Product and AI – 4/2024 – Product Innovation: Leveraging Generative AI for Next-Level Experiences

    just a little bit of introduction I’m
    Ross Williams I’m a product manager um
    for event tech company um and so today
    I’ll be sharing a little bit about my
    geni experience and
    quite honestly I hope to learn um some
    from you ausome folks as well um I’m
    located in Austin um you can follow me
    on LinkedIn uh but yeah absolutely uh
    let’s go ahead and get started so let me
    uh let me share my screen here unless
    anybody has any questions before uh I
    start yeah there we go so yeah so today
    we’re going to talk about um let me get
    this Zoom set too just one
    second okay so yes let’s go and get
    started um so what I’m going to talk
    about today um is more what you would
    think about so we’re going to talk about
    geni absolutely um but what we really I
    really want to focus on is how do we
    think about this as product
    managers um there’s a lot of um you know
    if you think about this I’m just getting
    things set here so I could see um so so
    if you think about it there’s a lot of
    Buzz around uh geni and there’s probably
    uh people in your organization that are
    saying why don’t we have it when are we
    going to have it uh not even answering
    the questions of why would we need it um
    which is probably the most important um
    and so I’m going to kind of talk you
    through that a little bit today um and
    then we can come back and and have a
    discussion uh I want to be mindful of
    your time um you know I think we’ll get
    out of here by just before
    7:30 um and so I want to be mindful of
    your time today I’m kidding I’m kidding
    we’ll we’ll probably go about 30 minutes
    so um I know people are like oh I’m
    leaving right now um and I would be too
    but yeah so we’ll go ahead and uh get
    started so what is geni let me just kind
    of start because I don’t want to just
    assume everybody understands this and
    and I also don’t want to just be like
    let’s just get through this I want to
    make sure we learn from this and so
    you know when you think about what gen
    AI is um it’s really at the highest
    level it’s using AR artificial
    intelligence to create content ideas you
    know including um conversations new
    content images video and music and
    simply put um it’s generating these
    things on your behalf um and so that’s
    what gen does you probably have used um
    gen it’s some level how many people here
    can raise their hand and say they’ve
    used gen you can use the little Zoom I
    think it has a little hands up thing or
    we can use our hands too we’re here um
    okay so so yes yeah so um so I’ve been
    using it for a while in um and so in my
    own you know personal and some work as
    well um but it’s using that human int
    it’s trying to use basically natural
    language processing to make things look
    and feel like it was written
    you know like a human and it trains
    itself over time um and gets better um
    and gen is the next step really in
    artificial intelligence now if you came
    here today and you’re thinking we’re
    going to talk about you know what Amazon
    is doing with bedrocks and the
    foundational models and which one’s the
    best or what Aur is doing I’ll tell you
    that’s not really what we’re talking
    about today they’ll probably be a better
    person a more technical person that can
    describe these things for you but today
    it’s really about as a product manager
    how should I think about Ai and how
    should I apply my skill set to
    it so let’s start with a real question
    here um just a poll question to start
    with you can use that QR code or just go
    to and enter that code um but
    I’m just curious from the group here um
    have you introduced gen into any of your
    products um so I’m just kind of looking
    for a feel there we’ll give everybody
    give you you know couple minutes here um
    does does like a prototype count like I
    absolutely yeah I meant to actually put
    like more like what it means it it could
    be in Prototype it could be even in beta
    um but you’ve put something in play that
    you you know you you anticipate
    releasing for is a part of the products
    you’re working on
    give everybody just another little bit
    of time
    here uh I’ll tell a dad joke while we’re
    waiting so everybody can be
    entertained um where do I keep all my
    jokes yeah where I I think is where
    everybody’s asking right yeah oh
    no so I keep them my in my
    database so there we
    go got past that one oh I got some
    Emojis all right we’ll give everybody
    just another second here then we’ll
    we’ll move
    on all right let’s go ahead and move on
    and see what we got here
    Okay Okay so we’ve got you know it’s
    kind of a split um we’ve got some yes
    and No No’s a a little bit more dominant
    but not not uh not overwhelmingly
    dominant um and so yeah this is good um
    good to see here we got a nice mix um of
    of people that have used it or haven’t
    used it yet so awesome okay so let’s
    move on any uh any questions so far
    right so um as a product manager this is
    this is product management part so like
    as a product manager this is just like
    kind of how I perceive things when I’m
    working on new products or new
    enhancements or things like that I
    looked at looked at them through a lens
    of what’s called an opportunity
    assessment some of these people call it
    canvas um some other things um is as
    well but this is what I use as kind of
    like my first step I actually did one
    for the product um that I’m talking
    about but I’m not going to include all
    that that details here um since I think
    this is being recorded so um this
    basically lets me as a product manager
    look at anything not just gen AI um but
    look at anything and say what’s the
    opportunity um and this is actually
