New Multi Chain Crypto Dog Meme Coin

    dog cryptocurrencies are cumulatively
    worth truly literally billions of
    dollars so we’re going to be looking at
    a coin that wants to be the next dog
    coin and we’re going to be also checking
    out some of the other Top Dog coins in
    this video what they’ve done what their
    performance is and a little bit of a
    belated happy birthday to everybody’s
    Doge what’s up up I’m Vos you’re on the
    Vos YouTube channel what’s so crazy
    about this era is there’s literally a
    dog themed coin category of
    cryptocurrencies and their 24-hour
    trading volume is $2.5
    billion and things aren’t
    crazy at the moment all right so 46
    billion market cap led by Dogecoin okay
    I actually lied and forgot call 420 Doge
    day uh but it’s not technically Doge
    coin’s birthday because Dogecoin came
    out December 6th
    2013 which is just absolutely nuts uh
    how long ago that cryptocurrency came
    out and oh speaking of does my do is
    dreaming right
    now she’s so used to me talking about
    cryptocurrency and Dogecoin this and
    that whatever it I think it might be
    like Asm are just boring it puts her
    straight to sleep normally uh she’s not
    doing like the dog drain movement stuff
    anymore but here here’s a clip of her we
    run 10 seconds of tails on uh every
    video so yeah a lot of people want to
    laugh at Doge make fun of Doge but at
    the end of the day people love memes
    people love a dogcoin people love
    Dogecoin and everything that stands for
    uh as well as above all what they really
    love is the high quantity of it you get
    a bunch of Dogecoin and you’re like it’s
    going to go to a dollar and then you run
    the number your moon maath and you feel
    like it’s going to be a good time that
    is a very clear psychological advantage
    of cryptocurrencies with high supplies
    so uh we’ve talked about Doge many times
    before on the channel it’s a minable
    cryptocurrency which is what makes it
    the best Dogecoin by far or
    dogcoin uh Sheba Inu is kind of like a
    more capable Dogecoin because it’s
    basically an ethereum Fork uh if you
    will uh it’s an erc20 token uh so they
    can use Smart
    contracts uh have additional supporting
    tokens and things like that it was very
    easy for them to be added on to
    cryptocurrency exchanges uh they quickly
    swept the world uh with some of the
    fastest and biggest cryptocurrency
    exchange listings we’ve ever seen uh so
    that was pretty substantial uh flaky
    we’ve talked about a lot before and we
    were early to talk about that one uh it
    is a cryptocurrency that’s up 500% in
    the last last year which is more than uh
    Doge as well as she Sheba Inu token uh
    it has a lower market cap of both of
    these right so there’s some more
    volatility there uh this originally
    really was like a BNB smart chain token
    but they also launched on ethereum’s
    chain and they’ve kind of become more of
    an eth token over time because people
    obviously just prefer ethereum’s chain
    over um uh binance chain dog with cat
    with cat at least you Fork it to make
    dog with cat that’s fine dog with hat
    just to be frank just felt like it
    skyrocketed out of nowhere let’s break
    this chart out coin gecko only tracks it
    back to the end of
    2023 and when they started tracking it
    it was trading at
    0.4 uh cents a coin and it traded all
    the way up to
    $458 a coin do you understand how crazy
    of a percentage that is uh increased
    from the all-time low to to to the
    current price it’s a near
    200,000 increase it’s commanding a
    nearly $3 billion market cap Bon feels
    kind of similar and it definitely
    stalled uh for quite a while right a
    little bit of uh fan favor in early
    2023 long time to accumulate it very
    long and then it just goes
    ballistic over the last uh several
    up nearly
    3,000% wow in the last year uh with a
    very elite market cap if you get it you
    get it we spent a lot of time covering
    dogcoin Forks in the previous Bowl
    run when I first got into crypto I loved
    meme coins and then I actually kind of
    hated them or didn’t believe in them for
    a while and then I’ve kind of come back
    around and and and realized the way to
    appreciate them uh wow I’m not GNA haha
    putting my life savings into it no no
    but I am an investor and holder of meme
    coins uh and most notably
    Dogecoin uh
    so it’s obvious that people like these
    high quantity coins they like dog themed
    coins I mean I love I love my dog right
    and and it pulls on your emotions a
    little bit there so enter Doge verse
    they’re today’s video sponsor they made
    this video possible possible this is not
    an endorsement this is not Financial
    advice and please watch the video before
    you do anything and you’re like oh BOS
    blah blah blah okay
    so here’s the thing you need to know off
    the bat kyc unknown know your customer
    uh unknown the the the the team unknown
    okay we don’t know who’s behind this
    which makes it easy to to quit the
    project right why do I put my face on
    video cuz I’m me and I’m real and I’m
    serious that’s why you should subscribe
    let’s kind of dig through this audit
    look at all these D’s right here Doge
    CEO Doge Fork Doge Rush Doge VR Doge
    star Doge but Dogecoin 20 do dog get it
    Doge bur dog fire the donkey
    Bank kind of sto the donkey Bank this
    this audit is so annoying because they
    upload this as an image so unless I
    screenshot this on my phone I can’t
    easily pull out the text data but anyway
    I just grabbed the contract address from
    uh somewhere else and so coin Sal
    completed an audit and per their audit
    there’s one lowrisk item that was
    acknowledged and that’s the only thing
    that came back on this audit all right
    so I’ve logged into Quick Intel I bought
    their tokens to get all access whatever
    uh for auditing
    this is an ethereum token we’re talking
    about here so let’s punch in uh their
    ethereum contract so it’s their ERC
    token erc20 token uh contract address uh
    so we’ll just punch that in right there
    and then we’ll go over to d.y and their
    SES become really annoying ever yeah
