Oil and gas companies in the United States are being accused of profiting from the Ukraine war at the expense of American consumers.
    Energy company executives defended soaring prices amid record profits before a House committee that was bipartisan in name only.
    Prices recently hit a 40-year high as the White House has scrambled to free up greater supply from US reserves.

    Al Jazeera’s Alan Fisher reports from Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.
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    #UkraineWar #USgasprices #OilPrices


    1. This is what happens when you elect a leader who does not stop poking his nose in other countries affairs. The leader should have made better judgement and changes within its borders for the people welfare.. He has failed and 🇺🇸 is paying the price for electing a unworthy leader.

    2. "Is your company taking advantage of the crisis to keep prices artificially high to increase your own profits?"
      "Absolutely not."
      "Understandable. Have a nice day."

    3. The economic hardship, unemployment and the loss of jobs caused by covid is enough to push people into financial venture's. I'm taking a trip into investing because I've lost so much during this pandemic..

    4. A rare earth is added to fuel to get higher octane ,so if short of this ingredient it is the amount per barrel gas , diesel,do to grade of crude as well and time to refine and costs of power to run refineries ,,wages ,parts ,,,,spoken as a gov worker that don't see the new parts on order if they get here for were there made and the wages needed tomorrow to keep workers as the gov closes the fed lands moving costs are not for seen ,,,,,,,,you know the thing human ,you know the thing ,you know now human

    5. I appreciate Al jazeera’s work immeasurably. But what I don’t understand is why you continue to clip important segments so short. I just think your audience (especially myself) would really appreciate seeing the longer responses of congresspeople and those being questioned (like the executives in this clip) and that that is an invaluable relay of information people wouldn’t otherwise receive. These top tier officials in the oil and gas industry were asked a lot of questions, and have many (I’m sure) exposing responses. Since this is probably the only segment you’ll do on this topic, is it too much to ask to show more of what happened in this hearing?

    6. if you forget 2 years ago pandemic drove oil to record lows. Companies reaping big profits to make nice to their share holders

    7. Sanctions are weapons of mass destruction, so no country should suffer due to the inhumane and illegal sanctions slapped by the selfish hypocrites who think that they're the owner of this world.
      Same rules must apply to all nations irrespective of their size, economic condition, region and combat power.

    8. 🤣🤣🤣.. Capitalism at best.
      American should push thier government to STOP helping Ukraine, just prolonging the needless WAR , tell them to sign the Truce armistice.

    9. Biden was working on this war since 2012 , he overthrown the legitimate Ukranian government, to put his own puppets on power, just for the American corporation's to make more money, Trump was speaking for months to the American public what is the Biden criminal organisation doing in Ukrain, but nobody was listening, and now the American people will pay the price with cash, and the Ukranian people will pay with their lives,

    10. 0:58 "as a result of biden's anti american energy agenda"
      bro is expecting biden to transform america to be energy self sufficient in the 1 year he has taken office…
      Only fools think this political divide in america is real. what a joke, the people will continue the way that they are living, if they think things get better they are in their own world.

    11. Ah another House Hearing that results in absolutely nothing except showing the world how comical our government is. Every time prices reach a record high, all of our oil companies suddenly have "massive production plant issues" or "accidents" that result in plant shutdowns for months.

      Look how unconcerned the executives are. They know nothing bad will ever happen to them. We say bad things about the Chinese… but at least accountability (and punishment) is actually a thing over there.

    12. "The hearing was aimed at helping the US consumer" Now I know you guys aren't from the US…lol I am an American citizen and literally no hearing those clowns have is to help the American consumer.

    13. Something people should know the price of oil all the time rising by US after the printing of dollars u could see that in 2014 and now after printing a lot of American dollars what the US do is rising oil price so after that who sell it Arab countries to who to Europe and China what they pay dollars what Arabs do with dollars I tell you they by weapons or they invest dollars in Us what is that mean dollars gathering in to US again to control the inflation and after that US bring the oil price down again by producing more oil to the oil market in the world but this time they couldn't do that so wake up people of America the Zionist riping u off u should pay all these printing money back please wake up before it's too late

    14. The oil companies are definitely using the war for inflating gas prices. They always do this.

    15. This is funny, remember when the US oil industry called President Trump to ask him to ask OPEC to cut oil production and they did, now they’re claiming it’s the war, the pipeline cancellation, President Biden pushing for EVs, what other excuses will they use, bottom line, Big Oil lost money during the Covid lockdown, how quickly people forget oil prices went negative during the Covid lockdown, the reality is this, they could easily increase oil production, but why would they, they are being told everyone is buying an EV (they aren’t), the smart play here would be to push pump prices as low as possible, thus, making the switch to EV payoff to take longer at the current high prices, the EV payoff (or breakeven) is happening much faster and the bad thing is, their fuel customers that can afford to switch to EVs are, so what happens, when more of their customers make the switch to an EV, big picture, Big Oil if smart would become Big Energy anyway there’s plenty of blame to go around republicans, democrats, big oil, oil-producing countries, etc


    17. 🧑🧔‍♂You are paying more than double for your gasoline since Joe Biden and the democrats killed the Trump economy; check the price of your food stupid. In addition, all that democrats are doing for the USA economy is just selling weapons to kill people in Ukraine.

      ROME (AP) — Prices for food commodities like grains and vegetable oils reached their highest levels ever last month largely because of the sanctions impose on Russia by the EU and USA the “massive supply disruptions” is, threatening millions of people in Africa, the Middle East and elsewhere with hunger and malnourishment, the United Nations said Friday

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