CAN BITCOIN BE TRUSTED? Crypto-Currency Dilemma | Absolute Documentaries

    you’re seeing a replica of the Apollo
    capsule because Bitcoin literally went
    to the moon since we did our first film
    Bitcoin the end of money as we know it
    that was in
    20145 and our film also went ballistic
    it was pirated on bit torrent on YouTube
    and of course also legally licensed on
    many TV channels since then we also did
    another film called cryptopia Bitcoin
    blockchains and the future of the
    internet about the whole industry that
    was evolving slly in
    201819 many have requested an updated
    and upgraded version of the end of money
    that’s why we’re here let’s Jump Right
    In and I’ll be right
    back look closely what do we all have in
    common no matter what corner of the
    world you live in you need food Water
    Shelter and
    money half of every transaction action
    involves money in exchange for goods or
    services stocks a loaf of bread illegal
    drugs you got to pay for it we spend
    much of our Lives chasing money to make
    a living and accomplish our dreams but
    it’s also an instrument of Destruction
    some might say evil driving criminals to
    lie steal and even murder the existing
    banking system extracts enormous value
    from society and it is parasitic in
    nature money is a catalyst for the worst
    and the best of human endeavor before
    civilization we created
    currency fuel for
    Wars the path to power champion and
    enemy of
    innovation money is so integral to our
    society and our global economy that its
    true nature remains a mystery to most
    this is the story of money perhaps the
    end of money as we know it no matter how
    fat your bank account or how thin your
    wallet to us it’s all Cold Hard Cash
    there are some who want to kill it get
    rid of it burn your dollars your Euros
    your Yen and transform every penny you
    have into ones and zeros digital
    currency entrust it to the web and
    computers spread across the planet magic
    internet money it’s called
    cryptocurrency Bitcoin invented in
    secret it was a gift to the world it’s
    not just a currency but it’s actually
    programmable money a potential curse on
    bankers and there’s nothing that the the
    big Banks or politicians can do to stop
    it breaking every government’s grip on
    supply what the internet did for
    information Bitcoin is doing for
    money could it be the new gold mhm no
    you have to really stretch your uh
    imagination to infer what the intrinsic
    value of Bitcoin is Regulators the
    Federal Reserve the banking system least
    understand this is a thing that they
    have to take seriously this is going to
    change the economic culture Bitcoin
    could be a microeconomic meracle worker
    and it could be a macroeconomic wrecking
    bll is Bitcoin the currency of the
    future a godsend for criminals or a
    recipe for financial disaster
    Master if you trust your money just as
    it is we have a little story to
    share this documentary was originally
    voiced by John Barrett of the Bitcoins
    and gravy podcast so when you see me or
    hear me I’m updating the script giving
    you better context or fixing stuff that
    we got wrong okay on with the
    show Once upon a time there was a big
    party with everyone standing around the
    punch bow
    drunk politicians credited the strong
    economy to their wise decisions
    businesses jumped into new profitable
    markets ignoring risk in fact the
    experts said there was no
    risk then troubling Market data from
    minor countries spooked the markets
    rumors spread more bad news rattled
    housing prices at the heart of the
    financial World a major bank went
    insolvent investors and businesses made
    a run on the other Banks demanding their
    cash deposits the largest financial
    institutions in the center of the modern
    world were frozen assets were seized
    Banks foreclosed a credit crunch
    threatened the entire world
    economy and then finally the government
    stepped in the largest bank bailout ever
    Swift action by the head of state had
    saved the day remember
    that no you don’t it happened 2,000
    ago Rome 33 ad ground zero for the first
    recorded liquidity crisis and government
    bailout in
    history the largest Empire the world had
    ever seen was brought to its knees by a
    banking disaster Emperor Tiberius used
    money from the national treasury to bail
    out the country’s troubled Banks and
    companies history may not repeat itself
    but it certainly rhymes
    badly people in power and their money
    have always been at the very center of
    it the story of money is as old as
    itself when we lived in small tribes
    keeping track of debt was easy easy you
    owed somebody a load of firewood a
    neighbor owed you a piece of meat
    credits and debits were kept in your
    head a mental
    Ledger currency is a language that
    allows us to express transactional value
    between people it’s a technology that’s
    older than uh the wheel it’s as old as
    fire when humans wanted to trade outside
    their tribe or Village they needed
    something everyone could agree had value
    something SC
    ailable enter commodity
    monies there were many kinds but each
    had to embody the same five
    characteristics a commodity money is
    relatively scarce easily recognizable
    can be cut into smaller pieces you can
    substitute one piece for another of
    equal value and you can carry it around
    without too much trouble in ancient Rome
    it was salt the Aztecs used cacao beans
    it was whale teeth on Fiji Yak dong in
    Tibet shells in Africa and
    China grains metal Ivory rare stones
    leather fish if it had the five
    characteristics of commodity money
    someone probably used it as
    currency and then you ask what value do
    these currencies have if you go into a
    primary school you’ll see children
    exchanging rubber bands and tagoi and
    Pokemon cards and baseball cards and
    sweets and candy and any other form of
    currency people invent currency when
    they have no other currency and now
