Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that he had signed a decree saying foreign buyers, or so-called “unfriendly states,” must pay in roubles for Russian gas from April 1, and contracts would be halted if these payments were not made.

    “If such payments are not made, we will consider this a default on the part of buyers, with all the ensuing consequences. Nobody sells us anything for free, and we are not going to do charity either – that is, existing contracts will be stopped,” Putin said in televised remarks.

    Western companies and governments have rejected the move as a breach of existing contracts, which are set in euros or dollars.

    Russia supplies about a third of Europe’s gas, so energy is the most powerful lever at Putin’s disposal as he tries to hit back against sweeping Western sanctions over his invasion of Ukraine.

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    1. Russia had a chance to grow and prosper, but oligarchs and gangsta government to start doing some imperial thing invade Ukraine. Why nobody like to be associated with Russia, all their neighbours run to NATO. Russia show how weak really is, now China gladly will take over Siberia, they love.
      In one month from Superpower (everybody think a least in Russia) Second army in the World drop to Second army in Ukraine.

    2. Mark my word, and you are going to see it soon with your naked eyes, most Europeans countries will stand and cooperate with Russia, China, and even India. Europe wants their own political, economic and social freedom from the yoke of American administration right now, American is enslaving European countries in directly, excepts British. Once the European countries will stand Russia, then the US will be History with sleepy Joe Biden and Kamala Horse. After that the US economy and Dollar will collapse forever more. That is the time , the US will reap what they were sowing. What goes around comes around. no one is above the law. There is a cause , there is an effect, there is input, there is output and there is sowing and there is reaping. The law will punish the law breakers, including the US. The US is not above the law. they will get punished. economically, politically and socially. One of my dreams is to see when the US government will be punished by the divine LAW and it's going to happen even the law maker and giver God will not save them, because he is not against his own law.

    3. Brandon, Trudeau, Sholtz, Macron and Johnson are crying themselves to sleep right now. 🤣🤣🤣 Russia is not Iraq.

    4. My question is why on earth is Global news airing this propaganda made by a totalitarian dictator who lies openly time and time again to get his way?
      Did Canada broadcast Hitler's speeches during the ww2? Ask yourself this question and wonder how leftists control our media.

    5. . . . suddenly clear what Biden meant by the "Pain" of "Sustained" Sanctions . . . keep poking the bear Yankees and Europe and see what happens when you start to starve.

    6. 🇷🇺 EU your “smart” leaders were listening to USA and made sanctions for Russia. So the prices went up to all your countries 😅 USA is fine as usually, but EU and other small countries are destroyed. US needed this sanctions, because they were afraid that Russia will destroy their bio labs on the area of Ukraine. US created many viruses in these lab. And Covid as well. And actually USA since long time is dreaming to remove Russia and to be only one power in the world. EU like a donkey followed US needs and now you are getting all this results. US don’t need EU will be strong as well , other wise would be hard to control you

    7. Its about time the greedy hypocritical western governments got a grip grip on reality..
      Just think how Russia has felt for the past 70 years being forced to buy US dollars, especially after Nixon temporarily took US dollars of the gold standard,
      Putin has said you can pay in gold, 🤣😂🤣
      The helpful USA has been looking after western governments gold for security reasons,, 🤣😂🤣
      Which they have sold ( stolen)
      The western governments haven't got much gold to pay with

    8. Letter to Mr. Putin,
      you are not allowed to kill innocent people as you are doing right now. People are human beings just like you. They have a family, they have a home, they have a country just like everyone else. Why do you destroy all this? If tomorrow, we come to threaten you to hurt you, kill you, to burn your home, massacre your loved ones: parents and children. You are forced to sleep in the cold winter, depriving you of everything: drink, food, hygiene products, medicines … if someone throws you on the roads of exile.
      How will you feel?
      Since the end of the Second War, people live relatively in peace in Europe. They do not have to undergo bombing, massive destruction of their habitats.
      We lived quietly here for more than 70 years. Our children and our little children have not enjoyed wreaking havoc.
      Why you come to sow terror? Why do you come darkening our sky?
      With the current war, you have become a frightful assassin in the eyes of many. For them, you are a person without a heart! Given all these crimes unfolded before our eyes every day, we wonder if you are human ? Do you have any feeling towards your fellows? You kill ruthlessly and you believe that you are strong, you want to enlarge your country on the detriment of the weaker , you do not hesitate to crush everything!´´

    9. Can someone explain to me what is this about as I don't see any advantage or disadvantage for any of part. West will still pay in EUR/USD and then ti will be converted into rouble… But the amount paid in EUR/USD by West would be the same… nothing practically change.. or not?

    10. Europeans apparently do not understand what is happening! You are at war with yourself under American control! The Americans are pushing you into the abyss! You abandoned SP-2 and cheap gas prices! Without cheap energy resources from Russia, a high-quality European product will be uncompetitive in the global market. For reference: gas prices for China and India with their friendly policy towards Russia are several times lower than for Europe! Your industry will die! Incomes will fall very quickly and this is at high food prices !!! Migrants will be added soon! So think about why America is pushing you into the abyss! Maybe America is just freeing itself from competition?

    11. European leaders should really watch this Putin's interview and get the ability to think what this whole story means to them and to America.

    12. Horror für England ist die Vereinigung Russlands mit Deutschland. sie müssen essen sowohl Europa als auch Russland

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