    that mechanic what I would do is say
    well how did we get here and actually
    might be worth bringing up the the chart
    that I’ve got shown here um this is just
    a visualization I often find that
    visualizing things in a different way
    can just give you a really neat
    perspective what we’re looking at is all
    of the previous bull markets um index to
    to 100 and then up the top in the area
    charts we’re looking at the draw down
    during that cycle so not from the
    alltime high the draw down of that cycle
    and if you can believe it since FTX blew
    up back in 2022 this entire run we
    haven’t had you mentioned before a 20%
    draw down on a closing basis so when we
    look at how do we actually get to an
    all-time high pre harving 2023 we saw an
    enormous amount of Supply just getting
    soaked up um I call that kind of coming
    off the bottom of a market like an
    uncertain recovery everyone’s got a bit
    of PTSD from the bare Market everyone
    expects it to go lower and yet we just
    haven’t given back 20% correction and
    you can see the distinct difference I
    mean it looks the most like the 201617
    market um which was pre- derivatives by
    the way so that blue area um really
    that’s describing a spot driven Market
    because there literally were no
    derivatives at that point in time we
    have Futures options and you know these
    things are expanding at a rapid clip and
    yet it looks a lot more like a spot
    driven market and actually got even
    fewer draw Downs so in many ways it
    speaks to a tight Supply um spot driven
    regime and really these ETFs are a whole
    another level to it as well and
    impressively during this current
    correction there was a lot of concern
    that these ETFs would just as quickly
    unload their their shares we just
    haven’t seen those outflows it continues
    to be very very uh firm-hand which is
    great to see yeah I think the ETFs got
    to I think it was the 21st of March
    there was that was the high that we saw
    um in the in terms of the ETF FL fund
    flows I look at the sort of the 10 ETFs
    I’ve taken away the gray scale because
    we’ve actually seen big outflows this
    year from from gry scale in their ETF
    but um it was interesting because the
    high that we saw on the inflows going
    into into the C 10 ETFs was pretty much
    at the high we saw in Bitcoin so there
    has been a reasonable correlation and
    we’ll talk about the future of Bitcoin
    and we’ll touch on the ETFs as well um I
    want to go into the Haring itself let’s
    move on to to that stage so I I’ll push
    this one back to GES um I I was running
    um a Google scan I went into my media
    monitors to look at the the level of
    press that have been writing about the
    Haring itself and it’s just been water
    to all blanket coverage which is great
    for the the crypto see more broadly
    because you the Press have done a great
    job of of bringing people back in and
    and focusing on on this and obviously if
    you look at the the positivity rating
    all the articles are very very positive
    about the Outlook you know the the the
    scarcity angle the reduction in in
    future Supply potential for you to
    supply demand damage pick up but James
    just talk to us for I know there’s a lot
    of people who are watching this who have
    probably heard a million podcasts now
    about the
    harving um and then I I know I’ll show
    you a question in a second Dylan about
    the sort of mining side of things but
    just for those people who are watching
    this for the first time um and and and
    and are new to the sort of the crypto
    world just just to explain to you your
    your take uh on the harving um for you
    Bitcoin subsidies production and and and
    how important this is in the in the
    cycle yeah for sure I mean it’s funny
    because the longer you spend in Bitcoin
    the more you see these narratives come
    and go and there’s always people who
    come in to go the harving is the best
    thing since sliced bread so to give a
    very quick overview um pre-programmed in
    the the Bitcoin protocols every four
    years um the amount of new coins that
    get minted will have so it started at 50
    per 10 minutes then it went down to 25
    then it went to 12 and a half
    6.125 and we’ve just hared one more time
    so it’s down at 3.125 coin per block so
    what that essentially means is that the
    new coins com to the market is is fewer
    um and also it means so there kind of
    two components there’s fewer coins
    coming to Market and usually the
    adoption is on the the ticking higher so
    you’ve got more demand meeting less
    Supply coming to Market but for the
    miners and Dylan could probably touch on
    this later on um the the miners lose 50%
    of a major portion of their revenue and
    it’s a really Cutthroat industry in the
    mining space so that’s kind of two
    separate ways to look at it so um from
    the mining angle I’ll leave that to for
    Dylan to tou on from the market
    perspective and this is why I love
    looking at this data because when I
    bring things into perspective actually
    I’ve got a chart shown here to really
    put things into a bit of a bit of view
    the question is how big is the impact so
    we’re talking about the daily coins
    coming to Market going from 900 to 450
    now if we put that into dollar terms
    it’s about 65 million that was being
    issued to miners before the harving um
    and then 50% of that so something old 32
    million today so how big is a $32
    million drop in overall Supply so um
    I’ve actually got four traces shown here
    if you ignore the price chart um there’s
    the light orange which is Futures volume
    there’s the orange which is spot volume
    there’s the blue which is the ETFs
    trading on the stock exchange and if you
    really really really squint hard enough
    you might see that little red line down
    the bottom that’s the minor issuance so
    we’re talking about that the actual
    impact the total amount of coins being
    issued to miners is 850 times smaller
    than daily Futures trade volume 200
    times smaller than spot 100 times
    smaller than the ETFs now given that the
    Haring is literally a harving of that
    you can actually double all of those
    multipliers that’s the difference that’s
    the actual impact of the harving so from
    a market based perspective it kind of
    just Blends in but what I think is
    actually much more important I think you
    mentioned it earlier it’s the The
    Narrative it’s the story it’s the fact
    that Bitcoin has this monetary policy
    that just does its thing none of us can
    change it and you contrast that with the
    the global central banks and you’ve just
    got this night and day approach um so I
    think in many ways it’s more of a
    narrative thing rather than a a
    necessary Market impact it’s very small
    in that regard one final point it is
    still 30 million a day that doesn’t need
    to get soaked up so it’s not going to be
    a net negative and it is net one side
    it’s only sells side pressure um but in
    the grand scheme of things it probably
    Fades out more important in the long
    term less in the short term yeah Dylan
    uh James touched on the mining side of
    things these are the primary guys who
    are going out and solving out the
    cryptographic puzzles um the hashes
    effectively um I don’t know how much you
    you focus specifically on the mining
    industry you know things like um I was
    looking at some of the listed plays Riot
    platforms Marathon digital core
    scientific they’ve had a really really
    big Rebound in the last two week or last
    week or some and I’m looking at um clean
    spark for example has gone from $14 up