    they’re going to invent digital
    currencies but Commodities that aren’t
    durable are a lousy store of value a bad
    cacao crop or a huge new salt Discovery
    can throw your currency and economy into
    turmoil a more stable system was
    needed about 2500 years ago the first
    metal coins were minted in China and in
    what is now
    turkey these coins shared the same five
    characteristics with commodity money but
    were also very
    durable in some cases coins are the only
    thing left of entire
    civilizations money does not originate
    with governments money arises naturally
    as markets are begin to develop and as
    people with a division of labor realized
    that if I have eggs and you have a cow
    we may need some medium of Exchange in
    order for you to buy my eggs or for me
    to buy your cow coins were an objective
    and Universal unit of account and they
    allowed people to buy and sell Goods
    over vast regions the market economy was
    born coins worked but only if people
    trusted that the king or Emperor who
    issued them wasn’t cheating on the metal
    content using coins also meant that that
    an authority now controlled the supply
    of your currency money and political
    power were inextricably linked
    centralized yeah so I wish we made this
    point a little bit clearer you see the
    main issue here is once somebody is in
    control of that money supply that
    introduces the potential for corrupting
    the system it doesn’t matter whether
    they wear a crown or a
    suit minting coins in a steady and
    predictable manner allowed economic
    growth grow and stability the woou coin
    in China retained its value for 500
    years in Constantinople the soliders
    lasted for 700 years but in those times
    coins didn’t have the the mil this sort
    of miled edge they were flat and uh what
    used to happen was as coins were passing
    from people to people people would cut
    little bits off and in fact in some of
    the taxation that the Kings would do
    would actually be take 1/8 of the coin
    off taxes built castles and financed
    military campaigns expensive Hobbies
    soon Royal mints were substituting
    cheaper medals for silver and gold this
    is called debasement and Europe’s Kings
    made a habit of it the currency of
    France was debased every 20 months for
    years if no one can trust the gold or
    silver content of your coins how can you
    trade with other countries
    countries International Merchants found
    a solution they recognized that one
    person’s debt has value it can be traded
    transferred when those IUS came from
    reputable sources they could be used as
    a form of money paper money this money
    was not based on hard Commodities or
    metal but instead on someone’s promise
    to pay Merchant families like the
    mediche in 15th Century Florida acted as
    Clearing Houses for these IUS it worked
    like this an English Trader ordered a
    shipment of Italian cloth from the
    mediche for 100 gold coins his promise
    to pay the mediche was put on paper
    meanwhile the mediche owed 100 gold
    coins to another trading partner for
    delivery of wine from France the parties
    didn’t go to the expense of transporting
    an exchanging gold coins instead the
    paper was transferred everyone agreed
    that the paper had value 100 gold coins
    but only because everyone trusted the
    medage as solvent middlemen they had
    created a paper money
    machine within a few Generations they
    Rose from low crime to High Finance
    their great wealth helped fuel the
    Italian Renaissance and elevated the
    family to levels of enormous political
    power the power to marry into royal
    families and get elected as popes the ti
    binding money to power politics and
    influence now ran through church and
    state Merchants had proven that creating
    paper currency could be wildly
    profitable goldsmiths wanted in on the
    action imagine it like this if the gold
    smith had seen over a period of time
    that some of the coins he was storing
    for people were gathering dust the
    people who own them don’t need them
    right now so what if I go and L them out
    into the community and I charged them
    interest on this loan so he starts out
    lending from these gold coins and then
    later he realizes actually people don’t
    even want the gold coins they just want
    the piece of paper that says the the
    gold coins are in the bank and with the
    Goldsmith so I can now make a loan with
    these pieces of paper and whatever I
    write on a piece of paper as long as
    people trust me they’ll trust the paper
    and effectively the the goldsmiths and
    the early day Bankers they had literally
    acquired the power to print money more
    and more private paper money from
    merchants and Banks circulated and began
    to rival the Crown’s coins the power
    inherent in controlling and issuing
    money began slipping away from the
    rulers they couldn’t tax or debase this
    new kind of money but they had bigger
    Ambitions than ever with trading posts
    colonies and Empires that now stretched
    across the
    globe for centuries European countries
    would take turns building massive fleets
    and Waging War on each other to rule the
    world government wanted to take the
    people’s money in order to finance its
    Wars that’s essentially the history of
    money money and warfare go
    together war is expensive one year’s
    income taxes simply Aren’t Enough kings
    and queens had to borrow money against
    future taxes they needed a
    groundbreaking Financial Innovation
    government bonds the loans came from
    Rich Merchant families and goldsmiths
    who by now had become powerful
    financiers and bankers sovereign debt
    and deficit spending had been
    1694 the bank of England was established
    to fund a war against France England’s
    Central Bank was privately owned and
    granted the Monopoly to issue Bank notes
    paper that could be redeemed for an
    equal amount of gold from the government
    coffers the Central Bank soon also
    managed the entire debt of the crown
    money has been a tool of sovereignty for
