Eowyn Chen, CEO of Trust Wallet, discusses the socioeconomic changes that Bitcoin, DAOs and DeFi are making with David Lin, anchor of Kitco News.

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    Follow Trust Wallet on Twitter: @TrustWallet (https://twitter.com/TrustWallet)

    0:00 – DAO and corporate governance
    3:05 – Governance token
    5;43 – Bitcoin is decentralized
    8:53 – Web 3.0
    9:51 – Trust Wallet’s mission

    #Bitcoin #Web3 #blockchain
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    1. If she did her research, she’d recognize Bitcoin is the antithesis to a DAO. She’s ignorant either willfully or pathetically.

    2. How could a bunch of digits on a screen fundamentally change our society, David? & if BTC is going to a million, just don’t shill it & buy as many as you can for the cheapest possible prices!

    3. “When you realize how perfect everything is, you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky.” – Buddha

      💜 Heart-Based Manifestation YouTuber

    4. I dont get it even at the recent bitcoin conference you had to pay in us dollars to buy a ticket. I know people that own it but no one that uses any crypto to buy stuff. It hasn’t gone up for six months so I dont know why you would own it all the minerals have out performed bitcoin in the last 12 months by alot

    5. WEB 3.0 will be big. example… People no longer rent their domains in Web 3. Right now all domains are rentals. Domains will be digital private Property. Case Use.

    6. crypto is the ultimate blow…..satan in action….pyramid ultimate scheme….way too many words….hey buddy can you spare a dime 😏

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