    meant for um in some some circles where
    you might have like a product counsil or
    or some product group that helps kind of
    lead the road map for your products or
    um kind of you know gives you that
    approval that you might be looking for
    from upper management um in some cases
    and it’s just a very high level you know
    what are the targets we’re looking for
    what are the customers are they new
    customers are they current users um
    what’s the problem statement that’s like
    to me the most important thing is like
    are we solving an actual problem um
    maybe a bulleted list of like high level
    features like what are these features it
    will include um it also includes
    competitors so what are competitors
    doing are they actually doing this
    already or not um and that holds true in
    gen as well um and then you know Revenue
    stream which is where you know you’re
    going to get the Buy in from is is this
    going to make this money is this table
    States what is this doing for us like
    where does this put us in terms of our
    re Vue or is it just a you know thing
    that you have to look at because that’s
    how your competitors are beating you um
    you know when you analyze like when loss
    data or other things like that what are
    the cost factors yeah we’re going to
    make money but how much money we have to
    spend to make that money um and then
    what are our risks you know like if we
    do these things what are our risks and
    then I usually just have a product
    recommendation which basically just you
    know what the product team recommends
    because as product managers we should
    always have an opinion um and so we want
    to make sure that we’re um you know
    making the right opinion and that could
    be a no could be a yes um but this is
    more like a step back it’s not about AI
    this is just kind of like a plus thing
    to think about um is you think about
    your your opportunities in your own
    product worlds um what this might look
    like any any questions um any questions
    this okay and I do use this with usually
    uh just so everybody knows this gets
    used as like kind of a first cut with
    the executive leadership team or maybe a
    team below that to make sure that we
    have some Buy in or understanding of it
    so you want to make sure that you know
    you’re showing this to some people
    before they um before you know you show
    it to a larger group right you want to
    build that
    stakeholder uh alignment a different
    topic for a different day but um sorry
    yeah do you find that any one of those
    particular boxes um gets more play in
    the discussions when you’re presenting
    it to
    leadership yeah the revenue
    okay yeah that’s where like once I show
    it by minutes two minutes later
    somebody’s hand goes up and says let’s
    focus on that Revenue stream or the cost
    um and again this is not like a full
    like document of outlining the financial
    models and all that stuff this is more
    like hey do we want to go investigate
    this further um so it helps me to manage
    my time as well so I have five of these
    things I want to be able to have I want
    the opportunity to be to our leadership
    team um and then we may pick two of
    those or three of those or maybe back
    burner some um but yeah um and then on
    the technical side to your point it’s
    usually the risks so development teams
    will usually want to look at the risks
    um involved with that if they’re mostly
    sometimes technical
    um oh I see we got somebody okay uh any
    questions all right so let’s keep going
    now okay so when it comes to the geni
    part you know you want to really focus
    on understanding those user needs what
    are the user needs what why would they
    want to use gen what are those Discovery
    you know as you’re doing discovery on
    the new feature like you want to
    understand the use cases um and the
    problem that you’re solving for um does
    gen solve it better than current
    Solutions um is there other ways we
    could solve this problem that may be
    complicated um or could be used it’s
    cheaper faster Etc um you know you want
    to always try to look at those
    Alternatives as product manager and not
    just go in with this is the end all be
    all right um you want to think about the
    Alternatives and then I the last one I
    think is the most important of this one
    is you think about your user prop and
    and value prop is ensure the value
    proposition is clear compelling and
    addresses a real Market user problem you
    don’t want to go in and get caught up in
    the hype cycle that is Gen um and then
    be like well how are we going to use it
    and you’re like I don’t know we just
    need yet right um You Want To Make sure
    you do it correctly um because you can
    do it incorrectly as well so any any
    questions on
    this all
    right so this is what we’ve kind of
    talked about a little bit is one of
    those is that business uh performance
    and revenue like how are we going to
    make money um what is the you know we
    want to think about our outcomes um over
    output what is it that we think we can
    make money off of or does this just help
    a client experience better um in my
    world uh we have a lot of people that
    are content creators um in marketing and
    so this is like a really interesting way
    for them to create content within a
    product that they could use as a I I
    like to call it as fire starter right I
    don’t think geni is going to give you
    your complete answer I think you’re
    going to take it and full elements of
    that from the um the Gen responses um
    but you’re going to use it to maybe
    articulate better and form a better um
    you know question or I’m sorry a better
    answer to a question um I think it’s
    great for Content management when you
    think about like events like hundreds of