    centuries being able to issue currency
    uh gave you the power but it also gave
    the value to that monetary Supply by
    backing it with a force of state with
    essentially the DAT of
    State when the US won independence from
    Britain the first article of the new
    constitution gave congress the exclusive
    right to coin
    money this currency’s value was tied to
    gold in government vaults from 1781
    until the Panic of 1907 the financial
    system of the US was an economic petri
    dish brief central banks State Banks
    private Banks private currency
    government currency depressions strong
    growth recessions regular boom and bus
    Cycles the long-term as far as capital
    is concerned people want predictability
    people want stability from the back of
    that they can plan that it’s very hard
    to plan in the long term with such a
    level of
    volatility in 1913 bankers and politic
    Ians decided that it was in the
    country’s best interest and theirs to
    have a permanent Central Bank they
    created the Federal Reserve among its
    jobs expand or contract the supply of a
    single National currency the Federal
    Reserve Note the dollar was tied to gold
    and strategic control of it would avoid
    Booms that lead to
    busts at least that was the
    plan then came
    the Great Depression would have a
    profound effect on monetary
    worldwide I shall ask the Congress for
    the one remaining instrument to meet the
    fraud executive power soon the FED had
    printed nearly all the money it legally
    could to pump life back into the economy
    it needed gold to fire fire up the mint
    so in 1933 President Roosevelt issued a
    controversial executive order forcing
    all US citizens to sell their gold to
    the Federal Reserve at a fixed price or
    go to
    prison after World War II America became
    the global superpower and with it the US
    dollar emerged as the most important
    Reserve currency in the
    other countries pegged their currency to
    the dollar which could still be redeemed
    for gold in fact the US owned more than
    half of the world’s gold
    reserves in the next few decades more
    dollars flowed to foreign countries
    governments began debasing their coins
    with cheaper metals and printing more of
    their own currency than they had in Gold
    the bond between precious metals and
    paper currency was
    cracking this is a
    1966. piece it was the last coin uh in
    regular circulation in Australia to
    contain silver and it contains 80%
    silver so in
    1966 this was 50 nowadays it’s $8
    roughly in silver Alone by 1966 foreign
    Nations had had enough of the US
    collecting gold and printing cash and
    they had more value in dollars than the
    US had bullion in its vaults they
    demanded gold in return for their paper
    dollars arguments about the value of the
    dollar versus their currency ensued in
    1971 President Nixon settled the matter
    he severed United States currency from
    the gold standard I have directed
    secretary Connelly to suspend
    temporarily the convertibility of the
    dollar into gold or other Reserve assets
    except in amounts and and conditions
    determined to be in the interest of
    monetary stability and in the best
    interest of the United States never
    again could anyone legally demand US
    government gold in exchange for paper
    dollars for better or worse the dollar
    was now backed solely by the full faith
    and credit of the United States
    government the wealthiest Nation the
    world had ever known would bet its
    future on a single word
    trust 19 71 really was a watershed
    moment when the world’s Reserve currency
    and with it most of the world lost its
    tether to Gold that was a really big
    deal people have this mythology of money
    that is based on very little fact uh and
    one of the nice things about Bitcoin is
    that it forces people to start to ask
    questions about the fundamentals of
    money a Bitcoin is an attempt uh to
    adopt the advanced computerized system
    that we have the internet to
    resurrecting what money used to be all
    about I think our dollar policies our
    monetary policies our fiscal policies
    have absolutely created a nation of
    debtors not just personal debt not just
    corporate debt but government debt I me
    you have to look at those all together
    as one big thing what is the wealth of
    the nation well the wealth of the nation
    is a gigantic hole of money that we owe
    to the rest of the world that is never
    going to be paid back today the United
    States pays more than $400 billion in
    interest to its creditors every year
    hold on hold on sorry for interrupting
    again John that was back in 2015 when
    the total debt of the United States
    government was around $18 trillion today
    it’s more like $29 trillion and and
    growing by the day let’s just hope
    interest rates stay
    low when a government spends more money
    than it collects in taxes it simply
    borrows more or it creates more at one
    time every piece of paper money was
    backed by gold remember for every $20
    bill there was $20 worth of gold in a
    government Vault not
    anymore today governments create
    currency by first creating bonds or
    bills these bonds are sold in the market
    generating funds for the government that
    them large Banks buy us bonds to flip
    them selling them to the Federal Reserve
    at a profit this is the magic money
    machine you see the FED is America’s
    Central Bank but it doesn’t have any
    money no cash on its balance
    sheets when a bank buys a bond and takes
    it to the Federal Reserve the FED simply
    says thank you you Mr Banker here’s the
    principal and some profit new money
    isn’t exchanged it simply appears on the
    bank’s accounts
    magic the FED also sets the bar for how
    much interest you pay for a car home or
    business loan the Federal Reserve has
    been given the impossible task of trying
    to run the credit and monetary system as
    though we are the Soviet Union um it’s
    the central planner for the for the key