    to $21
    um I’m not sure how you look at that or
    whether you would look more at the the
    hash rate for example which has pulled
    back a little bit but perhaps not much
    as that some people have been looking
    for and and ultimately what does that
    tell you is there any kind of readr into
    the way that these their Equity is and
    and the hash rates into the underlying
    itself yeah totally well you know the
    public mining space is is something that
    is relatively new a lot of these were
    listed you know post 2020 um so this is
    kind of you know really the a second
    cycle for a lot of these companies the
    first for some of them um and and Mining
    is it’s it’s important to understand
    mining is brutally competitive uh unlike
    any other any other industry in the
    world it has a difficulty adjustment so
    the more you chase this carrot the more
    computation you throw at the Bitcoin
    Network the the more difficult quite
    literally it becomes to mine a block so
    the more and more and so this this
    incentivizes an increasing level of
    globally right it’s this is is a global
    race to find the the wasted lowest cost
    most efficient power sources and anyone
    else you know anyone that’s using
    expensive commercial power has to turn
    off so there is this natural cleansing
    process that oftentimes in something
    like you know the traditional Financial
    world or you know just industry in
    general especially one very tight with
    big government you don’t see right
    there’s kind of this this uh the full
    business cycle hasn’t been able to play
    out in Bitcoin it’s the opposite and
    they kind of get this programmatic wash
    out um so hash rate right hash rate’s up
    and to the right basically forever um
    there’s been somewhat of a diminishing
    level of growth but the growth is still
    in absolute terms extremely impressive
    and that’s because there is this ins
    insatiable demand to monetize waste
    energy and and more and more efficient
    as6 if you’ve follow Mo’s law
    semiconductors becoming more and more
    efficient these as6 these Bitcoin miners
    become more and more efficient and the
    old generation miners are still online
    so public mining Vehicles themselves if
    you look at them really there’s the the
    time and this is somewhat of a
    generalization but you want to own the
    miners when price over a certain period
    of time is out generally broadly is
    outpacing the growth of hash rate um and
    all other times if hash rate is going up
    and price is going down it’s a pretty
    brutal time so I think in terms of the
    minor how I look at this on a 12mon time
    frame is 2022 23 and you know I guess
    the start of this year uh if you look at
    the price growth vers the you know just
    a share price versus the market cap a
    lot of these public miners have market
    caps at all-time Highs but their their
    chart doesn’t look all that sexy because
    they’ve diluted so much right they these
    guys all had to to survive the depths of
    a pretty brutal bare market and they
    used that share delution to build out
    their Fleet and to remain liquid so I
    think most of the dilution has taken
    place and you have a lot of these pupco
    with you know some of them have
    obviously different sort of all-in
    production costs but a lot of these
    puposes you know have a decent Runway
    and in a you know in a Raging Bull
    Market will serve as as pretty extreme
    beta so on a you know kind of a
    medium-term time frame I’m pretty
    bullish um on a longer term time frame
    like if you’re just thinking about you
    know how most Bitcoin holders think of
    just buying Bitcoin you know and and
    waking up in a decade or five years or a
    multi-year time frame the miners if you
    just look through history have actually
    on a you know on bitcoin terms
    underperformed quite quite because it’s
    it’s really really challenging to
    outpace this asset itself so but there
    there is that kind of you know
    one year one out of every four year one
    you know small window in each cycle
    where these things absolutely rip and
    that’s when Price Is Going Bonkers and
    hash rate just given the lag that these
    things see um because of the physical
    infrastructure you know the Bitcoin
    mining uh requires uh there is that lag
    so as when price rips these things go
    Bonkers and then that physical that
    capex you know that build that comes
    later on and that’s where these things
    uh you know don’t do quite as well so I
    think we’re we’re in that period where
    um they have underperformed Bitcoin to
    start the year after a great 2023 um and
    I think if we’re if we’re still in
    somewhat of a secular bull market which
    I I believe um then then these things
    will be good you know good for a good
    swing if you can handle the volatility
    and that’s a that’s a big F I think a
    mental model that I use it’s probably
    not going to be too dissimilar to GDX
    where GDX makes a lot of Widowmaker
    trades as you’re waiting the gold price
    is ripping but you’re like why aren’t my
    miners going up I think that’s probably
    the right mental model because then one
    day they just go yeah I just like um you
    got clean spark which I I was looking at
    um their uh recent um uh releases and
    and they they’ve got an all-in cash cost
    I think they’re the cheapest of the
    listed miners at 31,000 so they’re
    they’re mining which you take into
    consideration electrical costs and fees
    and all those factors they’re they’re
    they’re producing at
    $31,000 per Bitcoin effectively so
    that’s probably one of the best if you
    go into some like rice and Mar and
    they’re they’re they’re releasing their
    earnings on the 10th of May so maybe
    that’s something to watch out for but
    going back to the Bitcoin price and and
    and you know while these guys are
    obviously at the Forefront of of mining
    architecture um what’s really important
    Now is really quick question actually to
    you James really then before we can move
    on to the ACT thing if we were to see um
    consolidation in the industry some of
    the the higher cost producers the guys
    who have got I think they measure the
    efficiency by Jews per teror hash
    anything above 40 Jews per Tera
    hashes bitcoin price of 90,000 to to
    stay in
    business get some consolidation in the
    Bitcoin scene and therefore you’re going
    to have less um computational Power
    going for and you see a a lower hash
    rate does that make you more nervous
    about the Bitcoin price because it’s a
    less robust system would you would you
    potentially take some lungs off the
    table some yeah how does the hash rate
    influence your your conviction about the
    the robustness of Bitcoin
    architecture question so uh here’s a fun
    fact the hash rate has been at all-time
    high in every single Haring event and
    what this tells you just that the fact
    that hash rate is going up means that
    one of two things is happening or both
    you’ve either got new rigs being
    purchased and brought online that’s
    capex or you’ve got um new efficient
    Asic models being designed and built
    that’s R&D and also capex so when I look
    at that as a as a broad picture at the
    whole mining industry that is telling me
    that not only is the Revenue sufficient
    because if they were stressed they would
    just be running the machines they have
    they wouldn’t be buying new ones and
    they wouldn’t be developing new ones so
    the fact that we have hash reek
    continuing to climb means there’s enough
    cream in the revenue for the aggregate
    miners to continue to invest in new
    capex now internally you can have some