    since they launched their token uh their
    scanner tool was nice prior to
    that this address on defi scanner
    I I the wrong I pulled up a wallet here
    we go gu switched me when I logged in uh
    so they’re analyzing the contract let’s
    go back over here uh liquidity is not
    locked or burned uh so that’s a a
    warning off the bat uh the contract is
    not renounced uh that means that the
    owner can make changes to the contract
    uh it contains external actions that can
    be performed while the contract is
    renounced they can remotely burn
    contracts with this function uh
    reportedly it cautions on Honeypot
    nothing’s coming back glaringly wrong
    right but the the token’s also not
    launched there’s no liquidity on chain
    we can’t see the onchain data uh so this
    this isn’t good it’s not you know
    terrible right but it’s not good uh we
    look at Doge verse right and we see
    classic token issue of the token hasn’t
    launched there’s no liquidity there and
    a private wallet uh owns a significant
    portion of the contract we look at the
    token holders and we see a big token
    distribution between these uh several
    wallets two of them per defi scanner are
    reportedly uh the contract but there was
    a lot of good notes that come back here
    in this uh smart contract scanner tool
    as well I’m not a coder I don’t pretend
    to be so that’s why I utilize tools like
    this to to share with you if their
    pre-sale piece looks like you’ve seen it
    before it’s probably because you have
    this web 3 toolkit has been used by
    projects uh and in
    particular it you know it it pitches you
    to work with them and and use it and
    this is their little chart that you get
    uh but they also have a pre-sale
    directory which I was surprised to see
    uh and through through this we can see
    projects from Doge verse uh to we talked
    about Bitcoin Mind tracks uh make sure
    to watch our video uh if you if you want
    to learn more right after we dropped the
    learn more earn more uh you know slight
    Rebrand brand adjustment enhancement if
    you will of course these guys got to
    learn to earn token yeah well we’ll see
    about that Doge versus Big Pitch is
    being multi-chain so they’re taking Doge
    multi-chain but it’s not Doge it’s not
    Doge quein you know they’re taking their
    own do dog Sheba Inu meme coin
    multichain uh this multi-chain meme coin
    uh boasts that they will be launched
    onto ethereum as well as the B&B chain
    as well as the polygon chain as well as
    the salana chain as well as the
    Avalanche chain and as well as the base
    chain that has really gained a lot of
    momentum over the last year we look at
    the pre-sale and we go down to the to
    economics we see preet allocation 15%
    staking rewards 10% so they’ll be
    staking in this project project funds
    get 25% liquidi 10% 25% to marketing 10%
    to Eco system funds and 5% uh to
    exchanges uh so what this essentially
    means right is if you read between the
    lines this is 15% of the tokens are
    going to be sold in the pre-sale 10%
    will go to liquidity and then 75% will
    go to the team and they will give 10% of
    that back uh through staking rewards uh
    so it’s classic token tokenomics where a
    team gets pretty much all the coins
    that’s the beauty and proof of work
    where you mine and basically earn coins
    as opposed to just a centralized team
    doing everything uh they boast of this
    allocation uh will make them well
    positioned uh they have a clear focus on
    multi-chain and uh they have reported ly
    uh from the agency that brought us a
    sponsored video launched other
    cryptocurrencies before uh looking at
    their road map they have a website
    launch Smart contract creation social
    media activation uh development contract
    audit pre-sale launch community building
    which seems to be that they’re now in
    phase three and a marketing campaign
    coin market cap and coin gecko
    applications Community engagement and
    then they want to list their coin on
    decentralized exchanges I get on Dex
    tools and verd ey updates and then have
    centralized exchange listings as well as
    continuing marketing efforts uh so I
    mean it’s a meme coin right and meme
    coins all they pretty much do is just
    meme around and and and Market there
    there’s no you know problem they’re
    solving there’s no technicals to really
    you know dive into and and and say oh
    you know it’s going to do XYZ it’s it’s
    going to it’s it’s going to meme around
    on on multiple chains reportedly it’s
    also really confusing because there’s a
    cosmo cryptocurrency and and then they
    named a shba Inu icon mascot Cosmo it
    was apparently a chain hopp and Doge if
    you have questions they encourage you to
    join their telegram Channel check it out
    uh engage with uh their team uh you can
    also simply email them a contact at Doge their address comes out of
    Panama using the web3 toolkit they
    accept ethereum usdt or even potentially
    a card there they have reportedly raised
    over $10 million and achieved their soft
    cap in order to pursue this endeavor so
    as always you do whatever you want to do
    uh for me I I need team information if
    you don’t tell me about the team I want
    to learn about the team I want to see
    the team I I want to meet the team
    uh because at the end of the day you
    know when I’m investing in stuff I’m not
    really investing in this novel idea
    necessarily I’m you I’m investing in the
    team I’m investing in these people to
    show up and work every day like I do and
    that’s a rarity uh so uh yeah as much as
    I love does and stuff like that and I am
    an investor and minor of Dogecoin and
    other meme coins speaking of Dogecoin
    mining if you do want to get into
    Dogecoin mining make sure to check out
    our Doge mining videos and if you want
    to grab a Dogecoin Miner I’ve got a link
    out uh to a couple of minor options and
    in particular uh I’ve got Asic
    Marketplace linked down there in the
    video description below I just need more
    information here so if you like
    information subscribe to the boss coin
    YouTube channel I hope to see you on the
    next video
    I’m sh

