buying Bitcoin can be difficult at first
    but it becomes much easier over time
    your second Bitcoin your third fourth
    fifth Bitcoin is easier than your first
    at least in my mind if you’re doing it
    right now I want to explain why that is
    and why it makes sense to start sooner
    rather than later some people will say
    this is a bit controversial as well but
    I think I think you can do this I think
    you can actually get your second Bitcoin
    faster than your first Bitcoin if you
    watch this video very closely until the
    end if you don’t mind hit subscribe turn
    on the Bell notification underneath the
    video so you can see future videos just
    like this there’s also going to be a
    link to Marx underneath the video in
    case you want to start trading
    cryptocurrency which we’ll talk a little
    bit about towards the end of the video
    you can use the link underneath the
    video to
    Mars also if you want to just buy
    Bitcoin and you don’t want a kyc you
    don’t want everyone to know exactly who
    you are because your Bitcoin is going to
    be worth a lot one day you can join coin
    W there’s a link to this underneath the
    video where you can buy Bitcoin you can
    withdraw to co to Cold Storage as well
    uh and just stack for the long term now
    a lot of people want to get to one full
    Bitcoin that’s kind of a a massive goal
    in the cryptocurrency space now in the
    past that wasn’t the goal the goal was
    maybe 10 Bitcoin right when bitcoin’s
    only a few thousand
    sure some people were going for one but
    a lot of people wanted like a car’s
    worth a decent like Camry new car uh
    worth of bitcoin $30,000 which would be
    10 Bitcoin now that goal has moved down
    to one Bitcoin in the future I think the
    goal will be
    like0 five Bitcoin 0.25 Bitcoin 0.1
    Bitcoin and it’s becoming harder for a
    lot of people to get one Bitcoin because
    a lot of people just never start right
    you never start buying you watch it and
    you think I’ll buy it when it goes lower
    and then when it goes lower people are
    like no I was right not to ever buy that
    cuz that that is garbage it’s going to
    keep on falling down then they never buy
    during the bare market and then it moves
    up to five times the price during the
    next bull market or 10 times the price
    and a lot of people see this and they
    think wow it’s just always harder and
    harder to buy Bitcoin and that’s true if
    you never start but I think after you
    start buying Bitcoin after you get to
    your first Bitcoin it’s actually easier
    to buy your second and your third and
    I’ll explain why that is but right now
    there are about 1 million wallet
    addresses that hold one Bitcoin or more
    now a lot of people have multiple
    wallets set up so if someone holds a 100
    Bitcoin they might have five or 10
    wallets to kind of spread out some of
    risk I think that’s smart by the way but
    that means that they’re probably only
    250,000 to 500 100,000 people that
    actually hold a full Bitcoin and I’ve
    talked about how that’s going to be very
    difficult to get your hands on a full
    Bitcoin in the future especially when
    you consider the income ranges of a lot
    of people right like just looking at
    this this is by uh this is in America
    about 10% people make under
    $155,000 about 9 more per make between
    15 and 25,000 let’s just go over to 50
    to 75,000 right about 16.5% of people
    make somewhere in this
    range and then yeah you can see the
    numbers uh only about 10% of people make
    200k when you consider the cost of one
    Bitcoin being
    $64,000 right now even someone making
    200k in a year can’t really afford a
    full Bitcoin even if they were saving a
    lot of money right you make 200 maybe
    you pay 40 50 Grand towards taxes you
    have expenses that come up lifestyle
    inflation but when you start buying
    Bitcoin uh you can have this Bitcoin
    Snowball right and I’ll explain this a
    little bit more why it becomes easier
    after you start buying Bitcoin but let’s
    just look at how difficult it is for
    people to buy a full Bitcoin if they try
    to buy it all at one time that’s not
    what I want let’s go here and then let’s
    go here okay so let’s say you’re
    household income’s $20,000 I think most
    people won’t be able to save much if
    anything at that point a lot of people
    might actually be living in debt but
    let’s say let’s say you could invest
    $1,000 uh if you made 20 $40,000 income
    you can you can maybe save 8% of that or
    invest 8% so you have 3,000 left over if
    you make 80k as a family maybe you can
    invest 15% and I realize it depends on
    your own situation but maybe you make
    120 Grand between you and partner or
    just yourself and you can invest 20% if
    you make 200k maybe you can invest I
    don’t know
    30% and then maybe you’re a doctor you
    make 400k a year as a family or you’re a
    business person maybe you save
    40% not accounting for taxes but that
    means that you have uh varying levels of
    uh wealth that you can
    invest uh so let’s say you invest 33% of
    this over to bitcoin the rest maybe you
    put in index funds or real estate
    whatever that means that someone that
    saving $1,000 a year can put $330
    towards Bitcoin someone that’s saving or
    investing $122,000 a year could invest