    sessions and descriptions of all these
    sessions um you know you want to be
    clear about this is what we’re going to
    um and this is like phase one or this
    could be a different phase but you want
    to think about phases as well um in
    terms of like the business performance
    and the
    revenue this is a you know this is one
    of the oh somebody has a
    question hi Ross yeah a quick question
    when you go back to the last slide about
    Revenue so the question is is either a
    product that you’re enhancing or you’re
    actually creating so when you have
    something new you have additional cost
    your first year second year piece so
    everyone I’ve noticed sort of kind of
    put in the billion Doll Market meaning
    share piece of it but okay that’s what
    exists what percentage do you usually
    take within your first year second year
    phase because some have some like
    organizations like yours already have
    resources and some won’t have those
    developers sitting there ready to you
    know get to work so right right so I
    think from a so let me make sure I
    understand the question you’re you’re
    kind of saying like if you’re going from
    a zero to
    one right you Z to one with a new
    product start from scratch development
    versus enhancements my question is I
    really like to know with the business
    performance and revenue that little
    bucket is what percentage do you use
    because when you use market value for a
    billion Doll Market let’s say for soap
    dispensers right you know something like
    that then what percentage do you take do
    you take 10% off do you take 15% to show
    your Revenue
    possibility yeah so that’s a good
    question so in my case I can only use my
    example um it was not a zero to one it
    was a product that was already
    established and in place um I haven’t
    done a zero to one yet um with geni just
    hasn’t been within my my Pro my work um
    but when you when I do it for like
    something it’s already established
    things are much easier right because you
    can then look at your user base and say
    okay if we bring this in um you know
    what will be our attach rates right um
    how many clients will pick it up
    especially if I charge for it right if I
    just throw it in then it’s just
    something we can go brag to the market
    about but um but if I’m trying to build
    in Revenue you know I when I’ve done
    other Financial modeling um I usually
    start the first first year at about a
    10% attach rate maybe 15
    tops um and then you know and then I
    kind of build it from there um these
    could be answered different questions
    Maybe by different markets as well um
    but I you know I don’t want to say I’m G
    to have a 100% tach rate in year one I
    don’t think that’s feasible I also think
    um so I don’t know if that aners part of
    your question but let me answer the
    other part about the zero to one
    unless the Gen AI is absolutely critical
    it may not be a part of that mvp you may
    have other things that you have to build
    out first like the foundation and the
    structure and the back end right and
    then you can bring that on um is you get
    more funding or your user base grows um
    that’s a that’s a kind of a product
    question B based off a lot of different
    variables I would say um but I think
    that’s how I would look at it is like
    does this need to be there from day one
    or can we hold on this while we just get
    out the product to
    Market so I don’t I don’t know if I’ve
    got a good answer for your question
    honestly Heather but I’m I’m trying I
    think it is I think we use pretty much
    similar numbers as well so thank you for
    answering that yep
    absolutely um so so back to the
    technical side um you know you got to
    have those technical requirements in
    place and that’s going to be your
    development team kind of like we just
    talked about right do they even have gen
    experience does our current architecture
    account for it do we have an API that
    can talk out um you know what additional
    resources are we going to have to get
    some more you know um people that are
    more closer to AI products to think
    about what I just was referencing
    earlier around like okay we want to do
    this but what platform you can’t talk
    what platform are we on but more
    importantly can that platform
    communicate with us internally to pull
    in that
    information um you know what are the Ben
    what what are we going to have to do
    there you know to help with that because
    then it’s going to be more like okay is
    this a six you know week thing or a six
    Monon thing um okay I see I got a couple
    of hands raised here uh let’s go with
    Joe I think you were
    first hey just uh FY on the resources I
    uh play with these apis on my free time
    I you know I don’t know been doing full
    stack like 10 years now uh it’s pretty
    standard pretty standard rest apis most
    season full Stacks can consume it
    pretty like without a lot of difficulty
    just I use the anthropic one I use the
    open AI one and I use like a local one
    called mistro anyway that’s it no and I
    appreciate that um I think where my
    thinking was on that is like do we even
    have an API that can communicate into
    that system right is it a closed
    architecture where we’re only sitting
    within our own you know AWS Cloud do we
    have apis what do we need to do there
    that just that technical you know you
    want to answer those questions as soon
    as possible to say yeah this is doable
    or not because you don’t want to keep
    going down the path if it becomes a
    thing um where you know you have to end
    up um you know kind of stepping taking a
    step back because you think through some
    of these feasibility and integration
    issues up
    front I think there was one other
    question or somebody had their handris
    Joel’s got his hand up Joel
