#crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #laravel #laravelpackage #laravelapi #xrp #cardano
    Package to fetch cryptocurrency price, market value, assets, etc. using coincap API endpoints. This package was developed to work with coincap api which has a useful tool for real-time pricing and market activity for over 1,000 cryptocurrencies. By collecting exchange data from thousands of markets, it also offers transparent and accurate data on asset price and availability.
    For all endpoints, a single page offers 100 responses by default and supports up to 2,000 responses per page upon requests.
    With this package, you don’t have to bother about connecting to the endpoints, it has already be taken care of by the package facades class. To get a response from the enpoints, you have to just use the related facade class which will out the response in JSON format.

    Package GitHub repo: https://github.com/wisdom-diala/cryptocap-pkg


    1. Thank you so much for this video, I was getting an error code

      Trying to get property 'data' of non-object:

      When I use it in a blade view: and sometimes it works what could be the issue

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