    about $4,000 if you’re a big baller
    doctor or business person maybe you can
    invest 53,000 towards Bitcoin well in
    all these
    scenarios you still can’t buy a full
    Bitcoin right now right in a full whole
    year you might only buy 01 Bitcoin
    0681 now I’m not saying that it’s not
    worth buying at that point but I’m
    saying you’re not going to get to whole
    coiner status in a year a lot of people
    think that you can just buy it in one
    clip or if you can’t buy it in one clip
    if you can’t buy it at one time that
    it’s not worth buying I’m here to tell
    you no you should dollar cost average
    and the other day I talked about how I
    actually I’m pausing my dollar cost
    averaging for this bull run cuz I I
    bought a lot during the bare Market but
    if you don’t have any allocation towards
    Bitcoin right if you still need to build
    up your Bitcoin stack I still think it’s
    worth it because it becomes much easier
    after you get to 0.5 Bitcoin to get to
    the next 0.5 Bitcoin after you get to
    one Bitcoin it’s much easier to get to
    the next Bitcoin now the problem is the
    cost of bitcoin usually goes up right
    that is one of the major things that’s
    different like most people say your
    first million is much harder than your
    next million right and that’s just
    because you know that you’re usually in
    a higher paying job you usually have
    inflation which makes it easier to hit
    your second million versus your first
    million there are a lot of different
    reasons why it’s easier to do that but
    this is an asset that goes up in
    value for a lot of people that don’t
    actually end up buying Bitcoin it can be
    harder and harder to buy but if you
    dollar cost average right it might be
    actually easier and of course this isn’t
    for everyone it’s not always easier but
    if you get to one Bitcoin you probably
    have a high-paying job unless unless you
    bought years and years ago right at a
    really good time when maybe Bitcoin was
    $3,000 $5,000 you probably have a good
    paying job so getting to your second
    Bitcoin might be easier than getting to
    your first Bitcoin because you just have
    a higher income you also might put a
    higher allocation towards Bitcoin so
    instead of 33% after getting to one
    Bitcoin you might be like hey this is
    the best asset on Earth you do more
    research you realize I should be putting
    maybe 50% maybe 60% towards Bitcoin now
    I’m not saying that you should do that
    but a lot of people do that another
    thing is you probably already paid off
    bad debt at that point right if you have
    a full Bitcoin or you have half a
    Bitcoin whatever you probably have
    already paid off maybe some high
    interest debt which makes it easier to
    get the next bit of Bitcoin because you
    don’t have as high expenses you also
    just know how to buy Bitcoin it sounds
    crazy but before you start buying
    Bitcoin or buying crypto like there
    there’s just that hurdle where you don’t
    have a coinbase account set up you hear
    all this stuff about Bitcoin that freaks
    you out you don’t know exactly how to
    withdraw to Cold Storage wallets after
    you’ve gotten some Bitcoin you already
    know how to do all that so there’s not
    the hurdle you just you understand it
    you buy it systematically typically it’s
    much easier also if you’ve already
    bought some Bitcoin well you’re probably
    more patient you’re probably much more
    patient than a newer a new investor that
    doesn’t want to miss out right you’re
    not going and buying Bitcoin at all-time
    highs or buying when there’s some big
    piece of news and it goes up 20% in a
    day maybe you are maybe you’re just
    dollar cost averaging but a lot of
    people that been in crypto for a while
    play the play the Cycles right you don’t
    buy buy when we’re 3x higher than the
    previous alltime High you don’t buy when
    everyone is asking about crypto you just
    wait you’re patient you understand that
    we will have some dip in the future and
    that’s when you allocate or you
    reallocate you buy heavier right I’m not
    telling you not to buy now if you need
    allocation to bitcoin I think it’s
    always a decent idea to add a little bit
    to your portfolio if you have none right
    now but what I’m saying is you don’t
    want to be Buy buying when bitcoin’s
    three times this price four times this
    price most likely unless again you don’t
    have any allocation and you just want
    some and even then I would say don’t
    build out your entire position at one
    time right when we’re up three or 4X
    from the prior all-time high probably
    not the best time to allocate right so
    you’re not making those same decisions
    that people make every single cycle
    which is you jump in at the top as heavy
    as you can or what’s even more likely is
    you jump in a little bit then it goes up
    and then you jump in harder and then
    harder and harder and you you start
    taking out uh money from maybe your 401k
    or from other Investments maybe you get
    a big bonus and you keep on buying
    heavier and heavier until we hit the top
    and then we fall and then you have no
    money right so you’re not making those
    mistakes you’re patient you’re patiently
    waiting for the best time to buy you
    also know cheaper ways of buying Bitcoin
    so a lot of people when they first get
