*** Full disclosure: Meet GLUTEN-RIDDEN SHAWN! That’s right, Celiac-Shawn accidentally ingested gluten…and worse, he is actually filming a YouTube video in the process! This isn’t going to end well. If you don’t like the video, just blame the ‘gluten’…I accidentally ingested! ***
    Controversial video time! In this quick video, we discuss the current and similar market dynamics of collectibles versus that of crypto-currency. Unregulation is the 9,000 pound gorilla (aside from that near mint factory sealed and graded Donkey Kong game that recently sold for an insane premium…see what I did there?) that no one seems to want to discuss…at least not in 2022!

    Email for Antique/Collectible Consulting Services: ReservedInvestments@gmail.com

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/reservedinvestments


    1. Shawn, you probably did it but you should read Plato's cave again! You are constantly going against the wisdom of Plato. It is hard for me to say but Plato is right. You can not convince these people, they just gamble and they arent really interested in learning a job so they can have a base income and home, they just looking for 10 minute videos that unlocks the secrets of getting rich for them. like as if they are playing a f2p game, loose and pay some money to be able to win.

    2. It's a frustrating to be honest coming from working in financial advisement and securities. The same people we are preaching to and telling not to fall for these traps, are the same people who continue to buy into all these thing. We're living in a age where people love the clickbaits and buy into what's the most hype and get rich quick schemes. Keep up the good work

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