ConsenSys to Update MetaMask Crypto Wallet After Privacy Backlash

    metamask got got itself into a little
    bit of a Twitter Firestorm a while ago
    when people got really mad that metamask
    was sharing certain data with inferior
    which is a consensus sister company that
    runs a lot of back-end software that
    many dapps run on so in response to this
    backlash consensus is updating
    metamask’s policies around data sharing
    and making it more easier for people to
    opt out of some of the practices that
    had previously been published in the
    terms of service to uh too much scorn
    and Loud tweets from people who took
    take this stuff seriously and rightly so
    obviously the privacy concerns in the
    space are warranted and obviously
    consensus which owns metamask is
    responding in suit so I’m going to toss
    this to Jen for her initial thoughts
    metamask kind of walking back what had
    been out there and caused caused a bit
    of a fuss what are you thinking on this
    yeah so you know with the FTX story we
    spoke a lot about journalists and their
    role in holding companies accountable on
    behalf of the public this story showed
    me that the public can still hold
    companies accountable and customers
    still have a voice and so if you read
    terms and conditions and there are
    things in the terms and conditions that
    you don’t agree with or that don’t align
    with what that company is saying
    publicly with what that company is
    saying their mission and values are if
    you vocalize that
    there is action that can be taken and so
    that’s what the story showed me I think
    that consensus responded really well
    there was a quote in the article that
    said You Know by being increasingly
    clear about exactly how data was managed
    by various consensus products there was
    some valid critiques and concerns raised
    especially by people who ultimately have
    the highest privacy standards I think
    they did a great job of communicating
    they are taking
    um recourse on what their consumers have
    said and so I think that this whole
    thing has been handled really well and
    it was so nice to see Wendy
    I’m excited to see that they’re kind of
    changing their terms of services but I
    still don’t completely trust metamask
    and no I’m not trying to be a Negative
    Nancy on the show I just have a big
    problem with like third parties dealing
    with my crypto stuff I like my privacy
    yes I pay my crypto taxes I don’t like
    to do it but I do I’m not trying to hide
    anything from anyone I just like to have
    privacy it’s a good thing however I will
    say just because they’re coming out and
    saying they’re changing their terms of
    services I would still be very weary
    again we saw PayPal come out and change
    um require they were going to do that up
    to 22 500 fine for posting
    misinformation on the internet
    um I did a help lead a PayPal chart or
    cancel PayPal charge um and they went me
    and a bunch of other people it ended up
    working because the company backtracked
    on it and retracted it but then it came
    out a couple days later
    um in the media that they weren’t
    actually backtracking and that is still
    indicated in their terms of services so
    just because metamask is coming out now
    today saying hey we’re going to change
    this do whatever I would still read the
    terms of services and I would still say
    a very diligent on this
    okay I’m taking the tinfoil hat from
    Wendy and putting it on and I’m taking a
    crown complete opposite approach on this
    story they have been logging IPS since
    2018 people have not called them out on
    it and they’re saying that they’re
    changing their terms and services but if
    you look at the article here they’re not
    changing it that much if you’re sending
    a transaction on metamask they are still
    going to log your IP address okay just
    because they change a little bit so if
    you only have a read account they’re not
    going to log your IP that’s nice but it
    still doesn’t change anything because
    most people are using metamask to send
    transactions so they’re still logging
    your IP information I think Jen the
    reason that they respond with all this
    PR flare is because they had to there’s
    so many alternatives to metamask and
    there’s so many Alternatives and fewer
    these days they have to answer to the
    people and answer to the critics out
    there so this to me is just like another
    frustration and just another stamping of
    the boot on top of privacy focused
    people I think this is why everyone
    needs to go run a node and I do think a
    lot of people at metamask or at inferior
    would tell you the same thing I think
    the reason they have to do this is
    because Regulators are coming for them
    consensus inferior metamask these are
    all very large brands people know about
    them I’m sure they’re very expensive
    lawyers and retainer who are asking them
    to file these IP logs that’s the reason
    that’s in the terms and services that’s
    the reason it’s actually happening
    because Regulators want this to occur so
    I think if you go and talk to anyone Dan
    Finley at metamask or someone else in
    the inferior team they tell you to go
    run your own node because anything with
    privacy is not going to happen with
    inferior or metamask they’re going to do
    what they can but at the end of the day
    they have to answer to Regulators Zach
    to you all right well they also answered
    to the angry mob and I I will give him
    credit here that what they’re doing is
    they are providing advanced settings to
    make it easier to use non-infura RPC
    Service as well so they can make it so
    that you’re able to sort of toggle on
    and off whether or not these IP
    addresses are going to be shared between
    your metamask and your inferior if it’s
    something that you don’t like they’re
    going to make it easier for you to opt
    out of it and I think like the
    optionality right kind of goes back to
    what we were just talking about before
    you can do crypto through the big Banks
    or you can do crypto self-custodially
    right there’s an entire plethora of
    options that exist in between and on
    that spectrum and I think that’s what
    this is that’s why this is good right
    this is providing another option for
    folks who are significantly concerned
    about this when they’re using their
    metamask they don’t want any uh any any
    data being shared between uh holding on
    consensus Services right so I think to
    their credit they’re providing the
    option of people who are especially
    mindful about this stuff uh while also
    responding to some of the concerns that
    had been brought up and I think you know
    they’re not shying away from the fact
    that they’ve responded that they’re
    responding to the the backlash right you
    know Joe Lubin is out talking to Fortune
    saying we’ve accelerated our efforts
    based on the intensity of this recent
    debate right so I think to Jen’s point
    it is good that they are hearing that
    and making some adjustments will your
    point is fair I guess I would just shout
    out that by making the advanced settings
    more available to people it’s giving
    them the ability to escape some of the
    stuff should they so choose so anyway
    can’t we all just get along maybe not

    ConsenSys, the company behind the MetaMask crypto wallet, said Tuesday it will release a series of updates to the platform in response to user backlash regarding its data-collection practices. “The Hash” team discusses the implications for privacy in crypto.

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