    miners with a better balance sheet and a
    worse balance sheet than others so even
    though hash rate in aggregate can be
    heading higher you can actually have
    some miners who go bankrupt and go broke
    now what that you have to remember that
    every single minor all their machines
    they’re basically like a physical call
    option they have a limited lifespan at
    some point in time they’ll be obsolete
    in terms of their efficiency so they
    have to buy them at the right time at
    the right price get them rigged and
    running and get EX extract as much value
    as they can out of that option before it
    expires worthless because it will expire
    worthless so the net result is that if
    one guy’s balance sheet isn’t strong
    enough to to make the cut he will fold
    and someone else will come in and buy
    those machines off at a much lower
    machine cost basis spin them up and the
    way they go so um hash rate going down
    actually doesn’t personally when I look
    at my price uh analysis um hash rate
    actually to me has very very low signal
    um I don’t use any kind of hash rate it
    doesn’t affect my conviction in Bitcoin
    the network because the system will
    naturally wash these guys out and it’s
    designed to do exactly that perfect
    James let’s switch gears a little bit um
    you know I bring up the miners and and
    and that because obviously it’s when it
    comes to the Haring they’re going to be
    the the natural things that are issued
    it doesn’t change the amount of
    outstanding coins in you 19.7 million
    coins in the ecosystem which is why we
    haven’t seen you know this big being a
    liquidity event or a volatility event in
    itself um but what it does is it changes
    the Dynamics as well from the mining
    perspective but into the secondary
    Market the supply growth the amount of
    new tokens that are being produced
    relative those that are outstanding will
    come down to about 3.3% which obviously
    that’s the supply element that we talk
    about Supply demand which everyone’s
    getting very excited about but let’s
    talk about the near-term kickers uh
    Dylan um because you know let’s talk
    about the shortterm trading Outlook or
    the short-term volatility because the
    way I’m seeing saying this is you’ve got
    that Supply issue I think um you know
    you’ve got the ETF side of things uh
    we’ve talked about that and and and you
    know the the levels of inflows into the
    10 ETFs have dissipated a little bit
    recently um but if we look at the
    kickers um in the short term you we’ve
    got uh an ethereum ETF which we thought
    probably could come in in um in May it
    looks like that’s going to be pushed out
    a little bit further and we can see that
    in the grayscale ETF um which is trading
    at what 26% discount to net net asset
    value the UK’s got a bit more excited
    recently they recently approved a spot
    etm similar situation in Hong Kong where
    we we’ve seen n ETF given their blessing
    for both Bitcoin and ethereum so it does
    seem that you know from from a
    government level that the that ETF scene
    is becoming you know people are
    tolerating it a little bit more we saw
    in Japan the the gpif the the big
    Sovereign wealth fund saying that they
    may look to invest in in in ETFs going
    forward as well so obviously that’s
    something we are focused on uh longer
    term um yeah there’s just a lot of I
    think there’s a lot of positive kickers
    um on the negative side obviously you
    got the SEC um you looking at Unis swap
    as well um and we’ve seen a bit of
    length coming out of the market on on on
    what we’ve been seeing recently with a
    when Israel you know put out drones and
    missiles to to Iran but I’m looking at
    the macro situation I’m looking at the
    fact that yeah we did see a bit of a
    backup in bond yields the 10-year um got
    nicely above 460 we saw the 2-year
    government treasury above 5% real rates
    moving up but that’s come back a little
    bit now I think people are saying that
    Bon gelds would probably uh have peaked
    up which could be seen as a negative for
    Bitcoin um you know risk assets pulled
    back a little bit but now we’re starting
    to see some positive flow back into the
    S&P and the NASDAQ as well um the
    Dollar’s come off off its off its highs
    recently so you know I’m seeing some
    some positive flow which is probably why
    bitcoin’s trading just above 66,000
    Dylan um talk to me about the you know
    your short-term outlook for for for
    Bitcoin what are the big kickers um and
    how you’re sort of complimenting with
    some of the onchain data for
    example yeah totally um so I think you
    know if we can go to slide 14 I think
    this really sets up the you know it
    really lays out the situation quite
    quite well um it’s actually the chart
    it’s the the area chart um it’s the the
    long-term holder um percentage Supply um
    if if we have it yeah there we go great
    um so every Bitcoin bull market if we’re
    just thinking about Bitcoin in general
    and I can I’m happy to touch on the
    macro right uh during last week’s kind
    of puke on the fears of the Iranian and
    Israeli conflict you know you had vixs
    year-to date highs equities where you
    know SPX traded down six days in a row
    Bitcoin certainly you know pulled back
    20 20% in change uh or you know give or
    take from the from the all-time highs um
    and obviously the dollar strengthening
    relative to some of the other currencies
    but you know the all theats are
    competitively debasing on on a longer
    time frame but if we look at just
    Bitcoin right what really primes these
    seemingly random irrational animal
    spirit bull markets especially when
    you’re looking at this on linear scale
    uh is again this Supply this this Supply
    constraint right so you can see this
    long-term holders it’s not the the exact
    technical definition but it’s
    essentially coins that have been huddled
    held for longer than six months and if
    you run a data analysis the reason that
    this threshold is is chosen is because
    after that six months statistically
    they’re less much less likely to spend
    those coins in the future the longer
    they’re held whereas the coins that are
    changing hands every every day every
    week are much more likely to change
    hands again so what really sets the
    table for these crazy parabolic bull
    markets is this this massive
    accumulation and Supply constraint and
    what you see at the start of really
    every one of these you know Raging Bull
    markets is right around the point of the
    prior all-time high you know the the
    alltime high set two three years ago
    feels like a distant memory you start to
    see some of these this this hardcore
    holder base that caught knives that was
    that was getting you know just
    absolutely you know beat to the ground
    with the Bitcoin exchange rate for the
    last couple years and it’s an 80% 70%
    draw down take a little bit of profit
    right so they don’t sell all their stack
    but they right they treat themselves
    they they peel a little bit off and we
    see that it’s not just an anecdotal
    thing we see that in the data right so
    that accumulation turns to a slight
    distribution and so the ETFs like the
    unlocking of grayscales coins that were
    kind of held captive hostage for three
    years that’s certainly been there but I
    would say if we’re just looking at this
    from the utxo set just the a fancy word
    for the Bitcoin Supply um with that we
    can see with complete transparency this
    is nothing new and we see this every
    every bull market so I think if we go to