    aspect of capitalism which is how money
    and credit is
    allocated the Federal Reserve on balance
    uh does not help the economy on balance
    it hurts the economy and it’s bound to
    make mistakes even with the best of
    intentions the FED is also supposed to
    boost employment with low interest rates
    encouraging people and businesses to buy
    more goods and
    services government’s getting involved
    in money
    is a good thing and it’s also a bad
    thing it’s a good thing because money is
    the arteries of the economy the blood
    supply of the economy markets are
    subject to bouts of euphoria and despair
    and it makes sense for governments to
    back currency and manipulate it moving
    the money supply up and down is the most
    powerful way to date that boom and bust
    cycle manipulating the supply of money
    has shortterm and long-term
    consequences central banks aim to create
    new money carefully strategically and
    very very slowly releasing more money
    into the economy causes prices to rise
    ideally by 2% every year that’s supposed
    to Foster economic
    growth but 2% inflation means the buying
    power of one cash dollar in your pocket
    today will be 98 cents next year and
    less nearly every year to
    come so what does that
    mean if you earned a dollar in 19 13 you
    could buy 16 loaves of
    bread today a dollar barely buys you
    one okay time for another update the
    official statistics say it’s about $150
    these days but that depends on where you
    live where you shop and which numbers
    trust that’s not a quaint notion of how
    cheap things used to be it’s proof that
    the value of your cash is slowly
    away that that $1 invested at 2% in 1913
    would now be worth
    $724 more than 600% return versus a near
    loss the US dollar has gone from being
    worth $1 to now being worth about 4
    cents uh so that’s you know 96% of its
    original value and it’s a direct result
    of government
    control well these numbers would look
    way worse now with all these new TR ions
    floating in the system you see the
    officials will deny that inflation is
    happening and then maybe they will fudge
    the numbers then they will say it’s just
    temporary but ultimately what it means
    is that the money in your bank account
    is worth a little bit less every single
    day and the thing is we haven’t even
    gotten to the crazy part of our
    system governments don’t create money
    from thin air all alone you play a key
    role in the magic money
    it’s not really the central banks that
    are the problem I they’re part of the
    problem but the real problem is that
    we’ve given the P to create money to the
    same banks that caused the financial
    crisis we put our paychecks and savings
    into a bank account and draw from it as
    we need it the banks are custodians of
    our money right wrong it is now the
    property of the bank on their balance
    sheets they can do just about anything
    they want with it for example create new
    money here’s how your bank account shows
    $100 but the bank only holds three and
    Loans 97 to Bob to buy
    something in the bank’s computers you
    still have $100 in your account but Bob
    now has $97 of new virtual money in his
    account just digits on a computer screen
    screen there’s no cash no gold or
    anything else backing up the new numbers
    in Bob’s account just his promise to pay
    back this is new money created as
    debt when those $97 are spent say in a
    shop the shop owner deposits into
    another bank and it is Lent out again
    and again and again and each of these
    people have numbers in their accounts
    showing that they own this money so your
    original $100 has multiplied now there
    are over
    $3,300 in the system this process of
    loaning out far more money than a bank
    actually has as cash on hand is called
    fractional Reserve
    banking in the UK 97% of the money that
    exists is just numbers in the computer
    system and those numbers are created by
    Banks Banks earn Untold billions in
    interest every year by creating and
    lending virtual money money what’s more
    Banks don’t even need your deposit to
    create new money if they consider
    someone credit worthy for a loan they
    can put new magic money into his or her
    account and start charging interest so
    reporters talk about Bitcoin as so it’s
    a as though it’s the first digital
    currency but actually we use digital
    currency every time you make a a
    transaction through internet banking or
    through your your bank card actually
    it’s not even just digital currency it’s
    digital currency that is created by the
    banks essentially have nothing in other
    words all new money is debt in paychecks
    bank accounts
    401ks that loan to Bob credit card debt
    your home loan All Began life as virtual
    money created by the Banks the entire
    system is based on trust trust in the
    bank solvency trust in the debtor’s
    ability to repay their debt if all Bank
    customers demanded just 3% of of their
    deposits right now in cash this run on
    the banks would reveal the
    truth almost none of that paper currency
    you think is in your bank account
    exists it never
    did this seems pretty shaky but believe
    it or not as long as there’s trust in
    the system it actually works and without
    our trust
    selling subprime loans and betting they
    will fail may not be sacred but it is
    lucrative as much as one quarter of our
    best and brightest are being lured by
    the siren Call of the money
    machine instead of science engineering
    or medicine they chose a career playing
    with betting with other people’s money
    to get rich quick very rich and
    sometimes they take
    shortcuts getting on a
    n us down they makes
    world my ancestors in Greece talked
    about the corrupting influence of power
    and nothing has changed in these 3,000
    years when you give control over massive
    amounts of money to a few individuals
    they will take advantage of that control
    oh oh oh Banks today are factoring in
    fines and money laundering and all the
