Oil, gas and mining

Expert's take on record oil prices

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Now it’s time for On Point, where we speak to experts to delve deeper into the biggest news stories in the spotlight right now.
Oil prices last week hit the highest levels since October 2014, prompting renewed pledges from the Biden administration to do what it can to relieve prices at the pump for Americans.
However, analysts see very few things that President Biden can do to directly affect international crude oil prices, which are the key driver of rising gasoline prices in America and around the world.
Last Thursday, Brent crude prices briefly traded at almost 90 U.S. dollars a barrel, while analysts, investment banks, and even some OPEC officials believe oil is headed to over 100 dollars a barrel before too long.
The problem isn’t only affecting the United States, rising energy prices are throwing millions of households around the world into energy poverty, with many people facing the choice between eating or heating and filling their tank so they can get to work.

For more on this problem that effects us all, we connect to Philip Vahn, senior managing editor, S&P Global Platts.

Good morning, Philip. Firstly, do you think world leaders, even the president of the United States, have the tools to influence the oil market – one that appears exclusively ruled by the laws of supply and demand and whims of OPEC-plus?

Forecasting oil prices is tough at the best of times, but especially so when the pandemic continues to cause so much uncertainty, but given your expertise, do you agree with most analysts that things are going to get a lot worse before they get better? And if so, do you foresee this being temporary or a long term trend?

Given how much it is a hot button issue for voters in the West, why don’t the U.S. and Canada, both of which sit on enormous oil reserves, just start turning on their pumps to full capacity to counter of the actions of OPEC-plus?

Finally, how concerned are you that geopolitical events, such as the crisis in Ukraine, could cause oil prices to rise even higher than earlier projections?

Thanks for your insights, Philip We appreciate you coming on and hopefully we’ll speak again soon

#oil_price #Economy #energy_price

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2022-01-26, 08:00 (KST)

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