    oh let me you’re un you are uh you’re
    unmuted or you’re muted I think yep I
    was just waiting yeah yeah go ahead yeah
    so quick question really back to the
    business justification I saw an
    interesting Tech talk uh Ted Talk the
    other day um let me see if I could find
    who it was got Nam Mustafa sullan
    talking about what’s an AI anyway and
    where this is headed and you know
    something he mentioned is I’ve been
    thinking about this is it seems like
    these large language models effectively
    could displace the entire user interface
    of everything we do in the business you
    know where instead of having to have
    menus and structures and everything you
    just ask the system to do the thing you
    want it to do um I’m curious how you
    would think about the cost justification
    of something like
    that you know where instead of having
    the whole ux through user experience and
    Graphics thing you just have a system
    that says oh you just want to talk to us
    fine tell us what you
    want yeah wow I honestly that is I
    haven’t heard that um maybe that Ted
    Talk I need to look like although if you
    do have a good Tik Tok to share I like
    those as well oh sure I’ll drop it in
    the chat if you want um but um but it’s
    inter yeah that’s very interesting um
    you know I’m seeing by the way as an
    example just I’m seeing the beginnings
    of that for example um atasan put into
    uh jira they basically displaced their
    normal well not displaced but they added
    into their text query engine that
    instead of having to know how to build a
    query you just talk to it llm style to
    say hey I want to know about this and
    this and this and it constructs in the
    background what it
    needs that would be very helpful for me
    um okay yeah so um because that’s kind
    of hell sometimes um but I I mean yeah
    that’s a good example of that I mean I
    think we will see more like where you
    like kind of use that chat query right
    like show me XYZ or and that maybe it’s
    just a prompt there the user experience
    on that I think would be something that
    you would probably have to think about
    as a very slow roll out um with maybe
    only your very Savvy depends on how
    Savvy your client base is
    too lots of people even when we change
    you know I’ve been a card of like uh
    refreshed themes you know we’re
    refreshing the UI or the ux and the
    buttons change at all but the colors
    do what are you doing I’m so used to
    that yeah we just changed the color to
    make it better because we needed to to
    you know for Ada or whatever um and so I
    I think it’s interesting but I I I don’t
    know that I see that happening except
    for maybe more technical Savvy products
    like what you have with
    alassan other that um you know software
    platforms or services that are doing
    important things like compliance and uh
    other areas I think that’s going to be
    my prediction would be that would be
    that’s going to take a long time to get
    there I guess okay I don’t want to I
    don’t want to hit the rabbit hole too
    deeply on this one but but imagine Now
    with an application some web app that
    has you know a few dozen main pages and
    a whole bunch of functions in it that
    people have to remember what’s where to
    do things y yep getting people to take
    the first step might be a bit but the
    minute they realize they could say hey I
    want to get a report like this and it
    appears without having to know where it
    is and the part that just to bring it
    back to the product design
    thing it almost seems like like that sub
    subverts a lot of product
    identity because if a bunch of people
    start doing that then it’s all just
    about asking questions there’s no face
    if you will that they’re interacting
    with in terms of a product thing so I
    don’t know I just figured I’d toss that
    out there for thinking about I think
    it’s a very interesting topic um yeah so
    thanks we still have four hours left so
    we can you know we can go on for a long
    here I’m out
    let me keep going the one of the things
    that like
    um uh something okay um one of the
    things that is going to come up right
    off the bat from your legal teams and
    maybe even your other teams is what
    about our data data and privacy
    considerations where’s the data going to
    be stored how long is it going to be
    stored is it going to be
    anonymized um all these things are very
    like and you have to do it on a caseby
    casee basis um you know in terms of how
    you’re going to input it but if you
    think about it holistically if you’re
    going to use a service like Amazon web
    services and bedrocks or any of these
    other ones they’re going to have data
    and privacy concerns already addressed
    or they should have um the one we picked
    was with Amazon and they had a whole
    thing on you know
    security privacy all that stuff you
    still have to know it
    um but this is going to be very very
    important um because clients are going
    to be putting in data that could be you
    know something close to their
    organization or company so you want to
    be careful about that and you’ll have to
    absolutely have a um a team um or a
    person that can help understand that for
    you and make sure you get that sign off
    before you would even move into you know
    obviously into production but what
    that’s a big deal for something to
    really think about and consider um as
    you move
    forward um okay
    so then we talk about user
    experience um so then you got to think
    about okay we need this everybody’s in
    love everybody you know they’re crying
    uh sorry real quick are you sharing your
    screen oh yes I thought I was okay yep I
    think I see it now
    thanks okay can you guys see
    it okay yes I don’t know what happened
    there was a zoom popup um and I thought