    rules that they break into their cost of
    doing business JP Morgan is today coming
    out and saying that Bitcoin is uh not a
    legitimate way of doing business Banks
    today are tied into a system that is
    completely rigged to basically Harvest
    money from the entire global economy and
    pump it into the hands of very few get
    by the existing banking system is cozy
    it’s captured The Regulators it extracts
    enormous value from society without
    delivering anything in return and it is
    parasitic in
    nature the banks play a very pivotal
    role in an economy you look at any
    successful economy it has successful
    Banks there’s a very close correlation
    with banking profits and the economy as
    a whole in medieval Europe a banker who
    couldn’t rep paid depositors was hanged
    today that same Banker would get bailed
    out paid bonuses and enjoy some tax
    too today’s Financial innovators package
    Assets in ever more complex ways slicing
    dicing securitizing always using someone
    else’s money they sell debt transfer
    risks leverage bets that’s what they
    Innovation history teaches that the most
    revolutionary and disruptive innovation
    nearly always comes from The Fringe not
    from corporate cubicles true innovators
    see the world differently they see the
    big picture creating new products and
    entire systems that lead to new
    Industries Steve Jobs called them the
    square cogs in round
    holes it’s unsurprising that new
    Innovations always come from a niche
    group of early adopters because it is
    inherently very hard for many people to
    realize the benefits of new
    technologies a radical new idea is often
    met with skepticism ridicule even
    hostility from those who stand to lose
    the most from its success case in point
    automobile in the late 19th century Carl
    Ben and others built the first cars
    Contraptions that could threaten the
    stage coach and railroad Industries
    these self-propelled vehicles or road
    trains would certainly scare horses
    injure people and damage roads cars the
    railroad baron said were just too
    dangerous and to protect us they used
    their power to pass along in
    1865 it required every automobile in
    England to observe a 4 mph speed limit
    and to be operated by a crew of three a
    driver an engineer and a
    flagman this heroic flagman walked in
    front of the car to warn fellow citizens
    of the coming danger the railroad
    tycoons the lawmakers The self-appointed
    Gatekeepers used regulation to stifle
    Innovation but they didn’t invent the
    flagman he’s been around for a long
    time for centuries very few could read
    books were copied by hand the people in
    control political and religious leaders
    wanted to keep it that way and they
    greeted Johan gutenberg’s printing press
    with Licensing Laws publishing bans
    taxes in some parts of the world
    printing was a crime punishable by death
    after all they were just protected us
    from dangerous
    ideas before the printing press there
    were an estimated 30,000 books in all of
    Europe 50 years later there were 10
    million as gutenberg’s invention
    flourished the Dark Ages withered
    progress couldn’t be stopped but the
    flagman never stops trying his Masters
    set him loose on each of these
    Innovations because they threatened
    someone’s profits someone’s
    but remember this is a story about money
    what if a technological innovation
    allowed anyone in the world to be their
    own bank to create a currency free from
    taxes and banking
    fees the US Constitution forbids
    citizens from printing or minting their
    own currency competing with or
    undercutting Reliance on the US
    dollar in 1998 Bernard Von knous decided
    to test the resolve of the federal
    government the liberty dollar was
    available in Gold Silver Platinum and
    copper it was available in three forms
    both in specii in other words gold and
    silver in paper as Warehouse receipts
    and in digital form on obviously the
    government didn’t like it they arrested
    me uh and convicted me of counterfeiting
    fraud and conspiracy and I’m currently
    awaiting 22 years sentence in federal
    prison ultimately the feds didn’t lock
    him up and throw away the key not house
    got away with 6 months home arrest and
    probation at a hackers convention in
    Netherland there was a young hacker
    there who used the Alias of Satoshi
    Nakamoto and he talked to a friend of
    mine and he identified the liberty
    dollar and me as inspiring him to create
    a new currency this is actually the only
    recorded eyewitness account secondhand
    of someone meeting Satoshi in person and
    that was in 2005 quite extraordinary but
    personally I’m not even sure I believe
    it and I’m not really that interested I
    much more interested why Satoshi created
    anonymously Bernard Von not House’s
    arrest for creating private money may
    also have inspired bitcoin’s inventor to
    keep a lower profile publishing The
    Invention under an
    alias and Vanishing part of me is
    interested to know like who Satoshi is
    maybe that’s part of the Mystique of the
    story it’s completely irrelevant to the
    functioning of Bitcoin because we have
    the the code to read uh but it would be
    kind of fun to
    know who is
    Archimedes who is
    ukl we don’t know we don’t know if ukl
    was one person or multiple people and
    you know what it doesn’t matter ukan
    geometry Works whether I know who uid
    was or not whether uclid was a moral and
    good person or whether he was a corrupt
    plutocrat and a
    bastard Science and Mathematics have
    essential truth that stands alone
    irrespective of its inventur and
    irrespective of their
    motives well Bitcoin is a system based
    on mathematical truths and these
    mathematical truths stand alone we can
    read the source code in Bitcoin and
    understand it and it will be true
    whether Satoshi Nakamoto is a man a
    woman a collection of individuals a
    government agency or aliens from the
    future you see it actually wouldn’t have