    uh the short-term holder price uh that I
    think it’s number nine um as long as
    that as long as Bitcoin is trending
    above the average cost basis of this
    this short-term money money that’s not
    the long-term holders but the opposite
    right the the money that’s in the market
    over the last six months that have
    swapped hands so shortterm shortterm
    shortterm sorry to interrupt shortterm
    is designed is is seen as 6 months so
    that’s the the six month holders right
    it’s the fast money so people who
    acquired in the last six months yeah y
    it’s it’s yeah yeah I mean there’s a
    little bit more of a math there but it’s
    it’s you know more or less that and what
    we can see is just given the again the
    absolute scarcity and supply and
    elasticity of this asset when you can
    see in a bull and bare Market this level
    that that average short-term holder cost
    basis similar to kind of like you know
    some how some Traders choose a a moving
    average or you know uh you know kind of
    TR take momentum strategies uh this this
    is a a very I think there’s a very much
    a psychological aspect to this and in a
    bull and be Market it’s very much a
    strong support in a bull and strong
    resistance in a be so as you know that
    level is like 58 and a half 59,000 um
    and in Bull markets and bare markets we
    frequently kind of retest this level um
    and often it’s again very very strong
    support so as long as we’re above that
    that kind of price level on a shorter to
    intermediate time frame there’s I think
    very much sort of a a Chase underway
    where these these players this new money
    anyone that’s buying ETFs anyone that’s
    kind of had to change their view on this
    asset as it’s become increasingly
    institutionalized as Larry think has
    given it a stamp of approval he’s a man
    to so yeah what a flip and um yeah I
    mean I think the Larry think stamp of
    approval is not just not the fact that
    ibid has bought all these coins it’s the
    fact that you know oh crap it didn’t die
    with FTX it didn’t die after you know it
    didn’t oh it’s not just a zero interest
    rate phenomenon right Bitcoin made up
    new all-time highs with the FED funds
    rate at five and a half percent right so
    there’s a lot of previous thesis and
    previous kind of preconceived notions
    that have had to been you know changed
    that have had to be written off um and
    so with that you know allocations have
    to change and so I think that’s you know
    going from a 0% to a 1% allocation for
    Global wealth um in an asset that has a
    trillion dollar market cap but you know
    isn’t nearly you know it doesn’t take
    nearly that much to send this thing to
    you know even to double it right it’s a
    billion dollars into this asset can
    really move the market um in you know
    both ways the liquidity and in
    elasticity cut both ways uh but this is
    why it Trends so hard right it’s just
    because that holder base that rabbit
    holder base doesn’t like to let go of
    their coins I wanted to touch on just on
    the ETF I read this quite an interesting
    stat and then we’ll go back I wanted to
    talk to you Jones about um in the last
    100 days um well since the the adoptions
    of the the 10 ETFs there was two the
    equivalent inflows of
    222,000 um coins effectively been were
    bought by the ETFs in that time 990,000
    coins were mined um over the next 100
    days we’re going to see 45,000 uh coins
    effectively mined so you know do the
    maaps from that
    situation Dylan was talking about
    momentum strategies and and he B the
    short-term holders index which I think
    is one that the the you know that could
    be quite useful for me when I when I get
    that breakout you know you might have I
    like to see you know for example price
    come together you see lower realized
    volatility you see that in say for
    Ballinger bands and the longer that goes
    on for the more excited I get about a
    potential breakout one way or the other
    when you when it finally reveals itself
    um you know it can be very powerful and
    that’s what I love about Bitcoin you
    don’t know how long it’s going to go on
    for which is why I sort of take a more
    systematic approach with with with with
    where my stops are using moving averages
    for example but I don’t know how long
    this is going to go for I don’t know how
    long it’s going to kick I just stay in
    the position for as long as the system
    tells me um from a fundamental
    perspective we’re looking at those flows
    and those various factors but you know
    what what other things that can you use
    for a nonchain data to tell you about
    you who’s buying Wales versus retail um
    what does that mean do you want to see
    more Wales buying um talk to me a little
    bit about realized price and how you can
    use that as a as an indicator as
    well yeah absolutely so I mean onchain
    data is incredible because we we
    basically get x-ray vision into what the
    whole Market is doing we can see coins
    going in and out of exchanges we can see
    what their cost basis is um how long
    they’ve held them and if they’re locking
    in a profit or a loss so all of this
    stuff is really really powerful because
    human beings in any Market we tend to
    all behave similarly you know if you
    think about the sophisticated investor
    what are they really good at they’re
    good at knowing what the crowd does and
    when you know what the crowd is doing
    it’s like having that friend who’s
    always wrong if you can see what that
    friend who’s always wrong is doing and
    you trade against him it puts you in a
    much better positions um so you
    mentioned the realized price um so I’ll
    bring it up on the on the next chart the
    realized price is essentially the cost
    basis for every coin now Dylan mentioned
    before we’ve got long-term holders
    short-term holders you can look at it
    from Wales you can slice and dice the
    supply however you want and get a cost
    basis for all these different groups so
    it’s a beautiful tool for mean reversion
    because it’s essentially where
    everybody’s literally Financial um
    anchor is it’s their cost basis overall
    now we can turn that into this is called
    the mvrv ratio it’s literally just the
    ratio between price and that cost bases
    um and to really just think about what
    this is describing this is how much
    unrealized paper gains High values or
    paper losses low Val vales the market is
    holding so if we think about when would
    we expect these Trends to finally break
    it’s when there’s too many guys who are
    too rich and their portfolios are too
    green that the incentive is so strong
    they’re going to just take chips off the
    table that’s more Aion
    situation exactly so what does the
    bottom look like it’s when people have
    just beaten down they’ve had their
    portfolios are down 70% and Only the
    strongest holders who really get this
    thing are still here and essentially if
    you think about who do when a bottom
    gets formed who do you want to be in the
    trenches with they’re really the guys
    who are willing to buy this thing every
    day all day I don’t care what the price
    is I’m here for the Long Haul so you
    really get to see that very commodity
    like Behavior now um the next one is
    really looking at momentum so you were
    talking about how do you know when this
    trend is a bust and um whilst you’ve
    also got all these guys who go into a
    lot of profit what we’re doing here is
    just doing a very simple oneyear moving
    average crossover of that mvrv ratio now
    when lots and lots of guys buy very high
    lots of people buy too high at too high