    I was already sharing but it as long as
    we’re good um I’ll keep
    going um how does it fit into the
    journey you don’t want it to look like
    it’s a hge Podge thing that you just
    added right you wanted to make sure it
    looks good within your format you know
    if you’re using text for Content
    creation where’s it going to fit within
    your UI as you use it you don’t want to
    be overly complex kind of back to the
    whole thing right you want to be very
    simple and easy to use um and then you
    also got to think about intuitive
    interactions and I think about here is I
    think about like do we want to have
    prepr preset prompts that help answer a
    the 8020 rule right or do we want to
    have it where it’s
    open-ended um or a combination of both
    um you want to think about how the
    interaction is going to take place
    within the geni within the product um
    and how that’s going to be impacted and
    and useful by users and obviously you
    got to do some level enablement and
    training along these lines as well but
    you want to think about how that’s going
    to be how that’s going to impact that
    client experience and that user
    Journey um this is probably a bigger
    topic for a different discussion um but
    you got to think about the bias you know
    and the ethics to this um what are the
    ethical implications of using geni what
    is that going to do for you um or you
    know could that be something that comes
    back on your company youve we’ve heard
    about this right Google or Bard or
    whoever and they find out that it’s
    being ex skewed somehow um you know you
    want to think about these types of
    topics um as well and you want to be
    proactive in identifying them these are
    probably conversations and and that
    you’re going to want to have with um you
    know whoever supplying you this the
    models the foundation models um because
    they’re going to be obviously already in
    the leads they and they should be on
    this um but you just want to have this
    as something as a discussion point when
    you’re having those conversations with
    those third parties about who you want
    to generate um who’s going to generate
    that for you and how do you help um
    fight um these types of things that
    could be come up in your product as well
    feedback loops so feedback loes are
    going to be critical um you know if you
    use a product like um pendo or any of
    these like feedback products within your
    organization um you’re going to want to
    get feedback from clients on how they’re
    using this um how they’re delivering you
    know what what is it delivering is it
    delivering do you like it um you know I
    don’t really think this is like needs an
    NPS score a net promoter score I think
    it’s more like you want that individual
    you know is this making your job easier
    right is this something I can do um to
    make my life easier um but this feedback
    is going to be crucial for as you
    iterate and improve it over
    time so um you know we kind of had a
    long discussion here and I think this is
    my yeah that was my last slide was kind
    of going through that so you know
    hopefully what I’ve done here is just
    given you and I can share these slides
    out too but my goal is is a product
    manager to think about what are the
    things I need to consider um when I
    think about
    geni and you know kind of coming back to
    the whole conversation around does it
    solve user problems um you know you want
    to have those client conversations I
    think that’s the most critical um to get
    it right up front um but then as you get
    past those Sation and you make those
    decisions to say hey guess what gen is
    something we should do I I these are the
    topics that you should look at um as a
    product manager to make sure that you’re
    taking care of these um so you can have
    a successful you know integration and
    take that product to that next level um
    when you want to generate um use
    generative AI as a part of that a part
    of your product so yeah I got us we’re
    we’re about 340 so it’s not too bad
    um but I don’t know that’s uh that’s
    that’s my topic but is there any
    questions um anybody has that they like
    to uh to ask I see a lot of chats but
    let me let me see if maybe I
    can get those I don’t know if there’s
    any uh for some reason I can’t on the
    chat it’s mostly people just sharing
    their LinkedIn profiles so okay okay I
    do see that we got a couple hands raised
    I think Joe in was first okay go ahead
    Joe so Joel brought up the topic of uh
    having a user interface where you could
    just chat and ask for things um
    currently the state of generative AI or
    just as an example I’m sure there’s
    other uh it it does a lot of
    hallucinations it’s not what we call in
    the computer science world deterministic
    meaning I have these series of clicks
    and I always get this output um
    that can be hugely frustrating to a user
    uh I think we’re a long way from that
    glorious Oracle where you just speak to
    it and intuitively knows with your
    language and the context and your
    background exactly what it is you want
    um and then with respect to the
    uh to the uh uh bias situation um a lot
    of times these models it’s it’s garbage
    in garbage out right like if you train
    it on like you know some really nasty
    stuff you get nasty stuff out so um just
    be mindful your training sets and what
    the data is getting trained on um and
    you know once you create an AI it’s a
    like a Persona so that Persona has to be
    on brand with your company um at least
    those are those are my thoughts on all
    jazz okay yeah those are awesome um
    awesome inputs
    thanks um any other questions
    well I guess I had my hand up so I
    should respond since I was named
    uh uh yeah I think that I agree the
    hallucination thing is a problem the