    There’s a new multi blockchain cryptocurrency meme coin that’s dog themed, originally inspired by dogecoin, dogeverse wants to be the next doge, and is focusing on launching on multiple blockchains to do that. Buy a Dogecoin miner here –

    Dogeverse link –
    (Dogeverse’s agency link, not affiliated with us)
    Buy a miner here –
    Buy Sell Trade Dogecoins here –
    Check the latest cryptocurrency prices on Coingecko –

    Remember this is a third-party review, not an endorsement or a memecoin shill.

    ⏰ Timestamps ⏰
    00:00 Meme coins are worth millions!
    00:41 The Dog Coins Market is worth $46 million!
    02:16 Taking a look at the Top Dog Coins
    06:50 Scanning the Dogeverse contract
    09:10 Dogeverse is using Web3Toolkit
    10:33 Dogeverse Tokenomics
    11:46 Dogeverse Roadmap
    13:25 Is Dogeverse for you?

    VoskCoinTalk the VoskCoin forum –

    VoskCoin is for entertainment purposes only and is never intended to be financial investment advice. VoskCoin owns or has owned cryptocurrency and associated hardware. VoskCoin may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. VoskCoin may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used. VoskCoin is home of the Doge Dad, VoskCoin is not your Dad, and thus VoskCoin is never liable for any decisions you make.
    #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #VoskCoin #dogecoin #doge #pepecoin #flokiinu #shib #coinbase #trading #crypto #investing #passiveincome


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