    of a price and then the market sells out
    from under them they’re unrealized
    profits all the fun in the games and the
    green portfolios very quickly go red so
    when you’ve got like a trapped buyer
    base at a very high level this thing
    will slice through its one-year moving
    average and get this beautiful negative
    crossover so on a more macro view this
    is the kind of tool that I’m looking at
    to really track those sentiment breaks
    those things that just put too many
    investors bought too high or flip side
    when a whole bunch of people capitulate
    and the smart money buys the bottom
    you’ll see their profit go from in loss
    in profit in very quick uh quick order
    so you can use this to really gauge that
    longer term sentiment as well is this
    what you use as well Dylan I mean have
    you you got any uh tools that you like
    to use other maybe than than just normal
    you know generic technicals to to give
    you a sense of uh the strength of the
    trend um the strength of the buying um
    and whether you stay in the position and
    ultimately what is it telling you about
    the current situation
    now yeah well I will say and this is a
    you know this is somewhat of a shell
    after after learning from him uh for so
    many for so many years uh James is
    actually if you go to checkon chain.com
    he has all he has a suite of tools built
    out for free for people to use and kind
    of experiment with some of the stuff and
    kind of get their their feet wet um with
    you know with this data we’re talking
    about because you know for a lot of this
    data the the absolute Giga brains the
    the you know brilliant computer
    scientists you can spit up a Bitcoin
    node that you could download Open Source
    software and you could go into the
    supply yourself and you could pull out
    this data and you can look at it uh but
    the beauty is we now have uh you know
    some some brilliant some brilliant
    analysts that have already done the work
    uh and data scientists so we have we
    have this uh you know a lot of these
    tools out there and so the the
    interesting thing is that despite having
    this open transparent Ledger despite
    Bitcoin being you know breaking new
    highs and despite this you know Suite of
    tools in general kind of I would almost
    say like a new form of of economics in a
    way right it’s like imagine if instead
    of waiting on the CPI report and waiting
    on the Fred data to update every week or
    waiting around for the fomc every you
    know eight times a year where where we
    all listen to one guy and try to
    interpret his tone we just have the data
    available and we have an open
    transparent Ledger you can see imagine
    if it wasn’t like you were waited on a
    report from a bank to see what the you
    know currency flows were you could just
    see the flows and so Bitcoin gives you a
    quarterly report every 10 minutes
    essentially exactly every block right
    and so and similarly um you know a bit
    more of a you know trust involved the
    the ethos of this you know broad broader
    crypto market with the exchanges right a
    lot of this exchange data the derivative
    data the funding rates the interest
    rates you know you don’t have to pay
    $100,000 a year to an investment Bank
    you can just see this because they they
    publish it every 10 minutes or every you
    know couple hours for free right so we
    can see that you know at the $70,000
    highs you know Traders were paying 20
    30% annualized rates to Long Bitcoin on
    Perpetual Futures and that’s since then
    you know since the Iranian uh you know
    the the kind of
    retaliation uh and the you know somewhat
    of a liquidation under briefly under
    60,000 uh for the last week Futures have
    been trading under the spot market so
    you have this kind of this interesting
    interplay between uh you know the the
    spot buyers the people that are going in
    and exchanging a dollar of Fiat cash for
    for Bitcoin for Satoshi and then you
    have the you know the the traders that
    are either Trend following or they just
    get exuberant uh you know longing or
    shorting and again these these crypto
    exchanges you can put on a 10x leverage
    position a 50x leverage position so it’s
    like this volatility that’s already you
    know otherworldly for a lot of Traders
    and asset managers Juiced Juiced up
    levered up and so with that I think you
    you kind of see these really interesting
    opportun right where you know someone
    from traditional Finance says wait what
    do you mean I can go on with Bitcoin
    collateral and I can short the thing I
    can be delta neutral and I can get a 25%
    annualized return no way that can’t be
    that can’t be true and it and it very
    much is because there’s a whole bunch of
    holders in in the space there’s a whole
    bunch of people that think in Bitcoin
    terms and think dollars I don’t care if
    it’s a 12% yield I’m interested in
    acquiring more Bitcoin I’m interested in
    longing my Longs per se and so every
    once in a while you know we really have
    to wash out that you know that crowd and
    um you know while maybe it’s it’s not as
    the funding rate that kind of variable
    interest rate isn’t as negative as we’ve
    seen in the the worst of times the march
    of 2020 lows or uh the you know November
    2022 um where you see where actually you
    get paid you get literally paid interest
    rates v a variable interest rate every
    eight hours to Long Bitcoin right shorts
    are literally paying Longs and and the
    you know the most uh worst capitulation
    events we’ve seen funding flap right so
    essentially that variable interest rate
    right there’s no Central planner it’s
    essentially what’s the Futures price
    relative to the spot rate the spot index
    and so we have this really interesting
    developing not only the onchain data but
    also this this derivatives complex which
    has undergone a lot of change if we look
    at the last if we look at the last bull
    market during the peak during you know
    the coinbase IPO micro strategies you
    know borrowing billions of dollars
    Bitcoin has gone from 10,000 to 60,000
    in the span of about you know three or
    four months um what you saw was a bunch
    of of of players were paying 30 40 50%
    annualized interest rates to Long
    Bitcoin and crypto broadly using crypto
    collateral so 70% of this derivative
    complex was collateralized with Bitcoin
    itself or with crypto itself crypto
    margin right and now that led decape
    that that environment is completely
    reversed to the point where right now
    about you know 30 to 40% of this
    derivatives complex is Bitcoin or crypto
    margin and the rest is dollar margin
    stable coins or in the form of a CME uh
    it’s they’re using a treasury collateral
    dollar collateral right so if you think
    about the profile of those Longs or of
    those derivative positions right if I’m
    long Bitcoin with Bitcoin collateral
    it’s great in a Raging Bull Market it’s
    great when bitcoin’s going parabolic but
    when Bitcoin reverses it gets ugly
    really really fast there’s a convexity
    there that that you know it it really
    kind of juices your returns but also you
    know that Margin Call comes quick so now
    with a dollar with a dollar
    collateralized Futures Market um and you
    know in the last you know couple weeks
    or so a real cool off in the in the
    funding rates that variable interest
    rate we have a really healthy
    environment in the derivatives landscape
    and I think that this this kind of
    change in the underlying collateral
    has really played into the fact that we
    you know we’ve really only dipped 20%
    from the highs and can that change