    industry is actually working on that and
    there are some beliefs that it’s going
    to get dramatically better in the next
    half year or year um but even past that
    what I was talking about was a very
    limited set of information right that if
    if you have um basically a prompt or an
    information set that is here are the
    things are application knows how to
    do and that the answer isn’t necessarily
    provided right to the user the user give
    it just as you would for like a Google
    search some you type in or you say hey I
    want to do this and the llm delivers
    back to the application that’s this
    function that then gets called as if it
    were basically it’s an interactive menu
    system that I think the hallucination
    thing is a lot less of a problem because
    then if it happens to pick something out
    of th thin air and hallucinate it it
    just looks like a question it can’t
    answer as opposed to handing back bad
    data in other words it can’t we can’t do
    something so on a negative side yeah it
    could occasionally say well I can’t do
    that when the system clearly can um but
    I suspect the risk is much smaller
    because the input data is so small and
    it’s a contained domain um the question
    that I uh would like to ask actually uh
    for uh uh Ross
    is people have maybe a passing
    understanding of this stuff at the this
    point generally and and product folks
    are so busy with you know I’m dealing
    with current features and current
    product whereas this looks like it’s way
    out there even though it’s hitting us
    like a ra Railway train any thoughts
    on ways to help product folks and
    organizations get the right kind of
    backdrop with generative AI so that they
    can make Intelligent Decisions about
    what to do with it from product design
    perspective yeah um there is I think um
    when you look at some of the products
    specific I’m going to call it well
    there’s like product school there’s
    pragmatic there’s some of these
    organizations um pendo actually has a
    training course you can take um on
    generative AI I think it’s free or it
    used to be free um I took it a while
    back um but there are a lots of courses
    that are out there you know specifically
    for product managers to get
    understanding because you again you
    don’t need to know you know the
    technical aspects of it maybe you’re a
    technical product manager and you but
    you know you need to be able to speak to
    it fluently and understand what it
    means because it’s probably going it’s I
    would say that whatever industry you’re
    in um verticals whatever um gen I is
    already being impacted or it will be
    impacted within the next one to two
    years um and so you don’t want to be the
    ones that are left behind um you know
    especially if you’re like on some of the
    Gardner magic quadrants or forcer wave
    reports or any of that stuff you don’t
    want to be the one that’s called out for
    not having these things and I’m not
    saying that to say we have to have it
    because we have to have it we need to
    have it because it solves this Market
    problem it’s solves this Custer problem
    so yes everybody I think there’s a big
    hype cycle around geni I do think like
    it’s overplayed to some degree um but I
    think it’s more about as a product
    manager we have to think about how does
    this impact our business um does it help
    hurt hinder how can we use it in our
    products and then what problems are we
    solving for so I would say that at a
    high level that’s kind of where I see it
    um from you know that higher level view
    thanks and one other thing if I could do
    a little bit of a pitch because I have
    sort of a bunch of tech background as
    well is that
    um helping people to understand that
    it’s not just a chat engine I think is
    really important sort of this example of
    as a user interface or as a way of
    making things happen that it is
    essentially this thing you can integrate
    into your product as a part of the
    product and not just a flashy Chat thing
    that you put on top of it um and because
    I think that’s to me that’s where the
    really significant stuff is going to
    happen you know past like the three to
    six month Horizon where everybody’s
    putting chat Bots up so right thanks
    yeah the chatbots is like from a product
    I mean that’s kind of the biggest thing
    you know right now that clent they think
    they can replace their customer support
    team which they can actually I know
    everybodys right until you get hit with
    yet another lawsuit for selling a car by
    for a Dollar by your chatbot you know
    yeah case thanks appreciate it yeah
    exactly yeah but I think that there you
    know there will be more use cases um but
    like I said I would look at product
    school I at pendo I look at I know
    pragmatic has a has a now not all these
    are free but like some of them are free
    but like if you’re looking from a
    product perspective I know pendo offers
    a training um that I took um and then I
    think pragmatic does but I think it
    costs money but um but yeah that’s you
    know there’s
    lots I would focus on the products stuff
    yeah I would from the product lens
    product management lens right so okay
    hey folks Heather has been has had a
    hand up for a while oh I’m sorry uh
    Heather is that who you
    said yeah thanks um yeah I just wanted
    to bring this back into the product
    World here for product people managers
    um and I know Ross you said you wanted
    to learn from others as well so throwing
    it to the entire group how are you guys
    using it um for your day-to-day to make
    life easier have you used it to make
    anything in your workflow EAS yeah so
    I’ll answer but I want to hear other
    people’s answers too um but for me it’s
    been mostly um because I work with a lot
    of event
    people um they use it for Content
