
Blockchain programming: Publish a website on blockchain in 5 minutes | Blockchain apps with BUIDL

This video shows how to build a website in blockchain with BUIDL IED tools in minutes.

BUIDL could also allow you to publish your blockchain applications on the web page.

A developer-friendly tool is essential to blockchain programming.

Blockchain programming is too hard for developers now. Blockchain developers need to take 4-8 hours and install lots of software to complete a complete blockchain application(DApp).

But with BUIDL IDE tools, blockchain programming is easy and only requires 4-8 minutes.

The BUIDL online IDE can create complete DApps (smart contracts + web3 + ElasticSearch + JS + HTML / CSS) in minutes without installing any software. BUIDL works with the Second State DevChain by default. It could also work with any blockchain started by the Second BaaS service, as well as any Ethereum compatible blockchains.

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