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    The German Bundestag rejected a motion of the AfD (Alternative for Germany) party on the governmental support for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project during a parliamentary session in Berlin on Thursday.

    The German Committee on Economic Affairs and Energy had advised in its recommended resolution to reject the motion, the move was ultimately supported by 556 votes, rejected by 83 votes with one voter abstaining.

    The Nord Stream 2 project is due to supply gas from Russia to Europe across the Baltic Sea.

    SOT, Mark Hauptmann, MP for CDU/CSU, (German): “A country, that ends coal and nuclear energy at the same time, should not make the mistake here to also disregard the gas supply as well and that is why we think it’s important to continue with Nord Stream 2.”

    SOT, Leif-Erik Holm, MP for AfD (German): “That is why it is so important, that the Bundestag sends a clear signal towards the USA. Germany designs its energy politics entirely independently, decides in its own national interest and refuses to tolerate the meddling from overseas.”

    SOT, Timon Gremmels, MP for SPD (German): “This motion is behind time, we don’t have to agree to this, the federal government is acting and the parliament supports this with a great majority, also Nord Stream 2.”

    SOT, Dr Martin Neumann, MP for FDP (German): “Russia is much more dependent on being able to export gas, than Europe being dependent on it. From the beginning, the construction of the pipeline and the support for Nord Stream 2 by the federal government is a political mistake.”

    SOT, Klaus Ernst, MP for the Leftist party, (German): “This reminds me a bit of mafia-like methods. I like to depict, how the mafia acts. They say to one owning a pub, they say ‘If you don’t pay protection money if you don’t let yourself being protected than we smash your business to pieces.’ And this is the same with Nord Stream 2. We don’t want to be protected by the US-Americans, because we want to decide our own energy politics. And when we do this, the Americans come and create havoc.”

    SOT, Oliver Krischer, MP for Green Party (German): “There are two profiteers. One of them is the corporations that are running the thing, and the other one is the Putin system. And these, ladies and gentlemen, these are the ones you finance with it. You finance those; the people in Syria, in Belarus, in Ukraine, suffer under this Putin system.”

    SOT, Claudia Roth, Vice President of Bundestag (German): “The committee advises in its recommended resolution for printed matter 23/404 to reject the motion of the AfD fraction on printed matter 22/552.”

    SOT, Claudia Roth, Vice President of Bundestag (German): “Cast votes: 640, yes votes: 556, no votes: 83, and abstained votes – one. The recommended resolution is therefore accepted.”

    Video ID: 20201119-054

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