    worked any other way think about it if a
    Silicon Valley funded startup or a
    government or some Professor would have
    founded it it would have never worked
    because remember who the early adopters
    of Bitcoin were Cipher punks crypto
    Anarchist Libertarians and yeah drug
    dealers too so this antifragile nature
    actually was built in from the very
    start and remember this is also helpful
    because a Quai religious movement is
    forming around Bitcoin the maximalist
    and that’s really helpful if you have an
    anonymous founder with some Mystique
    it Bitcoin is an open-source software
    protocol like much of the code
    supporting the internet and
    email open source means anyone everyone
    can use the protocol no one person or
    company can control it every change to
    the software is public open and
    transparent the code was first developed
    Satoshi then there were dozens now
    hundreds of programmers constantly
    collaborating to improve bitcoin’s
    features and
    security so what makes Bitcoin a
    breakthrough it tackles an ancient human
    dilemma and solves a computer science
    any shared information or data can be
    corrupted anything can be
    faked how do we know that what we’re
    receiving can be
    trusted in our traditional mindset it’s
    very important to know who is behind
    this currency because their reputation
    is significant in knowing that our funds
    and the true wealth is actually safe in
    finance we rely on trusted third parties
    like Banks credit card companies
    remittance Services they keep track of
    money as it moves from one account to
    another and they charge us handsomely
    for it we trust that their digital
    ledgers of credits and debits
    balance a financial system that cuts out
    these middlemen could be faster cheaper
    and more
    secure but Bitcoin is digital music and
    movies are easily pirated copied stolen
    how can a digital currency retain value
    if anyone can make a million copies the
    answer is at the core of satoshi’s
    invention a Bitcoin is not a file on a
    computer it’s an entry in the publicly
    distributed database called the
    blockchain just as the medi kept a
    ledger of credits and debits today’s
    Banks record each transaction as a plus
    and minus in their ledgers now we call
    databases bank accounts are replaced by
    a digital wallet that you alone control
    bitcoin’s Ledger is the block chain a
    record of every Bitcoin in existence and
    every Bitcoin transaction ever made it
    always balances because no Bitcoin ever
    it when a Bitcoin is sent from one
    digital wallet to another what they are
    really sending is control over that part
    of the database code that is a unique
    key for the new owner as the network
    processes transactions it constantly
    synchronizes the one Ledger across the
    global Network each computer or Bitcoin
    minor has a complete and identical
    copy and because the blockchain is
    public it cannot be controlled by any
    one person or computer owners of the
    Bitcoin mining computers are rewarded
    with new Bitcoins for processing
    transactions and keeping the network
    secure in other words the Bitcoin
    Network replaces Banks and
    bankers today the combined computing
    power of This Global Network is greater
    than the 500 biggest supercomputers
    combined times
    10,000 hold on hold on hold on that fact
    always fascinated me 10,000 times the
    top 500 supercomputers put together
    that’s crazy but today that number would
    be closer to 5 million
    unbelievable now critics have always
    said there’s one thing that worries them
    about Bitcoin it is controlled by China
    because because most of the computing
    power is in China well that used to be
    true but recently China actually banned
    Bitcoin mining what happened was that
    half of the network power the hash power
    dropped but those miners put the
    hardware back to other countries to the
    US to Canada to Kazakhstan as a result
    the Bitcoin network is even stronger
    even more globally distributed than it
    was before now why did China ban Bitcoin
    obviously it’s a risk is a threat to a
    fiat currency we we understand that now
    but the other is the Environmental
    debate sure the Bitcoin Network consumes
    a lot of energy a lot of it is fossil
    fuels um so the concern is correct but
    if you look a little bit deeper into the
    statistics and lazy journalists never do
    this Bitcoin miners moved to wherever
    the energy is cheapest and that is in
    most countries of the world already
    sustainable energy that’s why Bitcoin is
    actually driving fossil fuels out and
    increasing sustainable
    energy it’s almost concern trolling from
    the media it’s like we are very
    concerned about the energy impact of
    Bitcoin oh you should really check out
    the energy impact of capitalism or even
    better the energy impact of War do you
    know who the largest consumer of energy
    in the United States is the military
    right and the largest consumer of oil
    also and the biggest polluter in the
    world is is the military
    so pardon me if I don’t take that
    concern so
    seriously central banks create money to
    boost the economy and try to pull it
    back out before inflation heats up but
    no one knows how much Magic Money Global
    banks are creating to boost their
    profits with questionable loans Bitcoin
    is completely the opposite it’s totally
    transparent you know exactly how many
    exists the the computer code behind
    Bitcoin has a built-in brake pedal
    cutting the creation of Bitcoins in half
    every 4 years this ensures a transparent
    controlled scarcity and ultimately
    limits the total number of Bitcoins to
    21 million no lobbyist no politician no
    Banker can create more or change the
    mathematical rules dictating their
    creation advancing accountability uh and
    that’s things I think is most exciting
    about Bitcoin and the technology behind
    it is not so much that it will supplant
    the dollar or that it will supplant
    government itself but that all of a
