
Breaking News: New IRS Decision on Crypto Tax

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Taxation of staking rewards has been a controversial topic for many years because the IRS has failed to issue any clear guidance on this matter. In the absence of this guidance, many taxpayers defaulted to following a conservative approach for taxation — reporting income at the time you receive staking rewards.

We have received great news from IRS following the court case, regarding crypto taxation. You will not have to pay tax on staking gains until you sell those tokens. This is BIG!

This is amazing news for anyone in the crypto space! You can borrow against your tokens and earn yield against them. You can take rewards and do all kinds of things with it!

Your ability to grow your crypto portfolio just grew massively, as you will not be taxed along the way. This way you will be able to take advantage of compounding effect, which makes a massive difference in your earning in the end.

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We are Offshore Citizen team. We help people become global: get a second passport, set up a second residency, pay less taxes, do banking abroad, etc.

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Author: Michael Rosmer

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