Will Apple announce next week at the bitcoin conference it is adopting Bitcoin? Thoughts?

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    #AnthonyPompliano #Pomp #Bitcoin #Finance #Business #Crypto #apple


    1. pomp youre either delusional or consistently putting out click bait titled videos and neither is a good thing. i can no longer follow this channel for these reasons. apple literally didnt mention one thing about going all in on bitcoin. this isnt the first video youve done this and its honestly a let down. you can even tell this is the general consensus in the comments when you avoid all the spam bot messages. start being objective again and ill give you another chance.

    2. I like this channel overall but I'm getting tired of this shameless clickbait. Nothing here implies they are going all-in, not even remotely close. Why do you lower yourself like this when you have actually good information to share?

    3. The fact is BTC is the future of crypto and the question most people ask themselves is – if this is right time to invest? I feel those who would allow the market dynamism to determine when to trade or not are either new in this space in general or probably just naive, the sphere have seen far worse times than this, enlightened traders continue to make good use of the dip and pump even acquiring more equities towards trading sessions, I’d say that more emphasis should be put into trading, since it is way profitable than holding. Trading went smooth for me as I was able to raise over 9 BTC when I started at 2.5 BTC in just 5 weeks of implementing trades with signals and insights from Jacob Carlson, I would advise you all to trade your asset rather than hold for a future you aren’t sure about.you can reach Jacob on ͲeIєɠɾαm👉Jacobcarlson10 or What'sappâś™14242621873

    4. Starting early is the best way of getting ahead to build wealth, investing remains a priority. The stock market has plenty of opportunities to earn a decent payouts, with the right skills and proper understanding of how the market works.

    5. This is speculation at this point but we all know that eventually they will capitulate. It is inevitable. Once it happens others will be forced to follow. Eventually every major corporation will be involved. Game Theory. Guess what? Bitcoin wins!

    6. It makes sense<, BTC and crypto is off helping to regulate, rather that pretend it won't ever happen. The big institutions getting in is the catalyst that will launch us into the stratosphere. Most people don't like change but after the change is made they grow used to it and it becomes a non issue usually because their fears never materialize. And benefits they were unaware with before turn out to be far more beneficial. Few if any rug pulls. The projects that initiated the process of regulation have not been ruined, they got involved in setting guidelines and helping the regulators understand the crypto space. I’d get involved more knowing that I have made over 16` btc from day-trade with Gerard McDonald Crypto in few weeks

    7. Hello I'm new to crypto and forex trading and I have been making huge loses trading on my own but recently I see alot of people earning from it. Can someone please give me a new strategy or at least tell me what I'm doing wrong?

    8. Hello I'm new to crypto and forex trading and I have been making huge loses trading on my own but recently I see alot of people earning from it. Can someone please give me a new strategy or at least tell me what I'm doing wrong?

    9. Hello I'm new to crypto and forex trading and I have been making huge loses trading on my own but recently I see alot of people earning from it. Can someone please give me a new strategy or at least tell me what I'm doing wrong?

    10. Hello I'm new to crypto and forex trading and I've been making huge loses trading on my own but recently I see alot of people earning from it. Can someone please give me a new strategy or at least tell me what I'm doing wrong?

    11. At this point, we should all take advantage CRYPTO- The fact is, NFTs & BTC is the future of crypto and the question most traders ask themselves is – if this is right time to invest? I feel those who would allow the market dynamism to determine when to trade or not are either new in this space in general or probably just naĂŻve, the sphere have seen far worse times than this, enlightened traders continue to make good use of the dip and pump even acquiring more equities towards trading sessions, I'd say that more emphasis should be put into tradng, since it is way profitable than hodling. Trading went smooth for me as I was able to raise over 19 BTC when I started at 2 BTC in just 5 weeks of implementing trades with signals and insights from Gerald Werlau. I would advise you all to trade your asset rather than hodl for a future you aren't sure about. You can reach Gerald on ͲeIєɠɾαm👉Geraldwerlau.

    12. I have made nice profits in trading seashells, but if only someone could coach me to make greater success in todays market which is amazing.

    13. I hold high respect for your work mate because you’re pointing people in the right direction. If there’s one thing I’ve learnt recently is to remain calm especially when it comes to investment in Cryptocurrency . If Bitcoin can sustain these recent highs, it means we're getting a period of some relief rallies across, markets would be good. The crypto market is unstable and you can’t easily tell if it’s going bullish or bearish. While myself and colleagues are trading without fear of making losses but profits, others are being patient for the price to skyrocket, well It all depends on the pattern you follow. I was able to amass a lot of profits 11.5 btc! when i started at 4.7btc by implementing daily trade signals and strategy from Feven Lena.

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