    obviously but uh you know I think that
    that plays a big role in it being less
    volatile to the downside and kind of
    being more of like an orderly orderly
    walk up and I I would expect you know
    during the peak mania this you know
    changes and the animal spirits return in
    some form but for now it’s the
    derivative Market’s very much in a
    really healthy spot yeah um and you know
    I think the the Wall Street interest in
    this asset as well is going to you know
    really help keep this these basis trades
    um manageable right where okay you have
    a lot of let’s say hedge funds long
    short uh funds on Wall Street that are
    very happy to long ibit long the spot
    ETF right um get Bitcoin spot uh spot uh
    exposure and short the you know one or
    two or three month out Futures have no
    have no Delta or no uh directional risk
    and you know Harvest a nice 10 15 20%
    return and that’s much healthy and I
    know that sounds pretty outrageous but
    and I I promise you in Bitcoin markets
    that’s like you know that’s the the
    standard rate um so pretty healthy spot
    yeah very nice interesting one um James
    or who I don’t know who’s who’s got the
    experience in this world but one of the
    things we we talking about obviously
    with Bitcoin being fungible um you know
    I’m interested in the Arbitrage
    opportunities that that that obviously
    exist and and and you know how much you
    speak to people about doing this I’m
    more from The High Frequency side of
    but you know if one exchange is trading
    one price and and you can move your
    coins across and get inside of spread um
    you know how how big is this world of
    Arbitrage between you know big players
    trading prices between different
    exchanges how much how much of that
    influences the price going forward you
    know what you are you involved in that
    world at all uh I’m not directly
    involved but in terms of just just to
    give you a bit of a sense of scale so
    with with onchain data we can actually
    track coins flowing in and out of
    exchanges right um so there is on any
    particular day tens of billions of
    dollars flowing in and out of exchanges
    it’s it’s quite incredible um quite
    often it’s something between like 30% is
    a typical day sometimes it’s 80% of spot
    volume is flowing in and out in deposits
    so there is a huge amount of Arbitrage
    that’s going on in fact last I checked
    exchanges was something like 60% of
    total onchain volume is something to do
    with an exchange right who are the
    players who are the players doing this
    is it is it is it going to be you know
    is it going to be your citadels or is it
    going to be is it going to be your Mar
    is it actually going to be the miners
    who who who are the big players in this
    world there’s a whole bunch so obviously
    the miners have to sell at some point so
    they’re going to be some part of it but
    I would say they’re going to be more one
    directional right they’re going to be
    sellers um they may be using options to
    sell covered calls because that would be
    a nice strategy to just kind of get that
    extra return until they finally sell the
    coins um you’re going to have there’s
    there’s a lot of crypto native firms who
    have been doing Market making for a long
    time um and in many ways I actually
    think that Wall Street is probably less
    involved it’s more so going to be the
    hedge funds and the prop trading shops
    because Wall Street usually can’t I mean
    the two biggest exchanges in the world
    is coinbase and binance and binance I
    think a lot of companies in in Wall
    Street would probably struggle to get
    the approval um to to move their money
    offshore so in many ways they’re kind of
    constrained actually so there really has
    been an opportunity for a lot of these
    hedge funds and and crypto native Prop
    Shops to really take advantage of these
    Arbitrage opportunities um but in many
    ways I think Dylan really touched on
    probably where most of the Arbitrage
    comes from um which is the funding rate
    and in the traditional world this is
    actually an innovation that I almost
    guarantee you will make its way into the
    traditional Finance world and that is
    the Perpetual Swap and the idea is it’s
    a future that never expires so Futures
    make a lot of sense for oil because
    there’s a storage cost it’s a pain in
    the ass to stick it in your basement um
    whereas with Bitcoin there’s no storage
    cost right it’s 12 words so does it
    really make sense for a expiring future
    to have a overly different price not
    really so what is that the market
    invented the Perpetual swap which is
    basically there’s as Dylan was saying
    there’s an interest rate depending on
    the deviation between the Futures and
    the spot market and arbitragers can
    essentially come in and do the cash and
    carry trade to yield that spot so that’s
    really where I think a lot of the
    Arbitrage is it’s between that spot
    index and the Futures price where you
    can actually capture a yield on both
    directions yeah um something you touched
    on a minute ago Dylan is is is is the
    volatility in Bitcoin if I divide um
    the spot price of Bitcoin at the moment
    by core pce the fed’s inflation Target
    and we we look at the sort of purchasing
    power of of that we got to an all-time
    high in in February and it’s pulled back
    a little bit from that point but the the
    realized volatility in Bitcoin has is is
    still good for me as a Trader I think
    it’s at a really nice level but it has
    come off the crazy levels we saw you
    know a couple of years ago it was well
    over 100% for example but um you know
    how how much is the the volatility in in
    in in crypto so do you see that as a as
    an attribute um relative to it being you
    know to some people it could be a bit of
    a deterrent especially some of those
    people who got burnt a couple of years
    ago in the big pullback that we saw in
    mcoins and and gr but how much do you
    use volatility um do you think is is a
    positive attribute towards the crypto
    scene well yeah um I mean volatility is
    definitely your friend and I say that
    with a Bitcoin focus a lot of these uh
    you know mcoins or altcoins kind of you
    maybe have a oneoff event uh burst of
    attention or maybe you could call it
    generously a catalyst uh but after that
    it’s usually a trend lower in Bitcoin
    terms I I I actually welcome anyone to
    to take their favorite altcoin or go on
    you know coin market cap and look at any
    of the top cryptos and look at them in
    Bitcoin terms and it looks pretty even
    the ones that look somewhat good in
    dollar terms in Bitcoin terms they look
    really bad um and so that obviously
    that’s I’m not that’s a broad statement
    um but on a long time frame I generally
    ascribe that to be true in in almost
    every case um but in terms of the
    volatility I will say this a lot of
    people and especially in the depths of
    the bear or in kind of their you know
    the recovery or the chop consolidation
    phase that you know seemingly goes on
    from months or you know years on end
    people will say well bitcoin’s 30,000 it
    was 69,000 that’s a 55 60% draw down
    that’s bad you you know how are you
    feeling and you know sometimes even it’s
    like a a bit of a mocking tone and the
    interesting thing is that a lot of those
    people people that comment let that
    actually haven’t even done the math and
    when we were at 30,000 in 2023 before
    the kind of the run up to the new highs
    for the people that had purchased daily
    since the starting on the worst time to
    ever start buying Bitcoin if you started