    sudden there’s a competitor to
    government and that government itself
    now needs to look over its shoulder more
    than it
    did in 2014 the Believers of Bitcoin
    thought and dreamed about replacing the
    dollar but clearly that hasn’t happened
    and in my view it will never happen just
    like the internet gave us tweets and
    blogs and ebooks but it didn’t replace
    books or book
    stores remember a commodity money is
    relatively scarce easily recognizable
    can be cut into smaller pieces you can
    substitute one piece for another of
    equal value and you can carry it around
    without too much
    trouble let’s talk about these five
    characteristics one more time to drive
    the point home right so Bitcoin clearly
    is scar in fact some would argue it’s
    the scarcest financial asset in the
    world right the inflation rate that
    Bitcoin mining has has slowed down so it
    gets scarer and scarer every four years
    it is divisible we can divide it by 100
    million times it’s transportable I can
    send it to anyone on the planet um
    doesn’t matter which country you’re in
    the verifiability is interesting I can
    verify my Bitcoin immediately in a split
    second but a fake dollar bill a fake
    gold coin I’m not so sure I could spot
    that back to you John this digital
    currency has the five key
    characteristics of money but is it a
    store of value
    is it stable or will it diminish over
    time like a commodity rendered useless
    or a crop that
    fails so this was really the big
    question of the first seven eight years
    of Bitcoin can it be a store of value
    Bitcoin has been the best performing
    financial asset of the last decade no
    doubt about it but it has been volatile
    let’s be honest so how I like to think
    about it is short-term versus long-term
    volatility right over the long run Fiat
    currencies lose value you buy inflation
    every couple of years you lose you lose
    you lose we’ve seen the statistics
    Bitcoin however increases in value over
    the long run but on the short term well
    it can lose 10% maybe even 50% over a
    short period of time you have to be
    prepared for
    that you could not miss the point more
    effectively than by thinking of Bitcoin
    as a currency and payment Network that
    will make shopping easier for the first
    world Bitcoin is about everything else
    else there are 2.5 billion people
    without a bank
    account with Bitcoin a mobile phone with
    an internet connection is now a bank
    with access to the global
    Marketplace what happens when Bitcoin
    services and infrastructure and Bitcoin
    wallets and payment processes start
    going into these countries these people
    will be able to gain benefits from trade
    where they could not previously these
    people will be able to send money home
    uh International remittance which is one
    of the major pain points of the current
    System 7 years later Stefan has become a
    major voice as a Bitcoin only educator
    and podcaster so good to see you after
    so many years um so um just reflecting
    back on what you said um told us uh in
    20145 um what’s your quick take on that
    one well I think to be honest I came out
    out pretty well from that right because
    I was just basically saying it’s going
    to enable more and more people to
    transact around the world where
    currently they’re not able to now could
    we have known back then that the message
    of day-to-day transactions all happening
    on chain that didn’t really pan out that
    said lightning Network now has become uh
    has grown and come to a level now where
    it can be used for day-to-day
    commer I probably could not have
    foreseen how quickly nation state
    adoption would have happened obviously
    El Salvador being the big example there
    of a country adopting Bitcoin as legal
    tender which is obviously a huge step so
    we were thinking of building
    City this small Central American country
    has even announced a new form of
    government Bond it will hold half of the
    funds in Bitcoins and use the other half
    to build
    infrastructure they have also started to
    mine Bitcoins with geothermal energy
    from an actual volcano people can
    potentially invest into El Salvador and
    be funding the Bitcoin city project the
    interesting part is it has I believe
    it’s a 6.25% coupon and on top of that
    there will be a Bitcoin dividend
    we actually built this world that we
    live in over the last 2 or 300 years
    we’ve made some mistakes we’ve leared to
    make things
    better the idea that there’s some magic
    key that if you just sort of stop doing
    a few things that there’ll be this
    perfect order that will settle is a
    very childish ideological delusion in my
    opinion but that is not to say that
    Bitcoin isn’t an exciting thing it’s a
    terrifically exciting thing but we have
    to try and engage with it with working
    Minds not with magical thinking people
    are suggesting that it’s going to be
    another world currency arriving the
    dollar or the Euro or the Yen I think
    that’s not going to happen I prefer to
    trust the banks or the central
    government compared to the Bitcoin is
    because someone’s accountable whereas
    with the Bitcoin it’s completely
    deregulated there’s no central control
    there’s no one held accountable it is a
    free float it’s purely demand and Supply
    driven Mr Williams so clearly this is
    not a currency currencies don’t behave
    like this but what this is is a
    high-risk speculative
    commodity so for the entrepreneurs the
    bankers the governments and everyone
    else studying and watching Bitcoin all I
    have to say is that there will probably
    be a lot of volatility in an upward
    trajectory and to buckle
    up oh boy so what’s your first reaction
    to this one oh my God I feel like I look
    like a child um it’s been uh seven years
    I think since I said that um we actually
    just celebrated our 10th year
    anniversary so for any company that’s a
    really big milestone in cryptocurrency
    world uh that makes us uh the ogs and