    into Bitcoin they’ll just buy however is
    easiest but a lot of people spend a lot
    of money on spreads a lot of people
    actually uh pay a lot towards fees but
    after you’ve been in the game long
    enough you start paying attention to
    that and you find lower cost ways which
    is just a small portion of your uh it
    just increases your Bitcoin stack
    slightly maybe a percent or two but it
    is important right it is important to
    lower those fees also you’re probably
    not doing super risky stuff with your
    Bitcoin stack right like I think we’ve
    all been there where we put our crypto
    on someplace now that we would not touch
    with a 10-ft
    pole so you’re not making those same
    mistakes you’re hopefully keeping all
    your crypto very safe now maybe at that
    point though when you’ve already had a
    Bitcoin or half a Bitcoin and you’ve
    been in the game for a little while you
    can make Intelligent Decisions and kind
    of pick your spots where you do want to
    go a little bit more risk on maybe there
    is some cryptocurrency that’s very small
    in market cap that you want to invest in
    maybe there is some long position that
    you want to open you realize hey we’re
    right at support I can put in a percent
    of my portfolio here on 3x 5x 10x
    something like that and I can probably
    make a decent amount of money from it
    I’m not saying to do that but if you do
    want to do that there is a link to Marx
    underneath the video and to coin W you
    can uh you can leverage trade on those
    platforms but after you’ve been around
    longer you’re more comfortable and I
    think much smarter about using leverage
    and using those high potential cryptos
    to amplify your returns and then move it
    back into Bitcoin to hold for the long
    term of course though you have to
    realize those risks right you have to
    understand those risks but a lot of
    people again just wrapping it up a lot
    of people say it’s much harder to buy
    Bitcoin than it was several years ago
    right and it’s true right it’s going to
    become much harder in the future as well
    to buy Bitcoin if you haven’t bought any
    Bitcoin at
    $300,000 it’s going to be near
    impossible for 99% of the population to
    buy a full Bitcoin but if you already
    have one Bitcoin now I still think it
    can be much easier to get to that second
    Bitcoin third Bitcoin now that’s not
    always going to be the case when the
    price goes up
    exponentially it becomes infinitely
    harder but at this point with us
    trending sideways for a while with you
    probably having a High income if you
    already have one full Bitcoin with you
    getting through some of those hurdles I
    think you can still stack pretty well
    and it might actually be faster it’s
    kind of like a debt snowball right it
    gets faster and faster and faster and
    you’re much more focused than you were
    in the past most likely you understand
    Bitcoin a lot more you are willing to
    put more into Bitcoin that’s something
    that’s big too right just
    having that um confidence in buying
    Bitcoin and buying more Bitcoin over
    time I know some people that started
    buying Bitcoin 10 years ago literally 10
    years ago and they started buying a
    small amount But as time went on as they
    understood Bitcoin more they bought
    heavier and heavier and they were
    actually able to amplify uh their stack
    of Bitcoin significantly even though the
    price continue to move up I know some
    people have actually put everything into
    Bitcoin as well I’m not telling you to
    do that but I do think there’s a world
    where you can stack faster after you get
    to one Bitcoin again though that will
    change when we move up exponentially let
    me know your thoughts though on this
    underneath the video let me know if you
    think it’s easier to get to two Bitcoin
    after one Bitcoin or if you think the
    price component of it plays too much of
    a role where yeah it might take you four
    years to build up an entire
    Bitcoin and then four years from now the
    price of Bitcoin is much higher so I can
    totally understand too depending on the
    situation that it it is actually harder
    even if you have a high-paying
    job this might be your last chance to
    buy one full Bitcoin so let me know your
    thoughts on this underneath the video
    thank you so much for watching I
    appreciate it I will see you in the next

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    1. Try Margex to long or short crypto! NO KYC. Make a deposit THEN use code: MFF20 to get a 20% bonus on deposits, up to $10k to be used to cover up to 50% of fees for 2 weeks! ๐Ÿ’ฐ

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      You can also join our FREE trading group below! (Partnered with CoinW)

    2. AMSCR12 has the most potential to do more than X10. ETH and BTC will most likely do a X5-X6, but that's fine for me. Gotta look for better entry points while I stake IRIS and PGEN, then wait for Polygen's next raise as I also look at their new partnership with Kenzo Ventures.

    3. This statement is a outright lie in my opinion. Bitcoin is the best investment on the planet as far as l am concerned. Holding my Bitcoin for a few years before selling much of it anyway. Lol! It's going to be worth much more in a few years. Buy the dips!

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