    creation of like they have a let’s just
    say for example uh they have a session
    on you know bank fraud in America I’m
    making something up uh but they would
    put in you know write me a description
    for bank fraud in America and then it
    would give them back some resp responses
    again it’s not to be the end all be all
    that they would just copy and paste in
    to that it would be more like okay this
    is some good things that we can talk
    about like it’s kind of like I keep
    calling it a fire starter because I
    really think that’s what geni is is
    really good for is starting those
    conversations but you still need that
    human intelligence to figure out what is
    the right things to say and how do we
    want to manage that expectation um but
    for me it’s been content creation but
    I’d love to hear you know others talk
    about maybe how they’ve used it as well
    I can tell you on mines I’ve used it for
    PBI refinements um it’s been good for
    PBI refinements as well and then if I
    just use it as a check for if I’m
    missing anything sometimes you know
    feature wise that but you do have to
    be very well written I would also say
    your input also as well so sometimes it
    misses it if you miss
    it right it’s the whole garbage in
    garbage out thing I think Joe said
    cool we did have we did have a couple
    comments in the chat that I think uh
    I’ll read out before you hear Ross the
    first one if you want to resp just have
    some thoughts to respond to it so Rachel
    Ry wrote I think it’s helpful to view
    geni as a tool to retrieve or query
    unstructured data it seems most useful
    at this point being used internally with
    the large Corpus of unstructed data to
    provide insights into Data that has been
    largely dark
    data yeah that’s that’s a that’s a
    really good point too um I haven’t
    delved into that part in looking at you
    know using that in my current career um
    where I’m at but um that sounds like a
    very good use case for it um I don’t
    know if anybody else has any experiences
    that yeah but and then the second
    comment Ben may also wrote that the hype
    train is so real our execs tossed us a
    product based only on hype quote we want
    to be the first in our business to have
    it exclamation point unquote then we had
    to go figure out how it would actually
    be useful to our
    customers wow um I don’t know what to
    say that Ben I mean that’s the cart
    before the horse right um and so I think
    as product managers part of our role is
    to say okay we can let’s talk let’s have
    let’s talk about this I’ve had this in
    other things too uh I’ll tell you in
    another life we had audit trails and
    there was this idea bubbling that we
    could use
    blockchain um to do some of the trails
    because of the way the audit The
    blockchain Works uh so I had kind of the
    same thing on that hype cycle a little
    bit um ultimately we didn’t do it
    because I was able to get ahead of it um
    but yeah I mean it’s happening because
    that’s all CEOs hear about right now is
    Gen and there you know especially if
    their private Equity they’re talking to
    their firm you know and they’re like
    when are you guys doing this
    so uh my heart uh goes out to you uh but
    ultimately you gotta kind of feed that
    back into the group to say you know okay
    what problem are we going to solv with
    this because if the problem is well
    that’s your job to figure out that’s
    could be a good answer to say well let
    me go figure it out let me go see if we
    actually solve a problem here um and
    then you could come back with that but
    yeah I I I’m not shocked I’m sure this
    is happening in organizations all across
    right now about how are we going to deal
    with Gen and you know and more
    importantly when are we going to have it
    in the
    product so Ross um I think what was
    interesting and you flashed a slide
    earlier that was about um the
    opportunity ass assments I mean right
    there right I would assume if the
    opportunity assessments are consistently
    followed um you know some of those
    things would automatically drop off to
    say hey it doesn’t fit in our
    Matrix right because there’s really
    nothing that we’re adding as a value to
    a customers even though and maybe
    there’s a there’s a value in terms of
    like you know just the hype or the
    marketing side of values maybe there’s
    some value there but net net will
    probably fall through anyways because
    the ROI and all that might not be good
    enough exactly yeah I mean it’s not it’s
    free uh the Integrations are I mean you
    know depending on where you’re at
    technically too in the company right do
    you already have an API that can talk do
    you have these things in place and
    that’s why I come back to this
    opportunity assessment like you said
    because this is what gets generated by
    the product manager and you know this is
    something you could even use to say here
    you know look here’s what we’ve done
    this is the problem statement these are
    the features um but here’s our cost and
    our risk and our Revenue stream and see
    if that matches what you know the
    leadership team is going to want to you
    know push
    forward so I mean I guess just as a
    quick followup um I’m wondering if most
    folks uh in your companies or
    organizations have a product C
    it’s typically that’s the role of the
    council to kind of look at all of these
    in a consistent objective way I use some
    models yeah so for me I it’s an absolute
    necessity so we don’t have these types
    conversations um with what what is it
    the highest paid opinion or whatever I
    can’t remember what it is but that gets
    you away from those now is that still
    going to happen absolutely but I think
    you need a process around it which is a
    whole different topic um right but if