    and uh kind of an original firm um so we
    have a lot of things to celebrate so not
    only have we survived and helped build
    this economy up um but the things I’m
    most proud of is that our users have
    performed over a trillion dollars worth
    of onchain transactions we’ve had over
    80 million people test and use Wallets on iOS Android
    and web and we really built out a robust
    business we’ve also built out a full
    institutional offering though so now we
    do custody we do lending we have a
    venture fund and we’re also working with
    protocol projects to do all kinds of new
    exciting things like get distribution
    into the retail base and much more so uh
    we’re starting to look a little bit more
    ironically like uh a JP Morgan in some
    ways um but with the intent of building
    out a crypto Services firm for the next
    10 years and the digitization of
    financial services has blended with
    crypto and um now it is going to run
    rampant through all these institutions
    um and without a doubt not only are they
    going to start offering crypto uh you
    know services to all their clients um
    but every single Financial Service
    provider will have to have a crypto
    offering or a crypto um service within
    the next decade bitcoiners all over the
    world have kickstarted a cultural
    movement and the most hardcore
    supporters are the so-called maximalists
    on social media you’ve probably seen
    their laser eyes hoddle and stacking
    sets memes sets stands for satoshis or
    tiny fractions of
    Bitcoin it’s more about this idea of
    reflecting and realizing that Bitcoin is
    going to be the money of the world the
    general I do is you want to be
    accumulating SATs whether you’re mining
    the coins earning them or buying them
    because we see this like we’re playing
    out this game of hyperbitcoinization and
    so in 10 or 15 years or we don’t know
    when the music the music is going to
    stop and when the Music Stops you want
    to be holding a chair I’m fascinated by
    the whole Bitcoin maximalism like
    cultural movement if you will so the
    origin of the term Bitcoin maximalist
    was actually an epithet it was an insult
    a put down term by vitalic essentially
    he was trying to get interest drum up
    interest into his altcoin for me the
    real competition for Bitcoin is not
    against altcoins it’s actually against
    gold and the US dollar the biggest
    Financial mistake you can make right now
    is to own an amount of Bitcoin that you
    cannot afford to lose because it’s super
    risky and you may lose the second
    biggest Financial mistake you can make
    is not to own any
    because you put 1% of your net worth in
    Bitcoin most people can afford to lose
    1% of the net worth and if I am right
    it’s going to be more than 100% of your
    net worth so with a non-material
    exposure you change your life no what
    you would spend with your on a romantic
    weekend with your wife say sorry we’re
    not going to do that this weekend I’m
    going to just buy Bitcoin consider it
    spent it disappear check in seven years
    I either gave you bad advice and cost
    you a weekend or I want a grand kid
    the digital age has fundamentally
    changed the world we have embraced
    digitized music film medical records
    Communications the
    internet the free exchange of
    information and currency can fuel
    revolutions help in a disaster but our
    money is Shackled to the 20th century
    manipulated by governments and
    Banks the champions of Bitcoin ask us to
    imagine payments without a middleman
    Investments without a broker loans
    without a bank insurance without an
    underwriter charity without a trustee
    escrow without an agent betting without
    a bookie recordkeeping without an
    accountant Global secure nearly instant
    and free is it fantasy or the future of
    money and
    commerce we started this journey in the
    capsule will Bitcoin continue to go to
    the Moon my personal theory is that no
    one will compete against Bitcoin as a
    store of value I think we are seeing the
    beginning of the end of Fiat money we
    also seeing the birth of digital gold we
    are seeing the rise of Bitcoin that’s my
    prediction but you might disagree let’s
    see and speak in 7
    I love Bitcoins I’m really into Bitcoin
    well satosi Nakamoto that’s a name I
    love to say and with don’t know much
    about him but he came to save the day if
    you don’t know what a Bitcoin is Right
    usually the way people describe it is uh
    digital cash money for the
    internet people like oh I love my bank
    I’m like really you ask a bank it you
    know what two plus two he’s like well I
    can tell you but there’s a
    fee down the road it will will be told
    about the death of old Mount GX about
    Traders trading alter coins and miners
    mining blocks now Bitcoin is a new
    technology I like to say it’s banking
    lights all all of the convenience none
    of the
    evil Bitcoin as you’re going into the
    old blockchain oh Bitcoin I know you’re
    going to rain going to
    rain you know when I go online and I buy
    like I don’t know a pair of socks if I
    pay with a credit card I’m just buying
    socks right if I buy those socks with
    Bitcoin it’s a
    revolution I am sticking it to the
    may there’s always people who not ready
    to get into the new technology you know
    like when the internet came out there
    was people going nah I don’t think this
    is going to be
    popular and then email came out people
    like nah this isn’t going to catch on
    and now Bitcoin comes out people like I
    don’t think I’m like aren’t you sick of
    wrong get on this train you

    Delve into the controversial realm of Bitcoin: Is it a currency beyond government debts? A shield against inflation, or a weapon of money launderers? This documentary charts the evolution of money, from ancient bartering to the corridors of central banks and the hustle of Wall Street trading floors.

    From: Bitcoin: Digital Gold?

    Content licensing from Sideways Film Ltd to Little Dot Studios.

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