    in November of 20121 at 69,000 and
    bought when it would literally went
    straight down and had since recovered
    you know had doubled off the bottom from
    15 to 30,000 you were up like 40 or 50%
    and you had you had outpaced the people
    buying and holding the stack you had
    outpaced most of the best hedge funds in
    in you know compound annual return you
    had obviously outpaced people that
    buying bonds and and gold as well doing
    the same strategy so it’s interesting
    because the volatility is very much your
    friend and position sizing of course is
    key y someone someone that’s young like
    myself and has a high risk tolerance
    certainly has a different risk profile
    than say my parents than me um but but
    yeah and everyone’s a little bit
    different but the volatility is you know
    as long as it’s a you know a scale a an
    okay size of your portfolio and it’s in
    spot which is a real key right so if I
    if I buy Bitcoin in spot and it draws
    down 20% 30% 50% I don’t really care I’m
    not a for seller but the people that are
    that are throwing on you know layering
    on a lot of this leverage oftentimes can
    lose you know massive almost
    irrecoverable amounts of their Bitcoin
    uh due to this volatility so obviously
    it’s a it’s a it’s a plus it’s one of
    the reasons that there’s so much
    opportunity in this asset because if it
    traded like gold if it traded like bonds
    there wouldn’t still be a massive
    massive opportunity on a long time frame
    um and you know I joked about this like
    a month ago and it was you know the my
    the dumbest friend I know that
    accumulates Bitcoin just paycheck to
    paycheck with an auto Buy has
    outperformed the smartest hedge fund
    manager I know a brilliant Quant um on
    every time frame that exists so and I
    think that’s actually a key point there
    if you look at it from like let’s BR it
    to the tradire world sharp ratio stino
    ratio compound growth however you want
    to measure it in like um there’s been
    people who’ve literally done the Bitcoin
    price performance and done like a hedge
    fund tear sheet and then given it out
    and said hey there’s this fund that I
    want to invest in what do you think and
    given it to their managers and they look
    at and go I mean we got to call this guy
    it’s like well that’s just that’s just
    that’s just the Bitcoin price right like
    oh you got me but when you bring Bitcoin
    into the traditional Finance world the
    numbers are getting to the point now
    where you can’t argue with it it’s it’s
    just so consistently performative um
    that you know even the most ofout um guy
    who’s going to push back maybe not Peter
    shiff I don’t think we’ll get him there
    but everyone else eventually I think he
    does like some coins I think he does
    like some coins it’s just not Bitcoin I
    I still re I still stand by that he’s
    one of the world’s greatest trolls and
    he’s a massive bitcoiner in the in the
    in the background yeah probably um we
    talked about a couple of factors um you
    talked about realized price and how we
    can use that um as a sort of buy the dep
    kind of level that that we could see
    some support in but on on the upside
    what an indicator that that I I see a
    lot of people talking about um is the
    stock to flow model now obviously in the
    in commodity markets people use this
    quite a lot you know gold we use this
    quite a lot because it’s a scarce asset
    um so a lot of people say well the
    logic’s same in in in Bitcoin because it
    is that the scarcity becomes even more
    as we get closer towards 2140 the year
    2140 when yeah all the coins are in
    circulation or 21 million um I’ll said
    this to both I mean I think Plan B is a
    big advocate of the of the stock to flow
    model and the stock to flow model now is
    122,000 how much did I can see I can see
    a bit of a smile on James’s face um I
    think you’ll get the same response from
    both of us here uh yeah I mean I I think
    um you know I it’s but I do see you know
    I think the investment banks have tried
    to get into this world of trying to
    Value Bitcoin and they’ve they’ve used
    the stock to flow model which obviously
    has its critics so shoot me down shoot
    the theory
    down um so to kind of put a bit of a
    sense of scale on this have you got
    chart of it as well no I don’t and
    there’s a very good reason why I don’t I
    think the stock you won’t find the stock
    tolow model in any of my charts in fact
    one of the uh so in the 2021 era um the
    stock to flow model was kind of the the
    everything everyone was looking at it um
    I of the view and many very very qual
    far more qualified than I statisticians
    have done work to show that there is
    absolutely no correlation whatsoever um
    you could literally get the same kind of
    correlation by the amount of steps that
    you’ve done over the course of the last
    couple of weeks so um in many ways it’s
    a spous correlation um however it is
    very good at at mimics now um one of the
    main reasons that I actually went down
    the path of saying all right I need to
    get really good this onchain data thing
    um is to essentially just give people an
    alternative to what is I think an
    enormously destructive and horrifically
    well horrifically poorly designed model
    um by a man who simply can’t take
    critique which is Plan B so I have I
    have very little time for the model um
    to be honest but I do find it very funny
    that we you’re right there are
    investment Banks um and in fact Dylan it
    might have even been at one of your
    talks in Bitcoin 2022 um a couple of
    guys asked me that same question and I I
    gave a very similar Tire to what I’ve
    just given and they said oh we’re
    actually plan B’s friend I was like oh
    god what have I walked into right now
    but uh yeah I don’t have much time for
    that model unfortunately well you Dylan
    similar yeah well like uh look all all
    models are wrong some are useful um I
    think the stock to flow model uh is is
    unique in that it maybe got people to
    think about okay how do the actual
    mechanics of Bitcoin work what is the
    difficulty adjustment what is how is
    this Supply uh algorithmic right what is
    how does this system tick what how is 21
    million Bitcoin enforcable um right
    that’s okay that’s great but you know
    the arbitrary price targets right I
    think are again there they’re somewhat
    spous and just some of the stuff we
    talked with on this um you know over the
    past hour right we have so much Insight
    on you know every 10 minutes there’s new
    insight there’s new data we have this
    living breathing mechanical organism um
    that’s globally distributed that’s
    telling us all this stuff to say well
    you know once every four years number go
    up I think is a bit of a disservice um I
    think really like the key to actually
    valuing this asset and there’s a bunch
    of different ways you can do this and
    you can you can you know assign you know
    any of these um variables as you want
    but look we live in a world with with
    global debt to GDP higher than it’s ever
    been in basically every developing
    developed country on the planet right
    with demo with demographics that are
    that are not improving and actually
    worsening so we live in a world where
    Financial repression
    is a is a must going forward and in a
    world where there’s 200 100 200 300
    trillion do of Fiat denominated
    liabilities bonds out there what’s the
    value of an absolutely scarce Bearer
    asset with this is the real key you know
    among other things when you’re talking
    about the having when you’re talking
