Yubikey from Yubico will greatly increase the security of your exchange accounts – essentially making it impossible for hackers to withdraw cryptocurrencies UNLESS they have the physical device. In this video, I review the Yubikey and its pros and cons, and a guide on how to use the device.

    Yubico’s YubiKey: Review and Guide

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    I’m not a professional financial adviser and you should always do your own research. I may hold the cryptocurrencies talked about in the video.


    1. Hi how to store coins in a hardware wallet and @ the same time we can participate exchange in staking and all other earning options….Thanks

    2. can you use 1 yubikey for muiltiple accounts? or do you need a separate yubikey for each application? Example, let's say I have 1 master yubikey and a backup yubikey. can I set up these 2 keys for several gmails, exchanges computer logins, etc? or does it lock 1 key to 1 account?

    3. At 4.09 I noticed you switched it off, could you withdraw from mobile at this point? .. As i also noticed at 2.51 the Binance page said once activated you cannot withdraw from mobile

    4. There is no indication that YubiKey is compatible with Coinbase, so we're back to SMS again. YubiKey support and Coinbase support are both giving the runaround, completely flummoxed over the question. At this point, YubiKey does not appear to work with Coinbase.

    5. If you're not trading nor selling anything, is it really necessary if your crypto is just sitting there and you're in it for the longterm (10 years)? Would the 2-key authenticator suffice??

    6. you realise that having coins on a exchange can get stolen or even held back by the site itself right? not your crypto not your key. why would you pay money to have a secured thicc door to a house thats missing a whole backwall? let that sink in men. delusionality

    7. Thank you for your kind explanation.
      If I have a yubikey and it breaks down or loses, can I withdraw crypto forever? In that case, can I contact Binance and verify my identity and turn off or reset yubikey?

    8. 2 questions. If I lose the usb key do I lose access to my crypto and related to that, can I have an extra key on the same account as back up

    9. Especially for exchanges it's best to use a Trezor or Ledger as a security key. Those HW wallets support U2F with the advantage they can be restored from the seed phrase if damaged or lost (and you probably already have one if you hold crypto)

    10. What happens if you lose it, or it is damaged or doesn’t work any more – how do you restore a new yubikey or is that the end of your access forever? This must happen sometimes

    11. This review does not address the most important issue of all – WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU LOSE IT?? Screamingly obvious issue

    12. Great vid man! A question… can you use one Yubikey 5 NFC between an older MacBook Air and a PC running Windows 10? Thanks in advance.

    13. believe me you wanna keep that login option on as well ….. One way these fuckers mugg you is that they gonna buy NFTs cheap and then as they access your binance account they buy those NFTs from your account and since buying is considered trading it doesnt even require any extra verification . had a personal experience be safe guys

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