    it’s a small company it might just be
    hey get in here I’m the CEO let’s figure
    this how we how you going to do
    this there’s another
    topic stakeholder engagement and all
    stuff so we had another
    uh another comment from Joel about
    hallucinations from the chat I’ve
    already seen some pretty interesting
    hallucinations from asking llms to
    analyze data and Joel by the way I’ll
    second that so some paths for verifying
    results is in my opinion required until
    hallucination problem has some trustable
    solution so yeah I guess Ross any
    thoughts on quality um checking results
    reproducibility man that’s a that’s a
    tough one um that’s probably a more
    technical question um because of how
    those questions are being asked into the
    the the
    prompts um but you
    know I
    think depending on the use
    cases that could or could not be a
    problem um if you have very specific use
    cases where it’s going to be used maybe
    that’s less of a problem I don’t know
    um but I could see it you know if you
    have specific Parts if you’re just going
    to open it up to the whole product I
    could see where maybe that happens but
    if you have like specific use cases
    within the product maybe that becomes
    less but that’s just kind of my
    assumption but I don’t that’s not based
    off of any facts yeah if I could I’ve
    I’ve seen cases where literally you hand
    it a table of data and ask for a sum of
    a column and it just makes something up
    and hands you a number yeah so I mean
    that’s not a sophisticated use case it’s
    like here’s a column of numbers what’s
    sum and sometimes it’s spot on so you
    know it’s that’s my concern it’s just
    that you can’t know when it’s going to
    hand you nonsense and when it isn’t so
    to I think it’s great at pointing out
    possibilities right but I would always
    want to verify if it throws out
    something positive or negative and
    you’re going to take a decision based on
    it I currently if it’s worth any amount
    of money I’d probably cross check it
    these days yeah maybe
    paranoid go ahead sounds like the
    product manager just sums up a number
    and whatever number I need it to be is
    the number I use right it’s the perfect
    Dilbert machine
    exactly okay uh well we’re almost at the
    time which I’m I’m I’m really excited we
    only I thought this would go a little
    bit shorter so I’m I’m happy that people
    had questions but if there’s any other
    questions um you got a couple more
    minutes you can ask go also uh you know
    hit me up on LinkedIn I’m happy to
    answer any questions um I think also you
    know there’ll be topics where I think
    the community you know this group here
    will be looking for more for more people
    uh much smarter than me to do some of
    these as well so um you know that’s
    another another thing to think about too
    thank you Ross uh completely appreciate
    this was great um was a great start to
    kind of the discussion get the thoughts
    flowing around this uh and a structure
    around how to kind of think of GM
    products uh thank you once again for
    signing up to be the first one uh we do
    have a few more people that we’ve
    reached out to uh but absolutely would
    love to hear from the group that’s
    already here as well um you know so that
    we have a backlog and that way every
    month we’re not searching for new topics
    uh obviously between uh myself and and
    Matt we’ll kind of uh try to arrange uh
    the topics so that they’re interesting
    uh every time but please uh if you
    interested once again in presenting if
    you have an idea or a topic you might
    want to talk about uh please feel free
    to uh submit that either via chat or
    send us an email um the other thing we
    had talked about uh was at some point
    seeing if we can kind of just do like a
    quick you know um I guess kind of like a
    Q&A but more like a here’s my problem
    how how would I use AI to do this so
    just kind of like as a community helping
    each other out um that hey you know this
    is my product here’s an idea or does
    someone have an idea of how I can
    incorporate um some AI into my product
    area so again it can be pretty
    open-ended um kind of like a you know
    fast um this thing but anyways so we’re
    going to try that out as well uh maybe
    we’ll try it out like a 15 it uh in one
    of our meetings uh upcoming
    meetings um but that we kind of
    hopefully I don’t know how that resonate
    that idea uh with everyone um but if you
    feel like that would be something we
    should try uh please let us know um
    maybe we’ll start with a 15 minute
    thing um Al righty
    um thank you all once again uh we will
    look forward to by the way apologies
    from on my side I was having some delay
    in joining today um and thanks Ben for
    covering um we will uh continue the
    conversation a month from now but please
    feel free to use um the access to slack
    that we’ve now received uh and obviously
    um I think that’s a great Forum um
    so thank you so much okay a thank you
    have a great day thanks everyone

    By harnessing Generative AI, businesses can unlock unprecedented opportunities for creating next-level experiences. In this discussion, Ross will cover why he and his team decided to implement this and how they did it for a better client experience within an eventtech product.

    Speaker: Ross Weems

    During his 12-year tenure as a Senior Product Manager, Ross Weems has been continuously leading initiatives that combine profound technological insights with strategic business applications, especially in the B2B SaaS arena. At the heart of his professional philosophy lies a dedication to integrating complex systems to enhance user experiences and optimize operational efficiencies. Ross enjoys flying drones to capture awesome pictures whenever he has the opportunity.

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