    about these Miners and you’re talking
    about this hash rate the real key to
    understand if you’re thinking of it as a
    commodity if you want to look if you
    want to talk about stock flow great well
    what is gold silver all these other
    monetary Commodities one of the keys is
    their production cost so Bitcoin has a
    programmatic production cost a it’s a
    digital synthetic commodity with a
    programmatic marginal production cost
    that’s only increasing so you have an
    absolutely scarce asset that’s becoming
    programmatically verifiably harder
    harder harder to produce so what’s the
    value of that in a world where the C the
    ECB the boj and the fed the Bank of
    China and every Central Bank on the
    planet have to competitively debase
    and you know in that world all your
    models are destroyed um so the stock to
    flow model I think you know it’s been
    useful to some I got it got a little
    ahead of its skis in the 2021 Market um
    but that’s okay right um again all all
    models are wrong yeah I’m GNA wrap it up
    in a minute but I’m just going to give
    you um a chance just to if there’s
    anything else you want to bring up um
    I’ve got a pretty C clear idea about
    where Dylan sees the long-term future of
    um but James is there any charts that
    you wanted to sort of show up before we
    wrap it up and you know what is the big
    kicker for you um for in the near term
    to medium term for
    crypto yeah absolutely so I mean look
    I’m I’m as optimistic as as Dylan is I
    think billan uh sorry bitcoin’s in a
    fantastic position in terms of where the
    world is at I think the world needs an
    asset like this um in terms of some near
    catalysts um we can bring up the chart
    so I think the first one that just
    really I think the ETFs are quite
    remarkable obviously seen a big big
    slowdown um over the last couple of
    weeks but I think the next chart so this
    is the total inflows broken down by each
    ETF now it’s important to note that the
    red down the bottom is gbtc and this is
    what I would consider to be structural
    sell side they have to sell these coins
    over time because people have been in
    like there’s a whole plethora of reasons
    why that will happen but if we remove
    gbtc there was a lot of concern that all
    of the money that flowed into these
    other ETFs was going to be fast money in
    the first correction it would sell out
    and I’m just not seeing any of these ETF
    hands selling which to me is just that
    means that supply has just gone in and
    again speaks to why we’ve got this
    basically no 20 and it’s all retail I
    here yeah that’s what they’re all saying
    it’s all retail a large portion of it is
    is actually seems to be retail so we’re
    very early a lot of the wirehouses
    haven’t even switched on yet um two more
    charts just to kind of wrap it all up we
    were talking about the the funding rates
    before what you actually want to see is
    funding rates really correct and take
    out all of this leverage and we’ve seen
    this happen
    all that excess long leverage and people
    bidding up the price we’ve seen that get
    washed out over recent weeks which is
    very constructive and that exact same
    framework but coming into the onchain
    world this oscillator is looking at the
    amount of profit or loss and if you’re
    the contrarium right let’s let’s bring
    really short-term Trader you want to see
    people buy high and then panic and sell
    low and that is exactly what we’re
    seeing going on in this green box these
    little undercuts where you get the red
    zone and then it rapidly recovers that’s
    telling you the people who bought
    recently which is the highs bought high
    are selling low that’s what a wash out
    looks like so you’ve got ETFs that look
    good you’ve got spot that looks good and
    you’ve got the Futures Market that’s
    calm down so overall it’s a pretty
    healthy picture as it stands yeah I so I
    like the I like I’m not a massive buyer
    of dips from a momentum perspective I
    want that rate to change to pick up so I
    like to buy the rip after the dip if
    that makes sense so I’ll let I’ll let
    the aggressive guys go out and buy this
    pullback and you make maybe Wales or
    whoever it’s going to be but I like to
    see volume coming in a bit of momentum
    coming in so buy I’m buying I’m a buyer
    of the rip after the dip and I think
    that sort of is the next stage and if
    you’re looking for when that rip might
    be about to become a dip you want those
    very very high green values because that
    means that a bunch of guys are taking
    profits and that profit taking is
    essentially what’s going to put the top
    in perfect Dylan have you got anything
    else before we wrap this
    up no I think uh we covered a lot um
    again I I really encourage everyone um
    you know that’s interested in some of
    the stuff to check out some of the stuff
    that Checkmate has built out checkon
    chain.com it’s fantastic resource and uh
    it’s free brilliant well we’ve covered a
    lot of grounds uh there’s there’s some
    you exciting times ahead obviously we
    talk about the reduction in Supply but
    from a demand perspective you know we
    are seeing governments around the world
    warming towards the ETF side of things
    we’re going to potentially see an
    ethereum ETF over time being developed
    although it’s been pushed back a little
    bit fun flows into into the the crypto
    cach ETF aren’t going away anytime soon
    uh you know Dylan talked about currency
    debasement from Global central banks
    this debt pool which continues to to
    increasing the US debts well over 36
    trillion and that’s going only one way
    into an election no government’s going
    to want to cut back in that anytime soon
    because you obviously just loseing
    election so there’s a lot of kickers to
    go an interesting time we also what I
    thought was very interesting covered um
    a lot of these onchain data metrics
    which James uh puts out um which can
    really give good Insight around the flow
    you know who’s buying what at what time
    and some interesting oscillators which
    can complement traditional um you know
    technical analysis like Ballinger bands
    rate of change oscillators those factors
    as well so definitely something to keep
    out anyway thanks to everyone for
    watching uh I want to obviously extend a
    thank you to to James and Dylan if you
    want to get in touch with them you can
    obviously see their details I’m sure
    they’d love to to hear from you and and
    and how you guys can work together um or
    what work together so uh anyway thank
    you if anyone’s got any questions around
    um trading um crypto with with pepper
    Stone obviously reach out to the team
    here as well B you
    well cheers thanks thanks guys

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    As the dust settles following the highly anticipated Bitcoin halving, there’s a lot to unpack. Our panelists assess the near-term trading environment and debate the implications of halving on the outlook of Bitcoin. Hosted by our Global Head of Research, Chris Weston, the discussion promises to be lively with two of the hottest names in crypto right now – Dylan LeClair and James Check.

    Our panelists will discuss and assess:
    – The platform for progress – assessing recent price action, the technical set and news flow into the halving
    – A review of the halving and what it means for the mining industry, supply, and the medium-term fundamentals
    – The near-term outlook and key influences that drive price action
    – The medium and long-term outlook for Bitcoin

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