The White House said it is trying to lower costs and the president is expected to announce an emergency waiver to allow gas stations to sell E15 gas, which could save 10 cents per gallon.

    Most Americans blame Vladimir Putin, oil companies for high gas prices: POLL:

    #ABCNews #GasPrices #Biden


    1. Biden has done a wonderful job at controlling the prices up to $6 a gallon. And pay attention to the quality of Good Morning America news alert gas price $0.10 off buy does as good as Safeway because if you Democrats didn't know if you shop at Safeway you can get $0.10 a gallon off

    2. This past Sunday, I went to put gas in my Kia Forte & for 7 gallons cost me 25 dollars.

      At the grocery store, stuff that used to cost me 40 dollars in now in the mid 60 dollar range.

    3. Why don't you report the truth the president does not control gas prices it is the corporations. We let oil companies become too powerful. Who killed the first electric car. Bush. There is a documentary what is peer reviewed on this.

    4. I’m glad that I grow my own food in my backyard that’s one less thing that I have to deal with. I make my own bread by my bread maker, I don’t need to be in the supermarket for anything. The only thing I need to go to the supermarket for is for that toilet paper and women products. Thank God I only live down the block from the supermarket I don’t have to use the car to go there. I have a six cylinder Buick enclave are used to only cost me $65 to fill it up but now it’s cost me $95 to fill up what kind of bullshit is that where is my tax credit gas checks I need them ASAP

    5. Let’s get this strait biden is worried about global warming and wants to sell e15 gas in which it causes smog? How does that make senses? Shows you our government is full of crap!

    6. This is what happens when you don't have a clue about running a country DEMOCRATS THANK YOU!!!😰🙄😕😡😠🇺🇸

    7. Ya tax the rich!! Bwahahaha. This is a hit again to the middle and lower classes its hurting. Not the rich! Go go Electric cars that ONLY the rich can afford. So stupid!

    8. Still far too many people are financially comfortable……we won't ever see a change in this country until people unite,regardless of economic status. Once the extreme wealthy start to feel the heat from Brandon's BS and have a changed mindset,then MAYBE we'll see a change for the better collectively. But theyll

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